HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-40.-1-20 (2) , . . . f .,t RECEIVED OEC131979 CASE NO: .~if:........... STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDIN- ANCE OF' THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TOI'I'O C'er\( SoutIIotd PETITION ....................'........................................................ TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: a domestic corporation with principal offices 1. I, .MM!?~.?:9m;:...R!';~Y?~~!'!.T.I...~!'!.~:.!........ ,x:u~at .~.?~~..~.':'.~'?~?~~.1;:..:!~.( ..~~:::t?...~efferson (insert name of petitioner) Statl.on, New York 11776 contract vendee Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the ~ of certain real property situated at Greenport, Town of Southold. . ....................... ............... ....................... and more particularly bounded and deSCribed as follows: See Schedule A attached hereto. 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of South old to change, modify and amend th~ Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including' the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: To change the zoning classification of the above premises from: "All Agricultural and Residential to: "M-I" General Multiple Residence District." .. I, ., . e.--w . )' . 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: The property, because of its size and location, is well suited to multiple residence use. It is located in an area containing several parcels zoned M-I Multiple Residence,and B Light Business. Therefore, the rezoning would conform to the general character of the neighborhood. The property is situated on Long Island Sound on a major East-West road near the Village of Greenport, and is secluded from neighboring properties by its dense vegetation. Applicant plans to erect eight 3-unit condominiums. MAIDSTONE DEVELOPMENT, INC. (L. '1h-s. '0' .................................. Joseph C. Martirano, President STATE OF NEW YORK,) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) Joseph C. Martirano . . . . . . . .. . . ,. , . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. , BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that the Pres~dent of he i'i>\the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. MAIDSTONE DEVELOPMENT, INC. Sworn to before me fJ. l ............... President this .2.<:11;1;1. day of .. Nqv\'\llP.~~ . .. .. .. .. .., 197\1.. .. .. ... ...... ~.O;) Q. a!((~ Ab~gail . Wickham Notary Public. ABIGAI A. WICKHAM Notary Public, State of New YoiR No. 52.4642871 Qualified In SUffolk Counli! . Imn iJlJ1lr.cs Marcn 30, l!lZI .f . \~ , . . , SCHEDULE A ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being near Greenport, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument on the northerly line of the North Road at the southwesterly corner of land, now or formerly of Parlamis, formerly of Marston, being the southeasterly corner of the premises herein described; from said point of beginning running along said northerly line of the North Road South 53 degrees 24 minutes 30 seconds West a distance of 255.26 feet; running thence along land now or formerly of Crystal on a line parallel to and 250 feet westerly from the westerly line of said land of parlamis North 24 degrees 56 minutes 30 seconds West a distance of 852.29 feet to ordinary high water mark of Long Island Sound; running thence along said high water mark of Long Island Sound North 32 degrees 09 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 297.75 feet to said land of Parlamis; thence along said land of Parlamis South 24 degrees 56 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 962.47 feet to the point or place of beginning, said premises containing 5.207 acres according to survey of Otto W. Van Tuyl & Son, dated October 31, 1961. Reserving to the party of the first part, her heirs, legal representatives and assigns the right to the use of the pond on the premises and to drain the pond completely, or to leave the pond in its present condition, providing nevertheless, that if the westerly line of the premises herein conveyed cuts through any part of the pond, the party of the second part, his heirs, legal representatives and assigns, may at his discretion, fill in such part of the pond as may lie within his property line. (aJ ~~9p~re~ ~ill US~ ~~==9n~~7 avai:a~12 ~~or--A~~~= :~ekY ~pac~s C~ ~~e ~c~~~n. !~ ~S ~ot e:c;~~~ec ~r ~~her ~ves~iga~~ans will be ~~da~ake~. .... . DiS7:t!JCT:CNS: (oj cccleted TO~F SOUTHOLD . SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM in order ~o answer the ques~ions -::-':-5 S!"~Or": 3.AF i3 ::.s assumed ::.ha t ~h9 :~nce~~~ ~te ?rojec~ ar.d t~e ~ha~ a~d~~i~~Al 5~~cies, ~9sear~h :r any ~ues~ion bas bee~ an~~er~d ~e5 ~he ?rcjec~ !n~-:o~~~n~al Assess~en~ :o~ is ~~cess2--r. aJaj- be signi!:.::ant a.~ a . t. questior.s ~ve been. a.ns\<t.era~ :{o :.-: is ~:.lca17 ~~o:; ~his ?ro~ec": is -....... ~ (el It: all 5i~i!icar..~. , (~l ?~5:P AP3' S ::~=2':'-,:"",:~';'";-Hr"_. .~.......:l",.,_"'-"t..... ii :./;3 ~v~~~~en~al lssess~ent . 1. ;;il!. ;:rojec-: resul~ in a large ~::)-s::.:al to the project site or physicallT al~ar tr~n 10 ac~s of land? . . . .. . ~ . . . . c bange more Yes X /fo Yes X 110 Yes X No res X ~ro Yes X !fo Yas X No Yas X _-~o Yes X No 2. ~"'ill there be a major change to a~7 t.:..:.iau9 unusual land fo~ found on ~he 5~~a? . . . . Or J. Wil~ ?~~ject altar or cave a largg an ~~~L~g body o~ wa~sr? ai'.!'ac"t: ,on .. . . ~. Wi:: ?rojec~ have a potant~ll :a~g~ i~a~ On grocnc.....,a:cer quality? .. . .... . 5. W;" ?rojec~ 3i~ificantlT on adjacec:t: sites? . . sIfae,,: :...-?.; -age LO'"-II . . . . . . c. Wi'~ projec~ affect ~y ~hrea~ens~ ~: e~~~~g~r9d ?la~~ or an;~~j species? .. . . . 7. W~~ ~rojec~ ~esult 3.1:- qual.:'::7? ~ a %ajcr aC7~rse ei~ec~ on . . . . . s. Wi:: groject ~ave a '~jor ei~a:~ ~~ .~-sual :~~ ac~ar of ~he co~i~ Gr 5cec~c 7~afiS ~r 7~5~as cO"..m 'Co be ~or::an1: to the ::~a::::-..:...~:.q? . 9. ~V'i..'!..!. ?rojec~ ad".rersely b:pact ;.::., 5:"~a or S't,:::-.lCl;- t~e of ~stor~c, ?rg-histor~c, cr ?a:ecn~~lcs~cal ~o~anc3 or any si~a desigr~~ac as ~ c~i~~c~l er.l~c~en~al area by a local age~=7? !'~S X No 795 X !Ie ras X ~io !~5 X 110 . :25 X :10 . 10. Wi:: ?~jec~ have a ~jor ~ffec~ :~ :7~S~~~g ~r ru~ur9 r~c~ea~icnal O??C~U.~i~~2S~ . l~. ~~ ?r~jec~ ~~5~~ ~ =ajar ~~2~=~= ?~~bl~~ or cacse a =aicr 9f!act ~o~xis~i:g ~:a~s?o~a~ion S"'/s-ca=s? ... . ... . :Z~ Wil~ ?r~jec~ re~~ar!7 causa ob:~c~~:=able ~dorst :::'Oi3S, glare, Ti.br'a'tion, or alec-::-:.:al. d.::!.s"t~:,- ance as a r~su1~ of the ?rojac~'5 ~?e~a"tion? . l.J. "i'i:.J..:. ~r"" .:~c- ~aia-c7~"';~ ., have 3.n7 i;npact -:n. ?1':::'~: ~eal -:h Or' . . ,. -"". ~i:: ?r~~ec~ if~=c~ ~~e e:C3~~~ :=~~~~ =7 d.~-ec~~7 =~t:s~"'~ a ~gr'::"...r.;h. ::...--:. ~e~a::e~~ ?c~t:la- ~:.o~ or ::lOre ~~ ;) .?er=er..-= ~"l'~r ~,:::.e-;rea.r. ~ a ~~:c~~~:~a~~'~s1~~~~~~~~~~~e ,,~ ... X :=5 !~S X -" c~ ,....,{'"",- ,- u JA:S: ...-....:.:10....,.., :,. -'J"'- -" :r.:: - t?~. ....:---:- ._ __ n__ :::'9 -::::'Z: C~/I1I1C r 1lfJ.d ~V /.?"'K~ 1'i7'j rano -i- ," . . EDWARD J. BAHLKE 5 Revilo Road Bayville, N.Y. 11709 November 29, 1979 Southold Town Board Town Hall Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 Re: Maidstone Development, Inc. Petition for change of zone Gentlemen: I am the ~ner of 5.2 acres of real property located on the North side of Middle Road, Greenport, New York which is under contract of sale to Maidstone Development, Inc. I consent to the application of Maidstone Development, Inc. for a change of Zon~A Residential and Agricultural to M-l Multiple Residence District. I authorize Maidstone Development, Inc. to proceed with its application for the change of zone. Sincerely yours, 6~~(i~ " Edward J. Bahlke EJB:ab 1, ./ ~t. ;; ~~ :r-..... ~'< ; , .^' " ,,' >. ~ - ~ V> r- l> :z <:J \-4\ ( \ \ /---\ \ \ -- \ l.H':"PEL , " , \ "" " \ . \ '~ J~ I ' I' G) ~', ni , 1 ~', ~~ If-~ r Ji' --, ~". --, ' -- - :::.... ....-",-/ ~- ? :.. /y' -- '--'" "- I- I '1- . ~ ~ ? J ' ./ 4LSEF? ISDN ,- ,>,..::.. i-, ~i '., ;1 ~ I l Ii ''''- LAN E --- ---- li [J; I I / ~- ~ ~ r~_ ---- ... ~ ~ ~ '-.". <' - I ~l,. . f' o < (j) V) \ 'i G \fl o C 7- Q ~ ~ in m ~- I \ -== ~\ '>', ~ -\ --'-- -'>.... UEE,'\;' S (4~r ~ ....... "- if. -"-." Ul () 1> r- III gj o II - _i!iJ ~ o .'" .., .." , , , .' . IRVING L PRICE, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW 828 FRONT STREET GREEN PORT. L. I.. N. Y. 11944 AREA CODE 516 TELEPHONE 477-1016 February 6, 1980 Town B04rd Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 ReI Maid_tone application <;entlemen: Please be advised that this office represents Mr. Bert Crystal who i8 an adjoining land owner to property for which an adjoining land owner to property for which an application has been made for a change in zone. I would appreciate it if you would notify this office of any meetings or hearings pertaining to the application of Maidstone for a change in zone from A...,Re.idential-Aqriculture District to M-l General Multiple Residence Distriot. This request is not to be considered a statement of approval or support for the application nor is it to be construed. as an objection to the application aa this . time. The request for notifioation i8 made because of Mr. Crystal'. immediate and present Conoern for the protection of his property. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contaot this office. Very truly yours, IRVING L. PRICE, JR. -~~< William H. Price, Jr. WUP/di" ce I" planning Board, ,Town of Southold 'n \ ., . t.:\ I :\ i' ~~'"":- . s . T Southold. N.Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR. Jr.. Chairman FREDERICK E. GORDON JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI. Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM. Jr. TELEPHONE 765 - 1938 March 3, 1980 Supervisor William R. Pell III Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Dear Supervisor Pell: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held February 25, 1980. RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board denial of the application of Maidstone Development, Inc. for a change of zone from A Residential to M-l General Multiple for property located at Greenport for the following reasons: 1. The Board considers this would be spot zoning. 2. It would set a precedent in the area for further down- zoning of property. Yours truly, . HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Muriel Tolman, Secretary Copy to Deputy Supervisor'Johnson Councilmen DrUm, Nickles, Murdock, Sullivan HENRY E. RAYNOR. Jr.. Chairman FREDERICK E. GORDON JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI. Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM. Jr. . . T D Southold. N.Y. 11971 TELEPHONE 765 - 1938 February 22, 1980 Abigail Wickham, Attorney Wickham, Wickham & Bressler, P.C. Main Road Mattituck, New York 11952 Dear Ms. Wickham: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held February 11, 1980. RESOLVED to table action on the request of the Town Clerk for a recommendation on the change of zone application of Maidstone Development Corporation until the meeting of February 25, 1980 for further inspection of the property. Yours truly, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Muriel Tolman, Secretary . . LAW OFFICES WICKHAM, WICKHAM & BRESSLER, P.C. MAIN ROAD, P. O. BOX 1424 MATTITUCK L.ONG ISLAND NEW YORK 11952 WILLIAM WICKHAM ERIC ,J. BRESSLER ABIGAIL A. WICKHAM 516-298-8353 January 30, 1980 Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall Southold, N.Y. 11971 Re: Maidstone Development, Inc. Change of Zone Gentlemen: Enclosed is a copy of a letter received from the New York state Department of Environmental Conservation indicating that no tidal wetlands permit is I;equired in connection with this matter. Mr. Martirano contacted the Greenport sewer authorities, and was advised that the piPes servicing the Nursing Horne are not located along the North Road in front of his property. Apparently, the pipes come into the Nursing Horne property from a southerly direction. Therefore, Mr. Martirano plans to install septic tanks to handle the waste disposal from the 24 units. He was informed by the County Board of Health that this arrangement would be satisfacto~ subject, of couI;se, to approval of the specific plans. Sincerely yours, 1!t;/!!!d~ AAW: ab Enclosure cc: MI;. Joseph Martirano ...~- ce . lmvl YORK STII.'TI: DEPA..'~nn' OF EN'JIT.!J1\I!fl!NrAL mJSmVAT!ON Regu1atol:y Affairs Bldg. 40, ~~ - Roam 219 Stony Brook, New York ll794 (516) 751-7900 PDBERl' F. FLACI<E Camli.ssioner January 22, 1980 Joseph C. Martirano 45 Woodland Road Miller Place, New York 11764 For: Maidstone Development Inc. nee TW 15273-0109 Construction of 24 condominium units between Long Island Sound . and Middle ,Road on a 5.2= acre lot roughly 200' to the west of Village of Greenport. Southo1d Dear Mr.Martirano, . lis a result of your inquiry a:mcerning the above referenced parcel, t.1Us Depart:m:!nt has conducted an on-site inspection. He have found the parcel or (project) to be above 10' in elevation. Therefore, pursuant to Part 651, Official Collpilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of l-la" York, Section 661.4 (h). no penni.t under .Art:i..cl.e"25 (Tidal Netlands) of the EnvllUlul.eatal Consel:vation raw is required. . DJIv'= . Very truly ~IOUT.S, ~~- ~~LJ DANIEL . LI'\RKI!'! . . Pennit Mmini.stra.tor ,,:.' . . JUDITH T. TERRY T OWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS K Southold, L. I., N. Y. 11971 December 19, 1979 Southold Town Planning Board Southold, New York 11971 Gentlempn: Transmitted herewith is petition of Maidstone Development, Inc. requesting a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M-l" General Multiple Residence District. You are hereby instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in said petition and determine the area so affected with your recommendations. Very truly yours, jk!d~~r Judith T. Terry Town Clerk Enclosures (5) TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 (ij lIi..,.,....l~ ,.111\1.. ~'." _. _ J,lr~. W I~'~ 'iill!l'i'fli;\qi:'~lf"T"'k::~~~..",,.x;":'!.\;"",..O!'~.,.~;:rj..~.~-'iI(,,'lf,'<."",,",',;'<<'l' _~"""-'__~~__"._"'__ ~,.__,~.,_~..-.-.' .-__~> _.n._~ __ _,__ ._._______ ,1\ //~ II // \ I; 'v? ~o # '. I 1/ /I " '. / / .I / ~o po \<:>v , '. , r-l6 \...-0 / / " / ,I / / I / ! . ' J / I ; ,./ .1 "- / I /( I !, ~. / L,. I . f 1 ~ -f. \. ~ iI 11 ~9 . ! ,.1- .-' ! 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" .....- ... ,~ '. .(. ~ f' ',', , "B"ZONBi M. 51!'lifH t <%/'10. \ \ , i J~_ _ \ "'-.-. ,,~- ---..,...~_l ... ,. i /' i, / /. ^. /' ....--~_.- ,"\ ...-7 '1'01-" "'"_ / / QO"'Iii - "...---- r --'\:--'--4:-","'::;.,",.. , "...., . , " ....:, .;... .:. ~ ,'~ ." / ~ . . . Mt:)P . TO Ai::.COlVt~APPt....'C~TtON FP2~' QFiI'~ONEE ~.A"1o"lW~r Mt:#JE FO(,Z ..JOSfEf?H, . M4.~i.TJ!iI~_ Rr G2SS/VPQIiiT ~N'QF SOi.irHoL..o.N:y; . )JNAUTHORI~ED A~TfRATlON OR ADomON.. YO THIS SURVEY 15 A VIOLATION OF 'SECOON 7209 Of THE NEW YORK STAn ~TIOM LAW. cOPIUOF tHIS SURVEY MAP NOT IfARIHG :TH! LAND s\JRVEYOR',S INiW> SEAL OR iMaoSSED SEAL SHALL NOT .Bi CONSll)flfD to;. A VALI~ lRUE COI'Y. ' . GUARANTIES INOICATE&_HER!ON SHALL RUN' I 01<1.0. " tH. '''SON fO~ WHOM Ill' '\Il:YIY 1$ P~PARiD, AND ON HiS Bftl[l.Lf TO. mE JITU'COMPANY. GOVERNMENTAL w;,o.:.t;;V ANt! ~JNG INSTITUTION L1STt'D H~. ANtI TO THi ,\SSIGNEESOF THE UNDING. ,IHSf... I tu1lON. -GU;.aANTE~ ARE NOT TR,ANsmAIU I . 1'0 ADDmONAL tNSmunON5oOR sytiEQUDCt ' OWNEIlSt . " t .i " ~~ . ,j M~ Ot;.f.Z] 1979 ~ 'w:.t,rn.JYL.,p.c, 'lZ' V~"I . ..E'...... "-Zi~~~d-Z;;;:i ~~ Gt'eOttt--+ -. NIIw Ybrok .'