HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-45.-2-1 -c. IF . Southold, N. Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 --'"-"'-I'-~ .. l~fJ' rn '0 ~L~rml "" h ,Ii If ';"il OCT 11993 "u, ~~~Ll .- .-~;,.).- LS""=;--D T" I cu",,u, ,} J Pt,~-,i';N:f,JG Bee ' -"~,.-~.>"~-".- "'..-~>-,,~ APPLICATION FOR CONSIDERATION OF SITE PLAN Date of Application 9/10/93 Filing Fee New Use X Change of Use X Re-Use Extension Revision-Qf an Approved Site Plan (Date of Other Specify Date Rec'd of Existing Approval Use ) ****************** Name of Business or Site San Sineon Location of Site n/e corner Chapel lane and Route 25, Greenport Address of Site, if available !':;tn !':i""""" vi 11 "IJP , Name of Applicant ~rina Enh.rnrises. Inc. Address of Applicant 323 Glen C'.rnTP Rr=.-1 CM"" ; H 111=1 v",.1c 1 1 'i7Q , . Telephone Person to be responsible for Construction Ri"h"rrl T. Mnhri'Vr Jr. Telephone 1516\ 671;f4Rl one: OWner of Land Under contract to purchase___ Applicant's interest in site-check unrecorded deed OWner of Fee Title to Land Address Telephone Site Plans Prepared by younq & Younq License No. Address '400 Ostr"TV'l..,. Avenue, Riverhead Telephone (516) ********************* ,.\ FIRST PHASE: Total Land Area of Site 7.4435 acres ~. Zone District Existing Use of Site oonao Proposed Use of Site Gross Floor Area of Existing Structure(s) TBD ' sqft. ~ Gross Floor Area of Proposed Structure ( s) TBD sqft. TIilJ Percent of Lot Coverage by Building(s) TBD Percent of Lot for Parking (where applicable) Percent of Lot for Landscaping(where applicable) Datum(SpecifylU.S.G.S. Has applicant been granted a variance and/or Board of Appeals Yes 727-2303 lID sqft. sqft. % % % ~ TBD Other special exception by Case Number Name of Applicant Date of Decision Expiration Date Will any toxic or hazardous materials, as defined by the Suffolk County Board of Health, be stored or handled at the site? If so, have proper permits been obtained? , Number and Date of permit issued . NO ACTION (EXCAVATION OR CONSTRUCTION) MAY BE UNDERTAKEN UNTIL APPROVAL OF SITE PLAN BY THE PLANNING BO~. . . APPLICANT'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK RICHARD T. KlHRING, JR. being duly sworn, deposes and says that he resides at323 Glen Cove. Road. Sea Cliff. NY 11579 in the State of New Yor)!:, and ,that he is the owner of tb~ above property, or that he is the V~ce Preudent of the corporation (Title) (Specify whether Partnership which is hereby making application; that the or Corporation) owner or his heirs, successors or assigns will, at his own exPense, install the required site improvements in accordance with Article XIII of the Code of the Town of Southold for the area stated herein and that there are no existing structures or improvements on the land which are not shown on the Site Plan; that title to the entire parcel, including all rights-of-way, have been clearly established and are shown on said Plan; that no part of the Plan infringes upon any duly filed plan which has not been abandoned both as to lots and as to roads; that he has examined all rules and regulations adopted by the Planning Board for the filing of Site Plans and will comply with same; that the plans submitted, .as approved, will not be altered or changed in any manner without the approval of the Planning Board; and that the actual phySical improvements will be installed in strict accordance with the plans submitted. 51~-e~ (~erJ Sworn\- to before me this (p'lJ. day of ccSt& 19 ,,~ AU.EN M. SMI1lf NOTARY ~ SIIIte of NewVerk No. 62-3714225 . C1ueIIfled In Suffolk County \ \ CemmIaeIcNI Expires .1 I 118, 11 \ ~ \ <\ '; Signed (Partner or Corporat Of Richard T. M:i1rinq Vice President C9]Q,~~ . . QUESTIONNAIRE FOR FILING WITH YOUR Z.B.A. APPLICATION . , A. Please disclose the names of the owner(s) and any other individuals (and entities) having a financial interest in the Subject premises and a description of their interests: (Separate sheet may be attached.) Mnhrina En+-f'rprises" Inc. B. Is the suQject premises listed on the real estate market for - sale' or beinq shown to prospective buyers? { } Yes { x} No. (.If ~es. pl..".... ar+-"..n copy a:f "condi1-~ ..,,.,.... of sale.) C. Are there any ~osals to change -or alter land contcu:rs7 { } Yes {x} No D. 1. Are there any areas which contain wetland grasses? 2. Are the Wetland areas shown on the map submitted with this application? 3. Is the property bulkheaded between the wetlands area and the upland building area? 4. If your property contains wetlands or pond areas, have you contacted the Office of the Town Trustees for its determination of juriSdiction? Yes - see Planning Board file and ' "det:eJ:nrination. E. Is there a depression or Sloping elevation near the area of proposed construction at or below five feet above mean sea level? No (If not apPliCable, state "N.A.'" P. Are there any patios, con=ete barriers, .btl.l.kheads or feDC2S which exist .and are not shown on the survey map that you are Submitting? None If none exist, please state "none." ,G. Do you have any construction taking place at this time concerning your premises? Yes If yes, please submit a copy . of your building permit and map as approved by the BUilding Department. If none, please state. see CXls on file for initial buildings H. Do you or parcel? No of deeds. any cO-owner also own other land close to this If yes, please explain where or submit copies or operations conducted at this Land 9/10/93 - -.. . 3/87, 10/901k , 1 I 1 I 1 i :l",.,,~"~.,~_ ""''''''''''~~~__~'''~'t~,J...,...'''''''''''''''l!Ml'IJ: o ,'- t f 97-13 ..,H_ -p- "". .' 'IOWN - _~tll\lllle~\~ ,LlUiF ~ . ~'bl= \..........' """, ..1'I1".'~.f ~.U' " "., , .,' "':.";""'-,' ,', ,...-.........:.. -.-, .,.>..-....., .".. -.... ',. .. :" .... .:..:..........,.-....-..':.-". (2) (li~ .MUlrl' ~W.ll!fttu. Utillllli lla" ' ~-<_.. 1."of~~~1lI B. fJu.ItW~wt.IL:A.'DlI:: (1) "Fresh...~,~~Ianiti, Ue ~ J:!4_~ $i' . oftll. SIIIr!*,__tCOll or New Yor-k: C1W1d (2) .- --.- . 9705 '..U.,s ~_~A.lR1~itI~rJL...."""""""'_""=~;,.,,"""""""~ '''~''I,';'\''r~~~- 14-18-4 lI/87)-Text 12 " PROJECT 1.0. NUMBER 817.21 Appendix C State Envl_.....1 Quality Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACnONS Only PART I-PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by Applicant or Project sponsor) 1. APPlICANT /SPONSOR 2. PROJECT NAME M:IfRIN;; ElVl'.ta<l:'RlSES, INC. 3. PROJECT LOCATION: Munlclpell1y County .. PRECISE LOCATION (Street address and rOad'lntersectlons, prominent landmarks, etc., or prOVide map) . I . SEaR Northeast co:rner of NYS Route 25 and Chapel lane, Greenport, New York 5. IS PROPOSED ACnON: ON_ Oex_ e. DESCRIBE PROJECT BRlEFLV: ModlflcatlOnlaneratlon 36 affordable rental units 7. AMOUNT OF LAND AFFECTED: In"lally 7, 44 oc... Ultimately 30 ocres e. WIlt: PROPOSED ACTION COMPLV WITH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER EXISTING LAND USE RESTRICTIONS? Gi Yes 0 No If No, deacrtbe brlafty 9. WHAT IS PRESENT LAND USE IN VICINITY OF PROJECT? o R.sidentlal 0 Indualflal all CommetCial Describe: o Agriculture o Park/Forest/Open space o OIhOf 10. DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL, OR FUNDING,NOW OR ULTlMATELV FROM ANV OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCV (FEDERAL, STATE OA LOCAl)? DYes [J No If yes, list agency(s' and permit/approvals 11. DOES ANV ASPl!CT OF THE ACnON HAVE A CURRENTLV VAUD PERMIT OR APPROVAL? g] Ves 0 No II yes. lis' agency name and potmlUappfllVal CX>s for existing units 12. AS A RESULT OF PROPOsED ACTION WIlt: EXISTING PERMIT/APPROVAL REQUIRE MODIFiCATION? '[iVes DNo I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED.ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MV KNOWLEDGE SIgnature: Dale: 9/10/93 If the lICtlon la In the Coastal Area, and you are a atate qency, complete the Coaatal Aaaaasment Form before' proceeding wfth this 8H8l1en1ent OVER 1 ~-_.__.._--_._---_.__. .w .'oiiIil!IIII- the V.. B. WlLLACTIGIt -- 0'1''' l flo c. Cetl\J) AOf\OIIt :r lit,.., C1. ~ .....,.nty, ....... or . ..........._ oIillln,. <liliIMIiwol' ., I n ~1lI!"Iff$RR, *__~-lrt _:--IAjt'~:~-"t1-- ii!G!4. -,....- ..... .~-- I"'ill . '.. :lIliIIl. P ,-'. ,--;':-.'~~1.~~' ~. "'_10, l!G'Ioultu..... -0flI00I, ..._,.. otIW""""",or .U\III<ld_'; Ot ~ ",,~I"~!Wl ~,~. :."~ _. ," '_"_""""'.''''_ ". ".;"..... .... .,..c_......'. _,,"" C3. Veg~ '" fauna, "'h, IlWIIllol>or ___ _.lII.....~ or ~... ...................1 ~~ C4. ....ommunlly'._*.p/lInoOlgosla ..otIlc1at1y SllGlIIIld. or. obtnP1n__Lr JI.,~""__"'_""'_lI!,,,"-lliIlfllillllll' . CS. G,_II,'ubseqdnt devll""",...I, or .._ _hiss Illolly I" ... """'1>\< I'" 1>'QPOMlI..\lOIl1 E&f>l!iIn "'Iofly. 06. _Long term, .non -term. ,'cumutallYe. or otfttr --"""-~14""'lf_",'4f,\.~1_ _-~twteHY. cr. OI_Iml>S"ls(lnolUdlng ""- In _ 01 ...... ",","1I1~ Ot Iyps 01 ...!I'GY)? Explsln brtofly. D.I$~ORIll'l"I!6f'lELIIClEl.Y to_Cl-;/Id...!I\t,ftHA.tO~~i 0'1'.. 0 N~ 11'1'.., s<ptaIn brtofIy .~ o ,.,.... L....:~ , .~ 1 ] PMt-...-J.....JiIWIlW'ot KlUijUfilIl_VPfMf "lRd'~ Tit":~_,_]l _~_ :iIfttdIr ~~."_~~__J~~-~~'~- _11ft .1ItJ i I Ll:;ti UJ!lilt... ~ 2 ~'~\N'"f''''~ ~~"""r~ . . ,,...,"~" '''ta... f2J87l-T..t 12 I ""OJECT 1.0. NUM.EA 617.21 Appendix C Slate environment.. Qu.llty Re.I.. SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNUSTEtl ACTIONS Only PART I-PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by Applicant Dr Pro/oct sponSOr) SEaR t. APPLICANT ISPONaOR I 2. PROJECT NAME ThY' 3. PAo.IECT LOCATION: -,,, Coun" ~. PR!QS& LOCAnON (Stteet MdNss and road interacrton.. DIOmiMnt lanclmanca. etc.. or ~rovIde InIIPJ North east corner of NYS Route 25 and Olapel Lane, Greenport , New Yor~: .. 5. IS __ ACTION: ~ D_ O eaaaftSMln flcatto,.,......Jon . 5.DESCFU8e PROJECT B'UEFLY: 36 affordable rental units 7. AMOUNT 0' LAND AFFECTED: InltiaNy 7_44 acr.. 01........ 30 acrn a. W'IU PROPOSED AcnON COMPLY WITH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER EXISnNGLAHD use RESTRICTIONS? Gi Y.. 0 N. " No. ...."bo ....fly . t. WHAT IS PFlEUNT LAND use IN YIClNITY OF PRO..IECT? [J R'Sidentlal r'Jrnctu.trtal aD CdmmOlC'" o Agriculture o PlrklFor..tJOpen 'PIC. OOth., - 10. DOIS ACTION 'NVOLVE A _'T A_AL. DA FUNDING. NOW OA ULTIMATELY FACM ANY OTHIA GOVERNMENTAL AGINCY (FEDERAL. aTATI 011 LOCALl? OYa mHo " res. Jill avencY(.. anel ~etmiU&D"raval. ". COEs ANY ASPeCT OF THI.cn.;~ HAYE A CURRENTLY YAUQ PERMIT OR APPROYAL? 1:1 Yes C! w- If ),.:' HI. ~ 'name and """IUa""rOVal COs for existing units 12. AS A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACnON WILL EXISTING PERMIT1APPROVAL REQUIRE MODIFICATION? Oly" ON. I CERTIFY THAT THE INFOAMA nON PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE ENl:J2<l:'~ANC. . 9/10/93 ANlicantlSpansor "a- A -;;- .;-~ 7' Dlle: S~.'u,.: (~ ///'Lj/ If the action is in the Coastal Area. and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before prDcoeding w(th this assessment . - OVER 1 .tContinued on reverse side) i I I I :;j ,'~ :;~ '?l :;1 :~ 'l :1 !Zl" 4;;; J~ 4iL,.;,._. o of thi~af~~: saJ":;;r~~~i\~_tii~~=i:"McEa r=~i'.~ tl.t~ " !!afel.. _ ....__.,....." Jll"'I"J nfJ.'jf ""~ l,ePeI'IH ~~~'" ~"~ .='i:' " ""i~:~ IIX~,f'~Jr~o~ (el ", ~f "JIM. JIll::' baD lIMa " pnj'" j,j:'1I611." "t:. (41 lIP"" ~11, ~~n '''~ .1. WtlJ;,pn'4Iliil: .....It: iA . laQlt "-.A-~ ~~ to \:M pl!Ojeo~: lI'l1:a 0" ..............H'-....'l!II'* ' l:ND 1.0 _... lllftd7 ......-.............. JIUR~"..... .".... "',- <'- -." -, ;_. ;;"" -.,..-..,<'".......;".-..- .'-'- ",,-, , ",-", , y '. w_""" "tfo'it i.." 11ktiJ1,y tlI&Io\:M Ye., llll - -.- 2. !fUl \:Mr.abe. .._jor chlillqa to ~y wn.q... or ......._l. 1.,. toem em lIllasiU? _Y.... ___NO 3. Willp~j~t alter or ~va .. larqa affact on 11ft ~tlt:iA9 l*lyof V~? .-..y.,.........*' 4. Ilill p~j<!S't: ~y,a .Iil'''~ WtP........t cm 1I~~~tl1l', ""':__lfO 5. Ilill Pr<lj~ Si~J!iCl...tl.y effaot dJr~jft_ floor on adjall8l'it site.' _Yas _No 6. Ilill PrOj~tJ"ff~t:~y 1\llr...~or~.~1l!l .lllrlt:.or......._'. c..,..i...' , ........,;y..........1fO lfiU peHltl: _1: iA . _jel' adver.a aftaet: 01\ ,aLr qu;ll.l.~1 _Yaa ........,;No IfUl PrOjeot: h.va a _jor aUect: 01\ viaual char- t'"::...:,;- ....~J~.!* ~..",.. tea-JIo lfiU PrOi..,1: ad_.aly ialpa91: ...,. .11:a OC sVllCt:- woe of 1'I1llllO&"ic, p.:e-hhtlotic, 0" palao_loqilMl i!lPCIr~ '0" any site "*icf<la1led .. . c:ritical ...vir.......t:al afta by a 1001;1 ~1 _Yes _l!Io Wl.ll PrO;..,1: ha...., a _10r aRel!1: on _.~ /;Ill' future ~.tiOftal "'P01:'1:",atUtiii? ' . _Yes_No 1f111 project result in ..10r traffic probl&m$ or cau.a a 1I&1or affect ~o ai$'\:_ tl:!...~tiG.. .1'S1:_1 _Ta. _No :t~~r;i;tr:~i~~n~.=..=l:i~~~~I'. . ..,ee 8 . r..uU: 0 tl'Ia s;ro;eot'" ....~1 _'i.a. ~ W~ll project: have any !.alpact: on pubU., '1'I_1tl1 o~'iafQtY7". ' _Yi!.~No 14. Will pro:l~\: alfltc.t t:ho e'!J.at1119 ~lty ,by d.....nly .....W . .,.~ $.A 1!"!~",t"pop..la- t,tiM Cl,t ~ "'an, 5_"'t ~ a: .one'-y"",r 'tee l!Io f!Ii&'M4I1l, !!!. ,lJarV:~~ ~~E "'-"'!I- .~' on: tha - - "wa...... '.... Iili nhy ft, 1l~1IdclCI 1 15. Xs Chere pul>li~ controv.rsy c:onc:orninq the project? Yes _No 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. _u h..J:er' s Si~a~uJ".'1 ."presen tinq :: Date: za"g/'15 . _'."" '--~ ~.l\,'g,(~"_.i~llr1Oj,,~f.;I;r.,"~' 1,~4+";,J:l\il:;~!L..'~~~,_~!II!~ " ,;, " , ""'. ,-,','l!".".~-_,;;1 ~'" '!~i~~~,T<~~.:';~if!!:!irnr~l!fHJ"!!Jf2til:;oo<;lf~f;!;~,t,i,:,,'k':"Y,.'_~;t!i,'?,,\i"lF"'t1:JI!,;~L<b;;~.i~:~;!i,l{!!i~~$, "'. " ': . . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION Application No. Date Filed: TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK: I (We), VDHRING EN'Fr.:RPRISES, INC. IlJ1( 323 Glen Cove Road, Sea Cliff (Residence, House No. and Street) New York 11579 (516) 671-0481 (Hamlet, State, Zlp code, Telephone Number) hereby apply to THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION in accordance with the ZONING ORDINANCE, ARTICLE IV ,SECTION 100 , SUBSECTION 42 for the below-described property for the following uses and purposes (and as shown on the attached plan drawn to scale): Completion of the first phase of the "San Simeon" development with 36 units of affordable rental units A. Statement of Ownership and Interest. MOHRING ENTERPRISES, INC. property known and referred to as is(are) the owner,s) of (House No., Street, Hamlet) San Simeon Village identified on the Suffolk County Tax Maps as District 1000, Section45.01, Blockl,2&3 , Lot(s) , which is not (is) on a subdivision Map (Filed --aNA "Map of DNA " Filed Map No. and has been approved by the Southold Town Planning Board On as a [Minor] [Major] Subdivi si'on). The above-described prope1fy~gacquired by the owner ~through the North Fork Bank B. The applicant alleges that the approval of this exception would be in har~ony with the intent and purpose of said zoning ordinance and that the proposed use conforms to the standards prescribed therefor in said ordinance and would not be detrimental ~o property or persons in the neighborhood for the following reasons: C. [x ] l ] The property which is the subject of this iscQnsistcnt with the use(s) described furnished herewith. is not consistent with the Certificate of Or.cupancy for the following reason(s): application is zoned HB in the Certificate of Occupancy and being being furnished herewith [X ] is vacant land. COUNTy'OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK; SS.: Sworn to -lQ 19na thi s l, da~ Septem~;:, ~~ Jr. (Notary ZB2 (rev. 2/6/86) NOTARY PUBUC, Sic L . No. 62.371"" Qualified In Sufh.. ,.HJ,>1!y CommlllllOlll expires "'J,e;, SU, \1l 1\51 \<14 , . "f'<" ...:1;...: ,. r,:- ,- ,,, ~ . \ ... .. , '. ,;-........ , , "," ",>SU8F "MM61::> .~ -' .\ '~ ". 'l'OUNO &. 'I'OUNO Pl..ANNINO. ENOINI!I'.RINO & W\ND SUR\lEYINO 400 OSTRANOelt A\'ENUe. RJ\lERHeAO. NEW VORK 11901.4694 Telephone 616-727'2303 FOCIImlle 1116-727-(11014 July 1, 1994 Mr. James I. Monsell, Superim;.endcnt of Utilities Villag~ of creenport 236 'l'hirct Stree1: Creenport, New York ,11944 ; RE: San Simeon Retirement Community at Crccnpor1:, '1'10 Southold, New York (<)4-03~J) Dear v.r. Monsell: Enclosed are two (2) copies of the Engineering Report, dated June 30,199~, for your USe. If you have any questions regarding the contents of this report, please do not hcsi1:atc to call me. Very truly,yours, '?//hnnt'kJ t-. Wt?t'j'J.u;{:. Thomas C. Wolpert, P.E. 'I'CW/sjt Encl. cc: Richard eron, Esq. Mr. Richard MOhring, Jr. + Encl. + Encl. W IE & IE U WI IE ill ,~ CD ;> "-O/t ',_L! ~ _. ,.';~0,lJrY!Ul mWN '''-:l~';i;E:~:,;r~D ALDEN W. YOUNG ProlC'~"(N,,,' t:n(jln("cr lit. LAllcJ ~u.l,w,)""r HOWARD W. YOUNO Land ':>tJrYC'~0f' THl".IMA.'l e. WOLPERT rl'uil:>>.lol\41 r.:"ulnc:er KF.NNET!1 P. ABRU7.1.o WutdSUMO)Il)" " .... '" '. . " " , ENGINEERING REPORT 'i(J\'rEl~ UUPPLY " SEWAcE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS SAN SIMEON AT GREl:."Nl'OR'l' TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLX COUNTY, NEW YORK Prepared For: MOhring Enterprises, Inc.. J2J c1un Cove AVCllUU Sea Cliff, New York 11579 .. Prepared By: Young &. Young 400 Ostr~ncter AVenue Rivurhead, New York 11901 .June :l0, 1994 '" " .- '. ,. . . l. ~'" III ( I I, S ", '.,.. ENCINEERINC REPORT, SAN SIMEON AT' CREENPOR'1'...., '. TOWN OF SOU'l'HOLO, NEW YORK " , ,~_. ...... :.,.. ",I" "." , i~ 1. Ceneral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ,. ~i ". Ii /, I);' Ii, !., 1" l,~ ! 11 Ii'.j. r{; ii[; ~U:' V,),~ i"l {t{ Vii,'; ii,,: i~1 ii'l'l l~j,:'" '""1 :I~ i IIi. (Ii ~'~ r~l ~i'l ; il~ 1;:1,;' f;I;.) ~\rr ;i~ Riff) b,' j~ TABLE OF CONTENTS 2. Description of Existing Facilities Water Supply System 2.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 a. Sewage Disposal System ............,...................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2.2 b. Collection System Pump Station 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 c. Force Main . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ... .. 2 3. Test Procedures and Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3.1 Water Supply System .........................." . . . . . :l 3.2 Sewage Disposal System ....;............................... 3 b. Pump Station ......................................... a. Collection System.................................... 3 :l c. Force Main . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 4 d. Projected Sewage Flow Rates' .... . .. ..... . . . . ... .. 4 4. Recommendations for Improvements ......... ..... .. .......... 4.1 Water Supply System ..... ......... 4 . " ... ...... . 4 4.2 Sewage Disposal System ................................... 4 ,Il b; a. Collection System.................................... 4 ':,' Pump Station ......................................... 4 ,\ c. Force Main .. ...... ..... ... ... . . . .. ...... 5 ~i 'if. j: ~~ 'I i.~# I ~. ~. l~ \t!~~ 5. Summary and Conclusion . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ...... 5 Appendix A Photographs Appendix B - Plan of Proposod Water Mains r. Appurtenances Appendix C Appendix D Plan of Sanitary System Plan of ~ewage Pump Station ~_\."""""".,p.-(~,~.....:;o;~..~~.~~~...Ii.{'" "- " ~~.,_..ifIl.1. , ~ . . " ......"... . . ~ ~ ......'..-., !tt4 . ., . " ENCIHEERIHC REPORT , "SAA 'S:X:MEON Nl' 'C~EENPORT ' TOWN OF SOU~~OLD, NEW Y01~ ... .".. \I I 1. Cenera J.. Young & Young was retained by Mohring Enterprises, Inc. to prepare an engineering report on the condi1:.ion of 1:.h.. existing wa1:.er suPply and sewage dispOsal ~acili1:.ies at the San Simcon Hctir~men1:. Community project in Creenport, New York. 'l'he purpose for preparing this report is to proVide 1:.he Village Board at' 'l'rustees and the Superin1:.endent of \.I1:.ilitio01 ....ith an evaluation of the cXi;;c.ing water and seWer facilities so that they can ac1:. on MOhring Enterprises, Inc. applicati.;.n tor ....ater service to each of the eight (8) exis1:.ing residential units. '. . . . The descriptions ,of eXisting conditions are based on the' site inspection and field testing conduct(,d on Jun.. 23., 1.994. The fallowing per$onnel Were present tor the site inspection <\Ill! Li.elct testing procedures: i I I - "i' i,;~ Richard Mohring, Jr. 'l'homas Wolpert Warren Jen$en Don Cehring MOhring Enterprises, Inc. Young E. Younq 'creenport Wdter Department Cehrinq Electric ~ ] , The locations of all water valves, hydrants, sewer manhole Covers and apP~rtehance~ were no1:. veritied as the site has become heavily over9rown With vegetation. Ho....ever, stand~rct tescing procedures conducted U1:..\.liz ing key components of' the. W<\ter supply <111<1 sc'wage disposal systems w~re <1eterlnined 1:.0 be adequate to evaluace the integrity of the water and sewer facilities. 1 I 2. .Q.escri nt}.on of Ex.i.t2.t..i.nq Fl\ciJJ..t..i...~ 2.1 ~lLter~~~~ The water supply system, as depicted on the Plan of Proposed . Water Mains ana Appurt:.em,nces - Sheet 2 of. 2. dated September l'JU4, prepared by Holzmacher, MCLendon & Murrell, P.C. (refer to Appendix B), consists or approxim,H:llly 1,675 linear fout of 8 i.nch diamet:.er CelI10nt:.- lined dUCtile iron pipe, two (2) hYdrants, eight (8) valves, and one (1) blo....-ott assembly. The only water appurtenanco identified visually during the site inspection wa$ " fire hyarant: in the vicin.\.1:.Y of the eight (B) ~nits (reter to Photograph No.1). '. 'l'he approximate ,location of thi" hydrant l.S shown on the. pl.,n incll.\ded <IS Appendix E. 'r'his hydrant W,.'$ usc,d to increase the VOlulne ot W,\1:.er put into the sewer syst.em during te$ting of 'the pUlnp S1:.<ltion. ., ~ J 1 I The t....o (2) ten inch valves and one (1) eight inch valve shown on the plan in the Vl.cinity at t.he existing ten i.nch wat.er main on l~a.i.n Road could hot be located an~l appear 1:.0 have been paved over. With the exception of. the tire hydrant near the eXi"ting vacant. unit.s, no water V,\lV",,, or hydrdntc; were located. - 1 - r<'f LJ, __\ICI.({,... _1...~~..JLl..f1.&i~t '..1.:trft!ltU!t~w.- :-~.!h. _~_.._ "- "- -. ~_. , t .. .~ . . ^ ., -~_.. .. . ~ . .. ..... -.. . .,.-.. .--... ...-t ....~.........~t.-. .", .~.' .,.:: .. ,. . 1 ~ 2. 2 fJ_e.'I!~qe DJ~po~lI.l a. ~_u.'ll'...t'~\"Q.lLS.Y.~!;.a The se....er system, as depicted on the "as-built" dra....ings (refer to Appendi:.: C), consi..t.. vI: approxilll.\1:.ely 1,450 linear f"et oJ: a inch di.\lncter J\U:': pipe, eleven (ll) 'i' diC\lne'l.:'-'r n,anhOl.es, G' dialne'l.:er punlp 51:.;'1:.ion, and 1,410 linoar foet of 4 inCh diamet.er cemen'l.:-lined duct.ile iron force main. ~ ~ , " c_ Se....er manhole no. 3, in the vici~ity of the existing vacant units, ....as opened ,for inspection and used ~Q increase flow during 'l.:eS'l.:ing of 'l.:hc pump sti:.tion. Based on a Visual inspcC'l.:ion, n,anhole no. J appearedc:.o be constructed as shown on the design drawings (refer .co Phoc:.ograph No.2). b. r.\u:nJ:l~'1_ta..t iOll The pump station, as depicted on the Plan of Se....age Pump Station - She~t 5 ot 5, dated January 19B4, prepared by Holzmachcr, McLendon & Murrell, P.C. (refer to Appendix D), consists ot a 6' dia. X 12' deep reinfOrced concrcce Wet ....011, 4'L X 'i'W X 5'6" D valve pi'l.:, '1.:....0 (2) submersible wasl:.ewater pUl1\pS ....i'l.:h break a....ay ti'l.:1:.ingu, guide r..\ils, ",1:.and-by goner3'1.:0r, pump cont,rol panel and alarm in1:.ake tan, explosion proof light, access h~'l.:ches, and all required pipe, elbows, valves, fittings, and electrical connections co m.,ke t.he lif~ s'l.:ation opera'l.:ive (refer to Photograph Nos. 3-5). Based on a visual inspecc:.ion, 'l.:he lit'l.: station appeared to be con$tructcd as shown on the design dravings. I 1 I , t , , , , ~ I , I c. Force Ma i..n The forCe main, as depicted on the.llas-built" dra....ings (refer to Appendix C), consi6'1.:o1I of approxima'l.:elY 1,415 line(lr feet of 1\ inch dian\(~t.er cement-lined ductile iron pipe, 3 fo~'ce main Clei.\nOut assemblies, and 1:.hrus1:. blocking a'l.: all changes in horizonc:.al aligfllllent. As designed, t.he torce main conVeys se....age from the lit'l.: s'I.:(,tion to the exis'l.:ing sever l1\anhole on t.he south side of Middle Road (C.R. 48}, apprOXilna'l.:ely 700 toul:. oas.. of Chapel Lane (refer to Photograph l~o. 6). 'l'his sewer lnanhole is the ....esternl1\Os'l.: l1\anhoJ.e on Micld.~e ltoi.\cl (c. R. 1\ U) owned dnd mainta.l.ned by t.he cre'~t\port Sewer Dist.rict. ~ , 1 3. ~t Pro~~q~re~ and-Resutta ::l . 1 li!.\.t.~.w1'.\Y...s.Y.2_t.t;2\\ The cold ....ater faucets in the kitchen and bathroom sinks of Unit No. :l ,..ere oponed and let''I.: running for i:\pprOXilnil'l.:ely 2 hours. No loC\ks were detect.ed in 'l.:he indoor plumbing. - :2 - ..." . 1l7'"J'1.1,.."!l'. ..r';"~"'~lIh~",,~,,'4"~_..&u '- '-. - .-...-~ " ....---".;;.,'~... , ~'t " . . .j-,........- -_......~.... i '.' . . .........t... . .....,' ............ .....f.......... .... ........ ........... '. '.., . . """:" ~ - 1 , The static water pressure at hydrant no. 249, as determined by a pres~~rQ gauge ins~alled by Warren Jensun o~ ~he Cr~enpor.~ Wator D~par~lnen~. ..,at; 68 Pouncls per square inCh (68 P$i) (reter 'Co Ph01:.ograph NO.7). 'I'his hyctran~ ..,as 'Capped "wing 'C"'O (2) lungt:h$ of fire ho:;!.: 'Co illcr<;:use the VOlulne of. "'ater in the S<:Wer ay;,;cem for tes~ing of the lift "'Ca~.l.on. 'r'he 1;'low from ~his hydrant, based on tho depth ot flow in thu 8 inch gravit~ sewer entering the lift station, w~s Cs'Cimated at 200 gallons per In.l.nu'Ce (200 gpm). 3.2 Se~2~OisposalSvst~ t , . I , a. ~l~ctiQ.D...S'y..s..~ . ", As described in Section 3.1 of. this report, water was introduced into the seWer sys'Cem under low flow and high flow conu.l.t.l.ons. Low tlow conditions, estilnatecl at. 2 gallons per minut(! (2 gpm), were :O:.J.mu.!.iltel1 by open.l.ng Cold water taps in tho kitChen and bathroom sinks in Unit No.2. 'l'he \.Iastewater floW rdte was mOnitored by vi$uai inspection ot the IJ .l.nch dial1u"ter influent line at 'Che pump station. '!'hi$ f,-o'.. rate tjegan as a tr icxle, increased as the \.Iast",wa ter worke(! its way through ,:h... Collec1:ion sYSte111, and ap!'eur..d to s1:abi.l.ize "'t.-cer .tpproXilTliltely .I. hour. High flow conditions, estimated at 200 gpm, were simulated by intrOducing water into 111<.\nhoiu no. J via fire hO,,"e connectiun to 'Che hytlran~. Again, the wastewater flow ra'Co \.Ias monitored by visual illspec~ion ot the 0 i.nch diameter inf.'.uent line at: the pump stiltion. With the faucets still open in Unit No.2, the increased flow r~t" ,"ppearecl to s~abili7.e after approximately 10 minutes. 'rhe greater w.\$tewater flow carried \.Ii'Ch it an accumulation 0:1:' mud ~nd siit deposited in the co.l.luc~ion system during the dormant years (roter to Photograph No.7). :;ome ot th" lnucldy wasteWater was pUlnped through the lift station pumps and torce mi.tin. Sewer Department personnel observed a lClr<,le dose of muddy Wi.\s'Ccwater enterin<] the Sewage 'l'rcatment Plant: dt th(~ 'C.l.me at. teSting. 'l'he remainder of the mud and silt ....as deposited in the bottom ot the lift S1:31::.ion we'C well. Af~er approximately l~ minutes of flushing the colloc~io11 system '-'ith clean \.later trO!n the hydrant, the muctdy in! lu"nt turned to clear was'CeWater. "- ":. ~ - .,.".,,~... ..- ,..- ----.- i ~. [ t: I', i! II ~ (i ~. t' '; M; fr ~. I, ~ I~'l , . "~- \\ i,~ ~ r.~.. m .~ ~ I b. J:.\.um:u:tL\.tiQ.tt Under the low flow conditions, two (2) pUmps Wera active'tad manually. \.Iastowater in the Wet \.Iell. . estimated at 2 gpm; each of the Each p'.unp rapid.ty emptied the Under the high f.low conditions, estimated at 200 gpm, each of the two (2) pumps appeared 'Co maintain the :tcvel of was'CeW"L eel' in the \.let \.1"11. The high flow condition test W,Ul terminated when the rapid infusioh of heavy mUd burdened the pumps and ovcl"loi.\ded ., cap.,citor in the pump con~rol panel. - 3 - atw.ir.;, .~.;;t4L'""....... ...J.::..:,.....'"': .L.~..~:..L-!...J~'..~i:.r.[;~~~ 1 , - . . . !-:~._,_._.., .-.'--"., . \l.'. . .(-., -."' ,..... . -"-'. ',........, .... .........:R ~. ,.,.1" .~ c. .t.Q~ The force main was visually inspected within the lift station, valve pit, and sewer lllanhole i1t the poine of discharge and appe<ireti eo be intact. Visual inspection of the sewer manhole following ~est.ing of the litt station revealed Wet. deposits of mUd and silt.. AS a result of these visual inspections, We determined that the forc!:' ,"ain i$ fUnctioning as designed. '1 ! d. :er..Q.i.{'.l;..t.'l~~l\rte Flow R<\.~ . . The projacted sewage flow rates fOr the first eight (8) condo units to be OccurJi.ed, based on suffolk county Departlncnt ot Health ServiCes sewage design criteria, is 2,400 gallons per day (8 unit.s fl JOO gpd/unit - 2,400 gpd). based all an estimated 200 <Jpm Ci'lp<lcity for each of the 5 HI' sUl.llnersible ....aste....a1:er pumps, each pump w0ulcl QD~1.t..C-.aJ;>))ro}( imi\:t.1iU.Y. Ii m in\.lt'i'ct pi'''' "'''Y_ j ia g j 1 ! 4. RecommQndlL~ions for Tmprovemen~ 4 . 1 ~'t.t.er~'mJl.~.t;_t.~ a. Locate the t....o(2) ten inch valves and one (1) eight inch valve in the vicinity of the existing 10 inch water main on Mi'tin Road and raise the valve covers t.o grade. b. Locate all other line valves and hydrant valves and raise the covers to grade, if found below grade. c. Repair the two (2) curb stops for the condo units that were damaged by ",owing equipnlent. 1 ( 4.2 ~e......ne D3 S"'''S~' ~vs"e- _._~\.';,.l..:_...'I...::;.!'.J~.'1:~\.h....:...;...T_~ a . !:.QJ...1.g.c..tiolLB..Y..s..t.~ Locate all sewer manholes and correct any visible inflow conditions at covers, i~. improper qrading, open, missing, or dislodged covers. b. P!.lllJ.tl-,';:J:I\.t..\'Q.ll 1. Remove all mud and silt from wet ....ell. 2. Replace capacitor in control panel and re-check operation of pumps, float s....itches, and control panel. J. Install lifting chains on t....o (2) submersible pumps as indicated on de$ign dt-'I\Jings. 4. Replace stand-by generator with no.... propane powered generator. - 4 - 'II! If "- "- -..---.. " i :1 .e". . . . f~:~'~~'~:'f.'~~ ::.;::...\"~. -~_.:. '--..., , ~.., .-to'.. . ..~ ~'" ,. .". ....--~ .....-.-,....-".... ~t\.....\:,...._..__.._ .............." .... .,..... ..... , II, I' ....-..... ...... '.' " .1 ...., 'I" ti ~ ! c. Force Main Remove all mud and silt trom sewer manhole on Middle Road. I 5. ~Ulllmarv a.nd Conclusino. Based on a visual inspection otthe various components, the water sUpply and se....age disposal systems appear to have been constructed in accordance ....ith the uesign pra....in9s. All installations appear to have been performed in a good ....o~manl~ke manner. Based on the field testing ~erformod, the Water and sewer systems are completely operative, ....ith t.he exception of the stand-by generator. With minor improvements and routine lnaintenance, the water and sewer sys'c.ems s!:'oUld provide many years of service to the COII\lll\.In.tty as planned w~thout creating. undue burden to the Creenport Water District or Creenport Sewer District. ! i j i[ I' , il i; I'" ~~' i~ ~ 1.\ It m \'1 tl ,I '. I ~ ~ - 5 - "'- "- " , . "'.' \' ., ..~.~. , "'" ;. . .' ,\,.~,. ";.' "~:;'~' " ,..,.. ," '. ,,0..,,_', ""fOo~"'" '.I'" . ';'=.-............:---~....._--.-;..~_....'~...----:I..._-...,,.~...--r-~:";t-....~_".4,1...-,1.........._......, ,I" :: . '. .,' '" ': . . . ..' '" I :.~ '...:' :' ,I, '.., .' ..,. .' .u\_~\)IIJ"'."v...,.. -...._l:oGJll.....ffl_,.....r._____ " ", " . . APPENDIX A - PHOTOGRAPHS . - ,.,... .. ~. . '!I .... "/',...... " -, "" ." i: I" joi t,. ~\1 (I'tl" I';;j ~:ij j!:iJ "r. ~'\.:j ~r~t ft" t,,", I';' r;'~ F,~;I If~r ~ :,:~ ~~{'~'~ , .:,~. ~t ;\~ ~1, ';!, fff" ~I~, ~~~" ~""" ,;"..l........ , . .'.i'" III , . '.. 1\11 .. ~ 3 , JII I ,. I - ,~ I ., ,;m ~ q ~ II 11 rl f ,r ~ , . . ~ PHOTO NO. 1 _ FIRE Ii'lDMNTThg .._-----.- SlIN SlMl:":ON CONDO PI<oJECT CREENPORT, T/o SOU'!'HOLO, NY JUNE 23, 1994 PHOTO NO. 2 _ ~1I0LT~ NO.3 SAN SlMi:;i';'NCONOOPRoJECT CT{J';F.NPOR'l', 'rlo S0111'HOLO, NY JlJNE 23, 1994 , , ", "'~ ' ..'., ':~;';:;;'i:": >;:; <~:;;;ii",~*;";'~"\': 'r ;,;:'~":;'I\ ;., \ .r 1 Si':ri~~,,"li"i'1;~~~t1'.~{,'r; >~j~i'.""\-'~'1~ \ ,_t," ,. ; , "";"~:;;,i:"i;>;~l)~:~':,.'i;~;l";"~~"d:;,rJi,~,'., ...<k.;'" ' .. ,.' ,.... . '::. 1;"""'''-''''''~M';''tf,''''-'''lw"~~.,...l:.t;'1~"I/;,,iI\1I..._.,,=~ '~(};c.d'L~';'0",,,,,''i~:;d':''';''i'E_'''''b,,'~",,,~ _" ,'" ... ~ . 1- _ ~'''~' r .'",,"' I ':'..;. ,. ,'. ,'~ _r'~~"" , '! . "'r ' ~ I 11 d" ". :'~ ~ ~I fJ , 3 ".Si ") . Ii " I.. ,., ".., ".'," ";'do"'''''';.;"",,,,,:..., , 'i'i..',' , '1~~"'~"~':';'1t:",":"'~rk"'~":J;.~"",~,.",...." ... _..;'. '",,'''' "<~" ..,~ ~,' ., . " "i '. , ' . ,', ~ ~"i,:',.;'"",,';l'" . "1"'" '," ;', j. ,<, .,tG,(;I.~~t~Jt~~~.- '~.".;\~~~:~.,,;'-.;r:;. V, " , .' .; ". ; ) l r', "'~ "':':'-';"!-~-:i\'; ~:~. "P :. .. .' :-'" '~",:' , ~ \:'s..',:i'i",~j{,,~~>:;~ ; :_;:;:~ji,. ',!; .>~. "~', , :"i.,:'N,?~.iJ;:d" '''", '.~, !:, ,:'" . """ r\<', . ;;:: ;'~'.;. ;'"" , ~ '---- . .~, , ,.;~ . ~' ( t /1, ~; 'I [I ,f.\ 1,\ i 1 i ,/ ,'::'i ~',: " """"" -,~,~\)~ I I lfl f. ~ :1Rid I .. , . '~. " ;,:~~~, ' , ~ ':~~~({ :. ;.q .~ ;,:;.~t ~ "..-j . ~ , ~ .- e - I J '!! " 1 I , . . ,.,d...t.. <, '111' '"' . f" ..-:... PHOTO NO. 5 _ vALVE J)I'l' SlIN srMfoN -cONDO PROOECT CRECNPOR'1', 'flo COU'l'HOLD, NY JUNE 23, 1994 PHO'J.'O NO. 6 - FORCE MAIN '-I~N~'i':RiNG-:SEWEi{MN~HCiL'C .s/ij:r~SiMf.:i3Nf6NOOf.iTc\jj,cT cn.ECNPOR'1', 'ria SOUl'HOLO, NY 'JU'.'F. 23, 199'1 , , '''IlIf -'.;~;;.Zl. .. .;[41 - :~if.I - .-$]J ~ ::~'~~f ~ ":'.';:f '1' i~ 1'~ Ji '.-'1. "'1 '. "'r , . 1 J ... '., ~ . . i ~ I ! I ( I ~ ., , " ~ .~~I,'i , . .. , ~ }a I ,v ,~:il ~ ;~~ '-'!!r ,!j '] ~ 1 <~ \j ~ ~ '" ,~I I . . . . . ~PPENDIX D - PLAN OF PROPOSED W~TER ~INS & ~PPUnTEN~~~ES . ......." ........0&. , ...., .,.'" '"'r, ..",.' . . . ~. ;(g 1 r,1J ~.il 1', '. - ~ ... '!I ':~~ 'f ,. f i I ~PPENDIX C - PL~ OF S~IT~Y SYSTEM . . ! ~-.~..'~.; j '-'" .. ',- . .. . .- '~....... ... . I- ....',. . "... .'.., " ~ :t: . i .. . ill ., i'~ =lJ~ ~ ~ .~ . - ~,~ at i ., , .~ l' .~ II ',~.. ~ -- ~ :~~,Q ~. . . . . . . APPENDIX D - PLAN OF SEWAGE PUMP STATION , '....... " . Allen M. Smith Attorney and Counselor at Law 737 Roanoke Avenue, Post Office !'lox 1240 Riverhead. New York 11901 . ~t=It..E" P6 - CO-V-V,_ fL. ( +uv 11!.FW Vs.JP - Tel: (516) 727-3947 fax (516) 727-39'X) November 4, 1993 Richard G. Ward, A.I.A. Chairman Southo1d Planning Board 53095 Main Road Southo1d, New York 11971 Re: San Simeon Dear Dick: Pursuant to your letter of October 20th (a copy is enclosed), I submit two copies of a map showing the property to be acquired by Mr. Mohring and which is the limits of this application. Also enclosed is one set of typical elevations. We are working on the other items requested in your letter and shall transmit the same upon receipt. truly yours, AMS:TWS Enc. NOV 4 ~ . -'~~ .'~ :-~--+. oC~-~\lfFOl.t ,,~ j" ~" "n- ',' S;).... "c:;:" i:~ ~": c":::' :...c., 1= . '~~: ~j (::l~. ~'! ~Q./ + ~~~-J' ~ . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOtITHOLD tl \.. I ..1 4, ,. ')i"" SCOTr L, HARRIS Supervtsor Town ~all. 5309!i'Maln Road p, O. EIDi: Ii 79 SouthoJQ,NewYork 11971 J' ~., fly '~~-,~;; of; ,~, P'ax (516) 76S -1823 :.l " RIchard C. Ward. Chalrman George RItchie Latham. .Jr. Bennett Orlowsld. .Jr. Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edward. October 20, 1993 /) " ,.,:/' ~I ."''/ ,II'. L,t.> 0/ ,"*, Allen M. Smith Attorney and Counselor at Law 737 Roanoke Avenue, P.O. Box 1240 Riverhead, NY 11901 ,J'~ } ',I ..:;,,.,Ii'/ ~.j ...... ~" " ,/- RE: San Simeon Village Section One Chapel Lane and North Road, Greenport Zoning District: Hamlet Density (HD) and (La) SCTM* 1000-45-2-10.3 Limited Business Dear Mr. Smith: The Planning Board has received your letter of October 7, 1993. The fOllowing Changes/additions must be made before the Board can proceed with its review: 1. Drainage and parking calculations. 2. Building elevations. As the approval was only for section one the plan should only show section one. The lines for parcel A, B & C and future sections two, three and four should not be shown on the plan. As indicated in your letter, sewer and water contracts from the Village of Greenport must be obtained. The fee has been paid for section one. . . If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact this office. /)'re . '/I/#",..( ~ U~rd G. Ward Chairman cc: Thomas Fisher, BUilding Inspector In Charge - . . .. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS I.>:) 'J.;".. .- SCOTfL.HARRIS Supervisor RIchard G. Ward. Chairman George R1tch1e Latham. Jr. Bennett OrJowsld. Jr. Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTIlOLD Fax (516) 765 - 1823 October 20, 1993 Allen M. Smi th Attorney and Counselor at Law 737 Roanoke Avenue, P.O. Box. f240 Riverhead, NY 11901 RE: San Simeon Village Section One Chapel Lane and North Road, Greenport Zoning District: Hamlet Density (HD) and Limited Business (LB) SCTM# 1000-45-2-10.3 Dear Mr. Smith: The Planning Board has received your letter of October 7, 1993. The following Changes/additions must be made before the Board can proceed with its review: 1. Drainage and parking calculations. 2. BUilding elevations. As the approval was only for section one the plan should only show section one. The lines for parcel A, B & C and future sections two, three and four should not be shown on the plan. As indicated in your letter, sewer and water contracts from the Village of Greenport must be obtained. The fee has been paid for section one. ',.A, i\,,'c i..:..:.' >jo';'''<'~~.....,:..~.__ .. . . If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact this office. 7)ere U~rd G. Ward Chairman cc: Thomas Fisher, BUilding Inspector In Charge . . Tel: (516) 727-3947 Allen M. ~mith Attorney and Counselor at Law 737 Roanoke Avenue. Post Office Box 1240 Riverhead. New York 11901 . SiI N'i t.G' I',f)-~ ,e,K fax (516) 727-3950 October 7, 1993 Mr. Robert Kassner Site Plan Reviewer Southold Planning Department Post Office Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 r{~ /L.r,? ' "b ". .'(.-' j/ Re: San Simeon Dear Bob: Please excuse our delay in getting the enclosed Special Exception Application and Site Plan Application to you. I had hoped to be able to file all the supporting materials at the same time however that has proved impractical. I enclose for your review and filing: A. Special Exception 1) ZBA Questionnaire 2) Short Form EAF 3) Application for Special Exception B. Site 1) 2) Plan Application re: Short Form EAF Site Plan Please consider the Short Form EAFs in the context of the review of the approved condominium showing 36 units. I shall transmit the outline map of the properties being acquired by Mohring Enterprises, Inc. and the letter (contract) of intent with the Village as Soon as I receive the same. Please advise me of the filing fees for these applications and I shall arrange for payment of the same. OCT 8 J9a3 D' L.......,."._. ..~.._J SJUn;m.D rO','::\1 PLE~lL~9..~~L:t2 . . October 7, 1993 Page Two If you require further or different information, please contact me. Please advise me of the appearance dates on these applications in due course. ~ yours, Allen M. Smith AMS:TWS Encs. cc: Richard T. Mohring, Jr. . .....-.',---~,_.- --.or - . v ., August 17, 1993 MEMORANDUM TO FILE SUBJECT: SAN Simeon- Allen Smith Meeting On this day a meeting took place to discuss the proposed "affordable rental" of the town houses at San Simeon recently purchased by Mr. MOhring. Attending: Alan Smith, Valerie Scopaz, Robert Kassner Mr. Smith indicated that Mr. Mohring would like to proceed to convert the town houses to affordable rentals and asked how to proceed. Mr. Kassner said that the possibility of a zone change should be reviewed. Ms. Scopaz said that a zone change was not needed but that a Special Exception would be required from the Zoning Board of Appeals. Discussion then continued on the possibility of a mix of young families and seniors that may need closer access to walks and roads. Mr Smith said he would pick up the Special Exception forms and review the project with Mr. MOhring. ^ 30 2 X � I l e; // /5' 47'+ / m J 9. i0 X 15.0 GATEHOUSE/ENTRANCE DETAIL 2 / / - - - / `i% 257 '% SCALE EAsT EDGE 2 - / OE CHAEE� LANE i i 139 J ly 2B 5 I - _ I 270 X79 - pi J NOTES: ' 1) ALL CORRUGATED METAL PIPE IS TO BE 14 GAUGE GALVANZ ZED E � STE L. V' - _ �F ', 1 "'• - 2) THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO NOTIFY OWNERS OF ALL UNDER- : J _ { E FOR . t AND RRANG - PRIOR CONSTRUCTIONA GROUND UTILITIES R R TO FIELD MARX-OUTS. SHOULD IT BE NECESSARY, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATEORDINA TE AY UTILITY RELOCATIONS WITH THE RESPEC- TSVE OWNER. - I - , . ) RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL REQUIRED .� + nk? ,� c: - - /M✓(hl �9.:a / ,J 3 THE CONTRACTOR IS RESP '., ' ,`�, _ CS • , _ - �/8,y, ' � � � �� ROAD OPENING PERMITS. ..I�'�• Q.�NMEt-drA.JE' • r�� - - - U ",y. " - - � �. ' `��. �� 4) CONSTRUCTION STAXE-OUT FOR ROADWAYS SHALL BE COORDINATED I BEGr klCs'SJN �D - _ 1 .. 13tl WITH, AND PROVIDED BY, THE OWNER. DT 9 5 3V J , i TA 3 .. nr 3 Z , MAR 3 1986 ' RIP RAP CT✓P) - - �� (SEE,DETA T - c' 4 LEGEND / O Z 5D 2 449 / Z rn v. CN i5.6 0 -X PROPOSED FIRST PHASE CONSTRUCTION Xi, 17 5 PROPOSED FUTURE CONSTRUCTION a a , v EXISTING CONTOURS EXI •A.—.2�, I(2 '/ % 219 _ J J PROPOSED CON OSD IS �SEE OE DRAINAGE HANNE Ti1 /L5 SN. 2 df'2) �I _ •' - _ _ X 215 FJO \ \ 215J 3,4" 20 . J J Designed e : Project Na; . . .. B Y ,� 14 vJ ✓ • J - / /�. / �, Drawn By: Drawing No: 01 ST . PETER'S LUTHERAN CHURCH JChocked By: Scale50: - - - - O J • BaTT 'w♦„ ZI 5 X - - - ZL �5, . F0 F00NDAT10 � �.- � / � Reviewed By: Data: SAN SIMEON , ZQ MAY 1984 Revisions; RETIREMENT COMMUNITY ttbb v' � \ � X130 I 12/84 -Revised Layout X 21\/ J GREENPORT, NEW YORK !J ' DRIVE — IN - \\51 / so 5 % J Consulting Engineers 5164529060 ■ 516,8943040 ❑ x t3.8 x 20 5 Environmental Scientists 516 727-3480 ❑ J - {� IH24 51&694.3410 ❑ Planners ❑ . J Holzmacher! McLendon & Murrell7 P. C . • ' X 19 5 - J / _ ;� �, Melville, N.Y. Riverhead, N.Y. Farmingdale, N.Y. 1e7 x / - k- PARKING _I / /'n '( Sheet Title: Sheet X 12 5 J I--- - ucixsEo vAo�ise oiu UreiGINer E,ICEiirtcai^ DRAINAGE. GRADING Ly PAVEMENT PLAN I Of 2 z L m GENERAL NOTES - DRAINAGE, GRADING & PAVEMENT 4 1) All underground utilities (electric, telephone, sewer, etc. ) shall be in place before pavement is constructed. — � G'ROdNO/N!, CTYR) 2) The existing culvert passing under Chapel Lane shall be cleaned of all debris. 3) The cost of construction of all drainage swales and channels cpc^� z s'M/N 01.,d6 is to be included in Item 120, Excavation and Grading. O Tz T6p6a°6 4) The clearing and grubbing necessary for construction of paved ' 200' VCO✓I 67-4 -4x-75 EL. A5 0 4.0' areas and drainage channels shall be included in Item 120, MC =0.29 N Excavation and Grading. The Contractor shall keep the clear- in + n g and grubbing to a minimum in order to maintain the rustic - nature of the site. ° TYPE "A" CHANNEL N 5) All graded and excavated areas (other than pavement and walk- ways) shall be furnished with topsoil and seeded under Items 150 and 160. i 50' ✓c � �� 20'0 N pVI S . 1400 1 / 2'RaUNO/N4 (7YP EL. 14 2 N / l�RADE TO TAEX/3'TiNG _ O MC =DD3 /. 7 ',N/N. /�TI�n C1 J' k�j veva rz T� EPp6 _. —�- - TYPE "B" CHANNEL /D D 0400 /+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 S+00 64'00 7+00 �2 'ROUND/N4 (Tye) PROFILEr(fit4 - SCALES: w9 >2 1%26 PIOE VERT.: "'=4.0'; HORIZ.; 1'=40,.0' 4.0' T�Ge TYPE "C" CHANNEL (SWALE) / NOTE : ALL CkANNELS SHALL BE SEEDED UNDER TME PROV/S/o Ns TOpSO/L ¢ SEE�(TYR) OF //E /50 0� /60. A 5U/7-A84E JUTE 11-lE5N OR OTMER ORO TELT/VE COVER/NG SHALL 8E P.4OV/OED TO PREVENT /<(l/ T. M/� EROS/oN UNT/L SEE 05 TAKE ROOT. T/�E COsT of EROS/ON PROTECT/oN -SHALL eE /NCL uoEO /N loraN/ �� -- Al Y.S. DoT TYPE 6 TOP CgUR5E C/'/2') ORA/NAGE CHAAWd5L S70NE GLENO BASE (6") LDRA/NA05CNAN�/eL (SEE DETA/L� � (SEE DETA//-) GRANULAR SUSSASE (/2") TYPICAL PARKING LOT SECTION NO SCALE -- - --- - ---- — —6-0— SECTION I 114XFT �.VYS _JOT TYPE 6 TOP CouRSE (/%2) TOP so�y(¢P'� SEED(TYP) -' - - STONE BLEND SASE (G") TYPE B CHANNEL TYPE B CHANNEL (BEE DETA/L) e5EE DETA/L) GRANULAR SUBBASE (/2") r'r'YPICAL PAVENTE IV'r SECTTO'N PLAN DWgned By; Propel No: K.P,W, SPLC es -o1 ST . PETERS LUTHERAN CHURCH Drawn By: Drawing No:NO SCALE FR'W' - Checked 4y: scale: DETAIL OF RIP RAP AT CMP END SECTIONSAs BROWN Sl A N S I M E ON Reviewed By: Dole: (INLET AND OUTLET) MAY 1964 RevUl MAY RETIREMENT COMMUNITY 12/84- Revised Layout GREENPORT , NEW YORK Consulting Engineers 610.762-IM ■ Environmental Scientists 61e4e430/0 ❑ 618197.3/40 ❑ Planners 618.004.3410 ❑ Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrell, P. C . Melville, N.Y. Riverhead, N.Y. Farmingdale, N.Y. Sheet Title: Sheet W,LTEMTION OF THIS OGOUNENT,ERCEFT SVR DRAINAQE, GRADING A PAVEMENT DETAILS 2 Of 2 LICENSED PROFESSIONRL ENQMEER,IS ILtooRL 322 _ 4R11 322 - ' 322 '' 32 j 323 - l✓ - 2�Q, J S90 - \ 5p0N�O� % ` Opo LONG ISLAND a7 f e SITE _0 j X 45.0 44 MINOR SUBDIVISION i ; \ PREPARED FOR ' SAN SIMEON RETIREMENT COMMUNITY INC:\ . YMr ^MC N.v.q ^DC=•) / \ \ AT GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y. 51 5 / 9 ' , 2a• 1 LOM° 1•LAM° ILAIL A AD x 2 LOCATION MAP �\ III , 800' 11 , V \ - JULY 6,1987 % 4g 0 \ X 487 �•' O 0.. i DATE FEB. 27, 1987 \ -�,.- ,- J {�E / SCALE; 1 501 _ / 0- % 49 5- p N0. B7 ' 15 /� / F t V,p au \ \ I � 2 0 / - - - - - X 48 3 NORTH R �` MIDDLE )• N s NO p I RECEIVED BY 00•IY _ -X 316 0 N 7.00 SOB Big P " MING BOARD e•74 �p , UL R 1,987 v \ \ \ O o / \ GENERAL NOTES x, r _ � #.) I. TOPOGRAPHY BY: LOCKW000, KES SLER 9 BA RT LETT , R - '• / . INC I BY PHOTOGRAMMETRIC METHODS DATE OF PHOTOGRAPHY FEBRUARY, I, 1983 // `" 4k _ _ '�• Y\�"♦ / / / \ / \ i 2. GRID SHOWN HEREON IS51N THE NEW YORK STATE / k �.` ' 4. PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM ( LONG ISLAND ZONE ) J }'-. '••_1 \t• ,2, � \ ry �{ (`j \ � U ' 3 • VERTICAL DATUM IS THE NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 ( MEAN SEA LEVEL ) \ ` - _ 1 . � I, � 4. TOTAL AREA = 37.5542 ACRES .v - AI " ,�\ d ,b ', V/. \ mW S�O(PD 5.• ■ = M0 MENT 6. O = IPE _ T. FFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP - DIST IOOO SECT045 BLK 02 LOT-10.3 / � Area = 6.6330 Acres lo X90 X 1 I 6027 3 LSF / .� x �9n ,) ,� : 74.73' { / BE \ )) 3 0 O 0. 14 �\ Y 3 U x \ \ P \ �� _ � �• i __ V \ / g e Pory 7 xl - 5 x � x � X 25 0 �� \ / 8 5 X 15.0 / / x 267 zo �' Area = 25.3316 Acr // ry x 275 270 279 - / 85 - \ i •-Z-~ 1 0 x \ - 5 3. \ x - \ �� ido q 20 x p /' q •eq" -- -_ _^ _ / '\ /� \C� X90 \ � 13.0 // �� � Z• i y\ � db 4111 r X Cpl Ga 1 170 x \q \\ X 175 X 219 x 11.4 v ryp x i 13 Z X 21 5 Wu / N. xo2 z $•_ Or fo rm lurch er1Y roxy now = S. U N x 13.4 Peter/E�nGreenPork �� • �e°o° /� ✓ A /' 14 OIL / t FOUNDATIo lOr Or Lutheran \ /' 2 r \\ 'S Gr van9el',CaI ort / o 20 Si. Pe Af Gree x Iso I 1 I X210 / v\ \ • / DRIVE - IN'` lb" 9.5 / 20 5 % - I �- 243T., 1 O 205 � ?F I _ \-'I ly- _ �(l I . _X Ili.e \ / • `3 / h 20 y O \ J x 68 N.552081,E. 108. 2' / ro ° nT 1 / 0 / y 187 x // y PARKING r L2.8s• • \ \ // � / ED 1 � x 12 v a� r n • A \\V � A\ VO AI 1 X 19 X 19.5 / ' \ \ x II 0 • X 197 \ N I- \V 1 XO [� 0.5 / /� � \ a � i� /P. iEc 1 II 1 11 2 T - 2O X X 19 0 / • � \ �\ / �° 17.5 b V // \• i75 \1\ � x m / Area = 5.5897 Acres // �, x / / ;' ' / j' 4✓ 5 ROAD EG 2 / \ \ x 170 01 _IV 0(%NO�S ' \ x 15 EC EC R / \ 21.7 X 16.5 / Fill /20 9 15.5 , ' • / 1\ °-- -7t_� - , / x 190 20j / 20.2 I \ O FE _- - ROAD - _ FL POLE Q 340.35 / x Is.S MAIN -o- - - - IG - - - - - - - - - _ _ - _ 0 ( ROUTE - x•43• - - - � - x 16.7 �- la -0- x 190 - -j'}- 10 X 16.8 _ - X 19 5 t6 - / � 912 X ' _ X 16, 4 20 \\ /-O' 20 5 X t 6' • I ' \ y 'SE OF NEW. - R • m,SEFYC ALIWI✓!„p AYAE[p \\\ �O BIO s101 is rw \ ro�FRD *.--),a }} - ' LFrnoN»°r OF THE FPEw roEX strE Y - 1D110IOY Lew. T '`• ' COFlFP Of 1H15 SUIIv4Y MN NOT EEAEFNG + IML LAND SURVEYOR'S INRLD SEAL OR IMLOSEO SEAL SHALL NOT BE O-RDE FE0 I. PL A VALID FLUE COSY y + AEA MHEREON SHALE NPULN NETMXVE6 NP SVPEEAPDAHOON S BEHALF TOf rSa�i3 _ rD6 COMMNY GOVERNMENTAL ALOLY ANY IFNDING HEsTIOTiON LISTED HEREON AND & - rOT THE Ory 611A AENIEESf THE ARE NOT TLA,ISFERe"LI Imo" YOUNG 00 B YOU 4LDENW. O RAVE.,-RIVE RHE AD N.Y. 11901 1 p ALDEN W. YOUNG,N.Y9 P.E d L.S. LIC.N9. 12S45' p p5E pLb aP �pP .o ADDmoNAL INsnr,DFONs OR s,xuo c^• ti HOWARD W, YOUNG,N.Y.S, L.S. LIC. N0.45893 rV \ Home Owners Association _ Parcel "C" s ,now or formerly Village of Greenport Area 5754 s.f. now or formerly John G. Slolas & Others do 1 00 2D 00 N N. 55 aG4 sO y Q�. / gEVI[,I S' sEF°A, c SONE _ vA / 5 I o o Future Section Three v o Iy 9 .N1 496 /s 0 yOas55�•5,/p0/5 " S`\ TIEN I 516a9'S 0"E 6e6.r9 O now or formerly � a � \ � O 2 e Abraham Shames & Others s �y9 O 3 LOCATION- MAP2 " O 1" = 600' N s 01 4 0 9A mm m THIS MAP AND ACCOMPANYING FLOOR PLANS WHEN FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF SUFFOLK Z o - m COUNTY SHALL COLLECTIVELY BE DEEMED TO BE THE FILING REQUIRED BY ARTICLE 9-B SECTION / UJm s £\ 339-P, OF THE REAL PROPERTY LAW OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK AND SHALL BE CONSIDERED IN g \ Future Section Two CONJUCTION WITH THE DECLARATION OF CONDOMINIUM FOR SAN SIMEON VILLAGE,SECTION ONE / N RECOPIED IN SAID OFFICE SIMULTANEOUSLY HEREIN. s �o \ now or formerly St. Peters Evangelical Lutheran "I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE UNIT DESCRIPTIONS ON THIS MAP CONFORM TO THE OSt h �£ \ Church Of Greenport OFFICIAL TAX ASSESSMENT DESCRIPTIONS USED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN ASSESSING UNIT 7 DATE: BY: CONN S45°31.00 pE d 050 ST THIS CONDOMINIUM WILL APPEAR IN N rG tO A S24•37, "I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAS MADE BY US FROM ACTUAL SURVEYS COMPLETED DIST 1000 K COU5AI BILK M P Home Owners Association 3s i o s. 00^ THE SUFFOLK COUNTYTAX MAP /_ uT 34 3 'a A E FEB. 12, 1 990 AND THAT ALL CONCRETE MONUMENTS SHOWN THUS: HEREON ACTUALLY C PefC01 °A" NS s .0� 5j9 �2 S� EXIST AND THEIR POSITIONS ARE CORRECTLY SHOWN AND ALL DIMENSIONAL AND GEODETIC S ^/ A oo DETAILS ARE CORRECT SUFFOLK TAX NAP " Area = 6.5941 Acres y by 33 a'T<J�1. 550, q2. DESIGNATION X/,TION � 2? SsOQy cax0a NO. •.I1 ,O 2y s � ,DIST SECT SECT BILK LOT HOWARD W. YOUNG, NY.S. LS. LIC. NO. 45893 y'I ,nA9 ti� / e 1 1000 45.01 1 13 CP 3 N 3 3 4 4 .� P ^ APPROVED BY THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD O 9 h p s N w ea 4 6 6 3 rr,N N DATE OF APPROVAL BY: 7 7 11, o Future Section Four m 9 6 o J /vie. 32Bo �• /g /9 �20 Com on A a sNo O 10 IG o °s SO'. • A ti Area = 7. 35 es kvGo 11 11 IS 12 Home Owners Association 13 13 IT //y' Fo /3 s 3 Parcel "B" W CONDOMINIUM MAP 16 is �' lq l�F —35B.4j. 2 6 ,4 /z „ \ ,�''= NN Area = 82993 Acres p SAN SIMEON VILLAGE 16 16 Z 17 17 SO /0 9 B 3 y £ IS IS B. 7 • �2p. 00 . 4 Z SECTION O N E 19 19 20 20 D3 21 x1 5 AT GREENPORT 22 22 THE UNDERSIGNED CERTIFIES THAT THIS MAP/FLOOR PLAN IS AN ACCURATE COPY OF 2p /,, „o 23 23 PORTIONS OF THE MAPS OF THE BUILDINGS AS FILED WITH AND APPROVED BY THETOWN OF SOUTHOLD 24 24 BUILDING DEPARTMENT OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE MAPS AND FLOOR PLANS FULLY 5�2' 19• x•" 25 zs AND FAIRLY DEPICT THE LAYOUT LOCATIONS, UNIT DESIGNATIONS AND APPROXIMATE mN W DIMENSIONS OF UNITS SUFFOLK COUNTY, N .Y. 26 26 NP zT 27 2. '-200p, ,� M1E OF ryEGy 2e x• DATE Ig• ` @ ' �O 29 z9 N34. 49'00" Y W 6fi5.20 ' ylF�O W' ♦t 30 30 m 31 31unao ALIlFn11VN u. Au9IMa BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND STATES THAT HE IS A REGISTERED m MIs SURVEY 15 A vlourwN of ARCHITECT IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK, THAT HE HAS READ THE FOREGOING ( � 3 z 32 ,ACTION 2201 Of mT NTw YOGA STAR �/ 33 33 :DuunoN uw CERTIFICATION AND THAT THE CONTENTS THEREOF ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS41, conn OI THIS suevn MAP NOT Moana KNOWLEDGE. _J 34 34 THE IES o NNT SUR INKEo sTAI°K 'Sgg9 33 3$ 'M!°SSED SIAL SHALL No, P,CO•'.IOnH OWNER: APR 3, 1 990 r° AI A veno TG61 COPY SAN SIMEON PROPERTIES ASSOCIATES DATE �NND NERE+D 36 36 ;11AMANTn5 IMDMATO 6nSON SHALL GUN SWORN TO ME THIS DAV 1990 P.O. BOX "Z" GATEFEB 1 2, 1990 YOUNG S YOUNG ' COMMON AREA 1000 4s 01 1 3T 311 Tu ME Inas-N IDG W.M IYt Suevn GREENPORT, N.V. 11 944 400 OSTRAN UN AVENUE, RIVERH LI N.V. K FnsrAnso, Ar+o oN "' UYAU TO m[ 5° o eo loo Non FCL"A' lOoo 55.01 z 1 '0M COMPANY. G°vEPNMENIA1 n6ENc. ANI ALDEN W. YOUNG, N N5 P.E. 5 Ls LIC NO 1 2845 ,ENDING INSmunon UITIC n.Gvo" A. HOWARD W. YOUNG, NY B L.S. LIC NO. 45893 oN ASSCG 11S 0I ° SCALE: 1" = 1 00 unGANnr= TTI¢ ,S"Awr �- THOMAS C. WOLPERT, N.V.B. PE. LI 1 483 HOA.PCL "rf 100° 45.01 1 3e G " Awe ., , - NO. 90-0049 o 'I U HOA PCL c' 1000 1 4301 3 1 rv,^••, •"'•,•••""" �• " Y ]�P� W' Y _ W rr y� �{ Fun ll.li" .utfM]4� ® I ®� wdYl..w•r.�r4'J �� ILL! S .i \\ ■� I© S ;9�5 ■ ■■ I iiiY-�II'P. J I ■ ® �H M''i IftYL '3 v Fr, i �■� � � ���� ,r !r_ _ 1_C�_1 nni,. ' � k +�L^� kIi�YFml9J4f' X i 1��1 �I tX h ate. �-�. kNkJItSV(19dOH � � F ■Y4YIL2S _ __ [u1�3®6c31An i �� i 1d4X M 1nif4i[ �^Y+ -WI . Mli Pd .(1 �Yf� _-- _..-_ . ..I., i, ■W0NIY1� Til 9yy1.;,�41■,knb■g9 &P,,W l re�fa�_i �'LAiltl�l'�' k�i'Q■:d�U[di'9'{n�nl.' ) P 5_]W' I -- _ M`..m..l .n .� I� �Yd� J• — — --------- -- „� S r ■ ' r�6 I;� �.,_., I Illll,3.Cc�'• .iriaw.a m � �Sa � raira�l�ru ,�` ��'' �[ � dM 1 ■ „�!f�;•�a:H' ■ � ,'' � ®� _w.,l I n`" � 1 'nli�lll ICY, IiV41 �����Ii.�i�l i>9l5 �� ti.� 1 ii� � "o�9.�Mok' � r }t1' � Y f■. - 11 � � �F � ` � � $ ��� '������ ti,m" � r qx� I �� (� as � �_ �� o us w- o ■ ��� n� �-- _ G M- xa , s-rrr ■ ar (fh r ' d e 1 � I ■ a U �.r. . PAN M Or � � s + �� 1 h(i a 1 rw��ttr� '__ ■ Xy �f st c1 aetii ca •-� - �. � _— a " ������ tq ■' nom. ■a i t aar ��c® - '. wsc � ., _ ■ :' 'l .; .ninrnrue�- x�.}'. 4yE1a9l■ I. ...� - 'r,m'.rST Ee - �`yt � ti - pie+ '-,'i1n � ;i ,".wX., .'"�,,. -' � ---------"-- M ,,:: '� '; �. ',� 1= -- — — � r jl1 �'Y':� ■ ti� '�wfi�, cr.� ,.-,.z,.xaa,J 'r:_i. Iwo r,��ulCw""��`% --' - V � m, u( F�, &n wu+t 71 l,, 1'311 ii �E55 3t ' , I,, , + d a - Iwrali� lyypyy¢��''����''�''.�.ay. �■ ® _ ,B I P!eaG'-; t( ..� , ' l m �� ,Ricav»lY� r ' 'I7 Xii1X f l :,,qn I`k} �' '0 F� � .lei'„I�I Q ■■ ', a� R 'iii I q ti � � l I,•.� ■ i f '"h r. s �•- ..>n rrcl _ . ,�:.,u � „� �e:l .Il (- 3;.. - � e. -, � 1��1 ■■�l � '_ � t� ��lp�� id s■ s ■ % �u..�� �r _(,., :r �I Jo-Fl �_"` a 2�:�7 .'° � �'"�' �I lr ■� a ■ =1d Ei , a,.,.-- , �'` ' ■� r�py , 5 m W i i E ■e(i(e Am; W#A , 't • rl v I ra�+,a ,,.,t}v� _—__ • 1 G:� .� I v iX.i Zr—WON�rvsan "�P — — rm+.i'esM.r-G tlthlu2 MA _' h�y�� ■in ��� .":.�" 'fit,.;" ��'.q$'y1 � 1 • ^wt P 3 BEDROOM UNIT 2 BEDROOM UNIT 2 BEDROOM UNIT 3 BEDROOM UNIT 0 - _ a r � � O BEDROOM BEDROOM O � BEDROOM - i -- BEDROOM : x mt II - I I � - - = 4 -- z — — — j BEDROOM BEDROOM / 14.0" n a-01' 1,4' BEDROOM BEDROOM __ BEDROOM BEDROOM Q7!4 'KI� O `!/ �nll -Dli J'4"xll=0° P?''� Kf2'O° di BEDROOM SECOND FL001"'It" PLAN - k .f. 2' BEDROOM UNIT 800 s.f; B ROOA� UTN 860 s.f 3 BEDROOM UNIT 1100 s.f. 3 BEDROOM UNIT 1100 s a 5 fN ��=Gan lbs0'121 �-n i MEM—. 7 o COATS CH. - l -- - 7 T LT yj I i F - LIVING ROOM L37ING ROQVI x x 14'0" tr4" c 1.4'•0` ; I LIVING ROOM LIVING ROOM I—I - oe x Iv'� !gyp° n I� 4' ' FIRST FLOOR AN , 3 BEDROOM UNIT 2 BEDROOM UNIT 2 BEDROOM UNIT" 2 BEDROOM UNIT 3 BEDROOM UNIT jol If I&t all I i o - � �II � I 4 -j- Lj - •�Jj � __ vG.B__En14i2l''-=DROOI'I MTT- -— _ — I4"PI,—-eC''•�aDd°".Iq.12-''-I—',-4—o='xu I.I—D -D.'—I '. -, -- 1 BNE D D—I'•Rd-"O—x� Oa4% Mp>1124 "R 'LY I NE I I T -- _ --O = . BEDROOM - - BEDROOM EDROOMAd B BEDROOMBEDROBEDROOM 116 BED] BEDROOM BEDROOM BEDROOX M 12 SECOND FEOM NIT 60 3 BEDROOM NIT 1100 s.f. .6flBEDR3 BEDROOM UNIT 1100 s.f. 2 BEDROOM NIT 860 s 2 BEDROOM UNIT Ai'z NL o EMECH.MECH o 00 IN ECH.ME F10 oi � ING ROOMLIVINGROOM LIVGILIV0rn 4w- LIVING ROOMLIVING ROOM 9I r .. ; a,rII , , , I - I I - I FIRST: FL D I . t' 3 3 Pw f t , JA LIST OF- TABULATIONS 11 Zl / s��` ���FqF`.- -, _ _ __ '._ .?Yip , or orr i7.7�.7t3 Lu �Q , nA,/ Lh \1��oi� hl:y� AlP ,Fi - Fs, IVO J _• 5, , I ' PARCEL - C / , m Z W "7z- /Xa650• /"N/f✓ ���C`ETI h'�%�+''7ANL1�iI �1 // � 0 t S - ( hlpT�/N�.9 I V I f 3 z _ \iZ PARCEL - A s T i z1 IQ 1 i � i 4 to0 ,ds N1 � tyl•55' i i � �' h 8d'°•�k 40' W � O h . 1.t,�,,�✓u" ` sFk \ � 'fid ori �u`• � N • d PARCEL - B 02, `� o a�'•�' 9 b 'tiZ �o�r�__ A-t5,o �s�\ � '" W by a 'a -0 i SITEo PLAN •�O0 PAoRCEL SUBDIVISION Na � 9GAbC•1''��00' P-mw fife- DYN At iuY�Nr S&, 4iTE SUhwf MAF* rr`� L-AN, hu0- tof,/ 6�4SFa�r• NWYoe� KOCH-KO ASSOCIATES INTERIOR DESIGN 3 PLANNING / 5 Y� 7 FIFTH AVE. NEW ' ORK ; ` • � . Y. -10017 _-212. 725-2121 . I - � 4 NlM SIF f`fys,• fAMRB rMW I o d'° \ yd��'` I LEGEND OF SYMBOLS - �t,a.:� 41 �, - r r-n il` FV{LI" t ,� / //_ qF�l• i —_�w� - rf l3'nl•ir CnHz,CIP-'. L2`i^ ItO ARr_\ OR T� r u EG' // .�, (1' rT. 'aLEA2,•TIOGH N� '- (LOW 3 .--. 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Q \ , 6i c �r �tk p'v', raj ` a -11C c ' g-'VP{-! LfiVE'IN PFOI' °\' P \ ,!f - AN➢ iM adAaryw�IbN1 tot C L `v a. 6y�i 1 ^.'r .Crmi S` eLL^ `a0'*I r➢ - i �� ITO 6c'.; If3 �1�`• �4 - i - I (� \) \ t\I� , r[' t AW - IC'r'ET_ - 3C spa,es ♦^ f"Ar, �(hA - - \ 3 SARI ST t&'0,,• NZI _ 100 9P3 •"S Y♦ COTTAGE UU-7TS - Lu OF��IT ^'t'TFiO -- ?-' sna.!es es _= / SITE PLAN • RETIREMENT COMPLEX tftf{ -= — '� / "0"'Pi_ ,•1 ' '� tiz4M �tE yu.�vg; MAF'y , ow Tar KOC�I-jC►H:NSTONE. ASSOCIATES N C . INTERIOR DESIGN d K, P.LA:NNIN-6 - - - - !75" FIFTH._ AVE. NEW YORK ; •N'. Y. 1001.7 --212-725--11'1-I - ' '� r J ' • , A v /� . �' � � _�-� �� `_/� i �1•• � I 'u � i r 1 , :i ,�, g s � hl0 r1 � ��� iFi7n e- 4.11 i ,Y g'r� _I� i � '� f _ I� i '�� _ �_ *� r �_ i 0 I 1 1 qt4 EAI: Ii��JCr E�'JR. Ls`�E`dC. ��Yz� G KVt�CK�� � � i � �., PARKI �IC 'f�LYv ft1' FECi� GNAP�-l. 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(603) 224-6127 -- I i 'I �, 2 5f'ALI�GT I 10 pl S h `o , r S tl v ' — h i , 17 �. — '`'-.45' 159° pt � •I 145° C� z N 6" 151 I N i h I 3 , . o 4 I 1 81 �o .0 M 0 � 1 � �T 'DN •� � (Ty>') � '� 9'-O" -Z,-7„ Z' 3Aaurlra Z' 3,6,. 6,_1j„ _.�...� .....,� C UT5 I PT -'F-r)6f L R WALKWAY WALKWAY WIPT+I5'- U" MA-),- F', Jr TrF, i("F, L,UR Vt6 ALL TRAP NTJOt 6 BETW�-C� U RVE6, I�TE176t-6LT WALKWAY S1N&LKn Sr= ffiWV - _fwO- H ,Y. Ark 4x " "� 1-AYDOT E � W�I-KS TL l.AT6 AI V I�T�RIGF, :5M 1 ARE=l 3 TC fiG MAM 1� fit-I1%: ALL PKNATt IATk,Y W L-K�1 Al 5 TO vi 4' WIG'i`, ren9port, I�KA,4(& O&tU/j feC 9 HILLS AVENUE, CONCORD, NEW HAMPSHIRE 03301 TELEPHONE. (603) 224-6127 UPLI�r�FTII�Lf ,��T PLnC��Ta� LTYP.) 1 q 3i I 0 —_- \ I� I ' k0�iry7�wk� � �Z �91 v� � AV � V v i, f- P GV I I / I I J; lA -� I AV - At b 1 P6 39 - — / uv , � � �J �� / i' _-- _____ 3v YimIT Llt� LTYP) sod ' , f�i�-I�ILH 1-C.l'ATIL)N (TYP) 60 , 2 � - 6" V��zTIGIEL LA1�fi5GA� -fly � � — 1 ���v. Eel -KfAl� -FATIU AiZ' `. TYP� C>N I 2 - 1)" 5AT1 l� V C VKTII_ AL , LAt�1�` AF's 71 5 . TY12) -; II - --- 'KA 151-D 2 O 5t� `fFATI1ANTVT: CTy�'•) Y I , J vca�b � „ _ , o " lea /9 O 2 9 HILLS AVENUE, CONCORD, NEW HAMPSHIRE 03301 TELEPHONE (603) 224-6127 I Y M d � ! X15TIt 6 1/ &F,- ATIOd - -- - 1 d l r "P — y vCx . SIZE l'YP GGsMMO /✓� ---- -- 1 55f 3 �" 5owF, ix l.-Cel A614, MAVIV , CAK 1-It E44,. t 4-5' n A00VO 17, Y311 ►t -• -.,_�,.. ,— Y l x � y ,3'�f la Z d•,,.r� FLO'Jd. 'T'K; G-"tZA?s C.�'TCP�',v. 'i+AV+/T�1�C.JRt, , —Y"'�ltlz, MDCri`�CY.-1+k / '��� fL 'l'�tY X111'1 'NIfY � r ii ,\ rr _n—".—,_..�.._._•_._---- ..' 4 5-4 14 LI +7 5� Vlbl711 1y s__. . ._ 2 o iz +r�tZp 1 R 1 AN 5 h'KU� E0.�T7 1 �T 1lvT' " \,� ' .L���✓+' AA �[j�\`r/� 1 C � `` *�.,✓' � �� '�� "' . ` I � _ � 6 r�_I�' tl ',,,,"wv Dth A$C>Vr. iK 4f 3 t '~vsR. vow, .:+�t i�-� nn+..��o, c-CrII './ 5AIME�At) Ascvs i 4 ,+ 37 13 2'.� R1`. W*vam log (AMsyr `>t ✓'.� t, y _.. � yi ' , , .% W Iii IS 6-g'ws. +! AS(r ,lE ab A' N/1� {PSE°RF,N� G>itVk $tx tltG � . � "fFFt?Ot�a•4tC5u'i I `` I �� � .�+' ._ - f � 11 - -V4SiU { �P1R "r. 3-b w� R JM . � , �Ar�vG+t�Rv. A�-�ntt;ru sats i inrlrr J It ('rW - _ , F 8 v �F-rr w, A 'a _ � , f sp IV 34 '•,41R, '1'St.)R 1 X31k1K F�FRLh, VWktz KC t�fi� w 45 97 2� 'wry - tl ' trt -T UA' F.L v MCX T7t7YZIDr. r" V. JKb �`u IT1 }f 33 I - 2'wr w Gt7? ED ^tE� ',P ^z A7l .5 6 w+ "t3'm AV AZ VAc 'RN N< , ,II i� ? i b S'J►�. A33C E W12 t KI3 KVZ y n ..rj1 A5 £ f S•ID"+rs ,1YKPMl AK: VITArE , HSI 1TaYIrW SPAh' y--- �t • � at. 6 6'$ nT.t "abclJ� A5 �0,�r�\ as µJ✓ I'I Dat 9 HILLS AVENUE, CONCORD, NEW HAMPSHIRE 03301 JELEPHONE (603) 224-61,27 / ; ' b' ' I � '. ' � � s.` • ,. ' . ( :. - 5-.' ft.� J��-, Y N, � •a � `fir 'r.. t, k I,. vl .' ., ' 1`n 'I -, - , .. .., ; � . ,. .. - ,, „ ��'#: 1 rnf w d ' rl • a,;, 'k :. Y-' .: _ �' a.; : . .. ... . i- ,;t" , �;:, Y o" "•- � * � - ,� I �Y. � � .- 't" : - � . , , �. i + - /` .� , 5•S' .,.4 r•'n , 'f.•�tl .� "' �i'. .�va, - . _ .wi 9 ' - .v . . _ � - I � \ \ \ Home Owners Assoc:atlon , s ,now or forme y Village of Greenport � Parcel "C" now or formerly p6o 05 sos %� Area = 5754 s.f. John G. Siolas & Others O ' N5 a ao 05T\ D -ODNOW O,.o E \553 \ I y �+� .+ h 4• -'vU' �SEs 4 N cT, `L 00 0 Future Section three i a( C/,oMFN E EO N / / / y N O O 5 TI 0 I 6 • l GI � I CL 5-- 5 , / EN I 516 V9'S0'E 686.)9' \ now or formerly �— " �w i� li I' ilAbraham Shames & Others �0 �yydti 22 �'� " sTt��-WILE Z0 �y9 LOCATION MAP OEn / /- 1" - 600' m / 0 ' mN 0 i THIS MAP AND A A m ' , ACCOMPANYING FLOOR PLANS WHEN FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF SUFFOLK a - OLK COUNTY SHALL COLLECTIVELY BE DEEMED TO BE T NW � HE FILING REOW RED By S ARTICLE ON SECTION CTION -m 339 P OF THE REAL PROPERTY LAW OF THE STATE OF NEW - YORK AND SHALL a ' - I E CONSIDERED CONDUCTION W DIN WITH F THE DECLARATION OF CONDOMINIUM I FUYUrB Section TWO NUM FOR SAN SIMEON VILLAGESECTION / ONE _ - RECOPIED IN SAID ) _ OFFICE SIMULTANEOUSLY HEREIN N now or foymeily - 'E 10 St. Peters EvangelicaN Lutheran L9 ! 1 v "I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE UNIT DESCRIPTIONS IONS ON THIS MAP CONFORM SS THE Church 'ofi Greehport O s y NJ \ OFFICIAL TAX ASSESSMENT DESCRIPTIONS USED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN ASSESSING UNIT. ,j G7 _ 1 I DATE. By 00 00 v ILL APPEAR IN N > I S . ° „g 24 _ sd 00 "I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP W C A , � AS MADE BY US FROM ACTUAL YTAX MAP Home W '�'�' a '9. 1 SURVEYS Owners ASSOCIaYIOn 3 3 00 - '12 FEB. 12, 1990 AND THAT ALL CONCRETE MONUMENTS SHOWN T COMPLETED /_ 11 HUS: HEREON ACTUALLY „I THIS CON OOMIN�ICI! ' 9 o of s EXIST AND THEIR POSITIONS ARE CORRECTLY SHOWN AND ALL DIMENSIONAL AND GEODETIC �I DIST 1000 k Cll' Pafcel 41 S, ,� h� ja- i✓ �91r ��d _ DETAILS ARE CORRECT." THE SUFFOLHi 0 ', \ ry N u,- 550, y2 . lq, Area = 6.5941 Acres 9 ^ - - `OLN COUNTY TAX MAP ' OE61GN1TlON O N s6cT xLx. Lar V1 2N '� g "Iya, HOWARD W YOUNG, NY.S LS. LIC. NO. 45893 Cofioa No 45 01 I 1 93 '39n N 3 / � ' . -Y� A me ._ W � � 0 II I i m� 6 0 . 3 .., z V-' i N5 ? Oe ] cn/ - W m „ N Z 2 er TH �2 - - .. E TOWN F .� . . 4 N O 2 n O SOUTHOlO .,.,❑G BOA-+ 2 W - . . . C 9 w. _ J h ` o I 6 { gg 0 V c N., t W N 4 AMHO�AI 6 N ,�h��f.Vli'. 1• r PLED 6 E - o,r;Y � '• Future Section Four l2 on A ea' , m • ._ lr�. .a o N1s. ate •• _ �' /e o Com °s.s ,a2' A �K ro Area - 7. 35 es O _ r ink o ' n 1 W - - 3, m o 12 9 _ '? o ? % Home owners Association � CONDOMINIUM N �O M � N � U M --- - _ M A P .r n N Parcel "B" + t m M A 4 14 jr, Area = 8.2993 Acres N SAN SIMEON I ON VI LLAG E _ 16 I6 47 N 6 , _ I /5 s 0 If T f !7 'i B r 10 ONE 17 6 D 3 , 3 a ECT N eD6 1 z 9 I D Z S 16 11 �p 3 /� T G R za E E NP e _ ORT N1 S• o ' 2 z1 5• n0 21 2 „ 2 D DCE - . ,. ,-„�wTL COPT W D � TOWN THE UNDERSIGNED app FILMS A: GR OF ,. O VV N I OF xx THAT THIS MAP, SOUTH 22 OLD I I F APPROVED T E MA OVE HE 5 PORTIONS OF THE WITH AND APPR 1 P :LED 0 BUIL01 NGS A. 2 THE 23 } 3 9 z T AND FLOOR PLA NN ' BUILDING DEPARTMENT o DLI) AND THE MAPS N6 FULLY OU I,HE TOWN OF S >; SUFFOLK \\ m t 9 XI T \ o COUNTY, Th AND APPPO MA E T ONS z4 AND FAIRLY DEPC L DESIGNATIONS m oN .Y. TONS I 'AUT LOCA I " es SIGNS OF UN TS 26 DIMEN 'Lp - N ' 26 I zfi --a EDP N z o t e I p q 1 P 9 0 � 1 2r 27 DATE5 �O , HD W. 4 I — P zfi \ N34" 49 00 W 665.2 ee 0 � D f O 6 r 29 y 29 LAN E T II I - I 0 36 3a R"GISTEPcO 31 n INS SURVEY •u L.uuN u•nmmu N LY SWORN DEF S AND STATES THAT HE IS c = GING or pE0 31 ION ST D THE FO i r 1s A vwur ARCHITECT IN THE YORK THF HAS READ SUR ARCH W C rxls 'G N E YOAR Si In I , w I I3z 32 ,rrnoN v2ox or mL NE CERTIFICATION AND TI �4E CONTENTS TH I JF ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS IIS 'WCArIOH LAw p M I 33 ]] � I yE A' 458911, COVIEE of Tn1S SURVEY MAr Nor LeALIFI KNOWLEDGE. APR 3, 990 ]4 34 rn11ANo "By""' IN6Eo SIAL oa OWNER: DATE: FEB 12, I gg0 mosseo SEAL sneu NOT of ern+.BBASp _ YOUNG 8 YOUNG 4 2Ab0 3ua� 36 36 ro m A VALIo TRUE Coer SWORN TO ME THIS_ DA 7 990 SAN SIMEON PRO ASSOCUI I'E6 fio 1 �9 =�G 400 OSTRAND ER AVENUE, RIVI 36 36 ;unaANrlEs 1NInuiEu nfeECN sxnu Lun P.O. 90% "Z" ]mv to rnE CILATEO.N wL WHOM 19L suavn ALDEN W. YOUNG, N.V.B P E. GREEN PORT, N.Y. 11 944 SCALE. 1• = I pp' HOWARD w YOUNG. N V COMMCN AREA 1000 46.01 1 3T g yLf4AAEo,AI+o ON IS rtHAlf 10 rnE NO. 90-0069 rrr'''��� TITLE COMIANY, 60V MENIAL eLENCY AM I, �+ `� THOMAS C. R'OLPERT. 2!Y$ , PCL"A" lana 4601 2 1 eNOING INSiITNION LLI9A IS HOA Nf6 Of 1n1 6NUWC 45 01 1 36 'O ME ASSIG I: "g' I6oa main A.I i NU q.PGL, ,rlOry LURA N' ryOg PCL "[' 8100 4501 I • �111 � 1-V"vl dtj I