HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-40.-1-20 '. ';. ... ,...~ Frohnhoefer JOSEPHJ.FROHNHOEFER VICE PRESIDENT Electric Company, Inc. MAIN ROAD - SOUTHOLD - NEW YORK 11971 OFFICE: 765-2100 EMERGENCY: 765-5441 August 5, 1983 Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall Hain Road Southold, h7 11971 AUG 9 REC'D Dear Sirs: RE: The rezoning of a 5 acre parcel on the North side of the North Road in Greenport, to M-l general multiple residence as requested by Lawrence Bruno. We are in total support of Lawrence Bruno's request for the rezoning of a 5 acre parcel on the Sound side of the North Road in Greenport for a proposed motel. As you wall know, the Gummer season is imperative to the financial earnings of this town. We feel the operation of a high quality motel would definitely' have a favorable economic impact on this area. Not only would this project contribute to tax dollars and year roun~ employment,but, it would be one large step in rejuvenating ~~e GreenportjSouthold area. During the summer season, it is impossible to get waterfront accommodations on short notice. This project will .allow for more accommodations,a!'lQ,:in- .turn, bring more people to the North Fork. We hope you will review this proposal in the right prospective, keeping in mind the economic impact this project would have not only during the summer season b~t year round. b~~\q/ c' 'I<<)H~~ Inc. PIONHRSINSAfETYlIGHTlNG Y!!:t~"!~ . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK . RECEIVED JUL 81983 Tow" Cler~ Sout:'old PETER F. COHALAN SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING LEE E. KOPPELMAN DIRECTOR OF PLANNING July 7, 1983 Ms. Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Application of "Lawrence Bruno" (Case No. 255) for a change of zone from "A" Agricultural and Residential to "M-l" General Multiple-Residence, Town of Southold (SD-83-6). Dear Ms. Terry: Pursuant to the requirements of Sections 1323 to 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter, the Suffolk County Planning Commission on July 6, 1983 reviewed the above captioned application and after due study and deliberation Resolved to disapprove it because of the following: 1. It is inconsistent with the Town of Southold Development Plan which designates this area for agricultural-single family residence de- velopment; 2. It is inconsistent with the pattern of zoning in the surrounding area and therefore must be considered as "spot zoning"; 3. It would tend to establish a precedent for further downzonings in the locale along Middle Road (C.R. 48); and 4. There appears to be ample land available for multi-residence/motel purposes in the surrounding area. Very truly yours, Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning ~J-!-:iJ~ Chief Planner GGN:jk VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE. L.I., NEW YORK 1 1788 (!516) 360-!5192 . Southold, N.Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR, Jr. , Chai,man JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI, Jr. GEORGE RJTCHlE LATHAM, Jr. WILUAM F.MULLEN,Jr. TELEPHONE 765-1938 June 9, 1983 Mrs. Judith Terry Southold Town Clerk Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Re: Lawrence Bruno Change of Zone Dear Mrs. Terry: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Plan- ning Board, Wednesday, June 1, 1983. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board recommend denial for the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricul- tural District to "M-l" General Multiple Residence District. with regard to the petition of Lawrence Brun~, on certain prop- erty located near Greenport, for the following reasons with reference to application of Maidstone Development, Inc., Febru- ary 25, 1980 resolution of the Planning Board: . (1) The Board considers this to be spot zoning. (2) It would set a precedent in the area for further downzoning of property. Very truly yours, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Susan E. Long, Secretary Officers MAYOR GEORGE W. HUBBARD TRUSTEES WlLUAM D. ALLEN JOSEPH M. PUFAHL WIlliAM H. UEBLElN ROBERT T. WEBB SUPT. OF unUTIES JAMES I. MONSELL . . MLLage of greenport UTILITY OFFICE TEL. (516) 477-1748 INCo",.OlllATIEO ,.a. HEW INCOIllPCUIATION ....JIlL T. t... _tl:_INCOIII,.OIU.TION UNOIIll GItNC....L ....W MA' la, fa.. POWER PLANT TEL. (516) 477-0172 .:...'/61'10; I 5 L";;;:';::;'O . r:~ ~ APR 18 REC'D ........... ..- 236 THIRD STREET GREENPORT, SUFFOLK COUNTY NEW YORK 11944 April 18, 1983 Ms. Abigail A. Wickhem Wickhem, WIckhu & Bressler Main Road - P. O. Box 1424 Mattituck, New York 11952 Dear Ms. WIckh8ll: The Village will start negotIations tor your water and sewer dell8DC1s tor the 5.2 acres on the north side ot North Road, Greenport. Your client Mr. Bruno mUlt supply us with the necessary data and a plot plan. It I can be ot further aervice, please call. Very truly yours, 9 Jaaes I. Monsell per1ntendent ot Public Utilities JIM:nr cc: Henry Raynor, Town Pl_nnhlg Board . .. Officers MAYOR GEORGE W. HUBBARD ViLLage 0/ Slreenport UTILITY OFFICE TEL. (516) 477-1748 TRUSTEES WILLIAM D. ALLEN JOSEPH M. PUFAHL WILLIAM H. LIEBLEIN ROBERT T. WEBB INCOPlPORATED 1113. NEW INCORPORATION APRIL 7. tll.. FIE-INCORPORATION UNO!:R GII:NERAL lAW MAY 2', 189. POWER PLANT TEL. (516) 477-0172 SUPT. OF UTILITIES JAMES I. MONSELL ,\ <;"'. ~ ~~". . .... ...... ..... -{r .'1.. . .........._. f V. " '"6:N G . I 5 I. A l'l 0 . (": ,,,"'": ~ APR 18 REC'O ........r.. ...",.1 236 THIRD STREET GREENPORT, SUFFOLK COUNTY NEW YORK 11944 April 16, 1983 Ms. Abigail A. Wickham Wickham, Wickham & Bressler Main Road - P.O. Box 1424 Mattituck, New York 11952 Dear Ms. Wickham: The Village will start negotiations tor your water and sewer demands for the 5.2 acres on the north side of North Road, Greenport. Your client Mr. Bruno DlUst supply us with the necessary data and a plot plan. It I can be of further service, please call. Very truly yours, 9 James I. Monsell perintendent of Public Utilities JIM:nr cc: Henry Raynor, Town Planning Board d.,erv\. '\\\\S\\S~ . . LAW O"'F"ICES WICKHAM, WICKHAM & BRESSLER, P.C. MA!N ROAD, P. Q. BOX 1424 MATTITUCK LONG ISLAND NEW YORK 11952 WILLIAM WICKHAM ERIC J. BRESSLER ABIGAIL A. WICKHAM 516-298-8353 MAR 4 REC'O FRANKLYN A. FARRIS J..tJ~~'b1 ~ ")\ March 2, 1983 Southo1d Town Planning Board Town Hall Southo1d, NY 11971 Re: Application of Lawrence Bruno Gentlemen: I understand the Bruno matter is scheduled for March 7, 1983. I will be out of town on that date and unable to attend the meeting. Since it is your first meeting date, I assume that a field inspection will be ordered, and I would request an appointment for the Board meeting on March 28th regarding this application. Very ~r~lr yours, (lb't~ d. cO()~~~ Abigail A. Wickham AAW: epu . . ffiVlNG L. PRICE, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW 8Z8 FRONT STREET GREENPORT. L. I.. N. Y. 11944 AREA CODe: I5UI TELEPHONE 477.tOtCl FEe 25 REC'O February 24, 1983 Planning Board Town of Southo1d Main Road Southo1d, New York 11971 Re: Bruno Associates Applica.tioh for Change of Zone Gentlemen: As you may recall, this office represents Mr. and Mrs. Bert Crystal who are adjoining property owners to the property of the subject application. This property was pre- viously the subject of a proposed change of zone under the name of Maidstone Development, Inc. Your Board recommended to the Town Board that it disapprove that application by unanimous vote on November 26, 1980. It is our understanding that the purpose of the requested change of zone is to enable the applicant to con- struct a motel on the subject property. Therefore, we again will be representing Mr. and Mrs. Crystal to oppose the appli- cation. It has been brought to my attention that this matter will be discussed by your Board at your meeting of March 7, 1983. It is respectfully requested that we be given an oppor- tunity to make a presentation to your Board at your next meeting after March 7, 1983 in respect to the subject application. Very truly yours, ~/~2 ILP:kk cc: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Crystal Town Board - Town of Southo1d c:-''''' M \%) (J-'fS ,. . . ,/ ~ , JUDlTIi T, TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 2, 1982 Mr. Henry E. Raynor, Jr., Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Dear Henry: Transmitted herewith is the petition of Lawrence Bruno requesting a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agri- cultural District to "1.1-1" General Multiple Residence District on certain property near Greenport in the Town of Southold, New York. You are hereby instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions descirbed in said petition and determine the area so affected with your recommenations. Very truly yours, ~~r-' Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Attachment . ~ . , " 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: (a) The premises are in the midst of M-l and B zoning districts and the proposed zoning would be compatible with surrounding uses. (b) There is a need in Southold Town for additional motel uses to serve the tourism. trade, and the waterfront location makes this parcel feasible for a successful motel operation. Because of the strong demand for waterfront property, there is a rapidly decreasing availability of waterfront parcels of sufficient size and suitable location for accommodation of our tourist poplution. (c) Therewill be minimal impact upon the environment due to the avail- ability of public water and sewer facilities. (L. S.) .~~.................... LAWRENCE BRUNO FLORIDA STATE OF ~ ) 1. E E ) SS:- COUNTY OF x~ ) . .. ..I;~~~.~~.E;. ~~~~~.'... .. ... .. .. .. .. .. ... , BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and be lief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. (L. S.) :. . .......~...........~ LA ENCE BRUNO Sworn tolJ:!_ore me this l'f... day of .. .Dece.mb.er.,........, 19.82 (E... t ry Public. DY. ~I (<1~{o . ~ . CASE NO: ....20.5...... STATE OF NEW YORK Town Cieri( Southold PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE. MATTER OF THE P.t.TIT10N OF LAWRENCE BRUNO FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMEI'n' OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDIN- ANCE OF' THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. RECEIVED UAN 1 8 198J TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: 684 Estero Blvd. 1. I, ..~~~.~.9.~...Xl.~Jm'.Q............................. ,residing at .n':"'h..t1-Y~.~.?...~5'.it.C;;~.....n...3393l (insert name of petitioner) Contract vendee !id.LIl-:Gr<<IntX. New York, the undersigned, am t!:!..Ef~ of certain real property situated at Greenport, Town of .....So.ur.h.ald,........... ....................... and more particularl)' bounded and described lIXXD1l1ll1llS: on SCHEDULE A attached hereto. 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of South old to change, modify and amend thE" Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: To rezone the property described in Schedule A from "A" Agricultural and Residential to "M-l" General Multiple Residence District. , . , . " ' . . SCHEDULE 1-. ALL . . arcel f d ..p.~~lrr~;~a;r""" "p,A'..!J.(.IJIilieI&,I' '( ~'H'NI . situate, that certaIn ~lo~ piece or p 0 Ian , "i. ;. ); ';. ~'f:~ tt-'-t~,.. ,,;:-lfDJi .. " ~. ..), H " ~. ,r. lying and heingiff### Dear Greenport, in the To..m of Southold, ,County of Suffolk and State of New Yor~, bounded and described as follows: BEGINJITNG at a monument on the northerly line of the North Road at the southwesterly corner of land conveyed by the party of the first : part" to Barry G. Harston and wife; from said point of beginning runnh along said northerly line of the North Road South 53 degrees 24 minut~ 30 seconds West a distance of 255.26 feet; running thence along land :' of the party of the first part on a line parallel to and 2.50 :f eet west crly from the westerly line of said land of MarstoD North 24 dogrees I' 56 minutes 30 seconds West a distanco of 852.29 foot to ordinary high,: water mark of Long Isl~~d Sound; running thence along said high water I' :nark of Long Island .sound North 32 o.ogrees 09 minutes 30 seconds East Ii a distance of 297.7.5 feot to said land of Marston; thence along said ,'" land of Harston South 24 degrees 56 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 962.47 :feet to the point or place of beginning, said premises con-I taining 5.207 acres aecording to survey of otto W. Van Tuyl & Son, 1 dated October 31, 1961. ; Reserving to the party of the first part, her heirs, legal represen'tt.! tives and assigns the right to the use of the pond on the promises aD to drain the pond completely; or to leave the pond in its present candi' tion, providing nevertheless, that if the westerly lino of tho premise~ herein conveyed cuts through any part of the pond, the party of tho second part, his heirs, legal reprosentatives and assigns, may at his discretion, fill in such part of the pond as may lie within his propert line. . * party.of the first part- May Cooper Francisco , , ~ I ~, ALBER / . . SON LANE ,.j- . ~' >, " , , '/ <J> r- ... '.'" ." " \ ~ < z '" r ~ , ' / '/; /-.,.,'" /;. /' ., ';, ~;~~ _...-~/~' -./ r;...'", -'. ~ ~ ,0 ~ ~ ~ a I) . ""' 1\ I:) ... ~ \!; ~ 't- ~ ~ ~ <II "- <" - ~ 't 't\ 't- ~ (t. ~ ~ 't. ~ . . ( ( ". TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORfA INSTRUCTIONS: (a) In order ta answer the.questions in this short EAF it is assu~cd that the preparer will use currently available information concerning the project and the likely impacts of the action. It is not expected that additional studies, reseorch or other investigations will be undertaken. (b) If'any question has been answered Yes the project may be significant and a completed Environmental Assessment Form is necessary. (c) If all questions have been answered No it is likely that this project is not significant. . (d) EnvIronmental Assessment 1. Will project result in a large physical change to the project site or physically alter more ~ than 10 acres of land?....................... Yes L No 2. Will there be a majar change to any unique ar --- --- unusual land form found on the site?...~.;...___Yes_l~o 3. Will project alter or have a large effect on . existing body of water?......................___Yes~o 4. Will project have a potent~Ally~~r~e impact. . on groundwate'r quality?. .~\.~~........ . . .___Yes Vl>!o 5. Will project significantly effect drainage flow on adjacent sites?........................-'--Yes....0to 6. Will project affect any threatened or . endangered plant or animal species?..........___Yes~No 7. Will project result in a major adverse effect on air quality?.............................. Yes ~6 8. Will project have a major effect on visual --- --- char~cter of the community or scenic views or . vistas known to be important to the community?___Yes~No 9. Will project adversely impact any site or .' structure af historic, prehistoric or paleontological importance or any site designated as 0 critical environmental area by a local agency?.............,........................ Yes VNo 10. Will project have a major effect on existipg. --- --- or future recreational opportunities?~(~~~~~Yes___No 11. Will project result in major traffic problems or couse a major effect to existing transportation systems?...................... Yes VNo 12. Will project regularly couse objectionable --- --- od~rs, noise, glore, vibration, or electrical disturbance os 0 result of the project's . operation?...... ..... . .... ............. ..... .___Yes~No 13. Will project have any impact on public health . or. safety?...... .... ... .. .......... ...... ... .~Yes--1L.No 14. Will project affect the existing community by directly causing 0 growth in permanent population of more than 5 percent over a one year period or have 0 major negative effect on the character of the community or . / neighborhood?............................... .___Yes~No 15. Is there public controversy~concerning the pro j ect? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. 't. !i.Q:r. . . . . . . . . . . . . YesLNo PREPARER'S SIGNATURE afadJ!l. Ltl~' LIW}~EAJU 'BevAb DATE 1/,,!g..3 REPRESENTING \. ! ~'>~"'~""'-"f:J>~ ~;"':y?\~ , ' ,~"~;"'~>.:-:' :',' .{.; '''''''''<t' <- "<:;";~'_";' "".;- '.>~ - ,. ~'- -;~;"'~"":~ (' PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ELLEN PRESTON URBANSKI, residing at 309 Fanning Blvd. #4, Riverhead, New York, being duly sworn, deposes and says: that on the 17th day of January, 1983, deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth on the reverse side hereof, directed to each of the persons listed on the attached sheet, at the addresses set forth below their respective names; that the addresses set forth be10w the names of said persons are the addresses of said persons as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town of Southold; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office at Mattituck, New York; that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by certified mail, return receipt requested, and the re- spective receipts are attached hereto. 8JJ/',,-~u.4Lw.-, ( I h '~)(\M ~~ Ellen Preston Urbanski ss. : Sworn to before me this 17th day of January, 1983 ~~Q G. COYYuvi Notary Public R~;;:.~"~,~~:~~~~~;1:~:1l ,Ii .IOT FOR INTERNATIONAL r,~All I ,(Y);:n \ ISee Revecsel f II is~t~~~~ ~d1LSI ~Ol( l'tn~ NY Ild~ . COq; ;;00 FEE r S . dO . !' ~, - I JS Ii: I SPEC.1.l':eUJ-:', ' ;S I rESTRCTEu:;C-_I"::RY 1-- ""' i I r - ~ ~ I ~ /-- - ~.~~ _ [ 1;; ~ I :::: I ~~7~ I ;I~I~ICC ..... '~"I j'~ i'""":.m.l" ~::::J"I ~ ~~,.;:;,o'3>":',;:'iR),;:.iTf; ~ ?~~Rr ~ TOTAlP:-l1?,'~~GEA.N.n~"'.ES \ . "-'~ L~-<- .' 'j.S.S <: POSH#ARK OR--tl~- --- '>-\- -\ '.'--'....,. ",. ....:'~..<~ (": \ ': =";'-~'.,'I ..J. +. r.} ; ., I ~ ~~.rj .~>~:J '~......:..~~..'~,"'~ II GAIl A. COlIER NOTARY PUBI.IC. SIIII or New Yn No. 4735686. Suffolk County Q- :3 rn"'mi~~lon ExpIres Mar. 30. 19~ /001 ,I I . . "~;-,--,"~--<'- - ~ - "--_.z--::-___ _..0._ l.i "'~ :.. -. ... -~. ;;!t' '"r,', ".""'"':"i'", ," .t.;:yp~:;;:::',:~ ;..., '"I''''''''' '-.'..,;"._, .......',,,-' , , :7p,;:,ri~!;:~~?.i.~~t'~;~14,0t~.~,-::? . (' (' ,/ TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Petition of LAWRENCE BRUNO NOTICE to the Town Board of the Town of South old. TO: SEE ATTAC:<iED :erST --.. -~----_._-,_._~ YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to request a change of zone , 2. That the property which !s,tpe subject of the Petition is located adjacent to your property and is des- cribed as follows: Suffolk Count.y:~rflx Map No. lOOO-40-1-~O. bounded North by Long Island Sound.: "East' by Parlamis. South by M~ddle Road. West by_ Crystal. Con~aining 5.2 acres. \ \ 3. That the property which is the subject of such Petition is located in the following zoning district: "A" Aeri,,"1tllral and R"sid"ntial. 4. That by such Petition, the undersigned will request that the above-described property be placed in the following zone district classification: "M-l" r."n"ral M1l1~ipleResidence. 5. That within five days from the date hereof, a written Petition requesting the relief specified above will be filed in the South old Town Clerk's Office at Main Road, Southold, New York and you may then and there examine the same during regular office hours. 6. That before the relief sought may be granted, a public hearing must be held on the matter by the Town Board; that a notice of such hearing must be published at least ten days prior to the date of such hearing in the Suffolk Times and in the Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman, newspapers published in the Town of Southold and designated for the publication of such notices; that you or your representative have the right to ap- pear and be heard at such hearing. Dated: December 14, 1982 ~ BRUNO Petitioner Post Office Address: 684 Estero Boulevard FLMyers Beach, FL 33931 ,... '0"",' ~ to , - -.- Application of~jwrence for Change of Zone Bruno .' " , RE: -- ( - Suffolk Cu. Tax Map #1000-40-1-20 ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS DISTRICT SECTION BLOCK LOT 1000 040 01 13 Mr. Jolyan F. 420 Lexington New York, NY Stern Avenue 10170 14 Mr. Martin C. Pfeffer RD 1, Box 295 Greenport, NY 11944 15 Mr. M. J. Loscalzo 5 Farm View Drive Dix Hills, NY 11746 16 Ms. Marilyn Crystal 114 East 72nd St. New York, NY 10021 17 Mr. David Renwick 15th Avenue - Apt. 7G New York, NY 10003 18 Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Pringle North Road Greenport, NY 11944 19 Mr. & Mrs. Burt Crystal 114 East 72nd St. New York, NY 10021 21 Mr. Nicholas Parlamis 8923 Shore Road Brooklyn, NY 11209 22 Mr. Richard Petrocy 279 East 44th St. New York, NY 10017 23 Village of Greenport Greenport, NY 11944 DISTRICT SECTION BLOCK LOT 1 2 3.2 3.3 3.4 1000 040 03 Kase Realty 43 West 54th New York, NY St. 10019 Ms. Judith Fenno 19 Radcliff Road Wellesley, MA 02181 Mr. & Mrs. William Nedoszytko 739 First St. Greenport, NY 11944 Mr. Arthur L.R. Francisco Box 6 Silverton, CO 81433 Mr. Edward Broidy 149-01 Hollywood Ave. Flushing, NY 11355 ( , . . ( EDWARD J. BAHLKE, residing at 5 Revilo Road, Bayville, New York 11709, as owner of the 5.208 acre parcel on the north side of North Road, Greenport, New York (Suffolk County Tax Map No. 1000-040-01-020), consents to the application by LAWRENCE BRUNO . for the following: 1. Application to the Southold Town Board to rezone the premises to M-l Multiple. 2. Application to the New York State Department of En- vironmental Conservation. 3. Application to the Suffolk County Department of Health Services for approval of water and sanitary systems. 4. Any and all other necessary applications required in connection with the rezoning application. . Dated: November 10 , 1982 .'-- / . (~,i..V;{Nl/' (~'ilc {[.c EDWARD J. BAHLKE ~ ~ V) ~~~. .. v7/\ ,,0. \ ./, ~,\ //.J . ,~ .'1 /1 /1 , .iI Wr _7 -- ~ ~ ./ ,. ;'" ~. ... rVF~'-:>- /-- :~-'. ':. _:_-;/~~ ::;: '.' -4 /" '-', ~;<;--, ~ /:;;s/. JI, Ie e/ II LSEF/ / SON LANE ~. --. . t .... < r r )> r- , I (~.:~ , ~ GJ --'J rn fTl z \J o :;:0 ;::-l :Tj o 0; . "Oi;\ C) o . "- <" , 1\ ... ~ ~ ~ ~ 'l;:- ~ ~ .... ~ ..... "" ~ '\) 1- ~ (j.. ~ ~ 't. ~ ~ "- v / -\ --;/! \ _/ / ~- -' I /1 ~ /i \\" ., "1 , !I~ .. !i~ . . .(- "'LBEI// SON L"'rvE [If , ->-- " :t ! -- G) .>J fll fT1 Z "\1 o :;0 ~ < r r v.- -:..__ ~ )> 7 _ ->: ",_' ><--~. ~7, , /::--"~' ~// / - /' 'Ti ~ _.' ~"j ~~ - - , ,----: , -- ,...........- ~. '>:~0- ....... <" i.)\ () Q ~ () "t.. ~ ~ ~ .... ~ III ~ ... 't> "t- '<:I . II .... ~ - o 1""1 <.t. ~ 'C:. 't-- ~ . ~ -~ ; . / . :1 . . ALBeR SON LANe ., -. Vl .-- l> --<l! '::J ~ ." t~ ~ < Z " r f':o.,' ."..~ -b .'-' , <) '" ~ ~ Ui ". :t " t ...... ~- < r r )> . C :",] /~~>;. // '/ --... .-/ /" , ." --.. ,,< GJ ::rJ [Tl fTl Z '\.1 o :::0 ~ o "T~ ....-::>- 'i)\ () o ~ () "';l'\:. ~ ~ ~ ~ IA . 1\ ... ....:.. ..... <' - ~ " 1:> "t. ~ <J.. \) 'C:. 'L ~ . .- JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERh: Rn;ISTR,\R 01- VITAL Sl:\lISlICS Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 2, 1982 Mr. Henry E. Raynor, Jr., Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Dear Henry: Transmitted herewith is the petition of Lawrence Bruno requesting a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agri- cultural District to "1.1-1" General Multiple Residence District on certain property near Greenport in the Town of Southold, New York. You are hereby instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions descirbed in said petition and determine the area so affected with your recommenations. Very truly yours, ~?t!r- Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Attachment r .' . .. . -" 3. Such requeSt is made tor the follo\ving reasons: (a) The premises are in the midst of M-l and B zoning districts and the proposed zoning would be compatible with surrounding uses. (b) There is a need in Southold Town for additional motel uses to serve the tourism trade, and the waterfront location makes this parcel feasible for a successful motel operation. Because of the strong demand for waterfront property, there is a rapidly decreasing availability of waterfront parcels of sufficient size .and suitable location for accommodation. of. our .tourist''Poplution. (c) Therewill be minimal impact upon the environment due to the avail- ability of public water and sewer facilities. , (L. S.) .~~~.................... LAWRENCE BRUNO FLORIDA STATE OF ~ ) L. E: E ) SS:- COUNTY OF ~ ) .. .. .I:{l.~~t:l~.~. .~~~t:l?'" .. .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. , BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and be lief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. (L.S~)b~.~ Sworn to~ore me thi's l If... day of .. .Dece.mb.er.,........, 19.82. N DY'~I[q<2~ " f-- - -- -- ----~-,-. ,-' ---~--~~-'----_. ".- ~. ., v ~ R.::C~iVED "l ,.....!"-' , ~ - C~:..':::'L A'O: ..~~_:..-;....., STATE OF NEW YORK ,'" ," ,,', S"d,",'''' PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE. MATTER OF THE PETITION OF LAWRENCE BRUNO FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMTh'"DMEN'l' OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDIN- ANCE OF' THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF 'I HE TOWN OF ,OUTH;:JLD: 684 Estero Blvd. 1. I, ..~~~.~.9.~...~.~~.Q............................. ,residing at ..f.t.:....J~y!;!.r..?...j:).'?.~.9.):).......f..~...3393l (insert name of petitioner) Contract vendee id"-ountX, New York, the undersigned, am tI:!.ei~ of certain real property situated at Greenport, Town of .....So.ur.h.ol<i,........... ....................... and more particularly bounded and described :QX}fmRClVlS: on SCHEDULE A attached hereto. 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the TOWl1 of South old to change, modify and amend th~ Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold. Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: To rezone the property described in Schedule A from "A" Agricultural and Residential to "M-l" General Multiple Residence District. , " . . . ./ SCHEDULE J.. .' f "Jt....Uo.-~..-...._-. If" II ...,.." It of" 'J '~_~:..::.. 1'~"J!.~f/J. 'tuate. ALL that certaIn ~lot, pIece or parcel 0 land, ~~:::. ~.f",~,'\bf':~"trA"~l7r'i:'";:,,r:"j,. 1I ,J .. I' .. II n II ~. I . 51 lying-and beingi.:i#f-# near Greonport, in tho Tmm of Southold, .County of Suffolk and Stato of New Yor~, bounded ana describea as follows: BEGINNING at a monument on the northerly line of the North Road at the southwestorly corner of land convoyed by the party of the first part" to Barry G. I'jarston and wife; from said point of begw_T1ing runn: along said northerly lLT1e of the North Road South 53 degrees 24 minut 30 seconds West a dis~ance of 255.26 feet; running thence alon8 land of the party of the first part on a line parallel to and 250 feet weE erly from the westerly l~.o of said land of Marston North 24 dogrees 56 minutes 30 seconds wost a distanco of 852.29 foot to ordinary higr water mark of Long Isl~T}d Sound; running thence along said high water ::;Jark of Long Island bound North 32 c.ogroes 09 minute s 30 s econ ds East a distance of 297.75 feet to said land of Marston; thence along said land of Earston South 24 degrees 56 minutes 30 seconds East a distanc of 962.47 feet to the point or place of beginnins, said premises con- taining 5.207 acres aecording to survey of otto W. Van Tuyl & Son, dated October 31, 1961. Reserving to the party of the first part, her heirs, legal ropresenT tives and assigns the right to the use of the pond on the premises c to drain the pond completely, Dr to leavo the pond in its present cone tion, providing nevertheless, that if the westerly line of the premise j'herein conveyed cuts through any part of the pond, tho party of tho .second part, his heirs, legal representatives and assigns, may at his Idiscretion, fill in such part of the pond as may lie within his proper lino. . - . * party,~f the first part- May Cooper Francisco "-, <.n r ~ , -:z '" " I ,\ \ ' I -\ . /, \ , I \, ,/ ,/ ' \, /1 '-.,\ , /i , /j -~\I 1 , ';/ \" .. ~ c '1 fp ~ !< z ;<, r I'~ , , I GJ :JJ fTl Pl '7' '\) ~ - 0 -~ ~~,' ~ ",,,!' SON LANE .- ,> ", " [If < r r ",>, r -?' r ';: :T) ~ 0 I: '/'----- " "~ ''3;,'" , -;'/ -:-::. .- , ~ --- " , -/'<-:,.- ~ . ~, Q. '" <' II t\ .. 't. ~ "\) 'i:- ~ ~ ~ ~ '^ - "\>. '\ 'l:> 1- ~ (t., \) ~ 't. ~ ( . ( . .. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM INSTRUCTIONS: (0) In order to onswer the questions in this short EAF it is aSSume thot the preparer will use currently available information concerning the project and the likely impacts of the action. It is not expected that odditional studies, research or other investigotions will be undertaken. (b) If'any question has been answered Yes the project may be . significant and a completed Environmental Assessment Form is necessary. (c) If all questions have been answered No it is likely that this project is not significant. . . (d) Environmental Assessment 1. Will project result ina large physical change to the project site or physically alter more ~ than 10 acres of land?....................... Yes L No 2. Will there be a major change to any unique or --- --- unusual land form found on the site?.....;...___Yes I~o 3. Will project alter or hove a large effect on existing body of water?......................___Yes~o 4. \'Iill project have a potenti,qlly lar,ge impact. . on groundwater quality?. .~i.~*I(.. .. .. .. . .. Yes VNo 5. I'li 11 pro j ect signi f i can t ly e ff ect dr ainage --- ---.- flow on adjacent sites?........................ Yes 010 6. Will praject affect any threatened or ------ endangered plant ar animal species?..........___Yes~No 7. Will project result in a major adverse effect on air quality?............................... Yes L.A-lo 8. Will project have a major effect on visual --- --- chor~cter of the community or scenic views or . vistas knawn to be important ta the community?___YesJLNo 9. Will project adversely impact any site or .' structure of historic, prehistoric or paleontological importance or any site designated as a critical environmental area by a local agency?..............,......................... Yes VNo 10. \'Iill project have a 'mojor effect on existing. --- --- or future recreational opportunities?~~~~t0~~~Yes___No 11. Will project result in major traffic problems or cause a major effect to existing tronsportation systems?......................___Yes ~No 12. Will project regularly cause objectionable od~rs, noise, glore, vibration, or electrical disturbance as a result of the project's . operation?...... .... . .... . . .. ..... .. ... .... . . Yes VNo 13. Will project have any impact on public health --- --- or . safety? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .___Yes-1L:.No 14. Will project affect the existing community by directly causing a growth in permanent population of more than 5 percent over a one year period or have a major negative effect on the charaCter of the community or . / neighborhood? ........... .................... . ._YesLNo 15. Is there public controversy~concerning the project? ..... " . ... .. . . .. ,I. ~I-. !~.Q!. .. . .. . . . . . . .___Yes~No PREPARER' S SIG~,ATURE aii;Jt:4.p /l. alJ:i~~' 1/ .i.Au.'fUfJU 7JeiJAb DATE '1"/~..3. REPRESENTING \T-'-C;';:;:-- ~-', f___. r .'. . , . ~ ~.;:",~:',:~~z.~':~~;:j;:=~~;:~:.::~:_;~,;;;:~~.~~ (' ~ TOWN 80'; R 0_ TOWN OF SOl!THOLD In the Matter of the Petition of LAWRENCE BRUNO NOTICE to the T own Board of the Town of South old_ TO: SEE AT'fAr.:':IED :erST ~-.. -----"_._------ YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to petirion the Town Board of the Town of South old to request a change of zone 2. That the property which is-the subject of the Petition is located adjacent to your property and is des- cribed as follows: Suffolk Count'/ :Tax Nap No. 1000-40-1-20, bounded North by Lonli' Island Sound-: East by Parlamis. South by Niddle Road. West by_ Crvstal. Containing 5.2 acres. '\ \ 3. That the property which is the subject of such Petition is located in the following zoning district: "A" AEr;('111tllrgl ;md Residf'ntial. 4_ Thar by such Petition, the undersigned will request thar the above-described property be placed in the following zone district c1assificJtion: "M - 111 Gpn er;:! 1 Mlll ti P Ie He s idence . 5_ That within five days from the date hereof, a written Petition requesting the relief specified above will be filed in the South old Town Clerk's Office ar Main Road, Southold, New York and you may then and there examine the same during regular office hours. 6. That before the relief sought may be granted, a public hearing must be held on the ",atter by the Town Board; that a notice of such hearing must be published at least ten days prior to the date of such hearing in the Suffolk Times and in the Long Island Troveler-Mattiruck Watchman, newspapers published in the Town of Southold and designared for the publication of such notices; rhat you or your representative have the right to ap- pear and be heard at such hearing. Dared: December 14, 1982 ~~~ LAI.JRENCE BRUNO Petitioner Post Office Address: 684 Estero Boulevard Ft. Myers Beach, FL 33931 ~',;,.;.Q..,.:.,...-~~... .c. ~'" ."....:.7';::..;';':':"__""_ . . ,- .- , ' ;--- --'-'-w-- , ,-' -:'.:;,"<<~~ '. , ~ ~ ( _ ___??:~2~~~_~Q: _ >L\_~~I~~ r:. __''2 F _:Ji'.~: --~ STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ELLEN PRESTON URBANSKI, residing at 309 Fanning Blvd. #4, Riverhead, New York, being duly sworn, deposes and says: that on the 17th day of January, 1983, deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth on the reverse side hereof, directed to each of the persons listed on the attached sheet, at the addresses set forth below their respective names; that the _addresses set forth below the names of said persons are the addresses of said persons as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town of Southold; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office at Mattituck, New York; that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by certified mail, return receipt requested, and the re- spective receipts are attached hereto. 81}(t'-~U4L\\'----' ( I h ,h(\'1A~b\ Ellen Preston Urb~nski ss. : Sworn to before me this 17th day of January, 1983 ~~O Q - COYY\.Q/I Notary Public / D?Q - -,., '" '._. rlfrt~jP'T ;~R CER;!FIE~i~~IL NO /,~~SURANCc COVERAGE PflOV:DED_ ,.OT FG~l::TE.~.'IATIO,ljf'\L ;,~AIL .,_...."''''' H""'prSeJ , i)-'-'--''"1 --" -<. J 'mr' \ ii !S89~~~ ~T'LSiiJ ~~fliciv~~'.N'i:~ ~~~, iil ~- -, -;:0: I I I '2 _,o_:_o,'-~~_ _,.' :. JS , I '~:,;:c-'~;'~';~:;"6Y j--.u, j'r! ~ :: ~ I - .~ :,,,,-,.. ~';~ ~ E! ~ I ~:-_.-:-: :. --" -~-~~ --~_. --, GO !' 2' "I =1'" ! 'f I ~ ~i~l-- :;;-;;~-;oC}_._---- 1 II Ig a!~I<.~ " ,i-.eel 'I i ~ I TOTALP~~:;~=;~i~\';~ ,/._- 'II k P05T~J~i(b(c?;.sE,- ---q~ - --.-~ . J_ ,_SS _/ -' "-. ._-.... \ . 3,1-- ,--:;--('>P),' 'j I !: I . - ,.J'~...'_":J :::i;1 =1' ,_',J " /1 I l<~,.-I' I '-" ......---.-.:::'"-,. , I - ... --.... --- ---- - ----.J~.i i! GAIL A. COMER NOTARY PUBUC, Slate of rew York No~ 4735686 Suffolk County :3 rnmm""on Expires Mar. 30, 19~ i.' " , ..;~.~, ~ '..~-' ;:' . ..- ~.... .. - , ...... ... t_ ;.. ~ 0_ 4 . Application of(..iwrence for Change of Zone Bruno J ._0 RE: . - Suffolk Cu. Tax Map #1000-40-1-20 ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS DISTRICT SECTION BLOCK LOT 1000 040 01 13 Mr. Jolyan F. 420 Lexington New York, NY Stern Avenue 10170 14 Mr. Martin C. Pfeffer RD 1, Box 295 Greenport, NY 11944 15 Mr. M. J. Loscalzo 5 Farm View Drive Dix Hills, NY 11746 16 Ms. Marilyn Crystal 114 East 72nd St. New York, NY 10021 17 Mr. David Renwick 15th Avenue - Apt. 7G New York, NY 10003 18 Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Pringle North Road Greenport, NY 11944 19 Mr. & Mrs. Burt Crystal 114 East 72nd St. New York, NY 10021 21 Mr. Nicholas Parlamis 8923 Shore Road Brooklyn, NY 11209 22 Mr. Richard Petrocy 279 East 44th St. New York, NY 10017 23 Village of Greenport Greenport, NY 11944 DISTRICT SECTION BLOCK LOT: 1000 040 03 1 Kase Realty 43 West 54th New York, NY St. 10019 2 Ms. Judith Fenno 19 Radcliff Road Wellesley, MA 02181 3.2 Mr. & Mrs. William Nedoszytk( 739 First St. Greenport, NY 11944 3.3 Mr. Arthur L.R. Francisco Box 6 Silverton, CO 81433 3.4 Mr. Edward Broidy 149-01 Hollywood Ave. Flushing, NY 11355 . ( , . ( EDWARD J. BAHLKE, residing at 5 Revilo Road, Bayvil1e, New York 11709, as o,vner of the 5.208 acre parcel on the north side of North Road, Greenport, New York (Suffolk County Tax Map No. , .~ 1000-040-01-020), consents to the application by LAWRENCE BRUNO for the following: 1. Application to the Southold Town Board to rezone the premises to M-1 Multiple. 2. Application to the New York State Department of En- vironmental Conservation. 3. Application to the Suffolk County Department of Health Services for approval of water and sanitary systems. 4. Any and all other necessary applications required in connection with the rezoning application. c Dated: Novemberf6, 1982 / ." , 1(-, . ;.}., ,. ,,- r-l /-("''--(1'/ ...--.~t J, l /,- .' . -~ '''" .0#_ _' >..,... _ v.~. EDWARD J. BAHLKE ---, I \ /'" V> .- r- \ ." \ '-2: \ -6 \' '- . '" . \ " " ."'~ <.D1 - ;f , ~ I /1 . , . I /~I , .' I /1 /; i <J : 'f. ... 1 . ~ , -I ----i / I I / - I -~ - -- 1" I \ CH.c.pE..... GJ ~I -'~ [TJ fTl Z "\.1 o :::0 I ;;::-) I I "'LSER so~ < ---- ! " ~ < r r )::-, , " ' :Tj o --r; . ; '---J . I LA", 10 -<:' " ~ ,- V.' .....-: -~ - ....."/ .: >'-0,,;0: .:;:;: '~_.' -' ~ '/~ I. , ,/ ::.. -- /.--- ;~0~:'; ."/' - . /',. . ~: '~~ .' . I / .'''- / : "" ~.." I ~. ". . '..,' ...........---.. l1EEN'-S V' ~ t~NF": , ( , . . '" () ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '" II ... \!, "\). " 'to> 1.- ~ (h \) 'I:. 'L ~ , . -~ ,~ ( . ~ I jiC AL8ERTSOl-. LAIv;, , \ CH4 P E, V> \ -~ - I ~O. \ -, , "---.~~ -- I 7 /1 . , /1 . /1 . , /1 /' 4 ,.., -ii < r r >7 v : /.::,.=: ~;.;; - ~ '/": , ':> -.. . ~./;:- S: - _ ~: ,1_> , . V'. -t ). " : ~ ,X' 7- ./ v. . :Tj ~~ ~ ,. , o I; GJ ~J /_, rn PI Z '\.1 C :::0 , . -/ ---, , I I I -- I :.--..::--.:.. , -~ :,.: " "-,..\ . , /'-- / ( . '"' '" 't> l.. ;;::. {J\ ~ 't. 'L ~ ..... :NO " ','\.1,.."-_---. ~ t~tv~. > / ~ II ... -.:.. '" C) ~ 'l:-. \l ~ ~ ~ ~ '" i ,:",r SON -~ J. , . . \ . ;) ?-l \ ~ - \ I: , \ V) ,- b - -;z '" \ '-~. \ " \ -- \ "" < " ..\ / ' . , /i /) . /Jj I '" , ~ /j 'i 'I .I , f"-, .'/ ., I ~ 1,1 ., Il'- ~ ,i< ~ r GJ - ------.., / I I " 1"........"'- I ~ I ~ I ~ ~. ~... .' rT' , , f1l /- '\) -' LAN [ ,? --- Ql < r r -- r- -___ ~~ ;. .- ( ~" C. " <: 1\ ~ .... ~ ~ "IJ 'l:- ~ :s ~ ~ .. ~. '" " 'i) 1.- ~ ~ \) ~ 'L ~ --. ~--..----- '''.'''-- ^r ',.. , " ...,- . ~',',':,'~''7:'"iO;f~,:'~:'';''!_/'';~,n~~~'-i''~~. __ ',~~"vf~:: o I, -~ 1 o ! 1J, OJ ~ ~ .J ~l l ~ (J !(U _L -r I ~ I,! H J_c_L_ls ~I~;;ed~---~TT! ----- '~~~~~~--j ! ~ I i -~,., ,-,,~ \ '.1 rt I ! \ 'R,' (j; i ?:' ~ ~ +, , ! . . . "j , -r.-, ,', ./ ~~ ;\ ;.~ +;;" . j "',:" ,.r 'J ,. . ' , '-,~ -, t--.._.~> . ~' l'f": :'-~J-':: i....J[- '. ..:::~ '_'. If' .;Y .--, . - .....,. ,-" '\( j"").,t, < . / R r,\~ {--WL \ ." '. " ~, 'r' .--I, ('0 ~l ()' \. ,'~ "J' I' ~ ~ ~,\ ": N ~ Cll , i ,i , I U tl L-r,- lil '- V E I tu <! ..Q !j') , IX) & >- () UJ ell :z ~ If) III , 0 (l) ~ . ~ lri ~;';f'=f=t If 'OL:.T TOWN OF _"C;A.,jTHOL_O, N,Y. ( ~ 1 I I (j) N N 1!1 (Xl .--1' ! , , I I I; ..!! g" '[ o \ I , , , ~ ;:-:C.:::t{~!! : 200':$' ,.t !2 .. "~e!S idenct! cSc 'JO'-0ge - i t ~ 111 I.. t Sujf,=,!1c: Ccx.Jtrt'J ,en< Map c;e::;icy,.1I:Y+-ic>/1; C:i:-;+. 1000, :5.,,"".040, Blk, i, I">s!. 20, I i I \ \) I ! ~ "r::," 2:oHe 1 e~...-.:.ep-r ..-""1S /'t1d;ca~.~ Pr'tAUTHOll:lltD AlTH.ATlON OR A.[IOlllOl<l ,to THIS SURVEY IS A ViOlATION C)f SfCTION 7209 Of THE NoW YORK :5TATE tOUCATlON LA VI. CO~lfS Of THI:, SUl\V;:Y MAP NOT IEARING THE LAI';O SURVEYOR'S jNKro SEAL OR fMIOSS!O SlAl SHALL NOT IIiti CONS10EliO ro &E A VALID iWE COPY. GUARANTEES lNOI(,/l,TED ~l"'ll.E(,N SHALL RUN ONL'l' TO TH; i'H:SO"l fOR WHOM THE SURVf' IS PREPARED, AND o:~ 11:5 f,[HAlF TO THE flru COMP"I~Y, C.OVf~,~!^E~!TAL AGHKY AN( 1.:N':'NG INSTlTUliON lISHP tjiOllEQN, ANO ~tI TH~ ASStGNHS Of [HE LENDING 11'4511 Ow 1l0"'l. GUARANTEES AU l~OT TRAhSFtlo: A" .0 ,I..COmONAl INST!TlITlPw< ,~p St!ft<;fn'. "")>;>'01.5. J, Fe'1I1o o u v, i ',' ~ ., , , '~" " 1': e Ii <t ~)r-t1i++f M, '- .. ,W. (' 7.'0<1'" , '1 I Maf=Ped ~"5ep+. 15, 199-:.;: f2CX:~t:2tCk: VAN -!UVC, PC, f2. V......-~~m_ ____ Lfc;ef1:!!J8d Lell1a ~ <3re~:Hpor+- - New YoHc; ~ 'j .1 "- ,"-. I'. , .-..... ""-'.., ~ .., " . y . y . " ""Y . v , y > ,'> -", l i , ; I f I M-i " '. " t o ~ r ~ \~ '1> 8-- II - - :> 8 . ~'i (j ~ If: (t' -'-"'4__ "'---....-- za/1le r' j' ~ ~" ....<,./~" '.., ,~ . ,/ i 1-/;'/ " ,:/ I' / ; , , I I , H ~, ,j " il ;\ i, '\ ---------/ ~Ol1 k" i v / " " ~ i ,/ _.-V'""YX "V','" t '. t' . PO, , .. ~ t' B" Zo"e :",~v~"... '0 ~ '~>~:,'''0 ~