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54 ej k 0 tj y t i 5 - " I -! Y Sof U.4 pdf 06 It too A • t ` _ t � hl � f Rsd LIFEALRNORIZED AL ` - _..• /' . ��_ .. - iO THIS J.YEEY FSTLRAIION OR Ai A VIOLATION OR " ,' 109 OF THE NEW YORK STATE r: fOL �VME/ FI/1r :J{GO GI EWCAiION IA W. __. COPIES OF TH< SURVEY MAP NOT EEARINO LAND SU.VFVOR'S SFAl OR 1 'x, EMtO55,D SFAL SSAtt Itp'1 CE RE A VAI Tu, 0ONSIDER€4 - __. ._.�..___....,�,. . TO CAIN. .______._._.___...__.. CVARAN7E c .. . .__ . .. . _._ .—IS J'r r +G NLCE4M SNA-) L J?. FC2 w /i'. a¢ IS k�E A D Ji4 N;b MCm _ _,,;�VEY, /p 711 L'..iv3A Ak4 uUV[R " ;H£ . SITE l i Rl'�" UTIO7i: H A4,tNCYAN AND ♦ r A +r� A�rSPL-v -,L 1EN61BAG VNbil� E3DARAr /„�`/MVG�/y I V �'I/ ✓ , G.�/'•�C �(} /�y� �±. < �� TM( kiOl ! IIIEI N'Oi iGNS;..A9(E / ••�AfiiF�i r40OP6 OR SUY:•.liuEN7 E VIN 91,t 7 3 �Rx . 7s�rs lirW a�bxaed rr. ,,3,19T3 AicHa�:r+>1onoxt� dsrc . rumfR rp c. N Ile �. jAs9 kx=�— ).� Iku.L v i'. at t '' . m r, a k K '' r ~• tt �u�x+,wt�a'41+y." Y:TA SvA,•a<-4,.,1 rKn '`a e' . ., •.A..;. §,...a, t ae,... -e.N.- : of June 5, 1974 Mr. Jack Levin Sound Shore Resort Motel , ._ North Road 1.5 G reenport, New York 11944 _ Dear Mr. Levin: This is to inform you that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held June 4, 1974. On motion made by Mr, Coyle, seconded by Mr. Raynor, it was Resolved that the planting plan of Sound Shore Resort Motel including marble chips in the shrubbery bed by the front porch and extra planting along the easterly edge of the lawn near the drainage area be approved 3-0 subject to a review in two years, g Vote of the Board: Ayes: Wickham, Moisa, Coyle, Raynor and Grebe. CE Yours truly, t Muriel Brush, Secretary , - Southold Town Planning- Board Copy to Mr. Howard Terry Building Inspector 1r �. ' A May 5, 1976 Mr. Jack Levin Sound Shore Motel County Road Greenport, New York 11944 Dear Mr. Levin: At the regular meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board held May 3, 1976, the following action was taken. Motion was made, seconded and carried that the two-year / review of the planting and marble chips at the Sound Shore Motel is satisfactory. Yours truly, Muriel Brush, Secretary Copy to Mr. Howard Terry Building Inspector October 31, 1974 V Mr. Jack Levin g. Sound Shore Motel = North Road Greenport, New York 11944 Dear Mr. Levin: Mr. Henry Moisa and Mr. .:Frank Coyle inspected the property which is the addition to Sound Shore Motel and reported to the Planning Board at a regular meeting held on October 28, 1974- *at it is still not in compliance with the site plan and resolution adopted April 18, 1973, This resolution read "RESOLVED that before 'the Planning Board grants final approval to the site plan for the addition to Sound Shore Motel and-before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued, all dirt must be ,removed from- the pond, the original water level is to be restored, and landscaping completed." If you have any questions on this I would a�lggest that you contact either one of the above-named gentlemen. Yours truly, Muriel Brush. Secretary Southold Town Planning Board r,- April 2, 1974 Mr. Jack Levin Sound Shore Motel North.Road Greenport, New York 11944 Dear Mr. Levin: As per our conversation of this morning, the Southold Town Planning Board requests that you submit an amended site plan for the .Sound Sbor* Motel. Our next meeting will be April 16, 1974 and if you can get it to me before then, the Board will review it ,that evening. Yours truly, Muriel Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board i r April 18, 1973 1 Mr. Jack Levin Sound Shore Motel North Road Greenport, New York 11944 Dear Mr. Levin: At its regular meeting on April 16, 1973, the Planning Board passed the following resolution in regard to the site plan for addition to Sound Shore Motel: "RESOLVED that before the Planning Board grants final approval to the site plan for the addition to Sound Shore Motel, and before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued, all dirt must be removed from the pond, the original water level is to be restored, and landscaping completed. " Very sincerely, John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board JW:tle a • 0 T � s TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. Date ...&j)0h.....$3...$ ................... Mr Co4%A0 i' c Works Suffolk County Yaphank Ave., Yaphank, N. Y. Dear Sir: In accordance with Section 239K of the General Municipal Low of the consolidated Laws of the State of New York, this is to notify the Commis- sioner of Public Works of the County of Suffolk that .... .• •,,,•A/C ........................................................................................................................ has applied to the Town of Southold for a permit to construct a building soul j:t* on as shown on the attached plot plan, submitted in triplicate, dated ................ KR!'AM....Mj...............and titled .........l9t1�i1••Y3J6fL..h1#••JiOk..IA�3l1 We shall withhold further action on this application for ten days or as otherwise provided in the aforementioned Section 239K. Very truly yours, Building Inspector Town of Southold, N. Y. x rjn I � Lo tj 9F ' � lot 7 ~ �IGf� 1 1 'x 1 r �Aoef-1 f VIOLi OCR€O ALi'3AIION CR A )I r A A TION E 1 M1 Y 5 TION Of OF f . . _ � t CF TM€St W Y RR .TAY`. 2 7 Q00' N C t s OF iYlS Y 41Ai'�O(n€AR1NG � , OLE �CJ/ tts c i I a March 16, 1973 Mr. Jack Levin Sound Shore Motel North Road Greenport, New York 11944 Dear Mr. Levin: The Planning Board has been waiting for you to appear at the last three .meetings to discuss your site plan. The site plan, you submitted does not show the high water mark and we are very deeply concerned with setback from water front because the County has been concerned with erosion and has been mandating setback. The site plan must also show the property lines, total acreage and elevations. Also a schedule of plantings is required. Very sincerely, John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board JW:tle • FORM NO. 5 • TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. ORDER TO REMEDY VIOLATION Date .....................ft"12..........1.6........... Jack Lavin TO sound...shore..3latel................................. (owner or authorized agent of owner) �r dioa&�...Gre�n ort 3F..?............ (a ress of owne or auto ¢ed gent o owner) PLEASE TAKE NOTICE there exists a violation of: Zoning Ordinance Art y see 500E Art XT-1-501...........................•• Other Applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations C.(2=t,..A.AAAt1 Y..R.Gde & highway rul at premises hereinafter described in that .."US trUo.tion..ADD..ia..Wt9l..hUi,.din4..hA3..t BJSn (state character of violation) started..withaut...a...permit..or...site..plan..appr.Oval..from..PlaunJmg...Board & ...agproval...f rom..Helath..Dapaa tment................................................................................. in violation of .Art...V...Ser_...500...B...&...Art..XV...sag...1•,5Qt..L:f...build.ing..zone...ordinance & (State section or paragraph of applicable law, ordinance or regulation) County sanitary ............. %o..appxaval..from..County..Deft--of...Rubli,c...works............................................code............... YOU ARE THEREFORE DIRECTED AND ORDERED to comply with the law and to remedy the conditions above mentioned forthwith in or before the .......16...UlXtAef thi............................. day of .....................Masah...................... 19-21. you are ordered to stop all work until a building permit is secured. The premises to which this ORDER TO REMEDY VIOLATION refers are situated at K�B..$orth..t2asd.. ...Gzeanport....County of Suffolk, New York. Failure to remedy the conditions aforesaid and to comply with the applicable provisions of law may constitute an offense punishable by fine or imprisonment or both. Building Inspector ., - 1. — - - - q - „ y '.5 __ _ - _ - --=-•-----_'-- -- - _ ,_ i' > - _' w a y I• els -- -- - i, _ - - -- - -- - - - - - - - e a; ---- ---- -- — ,- . � - Mr . =. w 1 i E �� �,F, i ' ,II I "Y1 _ - � - - _ _ - _c 1 _ , '4.. ., _ - ..t - _ 1 _ _ _ _ t f Jl 1 �} Y . 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W.c.�, I 11215.7 , I I% I 4• � - b` Aj - � t �1--1-___ _.— ' �+ iJ-I> I / - IO ITc o . + „•.,. I I 1 ; iy Ig 11,y6.r. - I II/213.1 r'I T' II " 'L's.rl I I'/x l3:r.i 1/2. 15 T. ury,n,r z-s.r, _ II'/y tl.T. II Ir/ti tl1T, \ _ - 1 ' I I jll/4 I ' a.e. as.•I'I I .. � I%ti err � W.a w.c I 'S.T. (. - _ I i � N w 1 I I I%2..T � I III/2 ,S.T 1 v � I'I " �t 1'/�y' S.T ��� .a w.e, IV�4 . l "ter "��� 2� � �P� l v.c. 1 ' e.o �._ __ -- r- ._.--_ ------ i 1, - - ._ ye.o . ,� . - 100 _ ""..✓�'.s+' ww.v 1 .- �� � �. 7k 1 - c.e 4 #' Gam_ _. .o .d" � __•�. . __ 9e,e.'"� - � S 1L � `i }I •:�� 1. .. - - _ I �k � C.I. 4¢..of .� may'"' , /�� _ �n+- Cl`'j.. . .'` � `•T 0 Q i .f4 S 5(:':{— FMAT1G PL.UMf-51QG -am / . .s . ' ,I" 5E ./ n G " r-.) IGw 1 -, c„- r�,ls1�Iij r ✓ ,t �+�•,.T73r., Iti,l r x Zoo IGCCo G,u.L v'C'.rf.-'! t y 411 �c / I � ' Al FQ r'� lr:`. {�� �.r Y'r�1,C•� - -_ _. ' - :oEw•., rIC '7.x,1-,b JIa ZpC <a.n.Lpf- _ _ - t.G..AC1�lhl+...i F>4_4.Ac_,ii� 'cQ. Y. ../,"...• \,' I � I\ M .,- `} "P F�^L�_ Cl`UI:?`1 b+:f. I eno eWgDA of M Ip.J 1 \ } ii I - SftPTI;_, IUIY "A" - C� SA :U� l _ F<�c�I IV to U_ 1 �, l G.cr O' • APPO ` }{I.:+�.v+:w ,' De ' t_.cny r•ti5 r �' 61J� ! -x;j 1N - o11T t• i b __ 4---- - o,c> ' '.. - , I . .;• ^ ' � .. - _.__. _. } m,_------ litF_-� i ny: I „ r k I •: r'�, 1 11 1 a ccs/Rowe - - - - - - - - - - - - - . NIN - - 7 41W PIl..VJ"i'IN.co suMl_1 h•�It.a�.., sl=r=r.a-ra,..l�'t Yt=u+<, } I I ^ DFFD[N CDDNIY DEPARFMENr OF HEALTH '4' a�.6 -- �4 a•'G_-_ # - `_ I I. C) j r ', 1_ '1, �.w.,� R+ U'MSIO'N OAF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICM i. ` + S- 3G ,?wqs 3 2� I H. D. No. D'\�� IC.KE>JFryM Inc= Pk,7 :.- pia+._� _ scanning+� 3 13” Fes, tJA !j T`^1YL L'y 2'i?57l Dib proposed arrangements for sewage disposal and water supply were approved in INh plans and applications on file in the Office of the Suffolk County Department of HeaI ' 2©_ t`7Q Cyfa..t_,. 5�.�1'i G_ � 1,..14" i . Rig approval is granted on condition that the proposed facilities are installed in conform' 71 III these plans. This approval is not authorized to be used as part of any application for ; 1 t1I• E F_ ��7-+ma y I>`"Xs ,n,,. Mriancr of ,ny local ordinance or requirement ...,-. t - I�Q,I.y II,�I� _ _ ,Chief of Gene4al EnvlU.aanw/rt//¢/rYlyjcdl I PP•.V`,'n•_" aoNc-w.a^rr cT. �•,� r• p� J� '""� I "pJterwHnn of 1% Croeumen9 �� j: alG (�c✓. 7 �l V�—� � -C - ;_ . exec t `. v a Licensed Frofes. Mu^�T t>r., , I„ PG'-t aUC"_C.+ 1 t.J F,.M i' '+':.fr"C� Pa'. 1 T'Icvh.S F Q(e� P sional Engineer, Is illegal' , MtL4'- fcm'.FJ LC Khu n� ( { / � { Section 7209, Subdivision 2, I M 1 r J ,'t,� c Lr:".+ �„ it h..1 N Y State Education Low + a-rz nam-as.e-,le_us, ax rrc:.r_-:x�w:v :r_v:,7acaxrs — 7) U SIGN A� R€V nal^ra orr 7 T h73, i seal nnn bl .. air EEr., L`"J !^.."Y N• (. � I . i ^-- ..a 1 r nl� nl nre nr drrl,vino. 'PA SCI F-1� � ,C E'o �� 4 ' - � •, c'r:�rtior'. or revl'lani to vn h't out En r. I, _g 3