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1000-43.-3-2 (2)
FIN rl :401 < "I A TF (71 lit. 4A F! Avi N U E 71- tyP � ILL IF 2 7— jF" I � " i ' ' k ' it, �I, ], it,l , 6, jt"'j 11 ' t Ilk wrm i l�';i I FIT IF A A/ FI 30" OF ff Pll-TION WELL. FOR \ Fr �yyp , ',a: ENTRANCE ------------ MAIN N "nu oft 01 -41W L:I��, '44kI I -\ �I rr JF2R "� �� e� y� �1 �, ""T-'�I �i. r IIII II�� I �II I 1 01 Ito" yX rGnnA14\ if fit. l' IF IF g" ' 0 OF 'IF TW it, ` alrit'I ITT, it IF f4O_rF FOR Pi " " 'F , FLLS USED �j pi-A.1 LE. WATER 15;0' OF ZTS I fI\,r C i," Fit," TI ALL -rME 'ACNT YAi A92E , I IPA, Iru SE at I By PUBLIC "Jj! w PI it im WZMM�11 �7 ........ F','� 'jj 1i If it It717"T "T IT1 V 0 T' F',W t iv vI .-To j I ll� It IF Mll FF writ, li q CEME7ARY -7 ;pS_I 1111 6_-, WELLS - f ATE IM T c 7,77"1"1 -'IF 7 Fill L TO ops ji I 01q I I L Its I I , ! cy, ET,f "Tl IT- I Gd 0, 0�i Sgi viksi > b— Pw 01 ZIFF —----------- ir"A IT _F:r8C-0 0625; OlilF EQUAL., ri 1-7-- iii \JAL\JE c III PT `JPLJ POOLLAUN TOILETS 'L TO tax- E.Tr ' lit il 16" MtN �7(iitlilllrii ORAIN E75OUAI) W SUFFOLK COUNTY ItE"PI 01-1 It I iii APPROVED FOR CON'ofRU"i M GL HS. REF. NO.JC10-12-_6__FLO',V 2110 51. FlI gi r (01 000 V. PFI PlI 15. "I to TYPE WATEP, BY This approval is granted (fir th-u- tle so:i LIME: i IV II ti disposal end Iii SLAPilIffIcitfc;poi hilicles'113 and i Ili 11 7 of the Suffolk Ci and is net oil expressed �LANNRFIG BOA'fD i nor implied qprovo.I to &IFliango from or occuffiv the 4 OF SOUTHOLD I stru-tui s�oiim. THIS APPROVAL EXPIRES 1110(2) YEARS rl J Towit FROM THE DATE BELOW. i a DATE DATE SIGNATURE R?Z INSTAll-L-A-riom OF-TAtt... "A" FOR LOCATION Or OVERALL PLANIm A • SAN - I II ry Fill 1) 11111 61 -ro SCALE (14 ligg-en PITI :� I ;,IT NEW Ar 03226411-1 Fffliii JAN -4 fFFI MILE 13 YACHT YA R 0 Inc POOL AN_ cL1j&k0j�t'7 1,02ATION BEACH iiii l,-,1AN1,4ANEE7`T AVE CRrEI it jj iffLE j: 1� � $ TI,F PECO141C ASSOCIATESIAMCM till I 40 0 consultants , 11 Fill r 2 . Grefir0part,ok.Y. One Bootleg A110 P.O. y 'T 'F Ili 11I FI Tit 477-0030 1 WIWI LLLL O [ 1 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERSt ra SCOTT L. HARRIS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman ia- b� ;p Supervisor George Ritchie Latham, Jr. �.� �o " Richard G. Ward Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonald P.O. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards Southold, New York 11971 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Telephone (516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 January 12 , 1993 James S. Siesfeld, Associate Daniel S. Natchez Associates, Inc. 916 East Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543-4109 RE: Proposed Site plan for Brewer Yacht Yard S/W/C Manhanset Avenue and Beach Road, Greenport SCTM#1000-43-3-2 Dear Mr. Siesfeld: The following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at a meeting held on Monday, January 11, 1993 . WHEREAS, Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. is the owner of the property known and designated as Brewer Yacht Yard SCTM#1000-43-3-2, located at S/W/C Manhanset Avenue and Beach Road; and WHEREAS, a formal application for the approval of this site plan was submitted on October 21, 1992; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, (Article 8) , Part 617, declared itself Lead Agency and issued a Negative Declaration on December 14, 1992; and WHEREAS, a Special Exception was granted by the Zoning Board of Appeals on October 15, 1992 ; and WHEREAS, all the requirements of the Site Plan Regulations of the Town of Southold have been met; be it therefore, Page 2 Brewer Yacht Yard RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grant final approval and authorize the Chairman to sign the final survey last revised on December 20, 1992, subject to a one year review from the date of the Certificate of Occupancy. Site must be constructed in accordance with the approved plans. If conditions in the field prevent construction in accordance with this approved site plan, please notify this office before proceeding with construction. Please contact this office if you have any further questions. Sincerely, Richard G. Ward Chairman Encl. CC: Victor Lessard, Principal Building Inspector Scott Russell, Town Assessors Office PB New York State Department of Environmental Conservation TS Building 40—SUNY, Stony Brook, New York 11790-2356 zeq RtL (516) 751-1389 FAX (516) 751-3839 DECEMBER 9, 1992 Thomas C. Jorling Daniel S. Natchez Commissioner 916 E. Boston Post Rd. Mamaroneck, NY 10543-4109 AMENDMENT TO PERMIT Former Permit I (if any) : Owner: Brewer Yacht Club Manhasset Ave . RE: Permit No. & Location: Greenport, NY 11944 10-86-1258 N/S Sterling Basin Greenport Village Dear Mr. Natchez: XXX Your recent request to extend the above permit has been revTewed pursuant to 6NYCRR, Part 621. The expiration date is extended to 6/30/94 Your recent request to modify the above permit has been rev awed pursuant to 6NYCRR, Part 621. It has been determined that the proposed modifications will not substantially change the scope of the permitted actions or the existing permit conditions. Therefore, the permit is amended to authorize: construction of upland improvements as per the site plan prepared by D.S. Natchez dated 7/31/92 and stamped NYSDEC approved 12//y/92. The attached special conditions shall apply in addition to those in the original permit (810-86-1258) . This letter is an amendment to the original permit and as such, shall be posted at the job site. All other terms and conditions remain as written in the original permit. Very truly yours, t i Robert A. Greene .f'i - 4 G 1 cc: Regional Permit Administrato 9 Region One N soiiT Plr_. 7 s�'Rll 0 printed M reccbd ppet 0Af(13185)-2k NEW Y,STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERV _ SPECIAL CONDITIONS For Article 25 I Tidal Wetlands ) In addition to the Special Conditions listed in the original permit and those in the amendment dated 3/13/89, the following special Conditions shall apply. 1. The former pool location (labelled "sand volleyball ct") shall remain a pervious surface. 2 . All parking areas and areas not specifically depicted as structure on the approved plan shall remain pervious surfaces. 3 . Prior to the construction of the liftwell pad, the permittee shall submit a site plan with cross-section for Department approval. 4. ' The entire upland site shall be graded to direct runoff away from the tidal wetland. 5. All septic system leaching pools shall be constructed a minimum of 21 above seasonal high groundwater. I i I II DEC PERMIT NUMBER 10-86-1258 Modification PROGRAMIFACILITY NUMBER Page 2 of 2 o��S�FrO(,�-coG i PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS �?;ti-'. T SCOTT L. HARRIS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman if. u, OP� Supervisor George Ritchie Latham, Jr. Richard G. Ward Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonald P.O. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 TO: Victor Lessard, Principal Building Inspector FROM: Richard G. Ward, Chairman -4AWIJ5 RE: Proposed Site Plan for Brewer Yacht Yard S/W/C Manhanset Avenue & Beach Road, Greenport SCTM# 1000-43-3-2 DATE: January 5, 1993 Please review the attached for certification. SUBMISSION WITHOUT COVER LETTER SENDER: SUBJECT: uw cti SCTM# : COMMENTS: 1 q SGBFi�E PB WWW-006 (Rev. 6/89) • Notice No. SUFFC<,K cO MY DEPARTMENP CF HEALTH SERVICES TO: FROM: Bureau of Wastewater Management G o -72- Suffolk County Center RiverYU-11901 P.E./R.A./L.S. PlanNo. 516-541 2 5 lc.. NOTICE OF MONIPI,E'lE APPLICATION - 0"MIA . H.D. Ref. No. c,o - 9s - oi6 Applicant T.M. Designation 1ovr _ O ¢3 — p3— oo Z Article VI & Article VII Zone THE F LWING IS REQUIRED IN allM TO CC THM REVIEW CN THE ABOVE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PAPEENORR REQUIRED [ ] Town and/or Village Zoning Letter [ lic Water/Sewer Availability Letter [ ] Completed Application Form WW-004 (3 copies) [ NYSDEC Wetlands Permit or Waiver [ ] SEQRA Determination [ ] Restrictive Covenants: Art. 7 Other [ ] SPDES Form [ ] SPDES Site Plan 8 1/2" x 11" [ ] Processing Fee [ ] SPDES Fee $50.00 $75.00 [ ] Denitrification Permit Application [ ] Monitoring/Sampling Plan (8 1/2" x 11") [ ) Review Board Determination INFORMATION MISSING AND/cR cORRELrims REQUIRED CN ,e4 [ ] Tax Map Designation [ ] Plans Not Signed/Sealed [ ] Metes and Bounds Description ( IL industrial Statement/Signature [ ] Lot Size [ JiDeed Location [ ,/j Sewage System Plan/Profile ( ) Key Map [ ] Test Hole lu:rvEssEA [ ] Gallons/Day/Acre Sewage Discharge [ ] Gross Floor Area of Building ] Sewage Disposal Design Calculations [ ] All Surface Waters Within 300' [ ] Insufficient Denitrification Details [ ] Private Well Details and Location [ ] Public Water/Sewer Line [ ] Neighboring Wells and Sewage Systems ( ] Expansion Area for Sewage Systems Within 150' of Property [ ] Site Statistics [ ] Monitoring Well Detail and Location [ ] Capital Costs of Sanitary System or Capital Cost of Denitrification [ ] Latitude and Longitude Description [ ] Operation and Maintenance Information [ I Project does not conform to Department standards. See Notice of Non-Conformance. [ Yf Comments: ad- � S3 - 3191 [ Zlan Zvi is being coordinated with the following. Approval cannot be granted without their review and permit issuance where applicable. [ /] Art. VII [ j Art. XII [ Water Quality [ ] Ecology [ ] DPW [ ] Oil Tanks By /C/ /v ��/_ Datei,1.2. 2--- �'C: .' '�'<u�-- o'C�.��c' C-'.�'• ,QotSE�._ �'h SS E� - Sor�NocD jroa�.✓ �/ 1R-OdA A/➢A Lely BREWER YACHT YARD BREWERS + AT GREENPORT, INC. * '9().4T YARDS Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport V AoV 20 , F 2 500 Beach Road Greenport,NY 11944 516-477-9594 Fax:516-477-1150 pL>zaSFz NJT� OtA OJC_ S%-M p14-4 AOP LU CA-)i u4 Post Road Boat Yard 155 East Boston Post Road waAS wq%C_k 0PA4,-4 Tb 11?- PL44-, t6 hoAPD Mamaroneck, NY 10543 914-698-0295 tNQ1COr1. " 3AQR162- jF�_B, r PAI? iNV, i 7 RAJ k'P_r-LoC4,Trzt Brewer Yacht Yard 128 Shore Road r 3J%t, OA6 Aldt 9-1 'Ak 3Jl�CN1+�4� t�lR4S� N6rIL Glen Cove,516-671-556363 11542 .' ^ Cove Haven Marina WE— vS 1%AE 1gzmw 'RARRaF-e— +-22E AS iDFATrFIt4Trbr4 101 Narragansett Blvd. \` Barrington,RI 02806 rOQ, i4� UNgCCSPTABI.1� I ERS 6kA WCAP PAR'C'n16 SMtV b . 401-246-1600 Bruce&Johnson's Marina S.Montowese St it-HESE A``fEO DQ.4w,^l65 Mb 1 Branford,CT 06405 203-488-8329 VvO23 (�w11;t U�„n jS ARE 91LOO,CLFZ TO gOOaax iatS Pilot's Point Marina North-South-East Cd��Tldl�1, 63 Pilot's Point Drive Westbrook,CT 06498 203-399-7906 Brewer's Sakonnet Marina North-South Narragansett Blvd. Portsmouth, RI 02871 401-683-3551 Jt� Brewer's Yacht Yard at Cowesett 100 Folly Landing Warwick,RI 02886 401-884-0544 Brewer's Dauntless Shipyard Pratt Street Essex,CT 06426 203-767-2483 Brewer's Yacht Yard at Mystic U Murphy Point P —�7 — 2 Mystic,CT 06355 ' 203-536-2293 Brewer's Wickford Cove Marina `��„yy1 l':.- Reynolds Street } ) N.Kingstown,RI 02852 rt1 2 3 1g 401-884-7014 Brewer's South Freeport,✓/ y � fi 1��1 '.`, n r Marine � Main Street South Freeport,ME 04078 207-865-3181 Brewer's Plymouth Marine 14 Union Street Plymouth, MA 02363 508-746-4500 Guidelines for the Design of Barrier- Free Recreational Boating and Fishing Facilities prepared for the STATES ORGANIZATION FOR BOATING ACCESS P.O. Box 25655, Washington, D.C. 20007 by Keith Wilson,Senior Consultant for Waterways Development Public Sector Consultants, Inc. 300 South Washington Square Lansing, Michigan 48933 February 1992 5h ip RTF l U.S.Department Z of Transportation 0 N United States �0 Coast Guard This project was funded in part by a grant from the This project was funded in part by the U.S. Coast U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Guard using national nonprofit service organiza- Federal Aid,using Federal Aid in Sport Fish Res- tion grants from the Boat Safety Account of the toration Act(Wallop-Breaux)funds. Aquatic Resources Trust Fund. g - �—QON TO BOVING AND FISHING FACILITIES the requirement must be followed; where it is a recommendation of SOBA, the text will indicate that the requirement should be followed. This chapter discusses components that boating and fishing facilities have in common. Chapter 3 reviews components unique to boat launching facilities. Chapter 4 discusses components unique to fishing facilities,breakwaters,marinas,and docking facilities. ROADWAYS The information about the design and construction of roadways in the 1989 handbook is applicable for all use inasmuch as any person legally using a vehicle has the ability to drive. For recommended access and interior road designs,please see that publication. PARKING LOTS SOBA recommends that barer-free parkumg spaces be no more than 200 feet from the facility, and, where possible,located in that petsons with disabilities moving to and fromt�,eirjparked vehicles will not have to pass behind other parked vehicles. The spaces'restricted use should be indicated by the international symbol of accessibility on a sign at the front of the space and,if the parking lot is paved,on the surface. To minimize the risk of slipping,paint used on the lot surface should be slip free or have abrasives added to it. The UFAS specify how many barrier-free spaces there shall be in parking lots serving buildings and how they must be designed. The number recommended by the.UFAS is adopted by.$OBA as the minimum for boat launching and fishing sites and for marinas and docking facilities. (See_Figure 1.) Page 22 of the 1989 handbook illustrates several parking configurations,all of which can be modified for barrier-free use simply by providing an aisle 5 feet wide between parking spaces;each 5-foot aisle will accommodate two spaces. SOBA f irtherrecommends that parking lot bumper guards and guardrails be spaced at least 5 feet apart to permit passage of a Total Number of Required Minimum wheelchair. (See Figure 2.) Parking Spaces Number of in Lot Accessible Spaces Where there are pull-through parking configura- tions,it is necessary to use a portion of the aisle beside I to 25 1 a barrier-free parking space for the accessibility sign. 26 to 50 2 If the parking space can be entered from either end, a 51 to 75 3 double-faced sign displaying the international symbol 76 to 100 4 of accessibility should be located midway between the 10110 150 5 ends of the aisle and off to one side(to allow a 36-inch- 151 to 200 6 wide passageway). The symbol also should be painted 201 to 300 7 on the surface at each end of the parking space if it is 301 to 400 S paved. (See Figure 3.) If the parking space can be 401 to 500 9 entered from just one end,only a single-faced sign and 501 to 1,000 2 percent of total a single painted symbol need be provided,both visible 1,001 and over 20 plus 1 for each to the approaching driver. loo over 1,000 Many public'water-based recreation facilities, especially boat launching facilities,are designed so that the parking capacity corresponds to the desired public Figure 1: The number of accessible parking spaces recom. utilization of the body of water being accessed. If a mended by SOBA for recreational boating and fishing certain number Of parking spaces are reserved solely facilities. If spaces of different lengths are provided (for vehicles and for vehicles with trailers),the full minimum foruse by persons with disabilities but are notused,the applies to each category. result is that the facility and the water body could be Chapter 2: COMPONENTS COMMON TO BOATING AND FISHING FACILPUS 9 �w Road "> Ramped Transition T Aisle 5 0 10 5�Walk Double 15 sign O o : = CL 10 1 ck ' E— 40- 45 —� Road 3 Vehicle Overhang Figure 2: Recommended dimensions for an accessible Figure 3: The dimensions and signage for a pull-through vehiclettraller parking space.Where the front of a vehicle parking space that can be entered from either end. This parked against a restraint will hang over the pathway, configuration necessitates the use of a double-faced sign as SOBA recommends that an additional 3 feet be incor- well as painted symbols on the surface at both ends if the porated Into the design so the pathway width is not parking area Is paved. diminished by the overhanging vehicle. slightly underutilized. To avoid this would require legislation or regulations allowing able-bodied users to park in barrier-free spaces when none other is available. This is not desirable because even with legal sanction it would be nearly impossible for enforcement officers to determine whether the barrier-free space was rightly occupied. Some sites are staffed because the user demand is greater than the capacity of the site; operating personnel maintain order and often collect user fees. Such sites operate on a fust-come,first-served basis, and they usually are designed so that users enter in a single line of traffic. When the site is full,no further admittance is permitted until a user departs. Under these circumstances it is possible that the only available parking space will be one designated for barrier-free use,but the person next in line will not be eligible to use it. The problem with allowing barrier-free spaces to be used by persons without disabilities is obvious: persons with disabilities who are waiting in line will be deprived of their use, and, since a very small percentage of the total parking capacity consists of barrier-free spaces,it could be a considerable length of time before one again becomes available. SOBA believes that the public policy that must prevail in this instance is that the rights of persons with disabilities should be protected,and that no exception should be permitted. Although it is possible that this policy may result in the public utilization of waters occasionally being somewhat reduced,SOBA believes ie is'worth the result being achieved. NOTE: On the advice of the advisory panel,which represented the interests of persons with disabilities, SOBA considered adopting a standard by which at sites with five or fewer parking spaces,all would be barrier free,but none would be exclusively reserved for use only by persons with disabilities. The panel reasoned that in small parking lots the reservation of even one space affects a significant percentage of total capacity, and,if the reserved space is infrequently used,it means other people are being deprived of the opportunity to use the recreation resource. In addition,resentment can develop among able-bodied users who are unable 10 •hapter 2: COMPONENTS COMMON TO BOATING AND FISHING FACII ITIES to find a regular parking space while the reserved space sits empty. This is a situation deplored by persons with disabilities as much as by others. After considerable deliberation,SOBA decided that despite the merits of the proposal,it is in the best interest of all to adhere to the policy of designing and reserving one parking space exclusively forbarrier-free use no matter how small the lot. The decision was based on practical and legal considerations. Most parking areas with five or fewer spaces are graveled;because demarcation of spaces is not feasible on a gravel surface, the parking configuration is determined largely by how the users choose to park. The result is that unless a barrier-free space is specifically designated as such,there is little likelihood that any space at all will be available and usable for a boater with disabilities. Designating a single parking space as barrier free by placing the accessibility symbol on a sign at the front of it appears to be the most practical action. Moreover, most states have statutes specifying the number of designated barrier-free parking spaces that must be provided,and the proposed policy could not be implemented in those states without legislated change. In this matter, as in all others raised in the development of these guidelines, SOBA is indebted to the advisory panel for its sensitivity to all persons and for its creative and practical approach to the task at hand. ACCESS WAYS Pathways,(including trails)are defined by SOBA as access ways with a slope of 5 percent(a one-foot 'fall in 20 feet)or less. An access way having a greater slope 1s a pedestrian ramp.,,The standards that most differ between boating and fishing sites concern the maximum slope allowed for pedestrian ramps. The UFAS(Section 4.3.3)require accessible routes to be 3 feet wide(see Figure 4);although they may narrow at points to 32 inches to accommodate the terrain or such features as rocks and trees. A wrdtli of 5 feet is preferred(see Figure 5),but the 3-foot minimum is acceptable if wider passing zones are provided at least every 200 feet. Where pathways are adjacent to parking areas and overhanging vehicle bumpers could encroach,SOBA recommends that either the pathway be widened by 3 feet or wheel stops be installed in the parking area far enough in from the perimeter to prevent vehicles from extending out over the access way. ? 1 y: 36 inch J 60inches I Figure 4: A wheelchair using a 36-inch aisle. Figure 5: Two wheelchairs passing on a 604nch aisle. r Chapter 2: COMPONENTS ARMON TO BOATING AND FISHING FACILA 11 4 S Access ways should have_ha'td, slip-resistant surfaces: concrete, bituminous paymg,wood deck- _ _ ing,or crushed aggregate (AggregiWis tai e d if sufficiently`compacted to`support wheelchair"ase and contained by flush,"curbed edging.) °"To assure long-term stability, it is advisable to take local >.� weather and soil conditions intoaccount in the design, of access._ ways. 'Ways. All shouldvbe c... . lear of overhead TMin obstructions to a height,of 7eei this will accom- modate both pedestrians and wheelchair users. (See Figure 6.) The maximum pedestnae,* slope allowed_ ' by the UFAS is 8.33 percent (i one-foot rise in 12 feet), and the cross slope(peipendicular to the com- mon direction oftravel,incorporated to accommodate drainage) may not exceed 2 percent. For slopes of 6.25-8.33 percent, a rest area should be provided every 30 feet. For slopes of 5-6.25 percent,a rest area ' E2% Cross Slope should be provided every 40 feet. (See Figure7.) The £ UFAS require that rest areas be at least 5 feet by 5L feet; if the access way is long enough to necessitate 36 two ormore,SOBA recommendsbenchesbe installed 60' at every other one. Figure 8 indicates suggested dimensions of benches; armrests and backs are desirable. Benches must not impinge on the required Figure 6: The 7400t overhead clearance and the 2-percent clear space of 5 feet by 5 feet. cross slope recommended for access ways. 301 MAX --- Rest 8 Rest to .33% Area a 6.2596 Area 5 Min. vara'•c-:r.:•CEJ'- T 5 Min. 40 MAX. Rest to 6. Rest 5% 25% Area .,-rs Area :.t: ::',:. ,.. _:s>._... 5 .:.•..c�-••;{�,�:z••. ,;,:•�� 5 Min. 5t Min. Figure 7: The maximum distances allowed between level points for various ramp slopes. where a ramp Is long enough lo require more than one rest area,every second one should have a bench. Chapter 2: COMPONENTS COMMON TO BOA•AND FISBING FACILITIES 12 projections or changes in pathway or pedestrian ramp height not exceeding 1/4 inch may be vertical, but if they exceed 1/4 inch,they must be beveled and conform to ramp requirements specified in the UFAS. 1 Bench with Backrest 8 If the access way contains a grating or gaps (see V, Armrest Figure 9),spaces may not be wider than 1/z inch in one direction,and the long dimension of the grating must be perpendicular to the route of travel. (See Figure Y\ 9.) Finally, hazards that could trip pedestrians or impede wheelchair users should be removed. 18�I GUARDRAILS AND HANDRAILS - za to 30" Handrail and guardrail elevation standards were the most controversial of all those considered for these I �' guidelines. The hand- and guardrail standards cur- + 10%— 17"t 19" rently used for boating and fishing facilities largely J i have been borrowed from codes applicable to other pecking structures, such as residences and workplaces. This i I has resulted in most fishing piers having been con- Y1 strutted with guardrails 42£mches above the deck and often with rails and vertical members desi 64 toy prevent the free passage of a ball with a 6-inch Figure S The suggested dimensions for benches;backs and diameter. The result is that there are SO many rails armrestsaredesirabletoassistpersonsinsittingandrising. and vertical members so close together that a"bear cage"effect is produced,and practice and enjoyment of the recreation experience are greatly diminished. For example,a seated anglermay have several railings and supports in his or her line of sight,interfering with 1�4 max. 7Y2max.max. r" 1ithe view and making it hard to watch the fishing line 4max. or land a fish. (See Figure 10.) SOBA recommends / standards that it believes meet basic requirements for ;.. safety without inhibiting the user's activity and his orl t i '• ,;�Yt" / 7 her enjoyment of the facility. SOBA recommends-that the purpose of the rail- ings govern their elevation. where safety is the Figure 9: Any Projection on an &mess way should not. primary consideration, such as on pedestrian rampsexceed Vs�inc6 unless beveled. A gap should not exceed and at standing fishing stations,rails 42 inches above tncW. the surface are recommended; in this text these are referred to as guardrails. They may or may not be smooth and rounded at the top,but they otherwise must conform to the standards provided in the UFAS and in these guidelines. if one horizontal midrail also is provided,it should.pe 20-24 inches above the surface; if two are installed,one should be at 16 inches and the other at 32 inches. Vertical supports should be at least 16 inches apart. Using these guidelines will reduce visual impediments. Handrails(all railings other than guardrails)are used primarily where seated fishing occurs. They must be 32 inches above the surface,11/4 to 11/2 inches in diameter,smooth and rounded except at fishing stations (see"Offshore Fishing Piers"in chapter 4 for standards for handrails at fishing stations),and,if attached to a wall or other barrier, 11/2 inches away from it;the latter requirement allows sufficient space for the user to grasp the rail but insufficient space for the user's arm to become wedged between the rail and the barrier. If NOV 20 192 11 : 42 FROM DSN: A 914-698-7321 PAGE . 003 GRTCU Ufi U I LL11 1 r Lni, r. .. B' AND ARE DIRECTED PREVENT GLARE ON NEIGHBORING �QPERTIES. INDIRECT LIGHTING TO BE PRO ED ON MAIN FLOATING DOCKS WILL !DIRECTED DOWNWAR HEIGHT SHALL NOT EXCEED 5' , 3 THE BULKHEAD IS ILLUMINATED BY INDIVIQUAL DOCK LIGHTS LOCATED APP MATELY 20 FEET APART. LANDSCAPING 1. WHERE POSSIBLE, EXISTING VEGETATION WILL REMAIN. 2. PROPOSED VEGETATION TO INCLUDE: JAPANESE CK PINE, DOUGLAS FIR, WHITE PINE, ARBORVITAE, HETZ JUNIPER, HICKS YEW OTHER EVERGREENS. 3. PLANTER BOXES CONTAINING ANNUALS ROPOSED ALONG THE NORTH FACE OF THE BULKHEAD AS INDICATED, AND ALONG AS OF DECKING. WASTE CONTAINMENT 1 WITH WASTE APPROX CON E 275EGALLONFACILITY CAPACITYWILL WASTENABOVE OIL HOLDING TANK HOLDING EE TANKWILL MT OR EXCEED AL DERAL, STATE AND LOCAL REQUIREMENTS. 2. A FIXE PORTABLE PUMP-OUT FACILITYYWILL BE PROVIDED TO HANDLE BOAT SEW THEHECONTENTS PUMPED-OUT OF THETESEPTIC BE DIRECTED INTO THE NEEDED BY IS TO PIA LICENSED CONTRACTOR AND TRANSPORTED TO AN APPROVED DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT FACMfY- SUMMER PARKING AND ACCESS 1. THE 259 PARKING STALLS SHOW ARE UNMARKED ON THE STONE SURFACE. 2. NUMBER OF SPACES, SIZE OF SPAFES AND ACCESS LANES CONFORM TO OR EXCEED SOUTHOLD OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS. 205 SPACES ARE REQUIRED (180 BOAT SLIPS + 25 EMPLOYEES - 205 SPACES) . MINIMUM PRKING SPACE IS 350 SQUARE FEET (INCLUSIVE OF ACCESS AISLES), MINIMUM STALL DIMENSION IS 19'x9' AND MINIMUM ACCESS AISLE IS 22' . 3 DURING ASSIST TRAFFIC FLOWOANDYAIDS PARKINGUCH AREASRAILROAD DESIGNATIS AND CONES MAY BE DESIGNATIONS. PLAIN lNF@W%Tift— THE ITH ENTIRE FLOORNELEVATIONS OFF10, 9PR&PERTY 81 ASLIES WITHIN DESIGNATED BYEFEMAARD ZONE A7 MAP, PANEL OF 120 4736081300580, AS REVISED THROUGH 04/17/85. GRADING 1 . EXIS NG CONTOURS ARE To REMAIN GENERALLY UNCHANGED AND ARE SHOWN AT A 1 FOOT TERVAL (DATUM - MSL). 2. THE GR NO SURFACE SUB-BASE CONSISTS OF A GRAVEL, SAND AND SILT MIXTURE. THE TOP RFACE IS STONE EXCEPT WHERE INDICATED. 3. EXISTING ND PROPOSED CONCRETE SLABS WILL BE REINFORCED CONCRETE ON COMPACTED TH OR SAND AND GRAVEL SUB-BASE. 4. ELEVATIONS OWN ARE REFERENCED TO MEAN SEA LEVEL = NGVD (1929) - 0.0' . MEAN HIGH WAT = 1 .2' AND MEAN LOW WATER - -1.2' . ST. FLOATING DOCKS AND NGERS GREE 1. THE APPROVED EXT SION OF THE MAIN DOCKS IS PER SITE APPROVAL (7/18/86). 2. MOST OF THE PR ENTLY EXISTING FINGERS AND PILES -ARE AS INDICATED IN THE SITE(WHICHAN RE APPROVA PRE-EXI INGIARE6TO BE REMOVED. SOME FANDHREPLACEDNASFINGERS INDICATEDDPLES INITHE SITE PLAN. RESTROOM FACILITIES 1. THE PROPOSED RESTROOMCILITIES, LEACHING POOLS, AND SEPTIC TANK WERE APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION BY THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES ON 6/20/89. REFERE E # Clo-88-001 FLOW: 450 GALLONS PER DAY. 2. THE PROPOSED RESTROOM FACIL IES AND SEPTIC SYSTEM LOCATIONS INDICATED ARE BASED PREPARED BYHEJOHN PAJ. RAYNOR NT OF ACENSEDSERVICES PROFESSIONALAPPROVED ENGINEER PREPARED ENGINEERING DRAWINGS PREP REOON i+fR8U6t - �� TOTAL PAGE . 003 ** °i 177 175 173 4 176 174 178 .180 182 179 181 EXISTING PERVIOUS SURFACE BLUE— STONE OR OTHER ( TO REMAIN) EXISTING ZE HYDRANT i o� FL.EL.=9.0'o of t 2' _H o 39 / 38 183 / PROPOSED:) � RELOCATED Q BUILDING w ft�w Coll 164 L` A— I CL' BARRIER-FRE 37 185 co 188 �� Xlw, - _rn f�lJ�'y O� BARRIQR-FREE 187 f 38 1 188 35 ; rn , 189 DECK 34 ; 33 __ , 190 - � .. NOV 2 3 cr is �ZZY i N �1 - Elie I I a E' `• I r- ¢1 Q Lo I 1 I D � Barrier-Free Parking c a LL • N U d N G m � m 0 N 0 Q ScA eOu 5:::::::::6 ADD NEWi:::NEGATIVE ILE NUMBER:::::N1473800-00859:C ::Town of SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK County .......................: . :: . ...:. ...... : .. ... � ....... .. � :..... . ...iii ..: .r .. .......... EAD AGENCY 473800 Town of SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK County FFICE or BOARD: Planning Board ..' .; .. :: •. .:CLASS T se Unlitd ...... .. ...... .. .. ... .............................................................. ..i TITLE : Brewer Yachtr Ya d ...:...:::::...............:.::..:..............:,_..................................::.......................:.............:.:::ii:iii:isi::.:... .::.:..........::.:rr.::::::::is:i:::.. .....::;:::;i:i::::c:'.: i:::i ESii:::i::::::::::::i ............= :r.::::i:i:i:::^i:iii:.......:iii:::: ESCRIPTION : Const . a maint & storage bldg, const a pool & decking, relocate club-house alongside the pool . DATE RECEIVED ., ... . TATUSN d ::.. .. Norrnal Voi .. .. ... ...... Conditioned' ..........:......:.:.:...:::.:::::........ Rescinde ':iiiiie :::_..:::::::::iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilii:iiiiriiiii:iiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiF.iiiiiiiliii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiF.ii:iiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiii'rF ............... Current Record :: ............ : I M P O R TAN T > > F 1 e N u mb e r N 1 — 4 7 3 8 0 0 — 0 0 8 5 9 Use the above number in all correspondence about this action ! To the Lead Agency : The above information confirms that filings on the described Negative Declaration were officially received by, and entered in the SEOR Repository on the date (s) shown in the box headed DATE RECEIVED above. The date and time in the second line show when this document was printed. Please check the information above carefully. For corrections or questions contact Charles Lockrow, (518)457-2224, or write to: SEOR Repository NYSDEC Division of Regulatory Affairs 50 Wolf Road, Room 514 Albany, NY 12233 Nov 1 8 Town of SOUTHOLD Planning Board 53095 Main Road-P. O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 1.1971 CRAMER, VQ; Fti� �Q S CIATES PQ ENV i?G'N^AENT '-_C� "' G CGN3ULTAN T leK- M'-k'/L '-k' PAX `�'�Z.ANSMITrJL L-xrA I, Fax NUMner ($16) 311.8046 From: Re: _/�'Iec-ri arm Number of Pages (including cover): if the total transmittal is not rec. ived call number below, Comments: s1,1!a XM.O � 71 ' Co4-s7- 667Wr6( J t:aT" hno 1qA1Z1,,Vd- �- 45� OC7- 26 Fe" Cy/9 Aalt C4-y,446-FZr- key-CvAt -- ------ _ 54.2 NORTH COUNTRY ROAD, M LLER PLACE, NY 11764 (516) 331.1455 0 F, sS ✓ DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. 916 East Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543-4109 914-698-5678 FAX Number(914)698-7321 Office of the President �- er.- ,,,__1992 Mr. Bennet Orlowski , Jr. Chairman and �? Members of the PLANNING BOARD TOWN OF d ' 5 19 Town Hall , , 92 53095 53095 Main Road BY HAND P.O. Box 1179 soun;o�oTe,�"''�n� --� Southold, New York, 11971 PIAN"+ �'cso.ro RE: Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport. Inc. Suffolk Co. Tax Map No. 1000 Sec. 043, Blk. 03, Lot 002 Site Plan Approval Dear Chairman Orlowski and Members of the Planning Board: On behalf of our client, Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as BREWER) , DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as DSN&A) is submitting this letter for consideration by the Planning Board relative to the above referenced pending Site Plan Approval . It is our understanding that the Town's consultant, Cramer, Voorhis & Associates raised questions in their October 26, 1992 correspondence to the Town regarding the handling of water from the power washing in the liftwell area as well as stormwater along the bulkheads. It is our further understanding that the Planning Board's Consultant has recommended that 4" x 6" timbers or their equivalent be placed in the area of the liftwell and that a planter box be placed along parts of the east/west bulkheads. BREWER has no objections to these recommendations provided, however, that they are not required as on-going conditions of the Site Plan Approval. As you know, BREWER has spent significant sums of money undertaking the previously approved excavation and regrading program over the last two years. The current Site Plan review process is likely to result in changes being required to some of this work to accommodate the Town's present thinking relative to the most appropriate means of handling stormwater and boat washing runoff. BREWER is understandably concerned that future work may be required of BREWER by the State or Federal Governments, as pointed out by the Town's consultant, which would again require a review and possible modification of the property and the handling of stormwater drainage, boat washing, etc. Since such future requirements could require the removal or alteration of the currently recommended timbers, planter boxes and/or berms, BREWER could conceivably be caught in a Catch-22 whereby the Town Site Plan provisions effectively prohibit BREWER from complying with same. BREWER GREENPORT - PLANNING BOARD - STORN WATER - 11/03/92 Page 2 BREWER is appreciative of the fact that the attachment of conditions by the Planning Board is the principal means by which minor changes during the review process can be included in the final Approval . Therefore, should the Planning Board wish to include its consutant's recommendations in its Approval , BREWER respectfully suggests that the language in the condition have a phrase at the end dealing with the need for possible future modifications, such as the following: "4" x 6" timbers or their equivalent be placed in the area of the liftwell and a planter box be placed along parts of the east/west bulkheads to prevent waters from the upland from entering directly to the tidal waters, provided, however, that any future modifications to same required under local , State or Federal government programs be allowed to be substituted. " If you have any questions, either BREWER or DSN&A would be happy to discuss them. Sin el� eogr S. Natch z President DSN/bl brwr-g2: town-06 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY BULKHEAD TIMBER PILING SUPPORT (TYPICAL) i ,t17 PPROXIMATELY 4' �� i;4 APPROXIMATELY 12' TO CONTAIN 1}1NOSCpPE APPROXIMATELY 6� �" \ BRICK RAMP ., APPROXIMATELY 8' � �.• • 4'x 6' TIMBER (TYPICAL) WIDTH VARIES CONTINUOUS EXISTING PERVIOUS SURFACE (TO REMAIN) .x- REFER TO SITE PLAN MAPS DATED 07/31/92 FOR SITE SPECIFIC ' DETAILS AND NOTATIONS. NOT-FOR CONSTRUCTION FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY � I —REMOVABLE MOBILE BOAT HOIST TIMBER SUPPORTED RUNWAY PIER 4"x 6" TIMBER (TYPICAL) _ I i I I I I � I 1 I I • � I 1 � • i �—LIFTWELL I BULKHEAD I _ I APPROACH RAMP SLOPED DOWNWARD AND AWAY FROM BULKHEAD s>.-- (EXISTING) ULKHEAD TIMBER PILING SUPPORT (TYPICAL) REFER TO SITE PLAN MAPS DATED 07/31/92 FOR SITE SPECIFIC EXISTING PERVIOUS SURFACE TO REMAIN DETAILS AND NOTATIONS. ( ) 0 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS 0{.rt T SCOTT L. HARRIS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman �A� - �°N- Supervisor George Ritchie Latham, Jr. Richard G. Ward Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonald P.O. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 November 4, 1992 James S. Siesfeld, Associate Daniel S. Natchez, Associates, Inc. 916 East Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543-4109 RE: Brewer Yacht Yard S/W/C Manhanset Avenue and Beach Road, Greenport SCTM#1000-43-3-2 Dear Mr. Siesfeld: The following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at a meeting held on Monday, November 2, 1992 . RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board, acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act, make a determination of non-significance for this Type I action, and grant a Negative Declaration. Enclosed please find a copy of the Negative Declaration for your records. Sincerely, Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman Encl. • S�FiCC \\\ %!� \\ � CRAMER, VdO21,k &&%��SOCIATES ENVIRONMENTA.6 @1 X`j G CONSULTANTS �� n acs October 26, 1992 Mr. Bennett Orlowski,Jr. Chairman Southold Planning Board Town Hall, 53095 Main Road - P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 -�-- Re: Review of EAF for Amended Site Plan for Brewers Yacht Yard Greenport, New York SCI'M No. 1000-043-3-2 _ s Dear Mr. Orlowski: As per the your request,we have completed a preliminary.review of the above referenced project in accordance with your request. Tasks and completed activities are identified as follows: 1. Review Part I LEAF The parcel has been field inspected by CVA, and the LEAF has been reviewed and amended as necessary. A copy of same is attached. 2. Prepare Part II LEAF The Part II LEAF checklist has been completed and is also attached. Additional information concerning our findings is included below. 3. Environmental and Planning Considerations Introduction The parcel has been inspected and environmental references concerning the site and area have been consulted. A significant amount of time was spent in the field reviewing the facility operations and determining methods of environmental protection from site use, particularly regarding stormwater runoff. The proposed project is identified on the site plan prepared by Daniel S. Natchez and Associates, Inc., dated 7-31-92, for Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. The subject site is the present location of an active yacht yard. Existing Facilities Brewers Yacht Yard is an existing boatyard/marina, located at the southwest corner of Manhasset Avenue and Sandy Beach Road, in Greenport, New York. The entire upland portion of the site, and some underwater lands are within the Marina II zoning use district, and the Town of Southold. The end of the marina piers are located in the Village of Greenport on underwater land of the Village. In terms of structures, the facility includes wood piers, an existing maintenance and storage building with concrete apron, a second maintenance and storage building with concrete pad and offices inside. There is a mast storage structure located in the central part of the site near the bulkhead,which is proposed to be removed. There is also a structure which was located on a portion of the site which has since been Page 1 54-2 NORTH COUNTRY ROAD. MILLER PLACE. NY 11764 15161 331-1455 Brewers Yacht Yard Long EAF Review dredged. This structure has been retained for re-use as a club house/restroom/laundry building near the proposed pool. Other than structures, the site includes landscaped areas in the southeast corner where there is a volleyball court, and parking/boat storage areas existing as bluestone surface throughout the balance of the yard. There are travel lift facilities for boat hauling in two existing liftwells, and other minor improvements such as fire hydrants, fencing and some landscaping. Proposed Facilities and Impact Discussion The fro osed improvements involve installation of a pool and deck (and accessory facihties�; removal of a mast storage shed with portions within 75 feet of a functional bulkhead; and, construction of a 13,000 square foot maintenance building with a 5,600 square foot concrete apron. Concerns with regard to environmental impact of yard improvements primarily involve stormwater discharge to the waterway. With regard to structures, it is noted that the pool area will be built with drainage structures capable of storing at least 2 inches of runoff from impervious surfaces. There is also a drainage ring for pool filter backwash provided. The relocated clubhouse/restroom/laundry facility building will require installation of sanitary systems. The sanitary system will require approval of Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS), and the applicant has indicated that application has been made and approval has been gained. The location of the facilities are in excess of 100 feet from the waterway, but a shallow leaching system will be required due to depth to groundwater constraints. The clubhouse also includes a drainage ring for roof runoff. The new 13,000 square foot maintenance and storage building and apron will also include a stormwater retention system to contain at least 2 inches of runoff from all impervious surfaces associated with this building. The building/apron is located in excess of 180 feet from the waterway, as are all leaching facilities. The removal of the existing mast storage shed in close proximity to the water will reduce an existing impervious surface which may be a source of runoff depending upon the capacity of the existing storm drain. The Planning Board may wish to consider retaining the existing storm drain in connection with the building to be removed, and providing an open grate to allow this feature to continue to collect stornwater from the bluestone yard. The proposed new structures are not expected to cause a significant adverse environmental impacts as designed or proposed due to their setbacks from the waterway, the fact that structures are proposed in areas which are presently bluestone, and all stormwater will be contained through design. Additional site improvements are proposed in the form of drainage control along the waterfront. The current plan calls for installation of a 6 inch high earthen berm from the east side of the lift wells s to the end of them i arena basin. West of the lift wells it is noted that the work deck is over a gravel recharge area, therefore, runoff in this area is prevented from discharging directly to the waterway. Further south, a similar earthen berm is proposed to prevent direct runoff. The earthen berm concept seems to be prone to stabilization problems-- as a result, it is recommended that box planters be installed along the length of the transition area between the bluestone yard and the travel lift slip. This would include a 4-6 foot wide planter to be built within a structure of at least 6 inches in height. In areas where access to the piers are provide4 an impervious ramp of at least 6 inches in height should also be CRAMER, V RH" /' SOCIATES Paget ENVIRONMENT �VG CONSULTANTS 0 Brewers Yacht Yard Long EAF Review provided This will prevent direct runoff to the waterway, and retain bluestone in the parking area. There does not appear to be any runoff control on the east and west sides of the marina basin. It is acknowledged that less runoff is expected in these areas due to less bluestone surface and contributing area; however, some method should be employed to prevent direct runoff, and to prevent bluestone surface from overtopping the bulkhead into the waterway. In these areas adjacent the waterway, a timber cap of at least 4 inches in height should be installed on top of the existing bulkhead Boatyard practice involves hauling boats in the lift well, then power washing boats in the upland area adjacent the lift well. Efforts should be made to pFevent power wash water from directly re-entering the waterway. In order to achieve this, a minimum 4 inch high timber cap is also recommended to be placed between the adjacent upland areas and the lift well As noted, most concerns involve stormwater generation and Prevention of direct runoff to the waterway associated with existing uses. The proposed improvements will reduce potential runoff, by replacing uncontrolled bluestone yard surface with buildings designed and constructed with gutters, leaders and dry wells to accommodate stormwater. Recommendations noted above are provided as a means to improve the retention of runoff on the upland areas of the yard to prevent direct discharge. It is also noted that the US V/ Environmental Protection Agency has promulgated stormwater regulations under the NPDES program. The NYSDEC is in the process of incorporating these regulations into the SPDES program, and may eventually establish standards and permitting procedures for marinas and boatyards. Brewers Yacht Yard will be subject to these requirements and may be required to implement further stormwater retention measures to minimize the impact of runoff. It is believed that the measures addressed on the subject plan as modified through this review will improve the existing runoff impacts of the existing facility, and will be compatible with future standards and criteria which may be included in future State SPDES programs. The areas of concern can easily be addressed through proper site construction. Specific comments and mitigation are highlighted in italics in the preceding review. The Planning Board may require the consent of the applicant to implement these measures, and require that these measures be implemented as a condition of site plan approval. I believe that with the inclusion of these measures, the Planning Board would be proper in issuing a Negative Declaration, based on the Long EAF Parts I and II, the content of this review, and the deliberation of the Planning Board. If you have any questions or wish any further input with regard to this matter, please do not hesitate to call. Very tru you. arles J., oorhis,CEP,AICD CRAMER, SOCIATES ENVIRONMENTXI `�1G CONSULTANTS Page r • N � PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS .r T SCOTT L. HARRIS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman q Supervisor {� George Ritchie Latham, Jr. Richard G. Ward 2 Town Halt, 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonald P.O. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 State Environmental Quality Review NEGATIVE DECLARATION Notice of Determination of Non—Significance November 2, 1992 This notice is issued pursuant to part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act) of the Environmental Law. The Southold Town Planning Board, as lead agency, has determined that the proposed action described below will not have a significant effect on the environment and a Draft Environmental Impact Statement will not be prepared. Name of Action: Amendment Site plan for Brewers Yacht Yard SCTM#: 1000-43-3-2 Location: Northwest corner of Manhanset Avenue and Beach Road, Greenport SEQR Status: Type I (X ) Unlisted ( ) Conditioned Negative Declaration: Yes ( ) No (X ) Description of Action: Amendment of a previously approved site plan for an active yacht yard. The proposal calls for the removal of a mast storage shed, the construction of a maintenance and storage building; construction of a pool and decking; the relocation of a club-house (preexisting) alongside the pool; and outfitting the clubhouse with rest room facilities and a snack bar for which a Special Exception has been approved. Page 2 Brewers Yacht Yard SEQR Negative Declaration Con' t. Reasons Supporting This Determination: An environmental assessment has been submitted, reviewed and it was determined that no significant adverse effects to the environment were likely to occur should the project be implemented as planned. The amendment of the site plan will result in the installation of additional stormwater runoff facilities which will address the major environmental impact of direct discharge stormwater runoff into the harbor. Stormwater drainage is being provided for the relocated clubhouse, the pool, the laundry room and the new storage building. Furthermore, all new construction and associated drainage will be set back more than 75' from the bulkheading. The existing storm drain for the building that is being removed shall be retained for the purpose of draining the surrounding yard. For Further Information: Contact Person: Valerie Scopaz Address: Planning Board Telephone Number: ( 516) 765-1938 CC: Suffolk County Department of Health Services Commissioner, NYSDEC, Albany Roger Evans, NYSDEC Stony Brook Mohabir Perseud, Department of State Cramer, Voorhis & Associates, Inc. Judith Terry, Town Clerk Southold Building Department Southold Zoning Board of Appeals Village of Greenport US Army Corps of Engineers Applicant SEQ R POSITIVE DECLARATION Notice of Intent to Pr :pare a Draft EIS Determination o' Significance Lead Agency: Plann ng Board of the Town of Southold Address: Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. l pox 1179 South old, New York 11971 Date: Octot er 30, 1992 This notice is issued pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Revic av) of the Environmental Conservation Law. The lead agency has determined that the proposed action described below may have a significant effect on the environment and that i Draft Environmental Impact Statement will be prepared. Title orAction: Beachcomber Motel 11 SEQR Statu:i: Type I Action Project Description: The project�Nch is the subject of this Long EAF involves a request fox site plan approval to construct 86 motel units on a 141 acreparcel. The proposed project calls for construct on of 86 motel units accessed from a circular pats rn driveway which surrounds the recreation complex. A otal of eight buildings are proposed of which five w 11 contain 12-units, two will contain 9-units, and one will .ontain 8-units. Seven of the buildings have a footprint o'30'x120' and one building will havei footprint of 0'x130'. It is noted that the 9-unit buildu:gs (buildings l ..nd 2) have 6-units, which appear to be 2- story, and co ild function as apartments having floor areas of 1,20) square feet. All other units appear to have floor areas e'approximately 600 square feet. Pagc 1 of 3 • Beachcomber Motel II SEAR Determination SCTM Number: District 100( - Section 083- Block 01 -Lots 1, 2& 17 Location: The site of t re subject application is located on the east side of Duck Por d Lane and the Long Island Sound in Cutchogue, :few York. Reasons Supporting This Determination: This determination is issued in full cons! legation of the criteria for determination of significance contained in 6 NYCRR Part 617.11 the Long Environmental Assessment Form Parts I, II and the following specific reasons: 1. The goposed project represents a major increase in intensity of use of the parcel. The Fart II Long AF provides an outlu a of several areas of significant environmental impact expected as a resu t of the project. Based on review, it has been determined that an Environmental Impact Statement is appropriate in order to assess impacts, provide a means of inter-igeney coordination, and explore mitigation measures and alternatives. 2. Buildings 1,2 and 3 are located in a stee ) slope area (>25%). Grade transitions of 20-25 feet are apparent across the length of buildings 2 and 3, and buildings 1 and 4 have grade transitions of 10.15 feet acro!s the length of the buildings. This area is considered to be sensitive due to coarse rodable soils. The area must be avoided or developed in an extremely sensitive man fer. As pro�osed significant excavation and associated soil de stabilization is expecte 1, and d ve.opment would require extensive structure retainrment or other measures t) allow construction as proposed. The area is somewhat proximate to Long Island Sc und, and de-stabilization could have ramifications :n terms of transport of sed meat to the existing site and potentially to the Sound. Additional consideration she ild be given to design in this area to minimize loss of vegetation, and reduce t rosion and sedimentation. Design alternatives should be considered. 3. The project involves construction of 86-u iits on 14.1 acres. SCDHS indicates that motel units in excess of 400 square feet h ive a design flow of 150 gallons per day (g)d). This would result in a flow of 12,9,)0 galtons,per day which exceeds the allowable flow for 14.1 acres (4,230 gpd). A preliminary report submitted by the applicant addresses this issue through ter il�orary sterilization of adjacent lands of the owner until such time as public water sur ply is available, however, this should be incorporated into the site plan review pr( cess in terms of acreage proposed for use. In addition, the allowable flow would eff+ ctively be doubled if public water supply is available, therefore, the design flow +vou 9 still exceed the allowable flow based on 14.1 acres, therefore,some portion of the adjacent lands must remain undeveloped in perpetuity. Coordination with SCDHS it rough the site plan review and EIS process would be beneficial. 4. In addition to design flow and density, a Draft E1S should consider sanitary system design; should be considered in terms of c ispersal of sanitary waste, depth to water Page 2 of 3 _-. ,.. c n. _. � _ . . ... a •. . .-. r. n m f.. v� -. .- .-. � - � �• J � G - as 9 - I .^l O Reacbcomber Motel IT SEQK Determtnatlon and design constraints for units in 15 foot elevation area, and nitregen load with transport of contaminants to bong Island Sound, 5. Water use issues are critical in the Town A Southold. A preliminary water use report submitted by the applicant provides insigg it into intended water supply. The report however is not consistent with the site plt n, depicting alternate access roads and well field Iocation which do not correspond with the site plan. In addition, due to the amici{{rated significant water use, potenth I movement of the salt water interfacet need for well pumping control and distrit ution,water quality, and integration with the Beachcomber I project, discussion of war :r supply issues should be incorporated into the E15process for Inter-agency review a id more detailed analysis by the lead and involved agencies. 6. The project will result in the removal of erhaps up to 2 acres of vegetation in a sensitive slope area. In addition, depend•ng upon the location of the water supply system, additional acres&e, possibly in th, steep slope heavily wooded area may also be removed. proper design, and clearing limitations should be considered. The significance of the small man-made pond should be considered and appropriate setbacks observed. 7. The impact on infrastructure and comnm city services should be determined. The pro ecI will produce approximately 65 ve ,icie trip-. per hour during peak traffic hours on at:urday. The ability of the surround:zg roadsystem to accommodate increased traffic should be determined. The area r•,ads are local/rural in character, and there are constraints noted in terms of boriz=al and vertical alignment and traffic control signage on Duck Pond Road. Other dem nd for community services should be deterrnined in connection with a motel u:a of this intensity. For Further]information: Contact Person: Bennett Orlc wski, Jr. Chairman, Fanning Board Town of Sou hold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 117.9 Address: Town Hall, ?lain Road, Southold Phone: No.: (516) 765-19:;8 Copies of this Notice Sent to: Commissioner-Department of Environmental C)nervation Regional Office-New York State the Departmei t of Environmental Conservation Southold Town Clerk's Bulletin Board Ap licnt SuffolkaCounty Department of Health Services Suffolk County Department of Planning NYS Le islaeive Commission on Water Resourc s Needs for Long Island Southold Town Board of Zoning Appeals Southold Town Trustees Southold Town Building Department Page 3 of 3 oS_ - t T T Zed Zs -_0 ^z - 1 oO _ Su©FicC CRAMER, VQ RH1 4 OCIATES ENVIRONMENT ` \�JG CONSULTANTS October 26, 1992 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman Southold Planning Board Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 r 1 a m a Re: Review of EAF for Amended Site Plan for Brewers Yacht Yard Greenport, New York SCPM No. 1000-043-3-2 t Dear Mr. Orlowski: As per the your request,we have completed a preliminary review of the above referenced project in accordance with your request. Tasks and completed activities are identified as follows: 1. Review Part I LEAF The parcel has been field inspected by CVA, and the LEAF has been reviewed and amended as necessary. A copy of same is attached. 2. Prepare Part II LEAF The Part II LEAF checklist has been completed and is also attached. Additional information concerning our findings is included below. 3. Environmental and Planning Considerations Introduction The parcel has been inspected and environmental references concerning the site and area have been consulted. A significant amount of time was spent in the field reviewing the facility operations and determining methods of environmental protection from site use, particularly regarding stormwater runoff. The proposed project is identified on the site plan prepared by Daniel S. Natchez and Associates, Inc., dated 7-31-92, for Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. The subject site is the present location of an active yacht yard. Existing Facilities Brewers Yacht Yard is an existing boatyard/marina, located at the southwest corner of Manhasset Avenue and Sandy Beach Road, in Greenport, New York. The entire upland portion of the site, and some underwater lands are within the Marina II zoning use district, and the Town of Southold. The end of the marina piers are located in the Village of Greenport on underwater land of the Village. In terms of structures, the facility includes wood piers, an existing maintenance and storage buildingwith concrete apron, a second maintenance and storage building with P ,, g g , concrete pad and offices inside. There is a mast storage structure located in the central part of the site near the bulkhead,which is proposed to be removed. There is also a structure which was located on a portion of the site which has since been Page 1 54-2 NORTH COUNTRY ROAD, MILLER PLACE, NY 11764 (516) 331-1455 Brewers Yacht Yard Long BAF Review dredged. This structure has been retained for re-use as a club house/restroom/laundry building near the proposed pool. Other than structures, the site includes landscaped areas in the southeast comer where there is a volleyball court, and parking/boat storage areas existing as bluestone surface throughout the balance of the yard. There are travel lift facilities for boat hauling in two existing liftwells, and other minor improvements such as fire hydrants, fencing and some landscaping. Pr!212osed Facilities andImpact Discussion The pro osed improvements involve installation of a pool and deck(and accessory facilities); removal of a mast storage shed with portions within 75 feet of a functional bulkhead; and, construction of a 13,000 square foot maintenance building with a 5,600 square foot concrete apron. Concerns with regard to environmental impact of yard improvements primarily involve stormwater discharge to the waterway. With regard to structures, it is noted that the pool area will be built with drainage structures capable of storing at least 2 inches of runoff from impervious surfaces. There is also a drainage ring for Pool filter backwash provided. The relocated clubhouse/restroom/laundry facility building will require installation of sanitary systems. The sanitary system will require approval of Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS), and the applicant has indicated that application has been made and approval has been gained. The location of the facilities are in excess of 100 feet from the waterway,but a shallow leaching system will be required due to depth to groundwater constraints. The clubhouse also includes a drainage ring for roof runoff. The new 13,000 square foot maintenance and storage building and apron will also include a stormwater retention system to contain at least 2 inches of runoff from all impervious surfaces associated with this building. The building/apron is located in excess of 180 feet from the waterway, as are all leaching facilities. The removal of the existing mast storage shed in close proximity to the water will reduce an existing impervious surface which may be a source of runoff depending upon the capacity of the existing storm drain. The Planning Board may wish to consider retaining the existing storm drain in connection with the building to be removed, and providing an open grate to allow this feature to continue to collect stormwater from the bluestone yard The proposed new structures are not expected to cause a significant adverse environmental impacts as designed or proposed due to their setbacks from the waterway, the fact that structures are proposed in areas which are presently bjuestone, and all stormwater will be contained through design. Additional site improvements are proposed in the form of drainage control along the waterfront. The current plan calls for installation of a 6 inch high earthen berm from the east side of the lift wells to the end of the marina basin. West of the lift wells, it is noted that the work deck is over a gravel recharge area, therefore, runoff in this area is prevented from discharging directly to the waterway. Further south, a similar earthen berm is ro osed to prevent direct runoff. P P The earthen bean concept seems to be prone to stabilization problems -- as a result, it is recommended that box planters be installed along the length of the transition area between the bluestone yard and the travel lift slip. This would include a 4-6 foot wide planter to be built within a structure of at least 6 inches in height. In areas where access to the piers are provided, an impervious ramp of at least 6 inches in height should also be CRAMER, VSOCIATES Paget ENVIRONMENT G CONSULTANTS Brewers Yacht Yard Gong EAF Review provided. This will prevent direct runoff to the waterway, and retain bluestone in the parking area. There does not appear to be any runoff control on the east and west sides of the marina basin. It is acknowledged that less runoff is expected in these areas due to less bluestone surface and contributing area; however, some method should be employed to prevent direct runoff, and to prevent bluestone surface from overtopping the bulkhead into the waterway. In these areas adjacent the waterway, a timber cap of at least 4 inches in height should be installed on top of the existing bulkhead Boatyard practice involves hauling boats in the lift well, then power washing boats in the upland area adjacent the lift well. Efforts should be made to prevent power wash water from directly re-entering the waterway. In order to achieve this, a minimum 4 inch high timber cap is also recommended to be placed between the adjacent upland areas and the lift well. As noted, most concerns involve stormwater generation and prevention of direct runoff to the waterway associated with existing uses. The proposed improvements will reduce potential runoff, by replacing uncontrolled bluestone yard surface with buildings designed and constructed with gutters, leaders and dry wells to accommodate stormwater. Recommendations noted above are provided as a means to improve the retention of runoff on the upland areas of the yard to prevent direct discharge. It is also noted that the US Environmental Protection Agency has promulgated stormwater regulations under the NPDES program. The NYSDEC is in the process of incorporating these regulations into the SPDES program, and may eventually establish standards and permitting procedures for marinas and boatyards. Brewers Yacht Yard will be subject to these requirements and may be required to implement further stormwater retention measures to minimize the impact of runoff. It is believed that the measures addressed on the subject plan as modified through this review will improve the existing runoff impacts of the existing facility, and will be compatible with future standards and criteria which may be included in future State SPDES programs. The areas of concern can easily be addressed through proper site construction. Specific comments and mitigation are highlighted in italics in the receding review. The Planning Board may require the consent of the �aconditlon icant to implement these measures, and require that these measures be implemented as ofsite plan approval. I believe that with the inclusion of these measures, the Plng Board would be proper in issuing a Negative Declaration, based on the Long EAP Parts I and II, the content of this review, and the deliberation of the Planning Board. If you have any questions or wish any further input with regard to this matter, please do not hesitate to call. Very trtily yours, 'Charles MAborhis,CEP,AiCP CRAMER, VSOCIATES Page ENVIRONMENT G CONSULTANTS CRAMER, VR OCIATES ENVIRONMENT G CONSULTANTS October 26, 1992 Mr. Bennett Orlowski,Jr. Chairman Southold Planning Board Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 ) i Southold, NY 11971 f . & is Re: Review of EAF for Amended Site Plan for Brewers Yacht Yard Greenport, New York SCTM No. 1000-043-3-2 - Dear Mr. Orlowski: As per the your request,we have completed a preliminary review of the above referenced project in accordance with your request. Tasks and completed activities are identified as follows: 1. Review Part I LEAF The parcel has been field inspected by CVA, and the LEAF has been reviewed and amended as necessary. A copy of same is attached. 2. Prepare Part II LEAF The Part H LEAF checklist has been completed and is also attached. Additional information concerning our findings is included below. 3. Environmental and Planning Considerations Introduction The parcel has been inspected and environmental references concerning the site and area have been consulted. A significant amount of time was spent in the field reviewing the facility operations and determining methods of environmental protection from site use, particularly regarding stormwater runoff. The proposed project is identified on the site planprepared by Daniel S. Natchez and Associates, Inc., dated 7-31-92, for Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. The subject site is the present location of an active yacht yard. Existin Facilities Brewers Yacht Yard is an existing boatyard/marina, located at the southwest corner of Manhasset Avenue and Sandy Beach Road, in Greenport, New York. The entire upland portion of the site, and some underwater lands are within the Marina lI zoning use district, and the Town of Southold. The end of the marina piers are located in the Village of Greenport on underwater land of the Village. In terms of structures, the facility includes wood piers, an existing maintenance and storage building with concrete apron, a second maintenance and storage building with concrete pad and offices inside. There is a mast storage structure located in the central part of the site near the bulkhead,which is proposed to be removed. There is also a structure which was located on a portion of the site which has since been Page 1 54-2 NORTH COUNTRY ROAD, MILLER PLACE, NY 11764 (516) 331-1455 0 Brewers Yacht Yard Long EAF Review dredged. This structure has been retained for re-use as a club house/restroom/laundry building near the proposed pool. Other than structures, the site includes landscaped areas in the southeast comer where there is a volleyball court, and parking/boat storage areas existing as bluestone surface throughout the balance of the yard. There are travel lift facilities for boat hauling in two existing liftwells, and other minor improvements such as fire hydrants, fencing and some landscaping. Proposed Facilities and Iact Discussion T'he Pro osed in involve installation of a pool and deck(and accessory facilities); removal of a mast storage shed with portions within 75 feet of a functional bulkhead; and, construction of a 13,000 square foot maintenance building with a 5,600 square foot concrete apron. Concerns with regard to environmental impact of yard improvements primarily involve stormwater discharge to the waterway. With regard to structures, it is noted that the pool area will be built with drainage structures capable of storing at least 2 inches of runoff from impervious surfaces. There is also a drainage ring for Pool filter backwash provided. The relocated clubhouse/restroom/laundry facility building will require installation of sanitary systems. a sanittaarr(system will require approval of Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS), and the applicant has indicated that application has been made and approval has been gained. The location of the facilities are in excess of 100 feet from the waterway,but a shallow leaching system will be required due to depth to groundwater constraints. The clubhouse also includes a drainage ring for roof runoff. The new 13,000 square foot maintenance and storage building and apron will also include a stormwater retention system to contain at least 2 inches of runoff from all impervious surfaces associated with this building. The building/apron is located in excess of 180 feet from the waterway, as are all leaching facilities. The removal of the existing mast storage shed in close proximity to the water will reduce an existing impervious surface which may be a source of runoff depending upon the capacity of the existing storm drain. The Planning Board may wish to consider retaining the existing storm drain in connection with the building to be removed, and providing an open grate to allow this feature to continue to collect stonnwater from the bluestone yard The proposed new structures are not expected to cause a*ditcant adverse environmental impacts as designed or proposed due to their setbacks from the waterway, the fact that strictures are proposed in areas which are presently bluestone, and all stormwater will be contained through design. Additional site improvements are proposed in the form of drainage control along the waterfront. The current plan calls for installation of a 6 inch high earthen berm from the east side of the lift wells to the end of the marina basin. West of the lift wells, it is noted that the work deck is over a gravel recharge area, therefore, runoff in this area is prevented from discharging directly to the waterway. Further south, a similar earthen berm is proposed to prevent direct runoff. The earthen berm concept seems to be prone to stabilization problems -- as a result, it is recommended that box planters be installed along the length of the transition area between the bluestone yard and the travel lift slip. This would include a 4-6 foot wide planter to be built within a structure of at least 6 inches in hey'' ht In areas where access to the piers are provided, an impervious ramp of at least 6 inches in height should also be CRAMER, VSOCIATES Paget ENVIRONMENT G CONSULTANTS Brewers Yacht Yard Long EAF Review provided. This willprevent direct runoff to the waterway, and retain bluestone in the parking area. There does not appear to be any runoff control on the east and west sides of the marina basin It is acknowledged that less runoff is expected in these areas due to less bluestone surface and contributing area; however, some method should be employed to prevent direct runoff, and to prevent bluestone surface from overtopping the bulkhead into the waterway. In these areas adjacent the waterway, a timber cap of at least 4 inches in height should be installed on top of the existing bulkhead. Boatyard practice involves hauling boats in the lift well, then power washing boats in the upland area adjacent the lift well. Efforts should be made to prevent power wash water from directly re-entering the waterway. In order to achieve this, a minimum 4 inch high timber cap is also recommended to be placed between the adjacent upland areas and the lift well As noted, most concerns involve stormwater generation and prevention of direct runoff to the waterway associated with existing uses. The proposed improvements will reduce potential runoff,by replacing uncontrolled bluestone yard surface with buildings designed and constructed with gutters, leaders and dry wells to accommodate stormwater. Recommendations noted above are provided as a means to improve the retention of runoff on the upland areas of the yard to prevent direct discharge. It is also noted that the US Environmental Protection Agency has promulgated stormwater regulations under the NPDES program. The NYSDEC is in the process of incorporating these regulations into the SPDES program, and may eventually establish standards and permitting procedures for marinas and boatyards. Brewers Yacht Yard will be subject to these requirements and may be required to implement further stormwater retention measures to minimi the impact of runoff. It is believed that the measures addressed on the subject plan as modified through this review will improve the existing runoff impacts of the existing facility, and will be compatible with future standards and criteria which may be included in future State SPDES programs. The areas of concern can easily be addressed through proper site construction. SpeciSc comments and mitigation are highlitthted in italics m the preceding review. The Planning Board may require the consent of a applicant to implement these measures, and require that these measures be implemented as a condition of site plan approval. I believe that with the inclusion of these measures, the Planning Board would be proper in issuing a Negative Declaration,based on the Long EA Parts. f and II, the content of this review, and the deliberation of the Planning Board. If you have any questions or wish any further input with regard to this matter,please do not hesitate to call. Very truly yours, arles J. rhis,CEP,AICD CRAMER, VOCIATES Pig ENVIRONMENT G CONSULTANTS 617.21 S EQ R • Appendix A State Environmental Quality Rev* FULL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM Purpose: The full EAF is designed to help applicants and agencies determine, in an orderly manner, whether a project or action may be significant The question of whether an action may be significant is not always easy to answer. Frequent- ly, there are aspects of a project that are subjective or unmeasureable. It is also understood that those who determine significance may have little or no formal knowledge of the environment or may be technically expert in environmental analysis. In addition,many who have knowledge in one particular area may not be aware of the broader concerns affecting the question of significance. The full EAF is intended to provide a method whereby applicants and agencies can be assured that the determination process has been orderly, comprehensive in nature,yet flexible to allow introduction of information to fit a project or action. Full EAF Components: The full EAF is comprised of three parts: Part 1: Provides objective data and information about a given project and its site. By identifying basic project data, it assists a reviewer in the analysis that takes place in Parts 2 and 3. 'art 2: Focuses on identifying the range of possible impacts that may occur from a project or action. It provides guidance as to whether an impact is likely to be considered small to moderate or whether it is a potentially- large impact. The form also identifies whether an impact can be mitigated or reduced. Part 3: If any impact in Part 2 is identified as potentially-large, then Part 3 is used to evaluate whether or not the impact is actually important. DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE—Type 1 and Unlisted Actions Identify the Portions of EAF completed for this project: ID Part 1 )IS Part 2 ❑Part 3 CUpon review of the information recorded on this EAF(Parts 1 and 2 and 3 if appropriate), and any other supporting information, and considering both the magitude and importance of each impact, it is reasonably determined by the lead agency that: A. The project will not result in any large and important impact(s) and. therefore, is one which will not have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a negative declaration will be prepared. ❑ B. Although the project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect for this Unlisted Action because the mitigation measures described in PART 3 have been required, therefore a CONDITIONED negative declaration will be prepared.* ❑ C. The project may result in one or more large and important impacts that may have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a positive declaration will be prepared. A Conditioned Negative Declaration is only valid for Unlisted Actions RRELETZ YACHT YsRU ar CRFFNPORT TNC Name of Action TOWN OF SOUTHOLD — FUNNING BOARD Name of Lead Agency Valerie ScopazA �y , Director of Planning Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Res onsib e Officer i. ( Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Pr arer(If different from responsible officer) '00 Z&- 9 L Date 1 - PAH P T=PRUJhL; INFOHIV TION, ` Prepared by Project Spr NOTICE: This document isogned to assist in determining whether th*ection proposed may have a significant effec on the environment Please complete the entire form, Parts A through E. Answers to these questions will be'considere, as part of the application for approval and may be subject to further verification and public review- Provide any addition information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. It is expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not involve new studies, research or investigation.If information requiring such additional work is unavailable,so,indicate and specif- each instance. NAME OF ACTION BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT, INC. LOCATION OF ACTION(Include Street Address,Municipality and Countyt Manhanset Avenue 6 Beach Road,Toym of Southold', Greenport, NY 11944 NAME OF APPLICANTISPONSOR BUSINESS TELEPHONE BREWER YACHT YARD at GREOPORT, INC. fi546) 477-9594 ADDRESS - Manhanset Avenue 6 Beacb. Road (no street .6) CITYIPO _ STATE ZIP CODE Greenport NY `;11944 NAME OF OWNER(If different I BUSINESS TELEPHONE 1 ) ADDRESS CITYIPO STATE ZIP CODE DESCRIPTION OF ACTION,-- PLEASE REFER TO THE ATTACHED PROJECT DESCRIPTION PREPARED BY DSNSA DATED 07/31192. Please Complete Each Question—Indicate N.A. if not applicable A. Site Description Physical setting of overall project, both developed and undeveloped areas. 1. Present land use: ❑Urban ❑Industrial ❑Commercial ❑Residential(suburban) ❑Rural (non-farrr ❑Forest ❑Agriculture Wther Marina II 2. Total acreage of project area: 19'5 acres. APPROXIMATE ACREAGE PRESENTLY AFTER COMPLETION Meadow or Brushland (Non-agricultural) 0 acres o acres Forested Q acres acres Agricultural (Includes orchards, cropland, pasture, etc.) 0 acres d acres Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24, 25 of ECL) ±'3 acres ±'3 acres Water Surface Area ±1.9 acres ±1.9 acres Unvegetated (Rock, earth or fill) ±6.6 acres + acres Roads, buildings and other paved surfaces }"5 acres —1 acres Other (Indicate type) N/A acres N/A acres 3. What is predominant soil type(s) on project site? Blue Stone, Coarse to fine brown sand, and gravel a. Soil drainage: ® +90•Well drained _ ', % of site flModeratcly well drainclj _--5� 95 of site ®Poorly drained +o % of site f'/&f•�i191/pC�f\J ,fjrZiM6,00 b. If any agricultural land is involved, 1 ow many acres of soil are classified within soil b cup 1 through 4 of the NY Land Classification System? N/A acres. (See 1 NYCRR 370). *V t 4. Are there bedrock outcroppings on project site? Dyes •d3No a. What is depth to bedrock? unknown N/A (in feet) bSa�2 F'r, RE11ER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT laL. Suffolk JP Tax Map No. 1000 Sec. 043, BIW3, lot 002 Site Plan Approval Contact: James S. Siesfeld - DSN&A - (914) 698-5678 Project Description July 31, 1992 Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. , wishes to: A) Modify and continue PREVIOUSLY APPROVED activities, specifically: 1) Relocate proposed previously approved maintenance storage building and concrete pad/apron as shown on Schedule Plan, Storrvater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dat-ed 07/31/92. Building, 110.0' x 120.0' (approximately 13,200 square feet) , with a maximum height of 35.0' , to include a mechanic's shop area and mast storage shed area. Concrete pad/apron, 70.0' x 80.0' (approximately 5,000 square feet) adjacent to the steel maintenance and storage building; 2) Relocate and modify the existing club house to include food service and rest room facilities as shown on Schedule Plan - Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 3) Relocate and incorporate previously approved rest room facilities into the relocated club house which will include 4 toilet/shower stall rooms adjacent to the relocated club house facility as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormvater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan . Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 4) Relocate laundry facility to as shown on Schedule Plan, 5tormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 5) Relocate and re-delineate summer automobile parking spaces to as shown on Parking Plan - Site Pian Map prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 6) Minor reconfiguration (relocation) of in-water docks as shown on Schedule Plan, Stornavater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 7) Demolish and remove, as previously approved, existing dilapidated mast shed structure as shown on Schedule Plan - Site Pian Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 8) Install and maintain previously approved concrete apron/pad on the upland area adjacent to the boat hauling area as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; .aRFWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT I Suffolk Tax Map No. 1000 Sec. 043, Blk 3, Lot 002 Site Plan Approval Contact: James S. Siesfeld - DSN&A - (914) 698-5678 Project Description Continued - Page 2 July 31, 1992 9) Continue that portion of the RECONFIGURATION PERMITTER (a delineated envelope) in which BREWER can make future modifications to the docks and piles allowing for the most efficient use of in-water space within the entire envelope defined by points i) 326061.58 N, 2453297.10 E, ii) 325919.26 N, 2453209.87 E, iii) 326124.94 N, 2452709.47 E, and iv) 326367.98 N, 2452766.43 E, as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormvater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92, that is within the Town of Southold; and, 10) Construct and maintain a 30.0' x 70.0' (approximately 1,500 square feet) swimming pool as per Suffolk Health Department 06/11/92 approval as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92. B) Undertake the following HEW WORK to enhance this waterfront dependent recreational boating facility: 1) Construct and maintain a 61' x 121' , with an approximately 4,784 square foot surface area, raised deck surface adjacent to the proposed swimming pool and relocated existing club house. Maximum elevation of relocated club house above existing grade is not to exceed 35.0' as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Pian, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, 07/31/92; prepared by DSN&A, doted 2) Install and maintain a raised plantings area adjacent to the raised deck surface as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 3) Install and . maintain ,. electrical service to all proposed - structures as shown on Utility Plan - Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 4) Install and maintain water service to the relocated swimming pool , relocated laundry facility and relocated club house as well as to the outside of the relocated steel maintenance building as shown on Utility Pian - Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; EWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT I Suffolk Tax Map No. 1000 Sec. 043, Bl k. 3, Lot 002 Site Plan Approval Contact: James S. Siesfeld - DSN&A - (914) 698-5678 Project Description Continued - Page 3 July 31, 1992 5) Install and maintain septic service for the relocated club house, proposed club house rest room facilities and proposed laundry facility as per Suffolk County Health Department approval (re-approval pending) shown of Stormwater Drainage Plan - Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 6) Provide storm water drainage for all •IIEW building structures to accommodate 2 inches of rainfall runoff, install and maintain a 6 inch earthen berm between parking areas and bulkheads, and install and maintain planter boxes between parking areas and bulkheads as shown on Stormwater Drainage Plan - Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 7) Install and maintain an approximate 275 gallon waste oil holding tank per federal , state, county and local regulations. Waste oil holding tank will be emptied by a certified carter and contents will be disposed of at an authorized facility as shown on Schedule Plan - Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; and, 8) Install and maintain a portable boat holding tank pumpout facility. Pumped-out material will be transferred to an on site septic tank. Septic tank will be emptied by a certified carter and contents will be disposed of at an authorized facility. brwr-92\projdesc Sr Taproximate percentage of propc project site with slopes: 00.It " 101 _9L 710.15^b % • • 159% or grer 96 6. Is project substantially contiguleto, or contain a building, site, or distri , listed on the State or the National Registers of Historic Places? Dyes ENO �'. Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed an the Register of National Natural Landmarks? Dyes I3No 8. What is the depth of the water table? Un feet) /—(D 9. Is site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aquifer? Aes ENO 10. Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? ®Yes ONO will be enhanced 11. Does project site contain any species of plant or animal life that is identified as threatened or endangered? Oyes MNo According to Identify each species 12. *Are there any unique or unusual land forms on the project site? (i.e., cliffs, dunes, other geological formations) OYes dNo Describe • 13. Is the projec'• sit•: presently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space ot recre tion area? OYes ONO If yes, explain as a marina — use will continue to be enhanced 14. Does the present site include scenic views known to be important to the community? I9Yes ONO Waterfront views of Stirling Basin will be enhanced. 15. Streams within or contiguous to project area: N/A a. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary 16. Lakes, ponds, wetland areas within or contiguous to project area: + a. Name Stirling Basin b. Size (In acres) —'3 17. Is the site served by existing public utilities? ®yes ONO Ca) If Yes, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection? Utes ONO b) If Yes, will improvements be necessary to allow connection? Dyes ONO 18. Is the site located in an agricultural district certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 25-AA; Section 303 and 304? Dyes . E]No 19. Is the site located in or substantially contiguous to a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article 8 of the ECL, and 6 NYCRR 617? f$Yes ONO 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes? Dyes ONO r... . t r r B. Project Description PLEASE REFER TO DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project(fill io dimensions as appropriate) * 9.5 acres within Southold a. Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor 9.7697* acres. b. Project acreage to be developed: acres initially; acres ultimately. e. Project acreage to remain undeveloped acrei. d. Length of project, in miles: N/A (If appropriate) e. If the project is an expansion, indicate percent of.expansion,proposed 7s% RITTrn NG SPACE I. Number'of off-street parking spaces existing w 259reme isproposed 259 g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour the same (upon completion of project)?"' h. If residential: Number and type of housing units: One Family Two Family Multiple Family Condominium Initially Ultimately 1. Dimensions (in feet) of largest proposed structure 35.0' height; 110.0' width; 120' length. J. Linear feet of frontage along a public thoroughfare project will occupy is? 1062 ft. 3 2. How much natural material (i. -ock, earth, etc.) will be removed from IF 'te? None tons/cubic yards 3. Will disturbed areas be reclai ? es ONO MN/A a. If yes, for what intend purpose is the site being reclaimed? b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? OYes ONO c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? OYes ONO 4. How many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground covers) will be removed from site? None acres. 5. Will any mature forest (over 160 years old) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by this project? OYes ONO 6. if single phase project Anticipated period of construction months, (including demolition). 7. If multi-phased: a. Total number of phases anticipated '6+ (number). b. Anticipated date of commencement phase 1 A.S.A.P. month —1997 year, (including demolition), c. Approximate completion date of.final phase December month 1997 year. d. Is phase 1 functionally dependent on subsequent phases? OYes LINO .. 8. Will blasting occur du ing construction? OYes ONO 9. Number of jobs generated: during construction 5+ ; after project is complete 0 to 2 10. Number of jobs eliminated by this project None 11. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities? Eyes ONO If yes, explain Club House and Mast Shed/Work Building to be relocated. 12. Is surface liquid waste disposal involved? OYes QNo other than storm water runoff a. If yes, indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial, etc.) and amount b. Name of water body into which effluent will be discharged 13. Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? MYes ONO Type Septic System 14. Will surface area of an existing water body increase or decrease by proposal? Dyes CYNo Explain MIA 15. Is project or any portion of project located in a 100 year flood plain? Byes ONO 16. Will the project generate solid waste? EIYes ❑No * Demolitibn of the Mast Shed/Work Building will generate 2 tons of material. a. If yes, what is the amount per month ±1* tons from food services. b. If yes, will an existing solid waste facility be used? ®Yes ONO to dispose of the material at c. If yes,,give name A"•. licensed carter will be used, locatidn an appropriate site.• d. Will any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or into a sanitary landfill? Mes Otvo e. If Yes, explain See Above `. 17. Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? Eyes ONO ** See 16 above a. If yes,•what is the anticipated rate of disposal? ** ±1 tons/month. from food services. b. If yes, what ii the anticipated site life?' N/A years. 18. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? Oyes ONO 19. Will project routinely produce odors (more than one hour per day)? OYes ONO 20. Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise levels? OYes :RNo Except possibly 21. Will project result in an increase in energy use? Yes ONO during Construct_ If yes , indicate type(s) electrical for buildings, pool, and bathroom facilities ion. 22. If water supply is from wells, indicate pumping capacity XIA gallons/minute. unknown at this time: +500 gal./day for proposed restroom 23. Tota( anticipated water usage per day gallons/day. — ±500 gal./day for proposed pool 24. Does project involve Local, State or Federal funding? OYes E�;No If Yes, explain 4 f 23, .Approvals Required • • Submhtal Type Date City, Town, Village Board )(Yes ONo Warm Ar alao City, Town, Village Planning Board > 'es ONo ti7W AMOI City, Town Zoning Board Ayes ONo SAINC/A*- r AAP�Da�6fD City, County Health Department Xes ONo sA�vn-w�y/wA�srr .hAA1G016� Other Local Agencies ❑Yes ONo Other Regional Agencies OYes ONo State Agencies Xes ONo t✓ eS Federal Agencieses ONo /I/4'7C/N4 0dA41%44V7&U �UJ?si1rV QitSiN C. Zoning and Planning Information 1 . Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision? Aes ONo If Yes, indicate decision required: Ozoning amendment Ozoning variance ❑special use permit Osubdivision Atte plan ❑new/revision of master plan Oresource management plan ❑other 2 What is the zoning classification(s)of the site? fAM& ,*. 7r 3. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the present zoning? /V/AAM ME)f UWE A M111 AS P"AD515110 4. What is the proposed zoning of the site? MAftwk A S. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed zoning? 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? �es ONo 7. What are the predominant land use(s) and zoning classifications within a % mile radius of proposed action? tyjr &— Vo 2—N6 8. Is the proposed action compatible with adjoiningisurrounding land uses within a '/4 mile? )(es ONo 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how many lots are proposed? N.4 . What is the minimum lot size proposed? a a p p 10. Will proposed action require any authorization(s) for the formation of sewer or water districts? ❑Yes 4<o 11 . Will the proposed action create a demand for any community provided services (recreation, education, police. fire protection)? XYes ONo a. If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? Aes ONo 12. Will the proposed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? Aes ONo a. If yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic? Xes ONo D. Informational Details Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your project If there are or may be any adverse impacts associated with your proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mitigate or avoid them. E. Verification I certify that the information provided above is true to the best of knowledge. Applicant/Spon me Date Signature Title M"dVlrJ6V7- 70 AN01*21 P Part 2—PROJECT IMPACTS AND THEI MAGNITUDE Responsibility of Lead Agence General Information (Read Carefully) • In completing the form the reviewer should be guided by the question: Have my responses and Atterminations been reasonablet The reviewer is not expected to be an expert environmental analyst. • Identifying that an impact will be potentially large (column 2)does not mean that it is also necessarily significamL Any large impact must be evaluated in PART 3 to determine significance. Identifying an impact in column 2 simply asks that it be looked at further. • The Examples provided are to assist the reviewer by showing types of impacts and wherever possible the threshold of magnitude that would trigger a response in column 2. The examples are generally applicable throughout the State and for most situations. But, for any specific project or site other examples andlor lower thresholds may be appropriate for a Potential Large Impact response, thus requiring evaluation in Part 3. • The Impacts of each project, on each site, in each locality, will vary. Therefore, the examples are illustrative and have been offered as guidance.They do not constitute an exhaustive list of impacts and thresholds to answer each question. • The number of examples per question does not indicate the importance of each question. • In identifying impacts, consider long term, short term and cumlative effects. instructions (Read carefully) a. Answer each of the 19 questions in PART 2. Answer Yes if there will be any impact b. Maybe answers should be considered as Yes answers. c. If answering Yes to a question then check the appropriate box (column 1 or 2) to indicate the potential size of the impact if impact threshold equals or exceeds any example provided, check column 2. If impact will occur but threshold is lower than example, check column 1. d. if reviewer has doubt about size of the impact then consider the impact as potentially large and proceed to PART 3. e. if a potentially large impact checked in column 2 can be mitigated by change(s)in the project to a small to moderate impact, also check the Yes box in column 3. A No response indicates that such a reduction is not possible. This must be explained in Part 3. 1 2 3 , Sma)I to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Urge Mitigated By IMPACT ON LAND --- - Rollio{_ Impact Project Change 1 . Will the proposed action result in a physical change to project site? ANO OYES Examples that would apply to column 2 , ` • Any construction on slopes of 15% or greater, (15 foot rise per 10D ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No foot of length), or where the general slopes in the project area exceed 10%. • Construction on land where the depth to the water table is less than ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No 3 feet • Construction of paved parking area for 1,000 or more vehicles. n ❑ ❑Yes ❑No • Construction on land where bedrock is exposed or generally within ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No 3 feet of existing ground surface. •_Construction that will continue for more than 1 year or involve more ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No than one phase or stage. • Excavation for mining purposes that would remove more than 1,000 ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No tons of natural material (i.e., rock or soil) per year. • Construction or expansion of a sanitary landfill. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No • Construction in a designated floodway. ❑ 13 ❑Yes ❑No • Other impacts 11 ❑ Dyes ❑No 2. Will there bean effect V. _.ry unique or unusual land forms found on the site?(i.e., cliffs,dunes, geological formations, etc<NO OYES • Specific land fors: ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No 8 t 2 3 Small to Potentlal Can Impact Be IMPACT ON WATER Moderate Large Mltlgated By 3 Will proposed action affect any water body designated as protected? Impact Impact Proleot Change (Under Articles 15,24,25 of the Environmental Conservaattionn LavES Examples that would apply to column 2 ❑ ❑ Dyes ONO • Developable area of site contains a protected water body. • Dredging more than 100 cubic yards of material from channel of a ❑ ❑ Dyes ❑No protected stream. • Extension of utility distribution facilities through a protected water body. ❑ ❑ Oyes ONO • Construction in a designated freshwater or tidal wetland. 0D Dyes ❑No • Other impacts: 6X/SrAAdr /F" ❑ Dyes ONO 4. Will proposed action affect any non-protected existin,& Qrr new body of water? A O YES Examples that would apply to column 2 • A 10% increase or decrease in the surface area of any body of water ❑ O Dyes ONO or more than a 10 acre increase or decrease. • Construction of a body of water that exceeds 10 acres of surface area. O � Dyes ONO Dyes ONO • Other impacts: S. Will Proposed Action affect surface or groundwater ONO KS quality or quantity? . Examples that would apply tq column 2 o Dyes ONO • Proposed Action will require a discharge permit. • Proposed Action requires use of a source of water that does not ❑ ❑ oyes ONO have approval to;serve proposed(project) action. • Proposed Action requires water supply from wells with greater than 45 ❑ O ❑Yes ❑No gallons per minute pumping tapacity. • Construction or operation causing any contamination of a water ❑ ❑ Dyes ONO supply system. • Proposed Action will adversely affect groundwater. D ❑ Dyes ONO • Liquid effluent will be conveyer,off the site to facilities which presently ❑ ❑ DYes ❑!lo do not exist or have inadequate capacity. ❑ ❑Yes ONO • Po Prosed Action would use water in excess of 20,000 gallons per o day. • Proposed Action will likel•• Lao3e siltation or other discharge into an ❑ o Dyes ONO existing body of watef w the -ement that there will be an obvious visual contrast to natural conditions. • Proposed Action will require the storage of petroleum or chemical ❑ ❑ Dyes ONO products greater than 1,100 gallons. Dyes ONO • Proposed Action will allow residential uses in areas without water ❑ ❑ and/or sewer services. Dyes ONO • Proposed Action locates commercial and/or industrial uses which may ❑ ❑ require new or expansion of existing waste treatment and/or storage facilities. 0 0 oyes oNc • Other impacts: I 4. Will proposed action alter drainage flow or patterns, or rf ce J water runoff? ONO s YES E".nples that would apply to column 2 D p oyes ON, • Proposed Action would change flood water flows. 7 • Z a Small to Potential Can Impact So Moderate Large Mitigated By Impact Impact Project Change • Proposed Action may cause substantial erosion. O ❑ ❑Yes ONO • Proposed Action is incompatible with existing drainage patterns. O O OYes ONo • Proposed Action will allow development in a designated floodway. O ❑ OYes ONo • Other impacts: adVAMyZ /*VRdr 5 O OYes ONo "� .[bTf?srt/1S1f1 CAI &/7F7 IMPACT ON AIR 7. Will proposed action affect air quality? NO OYES Examples that would apply to column 2 • Proposed Action will induce 1,000 or more vehicle trips in any given ❑ 13 OYes ONo' hour. • Proposed Action will result in the incineration of more than 1 ton of O O OYes ONo refuse per hour. • Emission rate of total contaminants will exceed S lbs. per hour or a ❑ ❑ OYes ONo heat source producing more than 10 million BTU's per hour. • Proposed action will allow an increase in the amount of land committed O O OYes ONo to industrial use. • Proposed action will allow an increase in the density of industrial ❑ ❑ OYes ONo development within existing industrial areas. O ❑ Dyes ONo • Other impacts: IMPACT ON PUNTS AND ANIMALS 8. Will Proposed Action affect any threatened or ends g ed species? NO , OYES Examples that siould apply to column 2 • Reduction of one or more species listed on the New York or Federal ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ONo list, using the site, over or near site or found on the site. • Removal of any portion of a critical or significant wildlife habitat ❑ ❑ OYes ONo • Application of pesticide or herbicide more than twice a year, other O ❑ OYes ONo than for agricultural purposes. • Other impacts: ❑ ❑ OYes ONo 9. Will Proposed Action substantially affect non-threes or non-endangered species? NO OYES Examples that would apply to column 2 • Proposed Action would substantially interfere with any resident or O ❑ OYes ONo migratory fish, shellfish or wildlife species. • Proposed Action requires the removal of more than 10 acres O O OYes ONo of mature forest (over 100 years of age) or other locally important vegetation. IMPACT ON AGRICULTURAL LAND RESOURCES 10. Will the Proposed Action affect agricultural. land r4�}+rces? 0 OYES �td Examples that would apply to column 2 • The proposed action would sever, cross or limit access to agricultural O O OYes ONo land (includes cropland, hayfields, pasture, vineyard, orchard, etc.) f . • 2 S Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Large Mitigated By Impact Impact Project Change • Construction activity would excavate or compact the soil profile of O ❑ OYes ONo agricultural land. • The proposed action would irreversibly convert more than 10 acres ❑ ❑ Oyes ONO of agricultural land or, if located in an Agricultutal District, more than 2.5 acres of agricultural land. • The proposed action would disrupt or prevent installation of agricultural ❑ O Oyes ONo land management systems(e.g., subsurface drain lines, outlet ditches, strip cropping); or create a need for such measures (e.g. cause a farm field to drain poorly due to increased runoff) ❑ ❑ OYes ONO • Other impacts: IMPACT ON AESTHETIC RESOURCE 11 . Will proposed action affect aesthetic resources) XNO OYES (If necessary, use the Visual EAF Addendum in Seetion 617.21, Appendix B.) Examples that would apply to column 2 • Proposed land uses, or project components obviously different from ❑ ❑ OYes ONo or in sharp contrast to current surrounding land use patterns, whether manmade or natural. • Proposed land uses, or project components visible to users of ❑ ❑ Oyes ONO aesthetic resources which will eliminate or significantly reduce their enjoyment of the aesthetic qualities of that resource. Project components that will result in the elimination or significant O ❑ OYes ONO screening of scenic views known to be important to the area. • Other impacts: O ❑ OYes ONo IMPACT ON HISTORIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES 12. Will Proposed Action impact any site or structure of istoric, pre- historic or paleontological importance? NO OYES Examples that would apply to column 2 • Proposed Action occurring wholly or partially within or substantially ❑ O OYes ONo contiguous to any facility or site listed on the State or National Register of historic places. • Any impact to an archaeological site or fossil bed located within the ❑ O OYes ONo project site. • Proposed Action will occur in an area designated as sensitive for ❑ ❑ OYes ONO archaeological sites on the NYS Site Inventory. • Other impacts: O O OYes ONO IMPACT ON OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION 13. Will Proposed Action affect the quantity or quality of existing or future open spaces or recreational opportunities? _ Examples that would apply to column 2AIO OYES { )The permanent foreclosure of a future recreational opportunity. C3 ❑ OYes ONo '—C A major reduction of an open space important to the community. ❑ O OYes ONO • Other impacts: 0 13 Oyes ONO IMPACT OPRANSPORTATION2 Small to Potential Can Impad Be 14. Will there be an effect to existing transportations t sl Moderate Large Mitigated By i0 DYES Impact Impact Project Change Examples that would apply to column 2 • Alteration of present patterns of movement of people and/or goods. ❑ ❑ OYes ONo • Proposed Action will result in major traffic problems. O O OYes ONo • Other impacts: ❑ ❑ OYes ONo IMPACT ON ENERGY 15. Will proposed action affect the community's sou" of fuel or energy supply? .TWO DYES Examples that would apply to column 2 - • Proposed Action will cause a greater than 5% increase in the use of D D OYes ONo any form of energy in the municipality. • Proposed Action will require the creation or extension of an energy O ❑ OYes ONo transmission or supply system to serve more than 50 single or two family residences or to serve a major commercial or industrial use. • Other impacts: O ❑ OYes ONo NOISE AND ODOR IMPACTS 16. Will there be objectionable odors, noise, or vibrajiog as a result of the Proposed Action? ANO DYES" Examples that would apply to column 2 • Blasting within 1,500 feet of a hospital, school or other sensitive O O OYes ONo facility. • Odors will occur routinely (more than one hour per day). ❑ ❑ OYes ONo • Proposed Action will produce operating noise exceeding the local 0 .. O OYes ONo ambient noise levels for noise outside of structures. • Proposed Action will remove natural barriers that would act as a O O OYes ONo noise screen. • Other impacts: O O OYes ONo IMPACT ON PUBLIC HEALTH 17. Will Proposed Action affect public health and safety? XO DYES Examples that would apply to column 2 • Proposed Action may cause a risk of explosion or release of hazardous O ❑ OYes ONo substances(i.e. oil, pesticides,chemicals,radiation, etc.)in the event of accident or upset conditions, or there may be a chronic low.level discharge or emission. • Proposed Action may result in the burial of "hazardous wastes" in any ❑ O OYes ONc form (i.e. toxic, poisonous, highly reactive, radioactive, irritating, infectious, etc.) • Storage facilities for one million or more gallons of liquified natural ❑ O OYes ONc gas or other flammable liquids. • Proposed action may result in the excavation or other disturbance D ❑ OYes ON( within 2,000 feet of a site used for the disposal of solid or hazardous waste. • Other impacts: O ❑ OYes ON. 10 • W1 2 3 IMPACT ON GROWTH AND CHARACTER Small to Potential Can Impact Be OF COMMUNITY OR NEIGHBORHOOD Moderate Large Mitigated By 18. Will proposed action affect the character of the exists; ommunity? Impact Impact Project Change tSrr10 OYES Examples that would apply to Column 2 i" � • The permanent population of the city, town or village in which the ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ONO project is located is likely to grow by more than S%. • The municipal budget for capital expenditures or operating services ❑ ❑ Oyes ONO will Increase by more than S% per year as a result of this project. • Proposed action will conflict with officially adopted plans or goals. ❑ ❑ Oyes ❑Ido • Proposed action will cause a change in the density of land use. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ONO • Proposed Action will replace or eliminate existing facilities, structures ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ONO or areas of historic importance to the community. • Development will create a demand for additional community services ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ONO (e.g. schools, police and fire, etc.) • Proposed Action will set an important precedent for future projects. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ONO • Proposed Action will create or eliminate employment. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ONO • Other impacts: ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ONO 19. Is there, or is there likely to be, public controovgrsyi related to potential adverse environmental impacts? OYES If Any Action In Part 2 Is Identified as a Potential Large Impact or If You Cannot Determine the Magnitude of Impact, Proceed to Part 3 Part 3—EVALUATION OF THE IMPORTANCE OF IMPACTS Responsibility of lead Agency Part 3 must be prepared if one or more impact(s) is considered to be potentially large, even if the impact(s) may be mitigated. Instructions Discuss the following for each impact identified in Column 2 of Part 2: 1 . Briefly describe the impact 2. Describe(if applicable)how the impact could be mitigated or reduced to a small to moderate impact by project change(s). 3. Based on the information available, decide if it is reasonable to conclude that this impact is important. To answer the question of importance, consider. • The probability of the impact occurring • The duration of the impact • its irreversibility, including permanently lost resources of value • Whether the impact can or will be controlled • The regional consequence of the impact • Its potential divergence from local needs and goals • Whether known objections to the project relate to this impact. (Continue on attachments) t1 /'r. C19AMER, V / IATES ENVIRONMENT G CONSULTANTS October 26, 1992 Mr. Bennett Orlowski,Jr. Chairman Southold PlanningBoard Town Hall, 5, 095Main Road N ro, Lq T N ' P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OCT 2 ( :;92 '' e Re: Review of EAF for Amended Site Plan for Brewers Yacht Yr rd SOUTHOLD TOWN Greenport, New York SCTM No. 1000.(L 3-3-2 1 PLANNING BOARD Dear Mr. Orlowski: As per the your request,we have complet;d a preliminary review of the abovs referenced project in accordance with your requ� St. Tasks and completed activities are identified as follows: 1. Review Part I LEAF The parcel has been field inspected by C"A, and the LEAF has beer, reviewed and amended as necessary. A copy of same is attached. 2. Prepare Pari II LEAF The Part 11 LEAF checklist has been conleted and is also attached. Additional information concerning our findings is inc luded below. 3. Environmental and Psawting Caruiderahtio;s Introduclim Theparcel has been inspected and envirc amental references concerning the site and area have been consulted. A significant s mount of time was spent in the field reviewing the facility operations and Bete .mining methods of environmental protection from site use, particularly rega-ding stor:°water runoff. The proposed project is identified on the site plan pre ared by Daniel S. Natchez and Associates, Inc., dated 7-31-92, for Erewe' Yacht Yard at Greenport; Inc. Tie subject site is the present location of an a :tive yacht yard. Brewers Yacht Yard is an existing boatya d/marina, located at the southwest corner of Manhasset Avenue and Sandy Beach F oad, in Greenport:New York. The entire upland portion of the site, and some undc rwater lands are within the Marina 11 zonirf; use district, and the Town of Soutl:old. The end of the marina piers are located in the Village of Greenport on ur derwater land of the Village. In terms of structures, the facility includes wood pier: , an existing maintenance and storage building with concrete apron, a second in dritenance and storage building�Aith conerac pad and offices inside. There is i mast storage structure located in the central part of the site near the bulkhead: which is proposed to be removed. 'There is also a structure which was located on a pi rtion of the site which has since been Page 1 E;4.2 NORTH COUNTRY ROAD, MILLER PLACE, NY 11764 (516) 331.1455 Brewers Yacht Yard tong EAF Review dredged. This structure has been r stained for re-use as a club house/restroom/laundry building r;ar the proposed pool. Other than structures, the site includes landscaped areas in th; southeast corner where there is a volleyball court, and parking/boat storage are as existing as bluestone surface throughout the balance of the yard. There are tray--I lift facilities for boat hauling in two existing liftwells, and other minor improverlents such as fire hydrants, fencing and some landscaping. Pr.^�^ssd Fac'!i+lee nsl Izau�s 17is alss n The proosed improvements tnvoh e installation of a pool and deck (and accessory facilities-13; removal of a mast storag shed withportions within 75 feet of a functional bulkhead; and, construction of a 13 000 square Toot maintenance building with a 5,600 square foot concrete apron. t;oncerns with regard to environmental impact of yard improvements primarily involi a stormwater discharge to the waterway. With regard to structures, it is note i that the pool area will be built with drainage structures capable of storing at leas,.2 inches of runoff from impervious surfaces. There is also a drainge ring for Po)I filter backwash provided. The relocated clubhouse/restroom/laundry facili?t building will require installation cf sanitary systems. The sanitary system will quire approval of Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS), and the applicant has indicated that application has been made and approval has been Baine, The It cation of the facilities are i:n excess of 100 feet from the waterway, but a shalh w leaching system will be required due to depth to groundwater constraints. The cl ,bhouse also includes a drainage ring for roof runoff. The new 13,000 square foo maintenance and storage building and apron will also include a stormwater retentioc system to contain at least 2 inches of runoff from all impervious surfaces associated v ith this building. The building/apron is located in excess of 180 feet from the waterw,y, as are all leaching facilities. The removal of the existing mast storage shed in close 1;roximity to the water will reduce an existing impervious surface which may be a ;ource of runoff depending upon the capacity of the existing storm drain. The Flanr,'ng Board may wish to consider retaining the existing storm drain in connection with the A ilding to be removed, acrd providing an open grate to allow this feature to continue to cc llect stormwater from the bluestone yard The eroposed new strut titres are not expe -ted to cause a significant adverse environmental impacts as designed or reposed due to their setbacks dram tate waterway, :rhe fact that structures are propose in areas whie't are presently bluestone, and all stormwater will be contained through design Additional site improvements are p -oposed in the form of drainage control along the waterfront. The current plan calls i)r installation of a 6 inch high earthen berm from the east side of the lift wells to the i nd of the marina basin. West of the lift wells, it is noted that the work deck is over a €ravel recharge area, therefore, runoff in this area is prevented from discharging dire.c ly to the waterway. Further south, a similar earthen berm is proposed to prover t direct runoff. The earthen berm concept seerns to t prone to stabilizado t problems -- cs a resin; it is recommended that box planters be ir,.called along the length of the transition area between the bluestone yard and the ti wel lift siip. This would include a d-6 foot wide planter to be built within a structure, f at least 6 inches in height. In areas where access to the piers are provided, ars impervie is ramp of cit least 6 inches in height should also be l CRAMER, V /� SOCiATES ENVIRONIv;ENC A�j G CONSULTANTS Paget $rowers Yacbt Yard Long EAF Review provideg. This will prevent direct runoff to ti.e waterxa}; and retain bluestone in the parAing area There does not appear to be any runoff co itrol on the east and west sides of the marina basin. It is acknowledged that less runoff is expected in these areas due to less Bluestone surface and contributing area; h iwever, some method should be employed to prevent direct runoff, and to prevent bh estone surface from overtopping the bulkhead into the"waterway. In these area: adjacent the waterway, a timber cap of at least 4 inches in height should be installed o i top of the existing bulkhead. Boatyard practice involves hauling boats ii.the lift well, then power washing boats in the upland area adjacent the lift well. Effc its should be made to prexent power wash water from directly re-entering the waters ay. In order to achieve this, a minrnium 4 inch h4,h timber capis also recommended 11)be placed between the adjacent upland areas aad the lift well. As noted, most concerns involve stormwat-.r generation and prevention of direct runoff to the waterway associated with existing w.s. The proposed improvements will reduce potential runoff, by replacing uneontrolle<'bluestone yard surface with buildings designed and constructed with gutters, leaders an 3 dry wells to accommodate stormwater. Recommendations noted above are provided as i means to in, the retention of runoff on the upland areas of the yard to prevent direct iischaige. It is also noted that the US Environmental Protection Agen has promulgat;d stormwater regulations under the NPDES program. TheNY.'SDEC is in the procet t of incorporating these regulations into the SPDES progrsm, and may eventually establish st mdards and permitting procedures for marinas and boatyards. Brewers Yacht Yard will be subject to these requirements and may be required to implement further stormwater ret vion measures to minimize the impact of runoff. It is believed that the measures addresse•I on the subject plan as modified through this review will improve the existing runoff impar is of the existing facility, and will be compatible wiith future standards and criteria wh ch may be included in ft:ture State SPDES programs. The areas of concern can easily be'addres ;ed through proper site construction. Specific comments and mitigation are highlighte.i in italics in the preceding review. The Planning Board may require the consent of the a )plicant to implement these measures, and require that these measures be implemented as,. condition of site alar approval. I believe that with the :inclusion of these measures, the Pit ming Board would be proper in issuing a Negative Declaration,based on the Lang EAF F arts 1 and IT, the content of this review, and the delib.ration of the Piarming Board, If you h.-.ve any questions or wish any further input with regard to this matter,please do not hesitate to call. Very truly yours, arles J. oorhis,cEp,AICD CRAMER, V�VAOCIATES Page ENVIRONMENT G CONSULTANTS T PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ,,. q> SCOTT L. HARRIS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Supervisor George Ritchie Latham, Jr. Richard G. Ward Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonald P.O. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards Southold, New York 11971 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Telephone (516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 November 2, 1992 Board of Fire Wardens Greenport Fire District 3rd Street Greenport, New York 11944 Re: Amendment to Site Plan for Brewers Yacht Yard S/w/c Manhanset Avenue & Beach Road, Greenport SCTM # 1000-043-3-2 Dear Sirs: The enclosed amendment to the site plan is being submitted for your review. This site has a fire well, the location of which is shown on the site plan. However, we would like to know if you have any objections to the proposed layout, and the proposed width and configuration of the aisles between the parking and boat storage spaces? A prompt response would be appreciated by the applicant since this Board' s final approval will be contingent on your response. If you have any questions, please contact Valerie Scopaz at 765-1938. Sincerely, 7? � � 1 . /� Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman o�OSUFFO(�-c • O N PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ,r `' SCOTT L. HARRIS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman �� Supervisor George Ritchie Latham, Jr. Richard G. Ward Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonald P.O. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 MEMORANDUM TO: Victor Lessard, Principal Building Inspector FROM: Bennett Orlowski, Jr. , Chairman 4pq*1S RE: Amendment to Site Plan for Brewers Yacht Yard S/W/c Manhanset Avenue and Beach Road, Greenport SCTM # 1000-043-3-2 DATE: November 2, 1992 Please review the attached amendment for certification. This site plan is scheduled to be reviewed at tonight' s meeting. Although there is a fire well on the site, we have asked the Greenport Fire District to review the plan also. If you need additional information, please speak with Valerie Scopaz. APPEALS BOARD MEMBERSg,�a � '�s SCOTT L.HARRIS �D Gerard P. Goehringer,Chairman �o L' < Supervisor ,yi. Town Hall,53095 Main Road Serge Doyen,Jr. O P.O.Box 1179 James Diniaro,Jr. 0 Southold,New York 11971 Robert A. Villa •� Richard C. Wilton r Fax (516)765-1823 Telephone (516)765-1809 Telephone(516)765-1800 BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 21, 1992 Mr. James S. Siesfeld, Associate Daniel S. Natchez and Associates, Inc. 916 East Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, NY 10543-4109 Re: Appl. No. 4128-SE (Brewer' s Yacht Yard at Greenport) Dear Mr. Siesfeld: Please find attached a copy of the Board' s determination rendered at our October 15, 1992 Meeting in the above matter. Copies of this determination have also been furnished to the Building Department and Planning Board for their permanent records, and to the Suffolk County Department of Planning in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Suffolk County Administrative Code. Very truly yours, Linda Kowalski Enclosure Copies of Decision to: Southold Town Building Department Suffolk County Department of Planni Southold Town Planning Board . Mr. Michael Acebo, General Manager, Brewer's Yacht Yard OCT 2 3 190? su$B lLr 1f ,UC(�f O APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS „N; C®�/i SCOTT L.HARRIS Supervisor Gerard P.Goehringer,Chairman ® , W �; z Town Hall,53095 Main Road Serge Doyen,Jr. `vJ ' c. P.O.Box 1179 James Dinizio,Jr. Sou thold,New York 11971 Robert A. Villa ilton Fax(516)765-1823 Richard (516)C. 1765 1809 Telephone (516)765-1800 BOARD OF APPEALS ,. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ACTION OF THE BOARD Appl. No. 4128. Application of BREWER' S YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. Special Exception under Article XII, Section 100-12113( 1) for permission to establish accessory food services for its marina patrons as an amenity. Location of Property: 2530 Manhanset Avenue and the westerly side of Sandy Beach Road, Greenport, NY; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-43-3-2. This 9. 5+- acre parcel is improved and is located in the "Marine II" Zone District. WHEREAS, after due notice, a public hearing was held on October 15, 1992, and at said hearing all those who desired to be heard were heard and their testimony recorded; and WHEREAS, the Board has carefully considered all testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application; and WHEREAS, Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding areas; and WHEREAS, the Board made the following findings of fact and determination: 1. The premises in question is located in the M-II Marine Zone District in the Hamlet of Greenport, Town of Southold, and is more particularly identified as County Tax Map District 1000, Section 43, Block 3, Lot 2. 2. The subject parcel contains a total area of 9.5+- acres of which 7. 3+- acres is above the mean high water line of Sterling Creek. This parcel fronts along two streets: 479.60 feet along the south side of Manhanset Avenue and 481. 84 feet along the west side of Sandy Beach Road. According to records on file with the Building Department, Town Trustees and Planning Board offices, this parcel is and has been used and improved as a boat yard with sales, storage, repair facilities, display, club house, shop building, and related uses. Page 2 - Appl. No. 28-SE • Matter of BREWER' S YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. Decision Rendered October 15, 1992 3 . By this application, a Special Exception is requested to establish "accessory food services" only for marina patrons of Brewer' s Yacht Yard as an amenity. 4. Reference is made to the following information submitted for the record: ( a) the location of the food (snack bar service and lounge) is to be located in the relocation clubhouse building set back approximately 241 feet from the front property line along Manhanset Avenue and adjacent to the pool and pool decking, which is shown to be 101. 8 feet from the inside corner of bulkhead at its closest point to the timber fencing around the pool decking area. (b) Certificates of Occupancy issued of record by the Building Inspectors from December 29, 1989 and prior thereto. (c) all site plan elements are being provided at a future date by the Planning Board under its simultaneously pending site plan application {see coordination letters sent by the ZBA to the PB for coordination comments and requesting an update of this project) . 5. Previous approvals have been issued concerning past site plan reviews, wetland permits, dredging permit(s) by the U.S. Department of the Army and N.Y.S. Department of Environmental Conservation over the past decade (please see Planning Board and Town Trustees files of record) ; 6 . Article XII, Section 100-121B of the Marine II District provisions reads as follows: . . .B. Uses permitted by special exception by the Board of Appeals. The following uses are permitted as a special exception by the Board of Appeals, as hereinafter provided, subject to site plan approval by the Planning Board: ( 1) Restaurants, excluding outdoorcounter service, drive-ins or curb-service establish- ments. Such prohibition shall not prevent service at tables on a covered or uncovered terrace or porch incidental to a restaurant. . . . " 7. In passing upon this application, the Board Members Page 3 - Appl. No. 028-SE 0 Matter of BREWER' S YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. Decision Rendered October 15, 1992 have also considered Sections 100-263 and 100-264 of the Zoning Code and have found and determined the following: (a) That the proposed use falls within the category proscribed in the zoning ordinance at Section 100-121B( l) ; (b) That the proposed use as an accessory food service establishment incidental to the marina and boatyard, and not as a separate principal use, will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of adjacent properties or of properties in adjacent use districts; (c) That the use will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of permitted or legally established uses in the district wherein the proposed use is to be located or of permitted or legally established uses in adjacent use districts; (d) That the safety, health, welfare, comfort, convenience, or order of the town will not be adversely affected by the proposed use and its location; (e) That the use will be in harmony with and will promote the general purposes and intent of this chapter; (f) That the use will be compatible with its surroundings, with the character of the neighborhood and of the community in general, particularly with regard to visibility, scale and overall appearance and the fact that the property is bounded on the north and west by a cemetery ( zoned R,80) , south by a town boat landing, southwest by Sterling Creek, north by a Town street (Manhanset Avenue) , and northeast by a Town street (Sandy Beach Road) , and residences (opposite Sandy Beach Road) . (g) That the proposed use for accessory snack bar services incidental to the marina and boatyard shall be issued as such, and no other uses hereunder are included as part of the Special Exception review before the Board at this time. ✓ (h) This Board shall have the right, to modify, suspend or revoke this approval or any term or condition hereof or to impose one or more new conditions in the event of failure to company with the terms of this Special Exception approval, or in the event the activity for an accessory food service extends beyond the scope of this application and limitations set by the Board. NOW, THEREFORE, on motion by Chairman Goehringer, seconded by Member Wilton, it was -Page 4 - Appl. No.028-SE Matter of BREWER'S YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. Decision Rendered October 15, 1992 RESOLVED, to GRANT a Special Exception for an accessory V food service establishment incidental to the principal use (marina) for its marina patrons, as requested under Appl. No. 4128 in the Matter of BREWER'S YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. , SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The floor area of the accessory food service establishment is limited to 46 ft. by 60 ft. requested and shown on the site plan prepared by Daniel S. Natchez and Associates, Inc. ( lastly dated July 31, 1992) . 2. Any expansion, modification, alteration or change to a use or floor area beyond the scope of this Special Exception shall be subject to further approval by the Board of Appeals; 3 . Approval by the Planning Board in accordance with the standards and provisions for site plan reviews under Section 100-254 of the zoning code. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs. Doyen, Goehringer, Dinizio, Villa and Wilton. This resolution was duly adopted. lk �� GERARD P. GOEHRINGER-, CHAIRMAN • ;;rt171,� • PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS SCOTT L. HARRIS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman A `7 ' '�'• ��- h Supervisor George Richie Latham, Jr. Richard G. Ward 3 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonald " P.O. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards Southold, New York 11971 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Telephone (516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 October 20, 1992 James S. Siesfeld, Associate Daniel S. Natchez, Associates, Inc. 916 East Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543-4109 RE: Brewer Yacht Yard SCTM#1000-43-3-2 Dear Mr. Siesfeld: The following resolutions were adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at a meeting held on Monday, October 19, 1992 . RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board, acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act, take lead agency in its review of this Type I action. The Southold Town Planning Board will take additional time until its next meeting on November 2, 1992, to make a determination on the environmental significance of this Type I action pending the receipt of a report from its environmental consultants. Sincerely, Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman • � Sued c� BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. MANHANSET AVENUE GREENPORT, NY 11944 FAX(516)477-1150 October 20, 1992 PHONE(516)477-9594 Southold Planning Board Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, N.Y. 11971 6,0,u et , )1,L SER 4r(61 # BREWERS # Dear Valerie, BOAT VAR1S Please find attatched a check for $550.00 to cover the fee for the review of our project by the firm of Cramer, Voorhis, Brewer Marina, Inc. and Associates. I have arranged a meeting with Mr. Voorhis Glen Cove, NY ang g 516-671-5563 on October 23, 1992 at the yard to go over our plans. Post Road Boat Yard,Inc. Thank you for your help in this matter. Mamaroneck, NY 914-698-0295 Bruce&Johnson's Marina Branford,CT Sincerely, 203-488-8329 Brewer's Dauntless Shipyard Essex,CT 203-767-2483 Brewer's Chandlery East Mike Acebo Essex, CT 203-767-8267 Brewer's Yacht Yard Mystic, CT 203-536-2293 Pilots Point Marina _ Westbrook,CT 203-399-9537 Brewer's Wickford Cove Melina N. Kingston, RI OOCTC401-884-7014 2 0 1992 S� Brewer Marina at Cowesett Warwick, RI SOUTHOLD TOWN 401-884-0544 pLAAININ6 BOARD Cove Haven Corporation Barrington, RI 401-246-1600 Brewer's Sakonnet Marina Portsmouth, RI 401-683-3551 1 Post-It'brmfilax transm-ttal m 3mo 7611 x or psyn CRAMER, V H` OCiATES 3�>yn��r_�^�c„rc! Fr°m 0,YZ ENVIROfJMENT f �, G CONSULTANT! Fox October 19, 1992 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman Southold Plannin Board Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Brewers Yacht Yard Greenport, New York SCTNf No. 1000-43-3-2 Dear Mr, Orlowski: I am in receipt of the site plan and Long E 1F for the above referenced project. As per your request this letter indicates the fee for revi ;w of the submitted material. The following services are proposed: condi ct a field inspection of the site; review and correct as necessary the Long EAF Part 1; >repare a Part II Long EAF for the Boards use; provide a letter of review of the project inc,uutng recommendations and suggested SEQR administration procedures. The fee for the above referenced services i ; $550.00. We would hope to complete this project by October 26, 1992 if authorized t• proceed on October 20, 1992. If you have any questions, please do not he .itate to call. Very trul yours / Charles J. Voorhis,cF:r,ArcP 54,2 NORTH COUNTRY ROAD, M LLER PLACE, NY 11764 (W) 331.1455 SO Rf co PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS A t SCOTT L. HARRIS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Oy ® - `� Supervisor George Ritchie Latham, Jr. Richard G. Ward Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonald P.O. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards pLANNING BOARD OFFICE Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 MEMORANDUM TO: Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals FROM: Bennett Orlowski, Jr. , Chairman Members of the Planning Board 80evIvs RE: Proposed Site Plan Amendments to the Approved Site Plan for Brewer Yacht Yard, Greenport, New York SCTM# 1000-43-3-2 DATE: October 14, 1992 This is in response to your written request for information dated October 7, 1992. The information below is listed in the same order as requested in the memo. Request: a) number of parking spaces acceptable under the site plan review process; Response: This information can be found in the upper left hand corner of Sheet 1 of the Parking Plan of the site plan. A parking space is shown for each employee and for each boat slip. Fifty-four additional parking spaces are shown also. The number of spaces shown on the site plan has been deemed tentatively to be acceptable. Request: b) The type of uses that each parking space is applied to; Response: This information also can be found in the upper left hand corner of Sheet 1 of the Parking plan of the site plan. T our understanding of this project is that this site is used by marina customers, e.g. people who rent boat slips for either a season or a night; and that the proposed amendments to the site will not result in a change in that operating procedure. The users of the pool, club house and snack-bar, if so permitted, would be the marina' s dockside customers, whether permanent or transient. Accordingly, no additional parking spaces appear to be needed at this point in time. Request: c) location and design of outdoor lighting facilities; 11 Response: The project sponsor has included some notes on the site plan about proposed additions to the existing lighting system. These notes can be found on the upper left hand corner of Sheet 1 of the Parking Plan of the site plan. We will review these details in more depth later in the site review process. Nevertheless, all lighting will conform to our longstanding policy that lights be shielded and directed downward to reduce glare. Request: d) designation of the amount of building area proposed for retail (s)ales or similar commercial activity; Response: We have not received any proposals to introduce retail sales or similar activity, such as the sale of marine equipment, accessories, gifts or other such items. To the best of our knowledge, there are no retail sales of any kind conducted on the premises. There is no fuel dock. (Customers must go to another marina to refuel. ) The only change in the existing marina operation that has been presented to us is the addition of a snack-bar type food service in the clubhouse for the use of the marina' s customers only. Request: e) square footage of land area applied for outside boat storage; if the number of outside boats are limited, please designate the maximum size of the boat which is being limited; Response: The entire yard area is proposed to be used as outside winter storage for boats. This is noted on Sheet 1 of the Schedule Plan of the site plan. There is no proposal before us to introduce rack storage of any kind. We are not aware of any restrictions in the Zoning Code on the size of boat that may be stored in a boat yard. Nor, do we see any reason to F limit either the size of boat or the number of boats that may be stored in the yard during the winter. Request: f) location of fire lanes and other emergency zones, if available. Response: This information is not available at this time. We typically address it after the use and location of the proposed structures are more or less "settled." A fire hydrant is already located on the site. The club house will be located within 55 feet of it. We do not anticipate any problems providing for fire safety due to the fact that the ordinary use of the parking and the outside yard storage area by both the travel lift and trucks pulling boats on trailers will necessitate sufficiently wide travel lanes between the aisles for fire fighting equipment to operate. The Planning Board' s standard procedure is to send two copies of the most "final" plan to the Fire District for their review and comment before the Board grants final approval. This procedure will be followed in this instance, and any modifications required by the District Commissioners will be incorporated into the site plan. Additional comments about the site plan will be forwarded after environmental impact comments from the coordinating agencies, including your Board, are received and reviewed. At this writing, it appears that the determination of significance will be made at the November 2nd meeting. OG O PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS y + SCOTT L. HARRIS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman'✓r �'"' .r� Supervisor George Ritchie Latham, Jr. •�r�l .�'7i� . Richard G. Ward rNavTown Hall, 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonald P.O. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Southold. New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 nrtober 14, 1992 Charles Voorhis Cramer, Voorhis & Associates, Inc. 54 North Country Road Miller Place, New York 11764 Re: Amended site plan for Brewers Yacht Yard Greenport, New York SCTM # 1000-43-3-2 Dear Mr. Voorhis: Please review the enclosed copy of the long environmental assessment form for the attached amended site plan. The Planning Board started lead agency coordination on September 14, 1992. Please give us an estimate of your fee to review this site plan amendment. Please refer all questions on this project to Valerie Scopaz. Sincerely, Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman COPY FOR YOUR DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. INFORtj MATION 916 East Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543-4109 914-698-5678 FAX Number(914)698-7321 Office of the President August 21 , 1992 ZONING BOARD of APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall , 53095 Main Road VIA CERTIFIED MAIL SP-108-738-200 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York, 11971 RE: Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. Suffolk Co. Tax Map No. 1000 Sec. 043, Blk. 03, Lot 002 Application for Special Exception Dear Gentlemen: On behalf of our client, Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as BREWER) , DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as DSN&A) is submitting the documentation listed below in connection with BREWER's desire to obtain SPECIAL EXCEPTION APPROVAL for Special Exception Restaurant Use of a Building within the Marina II Zone from the Town of Southold pursuant to Chapter 100, Zoning, of the Code of the Town of Southold. Please find the Application Fee of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) and following enclosed: 1 hree (3) copies of the APPLICATION FOR .SPECIAL EXCEPTION. Tv�s �2) Three co les o the SchedulePari--wife"PTan Map pending approval from the Town of Southold Planning Board j -Three (3) copies of--The letter authorizing DSN&A to act as agent for BREWER. 4) One (1) Copy of Application for Consideration of Site Plan to the Planning Board, Town of Southold. 5) Three (3) copies of Full Environmental Assessment form including detailed Project Description. BREWER has owned the above referenced recreational boating facility since 1983. In the almost ten (10) years BREWER has owned and operated the facility, BREWER has been continuously making improvements and updating this facility to meet current and anticipated environmental and safety regulations, as well as the needs of the public by making the facility a first rate recreational boating center. To date BREWER has obtained all necessary regulatory approvals: to undertake an expansion of the marina basin from BREWER's upland; reconfigure the docking facility to make better, more efficient use of in-water space; and modify the upland facility amenities to include boat hauling facilities, amenities for patrons, demolition and relocation of buildings, and delineation of summer car parking areas. BREWER - SOUTHOLD ZBA - SPECIAL EXCEPTION APPLICATION 08/21/92 Page 2 BREWER wishes to continue to make improvements to this recreational facility, and is currently seeking reapproval and amendments to previous approvals to further meet new environmental , access and safety standards, and enhance the first rate nature of the facility by providing amenities to BREWER customers and more efficiently utilizing the in-water and upland space. The proposed project(s) presented in this Application for Special Exception Restaurant Use within the Marina II Zone from the Zoning Board of Appeals is consistent with the current land uses and will serve to accommodate the demands and needs of the public patronizing this full service recreationally oriented marina/boatyard. The food service (restaurant) will be provided at the club house shown in the accompanying plans to provide food service to BREWER customers. If you have any questions please, do not hesitate contacting the undersigned at (914) 698-5678. DSN&A and BREWER thank you in advance for the expeditious review and granting of site plan approval for this project(s) . Wel e Enclosure: cc: BREWER Jack Brewer brwr-92\c-zba •OUNTY OF SUFFOLK • (9 ROBERT J. GAFFNEY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE I+I DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES MARY E. HISBERD, M.D., M.P.H. COMMISSIONER I June 11, 1992 I I Mr. H. Roy Jaffe, P.E. Consulting Engineer 7 Country Drive Plainview, N.Y. 11803 SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF PLANS TO CONSTRUCT A SWIMMING POOL AT THE BREWER YACHT YARD, GREENPORT, N. Y. Dear Mr. Jaffe: I This office has reviewed the plans you recently submitted for the above referenced facility and finds them in conformance with the Suffolk County standards, specifications and guidelines. Enclosed are copies of each of the following: 1. "Certificate of approval of plans for the construction or renovation of a swimming pool . " 2. Approved plan sheets . 3. Approved engineering form 134-R. After construction has progressed to the point that the piping has been completed in accordance with the approved plans, an in- spection by this office must be done before backfilling can begin. This inspection can be arranged by calling me or Ron Paulsen at tel . :, (516) 853-3197 . Very ruly yo rs, ichard arkel, P .E . Bureau of Groundwat r Resources j Enclosures cc. Building Dept. Town of Southold (w/certificate of approval) weisAU OF ORMINUM WATIER A"MAiwo awvc rAer "UPPAUGM N"YORK I,788 Illb off-�os� F" I5I6I 853-2927 r SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES BUREAU OF WATER RESOURCES 225 RABRO DRIVE EAST HAUPPAUGE, NEW YORK 11788 CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL OF PLANS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OR RENOVATION OF A SWIMMING POOL Application having been duly made to the Suffolk County Department of Health Services, as provided under Chapter I, Part 6, of the New York State Sanitary Code, approval is hereby granted for the construction of the swimming pool located at THE BRENER YACHT YARD, GREENPORT, N.Y. subject to the following con- ditions : I . That the proposed artificial swimming pool and treatment equipment shown on the plans and specifications approved this day shall be fully constructed and installed in com- plete conformity with such plans and specifications or approved amendments thereto, within 18 months . I1) That the engineer of record shall inform the Department 48 hours in advance for the purposes of making a joint, as built, pipe inspection. III That the engineer of record shall inform the Department 48 hours in advance for the purposes of making a joint, final inspection to ascertain conformance to the approved plans . Two final inspections are included. Additional inspections are $ 100 . 00 each. IV. That the owner or operator will not open the swimming pool until a certificate of compliance has been received. V. That the swimming pool shall be operated at all times to conform with the requirements of Part 6 and the criteria for operation of a swimming pool and to the satisfaction of the permit issuing officer. VI . That whenever required by the Permit-Issuing Official, modifications, additions or more adequate equipment as needed for the operation of the pool in accordance with the provisions of the State Sanitary Code shall be in- stalled, and plans for such modifications, additions or more adequate equipment shall first be submitted to and receive approval of the Permit-Issuing Official . VII. That a certificate of construction compliance shall be submitted to the Permit-Issuing Official . This certifi- cate shall be prepared and signed by a professional engineer or architect, licensed to practice in New York State. The certificate shall includea statement that the pool and appurtenances have been corf ructed in accord- ance with approved plans and spe cio 19 � lQ L / Richard Markel, P .E. a BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORI. INC. SITE PLAN APPLICATION STIRLING BASIN GREENPORT HARBOR FIAIIHAISET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREEMPORT & TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK NEGATIVE DECLARATION Implementing the proposed site plan at BREWER Y00 T YARD at GREENPORT, INC. 'S property will have no adverse impacts an Sterling Basin, the area in which work will take place, or the surrounding environment. The proposed Prnject( s) will have significant positive effects by: improving navigation. upgrading an under-utilized waterfront area, and increasing commercial and recreational 3 activities and opportunities by a! Icning full use of BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT, INC. ' s waterfront facilities . Uohn D. Brewer, resident BRE'NER NOW YARD at GREENPORT, INC . brewer -g2/neg-dec NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY BULKHEAD TIMBER PILING SUPPORT (TYPICAL) � 1 i' I APPROXIMATELY 12' PPROXIMATELY 4' I1 GS pSCAPE PIANTIN i \ BRICK RAMP ' APPROXIMATELY 6 i �\ AREA jp CONTAIN Z �`\ \ i�T Q APPROXIMATELY S" WIDTH VARIES 4"x 6' TIMBER (TYPICAL) CONTINUOUS EXISTING PERVIOUS SURFACE (TO REMAINS REFER TO SITE PLAN MAPS DATED 07/31/92 FOR SITE SPECIFIC DETAILS AND NOTATIONS. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY —REMOVABLE MOBILE BOAT HOIST TIMBER SUPPORTED RUNWAY PIER 4"x 6" TIMBER (TYPICAL) i I I I I I I I � t I i I LIFTWELL I —BULKHEAD t i O) dw APPROACH RAMP SLOPED DOWNWARD AND AWAY FROM BULKHEAD ULKHEAD TIMBER PILING SUPPORT (EXISTING) (TYPICAL) ig REFER TO SITE PLAN MAPS DATED 07/31/92 FOR SITE SPECIFIC EXISTING PERVIOUS SURFACE (TO REMAIN) DETAILS AND NOTATIONS. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION Application No. Date Filed: TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK: Ax(We), BREWER YACHT YARD at GREFNPORT. INC. of no 11 Manh (Residence, House No. and Street Greenport, New York 11944 (516) 477-9594 am s a e, 21p Code, Telep one um er hereby apply to THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION in accordance with the ZONING ORDINANCE, ARTICLE XII SECTION 100-121 SUBSECTION B;,.(1) for the below-described property for the following uses and purposes (and as shown on the attached plan drawn to scale) : The above mentioned is a Full Service Boat Yard and . Marina Facility that wishes to provide Food Services to its patrons as an amenity. The proposed Food Service would be provided at an Existing Club House via the Special Exception Restaurant Use of a Building within the Marina II Zone. A. Statement of Ownership and Interest. BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT, INC. is";'"xthe owner N of property ,known and erre to as no If Manhasset Avenue & Beach Road Greenport (House o. , Street, am et i esti a on t e u o ounty ax aps as iStrict Section 43 B oc 03 , Lot(s) on which is not (is) on a subdivision Map (Filed 11 "Map ofFiled Map o. and has been approve y t e bout o own ann ng-9-65—rd on as a [Minor] [Major] Subdivision). The above-described property was acquired by the owner on July 8 1983 B. The applicant alleges that the approval of this exception would be in harmony with the intent and purpose of said zoning ordinance and that the proposed use conforms to the standards prescribed therefor in said ordinance and would not be detrimental to property or persons in the neighborhood for the following reasons: ln order to maintain the Water Dependent use of the land, in today's environment a Full Service Boat Yard/ Marina Facility requires the ability to provide Food Service as an amenity to its patron C. The property which is the subject of this application is zoned Marina II an [x ] i,s .consi,stent with the uses) described in the Certificate of Occupancy being furnished herewith. L ] is not consistent with the Certificate of Occupancy being furnished herewith for the following reason(s): is vacant land. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEWYORK) Ss' : , gna re Sworn to before me this (7 day of ff�ju s PAUL S.MILUC+T 0 3 Y eb I I c NMry Pub No,S 09of 4Now York Qualified In Westchester County ,I Z B2 ' (rev. 2/6/86) Commleslon Expires January 8.191 f f Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. Manhanset Avenue & Sandy Beach Road Greenport, NY 11944 August 17, 1992 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall , 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York, 11971 RE: Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. Suffolk Co. Tax Map No. 1000 Sec. 043, Blk. 03, Lot 002 SITE PLAN APPROVAL Contact: DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. - (914) 698-5678 Dear Gentlemen: I here by authorize DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. , (herein referred to as DSN&A) to act as AGENT for Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. , (hereinafter referred to BREWER) to obtain all necessary regulatory approvals for BREWER to undertake the Project(s) proposed in the application for Site Plan Approval from the Town of Southold. Sincerely, John Brewer, President Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. brwr-g2\author .1� 16-2 (2f87)-7c • • 617.21 SEAR Appendix A State Environmental Quality Review FULL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM Purpose: The full EAF is designed to help applicants and agencies determine, in an orderly manner, whether a project or action may be significant.The question of whether an action may be significant is not always easy to answer. Frequent- ly, there are aspects of a project that are subjective or unmeasureabie. It is also understood that those who determine significance may have little or no formal knowledge of the environment or may be technically expert in environmental analysis. In addition,many who have knowledge in one particular area may not be aware of the broader concerns affecting the question of significance. The full EAF is intended to provide a method whereby applicants and agencies can be assured that the determination process has been orderly, comprehensive in nature,yet flexible to allow introduction of information to fit a project or action. Full EAF Components: The full EAF is comprised of three parts: Part 1: Provides objective data and information about a given project and its site. By identifying basic project data, it assists a reviewer in the analysis that takes place in Parts 2 and 3. 'art 2: Focuses on identifying the range of possible impacts that may occur from a Projector action. It provides guidance as to whether an impact is likely to be considered small to moderate or whether it is a potentially- large impact- The form also identifies whether an impact can be mitigated or reduced. Part 3: If any impact in Part 2 is identified as potentially-large, then Part 3 is used to evaluate whether or not the impact is actually important. DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE—Type 1 and Unlisted Actions Identify the Portions of EAF completed for this project: 0 Part 1 42 Part 2 ❑Part 3 CUpon review of the information recorded on this EAF(Parts 1 and 2 and 3 if appropriate), and any other supporting information, and considering both the magitude and importance of each impact, it is reasonably determined by the lead agency that: I A. The project will not result in any large and important impact(s) and, therefore, is one which will not have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a negative declaration will be prepared. ❑ B. Although the project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect for this Unlisted Action because the mitigation measures described in PART 3 have been required, therefore a CONDITIONED negative declaration will be prepared.* ❑ C. The project may result in one or more large and important impacts that may have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a positive declaration will be prepared. A Conditioned Negative Declaration is only valid for Unlisted Actions - Rpx'r*vR VA'r•liT YARD at GRFFNPORT INC Name of Action TOWN OF SOUTHOLD — PI.WNING BOARD Name of Lead Agency Valerie Scopaz Director of Planning Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer ( Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer(If different from responsible officer) Date 1 • PART 1—PROJECT INFORIfTION Prepared by Project Sponsor ' NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determining whether the action proposed may have a significant effec on the environment. Please complete the entire form, Parts A through E. Answers to these questions will be'considere, as part of the application for approval and may be subject to further verification and public review. Provide any addition information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. It is expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not invoiv, new studies,research or investigation.If information requiring such additional work is unavailable,so indicate and specif each instance. NAME OF ACTION BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT, INC. LOCATION OF ACTION(Include Street Address,Municipality and county' Manhanset Avenue & Beach Road,Town of Southold; Greenport, NY 11944 NAME OF APPLICANTISPONSOR BUSINESS TELEPHONE BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT, INC. fiA46) 477-9594 ADDRESS — - Manhanset Avenue & Beach. Road (no street J11 cITYIPO ST-NY zip CODE —Greenport '11944 NAME OF OWNER 111 different) BUSINESS TELEPHONE ' 1 ) ADDRESS CITYIPO STATE ZIP CODE DESCRIPTION OF ACTION, PLEASE REFER TO THE ATTACHED PROJECT DESCRIPTION PREPARED BY DSN&A DATED 07/31192. t Please Complete Each Question—Indicate N.A. if not applicable A. Site Description Physical setting of overall project, both developed and undeveloped areas. 1. Present land use: ❑Urban ❑Industrial ❑Commercial ❑Residential(suburban) ❑Rural (non-farrr ❑Forest ❑Agriculture (80ther Marina II 2, Total acreage of project area: 19'5 acres. APPROXIMATE ACREAGE PRESENTLY AFTER COMPLETION Meadow or Brushland (Non-agricultural) 0 acres 0 acres ForestedQ acres 0acres Agricultural (Includes orchards, cropland, pasture, etc.) 0 acres —�— acres Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24, 25 of ECL) ±'3 acres ±'3 . acres Water Surface Area ±1.9 acres +1.9 acres Unvegetated (Rock, earth or fill) ±6.6 acres _ acres Roads, buildings and other paved surfaces ±•5 acres ±1 acres Other (Indicate type) N A acres N/A acres 3. What is predominant soil type(s) on project site? Blue Stone, Coarse to fine brown sand, and gravel a. Soil drainage: ®Well drained ±90-= % of site ZIModerately well drained _3 9b of site ®Poorly drained ±� % of site b. If any agricultural land is involved, how many acres of soil are classified within soil group 1 through 4 of the NYI Land Classification System? NIA acres. (See 1 NYCRR 370). 4. Are there bedrock outcroppings on project site? Dyes $No a. What is depth to bedrock? unknown N/A (in feet) 2 e gEWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT I Suffolk Co. Tax Map No. 1000 Sec. 043, Blk. 03, Lot 002 Site Plan Approval Contact: James S. Siesfeld - DSN&A - (914) 698-5678 Project Description July 31, 1992 Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. , wishes to: A) Modify and continue PREVIOUSLY APPROVED activities, specifically: 1) Relocate proposed previously approved maintenance storage building and concrete pad/apron as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92. Building, 110.0' x 120.0' (approximately 13,200 square feet) , with a maximum height of 35.0' , to include a mechanic's shop area and mast storage shed area. Concrete pad/apron, 70.0' x 80.0' (approximately 5,000 square feet) adjacent to the steel maintenance and storage building; 2) Relocate and modify the existing club house to include food service and rest room facilities as shown on Schedule Pian - Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 3) Relocate and incorporate previously approved rest room facilities into the relocated club house which will include 4 toilet/shower stall rooms adjacent to the relocated club house facility as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan . Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 4) Relocate laundry facility to as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 5) Relocate and re-delineate summer automobile parking spaces to as shown on Parking Plan - Site Plan Map prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 6) Minor reconfiguration (relocation) of in-water docks as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Pian - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 7) Demolish and remove, as previously approved, existing dilapidated mast shed structure as shown on Schedule Plan - Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 8) Install and maintain previously approved concrete apron/pad on the upland area adjacent to the boat hauling area as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; r BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT INC. Suffolk Co. Tax Map No. 1000 Sec. 043, Blk. 03, Lot 002 Site Plan Approval Contact: James S. Siesfeld - DSN&A - (914) 698-5678 Project Description Continued - Page 2 July 31, 1992 9) Continue that portion of the RECONFIGURATION PERMITTER (a delineated envelope) in which BREWER can make future modifications to the docks and piles allowing for the most efficient use of in-water space within the entire envelope defined by points i) 326061.58 N, 2453297.10 E, ii) 325919.26 N, 2453209.87 E, iii ) 326124.94 N, 2452709.47 E, and iv) 326367.98 N, 2452766.43 E, as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormdater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92, that is within the Town of Southold; and, 10) Construct and maintain a 30.0' x 70.0' (approximately 1,500 square feet) swimming pool as per Suffolk Health Department 06/11/92 approval as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Pian & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92. B) Undertake the following NEW WORK to enhance this waterfront dependent recreational boating facility: 1) Construct and maintain a 61' x 121' , with an approximately 4,784 square foot surface area, raised deck surface adjacent to the proposed swimming pool and relocated existing club house. Maximum elevation of relocated club house above existing grade is not to exceed 35.0' as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Pian, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 2) Install and maintain a raised plantings area adjacent to the raised deck surface as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 3) Install and - maintain : electrical sery;ice to all proposed - structures as shown on Utility Plan - Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 4) Install and maintain water service to the relocated swimming pool , relocated laundry facility and relocated club house as well as to the outside of the relocated steel maintenance building as shown on Utility Plan Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT INC. Suffolk Co. Tax Map No. 1000 Sec. 043, Blk. 03, Lot 002 Site Plan Approval Contact: James S. Siesfeld - DSN&A - (914) 698-5678 Project Description Continued - Page 3 } July 31, 1992 5) Install and maintain septic service for the relocated club house, proposed club house rest room facilities and proposed laundry facility as per Suffolk County Health Department approval (re-approval pending) shown of Stormwater Drainage Plan - Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 6) Provide storm water drainage for all MEN building structures to accommodate 2 inches of rainfall runoff, install and maintain a 6 inch earthen berm between parking areas and bulkheads, and install and maintain planter boxes between parking areas and bulkheads as shown on Stormwater Drainage Plan - Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 7) Install and maintain an approximate 275 gallon waste oil holding tank per federal , state, county and local regulations. Waste oil holding tank will be emptied by a certified carter and contents will be disposed of at an authorized facility as shown on Schedule Plan - Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; and, 8) Install and maintain a portable boat holding tank pumpout facility. Pumped-out material will be transferred to an on site septic tank. Septic tank will be emptied by a certified carter and contents will be disposed of at an authorized facility. brwr-p2\proidesc 5- Approximate percentage of prop*project site with slopes: Ela-10% 10 11. •710.15".b 15% or greater % 6. Is project substantially contiguous to, or contain a building, site, or district, listed on the State or the National Registers of Historic Places? OYes ENO �'. Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register of National Natural Landmarks? Dyes ®No 8. What is the depth of the water table? U-1 feet) 9. Is site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aquifer? OYes ENO 10. Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? ®Yes ONO will be enhanced 11. Does project site contain any species of plant or animal life that is identified as threatened or endangered? ❑Yes JRNo According to Identify each species 12.,Are there any unique or unusual land forms on the project site? (i.e., cliffs, dunes, other geological formations) OYes 1ffNo Describe • 13. Is the project- sit: presently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space o recreation area? ®Yes ONO If yes• explain as a marina — use will continue to be en�sance� 14. Does the present site include scenic views known to be important to the community? [Eyes ❑No Waterfront views of Stirling Basin will be enhanced. 15. Streams within or contiguous to project area: N/A a. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary 16. Lakes, ponds, wetland areas within or contiguous to project area: + a. Name Stirling Basin b. Size (in acres) —'3 17. Is the site served by existing public utilities? ®Yes []No Ca) If Yes, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection? $Yes []No b) If Yes, will improvements be necessary to allow connection? Dyes ONO 18. Is the site located in an agricultural district certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 25-AA; Section 303 and 304? OYes . ONO 19. Is the site located in or substantially contiguous to a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article 8 of the ECL, and 6 NYCRR 617? fRYes ONO 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes? OYes ONO B. Project Description PLEASE REFER TO DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill io dimensions as appropriate) * 9.5 acres within Southold a. Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor 9.7697* acres. b. Project acreage to be developed: acres initially; acres ultimately. e. Project acreage to remain undeveloped acres. d. Length of project, in miles: N/A (If appropriate) e. If the project is an expansion, indicate percent of.expansion.proposed —4-SZ-BUILDING SPACE I. Number of off-street parking spaces existing 259 • proposed 259 w TI-fem—&Iit g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour the same (upon completion of project)?"' h. If residential: Number and type of housing units: One Family Two Family Multiple Family Condominium Initially C ' Ultimately 1. Dimensions (in feet) of largest proposed structure 35.0' height; 110.0' width; ±120' length. j. Linear feet of frontage along a public thoroughfare project will occupy is? 1062 ft, 3 2. How much natural material (iock, earth, etc.) will be removed from tite? None tons/cubit yards 3. Will disturbed areas be reclaimed? OYes ONO ®N/A a. If yes, for what intender: purpose is the site being reclaimed? b. Wilt topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? Oyes ONO c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? OYes ❑No 4. How many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground covers) will be removed from site? None acres. S. Will any mature forest (over 160 years old) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by this project? OYes ONO 6. If single phase project Anticipated period of construction months, (including demolition). 7. If multi-phased: a. Total number of phases anticipated •6+ (number). b. Anticipated date of commencement phase 1 A.S.A.P. month 1992 year, (including demolition). c Approximate completion date of final phase December month 1997 year. d. Is phase 1 functionally de"pendent an subsequent phases? Dyes ENO 8. Will blasting occur du ing construction? OYes ENo 9. Number of jobs generated: during construction 5+ ; after project is complete 0 to 2 10. Number of jobs eliminated by this project None 11. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities? ®Yes ONO If yes, explain Club kouse and Mast Shed/Work Building to be relocated. 12. Is surface liquid waste disposal involved? Oyes QNo other than storm water runoff a. If yes, indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial, etc.) and amount b. Name of water body into which effluent will be discharged 13. Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? CRYes ❑No Type Septic System 14. Will surface area of an existing water body increase or decrease by proposal? OYes 13No Explain _21/6 15. Is project or any portion of project located in a 100 year flood plain? [RYes ONO 16. Will the project generate solid waste? yes ❑No * Demolition of the Mast Shed/Work Building Eyes will generate 2 tons of material. a. If yes, what is the amount per month ±1* tons' from food services. b. If yes, will an existing solid waste facility be used? ®Yes ONO to dispose of the material at c. If yes,.give name A'•. licensed carter will be used; locati6n an appropriate site.. d. Will any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or into a sanitary landfill? LxYes Orin e. if Yes, explain See Above °. 17. Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? ®Yes ONO ** See 16 above a. If yes,-what is the anticipated rate of disposal? ** '±1 tons/month. from food services. b. If yes, what is the anticipated site life?' N/A years. 18. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? Dyes R]No 19. Will project routinely produce odors (more than one hour per day)? Oyes ONO 20. Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise levels? OYes :VRNo Except possibly 21. Will project result in an increase in energy use? JPYes ONO during Construct_ If yes , indicate type(s) electrical for buildings, Dool, and bathroom facilities ion. 22. If water supply is from wells, indicate pumping capacity A1JA gallons/minute. unknown at this time: +500 gal day for proposed restron!5 23. Total anticipated water usage per day gallons/ ay. — ±500 gal./day for proposed pool 24. Does project involve Local, State or Federal funding? ❑Yes Q,4gO If Yes, explain 4 . iS. Approvals Required: • Submittal YPe Date Town,IPRWdF y Board of Trustees rYes ENO (� fe,'�Ry, Town.-ViRmomPlanning Board MYes ONO Site Plan Approval kL Special Exception Permit or Lam, Town Zoning Board of Appeals IRYes ONO rastaurhI^rf „CP R VargganCP VAyf, County Health Department QYes ONO s�Oo[�caFol� n5z an�C 6ywast o�41 Other Local Agencies Dyes aE3No container. Other Regional Agencies Oyes f!No State Agencies "Yes ONO Federal Agencies Dyes EtNo C. Zoning and Planning Information 1..Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision? RYes ONO _ If Yes, indicate decision required: ❑zoning amendment :Jzoning variance Zspecial use permit ❑subdivision E)site plan ❑newlrevision of master plan ❑resource management plan ❑other 2. What is the zoning classification(s)of the site? MARINA II 3. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the present zoning? 307. = +124,401.5 sq. ft. = ±2.9 acres 4. What is the proposed zoning of the site? M4RINA II 5. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed zoning? 307. = ±1.24,401.5 sq. ft. - +2.9 acres C6. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? QYes ONO 7. What are the predominant land use(s) and zoning classifications within a '/. mile radius of proposed action? Cemetary, Boat Yard, Town Dock, and Residential 8. Is the proposed action compatible with adjoining/surrounding land uses within a 54 mile? QYes ONO 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how many lots are proposed? N/A a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? 10. Will proposed action require any authorization(s) for the formation of sewer or water districts? Oyes C3No 11. Will the proposed action create a demand for any community provided services (recreation, education, police, fire protection)? ❑Yes XNo a. If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? Dyes ONO 12. Will the proposed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above presentlevels? Dyes 0No a. If yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic? Dyes ONO D. Informational Details Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adverse impacts associated with your proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mitigate or avoid them. See attached Letter of Support — DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. E. Verification I certify that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge. Applicant/Sponsor Name Date `— Signature `c Title If the action is ut"astal Area, and you are a stale agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment. 5 BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT INC. Suffolk Co. Tax Map No. 1000 Sec. 043, Blk. 03, Lot 002 Site Plan Approval Contact: James S. Siesfeld - DSN&A - (914) 698-5678 Project Description July 31, 1992 Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. , wishes to: A) Modify and continue PREVIOUSLY APPROVED activities, specifically: 1) Relocate proposed previously approved maintenance storage building and concrete pad/apron as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92. Building, 110.0' x 120.0' (approximately 13,200 square feet) , with a maximum height of 35.0' , to include a mechanic's shop area and mast storage shed area. Concrete pad/apron, 70.0' x 80.0' (approximately 5,000 square feet) adjacent to the steel maintenance and storage building; 2) Relocate and modify the existing club house to include food service and rest room facilities as shown on Schedule Plan - Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 3) Relocate and incorporate previously approved rest room facilities into the relocated club house which will include 4 toilet/shower stall rooms adjacent to the relocated club house facility as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 4) Relocate laundry facility to as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 5) Relocate and re-delineate summer automobile parking spaces to as shown on Parking Plan - Site Plan Map prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 6) Minor reconfiguration (relocation) of in-water docks as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 7) Demolish and remove, as previously approved, existing dilapidated mast shed structure as shown on Schedule Plan - Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 8) Install and maintain previously approved concrete apron/pad on the upland area adjacent to the boat hauling area as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT INC. Suffolk Co. Tax Map No. 1000 Sec. 043, Blk. 03, Lot 002 Site Plan Approval Contact: James S. Siesfeld - DSN&A - (914) 698-5678 Project Description Continued - Page 2 July 31, 1992 9) Continue that portion of the RECONFIGURATION PERMITTER (a delineated envelope) in which BREWER can make future modifications to the docks and piles allowing for the most efficient use of in-water space within the entire envelope defined by points i) 326061.58 N, 2453297.10 E, ii) 325919.26 N, 2453209.87 E, iii ) 326124.94 N; 2452709.47 E, and iv) 326367.98 N, 2452766.43 E, as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92, that is within the Town of Southold; and, 10) Construct and maintain a 30.0' x 70.0' (approximately 1,500 square feet) swimming pool as per Suffolk Health Department 06/11/92 approval as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92. B) Undertake the following NEW WORK to enhance this waterfront dependent recreational boating facility: 1) Construct and maintain a 61' x 121' , with an approximately 4,784 square foot surface area, raised deck surface adjacent to the proposed swimming pool and relocated existing club house. Maximum elevation of relocated club house above existing grade is not to exceed 35.0' as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 2) Install and maintain a raised plantings area adjacent to the raised deck surface as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 3) Install and maintain electrical service to all" proposed structures as shown on Utility Plan - Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 4) Install and maintain water service to the relocated swimming pool , relocated laundry facility and relocated club house as well as to the outside of the relocated steel maintenance building as shown on Utility Plan Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT INC. Suffolk Co. Tax Map No. 1000 Sec. 043, Blk. 03, Lot 002 Site Plan Approval Contact: James S. Siesfeld - DSN&A - (914) 698-5678 Project Description Continued - Page 3 July 31, 1992 5) Install and maintain septic service for the relocated club house, proposed club house rest room facilities and proposed laundry facility as per Suffolk County Health Department approval (re-approval pending) shown of Stormwater Drainage Plan - Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 6) Provide storm water drainage for all MEW building structures to accommodate 2 inches of rainfall runoff, install and maintain a 6 inch earthen berm between parking areas and bulkheads, and install and maintain planter boxes between parking areas and bulkheads as shown on Stormwater Drainage Plan - Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 7) Install and maintain an approximate 275 gallon waste oil holding tank per federal , state, county and local regulations. Waste oil holding tank will be emptied by a certified carter and contents will be disposed of at an authorized facility as shown on Schedule Plan - Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; and, 8) Install and maintain a portable boat holding tank pumpout facility. Pumped-out material will be transferred to an on site septic tank. Septic tank will be emptied by a certified carter and contents will be disposed of at an authorized facility. brwr-g2\projdesc - SuBccC ✓s APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS o�pS�FFO(,�co SCOTT L.HARRIS/VK- Gerard P. Gnehringer,Chairman ='s' Gyp Supervisor Serge Doyen,Jr. W Town Hall,53095 Main Road G James Dinizio,Jr. .F P.O.Box 1179 d Ot Southold,New York 11971 Robert A.Villa ��l � �O Fax(516)765-1823 Telephone(516)765-1809 Telephone(516)765-1800 BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Board Attn: Ben Orlowski, Jr. , Chairman FROM: Board of Appeals 91- w DATE: October 7, 1992 SUBJECT: Your Memo in Response to Our Coordination Request Brewers Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. In conjunction with our previous request to you for a coordinated response under the zoning code, you are requested to furnish the following information based upon your reviews of the pending site plan to date: a) number of parking spaces acceptable under the site plan review process; b) the type of uses that each parking space is applied to; c) location and design of outdoor lighting facilities; d) designation of the amount of building area proposed for retail ales or similar commercial activity; e) square footage of land area applied for outside boat storage; if the number of outside boats are limited, please designate the maximum size of the boat which is being limited; f) location of fire lanes and other emergency zones, if available. It is hoped that your response to the above items under review will not be illegal, and that you will be in a position to respond from one town department to anothe i cc : Town Attorney ' s Office , - 8 19g2 DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. 916 East Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543-4109 914-698-5678 FAX Number(914)698-7321 August 17, 1992 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall , 53095 Main Road VIA CERTIFIED MAIL #P-720-378-211 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York, 11971 RE: Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport. Inc. Suffolk Co. Tax Map No. 1000 Sec. 043, Blk. 03, Lot 002 Site Plan Approval Dear Gentlemen: On behalf of our client, Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as BREWER) , DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as DSN&A) is submitting the below referenced documentation in connection with BREWER's desire to obtain the SITE PLAN APPROVAL from the Town of Southold pursuant to Chapter 100, Zoning, of the Code of the Town of Southold. Enclosed please find the following Application elements: 1) Nine (9) copies of the Completed SITE PLAN Application Form; 2) Site plan application fee and nine (9) copies of the calculation for the review fee; 3) Nine (9) copies of the complete Environmental Assesment Form - Part I; 4) Nine (9) copies of the Proposed SITE PLAN; 5) Nine (9) copies of Health Department approvals; 6) Nine (9) copies of the Letter of Authorization authorizing DSN&A to be the agent for BREWER for this application; 7) Nine (9) copies of the Detailed Project Description; and, 8) Nine (9) copies of the letter from DSN&A dated 07/31/92 providing supporting information for the proposed project(s) . Please note that BREWER is simultaneously making application to the Zoning Board of Apeals for a Special Exception Approval required for the food service requested at the club house. One (1) copy of the filing is attached for your �— convenience. If you have any questions please do not hesitate contacting the undersigned at (914) 698-5678. DSN&A and BREWER thank you in advance for the expeditious review and granting of site plan approval for this project( ) . Sing el , J es S. i s 1 Associat Enclosure: cc: BREWER & Jack Brewer brwr-g2\c101 BREWER YACHT YARD at_ GREP ORT,. INC . SITE PLAN APPLICATION STIRLING BASIN GREMORT HARBOR MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GP.EEHPORT & TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNT! OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK NEGATIVE_ M ARMON Implementing the proposed site plan at BREWER YACHT YARD at GREr"_IIPORT, INC. 'S property will have no adverse imparts on Sterling Basin, the aria in which work will take place, or the surrounding environment . The proposed Project(s) will have significant positive effect= by: improving navigation , upgrading an under-utilized waterfront area, and increasina commercial and recreational 1 activities and opportunities by allcwing full use of BREWER YACHT YARD at GREEMPORT, INC . ' s waterfront facili `.'=s . UohnilD Br,wier, resident BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT, INC. brewer-&/neg-dec r •COUNTY OF SUFFOLK fi fir` ROBERT J. GAFFNEY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE OF HEALTH SERVICES MARY E. HIRRERO. M.O.. M.P.N. yu a C.OMMISSIONf'R June 11., 1992 Roy Jaffe, P .E. 1 :1 b.i.ting Engineer �paht:ry Drive 8 tiview, N. Y. 11803 f �?EL'T : APPROVAL OE' PLANS TO CONSTRUCT A SWIMMING POOL AT THE BREWER YACHT YARD, GREENPORT, N. Y. d . Mr . Jaffe office has reviewed the plans yvu recently submitted for the referenced facility and finds them in conformance with the ' ' folk County standards, specifications and guidelines . jftdjo ed are copies of each of the following: Certificate of approval of plans for the construction or Ic Y a. swimming pool renovation of a . " s7!3- proved plan plan sheets . 'mss Atproved engineering form 134-R. fir. construction has progressed to the point that the piping pE' e<,n completed in accordance with the approved plans, an in- ( ti n by this office must be done before backfilling can } qj This inspection can be arranged by calling me or Ron x 1&A11.'c -n at tel . :_ CS] 5} 853-3197 . Ver t rul- o rs, i7 � r Y�- 7 fiy f tl i J �.ichard /-larkel, P . E . Bureau of Groundwater Resources uof7ures ^� flSii,ilding Dept, . Town of Southold x da r '(w/certificate of approval) '•A 111'R Y.R:o T 1. r�a I I1C� '?,`MLY ^"FI 993-3921 r Xtt's ' SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES BUREAU OF WATER RESOURCES 225 RABRO DRIVE EAST HAUPPAUGE, NEW YORK 11788 CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL OF PLANS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OR RENOVATION OF A SWIMMING POOL Application having been duly made to the Suffolk County i Department of Health Services, as provided under Chapter I, Part 6, of the New York State Sanitary Code, approval is hereby granted for the construction of the swimming pool located at THE j BRENER YACHT YARD, GREENPORT, N. Y. subject to the following con- ditions: I . That the proposed artificial swimming pool and treatment equipment shown on the plans and specifications approved this day shall be fully constructed and installed in com- plete conformity with such plans and specifications or ! approved amendments thereto, within 18 months . II '. That the engineer of record shall inform the Department 48 hours in advance for the purposes of making a joint, as built, pipe inspection. I, That the engineer of record shall inform the Department \\ 48 hours in advance for the purposes of making a joint, final inspection to ascertain conformance to the approved plans . Two final inspections are included. Additional inspections are $ 100 . 00 each. IV. That the owner or operator will not open the swimming pool until a certificate of compliance has been received. V. That the swimming pool shall be operated at all times to conform with the requirements of Part 6 and the criteria for operation of a swimming pool and to the satisfaction of the permit issuing officer. VI . That whenever required by the Permit-Issuing Official, modifications, additions or more adequate equipment as needed for the operation of the pool in accordance with the provisions of the State Sanitary Code shall be in- stalled, and plans for such modifications, additions or more adequate equipment shall first be submitted to and receive approval of the Permit-Issuing Official. VII . That a certificate of construction compliance shall be submitted to the Permit-Issuing Official. This certifi- cate shall be prepared and signed by a professional engineer or architect, licensed to practice in New York State. The certificate shall include , statement that the pool and appurtenances have been cots ructed in accord- :107) ance with approved plans and spe t c4_ \J1 � F I CG % 19 Richar4 Mar el, P .E. '1•,-16-2 (2/87)-7c . • 617.21 S EO R Appendix A State Environmental Quality Review it FULL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM Purpose: The full EAF is designed to help applicants and agencies determine, in an orderly manner, whether a project or action may be significant. The question of whether an action may be significant is not always easy to answer. Frequent- ly, there are aspects of a project that are subjective or unmeasureable. It is also understood that those who determine significance may have little or no formal knowledge of the environment or may be technically expert in environmental analysis. In addition,many who have knowledge in one particular area may not be aware of the broader concerns affecting the question of significance. The full EAF is intended to provide a method whereby applicants and agencies can be assured that the determination process has been orderly, comprehensive in nature,yet flexible to allow introduction of information to fit a project or action. Full EAF Components: The full EAF is comprised of three parts: Part 1: Provides objective data and information about a given project and its site. By identifying basic project data, it assists a reviewer in the analysis that takes place in Parts 2 and 3. 'art 2: Focuses on identifying the range of possible impacts that may occur from a project or action. It provides guidance as to whether an impact is likely to be considered small to moderate or whether it is a potentially- large impact. The form also identifies whether an impact can be mitigated or reduced. Part 3: If any impact in Part 2 is identified as potentially-large, then Part 3 is used to evaluate whether or not the impact is actually important. DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE—Type 1 and Unlisted Actions Identify the Portions of EAF completed for this project: 0 Part 1 )E$ Part 2 ❑Part 3 Upon review of the information recorded on this EAF(Parts 1 and 2 and 3 if appropriate), and any other supporting information, and considering both the magitude and importance of each impact, it is reasonably determined by the lead agency that: F1 A. The project will not result in any large and important impact(s) and, therefore, is one which will not have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a negative declaration will be prepared. ❑ B. Although the project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect for this Unlisted Action because the mitigation measures desc ART 3 hgvG beer tegQ- ed, therefore a CONDITIONED negative declaration will be prepared ri I ❑ C. The project may result in one or more large and important impacts 'hat'may have a significant,iib act on the environment, therefore a positive declaration will be prepa d t a A Conditioned Negative Declaration is only valid for Unlisted Actions ..m.-.__. .. - BREUER YAr.FT YARD at GREENPORT. INC. Name of Action TOWN OF SOUTHOLD — PLANNING BOARD Name of Lead Agency Valerie Scopaz Director of Planning Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer ( Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer(If different from responsible officer) Date 1 • PART 1—PROJECT INFORMATION Prepared by Project Sponsor NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determining whether the action proposed may have a significant effec on the environment. Please complete the entire form, Parts A through E. Answers to these questions will be'considerett as part of the application for approval and may be subject to further verification and public review. Provide any additionf information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. It is expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not involvf new studies, research or investigation. If information requiring such additional work is unavailable, so indicate and specif• each instance. NAME OF ACTION BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT, INC. LOCATION OF ACTION(Include Street Address,Municipality and County). Manhanset Avenue & Beach Road,To% of Southold', Greenport, NY 11944 NAME OF APPLICANT/SPONSOR BUSINESS TELEPHONE BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT, INC. (')U6) 477-9594 ADDRESS _ Manhanset Avenue & Beach Road (no street -#) CITYIPO GIeen OIt STATE ZIP CODE I? 11944 NAME OF OWNER(It different) BUSINESS TELEPHONE t I ADDRESS CITY/PO STATE 21P CODE DESCRIPTION OF ACTION,•- "" PLEASE REFER TO THE ATTACHED PROJECT DESCRIPTION PREPARED BY DSN&A DATED 07/31/92. Please Complete Each Question—Indicate N.A. if not applicable A. Site Description Physical setting of overall project, both developed and undeveloped areas. 1. Present land use: ❑Urban ❑Industrial ❑Commercial ❑Residential(suburban) ❑Rural (non-farm ❑Forest ❑Agriculture CROther Marina II 2. Total acreage of project area: ±9.5 acres. APPROXIMATE ACREAGE PRESENTLY AFTER COMPLETION Meadow or Brushland (Non-agricultural) 0 acres 0 acres Forested 0 acres O acres Agricultural (Includes orchards, cropland, pasture, etc.) 0 acres `�— acres Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24, 25 of ECL) ±'3 acres acres Water Surface Area ±1.9 acres — +1.9 acres ±6 Unvegetated (Rock, earth or fill) .6 acres _ acres Roads, buildings and other paved surfaces ±.5 acres ±1 acres Other (Indicate type) NTA_ acres N/A acres 3. What is predominant soil type(s) on project site? Blue Stone, Coarse to fine brown sand, and gravel a. Soil drainage- ®Well drained +90r , % of site ZModerately well drained _+. ^o of site ®Poorly drained ±� % of site b. If any agricultural land is involved, how many acres of soil are classified within soil group 1 through 4 of the NYf Land Classification System? N/A acres. (See 1 NYCRR 370). 4. Are there bedrock outcroppings on project site? ❑Yes ZING a. What is depth to bedrock? unknown N/A (in feet) 2 BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT INC. Suffolk Co. Tax Map No. 1000 Sec. 043, Blk. 03, Lot 002 Site Plan Approval Contact: James S. Siesfeld - DSN&A - (914) 698-5678 Project Description July 31, 1992 Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. , wishes to: A) Modify and continue PREVIOUSLY APPROVED activities, specifically: 1) Relocate proposed previously approved maintenance storage building and concrete pad/apron as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92. Building, 110.0' x 120.0' (approximately 13,200 square feet) , with a maximum height of 35.0' , to include a mechanic's shop area and mast storage shed area. Concrete pad/apron, 70.0' x 80.0' (approximately 5,000 square feet) adjacent to the steel maintenance and storage building; 2) Relocate and modify the existing club house to include food service and rest room facilities as shown on Schedule Plan - Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 3) Relocate and incorporate previously approved rest room facilities into the relocated club house which will include 4 toilet/shower stall rooms adjacent to the relocated club house facility as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 4) Relocate laundry facility to as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 5) Relocate and re-delineate summer automobile parking spaces to as shown on Parking Plan - Site Plan Map prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 6) Minor reconfiguration (relocation) of in-water docks as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 7) Demolish and remove, as previously approved, existing dilapidated mast shed structure as shown on Schedule Plan - Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 8) Install and maintain previously approved concrete apron/pad on the upland area adjacent to the boat hauling area as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT INC. Suffolk Co. Tax Map No. 1000 Sec. 043, Blk. 03, Lot 002 Site Plan Approval Contact: James S. Siesfeld - DSN&A - (914) 698-5678 Project Description Continued - Page 2 July 31, 1992 9) Continue that portion of the RECONFIGURATION PERMITTER (a delineated envelope) in which BREWER can make future modifications to the docks and piles allowing for the most efficient use of in-water space within the entire envelope defined by points i) 326061.58 N, 2453297.10 E, ii) 325919.26 N, 2453209.87 E, iii ) 326124.94 N, 2452709.47 E, and iv) 326367.98 N, 2452766.43 E, as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92, that is within the Town of Southold; and, 10) Construct and maintain a 30.0' x 70.0' (approximately 1,500 square feet) swimming pool as per Suffolk Health Department 06/11/92 approval as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92. B) Undertake the following IIEW WORK to enhance this waterfront dependent recreational boating facility: 1) Construct and maintain a 61 ' x 121 ' , with an approximately 4,784 square foot surface area, raised deck surface adjacent to the proposed swimming pool and relocated existing club house. Maximum elevation of relocated club house above existing grade is not to exceed 35.0' as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 2) Install and maintain a raised plantings area adjacent to the raised deck surface as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 3) Install and maintain electrical service to all proposed structures as shown on Utility Plan - Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 4) Install and maintain water service to the relocated swimming pool , relocated laundry facility and relocated club house as well as to the outside of the relocated steel maintenance building as shown on Utility Plan - Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT INC. Suffolk Co. Tax Map No. 1000 Sec. 043, Blk. 03, Lot 002 Site Plan Approval Contact: James S. Siesfeld - DSN&A - (914) 698-5678 Project Description Continued - Page 3 July 31, 1992 5) Install and maintain septic service for the relocated club house, proposed club house rest room facilities and proposed laundry facility as per Suffolk County Health Department approval (re-approval pending) shown of Stormwater Drainage Plan - Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 6) Provide storm water drainage for all NEW building structures to accommodate 2 inches of rainfall runoff, install and maintain a 6 inch earthen berm between parking areas and bulkheads, and install and maintain planter boxes between parking areas and bulkheads as shown on Stormwater Drainage Plan - Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 7) Install and maintain an approximate 275 gallon waste oil holding tank per federal , state, county and local regulations. Waste oil holding tank will be emptied by a certified carter and contents will be disposed of at an authorized facility as shown on Schedule Plan - Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; and, 8) Install and maintain a portable boat holding tank pumpout facility. Pumped-out material will be transferred to an on site septic tank. Septic tank will be emptied by a certified carter and contents will be disposed of at an authorized facility. brwr-g2\proldese 5- Approximate percentage of proposedproject site with slopes: f10-10% 100 710-15"b ^/o 15% or greater % 6. Is project substantially contiguous to, or contain a building, site, or district, listed on the State or the National Registers of Historic Places? ❑Yes ENo C '. Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register of National Natural Landmarks? Oyes 12No 8. What is the depth of the water table? 6'-121_(in feet) 9. Is site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aquifer? Oyes UNo 10. Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? ®Yes ❑No will be enhanced 11. Does project site contain any species of plant or animal life that is identified as threatened or endangered? Dyes _RNo According to Identify each species 12. 'Are there any unique or unusual land forms on the project site? (i.e., cliffs, dunes, other geological formations) Oyes dlo Describe 13. Is the projec" sit.! presently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space oc recre tion area? ( Yes ONo If yes, explain as a marina — use will continue to be enhanced 14. Does the present site include scenic views known to beimportant to the community? L13Yes ❑No Waterfront views of Stirling Basin will be enhanced. 15. Streams within or contiguous to project area: N/A a. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary 16. Lakes, ponds, wetland areas within or contiguous to project area: a. Name _ Stirling Basin b. Size (In acres) ±•3 17. Is the site served by existing public utilities? ®Yes ONo ( a) If Yes, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection? Utes ONo b) If Yes, will improvements be necessary to allow connection? Dyes ZiNo 18. Is the site located in an agricultural district certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 25-AA; Section 303 and 304? Dyes SNo 19. Is the site located in or substantially contiguous to a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article 8 of the ECL, and 6 NYCRR 617? fRYes ONo 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes? ❑Yes EDNo B. Project Description PLEASE REFER TO DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill io diinensions as appropriate) * 9.5 acres within Southold a. Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor 9.7697* acres. b. Project acreage to be developed: acres initially; acres ultimately. c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped acres. d. Length of project, in miles: N/A (If appropriate) e. If the project is an expansion, indicate percent of.expansion,proposed ---7a%—BUZUZ b7NG SPACE I. Number of off-street parking spaces existing w 259rema . proposed 259 g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour the same (upon completion of project)?"" h. If residential: Number and type of housing units: One Family Two Family Multiple Family Condominium Initially Ultimately 1. Dimensions (in feet) of largest proposed structure 35.0' height; 110.0' width; ±120 length. j. Linear feet of frontage along a public thoroughfare project will occupy is? 1062 ft, 3 '2. How much natural material (LeVock, earth, etc.) will be removed from Ate? None tons/cubit yards 3. Will disturbed areas be reclaimed? Dyes ONO ®N/A a. If yes, for what intended purpose is the site being reclaimed? b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? Dyes ONO c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? Dyes ONO 4. How many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground covers) will be removed from site? None acres. 5. Will any mature forest (over 160 years old) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by this project? Dyes ONO 6. If single phase project: Anticipated period of construction months, (including demolition). 7. If multi-phased: a. Total number of phases anticipated "6+ (number). b. Anticipated date of commencement phase 1 A.S.A.P. month 1997 year, (including demolition). c. Approximate completion date of.final phase December month 1997 year. d. Is phase 1 functionally dependent on subsequent phases? Oyes LINO 8. Will blasting occur du ing construction? Oyes InNo 9. Number of jobs generated: during construction 5+ ; after project is complete 0 to 2 10. Number of jobs eliminated by this project None 11. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities? ®Yes ONO If yes, explain Club 14ouse and Mast Shed/Work Building to be relocated. 12. Is surface liquid waste disposal involved? Dyes QNo other than storm water runoff a. If yes, indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial, etc.) and amount b. Name of water body into which effluent will be discharged 13. Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? IRYes ONO Type Septic System v 14. Will surface area of an existing water body increase or decrease by proposal? Dyes NNo Explain N/e 15. Is project or any portion of project located in a 100 year flood plain? ®Yes ONO 16. Will the project generate solid waste? Myles ONO * Demolition of the Mast Shed/Work Building f * will generate 2 tons of material. a. If yes, what is the amount per month —1 tons' from food services. b. If yes, will an existing solid waste facility be used? ®Yes ONO to dispose of the material at c. If yes,.give name A'•. licensed carter will be used. locatidn an appropriate site. - d. Will any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or into a sanitary landfill? 13Yes ONO e. If Yes, explain See Above 17. Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? ®Yes ONO ** See 16 above a. If yes,-what is the anticipated rate of disposal? ** t1 tons/month, from food services. b. If yes, what is the anticipated site life? N/A years. 18. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? Dyes ONO 19. Will project routinely produce odors (more than one hour per day)? Oyes UNo 20. Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise levels? Oyes fallo 21. Will project result in an increase in energy use? J(.)Yes ONO Except possibly during Construct_ If yes , indicate type(s) electrical for buildings, pool and bathroom facilities ion 22. If water supply is from wells, indicate pumping capacity NIA gallons/minute. 23. Total antici aced water usa a er da unknown at this time: +500 gal./day for proposed restroorp� P g P y gallons/day. 24. Does project involve Local, State or Federal funding? OYes X00 gal./day for proposed pool (�No If Yes, explain 4 •' 25. Approvals Required: • Submittal Type Date Town,-VStPWBoard of Trustees r'Yes CNo , rown,*kRxgacPlanning Board 1$Yes ❑No Site Plan Approval Town Zoning Board Special Exception Permit or g of Appeals (3Yes ❑No ras tour=^* ++GAyar;anrp Count Health Department Wes ❑No s ca o nee an wasta o 1 Other Local Agencies ❑Yes IRNo container. Other Regional Agencies ❑Yes 3RNo State Agencies "Yes ❑No Federal Agencies ❑Yes Jallo C. Zoning and Planning Information 1.. Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision? Yes ❑No If Yes, indicate decision required: ❑zoning amendment Jzoning variance Zspecial use permit ❑subdivision Msite plan ❑new/revision of master plan ❑resource management plan ❑other 2. What is the zoning class ification(s)of the site? MARINA II 3. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the present zoning? 30% = +124,401.5 sq, ft. = ±2.9 acres 4. What is the proposed zoning of the site? MARINA II 5. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed zoning? 30% = ±124,401.5 sq. ft. - +2.9 acres C6. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? QYes ❑No 7. What are the predominant land use(s) and zoning classifications within a 1A mile radius of proposed action? Cemetary, Boat Yard, Town Dock, and Residential 8. Is the proposed action compatible with adjoining/surrounding land uses within a I,. mile? gYes ❑No 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how many lots are proposed? N/A a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? 10. Will proposed action require any authorization(s) for the formation of sewer or water districts? Dyes QNo 11 . Will the proposed action create a demand for any community provided services (recreation, education, police, fire protection)? ❑Yes XNo _ a. If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? ❑Yes ❑No 12. Will the proposed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? Dyes ®ddo a. If yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic? ❑Yes ❑No D. Informational Details Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adverse impacts associated with your proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mitigate or avoid them. See attached Letter of Support — DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. E. Verification certify that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge. ( Applicant/Sponsor Name Date Signature - Title If the actio=the Coastal Area, annddEeEs]ate agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment. 5 10 D S L Southold. N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 APPLICATION FOR CONSIDERATION OF SITE PLAN Date of Application Filing Fee Date Recd New Use Change of Use Re-Use—Extension �, g s� E ns_on of Existing Use . g Revision of an Approved Site Plan (Date of Approval ) Other Specify Name of Business or Site BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT, INC. Location of Site Manhanset Avenue & Beach Road Address of Site, if available Hanhanset Avenue & Beach Road Greenport, NY MT4 Name of Applicant BRETAER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT, INC. Address of Applicant Manhanset Avenue & Beach Road Greenport NY 11944 Telephone (516) 477-9594 Person to be responsible for Construction BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT, INC. (Michael Acebo. General Manager) Telephone (516) 477-9594 Applicant's interest in site-check one: Owner of Land Under contract to purchase_ Owner of- Fee Title to Land BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT, INC. Address Manhanset Ave. & Beach Rd. Greenport Telephone (516) 477-9594 Site Plans Prepared by DANIEL S. NATC License No. 32756 Address 916 F., Bos on Yosta 'Telephone (914) 698-5678 Mamaroneck, NY 10543-4109 ********************* Total Land Area of Site +317,611.7* Sq.Ft. Zone DistrictMarinall Existing Use of Site Boat Yard/'farina Proposed Use of SiteBoat Yard Marina Gross Floor Area of Existing Structure(s) ±18,401 sqft. 18,401 sqft. Gross Floor Area of Proposed Structure(s) _tS42,885 sqft. 42,885• sqft. Percent of Lot Coverage by Building(s) _> _+ 13.5 °s Percent of Lot for Parking (where applicable' +62.5 °s Percent of Lot for Landscaping(where applicable) 24 % Datum(Specify)U.S.G.S. MST=N VD(1 29)=0.0'=-1.2' MLW Other Has applicant been granted a variance and/or special exception by Board of Appeals BREW has applied for a Special Exception Restaurant (Food Service) Use Permit for the Existing Club House. Catvul5 se� mer pP„d;,,g Name of ApplicantBREW)rRt YACHT YARD at GREENPORT, INC. Date of Decision Pending Expiration Date Will any toxic "or hazardous materials, as defined by the Suffolk County Board of Health, be stored or handled at the site? Boat Effluent & Waste oil If so, have proper permits been obtained? Applications Pending Number and Date of permit issued CIO-88-001 June 20, 1989 e� NO ACTION (EXCAVATION OR CONSTRUCTION) MAY. BEFR""P_tEN UNTIL APPROVAL OF SITE PLAN BY THE PLANNING BOARD. �' w ; * = Total Land Area Above MHW Only! I PIAN u u APPLICANT'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK John Brewer, Jr. being duly sworn, deposes and says that he resides at in the State of New York, and that he is the -owner of the above property or that he is the President of the BREWER YACHT YARD at (Title) (specify whether Partnership GREENPORT, INC. which is hereby making application; that the or Corporation) owner or his heirs, successors or assigns will, at his own expense, install the required site improvements in accordance with Article XIII of the Code of the Town of Southold for the area stated herein and that there are no existing structures or improvements on the land which are not shown on the Site Plan; that title to the entire parcel, including all rights-of-way, have been clearly established and are shown on said Plan; that no part of the Plan infringes upon any duly filed plan which has not been abandoned both as to lots and as to roads; that he has examined all rules and •regulations adopted by the Planning Board for the filing of Site Plans and will comply with same; that the plans submitted, as approved, will not be altered or changed in any manner without the approval of the Planning Board; and that the actual physical improvements will be installed in strict accordance with the plans submitted. Signed� j � (Owner) Sworn to before me this / _7 d o (Notary Public) PAUL S.M41 r Signed NMMPuM6State otNow Yb* (Partner or o orate Offi r and Title) No.4980974 OwlMed M Westchsstw CCood � Commiesion E=1ra@ len:ry 8,1 L tt i I i • ,�.:2zz2-�1 o��oSu�Foc,�o Gy o r= PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS SCOTT L. HARRIS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman �ij. �`� Supervisor George Ritchie Latham, Jr. Richard G. Ward Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonald P.O. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 MEMORANDUM TO: Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals FROM: Bennett Orlowski, Jr. , Chairman Members of the Planning Board3 RE: Proposed Site Plan Amendments for Brewer Yacht Yard, Greenport, New York SCTM* 1000-43-3-2 DATE: October 6, 1992 This is in response to your memorandum dated September 30, 1992. Please note that although the applicant held preliminary discussions with this office for many months, the site plan application and fee was not actually submitted until August 31, 1992. The coordinated environmental review was begun at our subsequent meeting of September 14, 1992. Since we are in the midst of a coordinated review which cannot be completed before October 19th at the earliest, we are prohibited by law from answering Wyour request for specific comments on the site plan until afterwards. As for comments from other agencies, to date, only one agency has responded to the coordination letter. (The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation responded, to say only that they had no objection to our taking lead agency. ) We have not yet received any comments from any agency with regard to the environmental impacts of this project, so are unable to respond to your request for copies of same. In the meantime, we would welcome receiving your Board' s environmental concerns about this project, if any. In accordance with the timetable set forth by the State Environmental Quality Review Act, the Planning Board will make a decision at its October 19th meeting whether to take lead agency. If it takes lead agency, it may make a determination of environmental significance at that meeting. However, please be aware that if the determination of significance is delayed until the November 2nd meeting, that we will be unable to meet your deadline of October 30th. In that case, no assumption should be made as to this Board' s position on the site plan until after the November 2nd meeting. As always, your Board will be notified along with all the other coordinating agencies in writing, of out decision(s) . Solo APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS �o��6UFF0J/-cOGy SCOTT L.HARRIS v�K Supervisor Gerard P. Goehringer,Chairman o H a Doyen,Jr. O Town Hall,53095 Main Road Ser g Y • '1C P.O.Box 1179 James Dinizio,Jr. 1 �a0� Southold,New York 11971 Robert A.Villa Fax(516)765-1823 Telephone(516)765-1809 Telephone(516)765-1800 BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM TO: Office of the Planning Board FROM: Office of the ZBA, t DATE: September 30, 1992 SUBJECT: Brewer's Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. (Owner) Site: 1000-43-3-2 ( 9. 5+- acres) It is our understanding from the applicant that this project has been pending for quite some time with your department, and recently the SEQRA coordination was commenced by the Planning Board. Please send us copies of all communications received from other agencies together with a copy of the Planning Board' s report, status or other written comments concerning the site plan reviews as early as possible. In the event we do not hear from you within the next 30 days, we will assume you have no objection to the site plan layout map coordinated by your office on September 15, 1992. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. I rrNi SEP 3 01992 I SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD New York State Department of Environmental Conservation a�zs/9z Re: LEAD AGENCY COORDINATION RESPONSE Dear W. 655ne r , This letter responds to your communication of regarding lead agency coordination for the above-noted project, under Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review - SEQR) of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 617. The Department has the following interest in this project: p DEC Permits (if any) : 14rel iC p)'[.on �� -860 �Z�> z DEC Contact Person: � � �U0.m3 Q 301g92 SEp SEQR Classification: [ ] Type I [ ] Unlisted DEC Position: Based on the information provided: DEC has no objection to your agency assuming lead agency status for this action. [ ] DEC wishes to assume lead agency status for this action. [ ] DEC needs additional information in order to respond (see comments) . [ ] DEC cannot be lead agency because it has no jurisdiction in this action. Comments: [ ] see attached [ ] none If you do not concur with the DEC position indicated above, please contact this office to resolve designation of lead agency within the time allowable under Part 617. Please feel free to contact this office for further information or discussion. S' cerel� cc: (attach distribution list) XK DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. 916 East Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543-4109 914-698-5678 FAX Number(914)698-7321 Office of the President September 14, 1992 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall , 53095 Main Road BY HAND P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York, 11971 RE: Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport. Inc. Suffolk Co. Tax Map No. 1000 Sec. 043, Blk. 03, Lot 002 Site Plan Approval Dear Gentlemen: On behalf of our client, Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as BREWER) , DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as DSN&A) is with this letter resubmitting the fee for the Amended Site Plan Application as per the letter to DSN&A from Bennett Orlowski , Jr. , Chairman of the Town of Southold Planning Board, dated September 9, 1992. Attached please find the Amended Site Plan Application Fee Calculation sheet dated September 14, 1992 and a check from BREWER in the amount of $772.65. If you have any questions pleas do not hesitate contacting the undersigned immediately. Sily Ja s / Associa JSS/lmn / Enclosure cc: BREWER Jack Brewer RECEIVED BY: DATED: brn,nrg2yjrt-®6 n-0 5 ^° SEP 16 SDUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT INC. Suffolk Co. Tax Map No. 1000 Sec. 043, Blk. 03, Lot 002 Site Plan Approval Contact: James S. Siesfeld - DSN&A - (914) 698-5678 Amended Site Plan Application Fee Calculation Sheet September 14, 1992 As per ZONING Chapter 100 from the Code of the Town of Southold, Article XXV, Section 100-256, Subsection B, the Amended Site Plan Application Fee for Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. , is as follows: Base Application Fee = $ 150.00 24,906 Square Feet of New Building Area x $ 0.025 = $ 622.65 TOTAL FEE _ $ 772.65 ATTACH CHECK HERE P � � �@� �F S1SEP 6 1992 - - i S011TNOLD?^;�'N PLANNING O��SUfFO(,�Co PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS h = SCOTT L. HARRIS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman - ® �� Supervisor George Ritchie Latham. Jr. O Richard G. Ward O� �a Town Hall. 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonald P.O. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Southold, New York 11971 Tclephone (516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 s�PlEfyt(3ER /S 1992 RE: Lead Agency Coordination Request Dear Reviewer: The purpose of this request is to determine under Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act-SEQRA) of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 617 the following: 1. Your jurisdiction in the action described below; 2. Your interest in assuming the responsibilities of lead agency; and 3. Issues of concern which you believe should be evaluated. Enclosed please find a copy of the proposal and a completed Environmental Assessment Form (EAF) to assist you in your response. Project Name: F1?o PoSE;) Si r4 QLRH F o R -RRFwg2 Ilgeg yH R D SGT," e /&00 -- #3— ?-- --q- Requested Action: Ydo Po SED SITE PL-41Y FOR 09PjiyjmGg 130IL-D11-/a. ooh S 6a4g Fir'<iriEs /9 xrsrin6 a o Loc,q- eO To PooLEgl(s E .�rr�1�Ne0 Fa 2 DETfIi�Ep Y7Es�.fiPrio�� SEQRA Classification: (x) Type ISM Du�� 'Tc➢� w'� ` ( ) Unlisted pp Contact Person: . (-r, �j7 SS / 1 R ( 516) -765-1938 The lead agency will determine the need for an environmental impact statement (EIS) on this project. Within thirty ( 30) days of the date of this letter, please respond in writing whether or not you have an interest in being lead agency. Planning Board Position: ( X) This agency wishes to assume lead agency status for this action. ( ) This agency has no objection to your agency assuming lead agency status for this action. ( ) Other. ( See comments below) . Comments: Please feel free to contact this office for further information. Sincerely, Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman cc: -tBoard of Appeals at Board of Trustees �r Building' Department Southold Town Board % Suffolk County Dept. of Health Services :• NYSDEC - Stony Brook NYSDEC - Albany Village of Greenport U.S. Army Corp of Engineers * Maps are enclosed for your review Coordinating agencies ��gUFFOC,S-O 4 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS SCOTT L. HARRIS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman O - ' Supervisor George Ritchie Latham, Jr. Richard G. Ward r 1=r Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonald fro a P.O. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards Southold, New York 11971 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Telephone (516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 September 15, 1992 James S. Siesfeld Daniel S. Natchez and Associates, Inc. 916 East Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543-4109 RE: Proposed Site Plan for Brewer Yacht Yard SCTM#1000-43-3-2 Dear Mr. Siesfeld: The following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at a meeting held on Monday, September 14, 1992 . BE IT RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board, , acting under the State environmental Quality Review Act, start the coordination process on this Type I action. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Very truly yours, y��7 Bennewski, Jr. Chairman c -4 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERSH SCOTT L. HARRIS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman ip Supervisor George Ritchie Latham. Jr. ��1 _- Richard G. Ward ,yf�' Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonald P.O. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 September 9, 1992 James S. Siesfeld Daniel S. Natchez and Associates, Inc. 916 East Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, NY 10543-4109 RE: Proposed Site Plan Amendments for Brewer Yacht Yard, Greenport SCTM# 1000-43-3-2 Dear Mr. Siesfeld: The Planning Board has received your letter and site plan application of i4aly 31, 1992. ccX Your check in the amount of $2572.13 is being returned to you because it is incorrect. The correct fee can be calculated by adding $150. 00 to .025 per square foot of new building area. The Planning Board considers this to be an amended site plan as previous site plan approval was granted on October 22, 1984. Please remit the correct fee in order for the Board to continue with its review. If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact this office. Very truly yours, +�rlGf i�/;-lvS Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman Encl. check $2572. 13 BREW 14289 NORTH FORK BANK&TRUST CO. SO-� 91RREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT MAT ITUCK,N.V. �) ^ 214 r y4CHT YABO MANHANSET AVE.8 BEACH RD.,GREENPORT,N.V.71944 Two thousand five hundred seventy two dollars and .13/100 DOLLARS PAY TO THE ORDER OF GATE CHECK NUMBER NET CHECK Town Of Southold 8-27-92 �� ._ .. 2572 13 BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT site plan application fee , n C/Jy� vOL42a90 1:02L4079L21: u•043�� 45263 7��' cr� DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. ...mow... ...�..r,. ....�..... ..,,...,.� .�,,,,,.... .,.�..�.�, ......�,�,. „.�...., ,.,.�,,,..�. .......,..,� 916 East Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543-4109 914-698-5678 FAX Number(914)698-7321 August 17, 1992 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall , 53095 Main Road VIA CERTIFIED MAIL #P-720-378-211 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York, 11971 RE: Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. Suffolk Co. Tax Map No. 1000 Sec. 043, Blk. 03, Lot 002 Site Plan Approval Dear Gentlemen: On behalf of our client, Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as BREWER) , DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as DSN&A) is submitting the below referenced documentation in connection with BREWER's desire to obtain the SITE PLAN APPROVAL from the Town of Southold pursuant to Chapter 100, Zoning, of the Code of the Town of Southold. Enclosed please find the following Application elements: 1) Nine (9) copies of the Completed SITE PLAN Application Form; 2) Site plan application fee and nine (9) copies of the calculation for the review fee; 3) Nine (9) copies of the complete Environmental Assesment Form - Part I; 4) Nine (9) copies of the Proposed SITE PLAN; 5) Nine (9) copies of Health Department approvals; 6) Nine (9) copies of the Letter of Authorization authorizing DSN&A to be the agent for BREWER for this application; 7) Nine (9) copies of the Detailed Project Description; and, 8) Nine (9) copies of the letter from DSN&A dated 07/31/92 providing supporting information for the proposed project(s) . Please note that BREWEf is simultaneously making application to the Zoning Board of Apeals for a Special Exception Approval required for the food service requested at the club house. One (1) copy of the filing is attached for your convenience. If you have any questions please do not hesitate contacting the undersigned at (914) 698-5678. DSN&A and BREWER thank you in advance for the expeditious review and granting of site plan approval for this project( 1) . Sinc el J mes S: i 's 1 A► � g 1992 i� Associate Enclosure: cc: BREWER & Jack Brewer PLAN g'JARo brwr-g2\c101 Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. Manhanset Avenue & Sandy Beach Road Greenport, NY 11944 August 17, 1992 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall , 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York, 11971 RE: Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport. Inc. Suffolk Co. Tax Map No. 1000 Sec. 043, Blk. 03, Lot 002 SITE PLAN APPROVAL Contact: DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc.- (914) 698-5678 Dear Gentlemen: I here by authorize DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. , (herein referred to as DSN&A) to act as AGENT for Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. , (hereinafter referred to BREWER) to obtain all necessary regulatory approvals for BREWER to undertake the Project(s) proposed in the application for Site Plan Approval from the Town of Southold. Sincerely, John Brewer, President Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. brwr•g2\author DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. 916 East Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543-4109 914-698-5678 FAX Number(914)698-7321 July 31, 1992 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall , 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York, 11971 RE: Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport. Inc. Suffolk Co. Tax Map No. 1000 Sec. 043, Blk. 03, Lot 002 Site Plan Approval Dear Gentlemen: On behalf of Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as BREWER) , this letter by DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as DSN&A) provides additional information and discussion supporting the application pending before you for Site Plan Approval for the above referenced Project(s) as follows: I . BACKGROUND and the NEED for the SITE PLAN APPROVAL; II . PROJECT DESCRIPTION; III. RECONFIGURATION PERIMETER CONDITIONS; and IV. ALTERNATIVES. BREWER has owned the above referenced recreational boating facility since 1983. In the almost ten (10) years BREWER has owned and operated the facility BREWER has been continuously making improvements and updating this facility to meet current and anticipate environmental and safety regulations, as well as the needs of the public by making the facility a first rate recreational boating center. BREWER improvements have been in keeping with the MASTER PLAN previously brought before .and approved by the Planning Board on December 17, 1984. The currently proposed improvements are in keeping with the MASTER PLAN but present some modifications and refinements, primarily in the relocation of some of these improvements. BREWER has obtained necessary regulatory approvals: to undertake an expansion of the marina basin from BREWER's upland; reconfigure the docking facility to make better, more efficient use of in-water space; and modify the upland facility amenities to include boat hauling facilities, demolition and relocation of buildings, and delineation of summer car parking areas. BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT Inc. - LETTER OF SUPPORT 07/31/92 Page 2 BREWER wishes to continue to make improvements to this recreational facility to further meet new environmental and safety standards, and enhance the first rate nature of the facility by providing amenities to BREWER patrons and more efficiently utilizing in-water and upland space. The proposed project(s) presented in this Application for Site Plan approval are modifications to some of the previously approved aspects of the MASTER PLAN including a relocation of: i ) a work maintenance and storage building with a concrete apron/pad; ii) relocation and modification to the club house; iii) rest room and laundry facility; iv) summer parking areas; v) minor reconfiguration of the in-water docks; and vi) relocate a swimming pool as well as the addition of: a) waste oil holding facilities; b) boat holding tank pumpout facility; c) rnntain crnrm water runoff from 2 inch ec of rainfall from the moosed—new cY ri,rtiiroc; and d) minimize nonpoint storm water impacts by constructing an earthen berm between parking areas and the bulkhead shoreline. Please refer to the detailed Project Description in item II below and the Schedule Plan, Utility Plan, Drainage Plan, Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A dated 07/31/92, for more detailed delineation of the proposed Project(s) . BREWER wishes to continue the RECONFIGURATION PERIMETER (a delineated envelope) in which BREWER can make future modifications to the docks and piles allowing for the most efficient use of in-water space but subject to specific conditions as discussed below. Regarding the upland relocations and improvements, BREWER is seeking SITE PLAN APPROVAL which incorporates the previously approved activities as well as the relocated and expanded activities. It should be noted that BREWER proposes that all new structures and/or relocated structures and facilities will be constructed not closer than 75 feet from the high water mark ( ht e exo_eRtjon being the rgyinusly_ appcnved_payed.pad/apron Iandside_ of the boat hauling.-area & emo i ion and remove_ of the existing. dilapidated steel mast storage s structure) therefore it is believed that an Application for, a_Wetlaads_Permit fPom—the Town Trustees is not necessary. Lainfall storm water runoff from2 inches of rainfall from the new buildings will be a cce a ommodated. Presently most of the BREWER boat repair and maintenance activities are undertaken in the open spaces of the facility, under temporary structures and in the limited space of the existing maintenance and storage building. The Proposed storage and maintenance building will facilitate the consolidation of a significant portion of the boat repair work to a permanent indoor facility. The proposed maintenance and storage building will also be used for mast storage and this will replace the existing steel mast storage shed which was previously approved to be demolished and is currently in a decaying state. • • BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT Inc. - LETTER OF SUPPORT 07/31/92 Page 3 BREWER proposes to install a concrete pad/apron adjacent to the proposed maintenance and storage building. The pad/apron is necessary, without it the weight of loaded boat lift hoists will settle the ground outside of the building, making it either unsafe or impossible to move boats in and out of the building. This—pad/apron will _h.ay€—a_dr3iti3ge__Ka-l.e-_araund.,it�_dglyn_slope sides leaden _ ,.a._catch__has�h.i.ch_wi.11_be_ accessabl _and..Q]e3pable, further assuring control of rainwater. In meeting the environmental needs of the facility, BREWER proposes to install a pumpout facility for the boats as well as to provided better facilities to handle waste oil and other potentially environmentally sensitive activities. To accommodate the demands and needs of the public patronizing this full service recreationally oriented marina/boatyard, the club house would be relocated along with the construction of a swimming pool , rest rooms, and f laundry service. The clubhouse willprovide food service to customers of BREWERS. - II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION; Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. , wishes to undertake the following activities as-.delineated on the Proposed SITE PLAN MAP(s) prepared by DSN&A Dated 7/31/92: A) Modify and continue PREVIOUSLY APPROVED activities, specifically: 1) Relocate proposed previously approved maintenance storage building and concrete pad/apron as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92. Building, 110.0' x 120.0' (approximately 13,200 square feet) , with a maximum height of 35.0' , to include a mechanic's shop area and mast storage shed area. Concrete pad/apron, 70.0' x 80.0' (approximately 5,000 square feet) adjacent to the steel maintenance and storage building; 2) Relocate and modify the existing club. house to include food service and rest room facilities as shown on Schedule Plan - Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 3) Relocate and incorporate previously approved rest room facilities into the relocated club house which will include 4 toilet/shower stall rooms adjacent to the relocated club house facility as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 4) Relocate laundry facility to as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT Inc. - LETTER OF SUPPORT 07/31/92 Page 4 5) Relocate and re-delineate summer automobile parking spaces to as shown on Parking Plan - Site Plan Map prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 6) Minor reconfiguration (relocation) of in-water docks as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 7) Demolish and remove, as previously approved, existing dilapidated mast shed structure as shown on Schedule Plan - Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 8) Install and maintain previously approved concrete apron/pad on the upland area- adjacent to the boat hauling area as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 9) Continue that portion of the RECONFIGURATION PERMITTER (a delineated envelope) in which BREWER can make future modifications to the docks and piles allowing for the most efficient use of in-water space within the entire envelope defined by points i ) 326061.58 N, 2453297. 10 E, ii) 325919.26. N, 2453209.87 E, iii) 326124.94 N, 2452709.47 E, and iv) 326367.98 N, 2452766.43 E, as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92, that is within the Town of Southold; and, 10) Construct and maintain a 30.0' x 70.0' (approximately 1,500 square feet) swimming pool as per Suffolk Health Department 06/11/92 approval as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92. B) Undertake the following IIEW WORK to enhance this waterfront dependent recreational boating facility: 1) Construct and maintain a 61' x 121' , with an approximately 4 784 square _foQt surface area, raised deck surface adjacent to�fie proposed swimming pool and relocated existing club house. Maximum elevation of relocated club house above existing grade is not to exceed 35.0' as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 2) Install and maintain a raised plantings area, addacent to the raised deck surface as s�Tiown`on 'Schedu7e Plan, -Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 3) Install and maintain electrical service to all proposed structures as shown on Utility Plan - Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT Inc. - LETTER OF SUPPORT 07/31/92 Page 5 4) Install and maintain water service to the relocated swimming pool , relocated laundry facility and relocated club house as well as to the outside of the relocated steel maintenance building as shown on Utility Plan - Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 5) Install and maintain septic service for the relocated club house, proposed club house rest room facilities and proposed laundry facility as per Suffolk County Health Department approval Ire-approval pending) shown of Stormwater Drainage Plan - Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 6) Provide storm water drainage for all NEW buildin structures to _accommodate 2 sl a�mamaiinches of rainfT"�� ins a ntain a 6 ink berm between parking areas and bulkheads and d install and maintain planter boxes between parking areas and bulkheads as shown on Stormwater Drainage Plan - Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 7) Install and maintain an approximate 275 gallon waste oil holding tank per federal , state, county and local regulations. Waste oil holding tank will be emptied by a certified carter and contents will be disposed of at an authorized facility as shown on Schedule Plan - Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; and, 11 8) Install and maintain a portable boat holding tank pumpout facility. Pumped-out material will be transferred tQ an o_ as ajia__- septic tank. Septic tank will be emptied by a certified carter and contents will be disposed of at an authorized facility. III. RECONFIGURATION PERIMETER CONDITIONS The Reconfiguration Perimeter Condition would allow the reconfiguration of III the number, widths, lengths and location of the docks, piles and ramps within the defined perimeter of the existing docking facility providing that: A) - All configurations remain within the perimeter defined by the. points 1) 326061.58 N, 2453297.10 E, 2) 325919.26 N, 2453209.87 E, 3) 326124.94 N, 2452709.47 E, and 4) 326367.98 N, 2452766.43 E, as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; B) No additional boat slips are created beyond that which is authorized (180 slips)' of which approximately 69 are located within the Village of Greenport; C) No dredging activities are undertaken without the proper regulatory approvals; D) No excavation, bulkheading, and/or filling activities are undertaken without the proper regulatory approvals; and _ z:. BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT INC. Suffolk Co. Tax Map No. 1000 Sec. 043, Blk: 03, Lot 002 Site Plan Approval Contact: James S. Siesfeld - DSN&A - (914) 698-5678 Site Plan Application Fee Calculation Sheet July 31 , 1992 As per ZONING Chapter 100 from the Code of the Town of Southold, Article XXV, Section 100-256, Subsection B, the Site Plan Application Fee for Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. , is as follows: 9.3 acres = 10 acres x $150.00 = $ 1 ,500.00 42,885 Square Feet of Building Area x $ 0.025 = $ 1 ,072. 13 TOTAL FEE = S 2,572.13 ATTACH CHECK HERE BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT INC. Suffolk Co. Tax Map No. 1000 Sec. 043, Blk: 03, Lot 002 Site Plan Approval Contact: James S. Siesfeld - DSN&A - (914) 698-5678 Site Plan Application Fee Calculation Sheet July 31, 1992 As per ZONING Chapter 100 from the Code of the Town of Southold, Article XXV, Section 100-256, Subsection B, the Site Plan Application Fee for Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. , is as follows: 9.3 acres = 10 acres x $150.00 = $ 1,500.00 42.885 Square Feet of Building Area x $ 0.025 $ 1,072.13 TOTAL FEE _ $ 2,572.13 ATTACH CHECK HERE c P Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. Manhanset Avenue & Sandy Beach Road Greenport, NY 11944 August 17, 1992 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall , 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York, 11971 RE: Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport. Inc. Suffolk Co. Tax Map No. 1000 Sec. 043, Blk. 03, Lot 002 SITE PLAN APPROVAL Contact: DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. - (914) 698-5678 Dear Gentlemen: I here by authorize DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. , (herein referred to as DSN&A) to act as AGENT for Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. , (hereinafter referred to BREWER) to obtain all necessary regulatory approvals for BREWER to undertake the Project(s) proposed in the application for Site Plan Approval from the Town of Southold. Sincerely, John Brewer, President Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. brwr-g2\author RK DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. 916 East Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543-4109 914-698-5678 FAX Number(914)698-7321 July 31 , 1992 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall , 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York, 11971 RE: Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. Suffolk Co. Tax Map No. 1000 Sec. 043, Blk. 03, Lot 002 Site Plan Approval Dear Gentlemen: On behalf of Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as BREWER) , this letter by DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as DSN&A) provides additional information and discussion supporting the application pending before you for Site Plan Approval for the above referenced Project(s) as follows: I . BACKGROUND and the NEED for the SITE PLAN APPROVAL; II . PROJECT DESCRIPTION; III. RECONFIGURATION PERIMETER CONDITIONS; and IV. ALTERNATIVES. BREWER has owned the above referenced recreational boating facility since 1983. In the almost ten (10) years BREWER has owned and operated the facility BREWER has been continuously making improvements and updating this facility to meet current and anticipate environmental and safety regulations, as well as the needs of the public by making the facility a first rate recreational boating center. BREWER improvements have been in keeping with the MASTER PLAN previously brought before and approved by the Planning Board on December 17, 1984. The currently proposed improvements are in keeping with the MASTER PLAN but present some modifications and refinements, primarily in the relocation of some of these improvements. BREWER has obtained necessary regulatory approvals: to undertake an expansion of the marina basin from BREWER's upland; reconfigure the docking facility to make better, more efficient use of in-water space; and modify the upland facility amenities to include boat hauling facilities, demolition and relocation of buildings, and delineation of summer car parking areas. 1992 U f;•-, n, � 3 l �� 4 BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT Inc. - LETTER OF SUPPORT 07/31/92 Page 2 BREWER wishes to continue to make improvements to this recreational facility to further meet new environmental and safety standards, and enhance the first rate nature of the facility by providing amenities to BREWER patrons and more efficiently utilizing in-water and upland space. The proposed project(s) presented in this Application for Site Plan approval are modifications to some of the previously approved aspects of the MASTER PLAN including a relocation of: i) a work maintenance and storage building with a concrete apron/pad; ii ) relocation and modification to the club house; iii ) rest room and laundry facility; iv) summer parking areas; v) minor reconfiguration of the in-water docks; and vi ) relocate a swimming pool as well as the addition of: a) waste oil holding facilities; b) boat holding tank pumpout facility; c) contain storm water runoff from 2 inches of rainfall from the proposed new structures; and d) minimize nonpoint storm water impacts by constructing an earthen berm between parking areas and the bulkhead shoreline. Please refer to the detailed Project Description in item II below and the Schedule Plan, Utility Plan, Drainage Plan, Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A dated 07/31/92, for more detailed delineation of the proposed Project(s) . BREWER wishes to continue the RECONFIGURATION PERIMETER (a delineated envelope) in which BREWER can make future modifications to the docks and piles allowing for the most efficient use of in-water space but subject to specific conditions as discussed below. Regarding the upland relocations and improvements, BREWER is seeking SITE PLAN APPROVAL which incorporates the previously approved activities as well as the relocated and expanded activities. It should be noted that BREWER proposes that all new structures and/or relocated structures and facilities will be constructed not closer than 75 feet from the high water mark (the exception being the previously approved paved pad/apron landside of the boat hauling area & demolition and remove of the existing dilapidated steel mast storage structure) therefore it is believed that an Application for a Wetlands Permit from the Town Trustees is not necessary. Rainfall storm water runoff from 2 inches of rainfall from the new buildings will be accommodated. Presently most of the BREWER boat repair and maintenance activities are undertaken in the open spaces of the facility, under temporary structures and in the limited space of the existing maintenance and storage building. The Proposed storage and maintenance building will facilitate the consolidation of a significant portion of the boat repair work to a permanent indoor facility. The proposed maintenance and storage building will also be used for mast storage and this will replace the existing steel mast storage shed which was previously approved to be demolished and is currently in a decaying state. r BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT Inc. - LETTER OF SUPPORT 07/31/92 Page 3 BREWER proposes to install a concrete pad/apron adjacent to the proposed maintenance and storage building. The pad/apron is necessary, without it the weight of loaded boat lift hoists will settle the ground outside of the building, making it either unsafe or impossible to move boats in and out of the building. This pad/apron will have a drainage swale around its down slope sides leading to a catch basin which will be accessable and cleanable, further assuring control of rainwater. In meeting the environmental needs of the facility, BREWER proposes to install a pumpout facility for the boats as well as to provided better facilities to handle waste oil and other potentially environmentally sensitive activities. To accommodate the demands and needs of the public patronizing this full service recreationally oriented marina/boatyard, the club house would be relocated along with the construction of a swimming pool , rest rooms, and laundry service. The clubhouse will provide food service to customers of BREWERS. II . PROJECT DESCRIPTION; Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. , wishes to undertake the following activities as delineated on the Proposed SITE PLAN MAP(s) prepared by DSN&A Dated 7/31/92: A) Modify and continue PREVIOUSLY APPROVED activities, specifically: 1) Relocate proposed previously approved maintenance storage building and concrete pad/apron as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92. Building, 110.0' x 120.0' (approximately 13,200 square feet) , with a maximum height of 35.0' , to include a mechanic's shop area and mast storage shed area. Concrete pad/apron, 70.0' x 80.0' (approximately 5,000 square feet) adjacent to the steel maintenance and storage building; 2) Relocate and modify the existing club house to include food service and rest room facilities as shown on Schedule Plan - Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 3) Relocate and incorporate previously approved rest room facilities into the relocated club house which will include 4 toilet/shower stall rooms adjacent to the relocated club house facility as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 4) Relocate laundry facility to as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; r BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT Inc. - LETTER OF SUPPORT 07/31/92 Page 4 5) Relocate and re-delineate summer automobile parking spaces to as shown on Parking Plan - Site Plan Map prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 6) Minor reconfiguration (relocation) of in-water docks as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 7) Demolish and remove, as previously approved, existing dilapidated mast shed structure as shown on Schedule Plan - Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 8) Install and maintain previously approved concrete apron/pad on the upland area adjacent to the boat hauling area as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 9) Continue that portion of the RECONFIGURATION PERMITTER (a delineated envelope) in which BREWER can make future modifications to the docks and piles allowing for the most efficient use of in-water space within the entire envelope defined by points i ) 326061 .58 N, 2453297. 10 E, ii ) 325919.26 N, 2453209.87 E, iii ) 326124.94 N, 2452709.47 E, and iv) 326367.98 N, 2452766.43 E, as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92, that is within the Town of Southold; and, 10) Construct and maintain a 30.0' x 70.0' (approximately 1,500 square feet) swimming pool as per Suffolk Health Department 06/11/92 approval as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92. B) Undertake the following NEN WORK to enhance this waterfront dependent recreational boating facility: 1) Construct and maintain a 61' x 121' , with an approximately 4,784 square foot surface area, raised deck surface adjacent to the proposed swimming pool and relocated existing club house. Maximum elevation of relocated club house above existing grade is not to exceed 35.0' as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 2) Install and maintain a raised plantings area adjacent to the raised deck surface as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 3) Install and maintain electrical service to all proposed structures as shown on Utility Plan - Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT Inc. - LETTER OF SUPPORT 07/31/92 Page 5 4) Install and maintain water service to the relocated swimming pool , relocated laundry facility and relocated club house as well as to the outside of the relocated steel maintenance building as shown on Utility Plan - Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 5) Install and maintain septic service for the relocated club house, proposed club house rest room facilities and proposed laundry facility as per Suffolk County Health Department approval (re-approval pending) shown of Stormwater Drainage Plan - Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 6) Provide storm water drainage for all NEW building structures to accommodate 2 inches of rainfall runoff, install and maintain a 6 inch earthen berm between parking areas and bulkheads, and install and maintain planter boxes between parking areas and bulkheads as shown on Stormwater Drainage Plan - Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; 7) Install and maintain an approximate 275 gallon waste oil holding tank per federal , state, county and local regulations. Waste oil holding tank will be emptied by a certified carter and contents will be disposed of at an authorized facility as shown on Schedule Plan - Site Plan Map, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; and, 8) Install and maintain a portable boat holding tank pumpout facility. Pumped-out material will be transferred to an on site septic tank. Septic tank will be emptied by a certified carter and contents will be disposed of at an authorized facility. III. RECONFIGURATION PERIMETER CONDITIONS The Reconfiguration Perimeter Condition would allow the reconfiguration of the number, widths, lengths and location of the docks, piles and ramps within the defined perimeter of the existing docking facility providing that: A) All configurations remain within the perimeter defined by the points 1) 326061.58 N, 2453297.10 E, 2) 325919.26 N, 2453209.87 E, 3) 326124.94 N, 2452709.47 E, and 4) 326367.98 N, 2452766.43 E, as shown on Schedule Plan, Stormwater Drainage Plan, Utility Plan & Parking Plan - Site Plan Maps, prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92; B) No additional boat slips are created beyond that which is authorized (180 slips) of which approximately 89 are located within the Village of Greenport; C) No dredging activities are undertaken without the proper regulatory approvals; D) No excavation, bulkheading, and/or filling activities are undertaken without the proper regulatory approvals; and BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT Inc. - LETTER OF SUPPORT 07/31/92 Page 6 E) No change in functional use of the docking facilities can be undertaken without the proper regulatory approvals (i .e. a float shall not be converted to a fixed deck) . This Reconfiguration Perimeter Condition would allow BREWER to change the widths, lengths, and locations of their docks and piles within the Reconfiguration `envelope' to meet changing styles and needs of the boats desired to be moored at BREWER's facility. It would allow the safer mooring of these boats because of the ever-continuing changes in boat widths and lengths. The condition, however, WOULD NOT allow BREWER to extend beyond that area presently being re-approved. The net effect would be to encourage safer management of BREWER by adjusting the widths and locations of boat slips and location of piles to more accurately reflect the needs of the boats being moored at this facility. Without the Reconfiguration Perimeter Condition, BREWER would have to undertake lengthy annual regulatory reviews to obtain permission to do so. Such a process is self-defeating and, if it were not followed, would leave BREWER in technical violation. Prudent regulatory practices should encourage this type of Reconfiguration Perimeter `envelope' to allow the safer and better usage of the waters. IV. ALTERNATIVES. BREWER has examined several alternatives including not undertaking any or all of the desired projects, different sized structures and other locations for the desired structures. The location of the structures was determined after lengthy discussions with the various components of the TOWN'S official family including the Trustees, Planning Board, Town officials and other non-Town regulatory agencies (NYSDEC, etc. ) . After spending almost 12 months with these discussions, it was determined that the only approach that was feasible is that shown on the Proposed Site Plan Map(s) prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92 . The alternative of placing the pool closer to the southeast side of the property, as originally contemplated in the previously approved SITE PLAN dated 12/17/84, was deemed to be unacceptable in light of various and conflicting Federal , State and Town regulatory programs. The pool placement in large part determined the placement of the new proposed service building. In short, the proposed SITE PLAN is the most meaningful and efficient use of the site to preserve the full service water dependent marina and boatyard service activities as well as providing the needed amenities for BREWER patrons. The sizing of the facilities was determined in relation to providing meaningful fulfillment of the proposed activities without making the structures either too large or too small to fulfill the functions for which they are being created. Not providing the proposed structures and associated activities will prevent BREWER from continuing to provide a full service marina/boatyard operation with the full service and amenities that today's boating public not only need but demand. BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT Inc. - LETTER OF SUPPORT 07/31/92 Page 7 In light of the above, BREWER is seeking prompt approval of the proposed Site Plan, dated 07/31/92, prepared by DSN&A. BREWER and/or DSN&A would be happy to meet with you at mutually convenient times to answer any questions you may have and discuss the proposals. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate contacting the undersigned at (914) 698-5678. Sincerely,)Fe is As oci e JSS/lmn brwr-g2\ Lofs-01 P BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT Inc. - LETTER OF SUPPORT 07/31/92 Page 6 E) No change in functional use of the docking facilities can be undertaken without the proper regulatory approvals (i .e. a float shall not be converted to a fixed deck) . This Reconfiguration Perimeter Condition would allow BREWER to change the widths, lengths, and locations of their docks and piles within the Reconfiguration `envelope' to meet changing styles and needs of the boats desired to be moored at BREWER's facility. It would allow the safer mooring of these boats because of the ever-continuing changes in boat widths and lengths. The condition, however, WOULD NOT allow BREWER to extend beyond that area presently being re-approved. The net effect would be to encourage safer management of BREWER by adjusting the widths and locations of boat slips and location of piles to more accurately reflect the needs of the boats being moored at this facility. Without the Reconfiguration Perimeter Condition, BREWER would have to undertake lengthy annual regulatory reviews to obtain permission to do so. Such a process is self-defeating and, if it were not followed, would leave BREWER in technical violation. Prudent regulatory practices should encourage this type of Reconfiguration Perimeter `envelope' to allow the safer and better usage of the waters. IV. ALTERNATIVES. BREWER has examined several alternatives including not undertaking any or all of the desired projects, different sized structures and other locations for the desired structures. The location of the structures was determined after lengthy discussions with the various components of the TOWN'S official family including the Trustees, Planning Board, Town officials and other non-Town regulatory agencies (NYSDEC, etc.) . After spending almost 12 months with these discussions, it was determined that the only approach that was feasible is that shown on the Proposed Site Plan Map(s) prepared by DSN&A, dated 07/31/92 . The alternative of placing the pool closer to the southeast side of the property, as originally contemplated in the previously approved SITE PLAN dated 12/17/84, was deemed to be unacceptable in light of various and conflicting Federal , State and Town regulatory programs. The pool placement in large part determined the placement of the new proposed service building. In short, the proposed SITE PLAN is the most meaningful and efficient use of the site to preserve the full service water dependent marina and boatyard service activities as well as providing the needed amenities for BREWER patrons. The sizing of the facilities was determined in relation to providing meaningful fulfillment of the proposed activities without making the structures either too large or too small to fulfill the functions for which they are being created. Not providing the proposed structures and associated activities will prevent BREWER from continuing to provide a full service marina/boatyard operation with the full service and amenities that today's boating public not only need but demand. BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT Inc. - LETTER OF SUPPORT 07/31/92 Page 7 In light of the above, BREWER is seeking prompt approval of the proposed Site Plan, dated 07/31/92, prepared by DSN&A. BREWER and/or DSN&A would be happy to meet with you at mutually convenient times to answer any questions you may have and discuss the proposals. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate contacting the undersigned at (914) 698-5678. Sincerely, i As oci e / JSS/lmn / brwr-92\lofs-01 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ROBERT J. GAFFNEY ' SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES MARY E. HIBBERD. M.D.. M.P.H. COMMISSIONER June 11, 1992 i Mr. H. Roy Jaffe, P.E. Consulting Engineer 7 Country Drive Plainview, N.Y. 11803 SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF PLANS TO CONSTRUCT A SWIMMING POOL AT THE BREWER YACHT YARD, GREENPORT, N.Y. Dear Mr. Jaffe: I This office has reviewed the plans you recently submitted for the above referenced facility and finds them in conformance with the Suffolk County standards, specifications and guidelines. Enclosed are copies of each of the following: 1. "Certificate of approval of plans for the construction or renovation of a swimming pool. " 2. Approved plan sheets . 3. Approved engineering form 134-R. -After construction has progressed to the point that the piping ° has been completed in accordance with the approved plans, an in- spection by this office must be done before backfilling can begin. This inspection can be arranged by calling me or Ron Paulsen at tel. :, (516) 853-3197 . Very ruly yo rs, ichard r ..1 7 i 7 � � a k P .E. Bureau of Groundwater Resources Enclosures Cc. Building Dept . Town of Southold (w/certificate of approval) *JftAU OI ORIN""10 WATER A" IIIAMO 610VE RAW 114400ALPIM NEw TORR it 766 �I 4141110"S-30106 0" 4916) 653-2927 u i SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES BUREAU OF WATER RESOURCES 225 RABRO DRIVE EAST HAUPPAUGE, NEW YORK 11788 CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL OF PLANS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OR RENOVATION OF A SWIMMING POOL Application having been duly made to the Suffolk County Department of Health Services, as provided under Chapter I, Part 6, of the New York State Sanitary Code, approval is hereby granted for the construction of the swimming pool located at THE BRENER YACHT YARD, GREENPORT, N.Y. subject to the following con- ditions: I . That the proposed artificial swimming pool and treatment equipment shown on the plans and specifications approved this day shall be fully constructed and installed in com- plete conformity with such plans and specifications or approved amendments thereto, within 18 months . II� That the engineer of record shall inform the Department 48 hours in advance for the purposes of making a joint, 1 as built, pipe inspection. IIJ That the engineer of record shall inform the Department 48 hours in advance for the purposes of making a joint, final inspection to ascertain conformance to the approved plans . Two final inspections are included. Additional inspections are $ 100 . 00 each. IV. That the owner or operator will not open the swimming pool until a certificate of compliance has been received. V. That the swimming pool shall be operated at all times to conform with the requirements of Part 6 and the criteria for operation of a swimming pool and to the satisfaction of the permit issuing officer. VI . That whenever required by the Permit-Issuing Official, modifications, additions or more adequate equipment as needed for the operation of the pool in accordance with the provisions of the State Sanitary Code shall be in- stalled, and plans for such modifications, additions or more adequate equipment shall first be submitted to and receive approval of the Permit-Issuing Official . VII . That a certificate of construction compliance shall be submitted to the Permit-Issuing Official . This certifi- cate shall be prepared and signed by a professional engineer or architect, licensed to practice in New York State. The certificate shall include statement that the pool and appurtenances have been coif ructed in accord- ance with approved plans and spe / c io Richaref Markel, P .E. BREWER YACHTYARD at GREENFL)RT,._INC_ "r SITE PLAIT APPLICATION STIRLING BASIN GRF`IFORT HARBOR MANPANSET AVENUE A VILLAGE OF GREENFORT & TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEA YORK NEGATIVE DECLARATION i Implementing the proposed site p4n at BREWER YACHT `LARD at f_„PEENPORT, INC . 'S property will have no adverse impac`.s on Sterling Basin , the area inwhich work will take place, or the surrounding environment. The proposed Prnject(s) will have significant positive effects b!: improving navigation . upgrading an under-utilized waterfront area, and increasing commercial and recreational activities and opportunities by ailcAing ful? se of 6PPFR YACHT YARD at GREENPORT, INC . ' s waterfront facilities . i t PohnD. Brewer, resident BREWER YA!HT YARD at GREENPORT, INC. -f { r i brewer- g2/neg - dec :t 1 r s r ,,EEr T 1. s i COPY FOR YOUR DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. INFORMATION 916 East Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543-4109 914-698-5678 FAX Number(914)698-7321 May 27, 1992 Mr. Bob Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer TOWN OF SOUTHOLD VIA CERTIFIED MAIL IP374-367-227 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 RE: Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. Dear Bob: On behalf of Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as BREWER) , DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. , (hereinafter referred to as DSN&A) is submitting this letter in order to follow up on our recent telephone conversations with representatives of the Town of Southold (hereinafter referred to as TOWN) and provide additional information regarding approaches to containing runoff from 2 inches of rainfall on the entire site, as opposed to the runoff from 2 inches of rainfall for those proposed activities not previously approved. DSN&A has not been able to find a cost-effective or economically feasible approach to containing the runoff on site from 2 inches of rainfall on the entire site. The upland site is approximately 7.20 acres. The site grading has recently been completed, including covering the open areas of the site with new blue stone pavement in accordance with the previous instructions and approvals from the TOWN, at considerable expense to BREWER. BREWER is trying to complete its Master Plan Improvements by moving the Club House and building a swimming pool as well as a new work/storage building at a relocated site. None of these activities will be located within 75' of the water's edge. The regrading of the site (in accordance with the TOWN's approvals) slopes gently towards the docking areas. Previously, the TOWN did not wish any grade sloping towards the TOWN roads or neighboring properties. The enclosed preliminary drawings, identified as #1, #2 & #3, show different conceptual methods of trying to handle rain water runoff. To contain runoff from 2 inches of rainfall on the entire site requires the handling of 34,642 cubic feet (259,140 gallons) of water. If only the new approval construction activities are considered, the amount of water is 4,545 cubic feet (33,998 gallons) . The ground water elevation is at appr7- SOUTHOLD he site is at elevations ranging from +11 .0' down to +6. BREWER GREENPORT - TOWN OF SOUTHOLD - SITE DRAINAGE - 5/26/92 Page 2 The preliminary drainage calculations are shown on the attached sheet entitled PRELIMINARY CALCULATIONS - RAIN WATER RUNOFF QUANTITIES prepared by DSN&A, dated 05/27/92. The following assumptions were used: 1) Roof, concrete pads and other impervious surfaces have a runoff coefficient of 1 (100% runoff) . 2) Blue Stone Pavement has a runoff coefficient of .6 (60% runoff) . 3) Plantings have a runoff coefficient of .5 (50% runoff) . 4) A vegetated buffer will be placed at the bulkhead between the water and the parking areas. 5) Using a percolation rate of 6 inches per hour and assuming rainfall of 2 inches over a two hour period and a minimum of 6 inches of gravel surrounding each drainage ring, the number of drainage rings indicated in the attached calculations can be reduced by approximately 50%. The significant approaches considered were as follows: CONCRETE DRAINAGE RINGS: The use of concrete drainage rings approximately 8' in diameter would mean that 211 rings would be needed for the entire site. Further, the rings would require substantial covers to allow the loaded travelift (with boat) to traverse over these rings as well as to allow the storage of boats thereon. The weights involved can be over 70 tons or as much as 25 tons per travelift wheel (higher point loadings are due to uneven weight distribution in boats) . It becomes apparent from the enclosed drawings #2 and #3 that the entire site is needed for these rings. The estimated cost is approximately $188,000. The use of 10' and 12' diameter rings has been analyzed While the actual number of drainage rings is reduce a considerable area of the site site is still required for their placement and the problem of sustaining heavy loads remains. The estimated costs for these approaches (10' and 12' rings) are higher than the 8' ring approach, this is due to the increased cost ; of the larger rings and structural covers required to support the boatyard activities. If only the rain water runoff from the new construction is contained, the number of 8' rings and associated costs reduce to 28 rings and $25,000 respectfully. ROCK FILLED DRAINAGE GALLERIES: The use of rock filled drainage galleries (as shown on the enclosed drawing #1) would require approximately 350 lineal feet of drainage galley approximately 4' wide by 4' deep, with a 34 foot wide drainage area. The costs would be approximately $300,000. BREWER GREENPORT - TOWN OF SOUTHOLD - SITE DRAINAGE - 5/26/92 Page 3 If only the rain water runoff from the new construction is contained, the lineal feet of drainage galleries and associated costs reduce to 116 feet and $100,000 respectfully. CONTAINMENT BERM: The use of berms creates other problems. If successful , they would, in effect, create a shallow lake which would not be compatible with the use of the upland for boat storage. The collection of water would undermine the `stands' used to support the boats in upright positions during storage operations. Water freezing in the winter would not only be a human hazard, but would further jeopardize the boatyard storage and service activities. In order to work, the berms would have to close off the liftwell area or have the loaded travelift (with boat) travel up a significant rise by the water's edge. Neither approach is safe or allows the boatyard hauling and launching operations to continue in a safe manner. It becomes clear that the cost of handling the site drainage is estimated to be $188,000 to $300,000, or 2 to 3 times the cost of the proposed projects . BREWER has gone to extensive measures to upgrade and improve the operations of the boatyard to be one that the TOWN can be proud of. There is no secret that boatyard operations are marginally economically sustainable, particularly in these economic times. It is important for the TOWN to encourage boatyards to continue to upgrade and improve their operations, while being environmentally sensitive and compatible as well as being economically sustainable. BREWER is prepared and can afford to address the rain water runoff issues for the new construction activities. However, it would appear that the approach to address the entire site's rain water runoff would not be economically affordable and will result in the curtailment of the desired projects as well as potential future projects to upgrade the site. We look forward to mutually trying to find a way to solve these concerns . We would appreciate your views and suggestions. Sincerely, r� James Sies d, Associate JSS/bl Enclosure cc: Bennett Orlowski , Jr. Jack Brewer Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport brwr-92\town-04 • • �� SAF/C.� Pg DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. 916 East Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543-4109 914-698-5678 FAX Number(914)698-7321 May 27, 1992 Mr. Bob Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer TOWN OF SOUTHOLD VIA CERTIFIED MAIL IP374-367-227 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 RE: Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport. Inc. Dear Bob: On behalf of Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as BREWER) , DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. , (hereinafter referred to as DSN&A) is submitting this letter in order to follow up on our recent telephone conversations with representatives of the Town of Southold (hereinafter referred to as TOWN) and provide additional information regarding approaches to containing runoff from 2 inches of rainfall on the entire site, as opposed to 1 the runoff from 2 inches of rainfall for those proposed activities not previously approved. DSN&A has not been able to find a cost-effective or economically feasible approach to containing the runoff on site from 2 inches of rainfall on the entire site. The upland site is approximately 7.20 acres. The site grading has recently been completed, including covering the open areas of the site with new blue stone pavement in accordance with the previous instructions and approvals from the TOWN, at considerable expense to BREWER. BREWER is trying to complete its Master Plan Improvements by moving the Club House and building a swimming pool as well as a new work/storage building at a relocated site. None of these activities will be located within 75' of the water's edge. The regrading of the site (in accordance with the TOWN's approvals) slopes gently towards the docking areas. Previously, the TOWN did not wish any grade sloping towards the TOWN roads or neighboring properties. The enclosed preliminary drawings, identified as #1, #2 & #3, show different conceptual methods of trying to handle rain water runoff. To contain runoff from.__2____D&hes of _rainfa]]_. on thggr ire site requires thle_hZJUEj 4.E. 2 &ut?_i.c__.feet_._.(Z5,9>�Q_.gallonsl of water. If only the new approval construction activities are considered, t amount of water is 4,545 cubic feet (33,998 gallons) . The ground water elevation is at approximately 0.0' NGVD and the site is at elevations ranging from +11.0' down to +6.0' . R 0 1 D MAY 29 SOUTHOLD TOWN PlplPingNIG BOARD U BREWER GREENPORT - TOWN OF SOUTHOLD - SITE DRAINAGE- 5/26/92 Page 2 The preliminary drainage calculations are shown on the attached sheet entitled PRELIMINARY CALCULATIONS - RAIN WATER RUNOFF QUANTITIES prepared by DSN&A, dated 05/27/92. The following assumptions were used: 1) Roof, concrete pads and other impervious surfaces have a runoff coefficient of 1 (100% runoff) . 2) Blue Stone Pavement has a runoff coefficient of .6 (60% runoff) . 3) Plantings have a runoff coefficient of .5 (50% runoff) . 4) A vegetated buffer will be placed at the bulkhead between the water and the parking areas. 5) Using a percolation rate of 6 inches per hour and assuming rainfall of 2 inches over a two hour period and a minimum of 6 inches of gravel surrounding each drainage ring, the number of drainage rings indicated in the attached calculations can be reduced by approximately 50%. The significant approaches considered were as follows: CONCRETE DRAINAGE RINGS: The use of concrete drainage rings approximately 8' in diameter would mean that 211 rings would be needed for the entire site. Further, the rings would require substantial covers to allow the loaded travelift (with boat) to traverse over these rings as well as to allow the storage of boats thereon. The weights involved can be over 70 tons or as much as 25 tons per travelift wheel (higher point loadings are due to uneven weight distribution in boats) . It becomes apparent from the enclosed drawings #2 and #3 that the entire site is needed for these rings. The estimated cost is approximately 518�L= The use of 10' and 12' diameter rings has been analyzed While the actual number of drainage rings is reduce a considerable area of the site site is still required for their placement and the problem of sustaining heavy loads remains. The estimated costs for these approaches (10' and 12' rings) are higher than the 8' ring approach, this is due to the increased cost of the larger rings and structural covers required to support the boatyard activities. yIf only the rain water runoff from the new construction is contained, the , number of 8' rings and associated costs reduce to 28 rings and $25,000) respectfully. ROCK FILLED DRAINAGE GALLERIES: The use of rock filled drainage galleries (as shown on the enclosed drawing #1) would require approximately 350 lineal feet of drainage galley approximately 4' wide by 4' deep, with a 34 foot wide drainage area. The costs would be approximately $300,000. 0 BREWER GREENPORT - TOWN OF SOUTHOLD - SITE DRAINAGE - 5/26/92 Page 3 If only the rain water runoff from the new construction is contained, the lineal feet of drainage galleries and associated costs reduce to 116 feet and $100,000 respectfully. CONTAINMENT BERM: The use of berms creates other problems. If successful , they would, in effect, create a shallow lake which would not be compatible with the use of the upland for boat storage. The collection of water would undermine the `stands' used to support the boats in upright positions during storage operations. Water freezing in the winter would not only be a human hazard, but would further jeopardize the boatyard storage and service activities. In order to work, the berms would have to close off the liftwell area or have the loaded travelift (with boat) travel up a significant rise by the water's edge. Neither approach is safe or allows the boatyard hauling and launching operations to continue in a safe manner. It becomes clear that the cost of handling the site drainage is estimated to be $188,000 to $300,000, or 2 to 3 times the cost of the proposed projects. BREWER has gone to extensive measures to upgrade and improve the operations of the boatyard to be one that the TOWN can be proud of. There is no secret that boatyard operations are marginally economically sustainable, particularly in these economic times. It is important for the TOWN to encourage boatyards to continue to upgrade and improve their operations, while being environmentally sensitive and compatible as well as being economically sustainable. BREWER is prepared and can afford to address the rain water runoff issues for the new construction activities. However, it would-Appear that the aooroach to address the entire site's rain water. , runoff_ pul ._ not be_-.ecnnomic�l)] y„ a`ffibrdabT2"--afid---w`ill result in the curtailment of the desired projects as well as potential future projects to upgrade the site. We look forward to mutually trying to find a way to solve these concerns. We would appreciate your views and suggestions. Sincerely, James Sies d, Associat JSS/bl Enclosure cc: Bennett Orlowski , Jr. Jack Brewer Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport brwr-g2\town-04 PRELIMINARY CALCULATIONS RAIN MATER RUNOFF QUANTITIES BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT. Inc STIRLING BASIN - GREENPORT HARBOR VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEM YORK NUMBER H FOOT NUMBER 10 FOOT NUMBER 12 FOOT AREA 2 INCHES RAINFALL RAINFALL RUNOFF CUBIC FEET OI RnETER RINGS DIAMETER RINGS DIAMETER RINGS ITEM DESCRIPTION TYPE STATUS SQUARE FEET FEET EQUIVALENT COEFFICIENT RUNOFF B 168.9 CU-FT. B 205.3 CU_FT. B a03_6 CU_FT. 1 BUILDING ROOF PROPOSED 13,000_00 w .167 w 1-00 - 2,171_00 13_00 2 CONCRETE PRD PAVEMENT PROPOSED 5,600.00 w .167 w 11.00 6_00 1.00 935.20 6_00 3 BUILIING ROOF EXISTING 6,925_00 w .167 w 1-00 � 1,990.98 9_00 5.00 3.00 BUILDING ROOF EXISTING 6,D55.00 w .167 w 1.00 � 1,011.19 6.00 5_00 3-00 5 CONCRETE PRD PAVEMENT EXISTING 2,926_00 w .167 w 5.00 3_00 1_00 - 905_19 3_00 6' UTI LI iY BUILDING ROOF EXISTING 600.00 w .167 w 1_00 � 2-00 2_00 7 POOL 6 DECK ROOF Q DECK PROPOSED 7,606_00 w .167 w 100.20 1.00 1_00 1.00 B CONCRETE PRO PAVEMENT APPROVED 9,610.00 w .167 w 1_00 - 1,270.20 8_00 7.00 9_00 9 UTIU TY BUILDING ROOF EXISTING SS-00 w _367 w 1.00 - 769_87 5.00 9.00 2.00 A FLOWER BED PLANTINGS EXISTING 2,513.00 w .167 w .50 14'20 1_00 1.00 1.00 B UTILITY SHED ROOF EXISTING' 583_00 w _167 w i_00 297.36 1_00 _ 2.00 1_00 2.00 C CONCRETE PRO PAVEMENT EXISTING- 800.00 w .167 w 1_00 O FLOWER BED PLANTINGS PROPOSED 2,022_00 w .167 w 1.50 133.60 1.00 1268.8A .00 1.00 1.00 OPEN SPACE BLUE STONE PAVEMENT EXISITNG 258,133.00 w .167 w _60 - 25,869.93159.00 126.00 61_00 5.00 312.958.00 31,692.03 211.00 175.00 95.00 • NOTES: PREPARED BY: REFER TO 05/27/92 LETTER TO BOB KASSNER (OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE) SITE PLAN REVIEWER, FROM DSNBA DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. ITEM REFERS TO STRUCTURES AND AREAS AS DELINEATED 916 EAST BOSTON POST ROAD MAMARON PRELIMINARY CONCEPTUAL DRAINAGE PLANS. (914) 698- NY 10543-4109 - (914j 698-5678 DATED: 05/27/92 PRELIMINARY CALCULATIONS RAIN MATER RUNOFF QUANTITIES BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT. Inc. STIRLING BASIN - GREENPORT HARBOR VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK NUMBER B FOOT NUMBER 30 FOOT NUMBER 12 FOOT AREA 2 INCHES RAINFALL RAINFALL RUNOFF CUBIC FEET OI AMETER RINGS DIAMETER RINGS DIAMETER RINGS ITEM DESCRIPTION TYPE STRTUS SQUARE FEET FEET EQUIVALENT COEFFICIENT RUNOFF 8 168.9 CU.FT. 8 205.3 CU.FT. 8 103.6 CU.FT. I BUILDING ROOF PROPOSED 13.000.00 w .167 .. 1_00 - 2.171.00 13.00 11.00 6.00 2 CONCRETE PRD PRVEMENT PROPOSED 5.600.00 .. .167 .. 1.00 - 935.20 6.00 5_00 3.00 3 BUILIDING ROOF EXISTING 8.925.00 .. .167 .. 1.00 - 1.190.18 9.00 8.00 1_00 1 BUILDING ROOF EXISTING 6.055.00 w .167 H 1.00 - 1.011_19 6.00 5.00 3.00 5 CONCRETE PAD PAVEMENT EXISTING 2.126_00 .. .167 w 1_00 - 105.11 3.00 2.00 2.00 6UTILITY BUILDING ROOF EXISTING 600.00 w .167 .. 1.00 - 100.20 1.00 1.00 1.00 7 POOL 8 OECX ROOF 8 DECK PROPOSED 7.606.00 .. .167 w 1.00 - 1.270.20 8.00 7.00 1.00 B CONCRETE PRD PAVEMENT APPROVED 1.610.00 w .167 .. 1.00 - 769.87 5.00 1.00 2.00 9 UTILITY BUILDING ROOF EXISTING 85.00 .. .167 w 1.00 - 11.20 1.00 1.00 1.00 A FLOYER BED PLANTINGS EXISTING 2.513.00 .. .167 w .50 - 209.61 _ 2.00 2.00 1.00 B UTILITY SHED ROOF EXISTING, 583.00 H .167 w 1.00 - 97.36 1.00 1.00 1.00 C CONCRETE PRO PAVEMENT EXISTING' 800.00 .. .167 w 1.00 - 133.60 1.00 1.00 1.00 0 FLOUER BED PLRNTINGS PROPOSED 2.022.00 w .167 .. .50 - 168_B1 1.00 1.00 1.00 OPEN SPACE BLUE STONE PAVEMENT EXISITNG 258.133.00 .. .167 H .60 - 25.861.93 151.00 126.00 65_00 312.956.00 31.612.03 211.00 175.00 95.00 • NOTES: PREPARED BY: REFER TO 05/27/92 LETTER TO BOB KASSNER (OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE) SITE PLAN REVIEWER, FROM DSNBA DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. 916 EAST BOSTON POST ROAD ITEM REFERS TO STRUCTURES AND AREAS AS DELINEATED MAMARONECK, NY 10543-4109 Au DDCITYTmauv rnurFVTUAI nRATNACE PLANS. (9141 698-5678 • ��SUFFO(�-c 0 -3 . Gyp PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS 0 SCOTT L. HARRIS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Supervisor George Ritchie Latham, Jr. y O� Richard G. Ward �a Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonald P.O. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards Southold. New York 11971 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Telephone (516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 May 20, 1992 James S. Siesfeld Daniel S. Natchez and Associates, Inc. 916 East Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, NY 10543-4109 RE: Proposed Site Plan Amendments for Brewer Yacht Yard, Greenport SCTM# 1000-43-3-2 Dear Mr. Siesfeld: The Planning Board has reviewed the drainage requirements for the above referenced project. The Board proposes that you make new calculations based on the porosity and percolation rate of the soils at the site. While the entire site must be included in these calculations, the percolation rate might require fewer rings than previously indicated. Please include the calculations on the site plan, along with the proposed location of the leaching rings. A vegetated buffer must be placed between the parking area and the bulkhead. If you have any questions, or require further information, Please contact this office. Very truly yours, �iyvx.GGi` ani l Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman cc: John M. Bredmeyer, III , Chairman, Town Trustees MEMORANDUM TO: Files FROM: James S. Siesfeld, Associate DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. RE: Brewer's Greenport Estimated Costs - Drainage Alternatives DATED: 04/22/92 ESTIMATED COSTS - DRAINAGE ALTERNATIVES DRAINAGE RINGS ROCK FILLED GALLERIES 8' RINGS 10' RINGS (LARGE FRENCH DRAIN) EXISTING CONDITIONS: Includes all existing structures and entire site $ 129,000 $ 137,000 S 200,000 NEW WORK ONLY: Includes pool, impervious surfaces, new work/storage building and extensions existing work storage building and entire site 59,000 61,000 $ 100.000 TOTAL: f 188,000 $ 198,000 S 300,000 EXISTING STRUCTURES & NEW WORK: Includes all existing structures and new work (as detailed above) $ 74,000 $ 80,000 $ 200,000 AREAS: TOTAL SITE 7.20 ACRES PRESENT BUILDINGS & IMPERVIOUS SURFACES 0.48 ACRES NEW BUILDINGS & NEW IMPERVIOUS SURFACES 1 .65 ACRES PROPOSED & EXISTING BUILDINGS PLUS ALL IMPERVIOUS SURFACES 2.00 ACRES NOTE: ONE EXITING BUILDING OF 0. 13 ACRES WILL BE ELIMINATED IN PROPOSED PLAN bgwr-g2\costest2 o��gpFfO(,�-CO C= PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS W ,? SCOTT L. HARRIS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Oy !� Supervisor George Ritchie Latham, Jr. Richard G. Ward 0� Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonald P.O. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards Southold, New York 11971 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Telephone (516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 March 31, 1992 James S. Siesfeld Daniel S. Natchez and Associates, Inc. 916 East Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, NY 10543-4109 RE: Proposed Site Plan Amendments for Brewer Yacht Yard, Greenport SCTM# 1000-43-3-2 Dear Mr. Siesfeld: This letter will clarify the Board' s letter to you of March 20 , 1992. The attachment to this letter was a Southold Town Trustees memorandum dated March 19, 1992. This memorandum is corrected to read, "impervious surfaces" in place of "pervious" surfaces. If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact this office. Very truly yours, Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman cc: John M. Bredmeyer, III , Chairman, Town Trustees 1 ��gOfFO(�-C O °y.. -L PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS y x SCOTT L. HARRIS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman O� �� Supervisor George Ritchie Latham. Jr. O �O Richard G. Ward �10 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonald a ru P.O. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 March 20, 1992 James S. Siesfeld Daniel S. Natchez and Associates, Inc. 916 East Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, NY 10543-4109 RE: Proposed Site Plan Amendments for Brewer Yacht Yard, Greenport SCTM# 1000-43-3-2 Dear Mr. Siesfeld: The Planning Board has received your letter of March 10, 1992, requesting clarification of the drainage requirements for the above referenced site plan. As Robert Kassner of my staff discussed with you on March 16, 1992, the drainage calculations for the site must include all existing and proposed buildings and impervious surfaces. The enclosed memorandum from the Southold Town Trustees should further clarify the drainage requirements. If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact this office. Very truly yours, Bennett Orlowski, Jr' Chairman cc: John M. Bredmeyer, III, Chairman, Town Trustees W Q��gUfFO1;�-�O TRUSTEES John M.Bredemeyer,III,President o= a V < SUPERVISOR Henry P. Smith,Vice President o e SCOTT L. HARRIS Albert J.Krupski,Jr. John L. Bednoski,Jr. '+1p1 �a�� Town Hall John B.Tuthill 53095 Main Road P.O.Box 1179 Telephone(516)765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Southold,New York 11971 Fax(516)765-1823 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Bob Kassner Planning Board FROM: Southold Town Trusteesp��7 RE: Brewer Yacht Yard �/ SCTM #1000-43-3-2 DATE: March 19, 1992 With respect to the Trustees memo of August 2, 1991, the issue of runoff should be interpreted to mean all pervious surfaces on site. This facility, which is new and expanding, should afford this level of protection to our surface waters on a "whole-site" basis as this is consistent with current thinking on protection of surface waters from runoff. If we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call. JMB: jmt MCS_00yj.H0XLDn x • ! �k o�gOFFO�q-�O TRUSTEES Dy John M.Bredemeyer,III,President %Z SUPERVISOR Henry P. Smith,Vice Presidentr, t SCOTT L. HARRIS Albert J.Krupski,Jr. e�, • _rPT John L.Bednoski,Jr. �Q! baa Town Hall John B.Tuthill 53095 Main Road P.O.Box 1179 Telephone(516)765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Southold,New York 11971 Fax(516)765-1823 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Bob Kassner Planning Board FROM: Southold Town Trustees, RE: Brewer Yacht Yard SCTM #1000-43-3-2 DATE: March 19, 1992 With respect to the Trustees memo of August 2, 1991, the issue of runoff should be interpreted to mean all pervious surfaces on site. This facility, which is new and expanding, should afford this level of protection to our surface waters on a "whole-site" basis as this is consistent with current thinking on protection of surface waters from runoff. If we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call. JMB: jmt D IN0 80AR0 SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING OWRD 8 OCTOBER, 1991 4� C SITE PLANS - STATE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW ACT Lead Agency: Mr. Orlowski: Joseph Hardy - This site plan is for a supply building on 2, 400 square feet located on Route 25 in Mattituck. SCTM # 1000-114-11-5 . Mr. Ward: Mr. Chairman, I would like to offer the following resolution. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board start the coordination process on this unlisted action. Mr. Latham: Second. Mr. Orlowski: Motion made and seconded. Any questions on the motion? All those in favor? Ayes: Mr. Latham, Mr. McDonald, Mr. Edwards , Mr. Ward, Mr. Orlowski. Mr. Orlowski: Opposed? So ordered. CAPPROVAL OF THE PLANNING BOARD MINUTES Mr. Orlowski: Board to approve the August 12, 1991 and September 9, 1991 minutes. Mr. Edwards: So moved. Mr. Ward: Second. Mr. Orlowski: Motion made and seconded. Any questions on the motion? All those in favor? Ayes: Mr. Edwards, Mr. Ward, Mr. Latham, Mr. McDonald, Mr. Orlowski. Mr. Orlowski: Opposed? So ordered. *************** **************** ******* �3 _ 3 Mr. Orlowski: There is nothing left on my agenda, but I believe we have some people here from the Brewer Yacht yard that would like to discuss their site plan. Mr. Dan Nachez: Good evening, I represent Brewer Yacht yard in Greenport. We are here probably to try and get some direction because we keep getting different signals from different people and Brewer is at the point where for months, we SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING&ARD 9 OCTOBEI*l, 1991 �o have been trying to get everybody's opinion to as where to relocate the pool and the yacht club building. We are at the point now where we have to move ahead in order for them to have a functional facility for the yacht club for next spring and in order to do that they have to pour a slab now. We realize the pool and other things we have to go through the formal process but they are hauling boats and this is a working operation. It is the nightmare of trying to run a business and also accommodate everybody in the entire process. Originally we had it on the peninsula, we got some concerns that this might be too close to a wetlands even though on the previous maps. . . and after all is said and done, in order to be able to get something moving in order for it to be done for the place to be operational in the spring. What we have done is we sent to Valerie Scopaz a tentative site plan but, we' re not asking for your approval, I guess what we are asking for is your consent of direction in an informal matter. I guess that is the best way of saying it. I assume you all have a copy of what we sent, if not, we have copies. Mr. Orlowski: Yes, we have copies here. Mr. Nachez : Basically, in order to accommodate the various and different concerns, everything out of the seventy-five foot set-back, I move we relocate it to . . . . . . This is the entire site which was originally located down here. We moved it back to here. It was going to be a building at that point anyway which was going to be for bathrooms and showers and it also is where the electrical transformers out of the ground are creating an obstruction so what we had suggested, is that you just put the whole thing here. Actually eliminates one structure in the area. The yacht club building can then be altered with your approval over time to accommodate the showers and bathroom facilities that were going to be for the yard anyway. We were asked to give you a parking plan but we have given you a tentative parking plan and traffic flow. I must admit it was done fairly quickly but it shows very clearly that there is more than sufficient land area for all of the parking to be accommodated and for the traffic flow not to interfere with the area of the pool or the proposed area where we would like to put the pool at this point in time assuming that you all feel that that is a reasonable approach to continue Mr. Ward: Your reason for location in getting your approvals for the other side? Mr. Nachez: We have been at this conceptual stage with the town now for several months trying to get everybody' s input. The last word we got back was, it seems fine but then the question is that it may be too close to the wetlands and .the problem is that we can't go through all the paper work to find out several months from now that somebody is concerned that doesn't want it there from the Town' s advantage point and therefore it should be moved. If that is the case you are not SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING&ARD 10 OCTOBF*21, 1991 � feh C going to have anything for this coming season which is, we' re talking about the summer of 1992 , we have to do things a little early in order to achieve that. What this does is with a little razzle dazzle all the work buildings will be located in a line which probably from the planning advantage point makes sense anyway. Ideally, it would have been conceptually I think nicer to have it on the peninsula, but where it is now you are going to have to put it a half of a foot to a foot higher in elevation which it does make it a significant difference in terms of the County' s requirements in terms of the separation between the bottom of your septic system and your groundwater. We put it down here in pencil, we have talked to the County and they were not uptight in either place their suggestion was, since they are going to have bathrooms in one place just make it bigger and have it one facility, but it was not a requirement. Unofficial suggestion. Mr. Ward: I find it difficult that you added any concept since the change because the amenities seem much nicer. Mr. Nachez: We thought so but when we got your letter back, or the letter from Valerie, with your comments enclosing the Trustees comments, we saw and were confused and when we came back to the Town for a meeting with the Town to try and get clarification of what those comments actually meant, the more clarification we got, the more confused we became. It became e clear to us that we didn' t think that we could get a reasonable determination in order to have the facility for next year. The Planning Board says, you can put the building there but in no way are we going to approve the pool. Then we' re back at square one. We originally wanted to get everyone together so we could try to go through the pros and cons of any concerns anybody had and that was four or five months ago. We came back to the Town with some conceptual plan saying, I would like to get your input because we want to make sure that what we are doing meets with everybody' s approval so we do not have any conceptual problems later on, other then that which may be raised by somebody in the public. Mr. Ward: Did Valerie come up with any other problems other than wetlands setback? Mr. Nachez: The Trustees, in their memo that you enclosed, said that it is nicer to have non water dependent facilities located outside of the seventy-five foot setback. Now, you tell me what that means? Everyone talking. Mr. McDonald: If it is not boat or boat related. Mr. Nachez: We had talked with them and originally we had thought that to have it on the peninsula we do have to go back to DEC. They originally approved the pool there but they didn' t SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING WRD 11 OCTOBE�1, 1991 C approve the clubhouse next to the pool. They had the clubhouse separated from the pool so we have to go back to them for that, but if the Trustees were not in favor of it, that advisory letter is another matter we doubt if the DEC would be receptive to trying to override some of the concerns that the Trustees might have and we assume that since the Trustees and you had met together and discussed the previous location that it was time to try and rearrange it. Mr. McDonald: Melissa, what is the SEQRA status of this? Melissa: There is nothing on this. Mr. McDonald: And you are asking us to waive the site plan restriction on this building? Mr. Nachez: I don' t think there is a site plan restriction on the building. The building is an existing building that is being relocated further away from the bulkhead then where it was before. Mr. McDonald: It' s not a new building then. It' s just going on a new spot. Mr. Nachez: We can pour the slab now, without the site plan Capproval. Mr. McDonald: How could you pour the slab without the site plan approval? Mr. Nachez: Because it is not a building, it' s not a structure. Mr. McDonald: You need a building permit. Mr. Nachez: That is correct. Mr. McDonald: To get a building permit you would have to get a site plan on a commercial site. .Mr. Nachez: We have been led to believe otherwise, but if that is what we have to do we ' ll do it. Then we're back to square one. We have been to three meetings with your staff and we have been led to believe the opposite. Mr. McDonald: Our staff, or Town Hall? Mr. Nachez: Town Hall, with Valerie Scopaz representing the Planning Board. Mr. McDonald: She indicated you could pour a foundation. ? SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING PARD 12 OCTOBFW1, 1991 370 Mr. Nachez: Her last comment was she needed to verify with you that that would not be a problem, but she did not think that was a problem. Mr. McDonald: Then you would be asking for a waiver of the site plan. Mr. Nachez: Then we would be asking for a waiver for that but we would come back for the full approval and if it was not granted we would have a nice slab but we would not have it for any use. What we had planned to do was raise the building and the pool four feet above grade, that prevents any potential concern of traffic being misdirected into the pool. We have done this in other yards, including the other Brewer yards, it has worked quite effectively. It also adds a nice buffer for landscaping beautification. Mr. Ward: It is hard to fathom that you are going to run this operation around the swimming pool. It just doesn' t seem right. Mr. Nachez: If you take a look at it. Showed the map. A lot of discussion. Mr. Nachez: In terms of the operation, and the boat storage, C the pool is open during normal months, Memorial Day to Labor Day. Those are the traditional times that the pool opens and closes. That is what we have drawn in other yards, it has not created any interference or any problems in that regard. Mr. Ward: The only items I see here in terms of the Trustees comments, is where possible, you should be encouraged . . . (Inaudible) . I think from our position, we would support the original location and I realize you need a permit from the Trustees because of the position of the wetlands. Putting the recreation area in the middle of the parking lot we have a little problem with that in a planning sense because it doesn't seem to make much sense. Larissa Moskowitz: The grade is going to be raised in that area. Mr. Nachez: There are three things that we are not concerned about. Unless we are being misled by what we were told, that the Trustees were concerned about, they were concerned about having it in that location and they were suggesting moving it and the more you start moving it in towards the bulkhead . . . . Mr. Ward: You met with them on it? Mr. Nachez: Well, we have been trying to meet with everybody. We appreciate your giving us your time. This is the first time we have been able to meet with any Board. We have been having to go through different staffs and were playing SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNINCWARD 13 OCTOB*21, 1991 C almost I said, he said, we said, they said. Everybody has been very cooperative and well meaning but you know for months we have been going around in circles and we have to move in a direction. We have to go back to the DEC because we are a little concerned about what their vantage point is since that seems to be changing. Mr. Orlowski: Either way you have to go their anyway. Mr. Nachez: Well, it's behind the bulkhead. Mr. Ward: That' s it, I 'm thinking, what is the age of your bulkhead? Mr. Nachez: This bulkhead is last years but there is a pre-existing bulkhead in front of that which actually governs, which was part of the 75 feet so we are exempt from the DEC for this location, we are not exempt from the DEC on the other location. We are from the bulkhead vantage point but not from the wetlands vantage point. Mr. Orlowski: You just want to speed things up a little bit. Mr. Nachez: Well, we've been at it for some time as you know. Mr. McDonald: I wonder if you could give us a week and I will try to set up a meeting with somebody from the Trustees. I ' ll try to get something definitive. I have a strong feeling I would prefer to see this on that peninsula where it makes a lot more sense as a planner from a planners standpoint and I would think as an amenity it would be a big improvement. Mr. Nachez: We have two logistical problems which the County has set and they had to really think hard about. If we put it on the peninsula which is where we originally wanted to. Naturally, we were very cooperative and they spent a lot of time with us helping us to go over our figures and calculations and suggesting some of their own that we should utilize and you know it was very constructive, not either a disinterested or an adversarial approach. If we are in this area, over here, we would have to pump everything back into this area for the septic system. There are sanitary water lines and mains in between where we would be and where we would have to pump to. That presents a big problem in their minds and they are not sure. They did have indigestion and they did cough a lot, they did not gag but they did say they would have to think that one through. Their answer was that until they got an application they 7 probably would not give an indication which way they would go. The s from their vantage point it would be against their policy to 1cross that type of approach. Whereas over here, where we already had a previous approval from them for the original building we had talked to you about some years ago. They were much more disposed, but they also liked that area in terms of as I say, about a foot higher in grade. Since this is a very SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNINGARD 13 OCTOB*21 , 1991 C almost I said, he said, we said, they said. Everybody has been very cooperative and well meaning but you know for months we have been going around in circles and we have to move in a direction. We have to go back to the DEC because we are a little concerned about what their vantage point is since that seems to be changing. n( Mr. Orlowski: Either way you have to go their anyway. Mr. Nachez: Well, it' s behind the bulkhead. Mr. Ward: That' s it, I 'm thinking, what is the age of your bulkhead? Mr. Nachez: This bulkhead is last years but there is a pre-existing bulkhead in front of that which actually governs, which was part of the 75 feet so we are exempt from the DEC for this location, we are not exempt from the DEC on the other location. We are from the bulkhead vantage point but not from the wetlands vantage point. Mr. Orlowski: You just want to speed things up a little bit. Mr. Nachez: Well, we've been at it for some time as you know. C Mr. McDonald: I wonder if you could give us a week and I will try to set up a meeting with somebody from the Trustees. I ' ll try to get something definitive. I have a strong feeling I would prefer to see this on that peninsula where it makes a lot more sense as a planner from a planners standpoint and I would think as an amenity it would be a big improvement. Mr. Nachez: We have two logistical problems which the County has set and they had to really think hard about. If we put it on the peninsula which is where we originally wanted to. Naturally, we were very cooperative and they spent a lot of time with us helping us to go over our figures and calculations and suggesting some of their own that we should utilize and you know it was very constructive, not either a disinterested or an adversarial approach. If we are in this area, over here, we would have to pump everything back into this area for the septic system. There are sanitary water lines and mains in between where we would be and where we would have to pump to. That presents a big problem in their minds and they are not sure. They did have indigestion and they did cough a lot, they did not gag but they did say they would have to think that one through. Their answer was that until they got an application they probably would not give an indication which way they would go. They said from their vantage point it would be against their policy to cross that type of approach. Whereas over here, where we already had a previous approval from them for the original building we had talked to you about some years ago. They were much more disposed, but they also liked that area in terms of as I say, about a foot higher in grade. Since this is a very SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNINCWARD 14 OCTOB• 21, 1991 r shallow area from their vantage point, they think it is a better place in terms of their facilities. They are just talking about septic systems. Mr. Orlowski: So in other words, you are saying that rather then go through the hassle of getting all of these permits, you would rather put that in the middle of the park. Mr. Nachez: Well, it' s not in the middle of the park, it is to the side, the traffic flow as it is now without anything there except the transformer. All the traffic flows down the road and pairs off according to the buildings at present, even for the parking, and it goes down this way and out that way. We've shown the number of required parking spaces but with the exception of two week-ends a year, you don't need that many parking spaces but we are complying to code and it is one of the few yards that has more than sufficient parking. Mr. McDonald: This is your layout and you have to live with it. When I look at this I understand what you are saying on how you can divert the traffic around it but really you are blocking this island down the middle of the parking lot. I understand it is not indebted in the middle of the parking lot, there is parking all around this thing. Is there not some way that you could create more of an environment around this thing so it's C not simply sitting in the middle of this. Assuming that you didn't need those parking spots, there are parking spots on the site. Mr. Nachez: Like I said, this parking layout was put on here to comply with the request that we give him twelve hours from the time we got a phone call to the time you had to have something by fax. About twelve hours, since it came at five o'clock. We ' re really talking about four hours and so all we did was take what was there and massaged it as quickly as we could to get something out. The parking plan is very easily worked out or massaged from what it is on this but we were told that you had to have something that showed that you could have the same number of parking spaces as required in a road that didn't go through the middle of the (inaudible) . Mr. Ward: What would happen with moving this back to the property line or close to the property line to the west? Not having parking behind it. . Mr. Nachez: You could but you would also have the transformer there. The reason we picked that spot is there is already an obstruction there and in order not to create a third island if you will, what we said that since the transformer is already there and there is already an obstruction to traffic that will always continue to be there, and that is new and that has been approved, to take that area and actually raise the grade instead of just being in the middle of whatever, raise the grade four feet and slope it, plant bushes and make it an attractive focal SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNINGIWARD 15 OCTOB621 , 1991 C point for your eye both as you drive in and from the water. You can do that if you do raise it four feet from the grade. Mr. Ward: I guess what I am saying. Mr. Nachez: I know, you're saying put it over here. Mr. Ward: Yes, you are anticipating parking down along the west side. Mr. Nachez: You mean down here? Mr. Ward: Yes. Mr. Nachez: Because people would come down like that and people like to park as close to their boats as possible and I mean this way we can move the whole thing back, I mean we could have done that it just seemed to be the most logical approach with the space. Mr. Ward: Unfortunately, it seems to be the most logical approach because you are forced out from a permit point of view out of pennisula. Mr. Nachez: It' s not as if we haven' t tried to over the last Cseveral months the permit. Mr. Ward: Have you made any applications to file permits? Mr. Nachez: We purposely chose not to file the application which has been ready for sometime in order to try and make sure that what we were doing would be reasonable from everybody' s vantage point and we have continually been asking for pre-application meetings to discuss what our desires were and what everybody' s concerns were and originally it started that well we would have a joint meeting between you and the Trustees, then it was to be a joint meeting between you and the Trustees and the Zoning Board, then it got to well, nobody wants to meet because you all had too many other things to do, at least that was what it was communicated to us to you being willing to Seeing us tonight and that only became because we said listen, we are getting too many cross directions and we are missing too much in the translation and you know we are happy to come at night, we are happy to come. during the day, we' re just trying to do this but you know the yacht club is very uptight that they will not have a facility for the spring unless we get our roller skates on they will not. Mr. Orlowski: Well, let me ask you this, have we helped you tonight? ` Mr. Nachez: I 'm not sure really, what you told me is that you need a site plan approval for the pad and I gather what you are SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNINCOOARD 16 OCTOB• 21, 1991 ^, saying is that you are not prepared to waive that. And you have asked for a week to make that determination. Mr. Orlowski: I think we have conveyed that we are in favor ofputting that pool out on the peninsula and out of the middle of the parking lot. I believe that you also conveyed to us that you have a problem with all of those permits. Unknown person: Can I askou y a question. We went to the DEC and while I was talkingwith ith the DEC with Dan, their statement was that we possibly could get a variance to put the clubhouse near theeninsula but ut we would need a variance from their rulings. To get a variance from their rulings we would have to show hardship and to show hardship we would have to show that there is nowhere else on our property where we could put the clubhouse and a swimming pool. Unfortunately, it is nine and one half acres of land and I can show you fifteen places that I can put a pool and a clubhouse and I walked out of that meeting and I called Dan and I said Dan, where are we going to put it? Dan drew my pictures and I drew my pictures and the pictures landed where he has drawn them. Mr. Nachez: You see, what has happened is this is a catch 22. Since the site plan was approved with the pool by the DEC, they have changed not the regulations but their internal philosophy. They don' t want the pool on the peninsula. Mr. McDonald: They've approved this? Mr. Nachez: They approved the pool. Mr. McDonald: How long ago was that done? Mr. Nachez: That approval continues, it' s a site approval. Mr. Orlowski: So it is the clubhouse you need? Mr. Nachez: When we asked them and we called the major people who were responsible for the staff veto, they said they don' t approve, they only veto. Their answer was, hell will freeze over before they will approve the pool, and we said well, the pool has already been approved by you. They went back and found out that they had approved it. They said well, we changed our philosophy, you can have the pool but you can't have your clubhouse. Mr. Edwards: Do you have a problem with putting the clubhouse in that other location? I 've seen them separate. Mr. Nachez : Well, you can have them separate, but then you have the problem that your clubhouse then gets separated from the pool and we think that from the Planning vantage point that is less desirable then together. If you are going to have your two facilities, the should be Y contiguous or next to each other JUUThULD TOWN PLANNIN(VARD 17 OCTOI* 21 , 1991 and not separated by a road or work area. It just conceptionally from a planners vantage point that doesn't make any sense. Mike is right, you have to get a variance and you will, and I am sure you are familiar with the procedures in variances. If they were disposed to it, it wouldn't matter. Mr. McDonald: Well, the DEC is telling you well, not really. The Health Department is going well, we don' t really know. The Trustees are going, it doesn' t look too good and we ' re the only ones saying gee, this is nice. Mr. Nachez: This is a catch twenty-two. Mr. Ward: You have until December. Mr. Nachez: You see, you really don' t, it is not a question of weather. Mr. Ward: We 're going to want to see the whole site plan, we 're going to want to see everything so do it and get it into us. If we agree with the site we can then plan a way of getting your footings in the ground. Mr. Orlowski: He is going to have to put it in the parking lot too. Put it in the middle of the parking lot and put it on the site plan, let' s do it the right way. . Mr. McDonald: I 'm not so sure that I 'm prepared to say that it ' s going to end up, you know if we waived him on this, just on this building, we would probably be in violation of SEQRA, since j we have none on this. We would be segmenting this project, knowingly segmenting this project. He is trying to get this thing up and running. Mr. Nachez: The problem is, let me explain the logistical problem. Mike: Where the building is now, very soon the building will not move to where we would like to put it because there will be boats in the way. It is a physical problem. Mr. Ward: Well, you could move it to the general location where you are going to put it but you are going to have to leave it aside for more footings. Mike: That is an awful lot of money to get the movers in to move it twice. Mr. Ward: It is a pretty small building. Mike: It has been sitting on movable skids for two years and the movers have been kind enough not to bother me too much. SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNIN9WARD 18 OCTOB* 21, 1991 J !. Girl: We were under the assumption also from the code that because this building is being made more legal by being pulled back farther away from the bulkhead then it originally was that the need for a second approval was changed into solely the need for a building permit and in our discussion with Victor Lessard and Valerie they seem to not have any problem with that. our interpretation on going with Section 100-239. 4b number one basically says that. Mr. McDonald: What does it say literally? Unknown person: Literally, it says the following exceptions will apply. Buildings which are proposed landward are existing i buildings. located on lots adjacent to Long Island Sound etc. . Mr. McDonald: This is in what section of the code? Unknown person: 100-129. 4 Building Setback requirements adjacent to water bodies and wetlands. Mr. McDonald: That' s fine for a building standpoint but as far 111 as a site plan ordinance goes it says that anything that is none residential, you have to have a site plan. This might as well be a new building. Your saying that it doesn' t even exist as a standing structure now, it has no foundation and it is movable, it is just like a trailer. It can be moved any minute. Mr. Ward: We understandour y predicament but we need a site I! plan to expedite that. Mr. McDonald: We have a good feeling about the plan in general. I would have a great deal of difficulty without a site plan to say go ahead and put up the building. I don' t even have a SEQRA determination on this thing and I am going to tell you to go ahead and do this. Mr. Nachez: Who would be the lead agency on this? Mr. McDonald: If you make a site plan application to us, we will try to take the lead agency. That is a matter that is up for dispute though if the DEC comes in and decides they want the lead agency, guess who looses? Generally, we have always taken lead agency in the site plan. Mr. Nachez: Inaudible. Mr. McDonald: If we did a negative declaration, you would be free to do whatever you want. If you did a conditional declaration with conditions such that you couldn' t go anywhere else, they would have to be consistent. Of course they are going to watch to see what comes down. Mr. Nachez: There has recently been a case where they have said it doesn't make a difference. Not on the SEQRA are they SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNINOOARD 19 OCTO* 21, 1991 denying but under their regulations they are saying it does not comply with the letter of the law. Mr. McDonald: In the long run, the DEC is going to be the impediment because they can hold it up as long as they want since they run the SEQRA anyway. They could tie this thing up indefinitely. You are not going to do something that they are not going to like. Mr. Nachez: You have the right to take that as you so desire. Mr. Orlowski: We' ll let you know in about a month. Mr. Nachez: The commissioner has an extremely large amount of authority in this matter. Mr. McDonald: I think from what you are saying, if you want to move ahead as quickly as possible, give us the one with down the parking lot and from my standpoint, I am prepared to do everything I can to move ahead. Mr. Nachez: We have been led to believe and let me just clarify one other thing, That you do not grant final site plan approval until you have County Health Department approval so you are talking about four to six months for the County to make their determinations. Mr. McDonald: They told you it is going to be four to six months? Mr. Nachez: There staff has been cut in half. Mr. McDonald: There is no Board of Review involved in this thing. Mr. Nachez: They are simply saying it will be thirty days from the time they receive the paper work until they can actually assign it to somebody. They are saying, if you call up, sixty days but it is very clear that you are lucky that in four months if they can actually get back to you. I know who it is going to be assigned to, it is going to be assigned to me. I have already done most of the calculations and I am going to tell you where I am going to come out but don't ask me to put it in writing or call the Town because I can't. As I said, they have just lost 50% of their staff and they have just been assigned two other programs to administer. There are ways of overcoming it and that is to give either conditional waivers or approvals with condition precedence. I Mr. Orlowski: You still need Health Department. I IAJIL Mr. Nachez : I 'm talking about prior to Health Department. You have to have Health Department before you can utilize the facility. 1 v i s i �• 00 - TRUSTEES �. John M.Bredeme er,III,President A:! F Henry P.Smith,Vice President Albert J. Krupski,Jr. John L.Bednoski,Jr. .'.' •l aNTn hall John B.Tuthill —t r 53095 Main Road P.O.Box 1179 Telephone(516)765-1892 • BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Southold,New York 11971 Fax(516)765-1823 TOWN OF SO=OLD TO: Valerie Scopaz FROM: John M. Bredemeyer, III RE: Daniel Natches and Associates Inc. for Brewer Yacht Yard. SCTM #1000-43-3-2 DATE: August 2 , 1991 The Southold Trustees reviewed the proposed preliminary plan of the above referenced site and offer the following: Jurisdiction: All new and or altered structures which are within 75 ' of surface waters will require a Town wetland permit (Chapter. 97) or waiver therefrom. Therefore most all items "a" thru "L" on. Daniel Natchez letter of 7/17/91 will be jurisdictional under Chapter 97. CONCERNS- , Most areas of Trustee concern center around waste disposal. i Pumpout facility: We are under the impression that the County Health Department will require liquid wastes from a pumpout to go directly to an approved subsurface disposal system. ' The Trustees would prefer a fixed location for the pumpout which is always accessible such as a fuel dock or similar dedicated space -which is easy to navigate to and can provide for proper signage and supervision.. Swimmingpool: Backwash waste water must be routed to an approved subsurface disposal system. Boat wash down: Boat wash down operations if concentrated at the. he concrete pad and travel lift area must be provided with drainage to a readily serviceable drywell or containment facility to minimize wash waste from re-entering the harbor (include plans with permit apps. ) • i Runoff: All building and impervious surfaces should be provided with rainfall runoff containment for at least a 2 inch rainfall or as otherwise provided by law or policy. ( include plans with permit apps. ) Pollutants: The waste oil facility might if feasible allow for other boat toxic storage such as zinc and metal for recycling, anti-freeze and other fluids which could periodically be brought to the Town S.T.O.P. facility. Other issues: Need for other permits in addition to NYSDOS, Army Corp. , NYSDEC, Trustee and Planning approvals the Town Zoning Board should be consulted for their jurisdiction on setbacks to the vegetated tidal wetlands on the southern side of the property. Parkinq areas : Ideally parking areas should be sloped or configured to minimize direct overland discharge of major rain runoff events into vegetated wetlands to the south. Water dependant uses versus water enhanced uses : Where possible only water dependant uses should be encouraged for the site; particularly since the lack of a communal sewer system hook up means most all human wastes will be only partially treated in conventional subsurface disposal systems. SEpRA Coordination:' Provided the above issues can be addressed satisfactorily the Trustees will likely prefer the Planning Board be lead agency under .SEQRA. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this application early in the submission process. JMB:jmt DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. 916 East Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543-4109 914-698-5678 FAX Number(914)698-7321 March 10, 1992 Mr. Bob Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer TOWN OF SOUTHOLD VIA CERTIFIED MAIL OP720 378 200 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 RE: Brewer's Yacht Yard in rreenoort Dear Mr. Kassner: On behalf of Brewer's Yacht Yard in Greenport, DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. , (hereinafter referred to as DSN&A) wishes to use this letter to confirm your clarification of site plan runoff requirements to the undersigned. In the memorandum from John M. Bredemeyer, III to Valerie Scopaz, dated August 2, 1991 (a copy is attached for your convenience) runoff for the above referenced project was addressed as follows: A17 building and impervious surfaces should be provided with rainfall runoff containment for at least a 2 inch rainfall or as otherwise provided by law or policy. You provided clarification by stating the the above only applies to proposed buildings and proposed impervious surfaces. Only newly proposed buildings and proposed impervious surfaces should be provided with rainfall runoff containment for at least a 2 inch rainfall or as otherwise provided by law or policy. DSN&A believes the above accurately reflects your clarification of the memorandum. If this does not accurately reflect your clarification or is otherwise incorrect, please contact the undersigned immediately. DSN&A also thanks you very much for meeting with us on 03/06/92 to discuss the memorandum. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate contacting the undersigned. Sincerely, am s Si el DLPLANNING Associ JSS/blEnclosure cc: BREWER Brewer Yacht Yard GroupARD brwr-g\bk-107 - TRUSTEESG�' �PIS John M.Bredemeyer,III,Presidento .;. f•�J= ' 1 SUPERVISOR RK— 7r-y/ y ' r#C i Z Henry P.Smith,Vice President W �,z`,,, (., ^ SCOTT L.HARRIS Albert J. Krupski,Jr. 4.4.� John L.Bednoski,Jr. ��°3 ,SCS Town Hall John B.Tuthill -- 53095 Main Road P.O.Box 1179 Telephone(516)765-1892 • BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Southold,New York 11971 Fax(516)765-1823 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Valerie Scopaz FROM: John M. Bredemeyer, III RE: Daniel Natches and Associates Inc. for Brewer Yacht Yartd. SCTM #1000-43-3-2 DATE: August 2, 1991 The Southold Trustees reviewed the proposed preliminary plan of the above referenced site and offer the following: Jurisdiction: All new and or altered structures which are within 75 ' of surface waters will require a Town wetland permit (Chapter 97) or waiver therefrom. Therefore most all items "a" thru "L" or. Daniel Natchez letter of 7/17/91 will be jurisdictional under Chapter 97. CONCERNS: Most areas of Trustee concern center around waste disposal. Pumpout facility: We are under the impression that the County Health Department will require liquid wastes from a pumpout to go directly to an approved subsurface disposal system. ' The Trustees would prefer a fixed location for the pumpout which is always accessible such as a fuel dock or similar dedicated space - which is easy to navigate to and can provide for proper signage and supervision. Swimmingpool:. Backwash waste water must be routed to an approved subsurface disposal system. Boat wash down: Boat wash down operations if concentrated at the concrete pad and travel lift area must be provided with drainage to a readily serviceable drywell or containment facility to minimize wash waste from re-entering the harbor (include plans with permit apps. ) Runoff: All building and impervious surfaces should be provided with rainfall runoff containment for at least a 2 inch rainfall or as otherwise provided by law or policy. (include plans with permit apps. ) Pollutants: The waste oil facility might if feasible allow for other boat toxic storage such as zinc and metal for recycling, anti-freeze and other fluids which could periodically be brought to the Town S.T.O.P. facility. Other issues: Need for other permits in addition to NYSDOS, Army Corp. , NYSDEC, Trustee and Planning approvals the Town Zoning Board should be consulted for their jurisdiction on setbacks to the vegetated tidal wetlands on the southern side of the property. Parking areas : Ideally parking areas should be sloped or configured to minimize direct overland discharge of major rain runoff events into vegetated wetlands to the south. Water dependant uses versus water enhanced uses: Where possible only water dependant uses should be encouraged for the site particularly since the lack of a communal sewer system hook up means most all human wastes will be only partially treated in conventional subsurface disposal systems. SEQRA Coordination:' Provided the above issues can be addressed satisfactorily the Trustees will likely prefer the Planning Board be lead agency under .SEQRA. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this application early in the submission process. JMB:jmt r DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. 916 East Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543-4109 914-698-5678 FAX Number(914)698-7321 March 10, 1992 Mr. Bob Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer TOWN OF SOUTHOLD VIA CERTIFIED MAIL #P720 378 200 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 RE: Brewer's�Yacht Yard ih Creeneart Dear Mr. Kassner: On behalf of Brewer's Yacht Yard in Greenport, DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. , (hereinafter referred to as DSN&A) wishes to use this letter to confirm your clarification of site plan runoff requirements to the undersigned. In the memorandum from John M. Bredemeyer, III to Valerie Scopaz, dated August 2, 1991 (a copy is attached for your convenience) runoff for the above referenced project was addressed as follows: A77 building and impervious surfaces should be provided with rainfall runoff containment for at least a 2 inch rainfall or as otherwise provided by law or policy. You provided clarification by stating the the above only applies to proposed buildings and proposed impervious surfaces. Only newly proposed buildings and proposed impervious surfaces should be provided with rainfall runoff containment for at least a 2 inch rainfall or as otherwise provided by law or policy. DSN&A believes the above accurately reflects your clarification of the memorandum. If this does not accurately reflect your clarification or is otherwise incorrect, please contact the undersigned immediately. DSN&A also thanks you very much for meeting with us on 03/06/92 to discuss the memorandum. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate contacting the undersigned. Sincerely, am 's Siel e Y Asso`aC6 o ffrn !�"� JSS/blEnclosure cc: BREWER Brewer Yacht Yard Grou sou1HOLDTOP PLANNING BOA brur-9\bk-l01 - TRUSTEES John M.Bredemeyer,III,President c ;k ,c t SUPERVISOR Henry P.Smith,Vice President .y+ ' ZL SCOTT L.HARRIS Albert J.Krupski,Jr. John L.Bednoski,Jr. f r31..:y3 .��� Town Hall John B.Tuthill 53095 Main Road P.O.Box 1179 Telephone(516)765-1892 • BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Southold,New York 11971 Fax(5 16)765-1823 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Valerie Scopaz FROM: John M. Bredemeyer, III RE: Daniel Natches and Associates Inc, for Brewer Yacht Yatd. SCTM #1000-43-3-2 j. DATE: August 2, 1991 The Southold Trustees reviewed the proposed preliminary plan of the above referenced site and offer the following: Jurisdiction: All new and or altered structures which are within 75' of surface waters will require a Town wetland permit (Chapter 97) or waiver therefrom. Therefore most all items "a" thru "L" or. Daniel Natchez letter of 7/17/91 will be jurisdictional under Chapter 97. CONCERNS: Most areas of Trustee concern center around waste disposal. Pumpout facility: We are under the impression that the County ,Health Department will require liquid wastes from a pumpout to go directly to an approved subsurface disposal system. ' The Trustees would prefer a fixed location for the pumpout which is always accessible such as a fuel dock or similar dedicated space which is easy to navigate to and can provide for proper signage and supervision. Swimming pool: Backwash waste water must be routed to an approved subsurface disposal system. Boat wash down: Boat wash down operations if concentrated at the concrete pad and travel lift area must be provided with drainage to a readily serviceable drywell or containment facility to minimize wash waste from re-entering the harbor ( include plans with permit apps. ) Runoff: All building and impervious surfaces should be provided with rainfall runoff containment for at least a 2 inch rainfall or as otherwise provided by law or policy. (include plans with permit apps. ) Pollutants: The waste oil facility might if feasible allow for other boat toxic storage such as zinc and metal for recycling, anti-freeze and other fluids which could periodically be brought to the Town S.T.O.P. facility. Other issues: Need for other permits in addition to NYSDOS, Army Corp. , NYSDEC, Trustee and Planning approvals the Town Zoning Board should be consulted for their jurisdiction on setbacks to the vegetated tidal wetlands on the southern side of the property. Parking areas : Ideally parking ,4reas should be sloped or configured to minimize direct overland discharge of major rain runoff events into vegetated wetlands to the south. Water dependant uses versus water enhanced uses : Where possible only water dependant uses should be encouraged for the site; particularly since the lack of a communal sewer system hook up means most all human wastes will be only partially treated in conventional subsurface disposal systems. SEQRA Coordination:' Provided the above issues can be addressed satisfactorily the Trustees will likely prefer the Planning Board be lead agency under .SEQRA. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this application early in the submission process. JMB:jmt DANIEL S. NA"i"��i�� ,:sad r=v���� 91��a. int. ......,. •,,......A.. ..,�,,....,� .-,.,.,,.�.. .�.w..,.d..�, „�•,...,... - - a.�,..u.. ..,H...,.... ..Wad•..... .,.�...,. 916 Las[Boston ?oar Road :,Vainaroneek. York 1054-3.4109 916-698-56:8 FAX Number(914)698.73..21 F1� j^ f � ae a •- . [•' + �I{ `S' ?3 /� {'� (\ jQ`p q} \ A C f I Sri T. �.� t� �f !1-� S Yt A E J Ira w ✓ S 1 0 N SENT lo: s � i. c2 FA ' i n . J _may . COMPANY L.:TE SENT. V-111 r' Ti)[;,w PP'lS ( [CNCLUOING THIS SHEET) : SE"If BI: Rt: qtr ail � ' /FKr=re(I r IN4TRlC i[ON'S / f ! , 5-- -�-- - -- - a d- - - ------ -- G --so NNINGBOPR — if you hd e a-ai �r pr^blems rega d7ny this trafi..,missJon, please do Holl hesit4te to ca11. r HOJ-E4H_C.41I5,l[R47iTiON CID mo 21 -41 ms of i � � � ♦ ' Ali LU I 1 C i I Q / .J'�.�' )/ '/�� �_ �!'R,OF:076.1 tl pT.-•._ -1�_ ._ � �' �� �I��� um o' Jo' So' 9c' 1,a' isG�So' LiF�j' _ al 9aFwER YAStiLY[�sL_GSeEN£Dg_Jtic Q # ♦� c_ENP.ORT HARBOR 4ANHANSET A1EN!tE 'VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN r1.(S=-SOU tNO�.O ?- COUNtt OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK PREPARED BY. DANIEL S. NATGNE2 mC ASSOCIATES. Inc. 916 EAST B POST ROAD MAMARONECK, NEWEW YORK 10543-4109 (914) 698-6578 IF DATED: 10/17/91 REVISED: 10/18/91 MEMORANDUM TO FILE FROM: Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner A RE: Brewers Yacht Yard Greenport, N.Y. SCTM # 1000-43-3-2 DATE: September 25, 1991 On September 27, 1991, Ben Orlowski, Jay Bredemeyer and Gerry Goehringer will meet to review the preliminary application of Brewers Yacht Yard. The purpose of the meeting will be to clarify the respective jurisdictions of the Zoning Board and the Board of Trustees, so that the applicant can be informed about how to fill out the application forms. The facts are as follows: The applicant wishes to make near-simultaneous applications to the Zoning Board, the Trustees and the Planning Board, as well as to the County Health Dept. and the State Dept. of Enviromental Conservation. In the interest of moving this proposal along expeditiously and smoothly, the applicant asked for clarification about how to fill out the application forms. Since I was able to help with the site plan application, but not the Trustee and ZBA applications, Mr. Natchez asked if it would be possible to have one meeting with representatives of all three boards present to answer his questions. He did not wish to go around to each office separately because in his experience with this Town on a prior project at the Yacht Yard, he felt that the potential for misunderstandings and differing interpretations between offices and overlooked details was too great. (He made it clear that he was not looking for hints about how each board was going to decide; only for technical guidance about how to fill out each application form. ) The applicant wants to apply for a Special Exception for a restaurant use from the Zoning Board. It is clear from the Zoning Code that the applicant has the right to apply for this use. It is also clear from the preliminary site plan, that the applicant has sufficient land area in the Marine II district to accomodate this use, in addition to the other land uses present on the site. Mr. Natchez had no questions about the Special Exception application. He did have questions about to whom to apply for what variances. Mr. Natchez is fairly certain that he must apply for variances for a reduction of required setbacks from the wetlands and the bulkhead for the club house/restaurant. The Zoning Board and the Trustees need to decide which board has jurisdiction over what. There is also the issue of the pool. Mr. Natchez brought up the fact that the pool had been part of the 1986 application to the Trustees for permission to dredge. On October 31, 1986, the Trustees specifically granted a waiver of permit requirements for the pool. A copy of that decision is in the Planning Board file for the 1986 site plan application. The pool location also is included the 1986 application by the Yard to the State DEC, so it appears that the State has already reviewed and approved the pool' s location. However, the Trustees must determine whether the 1986 waiver is still valid. If it is not, does the Zoning Board have jurisdiction over the pool this time around? cc: Victor Lessard, Principal Building Inspector Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman, Zoning Board of Appeals John Bredemeyer, III, President, Board of Trustees Harvey Arnoff, Town Attorney T F SUFFO(,rcu4 r. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS o j SCOTT L. HARRIS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman G'0 ` "f►�.� Supervisor George Ritchie Latham, Jr. Richard G. Ward Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonald P.O. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 MEMORANDUM TO: Bennett Orlowski, Jr. , Chairman FROM: Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner RE: Brewers Yacht Yard Greenport, N.Y. SCTM # 1000-43-3-2 DATE: September 20, 1991 On September 19, I met with Daniel Natchez, Larissa Moskowitz and Mike Acebo at their request. They had some questions regarding certain issues that were raised in the September 12th letter from this office. Since the presubmission meeting of July 23rd, the owner of the yard decided to apply for a use which will require a Special Exception from the Zoning Board. Accordingly, the Zoning Board should be brought into the pre-application discussions to ensure smooth coordination. It was agreed that it would be constructive to have another meeting, within a week if possible; with a representative from each of the following present: the Board of Trustees, the Zoning Board and the Building Department. The purpose of the meeting would be to help the applicant in the preparation of his applications to each office. (Brewer' s Yacht Yard is going to submit its applications simultaneously, so that the environmental review can be coordinated efficiently. ) Specifically, the areas of jurisdiction of the Trustees and the Zoning Board regarding setbacks from wetlands and bulkheads must be defined clearly so as to avoid any delays or confusion. (There is no confusion about the Special Exception application. ) Presumably, the Trustees' office, the Zoning Board office and the Building Department will arrange to meet on this matter before the joint meeting with the applicant. CC: John Bredemeyer, III, President, Board of Trustees Victor Lessard, Principal Building Inspector Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman, Zoning Board of Appeals* * A copy of the preliminary draft site plan is enclosed for your Board' s information. As noted on the plan, it is for discussion purposes only. The Yard has not made a site plan application, yet. Also included are copies of: the Planning Board' s letter of September 12, 1991, the Trustees ' memorandum of August, and the covering letter that came with the preliminary draft plan. DANIEL 5. ;'dry CHEEK and ISSOCIAs'L'S, Mc. d 916 Fast Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543-41og 914-698-5678 FAX Number(914)698-7321 A C S I M I L E iF A X) i €2 A NS M I S S I O N SENT TO: G / ) CeSSat /'Gr FAX 1: COMp"WI: %�/ii rl c .�O cu �c(G,� C U'�✓;i� ' _%gyp,?a,'- 'Jho I - DATE SENT: J%/ �//�/ TOTAL SAGES (INCLUDFNG THIS SHEET): 3 SENT BY: Lzj-i RE INSTRUCTIONS & COMMENTS: —� a �� •.�.f��!`.-+ .;i __�.- �1 F C' �� J i 7'�.s ���.�.Y•7' �4,lj n� jet ✓mac,{? Yf 1!' s -i'� YyyJ �t• /j( J/01-4 Ol T l 'U/.` v v!d(. /Ui.c / /iL /4U- Iri�U Off_ >�•'/';�?T�� yl j u v; �AP C �5� -SyI`zCcCl� x"104\ IF you havc any questions or problems regarding this transaission, please do not hesitate to ca11. 0, ct as _st � • 1 IF rx n / o a•.^� `'"rye _ " � Lin M y ` '?�����I� `` �^� � • Ynmmm �N K brat{ p N i .e.t TOTHL FHGE . 003 nr HDLL4AS�9P15!HUG110H ---- 2HLELL-FI=3E1E.Put1 MAP R—_LL;tM—E&Al BREWER YACHT YM,p, _�ryLLd)FA8J�INC- WTOtX COUNTY TAY MAP Mo. 1000 SECTION: DAA BLOCK: G] LOT' 4102 `l M.%D-%L \\`\ UANHAHSET AYFNUE AND BEACH ROAD BY SURVEY UhYEPH A. ` OREENPORT. NEW YORK t1044 1NGE040 LAND SUNVEYQR fOKANE 1D.40 NEW YORK U CSNSE ttf AENSEO: O9/75/9/25/g t F � SURLDEVEY BY YOYOUNG h YT7UNO MEA,. NEW YORK A9, UCEN tY. UNC. P.E. k 4S. UOEN SE N0. 17545 "1 HOWARD W. YOUNG, L.S. t,, 4b Sir d LICENSE N0, / 6 & / REV15EU: 05/77/7/ ZA 46 T NNN /s Ci \ I (/ 1 EN TRANCE' ! I .`, ` \ v AP"110010 CORM/ BY: fft I DAM):05/1'S CORP./90 I reorosEo LxAnar } OF NJB NWSE iY nmo rJ _ � i:N. FULL 71.5 'R� i�f1)�n1ER � � HAtN n_Nnl+t.4 V AT � 'a61 POOL D-- i /' 4fkff•0>'LO_l oullnAU l il. 1 ` A1411f Yf.NFNC[ lI �1_ EL. A __ AH9l0R Ut;CHRu:-Iii_-.. TIMpFX AREA iPR!�7'JSEf� PROPOSE) . /�J ( \. •'•..�� _ _ MA51.31LCr_-�= MECS1/ CAL (�� _-----, -_---- 1 . .�_. } I ._._ MA7CN LINF �'��'• .ter ••"•^•"�••••'a•y.n .1 /.�41�fF1 YA?CF1 IINC 1 f0lw MAG4 PJAXO��(''?� SfONn \' w TE 40CE k I r �\g4%\J F04�o PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ca Z SCOTT L. HARRIS W Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Oy�. � �� Supervisor George Ritchie Latham, Jr. Qj Richard G. Ward �� - [ �` . Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Mark S. McDonald P.O. Box 1179 Kenneth L. Edwards Southold, New York 11971 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Telephone (516) 765-1938 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 Geptember 12, 1991 Daniel S. Natchez, President Daniel S. Natchez and Associates, Inc. 916 East Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543-4109 Re: Proposed Site Plan Amendments for Brewer Yacht Yard, Greenport SCTM # 1000-43-3-2 Dear Mr. Natchez: This is in response to your pre-submission conference with Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner, on July 23, 1991. The comments that follow are based on the Planning Board' s inspection of the site, and its review of the Trustees' report about those portions of the proposal within their jurisdiction. The proposal presented at the July 23rd meeting, and set forth in your draft site plan and cover letter dated July 17, 1991, seems to be satisfactory. When you submit the application, the Board would like to see more landscaping shown on the site plan, specifically a ten foot deep landscaped strip along the perimeter of the bulkheading, and a ten foot deep strip of landscaping with street trees along the property boundaries bordered by Manhasset Avenue and Beach Road. While provision of this landscaping is likely to reduce the number of parking spaces provided, the proposal shows an excess of sixty one parking spaces. While we are not requiring this change, we noted that it is possible to shift the "club house" in a northerly direction along the bulkhead so that only the proposed pool and deck lie within 75 feet of the wetlands to the south. Finally, would it be possible to restrict access to Beach Road for emergency ( fire) purposes only? In general, the site plan and the environmental assessment form should address all the concerns of the Board of Trustees. I I ' have enclosed a copy of the Trustees' report, so that you can use it as a checklist. The other outstanding information that is needed on the site plan can be provided by checking the plan against the site plan ordinance itself, a copy of which I beleive you obtained when you were in the office on July 23rd. The drainage calculations and the drainage plans for retaining all stormwater runoff onsite can be shown on the site plan or on a separate set of plans if you prefer. Please make an application to the Trustees at the same time that you submit the site plan application to this office, so that the two boards can coordinate on the environmental review at the same time. When you submit the application to the Trustees, they will advise you whether you will need to make an application to the Zoning Board of Appeals. ( In their report, you will notice that there was some question as to whether all of the wetlands were within their jurisdiction. ) If such should be necessary, this office will include the Zoning Board in its coordination of the environmental review. It also is recommended that you make applications to the County Health Department, the State Department of Environmental Conservation at the same time you apply to the Town, because these agencies will be asked to comment on your application during the coordinated environmental review. The Village of Greenport will be included in the coordinated environmental review also. If you have any questions or concerns about this letter or how to proceed, please contact Valerie Scopaz of this office. Very truly yours, /�ir �rs✓�c.,J�✓,�iCs Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman Enc. VS/vs CC: William Pell, Mayor, Village of Greenport John M. Bredemeyer III, President, Board of Trustees Victor Lessard, Principal Building Inspector Larissa Moskowitz, Project Manager Jack Brewer, Owner Michael Acebo, Yard Manager, Brewers Yacht Yard f .�1 It i TRUSTEESC'� l! John M.Bredemeyer,III,President o to c. 1 SUPERVISOR /�/<— ��/ y Henry P. Smith,Vice President SCOTT L. HARRIS Albert J. Krupski,Jr. John L. Bednoski,Jr. 71 r �, Town Hall ; John B.Tuthill 53095 Main Road P.O.Box 1179 Telephone(516)765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Southold,New York 11971 Fax(516)765-1823 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Valerie Scopaz FROM: John M. Bredemeyer, III RE: Daniel Natches and Associates Inc. for Brewer Yacht Ya,td. SCTM #1000-43-3-2 DATE: August 2, 1991 The Southold Trustees reviewed the proposed preliminary plan of the above referenced site and offer the following: Jurisdiction: All new and or altered structures which are within 75 ' of surface waters will require a Town wetland permit (Chapter 97) or waiver therefrom. Therefore most all items "a" thru "L" on Daniel Natchez letter of 7/17/91 will be jurisdictional under Chapter 97. CONCERNS: Most areas of Trustee concern center around waste disposal. Pumpout facility: we are under the impression that the County Health Department will require liquid wastes from a pumpout to go directly to an approved subsurface disposal system. The Trustees would prefer a fixed location for the pumpout which is always accessible such as a fuel dock or similar dedicated space which is easy to navigate to and can provide for proper signage and supervision. Swimming pool: Backwash waste water must be routed to an approved subsurface disposal system. Boat wash down: Boat wash down operations if concentrated at the concrete pad and travel lift area must be provided with drainage to a readily serviceable drywell or containment facility to minimize wash waste from re-entering the harbor ( include plans with permit apps. ) Runoff: All building and impervious surfaces should be provided with rainfall runoff containment for at least a 2 inch rainfall or as otherwise provided by law or policy. ( include plans with permit apps. ) Pollutants: The waste oil facility might if feasible allow for other boat toxic storage such as zinc and metal for recycling, anti-freeze and other fluids which could periodically be brought to the Town S.T.O.P. facility. Other issues: Need for other permits in addition to NYSDOS, Army Corp. , NYSDEC, Trustee and Planning approvals the Town Zoning Board should be consulted for their jurisdiction on setbacks to the vegetated tidal wetlands on the southern side of the property. Parking areas : Ideally parking areas should be sloped or configured to minimize direct overland discharge of major rain runoff events into vegetated wetlands to the south. Water dependant uses versus water enhanced uses• Where possible only water dependant uses should be encouraged for the site; particularly since the lack of a communal sewer system hook up means most all human wastes will be only partially treated in conventional subsurface disposal systems. i SEQRA Coordination:' Provided the above issues can be addressed satisfactorily the Trustees will likely prefer the Planning Board be lead agency under SEQRA. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this application early in the submission process. JMB:jmt DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. �g .......� .,,........ .......� ..,...,.w .,�...� ......,� .1: .,.,.,. 916 East Boston Post Road Mamaroneck. New York 10543-4109 914-698.5678 FAX Number(914)698-7321 Office of the President July 17, 1991 Ms. Valerie Scopaz Town Planner Federal Express Airbill ;# 0537492281 Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT Dear Ms. Scopaz: In anticipation of our pre-application meeting, enclosed please fine two (2) copies of the preliminary Site Plan Map we will be discussing. Mike Acebo, Manager of BREWER will be accompanying DSN&A at the meeting. As per our telephone coversation with your office, the purpose of the meeting is to discuss, in a pre-application approach, the activities desired to be undertaken. by BREWER. The proposed activities center around: a) construction of a new Storage and Work Building; b) completion of an Extention to Existing Storage and Work Building; c) construction of a new Bathroom Facility; d) relocation of the Club House Building; e) construction of a Swimming Pool and Deck with associated Bathroom Facilities f) construction of a Picnic Area with a Gazebo and Brick Walk; g) construction of a new Mast Shed & Shop; removal of the existing Mast Shed; h) construction of a Paved Access Way from main entrance to storage & work buildings; construction of two additional Concrete Pads; i ) minor modification of some of the Floating Docks without creating any additional slips and without extenting beyond the previously presented reconfiguration perimeter area; j) completion of Planter Boxes to be placed between the bulkhead and parking spaces, and in various other areas of the property; k) placement of a 5'x 8' 275 Gallon Waste Oil Containment Facility; 1 ) placement of a Fixed or Portable Pump-Out Facility and a Septic Holding Tank to handle boat sewage. This Site Plan is modifying the Site Plan Dated May 19, 1984 as Revised Through 9/16/86 which was previously presented to the Town of Southold. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. jiryc%erely, S.Nat J DSN/lnm Daniell S. Natchez Enclosure President cc: Mike Acebo Jack Brewer brwr-g2\town-01 A � 1 �g�1FfOlrC ��C.E� TRUSTEES John M.Bredemeyer,III,President O� SUPERVISOR /1K— f)// Henry P. Smith,Vice President W SCOTT L.HARRIS Albert J.Krupski,Jr. • 'F John L. Bednoski,Jr. Town�a0� Town Hall John B.Tuthill # 53095 Main Road P.O.Box 1179 Telephone(516)765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Southold,New York 11971 Fax(516)765-1823 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Valerie Scopaz FROM: John M. Bredemeyer, III RE: Daniel Natches and Associates Inc. for Brewer Yacht Yard. SCTM #1000-43-3-2 DATE: August 2, 1991 The Southold Trustees reviewed the proposed preliminary plan of the above referenced site and offer the following: Jurisdiction: All new and or altered structures which are within 75 ' of surface waters will require a Town wetland permit (Chapter 97 ) or waiver therefrom. Therefore most all items "a" thru "L" on Daniel Natchez letter of 7/17/91 will be jurisdictional under Chapter 97. CONCERNS- Most areas of Trustee concern center around waste disposal. Pumpout facility: We are under the impression that the County Health Department will require liquid wastes from a pumpout to go directly to an approved subsurface disposal system. The Trustees would prefer a fixed location for the pumpout which is always accessible such as a fuel dock or similar dedicated space which is easy to navigate to and can provide for proper signage and supervision. Swimming pool: Backwash waste water must be routed to an approved subsurface disposal system. Boat wash down: Boat wash down operations if concentrated at the concrete pad and travel lift area must be provided with drainage to a readily serviceable drywell or containment facility to minimize wash waste from re-entering the harbor ( include plans with permit apps. ) Runoff : All building and impervious surfaces should be provided with rainfall runoff containment for at least a 2 inch rainfall or as otherwise provided by law or policy. ( include plans with permit apps. ) Pollutants: The waste oil facility might if feasible allow for other boat toxic storage such as zinc and metal for recycling, anti-freeze and other fluids which could periodically be brought to the Town S.T.O.P. facility. Other issues: Need for other permits in addition to NYSDOS, Army Corp. , NYSDEC, Trustee and Planning approvals the Town Zoning Board should be consulted for their jurisdiction on setbacks to the vegetated tidal wetlands on the southern side of the property. Parking areas: Ideally parking areas should be sloped or configured to minimize direct overland discharge of major rain runoff events into vegetated wetlands to the south. Water dependant uses versus water enhanced uses: Where possible only water dependant uses should be encouraged for the site; particularly since the lack of a communal sewer system hook up means most all human wastes will be only partially treated in conventional subsurface disposal systems. SEQRA Coordination: Provided the above issues can be addressed satisfactorily the Trustees will likely prefer the Planning Board be lead agency under SEQRA. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this application early in the submission process. JMB:jmt DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. .N.�.,,.w ....,...� ..AA..... N,..,.,,.. ..,,.w.N wrnnww. ,,......w .MA..,., M....Mti ...,........,. 916 East Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543-4109 914-698.5678 FAX Number(914)698-7321 July 24, 1991 Ms. Valerie Scopaz Town Planner Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT Dear Ms. Scopaz: As per your request of 7/23/91, enclosed please find my Business Card. If you should have any questions, comments or concerns about the BREWER YACHT YARD at GREENPORT Project, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, —�Larissa N. Moskowitz LNM Project Manager BRWR-G2\VS- LO1 JUL 2 6 1991 DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. ,fig 916 East Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543-4109 914-698-5678 FAX Number(914)698-7321 Office of the President July 17,1991 Ms. Valerie Scopaz Town Planner Federal Express Airbill # 0537492281 Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT Dear Ms. Scopaz: In anticipation of our pre-application meeting, enclosed please fine two (2) copies of the preliminary Site Plan Map we will be discussing. Mike Acebo, Manager of BREWER will be accompanying DSN&A at the meeting. As per our telephone coversation with your office, the purpose of the meeting is to discuss, in a pre-application approach, the activities desired to be undertaken by BREWER. The proposed activities center around: a) construction of a new Storage and Work Building; b) completion of an Extention to Existing Storage and Work Building; c) construction of a new Bathroom Facility; d) relocation of the Club House Building; e) construction of a Swimming Pool and Deck with associated Bathroom Facilities f) construction of a Picnic Area with a Gazebo and Brick Walk; g) construction of a new Mast Shed & Shop; removal of the existing Mast Shed; h) construction of a Paved Access Way from main entrance to storage & work buildings; construction of two additional Concrete Pads; i ) minor modification of some of the Floating Docks without creating any additional slips and without extenting beyond the previously presented reconfiguration perimeter area; j) completion of Planter Boxes to be placed between the bulkhead and parking spaces, and in various other areas of the property; k) placement of a 5'x 8' 275 Gallon Waste Oil Containment Facility; 1 ) placement of a Fixed or Portable Pump-Out Facility and a Septic Holding Tank to handle boat sewage. This Site Plan is modifying the Site Plan Dated May 19, 1984 as Revised Through 9/16/86 which was previously presented to the Town of Southold. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Siryc rely, !�)/ DSN/lnm Daniel S. Natchez JUL 1091Enclosure President .,U� cc: Mike Acebo Jack Brewer brwr-g2\town-01 Brewers Yacht Yard Visit Sterling Marina on way to Brewers--just drive through. Note landscaping throughout and its visual benefit by land and sea. Add 10' of landscaping including street trees to the perimeter of the property along Manhasset Avenue and Beach Road? All land across from the marina is zoned residential, (yes, including the cemeta��ry✓✓✓) . Add � q� 1P' landscaping buffer along perimeter of bulkheads? Eliminate existing access to Beach Road? Or retain for emergency access purposes only? / Move building and pool back from wetlands? See map for proposed location. Moving these two structures back will provide for a larger grassed recreation and picnic area between the pool and the edge of the bulkhead. Moving building would result in only pool being within 75 ' of wetlands edge. See tracing paper attached to sketch plan. Review Trustees' comments, attached. See also highlighting on site plan and on attached letter from Brewer' s Yacht Yard. Town owns paved over property to the south. It is an eyesore. Village residents have access to waterfront and docks and moorings, all of which are within the Incorporated Village boundaries. Slips for 164 boats. 225 parking spaces shown. T Brewers Yacht Yard Visit Sterling Marina on way to Brewers--just drive through. Note landscaping throughout and its visual benefit by land and sea. Add 10' of landscaping including street trees to the perimeter of the property along Manhasset Avenue and Beach Road? All land across from the marina is zoned residential, (yes, including the cemetary) . Add 5 or 1011andscaping buffer along perimeter of bulkheads? Eliminate existing access to Beach Road? Or retain for emergency access purposes only? Move building and pool back from wetlands? See map for proposed location. Moving these two structures back will provide for a larger grassed recreation and picnic area between the pool and the edge of the bulkhead. Moving building would result in only pool being within 75 ' of wetlands edge. See tracing paper attached to sketch plan. Review Trustees' comments, attached. See also highlighting on site plan and on attached letter from Brewer' s Yacht Yard. Town owns paved over property to the south. It is an eyesore. Village residents have access to waterfront and docks and moorings, all of which are within the Incorporated Village boundaries. Slips for 164 boats. 225 parking spaces shown. TRUSTEES ,,y°�': ` �✓ �/s John M.Btedemeyer,III,Presidento SUPERVISOR /1/<- fy// Henry P. Smith,Vice President o : ? SCOTT L.HARRIS Albert J.Krupski,Jr. O John L.Bednoski,Jr. h,.,�l . [ ,®� Town Hall John B.Tuthill 53095 Main Road P.O.Box 1179 Telephone(516)765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Southold,New York 11971 Fax(516)765-1823 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Valerie Scopaz FROM: John M. Bredemeyer, III RE: Daniel Natches and Associates Inc. for Brewer Yacht Yard. SCTM 41000-43-3-2 DATE: August 2, 1991 The Southold Trustees reviewed the proposed preliminary plan of the above referenced site and offer the following: Jurisdiction: All new and or altered structures which are within 75 ' of surface waters will require a Town wetland permit (Chapter 97 ) or waiver therefrom. Therefore most all items "a" thru "L" on Daniel Natchez letter of 7/17/91 will be jurisdictional under Chapter 97. CONCERNS: Most areas of Trustee concern center around waste disposal. Pumpout facility: We are under the impression that the County Health Department will require liquid wastes from a pumpout to go directly to an approved subsurface disposal system. The Trustees would prefer a fixed location for the pumpout which is always accessible such as a fuel dock or similar dedicated space which is easy to navigate to and can provide for proper signage and supervision. Swimming pool: Backwash waste water must be routed to an approved subsurface disposal system. Boat wash down: Boat wash down operations if concentrated at the concrete pad and travel lift area must be provided with drainage to a readily serviceable drywell or containment facility to minimize wash waste from re-entering the harbor (include plans with permit apps. ) i Runoff: All building and impervious surfaces should be provided with rainfall runoff containment for at least a 2 inch rainfall or as otherwise provided by law or policy. (include plans with permit apps. ) Pollutants: The waste oil facility might if feasible allow for other boat toxic storage such as zinc and metal for recycling, anti-freeze and other fluids which could periodically be brought to the Town S.T.O.P. facility. Other issues: Need for other permits in addition to NYSDOS, Army Corp. , NYSDEC, Trustee and Planning approvals the Town Zoning Board should be consulted for their jurisdiction on setbacks to the vegetated tidal wetlands on the southern side of the property. Parking areas: Ideally parking areas should be sloped or configured to minimize direct overland discharge of major rain runoff events into vegetated wetlands to the south. Water dependant uses versus water enhanced uses : Where possible only water dependant uses should be encouraged for the site; particularly since the lack of a communal sewer system hook up means most all human wastes will be only partially treated in conventional subsurface disposal systems. SEQRA Coordination: Provided the above issues can be addressed satisfactorily the Trustees will likely prefer the Planning Board be lead agency under SEQRA. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this application early in the submission process. JMB: jmt 'wv�✓/ *at;,FK- y77 '57s-9�l /1--Xe_ 7eO si 19-5 ox7F�c(c 0 �- 3S� �" JU' as' A��'�i�(/�L � o7d �j �T-/t-�j>j>2cti; �4�iio� TanS:OC DANIEI S. NATCHEIA TES, Inc. 916 East Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543-4109 914-698-5678 - Office of the President FAX Number(914)698-7321 � _ July 17,1991 Ms. Valerie Scopaz Town Planner Federal Express Airbill # 0537492281 Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT Dear Ms. Scopaz: In anticipation of our pre-application meeting, enclosed please fine two (2) copies of the preliminary Site Plan Map we will be discussing. Mike Acebo, Manager of BREWER will be accompanying DSN&A at the meeting. As per our telephone coversation with your office, the purpose of the meeting is to discuss, in a pre-application approach, the activities desired to be undertaken by BREWER. The proposed activities center around: ✓I a) construction of a new Storage and Work Building; b) completion of an Extention to Existing Storage and Work Building; ✓ c) construction of a new Bathroom Facility; d) relocation of the Club House Building; e) construction of a Swimming Pool and Deck with associated Bathroom Facilities f) construction of a Picnic Area with a Gazebo and Brick Walk; g) construction of a new Mast Shed & Shop; removal of the existing Mast Shed; h) construction of a Paved Access Way from main entrance to storage & work buildings; construction of two additional Concrete Pads; ✓ i ) minor modification of some of the Floating Docks without creating any additional slips and without extenting beyond the previously presented reconfiguration perimeter area; completion J) p etion of Planter Boxes to be placed between the bulkhead and parking spaces, and in various other areas of the property; k) placement of a 5'x 8' 275 Gallon Waste Oil Containment Facility; 1 ) placement of a Fixed or Portable Pump-Out Facility and a Septic Holding Tank to handle boat sewage. This Site Plan is modifying the Site Plan Dated May 19 1984 as Revised Through 9/16/86 which was previously presented to the Town of Southold. 9 If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Siryc7rely, DSN/lnm Daniel S. Natchez Enclosure President cc: Mike Acebo Jack Brewer brwr-92\town-01 FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY APPROXIMATE DIRECTION OF 500 FOOT OFFSET OF BREWER YACHT YARD \ 9 NORTH AT GREENPORT, INC. PROPERTY \mArm / \\ 4 / MEADpW 9 / 20 4 / 10 \�\ 5 / � �\ 1 / � �� 21 **N \\ C 6 11 15 26 / 3 \ \\ 7 �� 12 18 � 22C � � \ cn 27 17 23 \� — \ �- 13 1- - - - - , - r \\ 8II 18 24 1 25 28 I I MANHANSET AVENUE 29 I 34 40 \ \4 - Ej30 \\ 35� 4136 \ ��8 50 2 /� /�i/��%/�i%/� 311 \ �� 42 \� /BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. 51 I �/ /SUFFOLK, COUNTY TAX MAP No. 1000/ / \ 52 /-/SECTION: 043 BLOCK: 03 LOT: 002 y� \ 37 \� 1 vMANHANSET AVENUE AND SANDY BEACH ROAD/ 43 r/./ GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944, // 32 \ 53 ZONING USE DISTRICT: MARINA38 % %%/% 33 \ _ 44 \ 54 To of so 39 \ UTH // // /// /// /// //I 45 vI \ LI„gGEp, OF GRE LD E1VpORT 56 / i�5� \ 157 /l 58 // 59 60 / l / j- KEY MAP OF PROPERTY OWNERS \ OF LANDS WITHIN 500 FEET OF BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. SECTION-LOT-BLOCK KEY NUMBER NAME & ADDRESS SECTION-LOT-BLOCK KEY NUMBER NAME & ADDRESS SECTION-LOT-BLOCK KEY NUMBER NAME & ADDRESS 043-04-023 SEfTION-LOT-BLOCK SECTION-LOT-BLOCK 043-01-001 043-04-010 51 MARIA ZERVOS E & ADDRESS 25 HOWARD & GRACE SOGEN 38 EMANUEL MORAILIS 7202 6th AVENUE N gER NAME l AWK§S 036 01-001 KEY NUMBER N 034-01-001 6 ALGONQUIN DRIVE 222-50 GARLAND DRIVE1164 1 PATRICIA KOHL 13 ALBf0.T SHIVICKAS BROOKLYN, NY 11209 c/o STIRLING BASIN MARINA 59-74 66st HUNTINGTON STATION, NY 11746 BAVSIDE, NY 113164 MANHANSET AVENUE MASPETH, NY 11378 MARIA KOUKONWOOD LAS TER 043-04-025.3 GREENPORT, NY 11944 26 JOSEPHINE CLAVIN 043-01-010 3g --�VASILIOS CROKOS 043-04-011 52 1233 INW000 TERRACE 043-03-001 14 MR. & MRS. GEORGULOS KONSTANTINO 036-02-012 190 ANGLERS ROAD 153 83rd STREET FORT LEE, NJ 07024 2 SAINT AGNES CHURCH 31-11 35th STREET GREENPORT, NY 11944 BROOKLYN, NY 111209 2050 MANHANSET AVENUE LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11103 21-40THEODRAS & ORS BOUBAS 043-04-025.2 GREENPORT, NY 11944 27 CHAS & MARIAN REINFURT 043-01-090 40 JOHN 8 DIANA RETCIS 043-04-012 53 21-40 47th STREET 036- 03-010 15 MR. & MRS. THOMAS LHANGALIS 02-013 10-28 49th AVENUE 68 KEELER DRIVE ASTORIA, NY 11104 035- 3 SAINT AGNES ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH c/o 14ANOUEL CHANGALIS LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11101 - ALBANY, NY 12208 c/o BENNET, KAVE & SCHOLLY ATTORNEYS P.O. BOX 1451 043-01-008 41 JOHN & DIANA RETOS 043-04-013 54 MR. & MRS. WILLIAM A. HICKSON, JR. 043-04-026 255 MERRICK ROAD. P.O. BOX 138 BETHLEHEM, PA 18016-1451 28 JAMES D'AQUISTO 68 KEELER DRIVE 4 LINCOLN PLACE ROCKVILLE CENTER, NY 11571 3235 MANHANSET AVENUE ALBANY, NY 12208 PORT WASHINGTON, NY 11050-3221 036-02-001 036-02-014 GREENPORT, NY 11944 GEORGE GILLMAN 16 MR. & MRS. JOHN E. HICKEY 043-03-04 4 595 FIDDLER LANE 5401 HIGHWAY 17-92W LOT 167 GEORGE PITTAS 034-04-001 q2 ROBERTA KRSZESKI 043-04-014 55 STATE OF NEW YORK HAINES CITY, FL 33844 29 RR ql, 305 LANDIPVG LANE DIVISION OF LAND UTILIZATION GREENPORT, NY 11944 144-66 G,th AVENUE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT 036-02-003 17 JOHN SHIRUCKAS, JR. 043-01-003 FLUSHING, NY 11354 GREENPORT, NY D1944 EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT - OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES 5 REGINOS EVANGELON 57 BATH 10th STREET 034-04-002 43 GEORGE & ORS KOUKOULAS 043-04-015- THEMYAGOVERNOR ERASTUS ELSONCORNIA-. RO TOWER 415 FIDDLER LANE BROOKLYN, NY 11228 30 GUS GRAFAS C/D,NONDAS KOUKOULAS THE NY, NYNELSON A. ROCKEFELLER EMPIRE STATE PLAZA GREENPORT, NY 11944 40 PROSPECT STREET ALBANY, NY 12242"' 036-02-004 18 CHARLES KRAUSE 043-01-002 SUMMIT, NJ 07901 1231 IEE, N TERRACE 6 TRYFON TZIFAS 2895 MANHANSET AVENUE FORT LEE, NJ 07024 5B TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 043-03-005 23-76 32nd STREET 31 GEORGE HOLEVAS 043-04-003 NY 11105 GREENPORT, NY 11944 22-17 19th STREET 44 RENITA MAGMIT 043-04-016 SOUTHOLD, NY 11411 ASTORIA, 036-02-017 LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11105 11420 ROCKAWAY [BEACH BOULEVARD 043-03-006 036-2-006.1 19 ELIZABETH MUNKEL LESTER ROCIIAWAY PARK, N)Y 11694 51 GEORGE H ROAD ` 7 JEANNE GENOVESSE 2 LAUREL COURT 043-04-004 57 LARCH ROAD 195 FIDDLER LANE LLOYD NECK 32 CHARLES GANASSA BRIARCLIFF MANOR, NY 10510 GREENPORT, NY 11944 HUNTINGTON, NY 11743 19 22nd STREET 45 DAN PANAGROSTREET oa3-oa-017 036-2-007.1 JERICHO, NY 11753 20-l3 45th STREET 98 RICHARD & ELSIE POLLETT 043-03-007 i AARON SADOVE MARY GUIDICE 036-02-019 LONI ISLAND CITY, NY 11105 85 BEACH ROAD g 20 33 PAUL PANTAGES 043-04-005 330 EAST 46th STREET P.O. 80X 535 21-51 46th STREET 46 EMMINUEL TZANNES 043-04-018 GREENPORT, NY 11944 NEW YORK, NY 10017 GREENPORT, NY 11944 ASTORIA, NY 11105 2291WASHINGTON AVENUE 043-03-008 036-02-011 036-02-020.1 GARDEN CITY, NY 11530 59 66 FLORA MAVENUE y HENRY QWINTIN 21 CHRISTOPHER W. & ANDREA M. NIANFREDI 043-04-006 66 FLORAL AVENUE 29-03 171st STREET - MOORES LANE NORTH 34 COSTAS DOURMAS BETHPAGE, NY 11714 FLUSHING, NY 11358 GREENPORT, NY 11944 24-08 37th STREET 41 63RICIK & [ROAD RACANELLI 043-Od-019 036-02-010 LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11103 63 RICPARDS ROAD, 043-03-009 � JOHN & SOPHIA PAPOUTSIDAKIS 22 JOSEPHINE CLAVIP 043-01-004 PORT WASHINGTON, NY 11050 60 DONALD & EMILY HALLIGAN 10 c/o PETER MOLIVIATIS 35 DESPINA HARTOFILIS 043-04-007 9 POLLY PLACE 190 ANGLERS ROAD LAWRENCE LAUEoLi GREENPORT,LANE STIRLING BASIN A ne't_na_mn uuNTINGTQN, NY 11743 BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. 355 11103 85th STREET GREENPORT, NY 11944 24-OB 37th STREET 48 BROOKLYN, NY 11209 043-01-005 LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11944 036-02-009 23 JOSEPHINE CLAVIN 043-04-008 11 RUDOLPH & LORETTA BUYNOCH 190 ANGLERS ROAD 36 GEORGE RIVERSIDE 043-04-021 GREENPORT HARBOR 220 FIDDLER LANE GREENPORT, NY 11944 154-63 RIVERSIDE DRIVE 49 LAWRENCE , NEGLI'�1 F—r j GREENPORT, NY 11944 BEECHURST, NY 11351 475 wooD LANE MANHANSET AVENUE 036-02-008 043-01-006 GREENPORT, NV 119aa VILLAGE OF GREENPORT CHRIS & ALICE TSAKOS 24 DIMITRIS SARIGIANNIS 37 CHARLES GANASSA 043-04-009 12 20-22 29th STREET 50 DENNIS ZERVOS oa3-oa-022 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 145 TERRACE AVENUE LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11105 19 22nd STREET 7202 6th AVENUE JERSEY CITY, NJ 07301 I JERICHO, NY 11753 BROOKLYN, NY 11209 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK PREPARED BY: (OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE) DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. 916 EAST BOSTON POST ROAD MAMARONECK, NY 10543-4109 (914) 698-5678 DATED: 07/31 /92 ` r� 5`�„pL fry BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. s w BASED ON . MA°�'” SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP No. 1000 o °c Fe 0 100 200 300 400 500 a�A�P .� �y TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TAX MAPS No. 043 & 036 W u SECTION: 043 BLOCK: 03 LOT: 002 >_ 6 MANIHANSET AVENUE AND BEAC ROAD PROVIDED UNDER THE GREENPORT, NEW YORK 1144 AND INFORMATIONGRAPHIC SCALE ACT BY THE TOWN = 3z,56 x FREEDOM OF INFORMATIONAPPROXIMATELY 1 " 100' G �FrHESTpF� - k $ i ZONING USE DISTRICT: MARINA II . OF SOUTHOLD TAX ASSESSORS OFFICE, JULY 1992. - J NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION w N . Y. S. PLANE COORD SYSTEM SCHEDULE PLAN ~ NOTES: SITE PLAN MAP - A UTILITIES AND LIGHTING 1. ALL UTILITIES ARE OR WILL BE UNDERGROUND AS LOCATED ON UTILITY PLAN SITE SHEET 1 OF 2 V PLAN MAPS A & B. MULTIPLE BUILDING AND DOCK UTILITY SERVICE CONNECTIONS ARE/WILL BE PROVIDED INCLUDING CONNECTIONS AT EACH BOAT RAMP. O 2. FLOOD LIGHTS ARE INSTALLED AS INDICATED ON UTILITY PLAN SITE PLAN MAPS A & O B AND ARE DIRECTED TO PREVENT GLARE ON NEIGHBORING PROPERTIES. INDIRECT LIGHTING TO BE PROVIDED ON MAIN FLOATING DOCKS WILL BE DIRECTED DOWNWARD, 0 HEIGHT SMALL NOT EXCEED 5'. 3 THE BULKHEAD IS ILLUMINATED BY INDIVIDUAL DOCK LIGHTS LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 20 FEET APART. LANDSCAPING 1. WHERE POSSIBLE, EXISTING VEGETATION WILL REMAIN. - 2. PROPOSED VEGETATION TO INCLUDE: JAPANESE BLACK PINE, DOUGLAS FIR, WHITE PINE, ARBORVI-T#E, METZ JUNIPER, HICKS YEW, OR OTHER EVERGREENS. 3. PLANTER BOXES.. CONTAINING ANNUALS ARE PROPOSED ALONG THE NORTH FACE OF THE BULKHEAD AS INDICATED, AND ALONG AREAS OF DECKING. WASTE CONTAINMENT 1. THE WASTE OIL CONTAINMENT FACILITY WILL BE AN ABOVE GROUND HOLDING TANK WITH AN APPROXIMATE, 275 GALLON CAPACITY. WASTE OIL HOLDING TANK WILL MEET OR EXCEED ALL FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL REQUIREMENTS. O 2. A FIXED OR PORTABLE PUMP-OUT FACILITY WILL BE PROVIDED TO HANDLE BOAT SAND Y O SEWAGE. THE PUMPED-WT WASTE IS TO BE DIRECTED INTO THE PROPOSED SEPTIC TANK. THE CONTENTS OF THE SEPTIC TANK WILL BE PUMPED AS NEEDED BY A Ln LICENSED CONTRACTOR AND TRANSPORTED TO AN APPROVED DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT FACILITY. SUMMER PARKING AND ACCESS 481 84' 1. THE 259 PARKING STALLS SHOW ARE UNMARKED ON THE STONE SURFACE. EDGE OF PAVEMENT - 2. NUMBER OF SPACES, SIZE OF SPACES AND ACCESS LANES CONFORM TO OR EXCEED - _ SOUTHOLD OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS. 205 SPACES ARE REQUIRED (180 - BOAT SLIPS + 29 EMPLOYEES = 205 SPACES) . MINIMUM PARKING SPACE IS 356 SQUARE FEET (INCLUSIVE OF ACCESS AISLES), MINIMUM STALL DIMENSION IS 19'x9' - - AND MINIMUM ACCESS AISLE IS 22' . S 5'13'2 7 E 3. DURING SUMMER MONTHS TEMPORARY AIDS SUCH A$ RAILROAD TIES AND CONES MAY BE - - USED TO ASSIST TRAFFIC FLOW AND PARKING AREA DESIGNATIONS. - FLOOD PLAIN INFORMATION THE ENTIRE UPLAND PORTION OF THE PROPERTY LIES WITHIN THE HAZARD ZONE A7 WITH - BASE FLOOR ELEVATIONS OF 10, 9, & 8' AS DESIGNATED BY FEMA MAP, PANEL 58 OF 120 #36081300580, AS REVISED THROUGH 04/17/85. E GRADING o i EXISTING STEEL MESH I F EIS C I I 1. EXISTING CONTOURS ARE TO REMAIN GENERALLY UNCHANGED AND ARE SHOWN AT A I -�-- I I FOOT INTERVAL (DATUM - MSL) . O / UPLAND BOAT STORAGE 2. THE GROUND SURFACE SUB-BASE CONSISTS OF A GRAVEL, SAND AND SILT MIXTURE. / I I EXISTING THE TOP SURFACE IS STONE EXCEPT WHERE INDICATED. SUMMER AUTOMOBILE " 3. EXISTING AND PROPOSED CONCRETE SLABS WILL BE REINFORCED CONCRETE ON / \ � ,� PARKING I PERVIOUS SURFACE COMPACTED EARTH OR SAND AND GRAVEL SUB-BASE. N /F //9 I I BLUE- STONE 4. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE REFERENCED TO MEAN SEA LEVEL = NGVD (1929) = 0.0' . -5- - _ MEAN HIGH WATER - 1.2' AND MEAN LOW WATER = -1 .2' . ST. A G N E S CHURCH I I OR OTHER FLOATING DOCKS AND fINGERS GREENPORT, N Y 11944 i � I I ( TO REMAIN ) 1. THE APPROVED EXTENSION OF THE MAIN DOCKS IS PER SITE APPROVAL (7/18/86) . 2. MOST OF THE PRESENTLY EXISTING FINGERS AND PILES ARE AS INDICATED IN THE LASTEE lE SITE PLAN APPROVAL -1(7/18/86) . SOME OF THE EXISTING FINGERS AND PILES / AME (WHICH ARE PRE-EXISTING ARE TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED AS INDICATED IN THERE SITE PLAN. 0 / 1 RESTROOM FACILITIES 0 I f 89.25' 66 PROPOSED FIREPROOF I. THE PROPOSED RESTROOM FACILITIES, LEACHING OUOLS, AND SEPTIC TANK WERE / VENTED , APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION BY THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH MAINTENANCE A N BATTERY c0 SERVICES ON 6/20(89. REFERENCE # L10-88-001 FLOW: 450 GALLONS PER DAY. / r , 2. THE PROPOSED RESTROOM FACILITIES AND SEPTIC SYSTEM LOCATIONS INDICATED ARE p, BOAT STORAGE STORAGE N I II BASED ON THE DEPARTMENT Of HEALTH SERVICES APPROVED ENGINEERING DRAWINGS \ PREPARED BY JOHN J. RAYNOR LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER PREPARED ON BUILDING 0MAI 12/18/87 AS REVISED THROUGH 4/26/89. U7)(~ PL. FL. 9. 0 PROPOSED STRUCTURES GRASS Z & 1. ALL BUILDING HEIGHTS ARE NOT TO EXCEED 35 FEET, UPLAND BOAT STORAGE 2. CLUBHOUSE IS AN EXISTING STRUCTURE TO BE RELOCATED TO A NEW LOCATION AND PosttloN. SUMMER AUTOMOBILE � w - MECH. RM. zo I FIN 3. POOL IS TO BE ELEVATED TO AVOID GROUND WATER. / PARKING _ _ STORMWATER MANAGEMENT / \ O o 1. 2 INCHES - OF STORMWATER RUNOFF IS TO BE CONTAINED FROM ALL MEN / STRUCTURES. Of FLAG � POLE o 0 \ I� Q 2. REFER 70 STORMWATER DRAINAGE SITE PLAN MAP A FOR STORM WATER DRAINAGE � � � \ CALCULATIONS. E 3. EXISTING PERVIOUS SURFACES TO REMAIN AFTER IMPLEMENTATION OF SITE PLAN / \�O �, MAINTENANCE O GRASS 0 APPROVED ACTIVITIES �I I I 4. A 6 INCH HIGH EARTHEN BERM WILL SEPARATE THE PARKING AREA FROM THE BULKHEAD AND/OR R \ I 70 DIRECT STORMWATER RUNOFF AWAY FROM COASTAL WATERS. MAINTENANCE \ \ STORAGE AREA Ln AND/OR w u I I STORAGE AREA EX Q o I EXISTING RES z = I I I I SEPTIC SYSTEM / . U (PLANTINGS J \ \ \ w I (TO REMAIN) U ofFlcE KEY: \ 16.0' ® = TIMBER DECKING � I EXISTING DOCKS Q - APPROVED DOCKS /� I PROPOSED w J - - - � TO BE CONSTRUCTED 14-1EXISTINGI CONCRETE a o3 • = EXISTING PILES PERVIOUS SURFACE II PADAPRON 00 000 0 q = PILES TO BE PLACED BLUE- STONE , � 3 APPROVED DOCK r OR OTHER ® m RECONFIGURATION ( TO REMAIN ) Q EXISTING VEGETATION / �� Q � / mI I � Q = PROPOSED VEGETATION � I Q = FLOOD LIGHT I Q J 0 = UTILITY JUNCTIONI Lu a i EXISTING I � UTILITY POST �VEL� TRANSFORMER \ EXISTING I U)• = - = WATER 9�4 (EXISTING) � VAULT I PERVIOUS SURFA�E z z I BLUE- STONE OR OtER = ELECTRICITY '68. SIGN Q C3 = PLANTINGS (EXISTING) TO REMAIN (EXISTING) WOOD TIE II ( ) PLANTER BOX I �� •❑ CURBING= FIRE HYDRANT WOOD IE Q Q ( u i = MARSH GRASS MAIN I CURBING �II ..♦ w , p ENTRANCE I oOX= ASPHALT PAVED APRON \ \ \ ¢w N FLEL.=9.0'� > LAI NDRY FACILITIES z z (EXISTING) t 21 _H ° CD LANTINGS EXISTING I I NATURAL GAS TANK J a WOODnTIE) FIRE HYDRANT \ \ I I RELOCATED CLUBHOUSE ♦ Q cuS (EXISTING) 36.6 CURBING ( TYPICAL) I LOUNGE WITH POSSIBLE I SNACK BAR SERVICE PREVIOUSLY PROPOSED ♦ Q �� UPLAND BOAT STORAGE RESTROOM , A P P R O V D �' SUMMER AUTOMOBILE �� FACILITIES LIFTWELL AD PARKING FL. EL. = 10. 5 �16.0' RAMP I � TIMBER FENCING (TYPICAL) 60.5 - 20.0' TIMBER FENCING (TYPICAL) z9, EXISTING \s I � Q PERVIOUS SURFACE PROPOSED j BLUE- STONE OR OTHER ELEVATED , PORTABLE RIGGING SHED Qsz ( TO REMAIN ) POOL PLANTERS FIN. FL.=7.8' \ \ ( TYPICAL); ELEVATED EXISTING - MAST/23po3„ PLANTERS DECK I �P CRANE TYPICAL �P POOL C-j MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT �� � / � EXISTING PERVIOUS SURFACE s �I BLUE- STONE OR OTHER (TO REMAIN) N /F � ST. AGNES CHURCH GREENPORT, NY 11944 BASED ON: 041w � . . 65j92 , 10, SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD SURVEY BY OR PH A. INGEGNO 3 � isawaswe1w . . APPROVAL DATED 12/17/84, SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD APPROVAL RIVERHEAD , NEW YORK DATED 2/5/85, SOUTHOLD SOIL LICENSE NO. 49668 BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. DATED: 08/09/91 BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT INC. � • SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP No. 1000 REMOVAL PERMIT DATED 5/1 /87. BASIN SECTION : 043 BLOCK: 03 LOT: 002 GREENPORT HARBOR w SURVEY BY YOUNG & YOUNG MANHANSET AVENUE AND BEACH ROAD MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT WETLAND & RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK BUILDING PERMIT 1060 DATED ALDEN W. YOUNG, P. E. & L. S. GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 VILLAGE OF GREENPORT # LICENSE NO. 12845 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD H 4/30/87. HOWARD W. YOUNG, L. S. ZONING USE DISTRICT: MARINA II COUNTY OF SUFFOLK a ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT LICENSE NO. 45893 STATE OF NEW YORK REVISED: 05/27%86 SCALE: �S PREPARED BY: x+ 5�p�.AL EN #13490, NYSDEC PERMIT #10- 84- 0766, 0' 10' 20' 30' S0' ¢p°���F, MARTEO01,� ANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. NYSDOS CERTIFIACTED #F- 85- 254. AERIAL PHOTO FLOWN BY: SCHEDULE P L_ A N a 2 916 EAST BOSTON POST ROAD N = MAMARONECK NEW YORK 10543- 4109 DATED: A/0/90 HICS RP. - �' ( 914) 698- 5678 ' F9sity32756 "'" I DATUM = MSL = NGVD = 0. 0 SITE PLAN MAP - A DATED: 07/31 /92 _ + 1 . 2' MEAN LOW WATER SHEET 1 OF 2 ryE lP EOF w NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SITE PLAN MAP - B a SCHEDULE PLAN SHEET 2 OF 2 N . Y. S. PLANE COORD SYSTEM REFER TO SCHEDULE PLAN - SITE PLAN MAP - A APPROX. LIMIT OF SHEET 1 OF 2 FOR NOTES , KEYS AND REFERENCES AREA SUBJECT TO 100 gg E H R 0 D ♦ HISTORIC FLOODING R.43 6 OG L= ♦ HIGH WATER s MARK ♦ �2C 2• - - N /F TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ♦ II TOWN HALL I � I ♦ SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 I 61 I �� EXISTING � I II ��♦ PERVIOUS SURFACE �OCF z of II ��♦ BLUE- STONE OR OTHER of SFr,�l II, ! II I CON �o (TO REMAIN ) C�nOS MARSH Foy mss ��nP�� �`Oo�' 50.2' �♦ E (b� r),P ,6 I �♦ C�NDS �� PF� O� O�otiff w I z ��♦ ��, � Al, h�'� °� �`ti a ��v. ��♦ w z LID LE oa -H EXISTING 00% or A6. s P REED I ,s.6• Z MAINTENANCE ♦ 0c`e e-4ti F+� o� 22 S••F o ���♦ - o & STORAGE �, P1�� �� \ Sritic o srsr o� 66. ' 0O . BUILDING o - erg oFr �I. 8. Q0 FIN . FL. - 7. 2' `�� ^ m` A''Oro (\ , �O , Q� S�^O�Jry��tia SAND F° J , �(v ^ °4�0yo' VOLLEYBAL COURT °F°� ` L_ MAI TENANCE _ a , �� ti' (BOUNDA S VARY) SFr 6Q APPROVED Z & TORAGE o Q� �tiOS �� �� / SUBTERRANEAN L` BUILDING ~ ro �ti' / BULKHEAD z PROPOSED ° a 3344 o FIN FL. = 7. 0 c, ' A °3•• � w 275 GALLON o a WASTE OIL / / fks , �/ o o N X CONTAINMENT �P / , �s Tic �6 OD PILING Q O FACILITY O / / S• e( f, ♦ N 6 92, 3205,,919.60 N. (9 ROOF OVER 15.6' o- /10 / F STo GRASS / 2,453,210.62 E. z WOOD WALK 50.2' . ^ 61 , / (O 'I'F - X \ ,1p, / °o° 9289 sem/ HIGH WATER MARK � 0 LLI EXISTING 8 / / °o° 1 ♦ LOW WATER MARK o ro N d EX STING CONCRETE PAD , a 63• a rj / / 11 " 1306g9.. f / _ p, 0)* RES ROOMS +� \ 4� ��P / / 3g.5p• O W N 0 / Ir> CV/ ry o ^ry OFFICE r - p SUBMERGED 16.0' - , p o I / /' PILES M = 0 , (VP \ / / / 250.50. 84 pa• ]r) O� ("V- 50.33 •_ _:,17 O Y , 0 ESE TING , / / //rJ RECONFIGURED rV / I I_ J J J w¢ x0 SYSTEM / / DOCK & PILE LOCATION U I I 0o 0 3: w ° EXISTING oq //// �> (TYPICAL) r> r l l I cD p0 PERVIOUS SURFACE / / /// /j/ ♦ pRICINAL 3 6' BLUE- STONE OR OTHER / m r> , r LOCATION U / / / > ♦ r> V I Q m ( TO REMAIN ) / / of clue Q Cl- v / / r 953 / / // \ HOUSE J Q vP / / / r \I- & DECK LI Q r — CONI- - Q r> // / / r z Q EXISTING I / / qTw° / / l n v/ ` o Q w / w 5918 w � w z ♦ � MAST SHED I � rJ / // °oD ° LijPREVIOUSLY I Q 4P° / // rJ °c� / / I- v' o ; APPROVED j Q ���� P�� �/ 1 I \ I I ill :�(✓ l r> /nom EBB i I TO BE I po �� rJ I J > r z z o REMOVED ° � 1 / I / I r-) Q Q I 1 1 r> l II l I .a- �.= FFL. ELEV. 7.0' / I r .t2L J /� � I r-) l I I Q = r / I 11 / / ♦ 2544• / I / r> Q i / I / II / / I n o w o`` L ==2- J / // rJ r>I J 1 ,<jl / J J rJ J J FLOOD L) I- 917, rV I I ♦ D /Cn z 0 oR�4a / // RECONFIGURED N U rJ CD / / '� FACILITY 7,3- DOCKING Q Q U� / / / (TYPICAL) g2g•. �n > (�I � / 11 Tf lVJ J I I J 1 rJ ♦� �j l J I / / Q� h LY RPZ �� r J rJ / C D ♦w / 61 AD e EXISTING / c �Ooo J� r EXISTING LADDER / / °°c� sa 31' / rJ DOCKING FACILITY (TYPICAL) F��F<�c // / rJ a l ♦ J i J D n rjn 212. 1, r WORK DECK EXISTING I / ELEV. _ +4.1' DOCKING FACILITY (TYPICAL) Cj v ♦ / / / / / / / / 1 / / � �` , / � `Oct, ♦ � //// _ . / J Il JI / l II BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP No. 1000 S '226',52•' w I I I / l I I r> SECTION: 043 BLOCK: 03 LOT: 002 I / l II n s` MANHANSET AVENUE AND BEACH ROAD FL°Anvc w000 Dock r I I Il I ♦ RECONFIGURED GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 ' Do I r> DOCKING FACILITY (TYPICAL) ^° ZONING USE DISTRICT: MARINA II EXISTING 207. 75• PERVIOUS SURFACE 1 1 r l % rJ r SCHEDULE PLAN BLUE- STONE OR OTHER rJ (TO REMAIN ) qp��F > / / / / r> / / / r> SITE PLAN MAP - B N 1X3 )0 STEPS O� pQ ♦ L ` J l / l / r> l SHEET 2 OF 2 E Q , 326,367.98 N J 2og0, 1 1 r> 2,452,766.43 E BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. 40 657. 82. ♦ LAT: 41 '06'34.81138" r> / / / / / / STIRLING BASIN � • � � . ONG: 72'21 '25.09646" / / / // / / GREENPORT HARBOR � � � � 0 N / / / J / / / o MANHANSET AVENUE , 155 ' 4 / l l r> l l l / � rn VILLAGE OF GREENPORT ♦ sgog r> l / / l I / � �/ v ro° TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ♦ 123p03„ r> l l l l r / ` � AX p z^ �^ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK a ` �� E V l / / � ao STATE OF NEW YORK ♦ (� rJ rJ l l / j / �^ �� �^ PREPARED BY: ♦ � ' CD d� SCALE: / / / (v DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. ♦ P <v Cr z J / / ^O� d �' (j S5�"AL e% DANIEL 916 EAST BOSTON POST ROAD Jou a Q 0' 10' 20' 30' 50' / / QOZ aPOFPF. MARTFcyFFP MAMARONECK, NEW YORK 10543- 4109 O' (914) 698- 5678 ♦ 3 799- 60 rJ z aWIN ?0 DATED: 07/31 /92 _ O �I, DATUM = MSL = NGVD(1929) = 0.0' WOOD PILING `9s. no. 32756 Li 326,124.77 N. r6op ZE OF 2.452.707.97 E. rxe sTa - W i I NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION NOTA N . Y. S. PLANE COORD SYSTEM STORMWATER DRAINAGE PLAN UTILITIES AND LIGHTING M"+I 1. ALL UTILITIES ARE OR WILL BE UNDERGROUND AS LOCATED ON UTILITY PLAN SITE PLAN MAPS A 8 B. MULTIPLE BUILDING AND DOCK UTILITY SERVICE CONNECTIONS 2. FLOODILL BE LIGHTSROAREEINSTALLEDNASCIINDICATEDSONTEACH UTILITYOAT PLAN ASITE PLAN MAPS A 8 SITE PLAN M A P - A !�-1 B AND ARE DIRECTED TO PREVENT GLARE ON NEIGHBORING PROPERTIES. INDIRECT SHEET 1 OF 2 �`�1 LIGHTING TO BE PROVIDED ON MAIN FLOATING DOCKS WILL BE DIRECTED DOWNWARD, STORM WATER DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS: HEIGHT SHALL NOT EXCEED 51 . CD 3 THE BULKHEAD IS ILLUMINATED BY INDIVIDUAL DOCK LIGHTS LOCATED APPROXIMATELY O STRUCTURE AREA RAINFALL RAINFALL DRAINAGE RING NUMBER RAINFALL 20 FEET APART. O VOLUME SIZE/VOLUME OF RINGS CAPACITY LANDSCAPING Ln Proposed Work �I I. WHERE POSSIBLE, EXISTING VEGETATION WILL REMAIN. EkOGWOUSSURFACE TRARFlCOUTYPRECAST Maintenance Building C Z. PROPOSED VEGETATION TO INCLUDE: JAPANESE BLACK PINE, DOUGLAS FIR, WHITE lWESTONE'ST OTHER CONCRETE SLAB TO BE RESTORED Zone 1 3,300 ft.2 x 2"/]2" 550 ft.3 8'x 4.5'/190 ft.3 3 570 ft.3 PINE, ARBORVITAE, HETZ JUNIPER, HICKS YEW, OR OTHER EVERGREENS, Zone 2 3,300 ft.2 x 2"/12" 550 ft.3 8'x 4.5'/190 ft.3 3 570 ft.3 3. PLANTER BOXES CONTAINING ANNUALS ARE PROPOSED ALONG THE NORTH FACE OF THE vARIE Zone 3 3,300 ft.2 x 2"/12" 550 ft.3 8'x 4.5'/190 ft.3 3 570 ft.3 BULKHEAD A#, INDICATED, AND ALONG AREAS OF DECKING. Zone 4 3,300 ft.2 x 2"/12" 550 ft.3 8'x 4.5'/190 ft.3 3 570 ft'3 MIN. 4' DIA. WASTE CONTAIN'ElfT )R SLOPE (Tmlcu) Proposed Concrete 1. THE WASTE •OIL CONTAINMENT FACILITY WILL BE AN ABOVE GROUND HOLDING TANK (rnnCu) -y Pad/Apron 5,600 ft.2 x 2"/12" 934 FT.3 8'x 4.5'/190 ft.3 5 950 ft.3 WITH AN APPROXIMATE 275 GALLON CAPACITY. WASTE OIL HOLDING TANK WILL MEET _ OR EXCEED ALL FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL REQUIREMENTS. "' INTAK� BACKnu. WNIMUM 5' VARIES Relocated Clubhouse 1,100 ft.2 x 2"/12" 164 ft.3 8'x 4.5'/190 ft.3 1 190 ft.3 2. A FIXED OR PORTABLE PUMP-OUT FACILITY WILL BE PROVIDED TO HANDLE BOAT (PRFDO111NANXI SANG Aro GRAVEL) Or °F GRAVEL EITHER SEWAGE. THE PUMPED-OUT WASTE IS TO BE DIRECTED INTO THE PROPOSED SEPTIC (PREDOMINANTLY A ( ICAL1 OR IV 3 TANK. THE CONTENTS OF THE SEPTIC TANK WILL BE PUMPED AS NEEDED BY A PRECAST CONCRETE LATERAL INOS Proposed Pool Deck 5,006 ft.2 x 2"/12" 835 9 ft. 5 845 ft.3 LICENSED CONTRACTOR AND TRANSPORTED TO AN APPROVED DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT _ (TYPICAL) FACILITY. O I B SUMMER PARKING AND ACCESS O L FOOTING WERE�NECESSARY O 1. THE 259 PARKING STALLS SHOW ARE UNMARKED ON THE STONE SURFACE. (rmlcA`1 2. NUMBER OF SPACES, SIZE OF SPACES AND ACCESS LANES CONFORM TO OR EXCEED '1� Ln SOUTHOLD OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS. 205 SPACES ARE REQUIRED (180 R BOAT SLIPS + 25 EMPLOYEES - 205 SPACES) . MINIMUM PARKING SPACE IS 350 TY ICA STORMWATER DRAINAGE P 0 ay BEACH R A SQUARE FEET (INCLUSIVE OF ACCESS AISLES) , MINIMUM STALL DIMENSION IS 19'x9' EDGE OF PAVEMENT ^oti --_ AND MINIMUM ACCESS AISLE IS 22' . NOT TO scALE 481 84' 3. DURING SUMMER MONTHS TEMPORARY AIDS SUCH AS RAILROAD TIES AND CONES MAY BE ' USED TO ASSIST TRAFFIC FLOW AND PARKING AREA DESIGNATIONS. 9 . 09 8 • Q FLOOD PLAIN INFORMATION �QS 5327 1 '1 ' E 10 . 0 ' - - - THE ENTIRE UPLAND PORTION OF THE PROPERTY LIES WITHIN THE HAZARD ZONE A7 1 - _ WITH BASE FLOOR ELEVATIONS OF 10, 9, 6 8' AS DESIGNATED BY FEMA MAP, PANEL 58 OF 120 /36081300580, AS REVISED THROUGH 04/17/85. GRADING I. EXISTINGCONTOURS ARE TO REMAIN GENERALLY UNCHANGED AND ARE SHOWN AT A 1 ` NN FOOT INTERVAL (DATUM - MSL) . , 2. THE GROUND SURFACE SUB-BASE CONSISTS OF A GRAVEL, SAND AND SILT MIXTURE. O EXISTING STEEL ME H FENCE THE TOP SURFACE IS STONE EXCEPT WHERE INDICATED. / 3. EXISTING AND PROPOSED CONCRETE SLABS WILL BE REINFORCED CONCRETE ON O / COMPACTED EARTH OR SAND AND GRAVEL SUB-BASE. Lf) 4. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE REFERENCED TO MEAN SEA LEVEL - NGVD (1929) = 0.0' . MEAN HIGH NATER - 1.2' AND MEAN LOW WATER = -1.2' . EXISTING PERVIOUS S U R FA C E FLOATING DOCKS AND FINGERS N /F 2. MOSTI- THE APOFOVTHEED EXTENSION PRESENTLYF THE EXISTING IN F�NGERSCKS SANDPER PILES ARERASAINDICATED6IN THEGREENPORT, ST. A G N E S CHURCH BLUE- STONE SITE PLAN APPROVAL ,(7/18/86). SOME OF THE EXISTING FINGERS AND PILES G R E E N P O R T, N Y 11944 O R OTHER (WHICH ARE PRE-EXISTING ARE TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED AS INDICATED IN THE SITE PLAN. I ( TO REMAIN ) RESTROOM FACILITIES `� YPICAL ]. THE PROPOSE 0 RESTROOM FACILITIES, LEACHING POOLS, AND SEPTIC TANK WERE / RAINW TER COLLECTEDI MOVEA LE / APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION BY THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH FROM ROOF GUTTERS STEEL F AME SERVICES ON 6/20/89. REFERENCE $ CIO-88-001 FLOW: 450 GALLONS PER DAY. NO LEADERS I STRUCT RE 2. TBASED HE PROPOSED RESTROOM FACILITIES AND SEPTIC SYSTEM LOCATIONS INDICATED ARE PREPARED ON BYTHE JOHN PAJ..RTMERAYNOR OF HLICENSEDSERVICES PROFESSIONALAPPROVED ENGINEERENGINEERING PREP PREPAREDDRAWINGS / FIREPROOF I 12/18/87 AS REVISED THROUGH 4/26/89. / TYPICAL DRAIN I VENTED PROPOSED STRUCTURES d -� BATTERY I . ALL HOULDING HEIGHTS ARE NOT TO EXCEED 35 FEEL �� ZONE 3, 2 5 0 I STORAGE , 2. CLUBHOUSE IS AN EXISTING STRUCTURE TO BE RELOCATED TO A NEW LOCATION AND ~ f- SQUARE FEET I II POSITION. z I -i 3. POOL IS TO BE ELEVATED TO AVOID GROUND WATER. LLI ' � 10 W MAI ZONE 1 I ZONE 2 \ GRASS Z & STORMWATER MANAGEMENT � ' Z l . 2 INCHES OF STORMWATER RUNOFF IS TO BE CONTAINED FROM ALL NEN II W STRUCTURES. 2. REFER TO STORMWATER DRAINAGE SITE PLAN MAP A FOR STORM WATER DRAINAGE TYPICAL 8 F OT DIAMETER fiW _ o' ZO , CALCULATIONS. 4.5 FOOT DEEP - 190 CUBIC FOOT _ 3. EXISTING PERVIOUS SURFACES TO REMAIN AFTER IMPLEMENTATION OF SITE PLAN / 1 1 . 01 CAPACITY DRAINAGE RING ZONE J I z N E 4- z Z F- , APPROVED ACTIVITIES / TYPICAL) � � FLAG � 4. A 6 INCH HIGH EARTHEN BERM WILL SEPARATE THE PARKING AREA FROM THE BULKHEAD I W POLE O TO DIRECT STORMWATER RUNOFF AWAY FROM COASTAL WATERS. / wl k Q W / PROPOSED MAINTENANCE SEPTIEXISTING GRASS z / 1 0. 0 -� o C SYSTEM MARINA BASIN /,/ F-Y N D STORAGE I� U L D N G U TO REMAIN Co PARKING AREA 13, 000 SQUARE FEET I W mwRAo M¢,Nc �,m Omcu) / O to .) .Nm No uRpmu FIN . FL. EL. + 9 . 0 ' O KEY; /� / I a- 0 r_ __ / I a PLANTINGS = TIMBER DECKING � OFFICE x em m x�ounx / / mqu Orncu) = EXISTING DOCKS , = APPROVED DOCKS 9 ' O I TYPICAL 8 FOOT DIAMETER TO BE CONSTRUCTED A'"_w° " 4,5 FOOT DEEP - 190 CUBIC FOOT , ncv�nw -AV n. DISTRIBUTION BOX I WITH CLEANOUT CAPACITY DRAINAGE RING / / • = EXISTING PILES � � / (TYPICAL) EXISTING/ I h = PILES TO BE PLACED 1 1 . 0.' PERVIOUS S FACE / � 9 0 ' PROPOSED CONCRETE o3 ® = APPROVED DOCK QO6 BLUE- ONE / / PAD /APRON 5, 600 00 RECONFIGURATION � OR THER &3 / SQUARE FEET 11 = EXISTING VEGETATION EARTHEN BERM DETAIL Q� HER / T 7 0 ' 7 . 0 ' , NOT TO SCALE /' / m , PROPOSED VEGETATION / / Q q = FLOOD LIGHT I I O = UTILITY JUNCTION i / TYPICAL 0- / / RAINWATER CO LECTED Q it ,= UTILITY POST / / / / FROM PERIMETE SWALES WELL z WATER 9 / EXISVN / Q , Q - = ELECTRICITY C!ia• HOUSE , / a , J ' (EXISTING) / PER E �� = PLANTER BOX s. . / a 1 0 . 0 UE- STONE OR OTHER / o F-- _� - �a SIGN � (ExISTINc> ( TO REMAIN ) = FIRE HYDRANT PLANTINGS) Z z (EXISTING) WOOD TIE �lftC = MARSH GRASS CURBING O Q z (EXISTING) U ■ MAIN Lij Ld ENTRANCEQ z 1 0 z a ASPHALT PAVED APRON o O , z (EXISTING) 0 mw 1 Q - FL.EL,=9.0'- ij 1 aICE LANTINGS t 2 0 EXISTING) \ , w WOOD TIE -� , ' F W CURBING ° (EXISTING) SEPTIC SYSTEM O , , $Fi FOR RELOCATED CLUBHOUSE O ' RESTROOMS AND LAUNDRY FACILITIES , F- O m F CI RELOCATED CLUBLU HOUSE AND � W RESTROOMS N Q' ¢� � • DECK DRAIN , U� . 01 (TYPICAL) C) EXISTING CLUB HOUSE ROOF DRAINAGE Q PERVIOUS SURFACE 4.5 FOOT DEEP DRAINAGE , BLUE- STONE OR OTHER RI CAPACITY (TYPICANG - 190 CUBIC L) T C-) TYPICAL REMAIN ) TYPICAL �� 2s _S� 8 FOOT DIAMETER POOL Cv DRAINAGE RING 4.0 FOOT DEEP DRAINAGE � RING - 169 CUBIC FOOT 0 CAPACITY (TYPICAL) , 8 . 0 ' N /2STORMWATER DRAINAGE 0 30'03•. e SYSTEM FOR POOL DECK DECK o , ro N 6 INCH HIGH EARTHEN BERM SEPARATING PARKING •F- AREA FROM MARINA BASIN C� P TO DIRECT STORMWATER 00 , DRAINAGE AWAY FROM MARINA •L`'�v�•2� DRAINAGE RING BASIN Q_ FOR POOL FILTER , So P BACKWASH WATER o, � EXISTING j PERVIOUS SURFAC 10• S BLUE- STONE OR OT R N /F ( TO REMAIN ) ST. AGNES CHURCH GREENPORT, NY 11944 • ro BASED ON : �'' • 65j92 , ^p SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD SURVEY BY JOSEPH A. INGEGMO ► • � � ' SOUTHOAD DATETOWNDBO RID /APPROVAL RIAND ERHEAD, ENEW YORK Dam 0 � DATED 2/5/85, SOUTHOLD SOIL LICENSE NO. 49668 • ' DATED: 08/09/91 BREWER YACHT YARD AT SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP No, 1000 GREENPQRT INC. • REMOVAL PERMIT DATED 5/1 /87, BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT INC. • •VILLAGE OF GREENPORT WETLAND & STIRLING BASIN � • SURVEY BY YOUNG & YOUNG SECTION : 043 BLOCK : 03 LOT : 002 GREENPORT HARBOR RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK MANHANSET AVENUE AND BEACH ROAD MANHANSET AVENUE W BUILDING PERMIT # 1060 DATED ALDEN W. YOUNG, P. E. & L. S. GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11941-4 VILLAGE OF GREENPORT 4/30/87. LICENSE NO. 12845 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 1-4 HOWARD W. YOUNG, L. S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT LICENSE N0. 45893 ZONING USE DISTRICT: MARINA II COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ►-1 STATE OF NEW YORK REVISED: 05/27/86 SCALE: #13490, NYSDEC PERMIT #10- 84- 0766, °SPF MARre�"Fe PREPARED BY: a c? A DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. NYSDOS CERTIFIACTED F- 85- 254. 0 10 20 30 50 w # * e STORM WATER DRAINAGE PLAN AERIAL PHOTO FLOWN BY: ° 916 EAST BOSTON POST ROAD Vii, c MAMARONECK NEW YORK 10543- 4109 AEROGRAPHICS CORP. 72 „�„� �y DATED: 05/10/90r • aay i (914) 698- 5678 DATUM = MSL = NGVD = 0, 0 `GFW� - ,ESE ' sl SITE PLAN MAP - A + 1 . 2' MEAN LOW WATER - SHEET 1 OF 2 BATED: 07/J1 /92 " II I w NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SITE PLAN MAP — B ~ SHEET 2 OF 2 Q N . Y. S. PLANE COORD SYSTEM i STORM WATER DRAINAGE PLAN MEOW REFER O S tiV G T � FE T TO ATER DRAINAGE PLAN SITE PLAN MAP A SHEET 1 OF 2 FOR- NOTES KEYS DETAILS CALCU •ATIONS AND REFERENCES �pREPER TO SCHEDULE PLAN - SITE PLAN MAP - B � � T SHEET 2 OF 2 FOR EXISTING DOCK CONFIGURATION D � Q QQ „ R Da • 5 . 0 ' — .100.9 6 . 0 R_4D6 ♦ j HIGH WATER MARK � \ ♦ - - — ,III, �2' ,1�1, ♦ I, \ 4. 0 ' N /F TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ♦ \ , TOWN HALL ♦ \. \ — �, SOUTH OLD, NY 11971 EXISTING ♦ PERVIOUS SURFACE \ QQ �\ F ♦ BLUE— STONE OR OTHER \. — F r ,III, \ 3 . 0 , <q ♦ TO REMAIN ti 2 . 0 ( ) os MARSH1b v fA Fo ♦ � -- . � ,III, ' � `� o '.' `�' , ♦ 011, 6 \� tios % o Pte` oo ti <v o wo Z O o 3 . 0 � U a ¢ ♦ 111. J r'y' �, (V LE z a X � \ 2 . 0 A EXISTING a AME � ♦ � � \ RE MAINTENANCE s s & STORAGE ♦ °�° \<: �° �� s �� Qg \sQ J\ ' BUILDING -- 6 INCH HIGH EARTHEN It , BERM SEPARATING PARKING N . AREA FROM MARINA BASIN r , z , TO DIRECT STORM WATER DRAINAGE AWAY FROM MARINA \ \� \ PQc� BASIN VOLL URT �. MAINTENANCE REFER TO PARKING PLAN /\\\ ( T \ t 6 FOR DELINEATION OF \\ �Ar4 j� \� / APPROVED z & STORAGE PARKING AREA e \ \ ^os 1 SUBTERRANEAN W BUILDING - N \ \ ' �• , L' / BULKHEAD O , 7 . O ' � �,°R�\\44 O3 / \ 6 Q S B \ / I 6 WOOD PILING / / /\ \ \ (Gf S \ \ \\ \ ♦ / / /^'� ` _ _ . 92 325,919.60 N. , C9 , / Q / / FSO \ roy GRASS AREA / / % _ _ _ _ 2,453,210.62 E. o X92 /S\//HIGH WATER MARK rJ w EXISTING / / / T . \oC \89' �5ti /: / LOW WATER MARK /N ry y CONCRETE PAD 4,p 13'os'Sg / H 4g \ _ �_ 38.50' _ l Cp /� •� ' OFFICE , /^ / N _ __ — _ __ ^ry J o r hip I I 'rJ_ ` _ _ _ ♦ ,� it /�� PILBSERGED / // 06 1 250.50 g_ / a p Iv 2 /N �. �, Q / / Y , vn SEPTICEIS INGTEM , // / /� RECONFIGURED )- Q 1 I V l� T IBJ — ja w o aTO REMAIN • / / DOCK & PILE LOCATION V / / /—�_ 0 3: / / ( (TYPICAL) rJ l I aS U EXISTING /� °°R \ / / �J D 1 I ` � T 03 ♦ PERVIOUS SURFACE rQv�� vv / // // /� �� ♦ �J Q � � l I I l -7 O _ / I a � BLUE STONE OR OTHER � V I 11 ( TO REMAIN ) // // \ /� �\ / // / \ ♦ � rJ / / 1 / CO Q EXISTING �P° (J / / /J \9\ \ ✓/ // // rJ \� rJ rV / 1 a Q DRAIN / // \,�<o\�\ // D :Q rV a cc o� J159 18' Q d ��� �� / / v v l I l �� I I EBB � �\ I W N m P r _ I ♦ r LLJ 5Q °o Q I 1 — — LI ) (n _ l I N � 1 I n z r r I rT _ -i J ! > J � �, s. � II - _ - _ L/ I n I 1 / ? 7 _ — J r �w � / / 1I 1 / / — 11 / 7 Q I cW9 / / I I 1 �'( _ ` ` — lJ / / / / FLOOD rJ (J I Z Q / I 1 I Q Q RAMP OVER 9'17' ♦ 01 / � Q BERM (TYPICAL) // ♦ _ — l l RECONFIGURED —� N 1 T / / O� W � ✓ / DOCKING FACILITY X83 Cv 1 / —'r Q \ \ �/ // // / (TYPICAL) / 92g ,.Q J / Q l //� Q � o a / 7 I RPZ � / \ 3s\/ / / � / \ C W / ( / ♦ / W J � J / W \ \ \ / W 5 c / / \ / / r D �/ / EXISTING / / O0 0\ 158 31' l I l I C LADDER / / / / \ \c\ \ I l l ♦ � — ♦ / rJ 1-7 / r fj✓ / / l l �- T � l _ I rJ T N / l o J 7 _ �Q<c / / 272. 1, WORK � l / � ♦ 11 / _ _ -� L _ 11 l l l ELEV. +4K1 �� ♦ 1 1 I I 1 / / / T(,i' ♦ h / / / / ' 7-1 - � / v / _ 6. J � / r O 7 I � I / � I P I P I 1 1 / e I ♦ l - I / ♦ J BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT I n Q_ SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP No. 1000 2 26 / r r I sz•' - _ / / I / J SECTION . 043 BLOCK . 03 LOT: 002 w I / 1 1 / / ♦ n s` MANHANSET AVENUE AND BEACH ROAD _FLOATING I r I / _ L RECONFIGURED / , IN wOOD oocLl� - 1 r r ♦ l rJ DOCKING FACILITY GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 I / I l / n rJ DO N / 'C L / / ( TYPICAL p r� rJ ( ) / ZONING USE DISTRICT: MARINA II _ 2 ' —r p EXISTING Q7. 7g. / l r � rJ � STORMWATER \ / r PERVIOUS SURFACE / / J / / r I ^� BLUE— STONE OR OTHER �' J y ' -�L / / / / / / 1 rJ � ( TO REMAIN) 6 °'��� Q_ _ _ \ �/ / l / rJ l l l l � rJ SITE DRAINAGE LMAP PLB N 5`°��P L �� L rJ l 1 / / N 723p, STEPS Jk \� P ♦ _ J _ / / SHEET 2 OF 2 03., E / / _ Li_ / 326,367.98 N �I _ zos „ _ / / / / oti-, 2,452,766.43 E 1 / / �J °, 1 1 / / l r BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. 657 g2, LAT: 41 '06'34.81138" / / rJ / l ` T Q _ �Jl l / J l / STIRLING BASIN ONG: 72'21 '25.09646" / / / / / _ _ LI_ / / GREENPORT HARBOR � � � � , N l l l rJ / / _I, ` ` Q - _ tel l / / o MANHANSET AVENUE w � � • S ,91 ' 4 l j l l rJ l - _ T � � _ ` \ �/ / A- Q�� VILLAGE OF TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GREENPORT 0 o rJ / / _ H ♦ 9 �23o 'p3•. E rJ l j l F SUFFOLK rJ ` ' / X Q Q' STOATE OF UNTY O NEW YORK ~ ` d� r� rJ Q/l / / CJ / // Ory^0 ^N ♦ ' PREPARED BY: ♦ C� a II, �� r N= om FsS AR DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES Inc, SCALE: / / / / "� po Pp. Fp.FF U / „-,� �. Q �ti� � �� P 916 EAST BOSTON POST ROAD v W Q o' 10' 20' 30' so' n Q � -g ° . .- 1 - MAMARONECK, NEW YORK 1 0543- 41 09 3: uj � (914) 698- 5678 Q' ♦ = 3 1gg 60 ��,�y �I S2n ' :3- DATED: 07/31 /92 CD ti ,III, 01 ,,;,'-`(x ""Nr _ O DATUM = MSL = NGVD(1929) = 0.0' WOOD PILING 1.,1 326,124.77 N. C9 2,452,707.97 E. 0 W I I NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION N . Y. S. PLANE COORD SYSTEM UTILITY PLAN NOTES: -----4- , ►..� UTILITIES AND LIGHTING SITE PLAN MAP - A 1. ALL UTILITIES ARE OR WILL BE UNDERGROUND AS LOCATED ON UTILITY PLAN SITE SHEET 1 O F 2 PLAN MAPS A 6 B. MULTIPLE BUILDING AND DOCK UTILITY SERVICE CONNECTIONS ARE/WILL BE PROVIDED INCLUDING CONNECTIONS AT EACH BOAT RAMP. 2. FLOOD LIGHTS ARE INSTALLED AS INDICATED ON UTILITY PLAN SITE PLAN MAPS A 6 B AND ARE DIRECTED TO PREVENT GLARE ON NEIGHBORING PROPERTIES. INDIRECT E LIGHTING TO BE PROVIDED ON MAIN FLOATING DOCKS WILL BE DIRECTED DOWNWARD, O HEIGHT SHALL NOT EXCEED 5' . 3 THE BULKHEAD IS ILLUMINATED BY INDIVIDUAL DOCK LIGHTS LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 20 FEET APART. LANDSCAPING 1, WHERE POSSIBLE, EXISTING VEGETATION WILL REMAIN. 2. PROPOSED VEGETATION TO INCLUDE: JAPANESE BLACK PINE, DOUGLAS FIR, WHITE PINE, ARBORVITAE, HETZ JUNIPER, HICKS YEW, OR OTHER EVERGREENS. 3. PLANTER BOXES CONTAINING ANNUALS ARE PROPOSED ALONG THE NORTH FACE OF THE / BULKHEAD AS INDICATED, AND ALONG AREAS OF DECKING. WASTE CONTAINMENT 1. THE WASTE OIL CONTAINMENT FACILITY WILL BE AN ABOVE GROUND HOLDING TANK WITH AN APPROXIMATE 275 GALLON CAPACITY. WASTE OIL HOLDING TANK WILL MEET OR EXCEED ALL FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL REQUIREMENTS. _�- -- , B 2. A FIXED OR PORTABLE PUMP-OUT FACILITY WILL BE PROVIDED TO HANDLE BOAT O SEWAGE. THE PUMPED-OUT WASTE IS TO BE DIRECTED INTO THE PROPOSED SEPTIC = 2� TANK. THE CONTENTS OF THE SEPTIC TANK WILL BE PUMPED AS NEEDED BY A TELEPHONE/ p LICENSED CONTRACTOR AND TRANSPORTED TO AN APPROVED DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT -�- _ FACILITY. UTILITY POLE Ln = J cL� ---- SUMMER PARKING AND ACCESS (TYPICAL �� --_ 1. THE 259 PARKING STALLS SHOW ARE UNMARKED ON THE STONE SURFACE. 4�0 2. NUMBER OF SPACES, SIZE OF SPACES AND ACCESS LANES CONFORM TO OR EXCEED _' ~ BEACH R 0 A ____ 481 . 8 4 \ O $ EDGE OF PAVEMENT SOUTHOLD OFF-STREET PARkING REQUIREMENTS. 205 SPACES ARE REgUIRED (180 \ h-ZQ O - - _ BOAT SLIPS + 25 EMPLOYEES - 205 SPACES) . MINIMUM PARKING SPACE IS 350 �� -_- _ - - - ' SQUARE FEET (INCLUSIVE OF ACCESS AISLES) , MINIMUM STALL DIMENSION IS 19'x9' AND MINIMUM ACCESS AISLE IS 22' . \ S 5'1 3'2 7 E 3. DURING SUMMER MONTHS TEMPORARY AIDS SUCH AS RAILROAD TIES AND CONES MAY BE USED TO ASSIST TRAFFIC FLOW AND PARKING ARE/( DESIGNATIONS. E x F FLOOD PLAIN INFORMATION N _ TO THE ENTIRE UPLAND PORTION OF THE PROPERTY LIES WITHI THE HAZARD ZONE A7 < r WITH BASE FLOOR ELEVATIONS OF 10, 9, & 8' AS DESIGNATE BY FEMA MAP, PANEL (/ / F L 0 W 58 OF 120 C3608130058D, AS REVISED THROUGH 04/17/85. O F E N G E � M I. EXISTING �� o l �' i _ - NG STEEL MESH 1. EXISTING CONTOURS ARE TO REMAIN GENERALLY UNCHANGED AND ARE SHOWN ATA 1 EXISTI O FOOT INTERVAL (DATUM - MSL) . � / / 2. THE GROUND SURFACE SUB-BASE CONSISTS OF A GRAVEL, SANG AND SILT MIXTURE. \ ( T O REMAIN ) / X S TI N G II O THE TIN SURFACE IS STONE EXCEPT WHERE INDICATED. / PER VI U S SURFACE 3. EXISTING AND PROPOSED CONCRETE SLABS WILL BE REINFORCED CONCRETE ON / COMPACTED TION EARTH OR SAND AND GRAVEL SUB-BASE. �� /F L7 B L�E- STONE �I � 1 4., ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE REFERENCED LO TO MEAN SEA LEVEL = NGVD (1929) = 0.0' . S T. A G N E S CHURCH U R G H =�/ // 11N., HIGH WATER `1.2' AND,'MEAN LOW WqT€R - -,1,2' . 0 0 TH E R FLOATING DOCKS 11A6 FINGERS G R E E N P O R T, N Y 1 1 9 4 4 / 1. THE APPROVED EXTENSION OF THE MAIN DOCKS IS PER SITE APPROVAL (7/18/86) . /� , / ( T I REMAIN ) ., 2. MOST OF TH�EESENTLY EXISTING FINGERS AND PILES ARE AS INDICATED IN THE SITE PLAN APPROVAL '.(7/18/86) . SOME OF THE EXISTING FINGERS AND PILES _ MOVEA LE v (WHICH ARE PRE-EXISTING ARE TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED AS INDICATED IN THE J / _ - I STEEL F LE II SITE PLAN. z STRUCT RE RESTROOM FACILITIES (J Q I 1. THE PROPOSED RESTROOM FACILITIES, LEACHING POOLS, AND SEPTIC TANK WERE FIREPROOF SERVICES _ APPROVED ,FOR CONSTRUCTION BY THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH j' EXISTING I S TI N G ELECTRIC A i VENTED SERVICES ON 6/20/89. REFERENCE N C10-88-001 FLOW: 450 GALLONS PER DAY. BATTERY p Z. THE PROPOSED RESTROOM FACILITIES AND SEPTIC SYSTEM LOCATIONS INDICATED ARE / SER VICE TO U PLA N D B 0 A T VI \ STORAGE , BASED ON THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES APPROVED ENGINEERING DRAWINGS PROPOSED r PREPARED BY JOHN J. UGHRAY4/ LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER PREPARED ON /c STORAGE AREA Q ^ II 12/18/87 AS REVISED THROUGH 4/26/89, //�� M A N T E N A N G E A N D S T O R A G E < Vp� z PROPOSED STRUCTURES �' \ ( TO REMAIN ) = I GRASS MAI 1. ALL BUILDING HEIGHTS ARE NOT TO EXCEED 35 FEET. / B U I L D I N G Z_ & 2. CLUBHOUSE IS AN EXISTING STRUCTURE TO BE RELOCATED TO A NEW LOCATION AND r / % 41 W \ B POSITION. /// \\ F?'. Ll 3. POOL IS TO BE ELEVATED TO AVOID GROUND WATER. / 7 O Z I LJ Ll STORMWATER MANAGEMENT / I� 1. 2 INCHES OF STORMWATER RUNOFF IS TO BE CONTAINED FROM ALL NEW 7 ,i Q - STRUCTURES. / / / \ O FLAG E , 2. REFER TO STORMWATER DRAINAGE SITE PLAN MAP A FOR STORM WATER DRAINAGE / / \ Z 41 � \ POLE Q CALCULATIONS. / ` tpp 3. EXISTING PERVIOUS SURFACES TO REMAIN AFTER IMPLEMENTATION OF SITE PLAN �/ I PROPOSED WATER I- 11 GRASS Z APPROVED ACTIVITIES 7 I III ` 4. A 6 INCH HIGH EARTHEN BERM WILL SEPARATE THE PARKING AREA FROM THE BULKHEAD / i SERVICE R VI C E T O NEW W B U I L D I N G cn X c~i1 TO DIRECT STORMWATER RUNOFF AWAY FROM COASTAL WATERS. / _4 RELOCATED ELECTRICAL ( EXTERIOR USE ONLY) w yI >< LLJ SERVICE TO UPLAND PROPOSED ELECTRICAL / BOAT STORAGE AREA SERVICE TO BUILDING PLANTINGS -- - _ OFFICE KEY: ® = TIMBER DECKING �I FLOW =� = EXISTING DOCKS / - - = = O IV APPROVED DOCKS - f EXISTING 6 INCH WATER MALI 1N TO BE CONSTRUCTED (� EXISTING I (TO REMAIN ) z III O PROPOSED CONCRETE III / �p3 • = EXISTING PILES / PERVIOUS SURFACE Q rJ = PILES TO BE PLACED / i BLUE- STONE II III II APRON /PAD III v &3 ® = APPROVED DOCK OR OTHER = III RECONFIGURATION = `' // '' ( TO REMAIN ) O = T . EXISTING VEGETATION IIICn , = PROPOSED VEGETATION / r III IIff \ � � O Ld = FLOOD LIGHT ���� �P\� III Q 0 = UTILITY JUNCTION _ _ _ / WELL \ - EXISTING // • = UTILIYY POST 9.' �l HOUSE III PER VIO�JS SURFACE FCS �6' WATER �I (ExlsrlNc) _D BLUE- STONE OR OTHER \ II ~ = ELECTRICITY �l tea• - SIGN / � III G/ \�� IN cn PLANTINGS (EXISTING) \- EXISTING ELECTRICAL --/o = ( Toll REMAIN ) PLANTER BOX WOOD TIE w (EkSTING) CURBING SERVICE TO UPLAND BOAT Iowa (EXISTING) Q = FIRE HYDRANT / STORAGE AREA � ---- �1114 MARSH GRASS z // {�`� FL_0 W MAIN ( TO REMAIN ) �/'77 - ENTRANCE LLa ASPHALT (PAVED APRON EXISTING - o� EXISTING WATER SERVICE TO BE / ELECTRICAL VAULT t 2' � � / (EXOSTING) FL.EL.=9.0' x- > / UTILIZED EOR CLUBHOUSE AND ♦ EXI rEzsnwc�s ( TO REMAIN - \�IJ POOL FACILITIES ♦ ? T( WOOD TTIE ) CURBINIG - (EXISSTINGTftG ) T �R f ' PR r O �A� SERVICE RELOCATED �I w \ �Ii CONCRE E TO REMAINS cLUBHousE . G T S o -) e �TX�c APRON / D AD cl- aQ Z J «' IIw / EXISTING o F �� \ ��c Q PERVIOUS SURFACE \\ BLUE- STONE OR OTHER F s= ( TO REMAIN ) POOL �J O�C � Q � > > Q j �s II w /23003„ DECK 427 T '�7 a I- DOCKING 1Q�gv�� 1 UTILITY mJ , JUNCTION cZ Po (TYPICAL) ♦ EXISTING j PERVIOUS SURFACE s BLUE- STONE OR OTHER N /F (TO REMAIN ) ST. AGNES CHURCH GREENPORT, NY 11944 BASED ON : o 9 � 92' SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD SURVEY BY JOSEPH A. INGEGNO ` a ! • ' � � � � APPROVAL DATED 12 17 84, SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD APPROVAL RIVERHEAD , NEW YORK . ' LICENSE N0. /91 DATED 2/5/85, SOUTHOLD SOIL BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT,DATED: 08/099/91 BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT INC. • ft REMOVAL PERMIT DATED 5/1 /87. SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP Na. 1000 SECTION : 043 BLOCK : 03 LOT: 002 STIRLING BASIN SURVEY BY YOUNG & YOUNG GREENPORT HARBOR VILLAGE OF GREENPORT WETLAND & RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK MANHANSET AVENUE AND BEACH ROAD MANHANSET AVENUE BUILDING PERMIT # 1060 DATED ALDEN W. YOUNG, P. E. & L. S. GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 VILLAGE OF GREENPORT 4/30/87, LICENSE NO. 12845 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 1-+ HOWARD W. YOUNG, L. S. ZONING USE DISTRICT: MARINA II COOF OF NEW YORK ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT LICENSE NO. 45893 #13490, NYSDEC PERMIT #10- 84- 0766, REVISED: 05/27/86 SCALE: �FSF RF%F PREPARED BY: NYSDOS CERTIFIACTEDAERIAL PHOTO FLOWN BY:#F- 85- 254. 0' 10 20' 3UTILITY PLAN 0' 50 e�/� � DANIELS. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. , a � � c�, � h 916 EAST BOSTON POST ROAD E" AEROGRAPHICS CORP. s t . :;..; ,`:', 4 MAMARONECK, NEW YORK 10543- 4109 DATED: 05/10/90L• DATUM = MSL = NGVD = 0. 0' SITE PLAN MAP - A y'rroF°: 327'6 '3 (914) 698- 5678 + 1 . 2' MEAN LOW WATER SHEET 1 OF 2 WE DATED: 07/31 /92 � r Y� �i , I NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION w N . Y. S. PLANE COORD SYSTEM PARKING P L_ AN a NOTES; UTILITIES AND LIGHTING SITE PLAN MAP - A 1. ALL UTILITIES ARE OR WILL BE UNDERGROUND AS LOCATED ON UTILITY PLAN SITE SHEET 1 0 F 2 PLAN MAPS A & B. MULTIPLE BUILDING AND DOCK UTILITY SERVICE CONNECTIONS ARE/WILL BE PROVIDED INCLUDING CONNECTIONS AT EACH BOAT RAMP. 2. FLOOD LIGHTS ARE INSTALLED AS INDICATED ON UTILITY PLAN SITE PLAN MAPS A & O B AND ARE DIRECTED TO PREVENT GLARE ON NEIGHBORING PROPERTIES. INDIRECT O E LIGHTING TO BE PROVIDED ON MAIN FLOATING DOCKS WILL BE DIRECTED DOWNWARD, HEIGHT SHALL NOT EXCEED 5' . 3 THE BULKHEAD IS ILLUMINATED BY INDIVIDUAL DOCK LIGHTS LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 20 FEET APART. LANDSCAPING 1. WHERE POSSIBLE, EXISTING VEGETATION WILL REMAIN. 2. PROPOSED VEGETATION TO INCLUDE: JAPANESE BLACK PINE, DOUGLAS FIR, WHITE PINE, ARBORVITAE, HETZ JUNIPER, HICKS YEW, OR OTHER EVERGREENS. 3. PLANTER BOXES CONTAINING ANNUALS ARE PROPOSED ALONG THE NORTH FACE OF THE BULKHEAD AS INDICATED, AND ALONG AREAS OF DECKING. WASTE CONTAINMENT 1. THE WASTE OIL CONTAINMENT FACILITY WILL BE AN ABOVE GROUND HOLDING TANK WITH AN APPROXIMATE 275 GALLON CAPACITY. WASTE OIL HOLDING TANK WILL MEET OR EXCEED ALL FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL REQUIREMENTS, 2. A FIXED OR PORTABLE PUMP-OUT FACILITY WILL BE PROVIDED TO HANDLE BOATO SEWAGE. THE PUMPED-OUT WASTE IS TO BE DIRECTED INTO THE PROPOSED SEPTIC / O TANK. THE CONTENTS OF THE SEPTIC TANK WILL BE PUMPED AS NEEDED BY A -- LICENSED CONTRACTOR AND TRANSPORTED TO AN APPROVED DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT ------- --- FACILITY. SUMMER PARKING AND ACCESS _ 1. THE 259 PARKING STALLS SHOW ARE UNMARKED ON THE STONE SURFACE. 2. NUMBER OF SPACES, SIZE OF SPACES AND ACCESS LANES CONFORM TO OR EXCEED EDGE OF PAVEMENT 481 .84' SOUTHOLD OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS. 205 SPACES ARE REQUIRED (180 BOAT SLIPS + 25 EMPLOYEES - 205 SPACES) . MINIMUM PARKING SPACE IS 350 _ - - - - SQUARE FEET (INCLUSIVE OF ACCESS AISLES) , MINIMUM STALL DIMENSION IS 19'x9' AND MINIMUM ACCESS AISLE IS 22' . 3. DURING SUMMER MONTHS TEMPORARY AIDS SUCH AS RAILROAD TIES AND CONES MAY BE --�- S ,5'1 3'2 7 E USED TO ASSIST TRAFFIC FLOW AND PARKING AREA DESIGNATIONS. - FLOOD PLAIN INFORMATION THE ENTIRE UPLAND PORTION OF THE PROPERTY LIES WITHIN THE HAZARD ZONE A7 WITH BASE FLOOR ELEVATIONS OF 10, 9, & 8' AS DESIGNATED BY FEMA MAP, PANEL 58 OF 120 #36081300580, AS REVISED THROUGH 04/17/85. C /IN GRADING 0 1. EXISTING CONTOURS ARE TO REMAIN GENERALLY UNCHANGED AND ARE SHOWN AT A 1 E O // EXISTING STEEL MESH FENCE - _ - - - - - - � FOOT INTERVAL (DATUM = MSL) . 2. THE GROUND SURFACE SUB-BASE CONSISTS OF A GRAVEL, SAND AND SILT MIXTURE. EXISTING PERVIOUS SURFACE THE TOP SURFACE IS STONE EXCEPT WHERE INDICATED. 3. EXISTING AND PROPOSED CONCRETE SLABS WILL BE REINFORCED CONCRETE ON / ���� COMPACTED EARTH OR SAND AND GRAVEL SUB-BASE. T �, I('� - °' 4. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE REFERENCED TO MEAN SEA LEVEL = NGVD (1929) - 0.0' . N /F / I �- BLUE- STONE MEAN HIGH WATER - 1 .2' AND MEAN LOW WATER - -1.2' . ST. A G N E S CHURCH / 141 140 139 I1 FLOATING DOCKS AND FINGERS i N m 145 144 143 142 y OR OTHER 1. THE APPROVED EXTENSION OF THE MAIN DOCKS IS PER SITE APPROVAL 7 18/86) . GREENPORT, N Y 11944 ��- 14s (TO REMAIN ) ( / / °' f 14B 147 146 136 2. MOST OF THE PRESENTLY EXISTING FINGERS AND PILES ARE AS INDICATED IN THE / I m 153 152 151 150 c: SITE PLAN APPROVAL .(7/18/86) . SOME OF THE EXISTING FINGERS AND PILES z (WHICH ARE PRE-EXISTING ARE TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED AS INDICATED IN THE I 234 233 + 137 m MOVEABLE v SITE PLAN. J-- STEEL F AME 235 232 13B 1 STRUCTURE RESTROOM FACILITIES / I 154 1. THE PROPOSED RESTROOM FACILITIES, LEACHING POOLS, AND SEPTIC TANK WERE _ 123 APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION BY THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 231 SERVICES ON 6/20/89. REFERENCE # CIO-88-001 FLOW: 450 GALLONS PER DAY. / II 236 155 135 122 FIREPROOF , 2. THE PROPOSED RESTROOM FACILITIES AND SEPTIC SYSTEM LOCATIONS INDICATED ARE �/ 1 237 230 15s 134 BATTERY �p BASED ON THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES APPROVED ENGINEERING DRAWINGS PREPARED BY JOHN J. RAYNOR LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER PREPARED ON I __- 229 121 STORAGE r , 12/18/87 AS REVISED THROUGH 4/26/89. PROPOSED STRUCTURES �� 1 238 157 PROPOSED MAINTENANCE 133 120 _i M AIS / 239 228 132 �-- 1. ALL BUILDING HEIGHTS ARE NOT TO EXCEED 35 FEET. 2. CLUBHOUSE IS AN EXISTING STRUCTURE TO BE RELOCATED TO A NEW LOCATION AND / 1 158 A N D STORAGE BUILDING b, GRASS - .� & POSITION. I 227 119 3. POOL IS TO BE ELEVATED TO AVOID GROUND WATER. 1 p 240 I� N 159 131 B z STORMWATER MANAGEMENT241 226 130 1 . 2 INCHES OF STORMWATER RUNOFF IS TO BE CONTAINED FROM ALL NEN / 160 STRUCTURES. ' I EsO 2. REFER TO STORMWATER DRAINAGE SITE PLAN MAP A FOR STORM WATER DRAINAGE 1 242 225 129 118 FL CALCULATIONS. 161 IAG r N POLEA Q 224 3. EXISTING PERVIOUS SURFACES TO REMAIN AFTER IMPLEMENTATION OF SITE PLAN I APPROVED ACTIVITIES / I 243 162 128 117 C7 4. A 6 INCH HIGH EARTHEN BERM WILL SEPARATE THE PARKING AREA FROM THE BULKHEAD / I GRASS Z TO DIRECT STORMWATER RUNOFF AWAY FROM COASTAL WATERS. 3 i / I 244 221- T 163 127 116 Cf) / I 245 222 164 126 115 W / I 246 221 125 / I - 165 J I 247 220 166 124 PLANTINGS OFFICE 248 219 / I 1.- 167 I 249 218 KEY Q I 170 172 114 113 112 111 168 = TIMBER DECKING 250 217 169 171 PROPOSED CONCRETE Y , = EXISTING DOCKS C/)� EXISTING I� N 251 216 PAID //APRON 03 PERVIOUS SURFACE APPROVED DOCKS 252 215 00 - - - � TO BE CONSTRUCTED BLUE- STONE �3 = EXISTING PILES OR OTHER - 253 214 A • ��`" ( TO REMAIN ) I 254 173 r� = PILES TO BE PLACED Q 213 1 ® m 177 175 = APPROVED DOCK � I 255 212 176 174 RECONFIGURATION I - i EXISTING VEGETATION I 256 211 SBD 182 LIMITS OF PARKING 1176 181 s = PROPOSED VEGETATION / WELL ACCESS REQUIREMENTS 1 257 210 17s 54 LIGHT 209 EXISTING 1 55 = FLOOD 9.?.HOUSE I 25e 'l I O = UTILITY JUNCTION (EXISTING) PERVIOUS SURFACE los _ 259 BLUE- STONE OR OTHER 47 • = UTILIYY POST PLANTINGS (EXISTING) ( TO REMAIN ) N 48 49 = WATER WOOD TIE \ ■ (EXISTING) CURBING � � = ELECTRICITY _CEM ING) - �- - / EXISTING ♦� sc FIRE HYDRANT , s o = PLANTER BOX MAIN l Q = FIRE HYDRANT ENTRANCE L 0`X40 = MARSH GRASS ASPHALT PAVED APRON L.EL.=90'0 � > 41 i(EXISTING) 207 F t 2' -H O PLAINTING - - - - _ - - - - 43 (E NG - - 206 , WOOID OID TIE � � a , 44, CURIBING 205 (EXISTING) ` 39 ' 45 204 3a . 48 \ \` \ --�. ^� LIMITS OF PARKING - I 203 \�� PROPOSED : I O = ACCESS REQUIREMENTS 202 RELOCATED < 4<` w 1 vJ zo1 � ( BUILDING 200 ` 184 W 32, 31 BARRIER-FRE 199 _ 37 30 oEXISTING I e -�� 165 DO T 29 Q PERVIOUS SURFACE I /41, I 28 ClY c� BLUE- STONE OR OTHER I 197 166 �� y 27 26 ( TO REMAIN ) 36 I 196 POOL BARRIER-FREE , 2 CO a Qs 2 I 195 187 , II 194 35 T 193 IBB 34 25 N /23�'�3,. II O 192 189 DECK ; m 24 0 o E I 191 33 23 I m /90 ; h 22 P�P BARRIER-FREE 1n ` rn GS QeJ BARRIER-FREE n O EXISTING 20 PERVIOUS SURFACE 19 1a _ s ♦ BLUE- STONE OR OTHER 1 16 1� (TO REMAIN ) la N /F ~/ ST. AGNES CHURCH GREENPORT, NY 11944 BASED ON : ,� � . . ' . 65 . 9<SOUTH ; APPROOVADL DATEDIN��10�8D LANDESURVEYOREPH A. INGEGNO � � � � � ' . . RIVERHEAD , NEW YORK SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD APPROVAL LICENSE NO. 49668 � � • DATED 2/5/85, SOUTHOLD SOIL DATED: 08/09/91 BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT INC BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT INC. • • REMOVAL PERMIT DATED 5/l /87, SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP No. 1000 � • STIRLING BASIN .� SECTION : 043 BLOCK: 03 LOT: 002 GREENPORT HARBOR r VILLAGE OF GREENPORT WETLAND & SURVEY BY YOUNG & YOUNG RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK MANHANSET AVENUE AND BEACH ROAD MANHANSET AVENUE BUILDING PERMIT # 1060 DATED ALDEN W. YOUNG, P . E. & L. S. GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 VILLAGE OF GREENPORT 4/30/87. LICENSE N0. 12845 TOWN OF SOUTHOLDCOUNTY OF SUFFOLK �4 soAL FA, HOWARD W. YOUNG, L. S. ZONING USE DISTRICT: MARINA II STATE OF NEW YORK ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT LICENSE NO. 45893 �� REVISED : 05/27/86 SCALE: sC' o F� z `MA#13490, NYSDEC PERMIT #10- 84- 0766, 0RT0�.yti PREPARED BY: 0 10 2030 50 � NIEL S. NATCHEZ and AS SOCIATES, Inc.NYSDOS CERTIFIACTED #F- 85- 254. PARKING PLAN 916 EAST BOSTON POST ROAD E-r AERIAL PHOTO FLOWN BY: MAMARONECK, NEW YORK 10543- 4109 AEROGRAPHICS CORP. DATED: 05/10/90 ' 1IF51�E°F (914) 698- 5678 DATUM = MSL = NGVD = 0. 0 SITE PLAN MAP - A + 1 . 2' MEAN LOW WATER DATED: 07/31 /92 SHEET 1 OF 2 TEU" ONSTRUCTION UTILITY PL SITE PLAN MAP - B al PLAN SHEET 2 OF 2 / N . Y. S. PLANE COORD SYSTEM / REFER TO UTILITY PLAN - S - ITE PLAN MAP A SHEET 1 OF 2 FOR NOTES KEYS AND REFERENCES 8 CH R D o g8 / REFER TO SCHEDULE PLAN - SITE PLAN MAP - B 0 L=10 SHEET 2 OF 2 FOR EXISTING DOCK CONFIGURATION ♦ HIGH WATER s _ --__ MARK ,111, 20�� z�=--� ♦ ,111, /� � 11, N /F III ♦ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD E ( STING WATER RVICE ♦ TOWN HALL TO BUILDING ( T REMAIN ) III ♦ SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 ♦ EXISTING — — — — — J a ♦ PERVIOUS SURFACE F°cF ♦ BLUE- STONE. OR OTHER EXISTING 6" ♦ ( TO REMAIN ) SIO ATER MAIN ; MARSH TO REMAIN ♦ ° �` X111, w0 ♦ �4, ,111. (C1 ��P (b,<0 LE �I Za EXISTING a ♦ �~ To ti °�� ti e ��' \ REE MAINTENANCE ♦ m� p of 111, ��Q6 �N s Off, & STORAGE ♦ °� esti F+ o`' ��• BUILDING ST�c �e ^� s �j ?R� F moo, J♦ � z groti \ � I z MAI TENANCE a DOCKING VOLLEYBA�DCOURT z & TORAGE UTILITY (BOUNDA S VARY) JUNCTION �F?� \6s� / APPROVED z BUILDING ; (TYPICAL) oR.JU9 ti°S ^� / SUBTERRANEAN KHEAD / Stip YQ `V 6' \ ,111, �/ 0 44P NG FZ-- , r� / /T\ \'O<a \\tiH \ / / /''yH 692• [.,3,2"58919.610 N.3,270.62 E. w EXISTING ELECTRIC AND WATER / // Thr off?Bs• , s�/ HIGH WATER MARK CONCRETE PAD , , O r� / T \OCA\ y 73, / LOW WATER MARK /N SERVICE FOR DOCKS zcP / / / `/\ — °6 S9 E 365 ♦ / � OFFICE ( TO REMIAN ) �.�� / N �' °) N /lrj ` ♦ PILES.�J/ SUBMERGED / / ^ ` ` � � b. / /l l l -7 T 250.50. — ep p6 / a_) �)v h �. Fw0 DOCKING / / / ri ! l I l l 1, m / /� UTILITY / / / / / 5 >a W o a I JUNCTION / / / / RECONFIGURED rU / / O�� I / 1 TrJ, 03 0 / DOCK & PILE LOCATION / / w (TYPICAL) � / L/ 00 EXISTING /C\ �\\ \ /// rJ (TYPICAL) rJ v I / / / ! tel` - 3 ♦ PERVIOUS SURFACE H�� \ / / /� D rJ l I � : / I � T ` BLUE- STONE OR OTHER // r10 m \ \ \ ( / / �j H fV / Il I l 7-1 o ( TO REMAIN ) // / firy /' / �J 40 a U / / / o rV r O (r rU l l � \N�w o0 x/159 18' / / ♦� J ELECTRIC AND WATER ,<//� SERVICE FOR DOCKS a P�� </ // I I ` \�� I / rJ ( TO REMIAN ) ��4e f)� / IrJ � _ � - , , LrJ l �/� Ee6 I , ( 1 1 l n rJ looms � J -A°p 3P l Il rJ77— ` _ DOCKING UTILITY / / l / l I l / H♦? � � 254.4• � � � 1 1 l / f JUNCTION / / r CJI Il I / / 0 \1�� l I`l�J — , I l (TYPICAL) / / /�J I / l I v / / / / FLOOD I / / I / Il � � _ r� l l / EXIS ING WATER SERVICE �I7 // J I OI / I / I / ?` ? � T BOAT SERVICE AREA \ \"'j\ /// �) RECONFIGURED N / / I AND DOCKS \ \ / / /' 7 DOCKING FACILITY X839 , ,(/ / / / : / / � ? , , l \ \/ / (TYPICAL) 29 » v rr V ^ l I / r� O E BACKFLOW F� / / j � \ / / ♦\ J / l // / AD PREVENTION VALVE 1 QQ- / \ \TN��� / / / rJ fJ EXISTING / \/°op / F LADDER 58 31 / / / If s 1-7 - � / / / / If If n �� / / / / LJZ � / I — 22. 7.• r�-L / l l l / / n , If ri 6✓ / o � l If WORK DECK 1 1 ,l / I I ELEV. _ +4.1 ' rj �t . ELECTRIC AND WATER / / SERVICE FOR DOCKS �� P r ( TO REMIAN ) r If �l It If I / � l / If i BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT . S 12-2f,'52- W ` _ / / / / / / I� l / / I / ,r) SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP No. 1000 LO _ I / I SECTION : 043 BLOCK : 03 LOT: 002 ` A w00p �OCk IrJ _ ` � 1 / , s' MANHANSET AVENUE AND BEACH ROAD / / rJ RECONFIGURED GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 n rJ DOCKING FACILITY l l I l rJ (TYPICAL) EXISTING - 207 j5 lr� /l l / / / / �^ ZONING USE DISTRICT: MARINA II PERVIOUS SURFACE / l / rJ I l rJ BLUE- STONE OR OTHER J` , 1�� 1 1 1 1 / j r9 rJ UTILITY PLA N (TO REMAIN ) `/' - � \ ` �/ / / rJ / / / / r BLUE-STON �J� 'L _ / l / H rJ 12 3p�3 srEPs P'U iO J T r- l /l l r) / / / / J SITE PLAN MAP - B `c 326,367.98 N 1 1 -IJLI20 � / l l / rJ l I n SHEET 2 OF 2 2,452,766.43 E �� °g'0" ` / • � 651 92 LAT: 41 '06'34.81138" / / fJ l I rJ / / BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT INC. • � � ONG: 72'21 '25.09646" / � � � CJL/ l STIRLING BASIN / / GREENPORT HARBOR W • • � � � • , 1S5 ' 4 �I l Il 11 � ' � � �� / l ^° � MANHANSET AVENUE S� Og rJ l I / l rJ' / / ` T � , , , ` tel / ry VILLAGE OF GREENPORT N 12 3003» E rJ =^�Nti COUNTY TOWN O OHUFFO D ♦ Y `�� ry G- o ,� STATE OF NEW YORK ♦ C� a cL rJ V l l / 0 / / . /\ r / _� ALEM1 DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. S PREPARED BY: � � SCALE: I / / c0' N'2 � F MART tiF 916 EAST BOSTON POST ROAD ♦ JA v\ 0' 10' 20' 30' 50' / a �yt4A4� � a �'� _ .a MAMARONECK, NEW YORK 10543- 4109 ' ° " (914) 698- 5678 ♦ 3 lgg 6 s 0 11, DATED: 07/31 /92 = DATUM = MSL = NGVD 1929 = 0.0' }0` ixe +a"�� ( ) WOOD PILING w -- 0 326,124.77 N. W 2,452,707.97 E. i A I 1 I i NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIOND I � SITE PLAN MAP — B PAI \ KN IG PLAN SHEET 2 OF 2 1.4 / N . Y. S. PLANE COORD SYSTEM E" REFER TO PARKING PLAN - SITE PLAN MAP - A SHEET I OF 2 FOR NOTES KEYS AND REFERENCES FERENCES- REFER TO SCHEDULE PLAN - SITE PLAN MAP - B I R _4 3 6 00 U=100.g8 SHEET 2 OF 2 FOR EXISTING DOCK CONFIGURATION HR HIGH WATERft s+ MARK 11" N /F — TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 11" TOWN HALL — SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 fA EXISTING Fo 1i" PERVIOUS SURFACE A cFOF '111 ' \ BLUE- STONE OR OTHER or \ \ ( TO REMAIN ) (gNOS MARSH40 p99 fA fA �o°' 19 V N�o � loo , &9 \ _ S / �� ^� �� ♦ , _ 97 F, ,111, `7�� °� "J� P ,`• Lj. v rL• P � o a 101\ 96 �°= T- �J g �N p �� ALE ME oa 010 EXISTING a l0z 95 94 0/_ 7 . S j7 vP , RE MAINTENANCE9/ Q) 40 moo- �\ & STORAGE 103 92 o ST'tiogg oma" PaERE �� n� 0 �eCFIgTiO4 SI BUILDING 104 I" o� >.. r 105 4fSAND °GF \' VOLLEYBAL COURT O� , CBOUNDA S VARY) J a / Pr F APPROVED TENANCE los MAI ♦ 8 / ti17 SUBTERRANEAN _Z & STORAGE f °S ti / BUILDING 107 , BARRIER-FREE JJ BULKHEAD Z , . / 90 O /� � 4A \g4°J•• ,111. a/ . 106 89 S WOOD PILING p 68 / \ SS c 6 10' / /\ \ Cpf4* / / N� ' 92, 325,919.60 N. Q '7 / . / 87 2,453,210.62 E. \ ST / F � / O z 110 B6 / / \�litiC 4<� /^ J Eo 0 a1P / / ` ��o 92 , /S�/ HIGH WATER MARK / /� Cn ° 85 / �° ° es' /: / LOW WATER MARK /• `v N d w EXISTING �/ / / \°°� N 13.oa ♦ , // CONCRETE PAD , . 84 SPO rJ / ` \ / 10 o / / 38. / N O N ++1 83 •�'�' / 1 .�� l- 01 �I 1 , l,/I ,I 1�1 _ 1 Il 1 1T, .♦' z$° 5 , SUBMERGED OFFICE B2 IrJ' PILES `p / to81 r 7-1— _ �rJ i 8Q FREE p 60 ,ry N�z•� y > _ _ N / RECONFIGURED �J I I O I ? ?rJ = , Com—/! zwm J 'mu DOCK & PILE LOCATION J L/ � � I Cp Rzm 03 W li O o r1I T — _ _ BARRIER-FREE _7 r 79 00 3 ♦ PERVIOUS SURFACE /\ / / r J I I I I \ / ♦ \ / I U - STONE OR OTHER J / r J 1 `z BL E / - � J / ( TO REMAIN ) 77 / /�r� J� / /� )�, ry U l I 76 / \ \ / / , r) " O rJ l l \� 75 rJ / \ � F / n r 0 ♦Q o / / �O \ / / 1 / n ♦� TO BE REMOVED 74 �/ / / \ �1y Oma( /159 18' 73 EBB 54 �P° / / r1 I I I ♦ n rJ � ' E 7 I 1 55 z •F I 1 \� I / r o. 770 F Q'f rJ _ I 56 �O P rJ 4757 70 °° �~�� I I 1 _ _ 'r _ l ,�� l I I I I I n C 49 49 se 69 r) Z, �P I I , 7 r ' ' 58 l 1 m m /\ BARRIER-FREE / / �\�� I I I 1 1 / Y ♦� _ 254 too • 5 so / ` / I I I l I O ,/ 11 1 1 FLOOD 51 _ 68 \ l l Irl(J _ j _ _ I l , , 52 53 m / �J rJ 11 I 1 / 400 / / \ I / r� /l// (j / N I I _ N BARRIER-FREE /RECONFIGURED J/V J8° - T _ k R 43 s7 `'�✓` \ // / DOCKING FACILITY 44 66 \ / / (TYPICAL) ♦� i� I , , 1 / / 65 45 46 64 63 RPZ / ♦ J / 9 r 61 oQ / / / / \ \o r) r o J / I EXISTING / / ^ LADDER °o \ 158 31' C I I J F // / / / \ \ ` \ I 1 1 ♦ I l n r 6j 44P 7 r_7 4k 212. 1 • - 1 _ _ _ F-T ' WORKDECKr �� / , , l I ,1 ,1 / rJ _ �- Ll ELEV. +4.1' �� ♦ J 11 11 /l� Il l / _ - - - oJ , 7 �♦ ���,�o / , r � Qom♦ � / , � � // / � oma , II II lI � �� ♦ � BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT ♦ SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP No. 1000 ,r SECTION : 043 BLOCK: 03 LOT: 002 S 1Z'26'52' w - _ _ _ISI I 1 / , I ♦ MANHANSET AVENUE AND BEACH ROAD ■■ 1 / / RECONFIGURED 16 iT 14 3 _ _ FLOATING WGDo pOOLIrJ III I / ♦ Ill rJ ` GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 , 12 11 _ K I / r DOC(TYPICA FACILITY 10 9 6 L _ _ _ , , / rJ �o ZONING USE DISTRICT: MARINA II XI TIN 6 5 4 3 _ 207. 7g�r� / , l / , 11 J = 2 - ,y , , r PARK NG PLAN �1--, r PERVI US S RIF CE 1 "CSLUE— STONE OR TH R J, _ 1-0— / , l I rJ J r ( TO REMAIN ) o��P , I 11 l l / l l I rJ SITE PLAN MAP — B N X23 STEPS �JGd\GP ♦ / T > _ ' — — ULr, _ l l I r l l SHEET 2 OF 2 326,367.98 N / / � J 2,452,766.43 E / / �� zD9 °` ` ' � � , l l , , r� BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. / I / / //// STIRLING. BASIN 6S� 92, ♦ LAT: 41 '06'34.81138" / rJ , , T r- _ rJL1 l GREENPORT HARBOR ONG: 72'21 '25.09646" r) , � ` ``= ` \ �,� //// o MANHANSET AVENUE • � � , N �S. I / , , � , / / VILLAGE OF GREENPORT • � � 5 ' 4 / , l I rJ , Tr— _ , J TOWN OF SOUTHOLD w ♦ Sp fig, rJ l / , j r I / _ �f o z ��N;� COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 12' / J /\ • STATE OF NEW YORK r-) / / ��o��n PREPARED BY: ' rJ V l l l l ��^_ DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. a 11" �� r / / / / h . ss�"`�Q/ 916 EAST BOSTON POST ROAD a SCALE: / ^'1 b- h• Cj• �Q/E, MARr �N i 1 ♦ 6 / C F��``�^.A MAMARONECK NEW YORK 10543 09 r <v z i 50' Q 2 c� y, Q o' 10' zo' 30' i o � � (914) 698- 5678 E-'4 3 w �> >9g. 60, J ?,MI a DATED: 07 /31 /92 v o �1" DATUM = MSL = NGVD(1929) = 0.0' '141\—WOOD PILING %y allo 32 o 326,124.77 N. HE state W 2 452,707 97 E. 1 IJl NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION w SCHEDULE PLAN N . Y. S. PLANE COORD SYSTEM - a NOTES: �- � 7 SITE PLAN MAP - A UTILITIES AND LIGHTING / SHEET 1 OF 2 1 . ALL UTILITIES ARE OR WILL BE UNDERGROUND AS LOCATED ON UTILITY PLAN SITE PLAN MAPS A & B. MULTIPLE BUILDING AND DOCK UTILITY SERVICE CONNECTIONS ARE/WILL BE PROVIDED INCLUDING CONNECTIONS AT EACH BOAT RAMP. 2. FLOOD LIGHTS ARE INSTALLED AS INDICATED ON UTILITY PLAN SITE PLAN MAPS A & B AND ARE DIRECTED TO PREVENT GLARE ON NEIGHBORING PROPERTIES. INDIRECT / C LIGHTING TO BE PROVIDED ON MAIN FLOATING DOCKS WILL BE DIRECTED DOWNWARD, HEIGHT SHALL NOT EXCEED 5' . 3 THE BULKHEAD IS ILLUMINATED BY INDIVIDUAL DOCK LIGHTS LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 20 FEET APART. / LANDSCAPING 1 . WHERE POSSIBLE, EXISTING VEGETATION WILL REMAIN. / 2. PROPOSED VEGETATION TO INCLUDE: JAPANESE BLACK PINE, DOUGLAS FIR, WHITE PINE, ARBORVITAE, HETZ JUNIPER, HICKS YEW, OR OTHER EVERGREENS. 3. PLANTER BOXES CONTAINING ANNUALS ARE PROPOSED ALONG THE NORTH FACE OF THE BULKHEAD AS INDICATED, AND ALONG AREAS OF DECKING. • / / = WASTE CONTAINMENT 1. THE WASTE OIL CONTAINMENT FACILITY WILL BE AN ABOVE GROUND HOLDING TANK _ -- - WITH AN APPROXIMATE 275 GALLON CAPACITY. WASTE OIL HOLDING TANK WILL MEET / - / / - _ _----- 00 , OR EXCEED ALL FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL REQUIREMENTS. _ _ -- -- _ -- D 2. A FIXED OR PORTABLE PUMP-OUT FACILITY WILL BE PROVIDED TO HANDLE BOAT O/ / / ' - -- _ _- - n SEWAGE. THE PUMPED-OUT WASTE IS TO BE DIRECTED INTO THE PROPOSED SEPTIC --------- %` TANK. THE CONTENTS OF THE SEPTIC TANK WILL BE PUMPED AS NEEDED BY A _- ---- - LICENSED CONTRACTOR AND TRANSPORTED TO AN APPROVED DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT FACILITY. , ----- -- // 48 ' 84 _ SUMMER PARKING AND ACCESS ----_ - 1 . THE 259 PARKING STALLS SHOW ARE UNMARKED ON THE STONE SURFACE. _ EDGE OF PAVEMENT -� 2. NUMBER OF SPACES, SIZE OF SPACES AND ACCESS LAMES CONFORMTO OR EXCEED � � _ _�----- _ _ _ - - - SOUTHOLD OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS. 205 SPACES ARE REQUIRED (180 - - BOAT SLIPS + 25 EMPLOYEES = 205 SPACES) . MINIMUM PARKING SPACE IS 350 -�_� SQUARE FEET (INCLUSIVE OF ACCESS AISLES) , MINIMUM STALL DIMENSION IS 19'x9' \ _- - - -- E AND MINIMUM ACCESS AISLE IS 22-' . / - -- 5 5'13'2 3. DURING SUMMER MONTHS TEMPORARY AIDS SUCH AS RAILROAD TIES AND CONES MAY BE USED TO ASSIST TRAFFIC FLOW AND PARKING AREA DESIGNATIONS. F/ r,U � � / \ / - - _ - _ - FLOOD PLAIN INFORMATION O / \ J / _ THE ENTIRE UPLAND PORTION OF THE PROPERTY LIES WITHIN THE HAZARD ZONE A7 WITH BASE FLOOR ELEVATIONS OF 10, 9, & 8' AS DESIGNATED BY FEMA MAP, PANEL C � � / / v �,1 58 OF 120 #3608130058D, AS REVISED THROUGH 04/17/85. \ /VE O \ / ` ST EEL MESH F EI G E GRADING CD -��/ / _� _--- EXISTING' I I `nl 1 . EXISTING CONTOURS ARE TO REMAIN GENERALLY UNCHANGED AND ARE SHOWN AT A 1 O / I UPLAND BOAT STORAGE-� �' I EXISTING rnl FOOT INTERVAL (DATUM = MSL) . \� to 7 I SUMMER AUTOMOBILEI PERVIOUS SURFACE 2. THE GROUND SURFACE SUB-BASE CONSISTS OF A GRAVEL, SAND AND SILT MIXTURE. �n, l THE TOP SURFACE IS STONE EXCEPT WHERE INDICATED. \ / PARKING I BLUE- STONE 3. EXISTING AND PROPOSED CONCRETE SLABS WILL BE REINFORCED CONCRETE ON / COMPACTED EARTH OR SAND AND GRAVEL SUB-BASE. N /F 4. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE REFERENCED TO MEAN SEA LEVEL = NGVD (1929) = 0.0' . \ x/78.5. I I OR OTHER MEAN HIGH WATER - 1.2' AND MEAN LOW WATER = -1 .2' . ST. A G N E S CHURCH FLOATING DOCKS AND FINGERS GREENPORT, N Y 11944 ( TO REMAIN ) I , 1. THE APPROVED EXTENSION OF THE MAIN DOCKS IS PER SITE APPROVAL (7/18/86) . /' MDV\ BLE 2. MOST OF THE PRESENTLY EXISTING FINGERS AND PILES ARE AS INDICATED IN THE / I _------ I-S EE F AME SITE PLAN APPROVAL '(7/18/86) . SOME OF THE EXISTING FINGERS AND PILES / ---- - !TRU TRE (WHICH ARE PRE-EXISTING ARE TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED AS INDICATED IN THE / -� ___-- SITE PLAN. / _ o =-- ---- 89.25' _ 66 j. RESTROOM FACILITIES - - - - - - FIREPROOF 1. THE PROPOSED RESTROOM FACILITIES, LEACHING POOLS, AND SEPTIC TANK WERE I I PROPOSED - - - VENTED , APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION BY THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH / I MAINTENANCE AND BATTERY 10 SERVICES ON 6/20/89. REFERENCE 8 CIO-88-001 FLOW: 450 GALLONS PER DAY. / W I \ STORAGE , 2. THE PROPOSED RESTROOM FACILITIES AND SEPTIC SYSTEM LOCATIONS INDICATED ARE d I = I BOAT STORAGE II BASED ON THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES APPROVED ENGINEERING DRAWINGS ((� BUILDING 0 PREPARED BY JOHN J. RAYNOR LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER PREPARED ON 12/18/87 AS REVISED THROUGH 4/26/89. / N I� Cn F L. E L. 9. 0' w M Al Q II I \ z PROPOSED STRUCTURES / � GRASS & 1. ALL BUILDING HEIGHTS ARE NOT TO EXCEED 35 FEET. �-- UPLAND BOAT STORAGE I I H- B 2. CLUBHOUSE IS AN EXISTING STRUCTURE TO BE RELOCATED TO A NEW LOCATION AND / SUMMER AUTOMOBILE 1 W Z W M E C H . R M . POSITIS TO BE ELEVATED TO AVOID GROUND WATER. % / PAR KING 0O J I _ _ I - O ; FIN 3. POOL Ll STORMWATER MANAGEMENT / O FLAG o 1 . 2 INCHES OF STORMWATER RUNOFF IS TO BE CONTAINED FROM ALL NEW / / CC f \ POLE A Q STRUCTURES. 2. REFER TO STORMWATER DRAINAGE SITE PLAN MAP A FOR STORM WATER DRAINAGE O [7 CALCULATIONS. / ; / � � INTENANCE GRASS Z MA 3. EXISTING PERVIOUS SURFACES TO REMAIN AFTER IMPLEMENTATION OF SITE PLAN 7�p, APPROVED ACTIVITIES / _ AND /OR I MAINTENANCE 4. A 6 INCH HIGH EARTHEN BERM WILL SEPARATE THE PARKING AREA FROM THE BULKHEAD / / STORAGE AREA \ X TO DIRECT STORMWATER RUNOFF AWAY FROM COASTAL WATERS. / J In AND/OR w / z w I II I I STORAGE AREA EXISTING REEX S � � I SEPTIC SYSTEM / w (TO REMAIN) �ANnNGs OFFICE 141 160, KEY: ® = TIMBER DECKING I Q � = EXISTING DOCKS , I PROPOSED APPROVED DOCKS / C) I COfJCRETE o ° � - - - � TO BE CONSTRUCTED / EXIST00 • = EXISTING PILES PERVIOUS SURFACE PAD APRON o3 I I rj = PILES TO BE PLACED �� BLUE - STONE = APPROVED DOCK OR OTHER O Q C ® RECONFIGURATION =>( i0 REMAIN ) I _ _ , ���� Q I o 0 w = EXISTING VEGETATION / r -- = ---------T ----r PROPOSED VEGETATION / ¢ Q = FLOOD LIGHT / w a � w 0 = UTILITY JUNCTION / / EXISTING � �� _ EXISTING WE'EL-_ TRANSFORMER • = UTILITY POST \ HOUSE VAULT I PERVIOUS - = j % I SURFA� E WATER (EXISTING) BLUE- STONE OR 01ffR Za zQ w o == / �8.ELECTRICITY SIGN (EXISTING) ) \ 4 \ ( TO REMAIN ) PLANTINGS WOOD TIE 1.3, I �Q � Q PLANTER BOX (EXISTING) CURBING • � \ wooD TIE (EXISTING) o • - FIRE HYDRANT cUR / m w w ♦ _ _ �III4 = MARSH GRASS / 0Cn I U MAIN Cn ENTRANCE O� ASPHALT PAVED APRON / FL.EL =90 �o LA I NDRY FACILITIES z z / (EXISTING) EXISTING } z � _ NATURAL GAS TANK Q J / fi ♦ a PLANTINGS (EXISTING) FIRE HYDRANT RELOCATED CLUBHOUSE , / -- -� w000 TIE �� - LOUNGE WITH POSSIBLE i CURBING � - TI (TYPICAL) 36.6' --�1 (EXISTING) ( I--- SNACK BAR SERVICE PREVIOUSLY a- Q % PROPOSED �/ � � - RESTROOM 0 APPROVED � � UPLAND BOAT STORAGE o / �_� FACILITIES LIF-TWELL AD SUMMER AUTOMOBILE SUty PARKING EL. = FL. EL. 10. 5 o 11 � 16, RAMP � s 40 W / \ 60.fi °aQ / \ _ -- 20.0 TIMBER FENCING (TYPICAL) TIMBER FENCING (TYPICAL) , W n / � 4 � M / G � o EXISTIN / \ Q PERVIOUS SURFACE \ PROPOSED / / Y C7 BLUE- STONE OR OTHER ELEVATED PORTABLE RIGGING SHED / FIN. FL.-7.8' z ( TO REMAIN ) o POOL_ PLANTERS j ( TYPICAL) / C\ ♦ EXISTING / ELEVATEDlk � DECK ♦may' MAST PLANTERS ♦ CRANE - ti 2 < --- \ S 30' 1 l F TYPICAL - -_-T '� `� q-� . e�- P 107 1 POOL 1 ♦ � � � �h °S P° � MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT 1 ♦ EXISTING S PERVIOUS SURFACE ♦ BLUE- STONE OR OTHER I j TO REMAIN N /F 1 ST. AGNES CHURCH GREENPORT, NY 11944 ; 65j92, 1 BASED ON : 40 4w SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD SURVEY SURVEYOR OR PH A. INGEGNO • • � � � � � APPROVAL DATED 12 /17 /84, LAND SU D , NEW YORK 40 SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD APPROVAL LICENSE NO. 49668 BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT INC. � � DATED 2/5/85, SOUTHOLD SOIL DATED : 08/09 /91 SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP No. 1000 STIRLING BASIN REMOVAL PERMIT DATED 5/l /87. SECTION : 043 BLOCK : 03 LOT: 002 GREENPORT HARBOR SURVEY BY YOUNG & YOUNG MANHANSET AVENUE AND BEACH ROAD MANHANSET AVENUE w VILLAGE OF GREENPORT WETLAND & RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 VILLAGE OF GREENPORT BUILDING PERMIT # 1060 DATED ALDEN W. YOUNG, P . E. & L. S. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LICENSE NO. 12845COUNTY OF SUFFOLK a 4/30/87. HOWARD W. YOUNG, L. S. ZONING USE DISTRICT: MARINA II STATE OF NEW YORK LICENSE N0. 45893 PREPARED BY: ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT REVISED : 05/27/86 SCALE: o4�s5F'MARTE�tiF #13490, NYSDEC PERMIT #10- 84- 0766, 0' 10' 20' 30' 50' " ` DANIELS. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. E" aw �' y'2 SCHEDULE PLAN 916 EAST BOSTON POST ROAD E-+ NYSDOS CERTIFIACTED #F- 85- 254. a " AERIAL PHOTO FLOWN BY:; � ': MAMARONECK , NEW YORK 10543- 4109 � AEROGRAPHICS CORP . (914) 698- 5678 -+ 32,56 DATED: 05/10/90 DATUM = MSL = NGVD = 0. 0 r�FrHEStptEOF SITE PLAN MAP - A DATED : 07 /31 /92 _ + 1 . 2' MEAN LOW WATER SHEET 1 OF 2 w NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SITE PLAN MAP — B SCHEDULE PLAN SHEET 2 OF 2 N . Y. S. PLANE COORD SYSTEM REFER TO SCHEDULE PLAN - SITE PLAN MAP - A APPROX. LIMIT OF AREA SUBJECT TO SKEET I OF 2 FOR NES _ KEYS AND REFERENCES S _ __OT � ___ R ♦ HISTORIC FLOODING F, 436-00 L=100'gg J , HIGH WATER S MARK H2O ' TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD , NY 11971 EXISTING \ \. PERVIOUS SURFACE °e \ oI I ��� BLUE— STONE OR OTHER " 0" Al, \ ' CONI. ( TO REMAIN ) q, I MARSH °F� 0 11 0 II EXISTING ALE ME a J / \ TDA RE 15.6 MAINTENANCE ° m '`_ 66. & STORAGE , \.70) � z2Qu \\�c0 Jv o BUILDINGLD al oergro" FIN . FL. = 7. 2' — O SAND MAI TENANCE Ln a ; � °^�,�� (BOUNDA VOLLEYBAL COURT\\ \ S VARY) APPROVED L & RE o P� \ \' \ q"os SUBTERRANEAN BUILDING z PROPOSED I Q " r \ \ ti / BULKHEAD o FIN . FL. = 7. 0' a,Mp 403, \ � � 275 GALLON 0 0 o WASTE OILekrs `� A co a Q N X CONTAINMENT FACILITY O / / s' aio�\\ \ ♦ ry^ 669 WOOD PILING C9 ROOF OVER- 15.6' d , / 2,453,210 62 E. z WOOD WALK Q 50.2' � r� / / F<o \rp"F\ GRASS ` �� ar Cn 40 HIGH WATER MARK a J w EXISTING (0,/ / ° oeq" ♦ /: LOW WATER MARK N °' o EX STING CONCRETE PAD 6J r`✓ 13.0g, / o b RES ROOMS +1 \ w� �` 38.50• OFFICE 0J / �?- , ° r 7rJ - /, / , SUBMERGED 16.0' .CJ s�° ry l / / / � / �/� PILES ry'�'= �P I / / / a /oa, 50.3' 250 ' jr / / l .50• / ry e0 EXISTING / rj SEPTIC � i / RECONFIGURED ; Q woa SYSTEM / / / / DOCK & PILE LOCATION rJ L_/ 0o u , EXISTING ' rJ (TYPICAL) rJ 00 16' ♦ PERVIOUS SURFACE Q m iRIGINAL * BLUE— STONE OR OTHER rJ LOCATION \ 10 ( TO REMAIN ) OF CLUB HOUSE Q Q — — \�F r� / ' / / / / r / & DECK I– — CONC. Q J / / O / rJ / °gQ EXISTING CL i z MAST SHED /159 18, LLJ LLJPREVIOUSLY ~n v o � � APPROVED Q om°y� Pei rJ l /l 11 l : rJ J EBB TO BE r) z a u , iREMOVED °° ��- 1 / rJ 1 / I r-) �P I / a FFL. ELEV. 7.0' I J I / I r r \�� I I ' � iL � l 1 / rJl l l L / l / / • 254.4' l l rJ 2'— Lu Lu o o t2z FLOOD rV ♦ 01 r z ° r, / / / RECONFIGURED DOCKING FACILITY �8 3g . ' CA_ Qa \�\ // / // / (TYPICAL \. 29 "♦� �° I l 1 O Q RPZ ;� 61 AD e°e ,/ / i ogrN / / rJ J e EXISTING / p �OOor EXISTING LADDER / � / ooC" sa 3r �I rJ DOCKING FACILITY (TYPICAL) /� / , / ✓ J ri TSTN / / / Ill J rl 2727, WORK DECK y EXISTING ELEV. _ +4.1 ' DOCKING FACILITY v (TYPICAL) v / / / // J — _j Jam, -7 r 0 % om� � 1 1 11 l' l ci QAk / 1 / Q* / IL � l BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT l lrJ 1 1 I I I l 1 / , SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP No. 1000 7226'52.. w l 1 / l j /l i / SECTION : 043 BLOCK : 03 LOT: 002 FLOATING wooD DO°k l r 1 I ♦ / RECONFIGURED % MANHANSET AVENUE AND BEACH ROAD J l I / rJ � , l I l I 11 n rJ DOCKING FACILITYGREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 (TYPICAL) �� EXISTING 207. / 11 I / rj r r /' ZONING USE DISTRICT: MARINA II 75. PERVIOUS SURFACE l l � l r � � lJ r BLUE— STONE OR OTHER / / / rJ l / rJ r SCHEDULE PLAN ( TO REMAIN ) °��P J l l 11l l l rJ SITE PLAN MAP — B N 12-jo,03 STEPS 0JG L ,/ l l / 11 r-) SHEET 2 OF 2 E e 326,367.98 N J 209,0, 2,452,766.43 E / / / / BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT INC. LAT: 41 '06'34.81138" r) • � XSTIRLING BASIN 40 2 ONG: 72'21 '25.09646" / / // GREENPORT HARBOR • • � � � � • , 75. T AVENUE � / / J / / / / / / �� VILLAGEAOFEGREENPORT W 5009' 4 r) l l I / rJ l l / — v � ro� TOWN OF SOUTHOLD a ` N 12 3003„ E / / l l r / 11X oo =^�> N COUNTY OF SUFFOLK Vy� b, / l / / / l O �� STATE OF NEW YORK r rJ / / / N� ^� PREPARED BY: �+ / / ; / ry•�'= � oF'✓Sspo P'Q4P DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. vP w �� SCALE: / / � � <. �. Q� / Qy � 916 EAST BOSTON POST ROAD c Sv Q Q �o 14 o' 10' 20' 30' So' / ti�o a _ MAMARONECK, NEW YORK 10543- 4109 3 > 9g rr-)6 �m a (914) 698- 5678 II 0 ,/l hO, 3275 DATED: 07/31 /92 } _ o = DATUM = MSL = NGVD(1929) = 0.0' WOOD PILING °F rHE 51NAE � 326,124.77 N. 0 2,452,707.97 E. W FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY APPROXIMATE DIRECTION OF 500 FOOT OFFSET OF BREWER YACHT YARD \ 9 NORTH AT GREENPORT, INC. PROPERTY \ 4 / gAF 9 / 20 / \�\ 5 / 10 14 Is � �\ 21 � \ C\ 6 � d�,� 15 26 12 16 � '� 22, E< � 23 \ 27 \ � 13 1- - - -rl - -� \ 8 1 18 24 1 25 128 \ I I I MANHANSET AVENUE I � 29 I 34 40 \\ \\4 48 d \ 35 41 \ � 549\ 1 II 36 42 \ 50 31 2 C /�/%/�i/� /�i%/� � \\ / �y� 1 I I//BREWER ER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT. INC. ,\ 51 " / SUOLK. COUNTY TAX MAP No. 10. \ 52 / / /SECTION: 043 BLOCK: '03 LOT: 002�� 37 \ ' MANHANSET AVENUE AND SANDY BEACH ROADi d \ 43 r/.� GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944,�/� / 32 \ � ' 53 , j/ZONING USE DISTRICTMARINA III/ 38 33 44\ ` 54 TOWN / OF SOrjT V/. 39 45 \ 1LI, OLD H AG E F Np 56 60 / l / 55\ \ 57 / 58 /l 59 I / KEY MAP OF PROPERTY OWNERS OF LANDS WITHIN 500 FEET OF BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENP OR T INC. SECTION-LOT_BLOCK _ ION-LOT-BLOCK 6 ADD SS SECTION-LOT-BLOCK KEY NUMBER NAME & ADDRESS 043 04 023 SECT KEY NUMBER NAME RE MARIA "B"S ueue & AppRESS errrrnx�10T-_BLOCK SECTION-LOT-BLOCK KEY NUMBER NAME d ADDRESS 043-01-001 043-04-010 51 LIMBER 03fi-01-001 KEY NUMBER xAMF & ADDRESS 034-01-001 25 HOWARD & GRACE SOGEN 38 222-50L GARLAND D 7202 6th AVENUE 1 PATRICIA KOHL 13 ALBERT SHIVICKAS 6 ALGONgUIN DRIVE 222-50 GARLAND DRIVE BROOKLYN, NY 11209 c/a STIRLING BASIN MARINA 59-74 68st HUNTINGTON STATION, NY 11746 BAYSIDE, NY 11364 MANHANSET AVENUE MASPETH, NY 11318 MARIA KOUKOULAS 043-D4-025.3 GREENPORT, NY 11944 26 JOSEPHINE CLAVIN 043-01-010 39 - VASILIOS CROKOS 043-04-011 62 1233 INWOOD TERRACE 043-03-001 14 MR. & MRS. GEORGULOS KONSTANTINO 036-02-012 190 ANGLERS ROAD 153 83rd STREET FORT LEE, NJ 07024 2 SAINT AGNES CHURCH 31-11 35th STREET GREENPORT, NY 11944 BROOKLYN, NY 11209 2050 MANHANSET AVENUE LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11103 THEODORAS & ORS BOURAS 043-04-025.2 GREENPORT, NY 11944 27 CHAS & MARIAN REINFURT 043-01-090 4p JOHN & DIANA RETOS 043-04-012 53 036-02-013 10-28 49th AVENUE 68 KEELER DRIVE 21-40 47th STREET 035-03-010 15 MR. & MRS. THOMAS CHANGALIS _ ALBANY, NY 12208 ASTORIA, NY 11104 3 SAINT AGNES ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH c/o 14ANGUEL CHANGALIS LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11101 c/o BENNET, KAYE & SCHOLLY ATTORNEYS P.O. BOX 1451 MR. & MRS. WILLIAM A. HICKSON, JR. 043-04-026 / P.O. BOX 138 043-01-008 043-04-013 54 255 MERRICK ROAD 1 BETHLEHEM, PA 18016-1451 28 JAMES MANHANSET 41 JOHN & DIANA RETOS 4 LINCOLN PLACE M LLE CENTER, NY 1157 3235 MANHANSET AVENUE 68 KEELER DRIVE PORT WASHINGTON, NY 11050-3221 ROCK 036-02-014 ALBANY, NY 12208 I y GREENPORT, NY 11944 MR. & MRS. JOHN E. HICKEY 043-03-04 036-02-00116 043-04-014 55 STATE OF NEW YORK 4 GEORGE FIDDLER LN 5401 HIGHWAY 17-92W LOT 161 - 034-04-001 595 fIDDLER LANE HAINES CITY, FL 33844 29 GEORGE PITTAS 42 ROBE RTA KRSZESKI DIVISION OF LAND UTILIZATION GREENPORT, NY 11944 144-66 37th AVENUE RR #1 , 305 LANDING LANE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT 036-02-003 17 JOHN SHIRUCKAS, JR. 01-003 FLUSHING, NY 11354 GREENPORT, NY 11944 EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT - OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES 043- 5 REGINOS EVANGELON 57 BATH 10th STREET 034-04-002 043-04-015 _ MYAOR GOVERNERASTUOR CORNN G.2nd TOWER E NY 17228 30 GUS GRAFAS 43 GEORGE & ORS KOUKOULAS THE GOVERNOR NELSON A. ROLKEFELLER EMPIRE STATE PLAZA 415 FIDDLER LAN BROOKLYN, GREENPORT, NY 11944 40 PROSPECT STREET - c/o NONOAS KOUKOULAS ALBANY, NY 12242 043-01-002 SUMMIT, NJ 07901 1233 INWOOD TERRACE 036-02-004 18 CHARLES KRAUSE FORT LEE, NJ 07024 56 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 043-03-005 T AVENUE fi TRYFON TZIFAS 2895 MANHANSE 043-04 003 23-76 32nd STREET GREENPORT, NY 11944 31 GEORGE HOLEVAR MAGMIT043-04-016 SOUTHOLD, NY 11911 ASTORIA, NY 11105 22-17 19th STREET 44 RENATA ROCKAW S ER 036-02-017 LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11105 114-20 ROCKAWAY BEACH BOULEVARD 57 GEORGE SULLIVAN " 043-03-006 036-2-006.1 ELIZABETH MUNKEL LE T 19 ROCKAWAY PARK, NY 11694 7 JEANNE GENOVESSE 2 LAUREL COURT 043-04-004 57 LARCH ROAD 195 FIDDL 944 LLOYD NECK 32 CHARLES GANASSA 043-04-017 BRIARCLIFF MANOR, NY 10510 GREENPORT, NY 11 HUNTINGTON, NY 11743 19 22nd STREET 45 ZO-DAN 3 45th GR Y 11753 20-33 45th STREET 58 RICHARD & ELSIE FOLLETT 043-03-007 i 6-2-007 .1 JERICHO, N 03 6-02-019 LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11105 g AARON SADOVE 20 MARY GUIDICE 03 85 BEACH ROAD 0 EAST 46th STREET P.O. BOX 535 33 PAUL PANTAGES 043-04-005. GREENPORT, NY 11944 33 EN,MANUEL TZANNES 043-04-018 NEW YORK, NY 10017 GREENPORT, NY 11944 21-51 46th STREET 46 036-02-011 ASTORIA, NY 11105 229 WASHINGTON AVENUE 59 VINCENCT MATASSA 043-03-008 g HENRY 4WINTIN I 21 CHRISTOPHER W. & ANDREA M. MANFREDI 036-02-020.1 043-04-006 GARDEN CITW, NY 11530 66 FLORAL AVENUE 29-03 171st STREET MOORES LANE NORTH 34 COSTAS DOURMAS 043-04-019 BETHPAGE, NY 11714 FLUSHING, NY 11358 GREENPORT, NY 11944 24-08 37th STREET 47 DOMINICK & IRENE RACANELLI 043-03-009 LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11103 63 RICHARDS ROAD fi0 DONALD & EMILY HALLIGAN JOHN & SOPHIA PAPOUTSIDAKIS , 22 JOSEPHINE CLAVIN 036-02-010 043-01-004 043-04-007 .PORT WASHINGTON, NY 11050 g NTLLYING PLACE c/o PETER MOLIVIATIS 190 ANGLERS ROAD 35 DESPINA HARTOFILIS 043-04-020 HUNTINGTON, NY 11743 10 355 85th STREET GREENPORT, NY 11944 24-08 37th STREET 48 LAWRENCE LAUEGLIA BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. BROOKLYN, NY 11209 LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11103 475 WOOD L/ANE STIRLING BASIN 036-02-009 043-01-005 GREENPORT, NY 11944 ORETTA BUYNOCH 23 JOSEPHINE CLAVIN 35 GEORGE BISAKIS 043-04-008 GREENPORT HARBOR RUDOLPH & L 190 ANGLERS ROAD 093-04-021 11 ANE GREENPORT, NY 11944 154-63 RIVERSIDE DRIVE 49 LAWRENCE LVIUEGLIA 220 FIDDLER L GREE Y 11357 475 WOOD LANE MANHANSET AVEN U E ' BEECHURST, N ' GREENPORT, NY 11944 043-01-006 36-02-008 DIMITRIS SARIGIANNIS GREENPORT, NY 11944 VILLAGE OF GREENPORT 0 24 043-04-009 12 CHRIS & ALICE TSAKOS 20-22 29th STREET 37 CHARLES GANASSA o43-04-022 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 145 TERRACE AVENUE LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11105 19 22nd STREET 50 DENNIS ZERVOS JERSEY CITY, NJ 07307 JERICHO, NY 11753 7202 6th AVENUE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK BROOKLYN, NY 11209 STATE OF NEW YORK PREPARED BY: j (OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE) DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES, Inc. 916 EAST BOSTON POST ROAD MAMARONECK, NY 10543-4109 (914) 698-5678 AUG 3 /99 0 DATED: 07/31 /92 U yo. ALero BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. ye. MAR p-t SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP No. 1000 BASED ON : aa�� °�2' SECTION: 043 BLOCK: 03 LOT: 002 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TAX MAPS No. 043 & 036 0 100 200 300 400 500 MANHANSET AVENUE AND BEACH ROAD GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 AND INFORMATION PROVIDED UNDER THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT BY THE TOWN 6 GRAPHIC SCALE mPs. NO SlKle� APPROXIMATELY 1 " 100' r�FiHESLAE�f ZONING USE DISTRICT: MARINA II i OF SOUTHOLD TAX ASSESSORS OFFICE, JULY 1992. � NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION W NOTES: N . Y. S. PLANE COOIRD SYSTEM STORMWATER DRAINAGE PLAN- -- � I UTILITIES AND LIGHTING 1. ALL UTILITIES ARE OR WILL BE UNDERGROUND AS LOCATED ON UTILITY PLAN SITE SITE PLAN M A P - A PLAN MAPS A & B. MULTIPLE BUILDING AND DOCK UTILITY SERVICE CONNECTIONS SHEET 1 O F 2 `..J ARE/WILL BE PROVIDED INCLUDING CONNECTIONS AT EACH BOAT RAMP.. 2. FLOOD LIGHTS ARE INSTALLED AS INDICATED ON UTILITY PLAN SITE PLAN MAPS A & STORM MATER DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS: B AND ARE DIRECTED TO PREVENT GLARE ON NEIGHBORING PROPERTIES. INDIRECT - O li LIGHTING TO BE PROVIDED ON MAIN FLOATING DOCKS WILL BE DIRECTED DOWNWARD, CO STRUCTURE AREA RAINFALL VOLUME SIZE/YOLUMENG OFMBER RINGS CAPACITY INFALL HEIGHT SHALL NOT EXCEED 5' . C 3 THE BULKHEAD IS ILLUMINATED BY INDIVIDUAL DOCK LIGHTS LOCATED APPROXIMATELY u_) ' 20 FEET APART. Proposed Work LANDSCAPING EXISTNCPERMWSSURFACE TRAFFlCDUTYPRECAST Maintenance Building 3 BWESTONE OR atNER 3,300 ft-2 x 2"/12" 550 ft. 8'x 4.5'/190 ft.3 3 570 ft.3 1 . WHERE POSSIBLE, EXISTING VEGETATION WILL REMAIN. To RE RESTORED CONCRETE <,.e / Zone 2 3,300 ft x 2"/1.2" 550 ft.3 8'x 4.5'/190 ft.3 3 570 ft.3 2. PROPOSED VEGETATION TO INCLUDE: JAPANESE BLACK PINE, DOUGLAS FIR, WHITE vARIe Zone 3 3,300 ft.2 x 2"/1.2" 550 ft.3 e'x 4.5'/190 ft.3 3 570 ft.3 PINE, ARBORVITAE, HETZ JUNIPER, HICKS YEW, OR OTHER EVERGREENS. / Zone 4 3,300 ft. x 2"/L2" 550 ft. 8'x 4.5'/190 ft. 3 570 ft.3 3. PLANTER BOXES CONTAINING ANNUALS ARE PROPOSED ALONG THE NORTH FACE OF THE / BULKHEAD AS INDICATED, AND ALONG AREAS OF DECKING. ''`=1' i' } MIN. +' Ou , II SLOPE (TYPICAL) Proposed Concrete 3 WASTE CONTAINMENT (TYPICAL) Pad/Apron 5,600 ft.2 x 2"/112" 934 FT. 81x 4.5'/190 ft.3 5 950 ft.3 1. THE WASTE OIL CONTAINMENT FACILITY WILL BE AN ABOVE GROUND HOLDING TANK _ -_BACItFlLL YIMYUY 6' VARIES - Rel OCated C1 nH110n Se 1, 100 ft.2 x 2"/Il2° 184 ft.3 8'x 4.5'/190 ft.3 1 190 ft.3 WITH AN APPROXIMATE 275 GALLON CAPACITY. WASTE OIL HOLDING TANK WILL MEET INTAKE a cRAYEL E11HER ' OR EXCEED 845 ft. X EED ALL FEDERAL, ICAC oR +' 3 5 AL STATE AN x ft. D LOCAL REQUIREMENTS. ( ) 2 9 LENTS. Q � 835 E%ISnNG SOIL 5 006 ft. x 2 /ll2 2. A F _ Proposed Pool Deck FIXED OR PORTABLE PUMP-OUT P P OUT FACILITY ... WILL 8E PROVIDED TO HAP( (PREDOMINANTLY SANG AND GRAVEL) ... HANDLE BOAT LATERAL EIRN45 / O SEWAGE. THE PUMPED-OUT WASTE IS TO BE DIRECTED INTO THE PROPOSED SEPTIC PRASTCONCRETE O 92,isplar:1, TANK. THE CONTENTS OF THE SEPTIC TANK WILL BE PUMPED AS NEEDED BY A (TYPICAL) LICENSED CONTRACTOR AND TRANSPORTED TO AN APPROVED DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT FACd L I TY. ;;: .:.y..ra»;;::a:::::. .. se.........y............ : O 7 SUMMER PARKING AND ACCESS FOOTING MERE NECESSARY(TYPICAL) I . THE 259 PARKING STALLS SHOV! ARE UNMARKED ON THE STONE SURFACE. �"-- °'-o• "� p. BEACH R A D �-- 481 . 84' I I 2. NUMBER OF SPACES, SIZE OF SPACES AND ACCESS LANES CONFORF7 i0 OR EXCEED 1 ti SOUTHOLD OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS. 205 SPACES ARE REQUIRED (180 J BOAT SLIPS + 25 EMPLOYEES = 205 SPACES) . MINIMUM PARKING SPACE IS 350 TYPICAL STORMWATER DRA NAGE P OL EDGE OF PAVEMENT - _ SQUARE FEET (INCLUSIVE OF ACCESS AISLES) , MINIMUM STALL DIMENSION IS 19'x9' NOT TO SCALE _--- 8 . 0 _ - - - - - , AND MINIMUM ACCESS AISLE IS 22' . \ _-- g O 3. DURING SUMMER MONTHS TEMPORARY AIDS SUCH AS RAILROAD TIES AND CONES MAY BE USED TO ASSIST TRAFFIC FLOW AND PARKING AREA DESIGNATIONS. 1 1 . 0 1 S 5'13'2 1 E 10 . 01 FLOOD PLAIN INFORMATION THE ENTIRE UPLAND PORTION OF THE PROPERTY LIES WITHIN THE HAZARD ZONE Al F WITH BASE FLOOR ELEVATIONS OF 10, 9, & 8' AS DESIGNATED BY FEMA MAP, PANEL 58 OF 120 43608130058D, AS REVISED THROUGH 04/17/85. GRADING H FENCE N C E 1 . EXISTING CONTOURS ARE TO REMAIN GENERALLY UNCHANGED AND ARE SHOWN AT A I F FOOT INTERVAL (DATUM = MSL) . �\ //�= EXISTING `-TEFL M E 2. THE GROUND SURFACE SUB-BASE CONSISTS OF A GRAVEL, SAND AND SILT MIXTURE. O / EXISTING THE TOP SURFACE IS STONE EXCEPT WHERE INDICATED.3. EXISTING AND PROPOSED CONCRETE SLABS WILL BE REINFORCED CONCRETE ON \ CCD / COMPACTED EARTH OR SAND AND GRAVEL SUB-BASE. \ \ / / / PERVIOUS SURFACE 4. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE REFERENCED TO MEAN SEA LEVEL = NGVD ( 1929) = 0.0' . MEAN HIGH WATER = 1 .2' AND MEAN LOW WATER = -1 .2' . N /F / BLUE- STONE 1. THE FLOATING DOCKS AND FINGERS A ST. AGNES CHURCH / OR OTHER , 2. MOSTAPPROVED EXF HEPRESENTLYEXISTING FSRAPPROVAL IINGERSANDPILES ARESITE ASINDICATE6 DIN THEG R E E N P O R T / ( TO REMAIN ) , SITE PLAN APPROVAL '(1/18/86) . SOME OF THE EXISTING FINGERS AND PILES , N Y 1 1 9 4 4 / (WHICH ARE PRE-EXISTING ARE TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED AS INDICATED IN THE - I MOVEA LE SITE PLAN. �ry , YPICAL I STEEL F AME / / RAINW TER COLLECTED �_-- ----1- I STRUCT RE RESTROOM FACILITIES / FROM ROOF GUTTERS 1 . THE PROPOSED RESTROOM FACILITIES, LEACHING POOLS, AND SEPTIC TANK WERE / / ND LEADERS APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION BY THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH / I VICES ON FIREPROOF 2. THE PROPOSED 2SREFERENCE9. C8FLOW:8-001 S GALLONS PER RETROOMFACILITIESAND5EPTICSYSTEMFD OCATIONS INDILATED ARE / I I BASED ON THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES APPROVED ENGINEERING DRAWINGS VENTED , / % % I BATTERY co - PREPARED BY JOHN J. RAYNOR LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER PREPARED ON ' TYPICAL DRAIN I -� STORAGE r , 12/18/87 AS REVISED THROUGH 4/26/89. c�O' PROPOSED STRUCTURES ZONE 3, 250/ / 7 �- SQUARE FEET I � � \ LL _ 1 . ALL BUILDING HEIGHTS ARE NOT TO EXCEED 35 FEET. MAIf y^.� I Z \ 2. CLUBHOUSE IS AN EXISTING STRUCTURE TO BE RELOCATED TO A NEW LOCATION AND / I POSITION. ZONE 1 J ZONE 2 a, I Z O GRASS &B 3. POOL IS TO BE ELEVATED TO AVOID GROUND WATER. h I YQ of O STORMWATER MANAGEMENT / ^1 1 / I d z U O 1. 2 INCHES OF STORMWATER RUNOFF IS TO BE CONTAINED FROM ALL NEN j TYPICAL 8 /F/ 01T DIAMETER L9 STRUCTURES. 4 5 FOOT DEEP0 CUBIC FOOT �jy 2. REFER TO STORMWATER DRAINAGE SITE PLAN MAP A FOR STORM WATER DRAINAGE / 1 1 . O ' CAPACITY DRAINAGE RING ZONE J II 70NE 4 �� \ POLE � CALCULATIONS. TYPICAL) w FLAG Q 3. EXISTING PERVIOUS SURFACES TO REMAIN AFTER IMPLEMENTATION OF SITE PLAN / / / I W APPROVED ACTIVITIES 4. A 6 INCH HIGH EARTHEN BERM WILL SEPARATE THE PARKING AREA FROM THE BULKHEAD / \ TO DIRECT STORMWATER RUNOFF AWAY FROM COASTAL WATERS. Z EXISTING SEPTIC SYSTEM GRASS z / 10 . 0 PROPOSED MAIN 1ENANCE o TO REMAIN � r AND STORAGE BUILDING w MARINA BASIN PARKING AREA / / / / 13, 000 S ^ UARE FEET EET Q muxuo RI¢nxc nwm,N.f*acu) / / / FIN . I f_ L. E EL. + 9 _ 0 ' a0 ' ru tTN.) L xa xa cu,xLN rznu / I a, PLANTINGS OFFICE KEY: TIMBER DECKING Lam,,, \ m¢ ( Im) EXISTING DOCKS 9 . 01 I TYPICAL 8 - 1 DIAMETER _ \ / / DISTRIBUTION BOX I 4.5 FOOT DEEP - 190 CUBIC FOOT - - APPROVED DOCKS \ / / / WITH CLEANOUT CAPACIT(T DRAINAGE RING . ARI1brEO LOiltll - - - � TO BE CONSTRUCTED / / • = EXISTING PILES �' EXISTIN / X9 , 0 ° PROPOSED CONCRETE oa 11 . 0 PERVIOUS S FACE I 03 = PILES TO BE PLACED �� / PAD / APRON 5 , 600 ® = APPROVED DOCK �10 BORE THER ONE / // SQUARE FEET 7 0 ' RECONFIGURATION 7 0 ' EXISTING VEGETATION EARTHEN BERM DETAIL Q REMAIN ) / / m a NOT TO SCALE PROPOSED VEGETATION I = FLOOD LIGHT % / -- - / TYPICAL a 0- O = UTILITY JUNCTION / RAINWATER LEGTED FROM PERIMETFTE SWALES :5 = UTILITY POST / WELL / � EXISTING, / DL WATER �� 9.z, HOUSE , � PE -SO'RFACE / P__ W (EXISTING) �LUE - STONE• OR OTHER / o a ELECTRICITYFn o = PLANTER BOX / 10 . 0 ' �a FxlsnNc) �- ( TO REMAIN ) Z Q z PLANTINGS WOOD TIE j / � 14 a • • _ / EXISTING LL FIRE HYDRANT (EXISTING)❑ CURBING O L � = MARSH GRASS � (ExISTINc) � W � � W CID MAIN _ a O � a ENTRANCE o w C O IIS ASPHALT PAVED APRON FL EL.=9.0• / (EXISTING) t 2' W m ANTINGS / rEXI STING) �a , Q , Q WOOD TIE CURBING p J (EXISTING) SEPTIC SYSTEM � FOR RELOCATED CLUBHOUSE O r 6 RESTROOMS AND L- , N O (V LAUNDRY FACILITIES , RELOCATED CLUB • W W HOUSE AND , GO L1_1 RESTROOMS , CID DECK DRAIN (TYPICAL) , i 4 O . OE 1 EXISTING CLUB HOUSE ROOF DRAINAGE O 4.5 FOOT DEEP DRAI14AGF / / Q PERVIOUS SURFACE RING - 190 CUBIC FOOT C9 BLUE - STONE OR OTHER CAPACITY (TYPICAL) ( TO REMAIN ) 8 FOOTIDIAMETER POOL DRAINAGE RING 4 / 4 , 4.0 FOOT DEEP DRAINAGE L RING - 169 CUBIC FOOT , \ CAPACITY (TYPICAL) / 8 . 0 ' STORMWATER DRAINAGE I,/V / SYSTEM FOR POOL DECK �� DECK y? - / T- � INCH HIGH EARTHEN BERMSEPARATING PARKING Q. - - , AREA FROM MARINA BASIN JJJ--- TO DIRECTT STORMWATER WATER DRAINAGE AWAY FROM MARINA (/\ , BASIN DRAINAGE RING FOR POOL FILTER BACKWASH WATER C) EXISTING - PERVIOUS SURFAC BLUE- STONE OR OT R ( TO REMAIN ) N /F ST. ACNES CHURCH �� I 1 GREENPORT, NY 11944 j 65> BASED ON : • � . SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD SURVEY BY JOSEPH A.. INGEGNO APPROVAL DATED 12/17/84, LAND SURVEYOR • � � � � OT SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD APPROVAL RIVERHEAD , NEW YORK LICENSE N0. 49668 BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT, INC. BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT INC. • • DATED 2/5/85, SOUTHOLD SOIL DATED: 08/09 /91 REMOVAL PERMIT DATED 5/1 /87. SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MIAP No. 1000 STIRLING BASIN SECTION : 043 BLOCK : 03 LOT: 002 GREENPORT HARBOR W SURVEY BY YOUNG & YOUNG MANHANSET AVENUE AND) BEACH ROAD MANHANSET AVENUE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT WETLAND & RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK BUILDING PERMIT # 1060 DATED ALDEN W. YOUNG, P. E. & L. S. GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 VILLAGE OF GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LICENSE N0. 12845 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 4/30/87. HOWARD W. YOUNG, L. S. ZONING USE DISTRICT: MARINA II a STATE OF NEW YORK ,NAL ENO C, LICENSE N0. 45893 5 . 4 . i E MART 4 "`c OF ENGINEERS PERMIT05/27/86o c , ARMY CORPSSCALE �- PREPARED REVISED: BY: '. T 0 84- 0766 •, „ - DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES Inc. � 13490, NYSDEC PERM( 1 50' " � ,�'' ' , # 0 10 20 30' . .,�� # >� , , •_ STORMWATER DRAINAGE PIAN i _. ,. 916 EAST BOSTON POST ROAD 3 NYSDOS CERTIFIACTED #F- 85- 254. AERIAL PHOTO FLOWN BY. 2 MAMARONECK , NEW YORK 10543- 4109 9f N" T9 `�J AE ROGRAPHICS CORP. 3Z DATED : 05/10/90 DATUM = MSL = NGVD = 0. 0' " s'AT SITE PLAN MAP - A (914) 698- 5678 DATED : 07/31 /92 + 1 . 2 MEAN LOW WATER SHEET 1 OF 2 1 j• I r I NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SITE PLAN MAP — B E A ` K I " G PLAN SHEET 2 OF 2 �i N . Y. S. PLANE COORD SYSTEM i ---mmmmmmmmw REFER TO PARKING PLAN-- SITE PLAN MAP - A SKEET I OF 2 FOR NOTES , KEYS AND REFERENCES REFER TO SCHEDULE PLAN_- SITE PLAN MAP - B � oo.g8, STIEET 2 OF 2 FOR EXISTING DOCK CONFIGURATION E E � � � • R 43 6.00 7 �IGH WATER MARK `S `` . _ _ 1 ,III, 1 1A � l TOWN OFSOUTHOLD v I ', TOWN HALL • v — \ SOUTHOLD, N Y 11971 - - - - 1A — _ — v 1A EXISTING vv -- - - -j v � PERVIOUS SURFACE ` S — - BLUE— STONE OR OTHLR \ rv , , \ ,\ ( TO REMAIN ) \ \ gtio„ C \ �� � ^D P✓ A F H Foy`v, ?r 4P �� o� \ F OF99 100 /,98 'li �\�° Lpin,�&'0,�Q34—e•,1W'�ra�C,�—�JIi_4'�s 5� ���S/V�/~TI/'wZ/�.I oa�/G F1�1(��c�—E _�/Q�/!,I Ig�/r_/�♦N\`��,.�,B\�AQ RR4I�E�R- _vI \1Ii\I9I.,Q 2//\CJ�\�//F",�\/z_\,i//a��\_//,T)�1,E\\./1\�'4�/L,./\/I./1\^_//\e/m / s\//c,a \/eJ\\ri-�\LVr�/!'/J\li/l\l/I J,'�,>/I,�/S—/`j(r/\—-J\v(`L1J�/—o1\_I_Vk1maV`l/1%Y/rrv I\/Nr�?/!J o/\\.la�\\-/\A\11�,—\'♦r`\_v\vl!vv I—\\�\\♦0\I.��1N"lI�\�l J1I/l\I,lI�j/II vl�/(I_//J�v\v 1r�•I_\\v//—V-v,/����_O/�vI\r♦_// _�y/l ll�/A/1�y lI l/vIle\IE��\Js\r!l Jr7 ti��♦vrJ,�\1f(��1/�/JP_Llq�lV\r!/I llOl,Ill I h//r�I/I I/ rJ—J♦D F hr � -/�♦/Ix��.S ./I_-/JIJgS/�?1.•, ;/•I I F `\l 19 I :97 101 ss \ /010 AE ISTING102 G ME / 94 E MAINTENANCE 103 & STORAGE 92 BUILDING 91 0 � 0. 0105 4f SAND/ VOLLE tBAL COURT (BouNDArs vARv�MAINTENANCE los �I •F/ti�' I /e I"I�RAv`1Ii l�T P 1I� P /�.ti• _RFl O/ VlmEl D z & STORAGE SUBTERRANEAN l/ _/7 / BUILDING 107 BARRIER-FRE � B LKHEAD 90 o\ 89 /l l/ /l l/ /rv / . I / _ _ _ _Q— 6 rJ64�J , WOOD OOD,.o �PN � L ^ N o G a 10* \ _Q 325,919.60 No . , 2,453,210.62 E r110 IP 4#p HIGH WATER MARK 5 � \� /o N w a - LOW WATER MARKs8a EXISTING p \ N7O' 84 O6'S „CONCRETE PAD 3a.so 83 °�0)�r _ � SUBMERGED 92 I_ PILES 81 r //0B 25050. ARRIER-FREE / .�'— RECONFIGURED LOCATIONV DOCK & PILE wo r (TYPICA -7 7- BAF R -EXISTING 79 � C �� 1 f? rJCY PERVIOUS SURFACE E a* BLUE— STONE OR OTHER -- ( TO REMAIN ) 77 / / /T \ rU 7s *0 ri 5 (' � [ / / E \ /159 18' ^ (O TO BE REMOVED O 73 ,/ 5VrrJ J72 / r EBB 71 Q 9 56 q, r-) _ l ,r) / / * l r) 7057 ss � Jr ss ss r !- 2544,60 FREE to 51 68 U / FLOOD52 rJQ 1.� — _BARRIER-FREE RECONFIGURED 67 N r 43 66 \ DOCKING FACILITY 929 r 44, (TYPICAL) 45 65 46 (r �4 63 RPZ62 0 61 1 61 rJi IG 1 / /LADDERT44P n n1rI — 212.7 ELEV.WORK DECK � Eo Q7 BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP No. 1000 rJ 002; fiiJ SECTION : 043 BLOCK : 03 LOT: s 2.252" W MANHANSET AVENUE AND BEACH ROAD 16 RECONFIGURED 14 DOCKING FACILITY GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 312 Docr-)K (TYPICAL )10 9 8 r-) ZONING USE DISTRICT: MARINA II 6 5 2 �XI TIN 4 . 7gr 3 2 IrJ PENGA PERM US S F CE SLUE— STONE OTH R r( TO REMAN ) S TE PLAN MAP — B J STEPS SHEET 2 OF 2 12 30'03., 326,367.98 IN 2os.0. BREWER YACHT YARD AT GREENPORT INC. 2,452,766.43E / (J (J / STIRLINGBASIN65LAT: 41 '06'34.81138" / / l -c-k-I,72'21 '25.09646" ! GREENPORT HARBOR rJ MANHANSET AVENUE N VILLAGE OF GREENPORT 4 rJ � TOWN OF SOUTHOLD50 09 rJ A, S � SUFFOLK N 12A) ,ry J ATE 0 NEW YORK 4 rr-) PREPARED BY: DANIEL S. NATCHEZ and ASSOCIATES Inc.r vo_ E fAc SCALE:X11, 916 EAST BOSTON POST ROAD MAMARONECK , NEW YORK 10543- 4109 55 o' 10' 200' So' 6 89' 60 ' DATED: 077 /3 /92J 47 98— 5678 '= =U' y H 32756 �1�1, WOOD PILIING ' Fri,e � DATUM _ = MSL = NGVD(1929) = 0.0' W 326,124.77 N. ci 2,452,707..97 E. C1 '