HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-35.-4-22 ___--.li..-"-~__."'_.~,... ..._._.._. .......;.;.-". ~-'''~ ~"""'~.--~-....... New York State Department 01 Environmental Conservation . Environmental Analysis Unit Bldg. 40. SUNY Stony Brook, NY 11794 516 751-7900 . August 26, 1976 James T. Mansell, Superintendent of Utilities Village of Greenport 236 Third Street Greenport, NY 11944 Re: TW-15278-0100 Dear Sir: ~ C__:=:;g ,~7 IlQ!WllOOillj{ Commissioner Peter A. A. Ber1e Reference is made to your letter of. July 25, 1976 , requesting recognition of your interest in Petition No. TW 15278-0100. You are hereby recognized as a Party-in-Interest in this proceeding. . jJ;:-,:'l(}'Z:;?"J Daniel J. Larkin Local Tidal Wetlands Permit Administrator DJL:slm , ''l>"~_. ~"""""""""'~'--....T~__.,..,,,, '-'~..,~""""~-""~~~N"~~'~_"':~~':-:!"""-,r.:m:r""I"" 'J''''~' .. .' _..".....",...:_"~l ..,... ..--~....., ~", ,n, _~ R " ...........-....._-,........... ''''"''.....- ......,............--....." ...u_..;...L..........."......_.......~'.;.,..."~~.... ~... .. " . Officers MAYOR JOSEPH L 'IOWNsENJJ, JI< 0fla:~e 0/ .9reenport UTII.ITY OI.TI('F TEL. (5111) 477-174H INCOIlPOAATCO n:n I~)WFR PLANT TFL (516)477-0172 NI:W INCOIIIPOIIIATION "PIII'L T. Ill" TRIJSnt:s Hl:.NKY CARU}ZZI SAMUEL KATZ WILLIAM H. UEBLEIN WILLIAM QUINN At-INCO"POA"TIO/'ll UNDI:A G[N[~"L L"W ..."y 2'. "". SUPT. OF UTILITIES JAMLS l. MUNSELL L ~"'+. b. "',,-- . . ...... "'-' ., . . .." G;.. 'Ii . .;Z'~"6:N G . I 5 iO':;: 'No 0 .Y"" (\-~ .. ,,~, ~ "-~...~ 2Jfi Till RI> STREFT (;REENI'ORT, SlIl,VOLK COUNTY NI':W YORK 11944 July 25, 1976 Tidal Wetlands Permit Administrator Building 40 State University of New York StonyBrook, N. Y. 11794 Gentlemen: The Greenport Municipal Water Supply hereby objects to the proposed dredging project of Mr. Marvin A. Rauch, Petition No. TW - 15278 - 01000. The Village of Greenport which OIIns and operates the Greenport Municipal Water Supply deems itself liable to injury as a result of the proposed dredging wherein the salt water interface will be damaged and a portion of the fresh water available will be lost. The available fresh water in the eastern portion of the North Fork of Long Island is already critical and can be documented by many engineering reports. The Village of Greenport objected when Fordham canal was first dug, the chloride count rose forcing the Water System to monitor the pumping of their public water supply wells (4-6, 4-7, 4-8) in East !larion, further forcing the Water System to expend large sums of money to locate, develop and transmit new sources of supply from areas to the west. Continued construction of projects as proposed, if permitted, will further deplete the fresh water resources of the area. The Village of Greenport cannot afford to permit this to happen. The effect of more diggings will lower the fresh water contours in the area which are presently very critical. We have requested our Consulting Engineer, ~!r. Samuel McLendon of HOlzmacher, McLendon & Murrell, to file an additional explanatory opinion on our behalf in this matter. In behalf of the Village of Greenport - Municipal Water Supply, we respectfully request that the application of Mr. Marvin A. Rauch be denied. Very truly yours, JIM me Enc. ( \ '-:cZcY>-u ~ ..---" --~) /.-7// /.' / / / / ~~, --;. / L.(.. o' --t.,1..._>' James I. Monsell Superintendent of Utilities ,/,/' 1 of 2 ."'"If""I'I',,"'r "''!'_.....:._~':_=~'.t~::......>;''''... "-M"""'1':'"""""'-"1':~.:~" , '. "",",.,-r'.~.,' t ";;o;r.,,~!:.:'";~.:':~O;>p''P'!l:~~l''':--r_.._...:Jt;'' ~"''''C;~';.._ .".. .._ .~.. "JII".-,"'Ir'l' ........ . -_.-;,;;,; ..-~. .. - , , ,July 25, 1976 Lettflr Addresserj to: '1'1<1" I vlnLland" f'nrrnlt I\<lrn tnln trot,or ~l',ullyBrook, II. Y. From: James I. Mansell, Supt. of Utilities Villaee of Greenport cc: 11ayor Joseph Townsend, Jr. Village of Grecnport Samuel Mclendon I!olzmacher, McLendon & llurrell Consulting .:ngineers 500 Broad Hollow Road llelville, N. Y. 11746 Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold, N. Y. 11971 Mr. John Munzel Attorney at Law S4fJ Hoanoke I\venne Hiverhead, 11. Y. 11901 Dr. Jonathan Richmond, Chairman Village of Greenport Planning Board Greenport, N. Y. llr. John D. Hirenius, P.E. Water Quality Unit, Supervisor Suffolk County Department of Health Services Suffolk County Center Riverhead, N. Y. 11901 Mr. Merlon E. Wiggin, President North "'ark Environmental Conncil, Inc. Box 311 Southold, N. Y. 11971 Department of the Army New York District, Corps of Engineers 26 Federal Plaza New York, N. Y. 10007 2 of 2 i ~;.!~,:,~~;,,,,,,, .... "''''~~'l:;;;'T:ijII~'71~''!"",,-'': "n,';" ""'If;" '~'~"'I"~~'IiP';"'Il:".,..nr':-~~II:J~r":' -c,,,1"-''!!rnJ'mo':'''II:"':' ''"!''''':''''!:'''' "'M'I'''~!f; '~"~",T,.It'I":" "'j"~T;ri!"'.':'.''''' ,.,.."....11.. "'"-~.,..",.. -.- ,.~ -..--.--. " _...~'.;:--_._-_.~ '-.. r . . ?TATj~ (): ;;E~.,r YO;ZK l1i':f',\:{'j';-:j':i:T OF E:-J\" 1.:':\)>:>ir~::':'Ar, C()::~i:J':\,.Yj [li:; In the }:.:1ttc':- 0: the. P.~~tiLi_l);1 of MARVIN A. RAUCH Petitio" 1:0, n:-15278-0100 T,,,\~_S? :>rJ';LIC lIT'.\Rn~c: ?':CTICF --~-----~ ~otiCl~ :i.'.> b.':"c:1/, /.)\, Lil.lt, pUr[~Udl1t LD I\rticJc: ?:) (T:id;t1 '..,'L:',tlalh~:::') of tho l:nv1['om:\l~':~:'.,1 Con:';I,.'~'v;;lion 1.:1\-: ;:Ild [:1(' 1:111e::; :l1ld l\(~f',\Il;,:':'in:::-: for ::~;;;l:.1nCC of P('rm-its l:~,':(':' .~;~t:i_J L:n: (6 ~;YCl>: !':ll"l ()(10)) :..:1112 ih~pnrtI~~~~nl of Fnviror::ncnt.:.ll C()11Sl..!r'J<.l LLo:; \.:i1 t C':l~,:;i~ :l pt:l' l"Lc :l'-~nri Il~', t(., [1,' hv ld in tho Suffolk County Legislative Room, County Center, Riverhead, New York 11900 on too 22nd d"y D[ September , L')76 , "l 10:30 o'clock in the fore noon Cot1 tlldt: Jay for the PUi.-pOSC Df: (a) hcarin~ all pcrs0~sl corl)Or~tions or civil divisions of tile State of ~ew York, :i:at ':":i.:lj ~)(~ nf.::cctcr.! by thL~ (:xccut:i.,)I1 of the plans at: The project site is 1,~cntcJ MAIN IN A. RAVC JI 1223 Cornaga Avenue Far Rockaway, New York 11691 in Fordham Channel, cast of Gull Pon~ Lane, Greenport, ~'own of SClUtho1d, Suffolk County, New York. 'rhe applicant proposes to maintenance dredge 500 i feet of an existing channel to a , depth of 6 ft. below MLW, removing approximately 1500 cu. yds. of mater~al to be deposited on the adjacent upland. The applicant claims the project is necessary to restore navigation, ~nd that a financial hardship would result if this permit were denied. pinDs [or ~hicl: !l~VC been filed with ttlC Ti(~al ~ctli!n(l~; Permit A~cnt, Dcpnrt~cnt Of l~nviron~entnl Conservation) nnJ ~lrQ now itl l1is office in Stony Brook, :-Jc\";York, v;l:"::l"c the. saiJIc .:1rc. open for public inspection; and (b) affording tile petitioner th~ oP!'ortt!~ity to establisll t!1nt tile proposed p~oject is not co~trary to (1) the policy of the Stnt~ to preserve and protect tidnl wetlands, to prevent tlleir ~~spoliation and dcstrllction ~~d to give dlJC consirl.c;;".:'.tion to the re,,:scT".able econor.ic nne: social GL'\'clopr;H2r.t of the SUlte and (2) tl1e ~rovisions of ~itlc 2, ~\rticle 25 of the En\"ironccntal Cocscrvation Law. Further notice is hereby giVe!l tllat, purSllant to 7itlc 5, A~ticle 15 (Protection of t':aters), ;::lviror:~:r::"':.~.::ll CO:i.:;crvntion Ln~,- anG. tbe Rules.J..:d Rcgulc.tions for issuance of p0rr:-:!ts \:nr:er :;"id J.,::~',\' (6 XYCIUZ I':ll~~~ (IO.s). r:""\c' ;"lurfOS(,~ of s:'~ l',: IH1:lring is .11s0 for dcU~r;;11:iJnl; '.:iI0t:lcr s:lid plans provi:l~ for t11(; propi..:r <.lud safe construction uf .:~ll wode. connected thcra~\':Lth: and 't.;llctb:~r cxc-ct:tiL'l1 of the propos.:ll iI,;ould ad\'~rs01)' affect the 1lcaltll, snfety a~J welfare of the ~coplc of the Stnte or the natur31 ,rcsources:o: the State. The p~titi'one-r- further rC:CjllC~]ts th.:1t, rJl:rsu2nt to SCl:tion 401 (n) (1) of PL 92-500 '(The Act), the project be:, certificd th.:lt :i.~ ~,..ill c0:~plJ' t,':i.t:, G.FPli.:<J.ble effluent li~it~tions or other li~itatio~s or stunuards under Section 301, 302, 306 or 307 of the ~ct. All persons, corpornti0ns or civil di\'isi0DS oi the S~3tc of ~C~ Yl)rk, Wll0 have objc.ctio:1s to t:h~ (~:':~ClltjOt~ of s;::i.! pLIOs or ,,'i:--:h to he hC.:J.rcl either in favor ,or or oppo:-;cd to ;::\1cll pLll1s.in o:'/lc'r to hi' bedn: tl1,_'rcoit, 111':::[ fi](' notice DC a;'rH~.";'LlIll>: (l[ ~:l..l(.'ll dc~:in' t.o :"'~ hc~:=-'d i:l \,Ti::'.:n,\'~ ;111'.: in 1:':;'1 iC:1te, spccifyil1G tile prcci.sc ~rOUll(l~ ()f sllp~0rt of or oPilosition to tIle ~lctiti~n, with the Ti(:al ~.lccl;l:H:~--; Pentit ,~.,t:mini.~~::.-ator <1t Llildioi; !iO, StatL: Lli-./crsity of ,XC\., York, Stony nrnu:-'~, ~;C'v.' York l179!; on or hcfo:-e the 16th cl.:1y of S ' ] 976 ' Filing for. this purpose shall require actual f~fl~l?e}t1 tLe office 0' the Tid<ll 1.lctl,mds Per:;'; t J\':n;inistrator. If no notices of appC.J.r.J1i.CC arc filed, the. hC3rir'0 m.::.y be ca:1c~11cd. D:ltec.l: _ ~c", Yo;:k August 11, 1976 D,'1':l 1el J. tar:: in Loc~l] 'l'.L(lnl ~'!ctl~n(is Fercllt ^~~i~istrntor !\YS 1),; ;1:1. rtl:~cn t of E:lv1ror'.I':~:1 tal Conservation Stony lirook, i';c',,: Yor:'-' 11794 I I [ ,~J ~.. ~1 ~~;~:~:~~'~~il/ill:i'::rmf~rr.~?1Fl~f~j]~r'f'il:~f:'~:<i!~~:~:ir~,;?m~~~"~rm~fFliT:'1"', :4~iJ;~ti~;!.j~~iF~fi~;;tJ~:i~&i~i~~W.~!;~~~'~~~U~;~~~~~:':',;:~~:i)~~~~~:~t~~iW~~1k~~;~~~~,;~<,;;~';~~ EA 124B (12/7 Ii) Ql;s~j~g~:i'r~:r~ii~,~~":;J;.i!~~iI!!I~lr~mif~li:ik!.. ,r~~"'~"l='" '~'~"'!i!'<"'1'!"'==~'~="'''---;-:~''''~'''==''''''''''''''' I il l' .' " . .. 11EP/\]\'l':il:i;';' OJ.' !';~:V I i:.);::-I!.::;':'AI, ClJ:;:li~IW^ll \I~; In the ~lat.t[ji 0;' the ]'wti.Linn of MARVIN 1\. MUC 11 Petition No. ni-1527B-OIOO '..~Q-SP '! prnLIC HfARIKC ~OTICE . '~:,; - . , ~ ~ ~ ' -', ~; ~-' ,~ 1a ~ '::l '.~ . ~,;. -, :~oticc is hC';;-c':ly ~::'\"Og tll.1t, pLlr~:u;J.r~t to Ar'tic:lc 25 (Titl.;iJ. \.;~tland::~) of the' E1\vironm~nt.;; Clln'i...'rV~It;.i_nn 1.;1\.: :~:h\ tlle l~lllt,:,; ~\1ld 1{I.~gHl:1:.:io~1:,; rot" .1~~:-;,:ancC! of l'l'rr.11 ts l:n'.:c; f::liJ 1.;1\.: (() ~:YCl\),: !'tll"t (:(,(1), tl1~ nepart!::(ml of 1:nvi rDnmcl'1tal Concl:rvat:io;: \.:111. Cil\;:)U :11'u1.>.: :i.":: lI'::;lr::w'; to 11>"' l1l~ld in the Suffolk County Legislative Room, County Center, Rivcrbeac1, New York 11900 on /-f,c 22nd '];,1' "r Septc,mber ,1')76 ,:lL 10:30 o'clock in thc fore {won c....f1 th~lt dOll' for Lht,.~ purpo~;c ci: '.' 'I } 1~ "1. , (a) hcnrin.n; ;:11 p~r~,~o:1S, corpDr~ltions or civil uivisions of the State, of ~c:\,1 York, "ti:.:tt ::1.:1:' l)(~ .:1ffc'ct:l2<.i by thL~ (~:.:ccutiO:1 of th~ plans or: ( MARVIN 1\. MUCH 1223 Cornaga 1\venue Far Rockaway, New York 11691 Tl1C, project !;itc is l~)cntcJ ~~.;l f . .' ." ,.~ ~~ , ,'" in Fordham Channel, ca~t of Gull Pon~ Lane, Greonport, 'I'own of Southold, Suffolk County, Nmr York. 'i'he applicnnt proposoD to muinte,nllTlce dredqc 500 :t fuot of: on oxi"tinq channel to a dopth of 6 ft. lJolow Mr,~7, rClnovin<j npprmdmntoly 1,,00 cu. yds. of matoria to be deposited on t:he adjacent uplal1l1. 'I'he applicilnt :laim~ tho . project is necessary to restore navigation, and that a f~nanc~al hardsh~p would result if this permit were denied. } ~n: .. .~\ " '~~ 'I' '.;'.:'~'. J;'i i'~. ~.~.~ ~f~ ~] ::~ ~i r....~ ,J ,,~ ~.;i ';oij ., ~}, . "," -"I) F'1 :~,:)1 .:,,1 ~:g .:::.1 :~~~ ,[dJ ;::: ~ .,"; .":'}: ;'! All pcrsons, cc,rpor'I,:"ons or civil <Ii'-'$j0nf, 0;' tlic Stote C'f ;';C'.: York, who, -t.:~ have ohjections to till' .:':-:ecllt j(l!~ o~ ~.;:id p.l~lns ur '.,:!~;h to 11.:: lh'.1.rc1 (-'i chC"l" in \~". ,favor or or OJ)j)():;('tl to ~;llch :)};11\:';, ill nrr:('r to ~l(' L"~ln; : h..'r(>t1:l, r:';~;l ['J]" t~:_~ nUljCl: of :!;'pC;::'-:.II~l:'.: (If ::l.lclJ .Jc:;in" L(I !:.-' Jw::~.d -in \:ri.li:~:.'. :In(: in ,~t:i'liC:1LC, f;'"t spccifyinr; the pr"::'l:j.:;(' r,round:; of [;lIf'i)ort (11: 0r oPPo!1ition to tj,..... ~)(,titioa, 't_ with the Tic:,')} \'!':~r3..;1:1l~~": Pcn::it ;\t:i:lillist::"~lt.)r a:': r::lilc1injj LiD, S::ltc l:1..~i'Jcrsity . l,t.~ ." .of :;c" York,. Stony !\rr'u':, ~!c;.! York 1179!, en or hcf0~C the 16th '. <Inyof ;' #4 S .' ]976 Filing for this p":-rosc sl~:111 require ~~tuiJl-'.': ~'::1 . f'~~l?e111 the off:icc (\.." the Tid."J.l h!cth.l~Hls Il".."'r:.J1 l i\c~,inistl".:1tor.o I[ no notices '.--1) ., ,-';' of 'appc,Jro.:~cc :lrc [;..lcd, tllt? hc.arir;'l:; 1;1~Y be c~:1ccllcdo ~'.~ ~~:~ '" ~. . . ..'j~;~!J~ ' " ,:f.' lr '0<' f.~ : .,;,:'f" Oat'cod:' .~c"o Yo:.-k , '>'. t-1 -.,'- August 11, 1976 11:111;,,1.1. I.:I:-:'.l" Jlo'.' J.O~::I] 'j' L1;11 ~.\~L.l :111,.l:j fcn,] i l !H!;::i'I.L'~~tr~tor' '.., ~~~ /,,~/:,~~;~:./:~'~. o' "r ~:'/~: Ih';I:\r::r:';;IL of [:1v1rm:1':C::lt:tl CcnGcrva~ion ~f;i /.,~,<.- EA- 12/,'S: (1'l./7!;) Stony l;roc1k1 ~':ct-: York 117r)4 It~t~r:::'::~~,",~,.~:;;;!;~"c~~,~~~~:'C,,",,".,,,="~~~,,'?~~~"", :....' pl<1r:s for,....hici1 l1.:lve been filed ,.,rith UIC. 'Tit!;::.l ~'~ctl;l:Hi~; ~..."'rmit ;\~:cnt, l)cpo1rt:;:c:l.t Of Er:vironnental Cor:scrv"ltiol1, ;'l.nl1 arc r'.m,' :in his office in Stony Brook, ~cw York, ~I~arc tIle sa2C arc o~cn for putllic ins!)~~tion: and '. (b) :lff('ln.Ji;,;~ tile petiti.oncr the OPPl):~t.u!-1ity to ':~;,:..:J.blish t.:~,"l.t til1..~ proposed ,p:"l'ject is not co:~trary to (1) the; policy" of t!lC Stnt.::: to preserve and protcct tidal \)crlonc]s, to preVcllt tllcir dcspoliation ancl'dcs:~L!cti0n n~d to nivc dllC consi~c:-=-~:.:icn tc the rC:':1sC:-;:~lblc eC):-1o~:ic .'In,~ soci.:ll d",'vC]O;")7:1i..'J:t of the St;1tl~ an~ (2) t!lC nro~isions of Title 2, ~\rticle ~5 of tllC: EIl.\'iro~~c~t3l Co~s~rvation Lc3\o." 0 Further notice is l:0rcbj' given that, 9urSll.:J.nt ::0 ':'it1c 5, A:-ticle 15 (Protection of ":"1tc:r5), :'::1':i.ro:-.:-,:!".;:".::nl. Car:.:;cr\l:1tion L:!'..: an~ tl1l2 K\.:les .1:'.(: Re~';u1.:;tions ,for isslI.:mcc oi Ih:~r::1i::s 1:;'~':I..'r :ii~id ].:.:.~... (() :\YCiU::' ~':n"1..' (,1.')8). r;lC' ;1111-:)~:S'~ O:C S;..l,: h~~:l.ri.ng i::'l ,)l~o . lur (~cll:rr.1i:~jlll: ".:h~l;j(:r :';:l:id p.llln~; provide for til~' pt'o~)~r ~II:d ~;afl: constrlll:Llon ui ~1.1 \-1Ot'~< COl1lh'CtL!d tllct'c'.,'lth; ..m,' \,OlH~r.Lcr C:-:CCl:lil)n of the pr\'pl.'~;:.:\l \,....lulJ advl.'rscly 'affect the! Ih,~a1ll1, :::l:.cty ~Jn~l "'..~lLl1.-.'" oi trw pL'';'lplc vi tlw .st.:.lt...~ or th~ natural rczourcc~ or th(: ~;t.ltQo The petitL)r,c..; fUl-tLcr rcqllc.!:lts th:1t, pllrsu.:1>lt tc S2ctinn [,01 (.:1) (1) of PL .92-SpO (Thl' Act). tLt2 project he ccrtificj th2t i: t,-i11 cO::-!j11y h'it:: .:lv.pli.::::ble ':; effluent liGit~tions ~r Oth0T li~itatio~3 or ~tandards un~~r Scc:ion 301, _302, .306 or 307 0;: the ;\ct.'" ,___ _u_ .. lep........ 16. 1916 $t Udal WoUaad. hl'll111 Adlll1n1ltntv B\&11diq 40 ,._ uau..ra1tJ of I." York StoDJbrooJc .." York - 11194 n.11' SU, Ie. l"Ioopo-Mt .'retlal.. pro.f.., r4 Mr. MuY18 A. la_b. PeUUoa 10. 'N-l$218-01OO. ~bo lortb ForJc BmiN_a..l 00_11 .0110.... "Ub 1Ibo pea1Uoa ..... b7 1Ibe Ullo,o of Gftoap..' "",H1JIs \be propoa.d dNdc1aa of FOI'db.. Ob.aMl (Gull PlNld). ".OWlG ot 1Ibe ady.ra. .tt.., of 1Ibe lba1", p...bl. ... aappllo.. I'M_ad tbe' ao t.tibu ''''alltS ... plaoe "Ubo\111 a o..,..be.l.. ..duU_. ftele.... abould be .... '0 \be .'\141.. .oDd_tied 1>>7 Rol..ob... Hor.-adOll 41 HWI'l"ell. ...,..-.tully l\IlM1.lltlo'. SlDOe..17. If:)RfH F'OJU( J<ltVlROIlMEN'rAL COUIICIL. IlW. 7/!.C a1~) Morl_ E. W1a18 p..81doa1l ... .1.... I. HOlUloll lupt. Qt UU11Uo. Villa.. of Gfteapon Ora.aport. L. I. ll." York - 11944 SUw.el _or.-adoa Hol_.bar. HoLouo.n & M1U'1'ell COIl.\ll'1as F_l>>or. SOo Brood Hollo" ftoed MolTiUo II... YOft: - 11146 I --- NI'. loba Wloldl., Cbtl~ J/ """'U if... Pl.""'. S"""- .ou'hQoU. L. I. In Y-.k - 11911 NI'. Ioba....l '''--J ., Llbr AI...... a..... .......4. L. I. 1M y..k . 11901 .... "..... Ill.~,IU1. Cbau-.. V11lap et 8ft...... Pbtmlq .... .......... L. 1. ... Yaft . 11," llaJl'Jo..pta ~.....u. b. Vlllap et G........, 1IJ1J........ L. I. 1M Y..k . 11," NI'. .leba D. Vb....II._. I. E. W..I" Q1aU'J UDl.. ,..,....La.. .,,".Ut c.." Dep......, et ...1... ....10.. suttolil c.." (Je... JUy......4.. L. I. ... YoN . 11901 De....., et ,be ...., ... Y01I'II D1eVlo' C~ .r "'l~rt" ,6 ........1 Pla.. ... y..1I ... YOI'll: - 10001 <. r - September 1, 1976 I I -I I -I I .1 Tidal Wetlands Permit Administrator Building 40 State University of New York Stony Brook, New York 11794 ReI Petition TW-15278-0l000 Dear Sir: The Planning Board of the Town of Southold concurs with the position of the Village of Greenport as regards dredging of Fordham Channel, east of Gull Pond Lane, Greenport, New York. Yours truly, Muriel Brush, Secretary , . I '"," ~..., " "--_... . . .. "..'(" "-'. -----...,-"""', . ROBERT H. BERNTSSON ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNi::V Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P,O, Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1939 JAMES A. SCHONDEBARE TOWN A TTORNi::Y OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATIORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IfDJ IE @ IE U \Vi IE fn1 Ull SEp., 2 1988 ~ TO: FROM: DATE: REF: Planning Board James A. Schondebare, Town Attorney September 2, 1988 Fordham Canal We do not view the land below the water of Fordham Canal as a candidate for subdivision. We have previously taken the position that a lot must be buildable, in accordance with the definition of a lot. In this unique situation, it is our recommendation that each abutting property owner, who seeks to purchase the land under water and adjacent to his upland property, do so through a lot line change. cc: Fred Tedeschi c;f JAS:jas t . MEMORANDUM To: James A. Schondebare, Town Attorney Robert H. Berntsson, Assistant Town Attorney From: Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner Re: Fordham Canal Date: May 31, 1988 Fred Tedeschi, on behalf of a client, has requested guidance on how to resolve the following matter. His client has been offered the chance to purchase his half of Fordham Canal as it lies directly in front of his property. The Canal itself was created in two sections, the latter being known as Fordham Acres, Section II. There are no records an the First section. The second section was built in 1967 and was owned by Ruth Preston and others. It appears that the Canal itself was created and that the land beneath it was owned by Preston and others. The current owners, Peconic Holding Company, have sold portions of the Canal to the adjacent property owners. See property card from Assessor's office. In the interest of protecting his client, Fred wants to know whether he should apply to the Planning Board for either a lot line change or a subdivision proper since the filed map itself is being amended. I have discussed this with the Planning Board. They have not encountered this situation before so they have no idea as to how this question should be answered. They would like your review and opinion as to what procedure Fred should follow. ~~~. r- CleOober 3, 1967 ,I I South old Town Board 16 South Street Oreenport, H_ York Gentlemem Th1. 1a to aelv1ae you that the follow1nq action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held on October 3, 1967: "It was RBSOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board recommend to the Southold Town Board tha~ they release tt.a perfo:rmance bond on Fordham Acres, Section II;I.Or..nport, Hew York, owned and developed by Ruth pre.ton & Other.. subject to receiving the letter of approval from the Superintendent of H1gbways" Attached hereto are the letters of approval of these roads from Raymond C. Dean. Superinteld8llt of Highways, and Lawrence M. Tuthill, Construction Engineer for the Planning Board. Respectfully submitted, , John W1ckbam. Chairman Southold TownPlanning Board /bd