HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-21.-3-27 - - - - - - - - - - - '-9 I y ~ DA v l ES GE'N~'J~'vwsx/ WOLSKI ~lS 49.5 , o . I D 1 ~ ~ Q N,69 .~'7 ~O E. 96499 ' F6L 30M (a + 125.19 /25.19 /25•i9 /25, f9 !25.19 /2.S'l9 2/.~•7s ~y1. ~ Q ~W' ~ 1 1~, s/ /22,13 ~ ~ Nl H ~ m b a, p N N R 1 4". 3Zi 3/9.S.F. r S II ~ ~ Oi P7 n ~ m 0 ` ro PS 23738 4\ ~ y., v ~ t, O', a, I m ¢i p~ F` Bo e- nl a y pr-_'. M ~ ~ / ~ T,', t ~ 3 ° v p\"p M ~h K, o- R~ _ .t Mf ° , (~w q O ~ ~ Q p r ~ I ~ d~~ o ' ° . n oa 3r- - 1rF I I P r m~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~43 saz s.,r ~ ~b, /2o.c~ 1t1 ~ j 4 Y \ ~ 0 0 Q NJ ~ "pD°~ ~'LN ~V' ~~I o~i o 9° ` lzsdo a° ~i~ zGO~7a Q,-`~~, ~J1 S~ ~ " ~ I ' ~i ~ p~ y- ~ I' l25U0 3 ~ 1250tl 9 IZS.Ou' (.lo rJ~ o' ~ t l 0 r25.00. /ZSC'[7~_'.i".^~- /3 H3.2/ FZ, G7 CJ ° _ mac. p C./ T N ~n/~`B6~<?`9'20NE~ 0 1~,225.Op---...__ oT' /93G!) ° 186,9'S ~ ~?o-..;s ~,N .b ° ~ ~ j'~~} - . - o - - - -Z 30,00 ~ o ,260,00 ~I~`~ tn~ ~ /i ~ ,i~~.l~" ~ ~ ~1., ~ ~ti 1 ~o I r w 1~ JBOOV~"~pp 00 I O'9 ~ ~~~,,1 ~ 7~ 1/ p ~~1~ ~ ~ ~ 34, S9Ss.v~ r H W IY p b ,~7 ~ N i 3 B4/ .s.~ I ~ 36,930 s.F, 1 ? N a U M N 33,600 5". F. ./.4.3C/ ' 33, 70y S. F: I .3, 32FB4'?'S. 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Y, j 1 ~ ' N ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ 5 IJFFG7Lf'f COUN?"7' W i ~..T T/~ie wv1"ar supPl y a./dscwage dJ:spm~sf~aci li1'ie:: { n I q ~ PVEW YORK, fpra// /oYs JrgffhJs deve%ornmtca.n~oly wi/h Fhe I 1.b ~ ~ sfcrrra'arEircrrrdreyuirarnan!scy~thaSuffelrF~oNnYy ; vN a4 {~en ~ u , Ocporl'rnrr. f of Ha'alffY 4 i ' 2y ~ e~ SCALE/DO FT = I JN. a1~i~.r.- f'_<q'•LS h Mnr ~ f ~ E J.j NY•StnJ`c Liccnsc/ ./582. ~ `~~---~-1~ 4 ~ O /00 ZOO 300 .fa0 3D0 ' tl pC EY MAG ' 1 ScgccGOe'a/" k/, C to R Cr p .7 \ ~ H REf~ I2/ S C EJ /~F'PRO~/~' - - - - ~ - - - - ~ 4" _ _ ~w---.--_ c~, , ~ - DINNED AND DEl/ELOP9`G> EFY T a TG4w,v F~.(gNNJrs/G BaA.eo ICI ~,T .SZ.-- 'r.F.~¢-.-G 4 - I ANDREtti'T. DZ!_.NK06~t/SKl ~y,~~.i71)•,~._„~-~,"°/l~j - SFreat' A.L /C!T /CZ p7t•"v?/~'t9 l,?S/[/ ra..~-~"" - Chairman 1 1 ~J7/acs r- 5' NLzW YORK ~ w. fe. ~Fa u.. da• SVF1eotK C°uivr/QCPr1RTh'I6NT'a/HC.oe-rN Will 1' Gr.,. o- .,r-;.,r~- d +rli"' Nnusal -rrR..~,~~~w:~,:t.' Ri~crha.7SN.Y. ~V'/C //~C /9TL , ' /°""P _z{' .x r-'-~ -a?YO owrii.W . 7h/J rs f0 °erfl flra ~ a.w.. L ~e qk •i .:1I ~'tt peoJ y f the prspaeul cNmngem en Yr frrr' wafer svpP/y a.rd ~ { ~ i'' ~ ~ ~ roo J ,&r; 4_J ~ '~orr~ J/~o"rYr - ' - - ~ SPwa/e dikpare/ ~Y^ 41 UH V I E W P A ,tL K i I, ~ \ ~ y~d"epT T~,/in mnr(.r ~~~~f,~ in fhc 70WN Gi~'.JOdfT7YOLA , ' -y ~ ~S warea~arnv.dopfria abovsd+ a. /s appnva/sh,r//Gt va/Jd anly J f 41 Rl -1x9,TJ>_z+r<.,'1 insfil/atJirYO sgidfog7JJheruve a~rri~l6fea'wlfhJrrrncy<ar o¢Fhc ~ y '`~O°/ rs' IS ~--I /~V~ •y~ 19~~ ~Fi a.EEavc d 7~C, U +he ex ira77dn >FI.As~' ruF"F• ? ra va i, 1°~ Areal T I fnpo~cdc°J/ 4~ ~ /o, -J a _ ~ TE~ 3~ g ~T~(A~ A v/J ov.+/ ~~an~wq//s alJc~ ~hal/b~cu6+jhuct~ir~Jiremenfi {,E$ M lk rn a e°Fw>~fflPe Ain e a, p/' /in sxch a lrcif'!an ~ v°J xd~r- Ty~ic<7/ Layout 6ry~..d w+Yar `v - - r' G1afk o4 5~ f f t .f Fp- I ~p WcJrprnf ",TWO ~OL.S" Conscn Fish<reLy girerJ {a^' Nac fi/1~~~ of /!-,/J Maw IM thG af~i« _ - - THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF FNVIRONMENIAL' ° f fhC CrJUnfy GIGY/~fia acc °rdalKG WifiF SCC.l%an ///ba f /h<PYb//< ?sTCS/ NO/CS SpNTROL HER:EY APPROVES THE O41-SITE PROPOSED Hu/flrLnrv and Smfi°n 2bfArf<c%Y/af'fh .,S'u~o/k Cqunry5 qry ' NO• i ND' Z SEWERAGE COLLECTION 9 O~SPOSAk SYSTEM L WATER C+OdG, v~ /y~JC4/ wG//^' T. iT. ° T'6.t / r SU~PLY SYSTEM, AS REQUIRED GY T8C SUFFOLK COUNTY ~'°'-p~ 3' ~~..F~gg ~ pEPARTMENT OE HEALTH, L HL'~'C'~Y ~b'H ~L~LN~Y thS~ nn 8 0%0 0 11ee . `'ine .£O+lJ_ T' Oar a tj f~J'?. vrn~»r enfq/~sr~,~~rr~ - . Sana(_ Q S/Fnd QATE APPROYEDv 7/Zp TI s . * Y ~iJFOLK COUNTY pEPARTMEN7 OF },,y -f ENVIRONMENTA4 CONTROA ~---F ~A ` YVLA ' ~M wnd # I1 Gnrvs/ Qavi/ ~ ~ D duly iled In the County Clerk'® DTtScD Di 9uf£o1k CpunCy °r. - ' _ , ; Px ~j 'L.,'' /OHN M. FLYNN. P.E. / ~ ' / 8B 9E6.p. NO. v' COMMISSIONER ~O /S jar _ L 14ir`~Y •~rv'~'p'nWMn Southold Town Planning Board-' -10- July 19,-197.1 The Planning Board was-presented with statement of explainaton from Alden Young and copy of revised map for the minor subdivision of deter & Mary Meskouris, located at N/W corner of Cox Neck Road'and Luther's Road. (Break- water Road}, Mattituck, 13, Y. The revised map showed a distance of 24D,50 feet owned by Sledjeski from. the west- e 1 boundar line of this minor. subdivision to the east r Y Y line of Pausewang. On motion by Mr. Wickham, seconded by Mr. Raynor, it was .RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board 'grant final approval to the proposed minor subdivision of 'Peter Mary Meskouris, property located at N/W corner of Cox Neck Road and Luther's Road (Breakwater Road},.Matte-tuck, N. Y. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Messrs: Wickham, Moises, Raynor, i~ Coyle. ~ ~ On motion by Mr. Raynor., seconded.. by Mr. ,Coyle, it wa RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board grant I final approval to the proposed subdivision of Andrew T. Dzenkowski, entitled "AQUAVIEW PARK", located at E/S of Rocky Point Road, north & south side of Southern-Blvd. to Cedar Drive, East Marion,. New York.. 'the Chairman signed thefinal maps. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Messrs: Wickham, Moisa, Raynor, Coyle. ~ ~ i T1ie Planning Board discussed againthe proposed minor subdivision of Peter & Irma Vignes. The.-Board was in agree- merit that final app ova should be granted to this minor subdivision. since. the lot with the house on it has been set off by the Board of Appeals. On motion by Mr. Raynor,. seconded. by Mr',,i~Ioisa, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town-Planning Board grant final approval to the proposed minor subd~avision of Peter & Irma Vignes, property located at seuth side of Naugles Drive, Mattituck, N. Y. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Messes: Wickham, Moisa Raynor, Coyle. _ , - . _ SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD APPROVAL OF SUBDIVISION OF LAND a Planning Board File No 1. Name of Owner (s) ........~IId.L.eW....l]Z.eSL1~.QS,ISk.l Address ...........EaS.k...Mar.a..on.......~I.ela.....Y.ask 2. Name of Subdivider .......S.ame....35....abos7..e Address 3. Tentative Name of Subdivis`on • ..............L........q Loca ioam.~i.fS.uROv~LjL._P.O.inL RoadJ~~&5...~d~.n~....Sau#_her.n...8,lud..-to....Gedar.....pr.i ve , Number of Acres .......14....Q,A.+ ....................................................................................................Ens.t,...Marian.......Naw.....Xnrk..... ~ . Number of Plota .............~..:5.....,7.Q.:kS.....I'.~.V.],S.~.f~.....~.Q....1.b....lA,ts..._...................................................................._................................. 4. Preliminary Layout and Data received ..1S~..ueI¢ber....18.,.....19.6.8 19 Filing Fee $ l:aspectioa Fee Approved ..............~X.............._............................................... Disapproved a. If not approved, reasons therefore ~ b. Recommended Corrections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r c. Additional requirements needed for Subdivision Plat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date.........Nou......18.,.........., 19.69......... a~ The above preliminary map was disapproved by the He lt~~ Fa a of ~/~D. ,~r~ec,tsytaQ, / /^`~~/'',~`'e~''. ~.l 5. Formal Subdivision Plat, Forms and Data Submitted a 19 a all roads are existing Town Highways 6. Repott of Superintendaat of Highways received ......N,~A....,/ 19............ Approved Not Approved....................................................................... { a. If disapproved, reasons therefor : M b. Recommended corrections : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. Date of Public Heariag ............................................................19..........._.......... Approval 19.................. Disapproval 19.................. Approval as Modified 19.....:............ 8. Amount of Area required for park and playground........1,`T.~t~.~i This Requirement waived....._..7~iS.24 9. Amount of Cash Equivalent in lieu of area for park and playground $ This requirement waived....._ 10. Performance Bond: A. Amount Required $............N,IA B. Terms • C. Waived if highways are dedicated within days. Secretary At the Planning Board meeting held on September 3,-'1970, revised preliminary maps were presented to which the Planning Board granted preliminary approval and forwarded a letter of transmittla on to the Health Dept. Health Dept. approval was received on October 21, 1970. At the Planning Board meeting held on November 23, 1970, Andrew Dzenkowski was authorized to have the final maps prepared for this subdivision. e F _ _ k ~s'~~"~'sw~ ~UFFOLK COUNTY u DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH;r r s ,xac~" S U F F O L K C O U N T Y C E N T E R RIVERH EA D, NEW YORK Ilsot November lfi, 1971: Joseph J. Snellenburg, II Attorney at I.aw Southold, Now York 11971 Re: Map of Aquaview Park (T) Southold Dear Mr. Snellenburg: We have received your letter. of November 15, 1974, in which you request an extension of the Health Department Certificate of Approval for the above mentioned map. 7n reviewing your request, we found that the subdivision was approved on June 14, 1971, and consists of 15 lots. Plot densitr on this map is approximately one lot per acre. Health Department approval was extended on September 12, 1972, and again on September S, 1973• With these facts, it is the decision of this office to grant your request for cone-year extension of the Health Department Certificate of Approval, said approval to be valid until November 13, 1975. Very truly yours, H. W. Davids, P. E. Chief Bureau of 1'hvironmental Health _ HWD:cah SUF-FO!__.K. C_,OUNTY t. z DEPARTMEf'~JT OF~ HEALTH _ A ~n "°r`~•`8 E U F F O L I( O U N T V C E N T E R RIV ERH EA D, NEW YORK nso+ Septe?mber 129 1972 Jpe~ph d. Snelle:nbpr~, II 1+tox•ne+,- and Counsellor at Gax ~cuthold, ^~.t. 1].471. :tar of Aquavi.ew Park @ East Marion (1') Southold ~a_ vr. Snell,enburS: ie ?gave received your letter of September 2, 2972, 7.I1 which you request ap czt?rsion of t>,e i'calth Ilpartment Certificate of Approval for the ahnroe menticr.ed map, ?n reviewing pour request we fcvnd that the subdivision w:as approved on .IUre llt, 197]-, and consists pf 1K 1eT,ez P'!ot density on this imp is approxi.- ^,atel~; 1. J.ot: per acre. ir7itt: these faots, i..t is the dF,cision of tYus office to grant your re- ,uFst for a one-rear ertensicn cf tr:e health Impartment Certificate of Ag- pr~wal, said a?roreval. tr, be val.i.~t tmtci' September 1.2, 1973 rr,.~r~ly yours, i ~ , ~ ~J ~ Ni. Davids, P.E. n rector ~rtvironmental Health Ser^rices '~itn-C :£b tiUi 1. ~1,:~,35 HI?;: is B' =IVEN that puesa~ant to Secin~ 27t. of the Tuwn L , a public hearing will be hek the Southold Town COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 1 Plaeni: Board at lix~ Town STATE OF NEW YORK, ~ as: :Office. - ain Road, Southold, J _ ,the 19th day ofj~d Town on July, lsn, "tuart C.Dormarc being duly Sworn, at 7:'SO o'clock in the evening of said day on the question of ap- says that h?.. , is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK proval of the following plat: t. Plat of property owned by WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said Andrew Dzenkowski, entitled . Aquaview Park, consi ling of a county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed .parcel of land of 14.08 acres, situated in East Marion, in the copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. and bounded and once in each week, for AA2 weeks -described as follows: PARCEL I St1cCeSSIVe1y commencing on the .....~~?:°O>t Beginning at a point on the c northerly line of Southern day Of , i?uly . 19.71 Boulevard, 312.51 feet / - - ~ Fi. - - - - ~asterh~ along said northerly • • • : • • • : • • • • ~ • • ' " " " ~r tram Rocky Point Road; ~ - t ftY:•m said point of beginning Sworn t0 bB~Or/e me this ~....7... , ru:~r,ing along land of der Of % ( 19 ' Dzenkowski 3° Ib 40" y " ~ j ~ i'"~ R - 407.52 feet ~iieocc along ~ ~ r -.-l , . the several lards of Davies, ' ' ' / - ~ .~:c Centkowski and Wolcki. 89"" 57' 90" E.-969.59 feat ?o the j westerly line of Cciar Drive; , - thence along sail v: esterly• line of Cedar llti~o=, S. 10' d8 00~' E. '357Bfi (rat to said ncrtheris lire of Southern CtorJ~: d: t4enre along said rori he r:r b~~c. ti. tiG' 49' 20" ..'.-IUUi 'o ta~:i to. !h~• point of bet,innmg. Cu r.Lonmg 8.6222 acres. f AB.C I':1, If Begim~ing at a ~niut on the soutnerly 5ne ct Southern Boulevard, IS0.0 feel easterly along said southerly line mom Rocky Point Road; from said point of beginning running along said southerly %hnd`of Southern Boulevard, N. a0' 49' 20" E.-1146-46 feet to the Westerly line of Cedar Drive; thence along said westerly line of Cedar Drive, S. 10" 46' 00" E.- 196.69 feet; thence along land of Dzenkowski, two courses: (1) N. 68° 16' 20" W.-877.28 feet; thence (2) S. 86• 49' 20" W.- 288.30 feet; thence along land of LeCrann, N. 3' 10' 40" W.- 120.0 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 3.9228 acres. PARCEL III Beginning at the southerly terminus •of the easterly line of Cedar Drive; from said point of beginning running along said easterly line of Cedar Drive. N. 10 " 46' 00" W: 555.69 feet; thence along land of Folsom, N. 89 ° 5T 40" E.-122.13 feet; thence along "Sterns Ysoor". S. l0' 46' 00" E: 559.55 feet; thence along land of Dzenkowski, N. ffi ° 16' 20" W: 122.91 feet to the point d beginning. Containing 1.5361 iCrea. Any person desiring to be heard ' en the above matte should ap• pear at the time and place above specified. DATED: Jl1NE 19, 1971, BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANPIING BOARD JOHN WICKHAM, CHAIRMAN 1T Jyl NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law, a public hewing COUNTY OF SUFFOLK will be held by the southo7d STATE OF NEW YORK J ss: Town Planning Board at t.hc 'Town Office, Main Road. Son?h- old, New York, in said 'Down on Lhe 19th day of July, 1971, at - Tao o'clock in the evening of C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says said day on the question of ap- proval of the following pla«; that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND I. Plat of property owmed by TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, o ublie news- Andrew Dzenkowski, entitled P Aquaview- Park, consisting of a paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that parcel of land of 14.08 acres, situated in East Marion, ;n the the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been Tnvn of southaa, snllolk ublished in said Lon Island Traveler-Mottituck Watch- County. New York, and bounded P 9 a.nd described as follows: ~ PARCEL I man once each week for ....~J~:~.ti_...~~..... weely4 Beginning at a point on the northerly line of southern successively, commencing on the Boulevard, 312.51 feet easterly along said northerly line from ~ / Rocky Point Road: from said day of ...f~,~.G~,~.,K-L... 19 poinU of beginning runnin'~ I along land of Dzenkowski, N. 3` 30' 40" W. - 407.52 icet; ! thence alony_ the several la,uas of Davies. Ceetkowski and Wolski. N. 89 5T 40" E:- 964.89 feet to the westerly line of Cedar Drive; rhence y2~ along said westerty line of Sworn to before me this ya// ' Cedar Drive, S. 10' 46' 00" E. ~ 2 day Of --357.86 Lee[ to said northerly line of Southern Boulevard: ~ , 19.~... thence along said norther])' line, 5..86 49' 20" W.-101270 feet to the point of beginning. Cmltaining 8.6222 acres. ~ PARCEL II Beginning at a point on the ~ ~ ~~(r.~ i 11 southerly line of Southern ~ Not0.ty AIb11C Boulevard. 180.0 feet easterly along .aid southerly line from I Rocky Point Road: from ADELE PAVNE i said point of beginning run- Notary Puhlic. Stale of New York Wing along said southerly line BisiAitq! ;n Sudblk County of Southern Boulevard. N. - Nr._ 52-J6-'IL'00 86- 49' 20" E.-1146.46 :eel to Commission Cxpires 61areh 30, 1973 the Westerly line of Cedar Drive; thence along said west- erly line of Cedar Drive. S. ]0 46' 00" E.196.69 leer; thence along land of Dzen- kowski, two courses: ~ rli N. 88' I6' 20" W. - 877.28 feet.: thence i2~ S. B6' 49' 20" W. - 298.30 fret: thence along lava ~ of LeCrann. N. 3 10' 40" W. J j 120.0 feet to the point of be- ginning. Containing 3.9228 acres. PARCEL III Beginning at the southerly terminus of the easterly lice pf Cedar Drive.: from said point of beginning running along said easterly line of Cedar Drive,N. 10' 46' 00" W. - 555.69 feet: 6hence along land of Folsom. N. 89' S'T 40" E.-12213 feet; thence along "Star:; Manor". SP 10' 46' 00" - H-569.55 feet; [hence along lava of Dzenkowski. N. 88' 16' 20" W. - 122.91 feet Ln the point of beginning. Contain- ing 1.5361 acres. .4 m' person desiring to be heard on the above matter r;hould appear at the time and I place above specified. DATED: JUNE 14, 1971 BY THE ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD JOHN WICBHAM, CHAIRMAN j t'f- -1 1 t i i ~ ria~ca 7L0 a0~lon ~i7lvas, tAat ~wrrwat to eootiaa 37f o! tJfr Taws Lw, a p>wilRS 1~oa>:ia0 wili bo moil lf~ tAa sortAold Tow? PIlanwiay >taa~Cd at t7uo ToMa OllLc+o, i Taws as Fiala 1?oal. AowtAoid. ><wr Yeock. 1a laid ti?o filth ~ I i e! dtl], 1lTl at 7s 30 a oleoic la tbo wos o! Y lM paid oa t'ka tioa o! o! eAo laliaw dal? apOCOwa1 e~ ~ i late I 1 Plat a! owMd y.. ~toakaadti • ~ ~l 1 1 ! oat trlod irw basic ooaoirt e! a 1 0 laved ]~4nav ip laso+ I of 34 00 aasw oitaatod to sarit ilasiea 3a ~ i+oMa o! aootAoid, ivi!lolk CoMwt3', tto+f 3iaric. aal bofaadol aad i doacss9rol ao loilawa• lY10C>ii. Z Nyissfeq at a plat oa tho woTeAOSir ciao o! iieatifote ilanlorafrd. 3171. Si loot oa~torlx atop said nostirasiy 7iiao lsoa aoaitY Poiat aoadf !sea said plat o! bpiaalwq sw~aataq aloay land s! 1~oalcowaid. it. 3" 10. 40• fr. -107.53 laotf tAaaaa aiop tta oo~osal iaado o! narioo. Coatkoiroici awd ftoloki. li. 09" S7 • i 40" -964.09 loot to tho aootofrlr 11ao o! Codas >lsivof tlfoaoo a71ap utd vootoxlr ciao o! Cedes Dsi~o, s. 10" 46. 00" s. - 367.06 !tact to Bail aostAo~rly iiwo o! aoari?asa monlorasdf t>uaco alowy oa1A aostl~atip lino. OS" 4!• 30" M. - 1010.70 loot to t1N plat e! Logia~aiay. Caataiaip 0.6333 aosao. i P1NYC>t1. sa I ut io LwL~ at • tat au Wa o~ratboxi ltf?o ~ r w 1 ` - ~ Loayal 1~oticc~ ~ Page -1- I i I southern boulevard, ltl~b. U feet easterly alarxg said southerly line from lioclcy Point Rnadr from said point I of Asginning running along said southetly line of ~i Southern lsoulevard. N. 86° 49" 2U" i.. - 114b.46 feel to the westerly iine of Cedar urivet thexxce along j ~ said westerly lixxe of Cedar urive. 3. lU° 46' 00" I lt. - 196,ai9 feats thence along land of 1.+$enkowski, two coarsen: I (1) Yd. bti° lb' iU" ~t. - Et77.:E6 feett thence ICI t~1~+. 06° 4J" 20'° - 96.3b fits thence along lanais of LeCrann. ta. 3° lU• 4U"' - 1211.0 feet to the point of l~eginniny. c:ontaining 3.93k8 acres. I PAl1YCZL IIi f3eginnixxl st the southerly terminus of the easterly ~ !,i 21ne of cedar Drives frosa said point of Lealinninq running along said easterly line of Cedar urivs, i+. iU° 4&' UO" er. - 555.69 feetf thence along land ~ I of Polsoxe, N. 89` 57" 4Q" h. - 122.13 feetr thence along ,,:3tars t~arxos". 1®° 4ti" 00" ti. - 359.55 feett thence along lanai of i~senkowski, h. f"sfl` 16' 2U" c~a. - 1.22.91 feat to the point of beginning. Lontainincl 1.53fs1 acres. Any psraon desiring to be heard on t2ie aL•ave taatter sluwld appsar at the time and place a2xyve aL~.ecified. i'aA7tiLx J1$!1G 14, 1971. 13Y GaS)F«la 4F 211E aWT13AlLU TQWti PLp+t1AiIPa3 1ltihRU .tt~[1~ WIC}cli7U~'R. l'NAIRMi?El t I ~ i ~ j r ~i ~i r~s~,es arcs. 1»l. x~ rarer a+wo ~ cz ~ ~nrmi?vt~rs ar cnrzc~tt arco sane svcrrua~x~ s+ar twoirno sand. ~ sa~?, so~rars~?, rs+~ xasx. ~i ~i ~I ceuas ..sir1 se tr]wr ~Ii oa tiyr os ~ !3. if71: ~ Lnaq L2a~sd ssa.~i~r-~I.tts~aa9c ar?~n ts. aat~auc rtw i aoarrA s. 6a~11rwbrs~. 1?tte~rY s/a a.te.n nr~Veew)c~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I i I t ~ ~i I ii H I~ i • APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF PLAT To the Planning Board of the Town of Southold The undersigned applicant hereby applies for (gam) (final) approval of a subdivision plat in accordance with Article 16 of the Town La~v and the Rules and Regulations of the Southold Town Planning Board, and represents and states as follows: 1. The applicant is the owner of record of the land under application. (If the applicant is not the owner of record of the land under application, the applicant shall state his interest in said land under application.) JOint tenant With Spouse. 2. The name of the subdivision is to be ~,C111$V;~w, ~1XiC, ,(aC . ,F3$,t~, ]~T10L1)„ , , , , , 3. The entire land under application is described in Schedule "A" hereto annexed. (Copy of deed suggested.) 4. The land is held by the applicant under deeds recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's office as follows Liber ..!+.7.~2 Page ....4.43............... On ...FebruarY..1.,..1960 prior deed 323 December 2 1947 Liber .2 780 Page On Liber ....~$6~ Page 2,6Q............... On ....jfli?l~~X'Y.. 6a..l~Z~ Liber Page On Liber Page On as devised under the Last Will and Testament of or as distributee 5. The area of the land is .....14..08.1E acres. 6. All taxes which are liens on the land at the date hereof have been paid except ,NOL32 , , , , , 7. The land is encumbered by ......F14 mortgage (s) as follows: (a) Mortgage recordedin Liber Page in original amount of $ unpaid amount $ held by ad'dress (b) Mortgage recorded in Liber Page in original amount of unpaid amount held b y address (c) Mortgage recorded in Liber Page in original amount of unpaid amount held by address 8. There are no other encumbrances or liens against the land except ...nOILe 9. The land lies in the following zoning use districts A. Res.identi.al..&. Agxicul.tuxal i0. No part of the land lies under water whether tide water, stream, pond water or otherwise, ex- cept None 11. The applicant shall at his expense install all required public improvements. 12. The land (t~FB) (does not) lie in a Water District or Water Supply District. Name of Dis• trict, if within a District, is 13. Water mains will be laid by ..None and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said mains. 14. Electric lines and standards will be installed by ..~'.].~CQ and~}t (no) charge will be made for installing said lines. 15. Gas mains will be installed by None and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said mains. 16. If streets shown on the plat are claimed by the applicant to be existing public streets in the Suffolk County Highway system, annex Schedule "B" hereto, to show same. 17. If streets shown on the plat are claimed by the applicant to be existing public streets in the Town of Southold Highway system, annex Schedule "C" hereto to show same. See map; Southern Boulevard and Cedar Drive 18. There are no existing buildings or structures on the land which are not located and shown on the plat. 19. Where the plat shows proposed streets which are extensions of streets on adjoining sub- division maps heretofore filed, there are no reserve strips at the end of the streets on said existing maps at their conjunctions with the proposed streets. 20. In the course of these proceedings, the applicant will offer proof of title as required by Sec. 335 of the Real Property Law. 21. Submit a copy of proposed deed for lots showing all restrictions, covenants, etc. Annex Schedule "D"• No covenants or restrictions 22. The applicant estimates that the cost of grading and required public improvements will be none... as itemized in Schedule "E" hereto annexed and requests that the maturity of the Performance Bond be fixed at n~...... years. The Performance Bond will be written by a licensed surety company unless otherwise sho on Schedule "F". ~ DATE ..June, 23,,..19 71........., X94 , ...l . (Name of Applicant) By (Signature and Title) ..Rocky, ,Point. Road., .East, Marion. , N. Y. 11939 (Address) STATE OF NF_W YORK, COUNTY OF ...$U~FQI.K ss: On the ~.y day of.. June , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 19. ,7. , before me personally came .Andxew .T.... Azenkowski to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that hE . ,executed t~ same. Otaiy Pu OSF.PH 1• gyF,LLEPAUAh.11" " rAl[Y PUHLII:, Stile o[ 9eu' Yorl[ rye, 52-9U91250 Qualified in Sol[oIk C°U1972 STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ss T"° Enpirea March ao,, On the day of 19......, before me personally came .........................to me known, who being by me duly sworn did de- pose and say that resides at No ...........................that is the of the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that knows the seal of said corporation; that the seat affixed by order of the board of directors of said corporation. and that signed name thereto by like order. Notary Public OTTO W, VAN TUYL ~ • RO DERIOK VAN TUYL REO. PRO F88810NAL ENtIN EER LIO8Nt8D LANG tURVBYOR LIGENEED LAND BYRVEYOR PNONE 4]7-148] PNONE 477-IBOH VAN TUYL & SON PRONT HTREET AT MAIN G REENPORT. NEW YORK 11944 PHONE 477-Di]O June 21~ 1971 DESCRIPTION: "Aquaview Park",East Marion Parcel I Town of Southold Beginning at a point on the northerly line of Southern Boulevard, 312.51 feet easterly a long said northerly line from Rocky Point Road; from laid point of beginning running along land of Dzenkowski, N, 3 10' 40" W, - 407.52 feet; thence along the several lands of Davies, Centkowski and Wolski, N, 890 571 40" E. - 964,89 feet to the westerly line of Cedar DriveB thence along said westerly line of Cedar Drive, S. 10 461 00" E, - 357,86 feet to said northerly line of ~outh~rn Boulevard; thence along said northerly line, S. 86 49' 20" W, - 1010,70 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 8,6222 acres, Parcel II Beginning at a point on the southerly line of Southern Boulevard, 180,0 feet easterly along said southerly line from Rocky Point Road; from said point of beginning dunning along said southerly line of Southern Boulevard, N, 86 49' 20" E, - 1146.46 feet to the Westerly line of Ceder Drive; thence along said westerly line of Cedar Drive, S. 10 46' 00" E. - 196.6 feet; thence along land of Dzenkowski,iH*o courses: (1) N. 88° 161 20" W, - 877.28 feet; thence (2) S. $6° 491 20" W, - 298,30 feet; thence along land of I,eCrann, N, 3 10' 40" W, - 120.0 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 3,9228 acres. Parcel III Beginning at the southerly terminus of the easterly line of Cedar Drive; from said point of beginning running along said easterly line of Cedar Drive, N, 10° 46' 00" W, - 555.69 feet; thence along land of Folsom, N, 8$° 57' 40" E, - 122,13 feet; thence along "Stars Manor", S, 10 46' 00" E, - 559.55 feet; thence along land of Dzenkowski, N. 88° 16' 20" W, - 122.91 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 1.5361 acres. VAN TUYI, & SON To: Mr, Howard Terry ec: Mr, Joseph Snellenhurg ~ ~ June 13, 1971 Joseph J. Snellenberg, Attorney Main street Southold, New York Res Proposed subdivision of Andrew Daenkowski, property located off 8/S Rocky Point Road, at north & south sides of Southern Blvd. to Cedar Drive, East Marion, N. Y. Dear sirs Please be advised that the Southold Town Planning Berard, by resolution, set the next regular meeting of the Board, 7e30 P. M., Monday, July 19, 1971, at the Town Office, Main street, Southold, New Yoxk, as the time and place of hearing upon application of approval of the above ,described plat of property. This resolution was made subject to receipt of the following: (1) Final maps - must be signed by W. Davids, Director of the Division of 8nviron~ntal Health Services. (2) lrormal application must be submitted in duplicate. (3) application fee of $120. ($S0. plus $5. per acre ~ $120.) (4) Legal description of property (meats and bounds description) Please submit the legal description of the property as quickly as posalble, as it is needed in order to advertlae the notice of hsaring in the newspapers. Very sincerely, ~~,t/r~ JW:BN ohn Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Form San:"=RS-2 BCDH ~uifolk County Department of Heahh• Riverhead; New York :y Division of Environmental Health Services 1' CERTIFICATION OF APPROVAL OF REALTY SUBDIVISION PLANS :r 1!~L'. lllldre'Y x. Dais[IkONeki ~ T0: Bast PLurina, 1feMr York 13939 This certificate is issued under the provisions of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code in connec- tion with the approval of plans on Jut14. a.97t for your realty subdivision known as h, AQUA®I&'T PERK The following data was furnished in connection with the submission of the plans. Eamt Itarian xa!ax• oY 3o~cEhold,• SuIY'olk coca New York Location .........~r................ Acres (approx.) .i}~.$... No. of Lots Slze (approx.) • • ~17.,QQQ • s$.. ~.'te. • • • • • • • • • • • . Owner intends to sell •lots.oa7,Y. ~ TapograPllF .$BZ;1lt1t $I0.~9 Depth to Ground Water - Max:..50!. Min:.,35!, When ..1971 ' Soil :2~T~+..~. ~a Algt14.4Ad. ~1'a1n13..t0. 11a~.. . Grading (cut or fill) Mot.to• atteet•desi~ ~of , senu?~e •disposaLl •tatcilities. • • • Drainage .Aal.+l~pP4'.a:!Rd.b7.t~D ~Q~Rt.4t.9.Q~it~41t~• Water Supply .Oa. eaah .lot. iadi,Tidl3el. ~ . aau~rarrLed. is ae~aner. •pp~seed• DJ . the SLtPfbllc Cotmty ~parLme<Lt of Aealth sad sdaimtaoat at 100 test heOriscrorital • dietuaae • from nearest• sswt~s • etispoeaLl • systaa............. Sewage ......i~11t..1Mlait 3at~. ttaax :eratspoo].a .each. at least. l SD sti.. tE...... . of outside side tts17. areal baler la2a?t pipes in natural or ..............~aLdiatu>Ph+lf.aediaa-coarse •sn>pcl• sad/•o~'•&t~a~+e1 •tor.a. amtiasf,2~ hotale s8 sjreaitied Wl appmoved pleas. Approval of this subdivision is granted on condition: 1. That the proposed facilities for water aupply and sewage disposal are installed in con- ~ fortuity with said plans. 2. That private sewage disposal systems shall no longer be cunstructed or used after public sewerage facilities liecome available. A].d~~Dspt. edttthold (Tj ~Ui)~q~~y Dspt. att State - 9uLdiTided Land Oai fadEfial Honsiaa Aabdaistrattou H. W. llavids, P, 1:. Director, ~ Dt1YAS Division of lnvironmental Sanitation _ _ _ . Norm'San. RS-2 SCDH S~olk County Department of Healt~ ; Riverhead, New York Division of Environmental Health Services - CERTIFICATION OF APPROVAL OF REALTY SUBDIVISION PLANS i41c LndreN T. DaeaLkowak3 TO: Rdtt ~4ai~lon, Hex Park 11939 This certificate is issued under the provisions of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code in connec- tion with the approval of plans on dUk!®. 1971... for your realty subdivision known as AgUAPt&W PARK p4 The following data was furnished in connection with the submission of the plans, Location ..$6at.idarion, Totora• o! Southold,• SufYolk Coaaatyr, Nex•York•, Acres (approx.) .111x8, , , No. of Lots Size (approx.) 111.aQ00.aq... fit. - - . , • , • . , - Owner intends to WW1 -3Ats.otL~r. Topography .>~1"~. ~:DB9 •r.; Depth to Ground Water - Max:..~0!. Min:..35!. When ..1979 ~ ,yx soil.2~"3r.:#~Qp.eol7s.tttiln.end.~nc~.gravel.tP.lltt.. Grading (cut or fill) ,HOt•to•atEe4t• fi'' deaign~of.ggwagg.diapoaal.Sael7i#~sa............ t.., Drainage . ,A+1.$pp01'P^?.Qt~..1~y.'t~ 3;Qt113.Ox'. 3.Rg'~9~d. ~3 Water Supply .OA. each .lOt. indisidual• umll/ . CC9iStTNOtad.18 7ra8tleilT. Lfl~¢q!'Kl. lt? the St1PtoLc County Dapartanelnt of Health and adnimalnt of 100 feet , hoa~.aotltal • diataxLOe • tYrom neareat• sewage • diepoaaE • syatam~ . Sewage :.....Qia. .lot. twa~ eeaepoale, .aaah. dwlalgplang. at leset.lSLt sq.. tt.:..... oP autaide aide yell, area belaw inlet pipes itt natnra2 or • • • . • - - :......~mldtatcacbad• msdlmQ-aosraa •eagd• sndlcr • giv~aal •Eor• a. a®e-fa~,tl~ . ........:.....haoae as apea119.ed ~ apprared pietas. Approval of this subdivision is granted on condition: 1. That the proposed facilities for water supply and sewage disposal are .installed in con- formity with said plans. 2: That private sewage disposal systems shall no longer be constructed or used after public sewerage facilities become available. . ac. + Yen Ta>yl and San Bldg. Dept. Sontlaald (Tj Dept. oi' State - Snbditlded Lstad Uhi~" 9'ederall Nouaing Ldministsatian H. Davids, r. 1:. Director, .L 0l~Ce Division of Tinvironmental Sanitation k r - November 24, 1970 Joseph J. Snellenburg, Eaq. Main Street Southold, New York Dear Sirt We hereby acknowledge receipt of your letter dated November 6, 1970, and the enclosed letter from the Health Lept. granting approval to the proposed subdivision of Andrew Dzenkowski, located at 8/S Rocky Point Road, East Marion, New York. At a regular meeting of the Southold Town Plannlnq Board held on November 23, 1970, the revised preliminary subdivision map of Andrew Dzenkowaki was reviewed and the following resolution was paaseds IT WAS RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board authorize Andrew Dzenkowaki to have final maps made up and signed by the Health Dept. for hie pzopoaed subdivision located at S/S Rocky Point Road, East Marion, New York, as shown on revised preliminary map dated July 14, 1970, by Otto Van Tuyl. Yours truly, John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board JW/bn JOSEPH J. SNELLENBURG, II ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 516 765XdFkiC 23 0 0 November 6, 1970 Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold, N.Y. 11971 Re: Proposed subdivision of Andrew Dzenkowski e/s Rocky Point Road, N. & S./s Southern Boulevard, etc. East Marion Dear Mr. Wickham: i I enclose herewith the original letter from the Suffolk County Health Department, responsive to your letter to Mr. Davids of September 4, 1970, approving the subject realty subdivision in accordance with the preliminary map dated July 14, 1970 by Van Tuyl & Spn. I would appreciate your advice as to whether the applicant may now proceed under the Subdivision Regulations. Very cord' y yours, ose J. nellenburg II JJS II;s G SUFFOLK COUNTY ~ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH S U F F O L K C O U N T Y C E N T E R RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK 11901 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL GlORGE •E. LEONE. M. D.. M. P. M. HEALTH SERVICES COMMISSIONER HER~[11T W. DAVIOR R!. DIRECTOR October 21, 1970 Mr. Joseph Snellenburg Re: Proposed Subdivision of Andrew Dzenkowski Attorney Southold Town Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Snellenbnrg: At the hearing held on October 14, 1970, in the office of the Suffolk County Department of Health, Suffolk County Center, Riverhead, New York, you had an opportunity to present your appeal of the department's ruling on the subject realty subdivision. In accordance with the provisions of subdivision (c), Section 7, Article I, of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code, the determination of the Board of Review is as follows: Based on the information submitted that the subject realty sub- division be approved. Since the determination of the Board of Review submitted to the Colmrdssioner's office on October 16, 1970, has not been reversed or modified by him, it is therefore deemed to be the determination of the Commissioner. Yery truly yours, H.W. Davids, P.E. Director of the Division of Environmental Health Services HWD/gph cc. Aldo Andreoli, P.E. Robert A. villa, P.E. William C. Roberts, P.E. James Pim, P.E. SUFFOLK COUNTY ~ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH i ,a 4 `'D° ~ ~c SUFFOLK COLINTY CENTER ~ rc~~' RIVERHEAD. NEW YORK 11901 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES H[s[[Rr W. nAV10[, P.E. DIRECTOR September 8, 1970 Mr. John Wickham Res Proposed snbdiviaion of Aadrew 3onth Tmm Planning Board $/SR ky Point~Rd., N3e5 aideaof Southold, New York 11971 3ontherA Blvd. to Cedar Drive, Bast Marion, New York Dear Mr. Wickham: I have received your letter of September ~S, 1970, oa the aub~eot proposed realty snbdiviaion. I am foroarding your latter to Mr. Aldo Andreoli, P.Ts., the chairman of the departaent's Board of Review. You may rest assured that the informtion you supplied will receive careful castsideratioa by the Board of Review. V(e`ry'' ,tr/al~Y Yonra, ~iW" H.W. David:, P.B. Director of the Division of Fhvironmental Health 3ervlces HWI?/gph cc. Aldo Aadreoli, P.S. Robert A. Villa, P.B. September 4, 1970 Suffolk County Hoard of Health D1vislon of gnvironmental Sanitation County Center Riverhead, blew Xork Re: Proposed subdivision of ew Heenkowaki, property located at 8/8 Rocky Point Road. bi&8 aids of Southern Blvd. to Cedar Drive, Bast liarion, bi. Y. Attentions Hesb Davila, Chief Sngineer Dear Herbt The P1aM inq Hoard has authorised me to submit a letter of transmittal for the above captioned proposed •ubdivision. Aa you are aware, the lots on the south aide o! Southern elvd. and east aide of Cedar Drive contain from 33,000 aq. ft. to 36,000Sq. ft. of area, all contain leas than 40,000 aq. ft. of area. However, the lots on the north side of Southern Blvd. contain from 40,000 to 50,000 aq. ft. of area, the applicant increased the area of these lots by purcha9 ing the rightroP-way which adjoins the subdivision on the north end, thereby incorporating it into the area o! the subdivision. The Planning Hoard recommends approval of the aouthar_ly lots on the basis of Southern Blvd. being an existing Town Highway which makes it impossible to change the location of the road, and on the basis of the fact that the application waa submitted before January 1, 1970. Yours truly, C~ ~ %tl,~'c+~i~~~, John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Hoard JW/bn ~ i f 'x~'y 4 S :`~v 1!5=. F~~~ Mee' r`' ti'}, ,.~s~~ s: January 13, 1970 ,m;;. ,e~. Joseph Snellenburg, Esq. Main Street F:•' Southold, L. L , New York 11971 k:; Via; Dear Sir; ~r> t In reference to the proposed subdivision of Andrew Dzenkowski located on east side of Rocky Point Road and north and south aide of Southern Blvd. to Cedar Drive, East Marion, N. Y., please be advised of the following: ~t: o-~. The Planning Board has contacted Edna Brown in reference to her right-of-way which adjoins this property. She has informed us that n'~' she has no definite plans for it and would be willing to sell it it anyone is interested in purchasing it. ~z`` If Mr. Dzenkowski were to purchase this right-of-way it would enable him to divide his property in a more desirable manner. c'. Sincerely, Jdhn Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board s> Jw/bn 'k- 'Y ~ ~ y ~,e a,,~- ~~~-rt-; ~,~c~'~rc%~ur, ~'t'J ~ti~a.~,~,~-tf~ ~i~G ~L~,,~.c~r- ~-u//~'v ~--~~~~~~G ~ ,rte-z' ,~'~-`~-`/~~r Gr,~ W~ <,~til~-U.II' Vii,.-~,~C~~-c.~.~[~~ ~ ,1,7 r_ v G~ G~ v v z~ ~~,~ivta, C~ • ~~~~~c~J ~ lR1w . ' ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ i I 1 ~d~7. a -I?dv%P_ i ` i 0. , ib ~ lGaw~rkt~ iA/a/Skr' $0' ~ t ~ , ' ~ - / ~s _ . ' i ~ ~ 7 ~ # ~ ~ J j ~ ~ ~ 1 t ~ W \ ~ n Q ~p ~ W ye 2 x S3--=- m 33 ;'C ~ _ , i A. Y .T~.T.~nk:;ce.~Skr' ~ ~ # ~ ~rT o ~ ~ ~ v lQ ~ t 45, coop' qU, ~Q00's,~. ~ °1 . ~ 1 sa,GOC s. f. ~ 49.aaG s. f , 4&,aoo s f. ?7,b@a 5.~. 46.eoc s. f t _ ~ _ y ~ ~ - f Izo w 4 ~/Z5' -rz5 S rz5 JtS zS4 - _ ~ , 30@ t t2S ~ 1.-. "~1 o a SOU7'N~lZN r 1 a - S Z 0 5 _„E. _ . ~ ~ s } ;a.~ Le Grann 0 1 ~ lO f~F { ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , e ~ t ~ It Q 33rQOf r.~ ~ j~ i33,GL+U s~. 33~d.^^~ x f, / 3,30>'~ s~f• ~ 3;tCc':~. ~ ~ e+ ~ ~ f 4' ~ s - ~ 04r.-.~! ~ 1. ~ + - ~ j ~ ~ ~ i4 / ' ~ t ~ ~ f 1 ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ ; w „ i t4.'~ Aer~~s ~ L I !VllNA ~2Y f i~1,~1 P OF ~ ~ ~ Y: Nate:.720ads 1hva~r~ are public h~~'hulcs~s. ~ ; ~.4f ..drtrrt~,~i©rr~ - aad are~rs Ar ~ ara, ~bbrcx~at~ ~,~ly, EAST MAFr?!~N Mab ~re~ared July i~~o u s c~b~ j.~ ~ t fa r~ fih emea~ fi b VAN T`u Y4 S aN J 7rOWN 4F SUV7'~iOLD, N. Y.. f7 r~." i Z OWNED BY I ! ! A~/1 ?7 t~/ T ~'1 CA~L~ ~~t~CI// 1 1 G ~l1f. Rr~l4~lY L.~~G/V f'~..~?VtJ 1. ~ LIGBr~S:cf ~QNc7 Spur V~l~di'S _ .a