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MAJOR SUBDIVISION 1. 12 copies sketch plan received road profiles 5 ft. contours 200 ft. outside ` V . proposed drainage park and playground ey Affidavit of ownership 2 . Meet with Planning Board / 3 . Required changes sent in writing 4 . ' New submission received 5 .- Approval of sketch plan 6 . Letter sent with resoulution approving PRELIMINARY PLAT 1 . Application in duplicate to Town Clerk V Fee ($50 plus $5 an acre or part thereof) 1/ Inspection fee (4% of approved performance bond) 12 paper prints to Town Clerk Description of property 2. Superintendent of Highways review _=y 3 . Meeting with developer Ck � �-#`r,t� 4 . Public Hearing (within 45 days) Advertised Affidavits of publication received 5 . Planning Board action (within 45 days) � . Copy of action sent to developer (within 5 days) J 1lT - 7 . _ Sent to County Planning Department Received County' s recommendations �1 COU*Y OF SUFFOLK �4t Patrick G. Halpin ( COunt'1 DAVID HARRIS.M.D M H. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES - -ro��revo�ER January 15, 1988 Mr. William Gillooly Village Lane Orient, NY 11957 Re: Water Sample 1-6-88 I DEar Sir: Analysis of your water supply indicates at the time of sampling microbiological and chemical parameters tested were within recommended drinking water standards , with the exception of iron. A separate analysis for common volatile organic compounds and agricultural pesticides showed no-detection of the compounds tested. Iron is not normally considered harmful to health, but can cause off-taste, odor or staining problems. A concentration of 0.44 milligrams per liter iron was detected. The drinking water ' standard for iron is 0. 3 mg/l. This department recommends connection to a public water supply wherever possible . If public water is not available , aesthetic problems caused by iron concentrations of less than one milligram per liter may be minimized by installation of a polyphosphate feeder . This treatment device does not remove iron from the water . Iron removal can be accomplished by the filtration processes of oxidation or ion exchange . The sodium concentration in the water will be increased by treatment units which are regenerated with salt . Should you have any questions , feel free to contact this office . e y truly yours , NMI ��(Ou-�, Martin Trent Associate Sanitarian - Bureau of Drinking Water 1 MT/Jd Results Enclosed W-2c 225 RADRO DRIVE EAST HAUMAUGE. N.Y. 11744 14tH-1.V,! 45141 348-2776 SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES - WATER ANALYSIS AW Name ocAdp Sam le date Location i Result Standard Result Limit total coliform . . . <1 s <2. 2carte zI 7r� specific Gond . . . . 3^_0 , - " ��c pH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :19 - oxo : 1 < So .. nitrate . . . . . . . . . . _ 10. 0 mg/1, Cc�fLc�f � 1 free ammonia . . . . . r,-0 T chloride . . . . . . . . . 41, 250 mg/l sulfate . . . . . . . . . . 3rv, 250 iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-. 0. 3 "* manganese . . . . . . . . -o.o 0. 3 " * copper . . . . . . . . . . . <o,, 1. 0 " sodium . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ** zinc . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ., 5. 0 mg/1 * Iron & manganese combined concentration should not exceed 0. 5 mg/1 ** Moderately restricted sodium diet should. not exceed 270 mg/l. Severely restricted sodium diet should not exceed 20 mg/l. Result Result vinyl chloride <1 (2) benzene (5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . <1 methylene chloride . . . . 1 toluene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <I 1,1 dichloroethane . . . . 41 chlorobenzene . . . . . . . . . . <7- trans trans dichloroethylene. z1 ethylbenzene . . . . . . . . . . . <i chloroform . . . . . . . . . . . . <1 (100) o-xylene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 1 ,2 dichloroethane . . . . < 1 (5) m-xylene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <I 1 ,1,1 trichloroethane . -- ► p-xylene . . . . . . . . . . . . <1 carbon tetrachloride. . . <1 ( 5) total xylenes . . . . . . . . . . - 1 bromo 2 chloroethane <1 o-chlorotoluene . . . . . . . . <1 1 ,2 dichloropropane . . . 41 m-chlorotoluene . . . . . . . . <I 1 , 1,2 trichloroethylene <I ( 5) p-chlorotoluene . . . . . . . . I chlorodibromomethane . . 41 ( 100) total chlorotoluene . . . . - 1 ,2 dibromoethane . . . . . -<1 _ (0. 1) 1,3,5 trimethylbenzene . ZI 2 bromo 1 chloropropane <1 1 ,2,4 trimethylbenzene . .41 bromoform . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 ( 100) m, p-dichlorobenzene . . . . <Z tetrachloroethylene . . . 41 o-dichlorobenzene . . . . . . <Z cis dichloroethylene . . <I p-diethylbenzene . . . . . . . < 1 freon 113 . . . . . . . . . . . . . < 1 1 ,2,4 ,5 tetramethylbenz' < I dibromomethane . . . . . . . . < I 1,2,4 trichlorobenzene . 41 1 ,1 dichloroethylene . . < 1 (7) 1 ,2,3 trichlorobenzene . <1.., bromodichloromethane . . < 1 (100) 1,1 , 1 , 2 tetrachl'oethane < 1 2,3 dichloropropene . . . <1 1 ,2,3 trichloropropane < 1 cis dichloropropene . . . <1 ( 2) trans dichloropropene <1 ( 2) 1 , 1, 2 trichloroethane <1 Generic drinking water limits for volatile organic and hydrocarbon compounds are 50 parts per billion each or 100 ppb for any combination. Limits established for individual compounds are noted in parentheses O . NOTE: < symbol means "less than' indicating no detection 0 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK g AR" ? 71985 PETER F.COHALAN SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING LEE E.KOPPELMAN DIRECTOR OF PLANNING April 15, 1985 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. , Chairman Town of Southold Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Preliminary Map of William & Richard Gillooly W/s Tabor Road 437.59' s/of Main (State) Road, Orient. Dear Mr. Orlowski: In accordance with your request the staff has examined the proposed sub- division layout for a 13.421 acre tract reputedly owned by William & Richard Gillooly and offer the following comments on the map for your use. Generally, the layout appears to be satisfactory. However, the set-off parcel should be treated as a lot of this subdivision proposed and short radius curves should be provided at street corners and cul-de-sac return. Consideration, from the local point-of-view, should be given to the coordina- tion of local road system. The proposed road intersects Tabor Road near the en- trance to the local cemetery and a proposed road. Staff comments on a preliminary map do not constitute a review of the map by the Suffolk County Planning Commission. When the map has been finalized it should be referred to the Commission for review pursuant to Section 1333 of the Suffolk County Charter. Very truly yours, Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning 4>� by cry Charles G. Lind Subdivision Review Section File: 133-SR-85-15 CGL:gcc Encl. : Map VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE.L.I..NEW YORK 11788 15161360-5192 &,�FF0l n PEARNIN—U BOARD T�yW-�1 O SOU HOLD SU. 1�OKr�OI d� Y Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 March 14 , 1985 Subdivision Review Section Suffolk County Department of Planning H. Lee Dennison Executive Office Building - 12th Flr. Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, New York 11787 Gentlemen: We are hereby submitting the preliminary subdivision map of William and Richard Gillooly located in Orient to you for your comments . This proposed subdivision when in proposed final plat stage will be referred to the Suffolk County Planning Commission pursuant to Sec- tion 1333 , Article XIII of the Suffolk County Charter. We, therefore, acknowledge that the comments made by the staff of the Planning De- partment on the preliminary subdivision map are advisory only and do not constitute a review by the Suffolk County Planning Commission nor are comments made by the staff binding upon the Commission in its re- view of this proposed subdivision. Tax Parcel Identifier Number: 1000 25 2 4 and 15-20 Materials submitted: Preliminary Map (3 copies) X Topographic Map (1 copy) x ; Drainage Plan (1 copy) X Street Profiles (1 copy) ; Proposed Grading Plan (1 copy) ; Other materials (specify and give number of copies) Comments: Very truly yours , Bennett Orlowski, Jr. , Chairman Southold Town Planning Board P��A N I 9'- D TO W O SO, LD S F�() KG Y �yb Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 February 5 , 1985 William Gillooly P.O. Box 273 Orient, NY 11957 Re: Major subdivision located at Orient Dear Mr. Gillooly: Please let this confirm the action taken by the Planning Board, Monday, February 4 , 1985 . RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board approve the sketch map of the subdivision of William and Richard Gillooly located at Orient, plan dated as last amended October 28, 1984 . If you have any questions , please don' t hesitate to contact our office . Enclosed for your review is a copy of the ordinance of the Town on the procedure for filing for preliminary approval . Very truly yours , BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. , CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze , Secretary enc . 4-ZI To: Raymond C. Dean, Superintendent Report No. fifS Town Highway Department From: John W. Davis FCb'rU0_�f�(' 1 tJ� 1985 Re: Major Subdivision - William and Mary Gilooly at Orient Map dated Amended October 26, 1984 Comments: The proposed road section does not meet the requirements for major subdivisions. At present, major subdivisions have a 28 ft . width with curbs and asphalt pavement. The proposed road section shows a 30 ft. width, no curbs and also no designation of road material . This is a small major subdivision with a short entrance road which gives access to only three of the six lots. The owners will probably object to the type of road called for in major subdivisions . However, I would have to recommend that the road width, pavement type, etc. be constructed as is called for in major subdivisions . Any deviation would have to be approved by others. This road could be shortened 150 ft.± by moving the turnaround back and lo- cated so that there would be access to it for lots I , 2 and 6. Note: The drainage should be reviewed. The road profile is in order and the drainage structures shown appear to have been estimated for run-off on the road only. From field inspection there is a definite low area in this property which shows on the profile. Some of the runoff from the lots should be com- puted and the number of leaching basins increased at the low point . John W. Davis C.C. Southold Town Planning Board Highway Committee L. M. Tuthill, P.E. To: Raymond C. Dean, Superintendent Report No. 426 Town Highway Department From: John W. Davis Februai`1' 15_�'t965 Re: Major Subdivision - William and Mary Gil.00ly at Orient Map dated Amended October 26, 1984 Comments: The proposed road section does not meet the requirements for major subdivisions. At present, major subdivisions have a 28 ft. width with curbs and asphalt pavement . The proposed road section shows a 30 ft. width, no curbs and also no designation o:f road material . This is a small major subdivision with a short entrance road which gives access to only three of the six lots . The owners will probably object to the type of road called for in major subdivisions. However, I would have to recommend that the road width, pavement type, etc. be constructed as is called for in major subdivisions. Any deviation would have to be approved by others. This road could be shortened 150 ft .± by moving the turnaround back and lo- cated so that there would be access to it for lots 1 , 2 and 6. Note: The drainage should be reviewed. The road profile is in order and the drainage structures shown appear to have been estimated for run-off on the road only. From field inspection there is a definite low area in this property which shows on the profile. Some of the runoff from the lots should be com- puted and the number of leaching basins increased at the low point. "�_zc'de n John W. Davis C.C. Southold Town Planning Board Highway Committee L. M. Tuthill, P.E. } 1984 • APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF PLAT To the Planning Board of the Town of Southold: The undersigned applicant hereby applies for (tentative) (final) approval of a subdivision plat in accordance with Article 16 of the Town Law and the Rules and Regulations of the Southold Town Planning Board, and represents and states as follows: 1. The applicant is the owner of record of the land under application. (If the applicant is not the owner of record of the land ander application, the applicant shall state his interest in said land under application.) 2. The name of the subdivision is to be ....QdelltJ l l W ................................................................................................ 3. The entire land under application is described in Schedule "A" hereto annexed. (Copy of deed suggested.) 4. The land is held by the applicant under deeds recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's office as follows: Liber .173.7�............ Page ..oC�.4.............. On Liber ........................ Page ............... ....... On Liber ........................ Page . ................ ..... On Liber ....... ...... ........... Page ..... .... .... .... .... Liber ........................ Page ............... . as devised under the Last Will and Testament of .... ......... ...... .................... oras distributee ........................... .................................. ................................................... ............................................ . 5. The area of the land is . .13.42L......... acres. 6. All taxes which are liens on the land at the date hereof have been paid except ......... ... ............. .......... .......................... .. .......... .. .... .... .................... .... 7. The land is encumbered by . ...Q./Y.mo,275!�','�.... . . .... .......... ................ mortgage (*—as follows: (a) Mortgage recorded in Liber ...SS. . . . Pagc . . 5 . .... .. .. . in original amount of $. ..I1.�?fP�� ., unpaid amount $ . .7. !. . . . . . . . . . . .T. . . hell by ....... .. .. ... address K(0.... .. . . .. .. ............. ... . ... .... . (b) Mortgage recorded in Liber . .. ...... Pagc . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . ... . ... in original amount of ... .. .. . .. ... . unpaid amount $. . . . . . . .. . . .... . . . . .. . held by ..... .... .... ... . ... .. address . .. ......... .. .. . . . . . . ... .. . . .... . . .......................... . . (c) Mortgage recorded in Liber . ...... . ... . .. Page . . . .... ......... in original amount of ... .. .. ....... unpaid amount $... . .. ... .. . . .. .. . . ... held by . ..................... ............... ....... address . .......... . . .. .... .. . . . . .. .. .. .. .......... .............. 8. There are no other encumbrances or liens against the land ........................ ....................... .. .. .............. . . .. .. .. .. ...... .............................. 9. The land lies in the following zoning use districts . .RestAQntjaA........................ ........................................... ............ ................................ . 10. No part of the land lies under water whether tide water, stream, pond water or otherwise,xom 919pr1: ............ ..................... ............ ...... .... ......................... 11. The applicant shall at his expense install all required public improvements. 12. The land (SSR") (does not) lie in a Water District or Water Supply District. DGl(ift> )6KM*x XfX XXMX,*XtMTX)aXIOX*XikXXi6 . .............. .. .. .... ...... .. .............................. . 13. Water mains will be laid by . ........ .... .. ......... . .. ...... ........ .................. . and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said mains. 14. Electric lines and standards will be installed by ..Mm... .............. ................ :.:....:....:....::.:::.:. .and (a) t%o*charge will be made for installing said lines. 15. Gas mains will be installed by .....ULCO'.. .... .... .. .......... ........................... and (a) (Not) charge will be made for installing said mains. 16. If streets shown on the plat are claimed by the applicant to be existing public streets in the Suffolk County Highway system, annex Schedule "B" hereto, to show same. 17. If streets shown on the plat are claimed by the applicant to be existing public streets in the Town of Southold IIighway system, annex Schedule "C" hereto to show same. 18. There are no existing buildings or structures on the land which are not located and shown on the plat. 19. Where the plat shows proposed streets which are extensions of streets on adjoining sub- division maps heretofore filed, there are no reserve strips at the end of the streets on said existing maps at their conjunctions with the proposed streets. 20. In the course of these proceedin.-s, the npplicaut will offer proof of title as required by Sec. 335 of the Real Property Law. 21. Submit a copy of proposed deed for lots showin. all restrictions, covenants, "etc. Annex Schedule •'D". Y 22. The applicant estimates that the cost of grading and required public improvements will be $.25.011Q.. as itemized in Schedule "E" hereto annexed and requests that the maturity of the Performance Bond be fixed at . ...R. ..... .. years. The Performance Bond will be written by a licensed surety company unless otherwise shown on Schedule "F". DATE ....OctOher.3................. 19$4. . Will i OR I..G?.l lvo lx... .. .... .......... . (N4eetuf App 'ca B} � .. ... .. ............ (Sand Titl Box.272,.Orient..Need.Yark...L1957........ . (Address) STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF . ......-r&`��?-: ...... .. ss: On the ... day of.... /.!� '.^ s•, 198.4. ..., before me personally came Wi.L1id[R L.."Gi•1•lo0lY•••.•••••••••• • • to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that .. . he. .... . executed the same. NANCY W CM NOTARY PUBLIC,State of N.Yy c �, Suffolk Co.No.4735151 . . ..� . .4� . . . .. .. ............ ........... Term Expires Match 30,1l1�— Notary PubliV STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ..�.. ... .7 ........ ss: On the . .. ../�¢ ...• • day • •••• •• ••••Q•, of o. . o e �` 19. �., before me personally came /..SLS! to"me known,who being by me duly sworn did de- pose and say that . ... resides at No. .. �� . . //L� • .... t .............. . . Q . . . . .. . that . .... . . . .21 .. .. .. ..... is the .......... ... .. .. .. .... .. ... of . . . .. .. .. .. .... .... .... .. .. . . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .................... . the corporation described in and which executed the foregoim; instrument; that ... .. .... ... knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed by order of the board of directors of said corporation. awl 111at . . . .. .. .. . .. signed . .. .. .. .. .. .. . name thereto by like order. . . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .................. Notary Public 41OPN OF SOUTHOLD OCT! 3 r•" ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT — PART I ' PROJECT INFORMATION .VT:CE: This document fs designed to assist in deta:..Mig whether :!:e act',on proposed may have 3 Significant offal: 3n the envircnment. Please camoieta no entire )ata Sheet. Answers to these questions 4iil be Cansieered as Bart of :.he aapiication for approval and may be subject td further vertfication and public review. Provide SAY additional information you believe will be neeaed -a =mclete PARTS 2 ano 3. ,M is axoaetad tnat camoletian Of the EAF will be dependent on information currently avainot w lable and wi11 n !nrolve naw mia!es, rssaarc" or investigation. [` WO r.-Ition reouiring such additifnditatt and sdecify men instance. anal +ork !s unava not RAP ?F PROJECT; IAMB 3.110 .ACCRESS OF OWNE.R f(f Different) Rq� _ hamei -AMC." 4.16 3" OF Apar tcsNT: `rte p— r o jkure (state) t.. 3USSNESS PRONE; 1T7:, t rata/ tupi 9ESC1tt9TJQ?! OF PROJECT: (Briefly describe type of project Jr action) - 08 h//[/yam,!/a, 13,4W QLZASE CORPLETE EACH CUESTiON - tndicata I.A. if not aooliciole) A. StTT :ESCBIPTi0:1 (Physical sattin; of oversli protect, both develocec and andevelcoed ants) 1. General character of the Tend: Generally unifdm slate 6aireraily uneven and•roilfng ar.lrr•gutar I. ?resent 'and ase: Urban [naustrial Cort�nero!al Suauroan iurzh• `•a' ��•,„. __. Agriculturo -�tiarlL LiFaJU forest ]. Toul ae.-cage of arojeet ar_a: 13__4Q(crs: Approxfmace acr-aqe: Presently After Comdl;r•!on OresentlY A'izr Sampletidn Pesdcw or 3rusnland /0 .... i acres Acres 4atar Surface wrea” r.2t r 0 aeras - Fortscad -D-1c.is 'c.^.3 rJOvejetattd :-*Ck.. :.. . Adttculturil0 , eartn or fill) lres ,• -0acr.s acres_res ;ietl lnC (?^sm+at2r or :cad3, buildings rfg ar._ .�.ar baved - w + ai !S Ser Articles :a. IS 3r 5.:.�• iLr72C26 ,., ltflS Cris .! teres ae._s 1t•er ;indics:a :yde) © er s re e at s A- :that Is erexm:nanc soli f• 3r*!,—t 14-a' 40A/ 4 i. a. .Are _`era bedeck :uc:ro:pings an 3rOjec- s:-a? erasya S. :hat is loot- :2 :edr:ck? SOT StJQAr r.r uuTa n eel! ;;..;,... • 00ro` 151 or 6. Appxieate percentage of proposed project site with slopes: 0.101 �.: 10-15. Q; greater Ja_-:. 7. Is project contiguous to. or contain a building or site listed on the National Register of Historic Plates? ,_Yes X No What is the depth ttTthe 'water table? eel _ 9. Oo hunting or fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? _Yes No 10. Dors project site contain any species of plant or animal life that is identified as threatened or endsncered - Yes No, according to - Identify each species i1. Are there any unique or unusual land forms an the project site? (i.e. cliffs, dunesi ether geological formations - `Yes *—No. (Describe 12. It the project site gently used by the tommunitj or neighborhood as an owe paeeror srecreation Y . ,. area - es �'no. . . 13. Was the prepnt site offer or include scenic views or vistas known to bk Impoe'taat to,the eonummity? Yes No 14. Streams within or contiguous to project area: - - a. Naar of stream and name of river to which it is tributary NONE 15. Lakes, Ponds, Wetland areas within or contiguous to project area: ...../. a. Nass NOPIF : b. Size (in acres) /�G�✓bf "16. What is the dominant land use and zoning classification withi� a 1/4 mile radius of thio project (e.g. single family residential, R-2) and the scale of development (e.g. 2 story). glN La pi?IN� ONar Two n*✓d TNR�"�)oR� _, . -_'S. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill in dimensions as appropriate) a. Total contiguous acreage owned by project sponsor acres, b. Project acreage developed:1340acres initially; i30�acras ultimately.; , C. Project acreage to remain undeveloped D d. Length of project, in miles: if appropriate) If ptojget is an expansion of exist indicate percent of Upansion propoiad: buiIding'squaro. feo age N11� ; developed acreagel _ Q� f. Numberof off-street parking spaces existing proposed �O g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour SIX (upon completion of project) h. If residential: Number and type of housing units: • One/'Family Two Family Multiple Family Condominium Initial V b D ultimate 1. If: Orientation Neighborhood City-Regional Estimated loymant Commercial r• Industrial u j. Total height of tallest proposed structure 3 feet 26. Apolovals: a. Is any Federal permit required? Yes No b. Does project involve State or Federal funding or financing? Yes No e. Local and Regional approvals: Approval Required Submittal Approval (Yes, No) (Type) (Date) (Date) City, Torm, Village Board City, Town, Village Planning Board City, Town. Zoning Board City, County Health Deoartment Other local agencies Other regional agencies State Agencies -- Federal Agencies C. INFOfWATIONAL DETAILS :. Attach any additional info On-as may be ne ed to el if y your project. If there are or may be any adverse impacts associated it the 0 1, p as dis ss such impacts and the measures which can be taken to mitigate or avoi th PREPARER'S;SIGNATURE: t^ L ' REPRESENTING: /LL G/L LOD DATE: r.4. .„�. . . - 13 ,. All J 2. Now much natural material (i.e. rack, earth, etc.) will be removed from the site - tom ' w - _ cubic yarr 3. Now many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground covers) will be removed from site - /*sores. 4. Will any mature faret (over 100 years old) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by this project? _Yes Yo S. Are there any plans for re-vegetation to replace that removed during construction? Yes _,_No L. If single phase project: Anticipated period of construct ion,"Llmonths. (including demolition). 7. If multi-phased project: a. Total number of phases anticipated�/ANo.°j _.. b. Anticipated date of commence.". Mt phase 1 .5 month Z6:ar (tneluding • demolition) C. Approximate completion date final phase 13 ,_month �ar. d. Is phase i financially dependent on subsequent phases? Res 8. Will blasting occur during coAstraction? _YesNo 9. 'Number of jobs generated: during construction 5—p after project is ediaplett 10. Number of jobs eliminated by chis project . 11. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilitie}t ._Yes �LNo. If yes, explain: 12. a. Is surface or subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? Yes,)-2( No. b. If yes, indicate type of Baste (sewage, industrial, etc.)- e. If surface disposal name 4f stream into which effluent will be discharged 13. Will surface area of existingllakes nds, streams, bays or other surface waterways be increased or decreased by proposai? —yes No. 14. Is project or any portion of project located in the 100 year flood plain? _Yes X—No 15. a. Does project involve disposal• of solid waste? res 4—No b. If yes, will an existing soli waste disposal facility be used? Yes. c. If yes, give name: ; location N d. Will any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or ibto a sanitary landfill? ,__Yes . e41 16. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? YesN0' 17. Will project routinely produce odors (more than one hour per day)? Yes 4"0 18. Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambience noise levels? _Yes 2LNo a 19. Will project result in an increase in energy use? Yes No. If yes, indicate type(s) &197)2 Z/112 Qat h�mr, • 20. If water supply is from wells indicate pumping capacity gals/minute- 21. Total anticipated water usage per day 1400-gals/day. 22. Zoning: a. What is dcminant 'Zoning classification of site? g1pMJO- /A7� b. Current specific zoning classification of site e. Is proposed use consistent with present zoning? d. If no, indicate desired zoning gh C r SO. w tbatre i c� 1 PYX 1 i.- .T . .�.7 e• ,)y t �'C O r �.i. c :•:er ' 9 f49 �. 6 5 O r W, ` - --' �`" ✓�. -- _ i 17, 1484 l�rrrcrtd9 wl _ ,y✓�:. -. Q u�/ 1.lL / �. .. i /J. G S _ Aj f81 t98 tc8 7, OCT 3 1981 i I I E II i 4 I Y I I N 88'20'40" - L_. :7"O/r14u' V,/M o) (q .� � � a 1- •� I e' T, Ile N.87°d-/ 3 E r, v- Q 0� 8 Z,DOO 5. r,.41) 10 Uh / � 4 rV Ojo /Li)`�->$/S E. 80.O OG 5. F. - `\ N 3 S/ S 05 LV ` `� p LJ IQs VACA t T N f� �q4v t NQ I GpS Ai, ; 6. r N 60,GOC) 51. F. • �- rih W. Li Z27 7QyiN OF SOV HQ�Q O I 0, m ;187.4i't_ "B0 t� _. � !='hZC_,'h.i fi�JA:L •( SU C�.DIVI ;� IU(J-SEF'F '8=r V) 155,ci00 S.F. U1 � I 06' 4 m t.1.95n57110"� iz5 19 t.7¢-- .;.>• N 4_,7.2L 5.87 ¢7• i; •n/ m SONINON RECEIVED ED BY " 01 SEP 2's � +s BOARD Iti I , DATE to U) _ 1 III ! i . Ul r fli P 2 4 I rri U ! i �-) Frvavlwu�rzm urA e1101n„rvl r r 1 o[n mlv uvli is Vicer Y �ewv �i n Tl ION L14 •ZYP - TI '.• .. 1 -.n Nlq LIC r .ids: r (7 I ; , ; `'n:.• "f+f+ DF, I�sN±�'Cli" Kl : l:�1 71G;)D'`.'F, T.G?5', E3k.�t- FAi.'.)`.- of rc,; , e� ------------ I I I� i I I - by n /Lo° BZ,GOo ,,. r= Q0 .1 V l_ f1 1- I J ,�.�� /20 I I I TGWFI QP SUIJI-NC+LL 7'4-1 N °Lt✓, fat', - .^U t- 1. ,•' ^; � , - � eo, 000 - to .� � I v i 1..,'7. '?� 8-7- -7• q. r/ rh 7g°n�,� v 17r UI rn i in t � � a • ° .,1�1 I� I I i CO a 'Y; i nt � tl I F� I X19 I i r - I N,88 2 040E. 2232 117 _ 21�,i_n:" i _f " N II, W WM 5Cl4F-"TVL ' ' ir J 6(!_' __ Lo � ?' co T 7 .°43 m _iso ' �� Ra ROAD_ - ti U - �� 415 20, r tu 4 _ n fi n O 4 S N 0 K `\: 730 Ch G� , "'` �'.b4S7 p1', ?=,- _ SLI L D i V I b IC N-SEr ,. i_; ,- .. IF},8,Gt70 �,S.,F'.� 21t�. f 1 AMEWL'EC, OCT. 2419£'4 RECEIVED BY x ka i SOUTHOLD TOWN PLAM11 BOARD r , -�. �y _ NOV 2 1984 ` Vp 'wWkFT� �S{ u 125 \ � x. I7y�, - } - DATE ,} IT 7 k'4 "�lyrbk Lo d { 1C 111 o- i - ,7�k ,fig ;yv r 5r ply. _firp 'LFy " ' jj�� a e _ i i r r A,hafyt t �P Y� h f� I SEMI��s I �_-4 Pt2E_LIMINA2_Y_ PL_A_ N - MAJO2 SUBDIVISION O I�IygFU -�iTIiGCT F _ N MAP OF PROPEF2TY GOO`-1" SU2VEYED F02 1 t UI -M- CZ_ I A2 D GI LL00 ,`� AT �-- i cll ( ) 021ENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD , W.Y S A V) O - � I N.3 /•c{ i :5il. v� y BAY" AVS�IUE OP.I[.NT N,`,' 11957 _ 490.0 ,n s. ,=. i ( ✓ r , s n �oPv5eo �20-- Lv - --_ _ Z I rn r J pl z r ID '— -- ' r0'NN OF'GUUT-Nq L4 I I, 1 --_AM_3NDE0 OCT, 24 19E4 _ AMENDI-D MAF2. 7 1965 r�m, n � ¢ m � , I w _ Izs 91.T4q I n rp r-. �37- .. 1 I.SJ �`_— — P2F_MISEE ZOP.IEDA -.tc5 AG7�, u. r RECEIVED BY �,b 7 rr? s az'o` w ✓ v SBBiBBIB TOWN PIANNINB BBABB MAR 141999 _ 1), r 0 DATE - lij frj ' �� ' �; i I a^ I J , I L1 a«•- 111 - " 1 "* ryO u`� n zN u z � sir i rL uaamrmd:ad aimrmmnmeamnap !I I ,r to lM1le survey is nviciaeppvf -' --- - -- - 5ecdon 72LnwW rhe New York 5mle F-" Etlncetlon . - ___ COPiee of IM1m eunmv mep rrol be ON 1 the lvnof "4aie inked eeelm - 02CHA2D ST2EET - - ----- - Guarenteee lndievmJ-nneon elull rllp - orv1to tea Perlar whom tho survey epvred,an l d an M1ia Mhalf N tlM nde . any.em'vrnmeamlapvnayma nulrajairm�en r . • b - I a II_, I'�I•.':.I_�:j, mrhn fuoranteeserepot can e k nadtlrtmnvl msrimfipns or vuheequena FILE- NO.1333-51Z- 85-15 i J / SUFFOLK CO. PLANNING DEPT SUB,D REVIEW SECTION ufJ D - APRIL II, I985 BY' Cyr.[It? I ' r STAFF COMMENTS ONLY. � Staff comments on a preliminary subdivision { -r F REMISF_5 a( �� map do not constitute a aview-of the map 6y the Irl Sj Suffolk County Planning Commission pursuant to - Section 1333,.5uffolk County Ch.ter. Refer to comments on this map and contained 7aP(2EL1MINAr2Y PLAN MAJ02 SUBDIVISION o <.Ialao";-1=-ec-r l in ataff's letter. MAP OF ^ - OPE 2TY - Ir LOCATIOPd KArw'�A _ NII�J SU 2 V EYED FO2 s„g T - AI �_� IAM RICNAI2D GII__�_AOAA nrI -j ) 021 ENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD , N.Y. i it nt v � arc .1 should be ine.luded aS a lot within this u s bdivision and not as / a- sei off 6AY” AVE6IUE — ��, 021C.NT- N.Y 11957 Lo youi of proposed roads shoulcl be t? y SiE Coordino-+ed io avoid fu4ure Problems and conflicts be�wee.n vehicles• Provide Shor-V rdins curves 0A corners i Y _ 3e : ° Proposed Road 0 r o6' C C' I ROAD 1 C LV - 6 r;J� � I � ,D ?) �il.; Cemetery`entronce z Q � TOWN � UT'IIG t_G m ' � J ,<E'_, J � C ' SULCI ✓1a� 16 rJ—SEP '8•} li — ,�,�, AMENDI_'D MA2. 7, 198 !lfr�� p' -- -- - z` 19;. RECEIVED BY t �-- - �� 43`---_ -- IkI.`s° - i5.s7' f' ,•� - 1 SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Prt✓Ntlsf7s �oh.IFo "�; - r_Es./�cr�. w m 4 � MAK ig im ( DATE O r " to F ; f I i v fj � I� • 7 �' - LIti' I,. .I d u,-�L,,�,,,a al,aratron or aadlaon i i''.�a wolatlonei ,.�sl mn Naw York Stats �, C , or irvs survaY my not OQCHA20 ST2EET e,urvaYar'a mkaa sods. , valitl it IntllcetatlWad as unareon ell run i�'ro IFS oaraon for wFom thtl a survry I a ova``vd vd n M1Ie betel-ID t e _ _ _ „aa camp�l'.v rsmehonnu.ndentl i.' i' ,,.�A_S ' t'S1_.i I 'T ' f r. �/ aaamu lnzsurtion Osteo M1enanssE f f'.... f- TI-iG'U ,J. aeuaraeaa me luNumah.r n Gusrantesaamnd teas "at s J ee snonal Insnmtlom or ashseyuent —i I I , St2--85- 15 S Tla'TE I . CEMGTE24' I cats �D `�0 Iv X11 �� �.� Z m N.S7-47'30"E.-224.5= I 231 g i I W. TqE rAe�t: s SONS scH2rEu c _ LOCATION MA!-� 7 1 n Scale : 600'=/" - - L N.88'20'40"E. - 25Z.3?_ �. h WM. m J sGNt=ttFvF==o 'pt Parti Br. 12er. -„Area Q �.. / ,I D mW I � 1 1311 Ac N b .8•(8uniness�Zone � 0 l `+ r __ � ._ I 2/8.37' 1.�' Fr-ivd4eQt.n+f WaJ�s 4�s Ac. l �, Of '' -- _33/ - 40 v t (h � 60 106 7 . 5 _ l rut v t15� - O 19 S o \ / N 81 '6 117 _ _ _ Q I ''r . i + ! 11] 106 221 . 1 .. -Sl3 Qlght Wdcf 16'3.93 -. O ',2' P_e oerveof {° f 519.10 %> S,Szii y! r 6. EM67516Y RECEIVED BY logo ago N t f C�Nr�Ac SNNiNOIN TOWN PIANNIN BOANu / n9/ �i?a �. I� r: w ae��rrT�Zo JUN 5 DATE 11�mo N dvA+6 r` PLAN Dd { ,•iii ��,�le _ . ( 5, •rr3a'w-2c�•5t> Pk'C7F�}�E�C] SUE3'Lil� l.�rON tbw., ap sou,waf-o I Q { \ eyg 1 _N.a7'47'So"e.- zN368 I F!- TZ- eE G[v�wNAS r �'p11! ' .' J` j• . - - , - -. ..,._ ..:.- __. -1f7 \/IL. Lf-iG�::..� 65 .....`� �!P6 " � \ Pdr\ � �.,C •v Area � sl Aa v 7bWN OF STN0.' D,N.'Y. tA I tSl m " l ' I 57 i0 w. ftl / �WHBd 6 0.�Velo�,ed ixj: JNAuiS EP., AneannoN OR ADDmon / 33/.Z7 To Tx N SURVEY Is LL vlou noN of "{' / �•�. r� � '2'' "3.g7"473C5" r I(i WJlliam W. 6crrinra D.Schriever SECTION nOP of rxE NEw roRrc srATf ILwxtf¢tN� � Ib � :Vjo:in reodd EDUCATION LAW. CORNS Of TNIE NUE MAP NOT GEARING \ I II�,,41 I f 3 OrierrF,N.Y. 11957 _ THE LAND SURveoms IrlxLv sco at rt >W't rI1• '��-29C'� TO'K ED SEAL SHALL NOT pE CONSIDERED (hh JJ I JYi TO'K A VALID ONE COPY. I N p '` GUARANTEES INDIGiFO I1LREON SHALL RUN `1 'N "Y �. T pW� Oj o, Ga/<": 10Q�=1" NLr ro iNE PLnsoN FDR wnoM rHE suevcr R S PRWARDT, AND ON N:s RmALF To TI V. TITLE COMPANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY ADD r, �(U} „( nV� $ Z N N. To'}rY( F�rtr/Ta 2/.SOfJ AC. LENOnac wsnrm:ON usrtD xLRmN. AN'y, } `ti 1 V Y j J TO TNI ASER` ...OT THE LLNDINO INEi4 ,F C� q `• I OU3'(i MG° aHd GOH'1f'JUTiy aC4Ual curve NRN N OUARANTEcs ARE NOT n1ANSEERAUH fr T 3 J 7 ro HAD o A,HH"HUnoro OR ERE'EOUENY 1 /' A lof-dit"etyciom, Q'��'ear. ONIU. UwNUPY < J 1 - - - - I - - _ -- - - - ---- - ' ` r 'f9.5- I . No /of (ess 44icen 20,000 5rj.�. In amov. � pl - -. - - l.. _ Pvemiees iH i4'�Er3iderrtia!)Scne, Mapp d Maq 16, 1978 eXc d8 Shawn. (�ODEtZICK VAN TUYL, P G - ORCHAZO ST2EE7" ,�•• - -- --- f SLrfolt Co.7-OK Map QealgnaNan: - Dr's1}l000, 01a,BlockLicenxd Land Sorveyor5 a.+d Sec/:Q25,S/alE2;Porrls aFP 4,/S,IFj,i7,l9,2CJ. Greenport -- New Yoek ' Irdlviduaf wet( attd c,essPaahs iv service axyeh k+l: r19M - ofyw4l Main '-(<bdd . _snap •Shat Vehicular- -raccess -Iv- Lot'- I jsDEPT -- - - I' No dr_Iv�Wa �hs�uld- he_ locaf2d wlfhln { — - er�.rydlculNofr sYnulc� bell laced n�final l'�lp7F�� �� �L�N I mRcad R- 79=63 NlNNG ;i - -- -- restricted +o _Tabor- -kQcT• - n Przcrrrrsr -- '6 --7 rte) z�e ono -C Febrwa q ... � C.G.ti,n�/ _ If`�! SECTION 1 _ I 197q 8Y STAFF COMMENTS ONLY. s hlArN 3p' 'h ' �'v j S �� Nom• ) Stuff eommrnts no a preliminary s,bdi,i,ul° - `>� US ki !';, Q map do out constitnta u review of l6e maF hY th County Planning e - y tl \� D1 _ • Suffolk Cty Pling Camxnies.1h umuant fi p ``,, P d1 '\ �, -, I vection 1333, yy Suffolk County Chartar. 1 ,D / - Cj ALV "` 770�� UI NRIEveFC 6-t I Z 91 II "! S_ .. A .- 246 , E - shod-- rods 's - curve ow he provided at bV 'p�'Ol 1a 24>:_ $ SON:;. �CNf.I�47c4 r " - .Q 1 earner +6 �4C1I 1+ote -turn r�- 1'rlbvernevv}s •- • Subdividers report propose-"q potYement wld+h- y c' V9 Of 30 -%et.--IpperMiffeclthis- Width sTaould onl:f - ^ •' �'flM IIaW Y t ed - east'--af'-Lof Crus- IB- Iq .f1�xSverY�rlC�. width 4 34 feel- wlth cu•r�bs shouldiee Ye�IY , � M ��t of Lett• Line IB- 19. I,IIS 5ct'I'lonaF-Vtacd -- �� h � ';r,��:I„z-::. zo„N "�o � � - �I luill probabl 6= subjected t ViTlaye skins© Curbs n x llllll I Ve�ICIeS Q�'F Ia4trrr-- QYcas, 1rL'LQ1L� _ ^J 4 ” F `_3C�E t =rte S/,1 ;;v �l Fri,•i, k F'.•; ea.ca resrrlctlons mc91ba9niI'!"evna�:}9 `��-�' .pavement luldth:_bul-,curbs_ gve-13 mo `staff questions the need ar-d purpose his nght- of Lkb4 r r;' S=�• / nv ,i Floodtrl -of civep Trac cc,;ur+ W 'pail _ - S , , v, 9 J _ If developed as a road it may feed traf qoerlevatEd -In + e minaqa siructuYes Is exceeded, as (here 15tj __-__-_ qq cuF + - o future b presently undeveJoped lands Rte east dlie6lq nO le i r ihls 1-6W civ&x. l n of fern \ \ Should t, 0c In40 corf�ldevq{loh o l*ie f6butnr - N 9 L \.0 4req and hot dust the ' r r runoff {ry »�_{1'+,e, voad V ,1 +.,�,1 �-;r' i ',f,,,•rw 5"19.q10 ? 0. y VV� 7h 3._AZ14E °'f.9k13'd, 77l I �� v, OR•.r7�-� W. �� ,6' i �Cc I ' ,j4' uueunlorn o n ., 1 rl Aj .;:*- I;fI r1 �0 fAd ✓_ � lrl.�77�4 - M CCr(•JTG')f' btc+loll - I, k, Ar+krticel'curve should 4e used 4s A iransihon f cvk:li:rJ '. °°° " 6etuW@en- change ih strget grades. - A 0-�0 �rod2 i 0 iii _ 2� 1 Tu LAI oxs ' L .nlnc V - i f), v - ,^ radius curve•--Should- be_provided—o tMrc osn Eu 4-+vfgt spot ,Sh d1 nal- _ EClt„ -- - 4 X11, t To v n v> rt N `J 'I COrY1C.+Y �'OIIIUIe. YI71nC� f710Ye1Y]Ln`I'S eunrnr L TAIL RLI._G"Y• ��: _C r �1 I ONLY1 _- - d >..-- "NI p I \�' " !-= R - ur su.vrr \I t11 V (" :—f :�— �l Yi-a �} _r -1( �..i� iln[[ I •Pira QYe the - CfbSs hatched-parcel6l - t^3 I I waw c I ^"u c '.1r- . 'r :!-, ii R reputedlj otAl'1� bg -one D�-'�hdE-SabZ'IIUId.eY r _- ll! $7"-iT^'G'W-�C>R..rC) I Q •+:�_. r I ){.>:,w..lf I :']tf ,_.1. Two �'•:.?-. r: not IhclllqdQcl In 9w4L)jsl8n 1n some Cowl U1 mow.+ oc .^.c+�ruo�u 1~ ,� I ro no aid Lr_ ox Fuesr.,un8'r � 'A,C>Fr' i, ro y;r F t Jut, 'd ,,4z owxws It p it appears +hat land- lodL-ed- irgarcels 4yypp 0 rp n," lazing crebl-ed , -� - 47 ' ..- 1 I 1 ? ,This section- CVill4 e Lane it 74lor Road Is sa+isfacfor n ' 10 in I 9 y q .. ���p r \ e land ;wiII peov(del access for +he Village -for residen+s jj'Ir ti �• '$I r�'✓q Ac IT -_ 'pF' E�t4 lU IS tOYI. Exi _i6r, of ro6d east of A i'r'j l•Vl'v( OF ��UTf+.'Q!_[J,iJ i Is/ _ m. Tobor Lane, wi Vl cause ihr's rood -lo be beaus (9 used. +herefg deirac+ing .WWVE_c_ .v 43?L? w" . _ yV tG N �31.Z7 \i m YeBlderli70.1 -q�Wi7lia•,r W. ' &l0perva Cr. ;:l„•Iger menihes A. ��������� 1 •� :� sHLi.. l ?rip l•rl vPrY01 rr li° •� �` �( ' s OrIE•rN1 rLY; 1195% ,-3 wren GBa h'a✓. Z;7 !??3 P.ECr lV''EE7 6Y / .care : fury _/ HINIZLU I�i;il i ;il°elliC u�� 6 ' ?I � o ? /a809 Ate.i r; ' Iri _ NOV 281978 'rrrMl r;n=•n v:j - DATE - . t. 1 I I S(' Or.rHfrtr” and <<phne r't, by aoiz,al yl+,^"evyj „v ' 111 •! 1 } � i.) ', � Tor div+r rle iq•rs :Y��vO r, en-ff. � •r 'i� No for fr t, +item 20,000 i,a 1 -r .. prc•rrire;: i,•r i1'�2a�iderrhirrQZune.• 1rlahf�d Mori 1G , I�'r4 i �Jh/i' Twee= !- / �ODf-=f�'lr'K Vi-L•��(j:^_,T,"«•'U7.�--i� �' y„ y. Cc.Tas MapLX;xlgrlaPinvr; "-7• V�. v^•'4{!I'j�/T'°. /me = L'iG1'.(OG°:'%v�E•i:k0!rJ, Block 5,(-hrf _; lilt(', '_ic6lr:raa• Land Surb�w. 7=1t �"w � x•:d L:�cr O:a7,Edx[:i,heir+, .q I-,�. 4,f6,.'[-r,17, f9,c:iJ. urreert�r+ -- Kew :'br4: /roll.,, n well •rrcd �m ch (ah. F __ ._ ._._--- ------_-------- ------ - - ------ - --- -------- ---- - /833 - 51Z-79- 03 9t1Gv' ^c5