HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-35.-4-7 . (j) cJ) J> N (O Ul /ll - i1 1> -f z I fTJ ~ ~ 11 -\ 0 .. 7J ,- II -\ it) "- r L J> J:> Z :< C (I I -:'1 L~~ , ~. ....~ ",',} '- ....... ',OJ ("\ II IA ~ <;1_ 0 '0- ~ "" .=r ,/~ ;~~"J ....,- "'''j; ,..',,-, C) ,."..". b '- ~ '" ~ - -p'; \11. ~ I~ I . I I I I IS'/' / I N, ~' ;/ ~ ~ k'lJ 1 ~6', .,,!, (II :-'8J' ,r ~6 . ()-( ... ~ll ~ (bJl i<- -<(l I 15". .0' ~ 'i -.!)- 4) .... 0"1- Ul ('l (;I ~ " , -1-_ IJ l: -I- 7\' o ~ 1h .. {.II o ~' - ~ -' z ~ &\ C 0 - ~ (;) . !,"r () "'\' 1 Q :! (/I - ^ 0: it 0 ..... =:- (1J 0{ t, ~ q Ii' ~o t2 (a~ .c? t;. UI , 1+ o (I -I- o f \ l' {?~ , / 00 '1( I ~ .0" /}' ----"----- , " . . January 16, 1979 Mr. Jack Sherwood 236 Sixth Avenue Greenport, New York 11944 Dear Mr. SherwOOd: The fOllowing action was taken by theSouthold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held January 9, 1979. RESOLVED t~ approve the site plan for Sarah Rauch ~,l'~' dated October 19, 1978. "h , . I enclose photocopy of signed plan. l"ours truly, Muriel Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board Enclosure ... .~~<--~~ . ' '........,.....,...."....'..~~----- ~ " .\ ,. 10'l0 STRITj - 35 CTIO;~'~ 4 OCK 7 T ~ . . '" - DECLARATION made thiS&J{ day of ~Jovember, 1978, by FRA.\jK BISK, residing at 2940 r10tt Avenue, Far Rockaway, New York; VIOLET GEro.~\jSKY, residing at 1 Beechwood Drive, Lawrence, New York; CLAIRE BRODY, residing at 271-07 J Grand Central Parkway, Floral Park, New York; and SARAH RAUCH, rcsiding at 1223 Cornaga I Avenue, I' I Far Rockaway, New York, hereinafter called the "Owner"; I WHEREAS, the Owner has title to certilin lands si tuate,' lying and being at Eas t Hari on, in the Town of Sou tho Id " Coun ty of ISUffOlk and. State of New York, said lands hereinafter being more I particularly described; and , i I! I I I ! WHEREAS, it is the Owners' intention that the aforesaid land be improved by a storage building; I i I NOW, THEREFORE, the following described lands shall Ilbe restricted as hereinafter set forth: II Ii I ALL that ccrtain plot, lying and being in the and State of New York, piece or parcel of land situate, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk bounded and described as follows: !i BEGINNING 777.82 feet southerly from the North Road measured along the easterly line of Gull Pond Lane; thence North 66 degrees 1 minute 20 seconds East, 170 feet, more or less, to the westerly side of a dredged canal; thence southeasterly 140 feet, more or less to land of Rutkowski; thence South 66 degrees 1 minute 20 seconds West, 165 feet, more or less, to the easterly line of Gull Pond Lane; thence North 68 degrees 19 minutes 00 seconds West 140 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. ii II ! II II II d II that the aforesaid described lands will not bc uscd for rcsidcn- II tial purposes; I I. represent that the foregoing restrictions and agreements shall r bind the undersigned, his heirs, successors and assigns, and I DECLARA.\jT does hereby warrant, covenant, and represent I DECLARANT does hereby further warrant, covenant and ij r' .' . . . -, il f L any and all person or persons who shall succeed to the ownership of any of the lots shown on said aforesaid premises in said minor subdivision by transfer or otherwise. , II I " :i " :i IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Declarants have caused their hands and seals to be affixed this~j1~day of November, 1978. ~avtZ~~ fB oR,~'''(j- Ih4 vc. I I I :1 , :i i I STATE OF NEW YORK ) :: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) ss . : ,j On the dy1)day C1'.l ~ l c/3 S~~ SI{ of November, 1978, before me personally , came FRANK BISK, VIOLET GERMANSKY, CLAIRE BRODY and SARAH RAUCH, ;i " to me known and known to me to be the individuals described in and who individually executed the foregoing instrument and :1 acknowledged to me that each executed the same. :1 " 'I ii [, ,I .. STE:V:::N P: GERMANSKY NOTA~Y PU6U':. Stal,JofN~w York No. 30-":'::C8304 Qvafified in ,"'OUClU ':cunl)' ~uion b;tlr~1 MQr~h ~O, 191? ~;~, ,.r' .....'~"f'ft\....,.,.T~.:i ,_ ll__ .~""'. .-:_ __.,....~ ~'lI{"_......,.,-. ~ ~-- . . ,n", . fr1-r~I; ~",. 'X: .,-~ .'4 ;,( rl ,.".: {" ~., If: tji., October 31, 1978 <-'.' ~:-~'; t-~': h~ ~: ;,::.~ .' ,.:t~: . , ;'~'/;".(, ~., '!. _~....' k. '1&~~~t "j -~$.~ i~;'~ ',' ;-~ '. Mr. Jack Sherwood 236 Sixth Avenue G~enport, New York 11944 Dear Mr. Sherwood: The following action was taken by the Southo1d Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held October 30, 1978. RESOLVED to approve the site plan of Sarah Rauch dated October 19, 1978 subject to the applicant filing in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office covenants that this property will not be used as a residence. Please remit the $25 fee as required by the Code of the Town of Southold. , ~:f:::;~~ <~,:;{ . "::~ ':~~'~:;., f-' >.1. ~~ J.., ~ f... ~t:~,.: ;}, i t/ .It. <~ ~(,~t ,.'.J,.." ~:~%itf; :,~1,!.V:, i~&~i',li ;:',;:jlt ;:i:;-,i.{ ~~".'-:;, Yours truly, , -'r(::;~';-: " 'i.ti :1~ "us ....; .-t';...... ~'__,.i_.(; :^~~l? ~-'~;J-,j .~"J~,'j "-h"It, .,~~~ ',~: '~.:.;,.1.w .~ ',:$./ ~,;;~~. ~"'. :f;;i; > :$f:~i ;"i'~ '::~i1 :'-::~~i~ ;:W Muriel Brush, Secretary Southold.Town Pl."''''11'1B Board , --- . { 4z-c~~~} . Southold Town Board of Appeals -19- May 1, 1975 ..:'- that this is for non-commercial use only. The Board finds that the public convenience and welfare and justice will be served and the legally established or permitted use of neighborhood property and adjoining use districts will not be permanently or substantially injured and the spirit of the Ordinance will be observed. On motion by Mr. Gillispie, seconded by Mr.' Bergen, it was . RESOLVED Harold Stetler, 27 Mindres Avenue, Brentwood, New York be GRANTED tentative approval only to use property for dockage and mooring privileges for small boats as an accessory use on property located on the E/S Gull Pond Lane (southerly lot), Greenport, New York, Subject to the following conditions: { -, 1. That the accessory building to be erected shall be no larger than 24' x 24'. It shall be no closer than 25 feet to any lot-line and at least - 25 feet from mean high water, and at least 50 feet from Gull Pond Lane. 2. No personal property may be stored anywhere on the premises except in the storage building. 3. Dockage and mooring facilities shall be limited to the accommodation of not more than two non- commercial pleasure boats which shall be no larger than 42 feet in length. ""'- "-..... 4. This application shall be subject to all applicable Federal, State, County, and Local laws and regu- lations. 5. This application shall be subject to Site plan approval of the Southold Town Planning Board. " * * * PUBLIC HEARING: Appeal No. 2033 - 9:10 P.M. (E.D.S.T.) upon application of Jonathan Visel. 14755 Soundview Avenue, Southold, New York for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, section 100-35 for per- mission to construct front yard fence over four (4) feet in height. Location of property: north side of Soundview Avenue, Southold, New York, bounded on the north by O. Lindermayer; east by J. Bitses; south by Soundview Avenue; west by Private Road-Hyatt Road. Fee paid $ 15. . r . . . . Southold Town Board of Appeals SDUTHDLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971 Telephone 765.2660 APPEAL BOARD MEMBERS Robert W. Gillispie, Jr., Chairman Robert Bergen Charles Grigonis, Jr. Serge Doyen, Jr. Fred Hulse, Jr. October 4, 1974 Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Reginald Hudson ale Brody & Others Dear Mr. Wickham: At a regular meeting held October 3, 1974 the Southold Town Board of Appeals postponed decision on the above appeal for a variance for permission to construct docks and storage buildings on premises with insufficient width and area, until after its submission to the Planning Board. The property is located on the east side of Gull Pond Lane, Greenport, New York. It is the Board of Appeals opinion that this sub- division can be cut down to four lots which would avoid a major subdivision. If the Planning Board should view this application favorably each of the lots shall be covenanted to prevent residential use for all time. .-- RECEIVED BY TOWN or C:Or7'THOLD k' """ '-'.. . DATE /0/7/7..,L InTTI ~----_._.__._'_._-'----_. DEfT. d~~ ------------ ~ Yours t!uly, ~ ~ ~j_//({f~~;Y ~arjoti;~~;ermott Secretary l .j " . . . znld E:bi> DYeol~e.d em-wI -'30' '!: v'-lcie 11. W. >>laYK' b> t4C' 0( ... <;( ;7~.....l.fb {Oo"-20' dock ...2 ~ o .....^... " .," v. ",. ~"1> ..... :'\......;./~~ 0: --~. D',,f-, ,0 " ...." u -3'",.\ " ~ (,V ,z,.~ti~ ,....0 <t.P .l".f(; ....., -'t' 0- / 1/ I I I . u-' _.... I- 01-1 0\ ----..--..---- . ------ ~ ..-.-.---"----'- - 6UI-L POND 'A"_'~__'---'" \ rl \ >..; -~ ~.. .~ ~L\ ~.\/"t~~ \-~t~ ~y( (,....t~) c3 'I '\ ,-- \.0 G',,'" , 'If> A 'IV '-1'-('., .......... . 'r;'" .;: o ~ ..... 'Y C C:Yt,. ~ cl ~ t.') \ I [ J........==:t o '00:> i!.~:C .lOOI,) Sed h~ II! ~'Y.! , 0' &~ ."'f. '- H..' ~ C' .... &, ,"" . .\'1 v...,' (l ...~ ...... U"- >.'_".().o" '" \;.. ~ -..: ,')1.., X \ v....' u;'l ~ Q_ Q.JI. ;,7 . I) . -(-. .., "'}; ,t> IJ., , -<'~ o-f 01 P P II cotl-lf ~ ~?S / / -----------.-- , L -' SOI-lHolil1q$ "\11 of-ee+ OIf ltIeClI'1 low. wC(tz.r . LAN?: PLAN ~-.-t-....J---..I' -" ~ o to 2.0 30 40 so Scale iH .feet j '<\I -r I Mf./W t';{j:jii - Dock ~\OOl+if1q d.Jek I ~ n --!- , ... O~k ~~fes ~ L.,. ~""-''-~.....-.- o SECTION l~ ,. 1- 10 "" 30 Scole -It, feet I 40 < . .; r... .~ i.:..... .I Pyoposed pviVOIl-e dock. J YOlU-lP if -floOl-Hug doc\< iH" Foyo( ~(:HI1 CClY1c.d" He"y G....eeHpo'.t, N. Y- Applicct+ioyr be} SC\YOllt Rauc.\f l"::a_-? ,-......._.-J..... ^,',6 r........... h..........f...."',..,....... N " ~ ,/i~~;W";G~:f<!~~!:"':;;'~-;,; - };;\:-,'~'~};''';'-kPJ,,:-~~l':I:'-','T,~~~S:~'-~~--:~';:::i,';~'''!t,'fiftZ~;::l:,2:t';~:;':'~.~;M't:!i:it)~.~t-t"-"'j?}h:~~HiIP~M.: -X?~'''''',;. ,'''l:.: ,"')i~'-' $'-1'; (Z':::!~?F:',~.' ."ik:~_;:~",:- -:-"?~:7,~--}?$'-"- . . It . November 7, 1974 Mr. Robert Gillispie, Chairman Southo1d Town Board of Appeals Town Clerk's Office Southold, New York 11971 Re: Brody Dear Mr. Gillispie: In regard to the letter from the secretary of the Board of Appeals dated October 4, 1974 re the above- captioned matter, the Planning Board does not look favorably on any development of this property. We have discussed this with the Board of Health and they feel that since this is fill pumped in over very heavy bog, there is no possibility of getting good water or any sewage disposal and even boat stora*e buildings would presumably have to have some sanitary facilities. Also, boat storage buildings (commercial) should only be in a "C" District. Yours truly, '. -,,~,...,. -"--", John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board JW/mb