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est. 1181 PARKS MAY 3 0 Tfloi D Property OwnersAssor-iotion PL ------ evooptt!i oroHimity to the ew VATe =l:nc .ilia MUtiential �e !s m fw! m3port 2f ne tieve!omen, of genainety arioriabia Abusing in SOUiAGW TOWASAO, in Southold hamlet, and in our no.mes' :" �Lmm'eci;4,4, Nex. LVe te!le'�-e developers'�e SL rt-'t!t to e nt"01. !!Ie ;11" qp4ptif. knet pispritial"! all !.end hounded riq the LOi)q lii.afli]i of i.3,16 Gil -tenilecc,'z rlrg cm io,3 inui,;,.. LaLisei ave. an the PCst snd P-mpo!; ^ 'e. 3� t..,5 00 to S=Wded C7!J buV upon e,.!er-Iucj!g. our fsiioijmpp, cornm�wnm onmen io me wamem Townsnio �iannmq Board kilouid be taken 0 now zamaM. Li:i Owen sOace is rdocleaitby anll wwestiietic. 11.ie pr(1865F Yhtiat the tpl jn0ij wwl i5 !ip f lai-inntg uaard re lett tale llresera Dom plan. �� �1 C1YC�l s:Li l� r�4l l�.:dFer 3i..�� n. '.! ' 1�•� t 41\. -IEa;Aes significant open, s,^.ece Mat's cart cf a Manning Goard deueloped greenbelt connecting all subdivisions within the aboue delimited area -redeces the sW)dtDasnn^_essity -realigns the streets so that lets are rationaliy snaged and connect 10 future, adj;Vng suydf:; s:Onls -pteuide.S fpr J drainage SlTslOm that ties iR to the real drainage of the ,"latural iiiadsca.,-e Phe Yennecolt Park Prr!pier M uwners fissocwtion wants to see real "affordable" "firg e;r people 0i ,MICL'_st ',Means 12 SOLtt,Zid iawhsnip. We want enlightened dPMelgwers t0 warie t: ,+ n. r-mlrreh?r gmie.'nerrenl Lind Our reigborhoods to deuelDp this uerq reel n+?ES. HOI-leper we iEel that Ont'township deserDes �-£-e lspace and "eep M3 a desirable, place :'n ttthlr:h to five, S!7 w:T ^marl's reSgonie. Stacereiy puri, Peel Yraet;ling, President wn n< t Qr ... R ,.. ''. ^Y. !-,p �;9^^,..:!. �,a � p.,.�a s . ?eq�.fl••§ n..57Cl.P,t`0�: >fet�rlelt Ei CIIUvC redr n. ��lt! ]! r'%lr.. (i!, ,7r-k fJi!) !i•!!�fh Cn!dh. Cpl?'i) 1 fJ11 f'r-Pl3tTtnP, Mar-il ;:u iicllr of Ea-Ira 3020 Boisseau Ave Southold, NY 11971 May 29, 1989 Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 Gentlemen: One need not be experienced in reading community subdivision plans to see that the plat of the DBM property adjacent to Boisseau Ave. in Southold Village as presented, and calling for 55 house lots, insults the intelligence and good judgment of a planning board asked to consider it. The configuration of the lots, looking like a child-constructed jig-saw puzzle, is a travesty to the dignity and aesthetics of human community living.. There is no open space provided. The road plan fails to consider safe and speedy access and exit for emergency vehicles, and by creating cul-de-sacs ignores the aspect of future development to the south. Sensitivity to topographical features of natural run-off and the historical evidence of clay seams to theeast is lacking. All of the above features do receive attention in the alternative plat for 16, 2 acre house lots that has been submitted for the same property. To omit them from the affordable housing sub- division site plan is discriminatory planning. Cluster planning with open space required can be part of every subdivision. A look at the site plan of Yennecott Park which is adjacent to the DBM property reveals that- a planning board of twenty years ago was able to require an aesthetic, sensitive plan for modest size lots and homes. Has the greed of the developers taken captive the intelligence and courage of our community planning board? You insult our community builders of the past and the people whom you represent and you discriminate a ainst yo.zng families who want to live here by giving consideration to a site plan as flawed as this one. Yours truly, Lorna E. Tuthill 1 )_a:` r rr.-..� I a•'::. ".:. I .�..r..i i .' l ;.r .t r:r .,. ell 1. A o-11- � g MAY 3 0 1('39 ` sou;�:i�--- APR l Q l169 ;(r' State Environmental Quality Revii P L� DBp Notice of Completion of Final EISNN�NGgpD�"� Project Number coz-289 Date April 12, 1989 This notice is issued pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 6 (State Environmental Quality Review Act) of the Environmental Conservation Law. A Final Environmental Impact Statement has been completed and accepted by the Southold Town Board, as lead agency, for the proposed action described below. Comments on the Final EIS will be accepted by the contact person until April 24, 1989 Name of Action: Change of zone application and major subdivision for DBM Co. pursuant to Southold Town Affordable Housing District SEQRA Status: Unlisted Action Description of Action: Proposed change of zone from "A-R" Agricultural-Residential to "AHD" Affordable Housing District and subdivision of land pursuant to "AHD" zoning ordinance Location: Boisseau Avenue and Tuthill Road, Southold. A Copy of the Final EIS may be obtained from: Contact Person: _ Judith Terry Town Clerk, Southold Town Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 A Copy of this Notice and Final EIS Sent to: Commissioner, Department of Environmental Conservation, 50 Wolf Road, Albany, NY 12233-0001 Department of Environmental Conservation, Region 1 Headquarters SUNY Stony Brook, Building 40, Stony Brook, NY 11794 Suffolk County Dept. of Health Services Suffolk County Dept. of Planning DSM Co. c/o William D. Moore, Esq. Southold Town Board Southold Town Building Dept. Southold Town Planning Boardk� Town Clerk' s Bulletin Board Southold Town Trustees Village of Greenport NYS Legislative Comm. on Water Resource Needs of L.I . ' •.� rr FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT Relating to The Rezoning from "A" (Residential and Agricultural District) to "AHD" (Affordable Housing District" and Subdivision of Land - Pursuant to AHD Zoning Ordinance. LOCATION: 37 .762 acres located within the Town of Southold Southeast of the intersection of County Road 48, Boisseau Avenue, and Yennecott Avenue. APPLICANT: D.B.M. Co. 443 Main Street Greenport, NY 11944 ( 516) 477-2223 LEAD AGENCY: Town of Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, NY 11971 ( 516) 765-1800 PREPARER: Peconic Associates, Inc. Environmental Consultants One Bootleg Alley Greenport, NY 11944 ( 516) 477-0030 Moore & Moore Attorneys at Law Suite 3 Clause Commons Mattituck, NY 11952 ( 516) 298-5674 DATE OF PREPARATION: March, 1989 Draft Environmental Impact Statement Accepted February 7, 1989 :taIVED LIAR 3 0 1989 SoufhoH r. ri.,,4 TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 COMMENTS ON DEIS AND RESPONSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 I. SUMMARY This Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) examines the proposed rezoning by the Southold Town Board from "A" (Residential and Agricultural) to "AHD" (Affordable Housing District) of some 37.762 Acres situated on the East side of Boisseau Avenue, approximately 1200 feet South of County Road 48, and the proposed creation of fifty-five ( 55) lots on 37 Acres. The EIS is prepared in accordance with the provisions of Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law; Part 617 of Title 6 of the New York State Codes of Rules and Regulations; and Chapter 44 of the Southold Town Code. The Town of Southold, which is acting as Lead Agency, determined on June 9, 1988, that the actions proposed are Type I and are likely to have a significant effect on the environment. on February 6, 1989 the lead agency determined that the DEIS was complete and adequate for public comment and review. The public hearings on the DEIS and for the change of zone application were held on March 14, 1989. The EIS incorporates the DEIS and provides responses to the comments that have been raised regarding the DEIS. This EIS concludes that the subject parcel is physically capable, properly located, and with the potential for a complement of municipal services -- electricity, water, schools, fire and police protection, etc. -- to undergo residential development of the type and density forecast without significant impact or detriment to natural or man-made systems, or the surrounding 1 development and land uses. The proposed rezoning and subsequent development of fifty- five ( 55) units, upon the receipt of the required approvals will result in: 1. An increase in moderate income housing. 2. No increase in protective service staff and equipment. 3. No loss of farmland. 4. No significant pollution of groundwater. 5. An increase in tax revenues without a significant increase in demand for taxpayer provided services. 6. An increase in school population without a corresponding significant increase in facilities and operating costs. 7. An increase in traffic volume that can be accommodated by the existing road and street networks. The EIS concludes that there is no significant environmental impact pertaining to the proposed action for subsequent development that would necessitate the pursuit of any of the alternatives set forth in the DEIS. II . INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE In accordance with the requirements of the regulations set forth in 6 NYCRR Part 617, this Final Environmental Impact Statement consists of the draft EIS prepared by Peconic Associates, Inc. , December 1988, and the revisions made and 2 incorporated in same in February, 1989. The draft EIS and revisions are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety with the same force and effect as if they had been set forth in this document. III . COMMENTS ON DEIS AND RESPONSE The following comments were made regarding the DEIS at the public hearing held by the lead agency on March 14, 1989 : Comment: The responses to questions raised by the environmental consultant to the lead agency were not in the file maintained by the Town clerk. Response: Certain questions were raised by the environmental consultant to the lead agency which were to be addressed before the lead agency would determine the DEIS complete and acceptable for public comment and review. The applicant prepared the information or amended the DEIS as necessary to respond to these questions. These responses were provided in an additional submission to the lead agency and were incorporated directly into the DEIS. This additional information is available in the Town Clerk' s office and the individual raising this point was directed by the lead agency to review the file again. Comment: If the proposed re-zoning to the "AHD" classification is approved, a precedent will be established 3 permitting similar zoning for adjoining property which is also undeveloped. Response: The rezoning of a particular piece of property in accordance with the existing Affordable Housing District provisions does not establish a precedent for the rezoning of nearby properties to be developedd similarly. All applications for rezoning to "AHD" must satisfy the criteria set forth in the zoning ordinance which include, among other things, suitable location in the town, adequacy of available municipal services, environmental impact, and the need for the development proposed. Comment: The proposed rezoning will permit all manner of houses including townhouses to be developed on the property. Response: The AHD provisions of the Southold Town code require a statement from the applicant indicating the proposed development of the land if the property is re-zoned "AHD" and a sketch plan of the proposed development. Applicant has submitted plans for a subdivision of the property into 55 one-half acre lots for development as single family residences of which one half will be sold pursuant to the requirements set forth in the AHD regulations. The zoning ordinance does not permit townhouses in such a development plan. The following comments were provided by Szepatowski 4 Associates, Inc. , the environmental consultant reviewing the DEIS at the request of the lead agency. a. Comment: Specific measures proposed to prevent erosion and to collect and control runoff for recharge into the aquifer should be indicated. (DEIS page 44) Response: This comment reflects a concern also raised in comment "c" below. The proposed mitigation measure addressing the potentially significant impact from runoff and erosion are set forth on page 53 of the DEIS. Specifically, impacts associated with street runoff are mitigated by the use of catch basins and a recharge area which, on the preliminary plat set forth in Appendix # 3 of the DEIS, is identified as "Natural Drainage Area. " The drainage plan for the proposed subdivision must be reviewed and approved by the Southold Town Planning Board and its engineering consultants as the Planning Board reviews this subdivision. b. Comment: Specific covenants and restrictions need to be supplied for the purpose of restricting the application rates of lawn fertilizers to insure the use of these nutrients by plant growth and to minimize percolation of these nutrients into the groundwater. (DEIS pages 51, 52, 58) Response: Proposed covenants and restrictions 5 • . I enforceable by the Southold Town Board are set forth in Appendix A. C. Comment: Is the pond noted on the subdivision plan and discussed in the text proposed to be maintained at a constant water level? If so, what will be used to supplement the rain water? Why is a recharge basin not used instead as a drainage method? The pond also introduces the question of liability. There should be documentation from the highway department regarding the use as a retention pond. (DEIS page 53 ) Response: A natural drainage area for road runoff and recharge to the groundwater was requested by the Southold Town Planning Board after review of a sketch plan of the proposed subdivision. If the Planning Board and its engineers determine that a ponding area, or natural drainage area are not appropriate for the drainage and recharge of runoff, the project sponsor will, if requested, utilize the more conventional recharge basin. A pond with a constant water level is not being requested by the sponsor. d. Comment: The buffer strip near the wetland should be included as a grant of scenic easement to the Town or to a conservation organization. (DEIS page 54) Response: If requested by the Southold Town Board 6 or the Planning Board, the project sponsor will impose covenants and restrictions or a scenic easement on those lots abutting the "vernal area intermittent" prohibiting structures and any _ disturbance of the natural vegetation in the 75 foot buffer strip. e. Comment: A complete landscaping plan can and should be approved at preliminary plan approval and included in the DEIS. (DEIS page 59) Response: The Southold Town Planning Board must approve a landscaping plan using the guidelines set forth in section A108-41 of the Southold Town Code. The Planning Board may, in the exercise of its discretion, eliminate any of the established requirements including those relating to landscaping. As the Planning Board reviews the proposed subdivision, it will establish the landscaping plan with the project sponsor that will meet the goals of the requirements of the Southold Town Code. f. Comment: Dwelling orientation plans must be considered now in the SEQR process since this is a mitigation measure and shown on the preliminary plans. (DEIS pages 61, 62) Response: A "cookie cutter" type subdivision of identical houses will be avoided for at least three reasons. ( 1) The affordable housing project being considered does not include 7 an established building plan for all lots; the project sponsor is offering vacant lots for sale. Each lot owner is free to select their own builder and to choose whatever housing style _ they prefer ( subject to approval by the project sponsor) . ( 2) The affordable lots will be interspersed with the market price lots. ( 3 ) The lots are varied in size and shape. g. Comment: The ability of the Greenport Wastewater Treatment Plant to handle septic sludge should be addressed. Response: A study by Holzmacher, McLendon and Murrell, P.C. , Consulting Engineers which was performed for the Village of Greenport examined the effect of scavenger waste on the existing Greenport Sewage Treatment Plant. This study concluded that the treatment plant has sufficient capacity in projected flows estimated through year 2005 . A copy of this report is set forth in Appendix B. h. Comment: Without substantiation of a connection to the Greenport water system, the affordable housing action does not appear that it could be built. Response: The Suffolk County Department of Health Services must approve realty sudivisions pursuant to the requirements of Article 6 of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code. These requirements include approval of the proposed method of 8 supplying water to the subdivision. The project sponsor is working with both the Village of Greenport and the Suffolk County Department of Health Services for a water supply system for the proposed action. Comments were made at the public hearing with respect to the traffic study and potential impacts of the traffic generated by the proposed project. These comments have been summarized and responses have been prepared by Cashin Associates, P.C. , the engineering firm which prepared the traffic study in Appendix C. The environmental consultant of the lead agency made several observations regarding the DEIS. Several of these comments involved proposed clarifications language in the DEIS to establish that the proposed subdivision of 55 building lots will provide 27 lots which will be sold pursuant to the affordable housing price restrictions of the Southold zoning ordinance. Amendments to the language of pages 1, 4, and i2 of the DEIS are set forth in Appendix D on separate pages which.can be inserted into the text of the DEIS. 9 DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS THIS DECLARATION made by DBM Co. this day of 1989, a partnership having its principal place of business at 443 Main Street, Greenport, New York 11944 hereinafter referred to as the DECLARANT, as the owner of premises described in Schedule "A" annexed hereto (hereinafter referred to as the PREMISES) desires to restrict the use and enjoyment of said PREMISES and has for such purposes determined to impose on said PREMISES covenants and restrictions and does hereby declare that said PREMISES shall be conveyed subject to the following covenants and restrictions: 1. DECLARANT has made application to the Southold Town Board (hereinafter referred to as the BOARD) for the rezoning of the PREMISES to the "Affordable Housing District" for development of the property as a single family residential subdivision pursuant to the requirements of the Southold Town Zoning Ordinance. 2. The DECLARANT, its successors and/or assigns shall set forth these covenants, agreements and declarations in anv and all leases to occupants, tenants and/or lessees of the above described property and shall, be their terms, subject same to the covenants and restriction contained herein. Failure of the DECLARANT, its successors and/or assigns to so condition the leases shall not invalidate their automatic subjugation to the covenants and restrictions. 1 3 . The application rate of inorganic fertilizers on any Lot in the subdivision shall not exceed the rates recommended by the manufacturer of said fertilizers. 4. No in-ground fuel storage tanks shall be permitted to be installed on any Lot in the subdivision. 5. Lot owners shall comply with requirements of the Town of Southold and the County of Suffolk for pumping and cleaning of septic systems. 6. All of the covenants and restrictions contained herein shall be construed to be in addition to and not in derogation or limitation upon any provisions of local, state, and federal laws, ordinances, and/or regulations in effect at the time such laws, ordinances, and/or regulations may thereafter be revised, amended, or promulgated. 7 . This document is made subject to the provisions of all laws required by law or by their provisions to be incorporated herein and they are deemed to be incorporated herein and made a part hereof, as though fully set forth. 8. The aforementioned Restrictive Covenants shall be enforceable by the Town of Southold, State of New York, by injunctive relief or by any other remedy in equity or at law. The failure of said agencies or the Town of Southold to enforce the same shall not be deemed to affect the validity of this covenant nor to impose any liability whatsoever. upon the .Town of Southold or any officer or employee thereof. 2 9. These covenants and restrictions shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the DECLARANT, its successors and assigns, and upon all persons or entities claiming under them, and may be terminated, revoked or amended by the owner of the premises only with the written consent of the BOARD. 10. If any section, subsection, paragraph, clause, phrase or provision of these covenants and restrictions shall, by a Court of competent jurisdiction, be adjudged illegal, unlawful, invalid, or held to be unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of these covenants as a whole, or any other adjudged to be illegal, unlawful, invalid, or unconstitutional. DBM Co. By: Herbert R. Mandel, partner DBM Co. By• Richard• Israel, partner q 3 N A R T 3 0 — S 9 T H U 9 : 5 3 S T I R L I N C COMPUTER P _ 0 4 Inc. Village of Greenport and Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York Section 201 Wastewater Facility (Plan C- .36 • 1120 Selected Plan Report MAY 1982 M -Y" HOLZMACHER,MCLENDONand MURRELL,P.C. COn$VIlIng Engineer$, Environmental SOlant161$ and Planners Melville,N.Y, Farmingdale.N.Y. FlIverhead,N.Y .MAlzJ- 30 - 89 THU 9 53 aT I RLI FIG COMPOTER P 0S HIAA IOLIMACMER. MILENDON&MURRELL.RC a-22 PRELIMINARY DESIGN OF EFFECT OF SCAVENGER WASTE ON EXISTING GREENPORT STP I . Design Information a. Greenport STP Design Flow 0 . 5 mgd b. Projected Future Wastewater Flow 0.286 mgd (year 2005) C. Projected Future Scavenger Waste .023 mgd Flow (year 2005) II . Hydraulic Loading A. Total projected future flow to Greenport STP Wastewater + Scavengdl-Waste = . 309 mgd 0 . 309 mgd 40 . 5 mgd. Therefore, plant ' s hydraulic design capacity is sufficient. III . Solids Loading A. Imhoff Tank 1 . Solids Capacity = (200 mg/l - 30 mg/1) x 8 . 34 x .5 mgd - 70.9 lbs/day 2 . Future Solids Loading a. Scay. Waste - (250-30) x 8 . 34 x .023 mgd = 42 . 2 lbs/da' b. ' Sewage - (200 - 30) x 8 . 34 x :286 mgd = 405 . 5 lbs/day c. Total Solids Loading = 447 . 7 = 448 3 . Since Total Solids Loading of 448 ' 1bs/day is less than the Solids Capacity (709 lbs/day) , plant ' s organic design capacity is sufficient i Cashin Associates. RC. Engineers and Architects Plainview • Carmel Port Jefferson March 20, 1989 Mr. Richard Israel Herbert Mondel Real Estate 433 Main Street Box 130 Greenport, New York 11944 RE: Affordable Housing Project Peconic Associates Dear Mr. Israel: On March 15 , 1989, the Town of Southold held the hearing for the Affordable Housing Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) and was subject to public comments. As a result of your March 16, 1989 telephone call requesting responses to the traffic related comments, we have prepared responses to them on an individual basis as listed below: 1 . Comment: The question was raised regarding the use of the population value of 150,000 in use on the capacity analysis computer printout, when the area population of Southold was smaller. Response: The capacity analysis hard copy printouts are prepared by a computer program. The program was developed from the document "Highway Capacity Manual, Special Report 209" Transportation Research Board , National Research Council, Washington D.C. , 1985 . The program was prepared under a grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation, 1987 . The population value represents a minimal default value the program inserts into the software operation. The value itself has little influence on the final capacity analysis output. 2. Comment: How was the summertime traffic addressed in the report when the traffic volume data was collected in November. R@SpOn$e: The Suffolk County Department of Public Works (SCDPW), Traffic Engineering Division (TED) , as part of their operation, prepares traffic volume statistics from traffic volume data they collect in the field. These statistics are utilized to convert traffic volume counts conducted at any time period during a calendar year to any 4616 Nesconset Highway • Port Jefferson Station, NY 1177E • (516) 474-0600 C-ASH.I h1 .'.' ZS.SOCi-,7i-Pb RT-- -:I E F.F' • p _ b . r Mr. Richard Israel March 20, 1989 Page Two other time period. Mr. Robert Hornholdt of the SCOPW, TED was contacted on November 18 , 1988. He provided Cashin Associates with the conversion factor to enable our modifying the November counts to August counts. This factor was employed throughout the entire DEIS traffic study. Very truly yours, CASHIN ASSOCIATES , P.C. Lawrence Turchin Principal Transportation )Engineer LT/lan cc: Mr. Merlon Wiggins, Ph.D Ceshin Associates, P.C. Engineers and Architects C 1(a) The first sentence of Section II is amended as follows: . . . and the proposed creation of fifty-five ( 55) lots of which 27 will fulfill the Town's affordable housing provisions on 37 acres." C 4(a) The first sentence of Section III is amended as follows: " . . . and the providing of fifty-five ( 55) lots of which 27 will fulfill the Town' s affordable housing provisions." C 12(a) The first sentence of Section "D. CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION" is amended as follows: "Construction on the fifty-five ( 55) [delete "Affordable Housing" ] lots will be . . ." C 6 '1 s / ~' Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 J.0�tq�p)IiJG 6Jr.`iD _ ,; Southold, New York 11971 JUDITH T.TERRY _ FAX(5 16)765-1823 TOWN CLERIC TELEPHONE(516)765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK - TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PETITION OF D.B.M. CO. FOR A CHANGE OF ZONE REVISED DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT The attached revisions to the Draft Environmental Impact Statement of D.B.M. Co. for a change of zone to "AHD" Affordable Housing District has been deemed satis- factory with respect to scope, content and adequacy for the purpose of commencing public review. Review period : February 7, 1989 through March 9, 1989. The public hearing on this Draft Environmental Impact Statement will be held by the Southold Town Board at 8:15 P.M. , Tuesday, March 14, 1989, at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York. The public hearing on the change of zone petition will be held at 8:20 P.M. , March 14, 1989, at the Southold Town Hall by the Town Board. Please submit comments to: Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Town of Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Copies to the following : Southold Town Board Southold Town Attorney Southold Town Planning Board Village of Greenport Suffolk County Department of Planning Suffolk County Department of Health Services V.Y.S. Department of Environmental Conservation, Albany & Stony Brook .Y.S. Legislative Commission on Water Resource Needs of Long Island Mam D. Moore, Esq. hard Israel inic Associates, Inc. Four�o FEB Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 JUDITH T.TERRY FAX(516)765-1823 TOWN CLERK TELEPHONE(516)765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PETITION OF D.B.M. CO. FOR CHANGE OF ZONE REVISED DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT The attached revisions to the Draft Environmental Impact Statement of D.B.M. Co. for a change of zone to IIAHDII Affordable Housing District has been deemed satis- factory with respect to scope, content and adequacy for the purpose of commencing public review. Review period : February 7, 1989 through March 9, 1989. The public hearing on this Draft Environmental Impact Statement will be held by the Southold Town Board at 8:15 P.M. , Tuesday, March 14, 1989, at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York. The public hearing on the change of zone petition will be held at 8:20 P.M. , March 14, 1989, at the Southold Town Hall by the Town Board. Please submit comments to: Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Town of Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Copies to the following : Southold Town Board Southold Town Attorney Southold Town Planning Board Village of Greenport Suffolk County Department of Planning Suffolk County Department of Health Services N.Y.S. Department of Environmental Conservation, Albany & Stony Brook N.Y.S. Legislative Commission on Water Resource Needs of Long Island William D. Moore, Esq. Richard Israel Peconic Associates, Inc. LS OUTHOLD TpWN LANNING BOARD DRAFT ENVIRONMENTA STATEMENT RELATING TO THE REZONING FROM "A" (RESIDENTIAL AND AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT) TO "AHD" (AFFORDABLE HOUSING DISTRICT) AND SUBDIVISION OF LAND PURSUANT TO AHD ZONING ORDINANCE. LOCATION: 37.762 acres located within the Town of Southold Southeast of the intersection of County Road 48, Boisseau Avenue, and Yennecott Drive. APPLICANT: D.B.M. Co. 443 Main Street Greenport,_New York 11944 (516) 477-2223 LEAD AGENCY: Town of Southold Town Hail Main Road Southold, New York 11971 (516) 765-1800 PREPARER: Peconic Associates, Inc. Environmental Consultants One Bootleg Alley Greenport, New York 11944 (516) 477-0030 DATE OF PREPARATION: December, 1988 REVISED: FEBRUARY 6 , 1989 00 HERBERT R. MANDEL RICHARD ISRAEL FebruaAy 6, 1989 Mr. David EmUita Southotd Town Ptann.ing ConauLtant Southotd Town Hatt Main Road Southotd, N. Y. 11971 Re: D B M Co. Dra6t Env.&wnmentae Impact Statement bon. A66ordabte Housing, Bot66eau Avenue, Southotd, New Yoxk near Mr. Emit ta; ReAetenee .i;6 made to your memorandum o6 January 30, 1989 to Judith TenAy, zmme zubjeet. As a result ob youA telephone eonveAbation with Men£e Wiggin o6 Peeontc Associates and 7ame6 McMahon, Southotd Town Community Development Di&ector, and your vmj hetp6ut detailed discussion and c&-ti6.icatton o6 .the items contained .in .the above regeAenced memorandum, we have been able to respond very qu ckty to .them and have revised .the D. E. I. S. in accordance therewith. Enclosed are 6t6teen' (15) copies o6 .the revised pages and Appendix documents that should be insetted in ptaee o6 .the pages they aAe reptaeing. This eoordbwted e66ort tesuited in quick response to the comments contained a .the above memorandum. In .the .interest o6 expediting A66ordable Housing .in Southotd Town, we reque6t that .the Impact Statement be constdeAed adequate to review Sort the FebruaAy 7th, 1989 meeting, and avoid an additConat thiA.ty (30) day delay in the progress 06 this praject. z truly yours, UchoAd I6raet RI/sp cc: Mrs. Judith TeAAy Southotd Town Board r _ 443 Main Street • Greenport, NY 14944 9 (516) 477-2223 D. CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION Construction on the fifty-five (55 ) Affordable Housing lots will be at the discretion of the individual purchasers , but because of the demand for same , it is expected that the construction period will be completed within two (2) years after commencement . The proposed schedule for the commencement of the various phases of construction are as follows : 1 . Staking and cutting of roads - May 1989 . 2 . Installation of underground utilities and services - - - - June 1989 . 3 . Construction of Pavements and Curbs - - - - - - - - - - - August 1989 . 4 . Landscaping - - - - - - - - - - October 1989 . E . CLOSURE AND POST CLOSURE PLANS Not applicable . 12 Revised 02/06/1989 Native grasses predominate and provide ground cover throughout the entire parcel . Adjacent residential properties typically have landscaped lawns , plants , planted shrubbery , and a variety of common trees such as maple and oaks . 2 . Fish . Shellfish and Wildlife Animal life occupying the site are largely those small species associated with near- residential and open field conditions . Representative species either observed on- Csite or are likely to inhabit the wooded �r areas and its borders include the following : Meadow Mouse Cottontail Rabbit White Footed Mouse Meadow Vole House Mouse Norwegian Brown Rat Various birdlife is also commonly found on and adjacent to the subject parcel . These include sparrows , flickers , blackbirds , chickadees , starlings , as well as other similar birdlife . 21 Revised 02/06/1989 No rare , threatened or endangered species of plant , animal or birdlife are known to occur on the parcel . (See Appendix No . 4 as per verification by New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Significant Habitat Unit , Wildlife Resources Center . ) 3 . Wetlands This area is best described as a "seasonal or vernal wet woods" and is an excellent natural habitat for various wildlife species and should be preserved . (This area has been removed from proposed construction area including a seventy-five (75 ) foot set-back - see Site Plan . ) E . ATRICULTURAL RESOURCES i . Soils Soils are Haven Loam (HaA) with 0 to 2% slope , and Riverhead Sandy Loam (RdA) with 0 to 3% slope . (See IV, A 2 and 3 . ) Both of the above soil types are well suited to crops . C 22 Revised 02/06/1989 �^ projected demand" . (See Appendix No . 2 . ) C Based on discussions with Suffolk County Department of Health Services the Owner has decided that the best approach for providing water to the proposed development is to hook up site mains to the Village of Greenport ' s system as soon as capacity becomes available from their present expansion efforts now under way . Application for hook up has been made accordingly . (See Appendix No . 2 . ) Even though on site water supply is not Cplanned it has been determined that the site has the potential of providing water in excess of the project requirements . (See Appendix No . 2 . ) 9 . Sanitary Landfill . The Town of Southold operates a landfill site on a thirty-two ( 32) Acre parcel North of Route 48 and West of Cox Lane . This site has been used since the 1930 ' s , with approximately five (5 ) years of useful life remaining . The Town has acquired a nineteen ( 19) Acre contiguous tract for landfill expansion , and is currently working with the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation on specific landfill design and the conditions of a Part 360 permit . 38 Revised 02/06/1989 CThe Town is also initiating planning action for a solid waste treatment plant so as to comply with the Long Island Landfill Act which prohibits and/or limits the operation of landfills in Suffolk and Nassau Counties by the year 1990 . 10 Sewage Treatment . No public sewage system is available within or adjacent to this particular site . 11 . Other Not applicable . D. DEMOGRAPHY 1 . Population Characteristics According to the United States Bureau of the Census , the Town of Southold experienced growth of 2 . 368 persons , or 14 . 1 percent , during the 1970-1980 decade . Generally this growth rate has continued through the 1980 ' s , but has now started to slow down because of several factors , including cost of land , G availability of public utilities , and the general feeling of the Town' s elected 39 Revised 02/06/1989 officials to control growth, as well as to Cpreserve open space . The most populous hamlet in the Town is Southold , Census Tract 1702 . 01 which grew 27 . 2% since 1970 to 4 , 770 persons . There are 1 , 957 households with only 2 . 4 persons per household . The median family income is $19 , 320 . This is the Town ' s lowest , but can be partially offset by the household size . Southold has 2 , 871 housing units . Sixty- eight percent ( 1 , 957 units ) of these are year-round occupied units . Twenty-seven percent (781 units) are considered seasonal dwellings or second homes . The age structure of this hamlet ' s population is older than most . There is only a small percentage of young children under the age of 5 and the school aged children ( 5-17 ) are 16% of the population . Additionally , 26% of the population is over 65 years . The combination of these two factors results in the median age of 47 . 4 , which is four (4 ) years higher than the Town median . C 40 Revised 02/06/1989 F. AFFORDABLE HOUSING C The providing of twenty-seven (27) affordable housing sites , while minimum, as to the Town ' s projected needs (5% ) is significant as one of the Town ' s first efforts . C 49 Revised 02/06/1969 practices that will insure the use of these nutrients by plant growth and not allow them to be applied to the extent that they will percolate into the groundwater recharge zone . Covenants and restrictions are being prepared that each owner and occupant of the housing units will be required to sign and comply with . As the proposed development will be utilizing municipal water supplies , augmented by new off-site wells being developed by the Village of Greenport (see Appendix No . 2) , there is no adverse impact to the sites ground water from over pumping and salt water upconing . The development will be expected to use future potable available water resources based on 100 gallons per capita per day . Based on the persons per drawing ratio of 3 . 3 within the family type residential units proposed , a year round water use of 330 gallons per dwelling unit per day is reasonable , or for a total of fifty-five ( 55 ) units of 16 , 150 gallons per day . 52 Revised 02/06/1989 C. COMMUNITY SERVICES B . Public Water Supply As indicated in Section V, the Village of Greenport has available to them an estimated 3 . 0 million gallons of water per day and are in the process of increasing this capacity by 1 . 0 to 2 . 0 million gallons per day . This project will require 18 , 150 gallons average per day , or only approximately 0 . 9% to 1 . 8% of the projected available projection of the additional water supply to be made available in the near future . To preserve the present good quality of the on-site water and prevent contamination by nitrates , part of the mitigating action is to require all new owners to limit their lawn fertilizer application as per deed covenants and restrictions and have septic tanks pumped as recommended by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services , and as required by the Town of Southold' s Wastewater District requirements (see Town Board Resolution dated February 15 , 1983) on a periodic basis . These proposed mitigated type actions will provide further preventive type action to surrounding groundwater aquifers . 58 Revised 02/06/1989 As it has been determined that the proposed rezoning and development will not provide any adverse impact to Community Services , no mitigation action for these are required. D . CULTURAL RESOURCES 1 . Visual Resources The only mitigation measure considered worthy of consideration is to arrange the street tree and shrub plantings such that they will enhance the visual impact of the adjacent neighborhoods . 2 . Noise To avoid disturbances to the surrounding residences site construction will be limited to normal daylight working hours . Included in the final plat submittal will be shrubs and landscaping plans that will reduce noise transmission from the project site . (Reference Southold Town Code A-106 . ) 59 Revised 02/06/1989 (� Decreasing the lot size would necessitate compliance with Health Department regulations regarding community water and sewer systems . The most practical method in accomplishing this would be to install a package type sewage treatment plant similar to that recently installed for the Shelter Island Heights Property Owners Corporation . A treatment plant at this location would , however , require an on-site recharge system and involve both Suffolk County Department of Health Services and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation approvals . With the above in mind , it does not appear economically feasible to pursue this alternative at this time . This increased density also would not be in character with the surrounding residential character . It has already been established by the number of applicants that wish to be considered for the residential units in this Affordable Housing District , that there already exists a market demand , and community needs in excess of what is proposed . (See Appendix No . 5 . ) The principal alternative to the proposed project would be a sixteen (16) lot clustered sub-division plat that has already been submitted by the applicant to the Southold Town Planning Board. 63 Revised 02/06/1989 This subdivision plat is laid out under the present two (2) acre zoning and can be considered an application "as of right" since it does not require any change of zone application . A survey print of this proposed plat is in Appendix No . 3 . At this time , the sixteen (16) lot plat has received preliminary plat approval from the Southold Town Planning Board and the applicant is continuing to process this application pending determinations regarding the proposed change of zone and project under the Affordable Housing District . If the proposed affordable housing project is not approved or the approval process takes a long period of time to be completed , the applicant is prepared to complete the sixteen ( 16) lot sub-division . The sixteen (16) lot subdivision would not be an affordable housing project and would not be developed as such . D. ALTERNATIVE CONSTRUCTION/OPERATING SCHEDULE There are no known facts at the present that suggest that alternative scheduling , for example a delay in action on the requested rezoning , or the subsequent development of the parcel , would in any way provide for additional mitigation of any environmental impacts foreseen . It is anticipated that the construction on the individual affordable 64 Revised 02/06/1989 housing lots will be at the schedule and Cdiscretion of the new Owners . E . ALTERNATIVE LAND USE The proposed site of the Affordable Housing Development is suitable for a variety of uses to include the following : o Agriculture o Commercial or industrial facilities o Other types of housing with varying degrees of density . This site was formerly farmland , and with clearing could be returned to this use . An informal check of local residents has indicated that this area has not been farmed for over five (5 ) years . Returning this to agricultural production , with the increased use of fertilizer , etc . , has a potential of concaminating the groundwater with nutrients such as nitrogen . Because of the residential nature of the surrounding area , the use of this site for commerical and industrial activities is not felt to be appropriate . It would be expected to meet with local resistance and not be considered favorable by the Southold Town Planning Board. 65 Revised 02/06/1989 X. GROWTH INDUCING ASPECTS A. POPULATION This development of moderate income housing is expected to result in a resident population of approximately one hundred ninety (190 ) people . This cannot be directly converted , however , into increased population as it is expected that the majority of the occupants (eligible participants) will be young working families that will relocate from other rentals in other parts of the Town , especially from the hamlet of Southold . (See Housing Demographics in Appendix No . 5 . ) With practically no affordable housing within the Town , these young working families , out of economic necessity , have had to live with a catch can situation of avilable housing space , which also includes living with parents on an interim basis , until other means of housing could be obtained . Most often the concerns of a development is increased population and its impact on local schools . As explained above , there is very little school population increase expected , except some that will be expected to occur in the Southold (" School District because of the location of this `►- particular project . Even in this situation, 69 Revised 02/06/1969 however , a small increase in school age population may be considered a plus because of the decline in school population (except for the last two years) . Reference is made to Appendix No . 6 . A small increase in the school population should result in a better ratio of expense per pupil than now exists . B. SUPPORT FACILITIES It has been determined that existing businesses within the Town are sufficient to serve the new housing units . An increase in support businesses often comes about from significant increase in Cpopulation , but as pointed out in A above , this is not likely to occur as a result of this particular project . Probably the most noticeable increase in service type work will be maintenance , including snow removal of the additional roads and streets within the housing area . The most direct impact on this would be felt by the Southold Town highway Department . 70 Revised 02/06/1989 rEAY 7, 89 SOLTt{rl� PLA.NNJ , -7 m L� �^ Town Ha11 D093"Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 JUDITH T.TERRY T.�. ,,-' ^ FAX(516)765-1823 TOWNCLERK TELEPHONE(516) 765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD State Environmental Quality Review FINDINGS STATEMENT Project Number: coz-289 Date: April 25, 1989 Pursuant to Article 8 (Environmental Quality Review Act - SEQRA) of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 617, the Southold Town Board, as lead agency, hereby makes the following findings: Name of Applicant: D. B.M. Co. 443 Main Street Greenport, New York 1.1944 (516) 477-2223 Name of Action: Change of Zone application and major subdivision for DSM Co. pursuant to Southold Town Alffordable Housing District Lead Agency ; Southold Town Board Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 (516) 765-1800 SEQRA Status: Unlisted Action Description of Action Proposed change of zone from "A-R" Agricultural-Residential to "AHD" Affordable Housing District and •subdivision of land pursuant to "AHDII Zoning Ordinance Location: Boisseau Avenue and Tuthill Road, Southold, Suffolk County, New York Agency Jurisdiction: Lead Agency has jurisdiction pursuant to Southold Town Code to grant application for change of zone classification Date of Final EIS Filded: April 13, 1989 Page 2 - D.B.M. Co. Facts and Conclusions in the EIS' Relied Upon to Support the Decision: During the review of the proposed change of zone several concerns were raised by the lead agency, its environmental consultant and members of the public. Three areas of primary concern can be identified from the comments made during the review process: 1. The capacity of the existing road network to handle the traffic generated from the proposed project and existing traffic conditions was questioned. In' particular, the adequacy of the traffic study conducted during the winter to assess the summer time traffic conditions was challenged. However, the engineering consultants who performed the traffic study properly factored into their extensive study, conversion factors available to them from the Suffolk County Department of Public Works Traffic Engineering Division to determine traffic impacts throughout the year. The Draft Els, and the Final EIS properly and adequately conclude that the existing road network is more than adequate to meet the existing summer time traffic demands as well as those demands created by the proposed action. 2. Protection of the ground water was raised as an area of concern. Specific mediation measures have been offered to protect the ground water supply. These measures include covenants and restrictions to be imposed upon lots within the proposed subdivision restricting the applicastion of inorganic fertilizers to the property to reduce nitrogen loading into the ground water. This measure should also protect surface waters. Run off will be collected and returned to the ground water supply by way of catch basins and a drainage area, the design of which must be reviewed and approved by the Southold Town Planning Board during the subdivision plat approval process. 3. Protection of surface water. An intermittently wet area is located on a small part of the southeastern portion of the subject property. The project sponsor has offered covenants and restrictions or a scenic easement on those lots abutting this "vernal area intermittent" to prohibit structures and any disturbance of the natural Vegetation in the 75 foot 'buffer strip to protect this area. Storm water run off will be recharged to the ground water by catch basins and the drainage area set aside on the subject property. Run off will not be discharged into surface waters. CERTIFICATION OF FINDINGS TO APPROVE Having considered the Draft and Final EIS', and having considered the proceding written facts and conclusions relied upon to meet the requirements of 6NYCRR 617. 9, this Statement of Findings certifies that: 1. The requirements of 6NYCRR Part 617 have been met; 2. Consistent with the social, economic and other essential considerations from among the reasonable alternatives thereto, the action approved is one which minimizes or avoids adverse environmental effects to the maximum extent practicable; including the effects disclosed in the environmental impact statement; and Page 3 - D.B.M. Co. 3. Consistent with social, economic and other essential considerations, to the maximum extent practicable, adverse environmental effects revealed in the environ- mental impact statement process will be minimized or avoided by incorporating as conditions to the decision those mitigative measures which are identified as practicable. Southold Town Board Name of Agency � Judith T. Terr nature of-Responsible ficficia Name of Responsible Official Southold Town Clerk April 25, 1989 Tit e o Responsib e O icia Date Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971 Address of Agency A copy of this Findings Statement Sent to: Commissioner, Department of Environmental Conservation, Albany Department of Environmental Conservation, Stony Brook Suffolk County Department of Health Services Suffolk County Department of Planning D.B.M. Co. Southold Town Board Southold Town Building Departmen Southold Town Planning Board Town Clerk's Bulletin Board Southold Town Trustees Village of Greenport NYS Legislative Commission on Water Resource Needs of Long Island oQ °a G Ov\Y m _ rEAI LOr YENNECOTT_ EXIST, aaNa CURB P ENNEccrr r \\ p \\ Ex r ST.cane .1. ET Noe P' P PROPOSED SUDDIVOUCH 5TA a 0+3T UTEL.pOLe IG4�13]0 �-�1 "FRANCIS a'MALLEY" VSUb GIVI$ On - 'map Of Yennecott ParkI DEGw NEw LURE LEALHING pabL (TYP) '���- Suffglk Ccunty File, No. 5187 46'OFID"4M.P.@a400% _J nu Tuthill a 0on01tl th Ul ' I MFxaLr LUT T _ LC y I 53 52 517 LSO 1 LOT LOT LOT _ o. 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I � 1 - ♦ \9 � ♦ 1 � �•♦ '•hq, }eya.�a"a\ a. ^ � ;")' `°" TOTAL AREA = 37.762 ACRES /I� klllll �I II�,I � '!1v Y� }'IIUIM �I�Ililr� IIII I ll,,h � \` da �� ".",' � `�H �� ,�\" ` , e ,a 1y IrIa r '' n: Ir InNy a�'1 I. 111,�IGII ' JIII MMD azl.a ' ♦° ea �tP'F3 xn'"tea '1a}ao 1 �I�+ea ' �7� a 'Ip I I ♦ ., a" •t,wpk. ` 8a'@ ;` . pE„ J �I a {� ff f,:,H,1,� LE:Ea.-re ♦ \ �`\ e"c pr� a"o�p�ynli�,��i m 2 . ZONING USE DISTRICTI 4 \ ` ,"'"\ep' `w •\``,"i\`�� �'aa a a a ' i -- I " �� pl�l �m �d'r r �'a.i14'r ., 11�,§Yynu ,r: ,�.II �m ,""'1• r 1 I � I A \ ' 3 'N \\ 4 "\I \\ .� 5 �. �,.� p s.,!"`> ', ``�`,�a4g`g�p�€ea\€fan€`ts E QrE RESIDENTIAL - AGRICULTURAL ul p :f"bks U 4 ,�. " �,�x€�� a �a\�' m e a ,ei o- u �car� FF�a" ' 3 . TOTAL N0. OF .LOTS= 1 \ n Ig _ ak�'S Ha a} �a } f } AaxR iC k _ ry 1 , y�ywS�,`�"� a I„ ®a)ut'k d,„ p 4600bss.F aopoots� Lk$ r2' 4. TOTAL LENGTH = 1800 ± LF. 4000 A e¢ i / _ Q ^t I�psK 1i� N SI • III �0 13 \zoa•oFle'LMF®°,ea4% r•�TRIDUTA'Rt( EARA ^�fN15, TRIBUTARY AREA - -..-__ WII o a c 1. ,T r .,I 1 40000_6.F i� ♦- - .,.__�1 . / "?, ` ,F "'iHy,• .. , P 2,a, LLI n/frl I \� ♦ 6 / / Pyo ` r `�ax1 \ +' + N zel4rre"L M.pm (n m Moffet,Jr ark ' �y., P �ri� U) °,7 L I ai. " A: Il ', r li o I}, `6TA N 41 29.0 a ALT.ZL7D ` 3, $i , -� `A^''' �7 \ • ' .W a' ,Y� «�"t',,, >'�}Ir"F Fy Y^f ,' e 11 + lrV,' N so `\ . 40000: '€ m 7 ' � TL.=IS.Ge315rOF ID Im •1€Rie ,� ,'I1 � '' II 9 yae ?e'° .r Ie= 1E•a7 .. J 1 le6' v w4 las °p le'4Mwoo ,n/ u x r y a � � d• �1a R" ��b4. r MH. L \ LE.>ro.la Lasa%R�O oo \ � SEI -- /V \`` 5TA.15 67 '/ a Ma iQuiel F r >'Hy� 1,,i � xl I, r , { r� \ ,,5 - mG,,, " 'AVN.° / 'ASG• `.E:n.4a _ v a f 41X ,N pC\p F' k i '" 4000 _ a.F ' ;AIL. deoz. LE•IADG 22 - `t ..a 0 p a KruNaweki 'f � � 9 N.” 4D Mo.G � 23 ^___ O ��ti "� GFm LNr.eo3ao•Ir 'Dna=ie;Gi N \ ( - ,. c.e, Ma4`,• '/430D0'5F a y' - IP a arab. LE/ILTLI616, \4GNL.4URD yO, 9'1'A I6-D7 2a•OFIG"gM.P.00,400% d10f : LE.<Iv.31 - v W V 0 II I ♦:� � IL « _ . V / 4oOx 6.E - �� FZE4 �� ♦ v \ 406OOIr'7rP' ' �' 10 / �' '-'24 _ _ /'� - -_��A� I � „ . Rfehad 9 Jrddn I `♦♦\ ,\\ m� i `\♦♦ �♦ '4 D;. � ��a9 �. � � yr w 7 p 6 /y Owadall 4 Y ' J Walterstype an ♦♦ .\- i o :, 'i1, "1 ' 1 h N Ory. @• , N A ♦ 9 F ♦ a stype \ a YP , a. • u \♦ `r°e I v I F. I I .,♦ 1; � A % i �� 7 8 \`. ` SPF- I S.F N.8905910 W `� ♦♦ v 8'Y2.10' �a. 11 \ FND. 0 E7•s. `\♦ `♦ ♦\ \� ``7„5 ♦ Eos. P I n/f I Carl 6 Anthony CDdan 8 yAnMher D FINAL ROAD a DRAINAGE PLAN T; FINAL II " ' S2ae PREPARED FOR I ' Y11 I � I�I I'i w ! ' ® / , DBM COMPANY SI, 2aa a \ aI S ° , '� RaBelt ;l ` �° AT SOUTH III Be Bbeih: 4• e v e0t kLr.Pl4.a1 1�. ED I 1 ": TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TEST HOLE w ` T ar. SUFFOLK COUNTY NEW YORK NOTES �� � d' � � ' PARK eeowu O° I 1 ! t 1 .... - I. ■°MONUMENT .b {acaiQ , eLY 2. 0 - PIPE DRGwM I r 2L0 s o FEB'�OAM °• I • I6 _ _ SDI 3.Q-STAKE .b 'jf / 'I D 4.SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP DIST 1000 SECT.055 - � Z•I ' t,l � ' BLOCK 06 LOT 15.1 ' ` _ PANNIV TOWN 5 ELEVATIONS AND CONTOURS SHOWN HEREON ARE REFERENCED RALe RE OF NE-,r NTNG RONRD TO M.S.L (N.G.V.D. - 1929) LOARIE SAv .�• � � t t `+ PPO W,, Pic, ' �4} OG 9 ber O w m s ,cnvo IE n owaAnvn rn w I - 5�6 .1, \ ' � � � - ^ THE NEW IFO'. ✓ ! ,c anOF uw r0nx Ston IV . ' if • Yiy�, ryO. 4589'' "T cot un s eux I I." MAP N , e•Anwc i, a - 4fE0 ip4' . 5"AlNAIS NOT S !a G AO. sxnLL NOT iE 4E°A Q!• IAND SUFNE E n vnu0 nuE WY C4px' �__ 4 - _ I J CF WCIGRn R wHa SN.LLL°M MLY r0 on, Par{Dry(aP edi S INE a UR ll RlF� v ON HIS WALT to THE - • " me coM/aMY, Onv ` I E `NPP'G II1111, NON UUS NUTTAI A""'ANI - p ON J Qy DATE ' MAR. 24, 1988 YOUNG 8 YOUNG '^ 14{ A4SIGI"%!s yr rNE reNOINc INsn, SCALE r I IIe 100' 400 OSTRANDER AVE., RIVERHEAD,N.Y. "iA N 6unpnrrrsts All N°T rxnNsrexeEul _ N0. 1 87-1741 ALDEN W. YOUNG, N.Y.S. P.E.D L.S LIC. NO.12843 ` NIl urV.til u rn tions ax suY.lmuld ' ' , I h, HOWARD W,YOUNG,N.Y.S. L.S. LIC NO. 45893 H.p - . 5DO07 SHEET I OF 2 a o .G.e.Na I•i O 1 oR o i SY S4.• 14.44 � -� el coTT colic. A! rgr�A. a 47 1 , E° Y ENNE i 7 1 Y ENNECOTT DRIVE MIST. `°"`.°""° TL. • (4 et ` n E CaMG am, L 1.0 • 14.44 uTh_. foy,G Su diva o MaP of Yennec'�ott Park 11 °'R6M NW LNRQ ltA4MIKF( i!4dl_ CTYR) _�( � I C o nt y Filet No. 51E7 ,-- - 1 N n/f 1 i I MPHALT Donald Tuthill LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT , I,,,-OT a°� co SITE ryN 53 n 52 51 50 49 I 4B .xf�7 m / / _ j N / E1(I bTan I NG 50' RIGHT OF WAY an /\ NERL 21/a' i N.88057'30"E. 924.13' / I \\\ LEr i TR1a4TARY AREA NO,T N. \♦ Richard 5 n/t Loureen F -Mary Wheeler 2110003 h.F. I d In \ W eeler M e �' / i 3300029E 2E000Y6.F 2G000='aF ° \wrA. , I 70 EC LOftVEYEP ' u' 1 14 g is ao \ TO WHEELER , F m �N. 3000039.P. 3200029.E ���' ro .REeb� ♦ Y xPA.I 16 ' / • p ? Ix ea,e \\40'OF 14' 4 .P.04.4T54L L.D.Nat" \ c.ReNo. T " `�Fle" L.M.R ! I,d9e14 �. , rr," aY94 •i 1(ed' ie oP l 'L. .Nb O.•1o0 \OY' O• t.4, . IBB��bl [STA. 41 VO t0. •20.94 \ � WLE.• 15.'pV sd.SS LE.• It UO LOCATION MAP ITp' n.44 !nd' IOV� ba' .88°59'00"E. 200.02 SCALE 1" = 600' S Robert Goldsmith tih/ ° pa" "'� [ya - I. - X /' A = .-' 1 O \, Francis 5 Patrina IL / o, x .b / 114 -__ ♦ 1 \ alel [I, O'Malley ' W ; O ♦� 1°a 440' P le" L.MP, w / `Rs ♦ °, . k000±9. F Li A, ' 42 / 2$00029.F. _ ♦ \\2eit d' I p_ o' 4" 2 '4ze _ �Ienr�,M.F� ?qo% Pj _ FU' =o n/f m Q m Cheater Finne c T / 2�S• \ / ♦\\ 'f'1�. 200002hP, a21 OO tpi.F ! T lace \ 8. z IDTA ' n ♦zoopaz4e ° _ r \ ' m. - U / A ' / ♦ I \ '� \ ` tSUILVLNG ENVELOPE (Tyr REA N4 A O °\ M. .'Al $ \\ 23,T1�'102 �F I r 1 6 J°° -14'b \♦� .'�M. a26 \\ II ,rNR Bo n/f ,/ 1 a � 2000D•_�.F. � �-__^ �- \\ ' e. �. i l � . •,Robert Taplinl % 29p00'39.E 11 _o / / 20 3F`4MT>< FR4/"N4:V ♦♦-J f 5 _ / _ • .87°2.1'40"E. 2 / 11'esm dd I - 'See • CP NO. 1'e2. oop z 9. $�o:oo' .. . e . TK15yTA1RY AR -- , D�+p M 'I -_.� - - a _ / q�_ ,Niel 21 I 0 W. 1200.00 Iia-,�.-- ^ 7:-�_- _ _ s -,(Air ns,\ '1 I, \`' / / / _2Q,�G a , '1 T flnpg ` O I ..TOTA'L z ' ° �� a` ' '� v .�� N SITE DATA ' nYf AREA =.37.762 ACRES <. I h $7 r l �Oq p 2 . ZONING USE DISTRICT; John 5 HeorY 31 / O/ ?Rj b44 oH;e"o, f 1/ ` , ' 2'J srA,P' 31a00 iLa. / J' n r Slmclk I ',I xear y r - N • A y E. alp ;� , N / '•'\ 'A° RESIDENTIAL - AGRICULTURAL 1 g 2100021 y.F. 'tb9t1 q7 I F xelb � _ „LC I � \ \ /atbt., Np. `'� :r / �. p29E _ c.D.Nd.la,\ N 3 TOTAL NO. OF LOTS= 55 zsOo I I IIa�D - � Tlr 2c'f v♦ 47` ` [drP�b KrMa'ia"• 4. TOTAL LENGTH OF ROAD - 4421 ± L.F. I 1 'a a" /� oaP m d* d I I II ®. I ;� P `@,Pe0003I�i x MH 4!. , - ` m 1 1 N N D ♦ �" r uH'TA i,rtUl I e.• 144 Q n/f 01 1 EIOOpx9.E _, ° 2fi00039.F sw'oPNN'�Mfi�l.,; I t J 1e. / (,L�� U 2000O3yF EPPF�O E.P : 20000''9.F. o_ 3+ PI � William Moffet,Jr. 1 „ NY/ I I , „ _f ,_21 1 \k �t NRl,.E1.4'1 .9 i. r / bo 26'OFI / Q.eaa \s a \\ • ` 220 ID 4•M.G 9.75014 V' W 1, 'I l j ° L.R�Np'41 O ROOM U b Jrd , 230�0*..,E 1 /)1 o HrA, IR`Taa ° 0 t M \I I 60.1 1 R TD.- 14.'b `q0 11 X10 p 3 F • x ♦ 2n ` I / \\ I h 4 m 2e' DF Is^G.M.E dl 0.'100 1 (�• q P A a9 a 12fa ♦ B ` y _ /�;/ , I RR p/} \\ III Q 111 ro q 1 1201 IZ9 , 17ie ', a \\ \ *' . , le Igv4` _23ys 14 s0 G 1$.4a _ 14 O4 ll Mor oret f - ., /I ----- K Krukawekl \ \.13000039.F. II 0 011 � � I l 2 of or 14'4.M.Es '>;20�00'y. D00002 __,_ \\ 1 of\F)� 1 Q,r 2>♦44E1LPC•OdeOOK 'oe ,( \ IQ' '1941M/.8�'�G Y /.�' /-_ _. 1 '1 ♦♦ wwTAHlS OO' N.87°21 `40 W. \285.00 PipePND o0.45 sN'a. II .': \ +rrA Ib, O \♦ - bb 2900,Q.3ue02.q _ o ♦ J''� N �GdO003AO.E Y tl l LGyITD� �P S 13 1 n/f ``♦ ♦♦\\ ♦(YCJ % ©7 `♦\ ```1241 NIT• \♦ D 1',.�, `6 R I �' / t-O= 'zo 4D.� r C` ,F- Ay 4,14 Rlehad 5 Judith `\ W �Y� N © i 1V� ` ti kv 41et-A H•t ri,' ( 1. db,,fs /\ \ O , Owadally n/f `\ ♦ ♦ 2000b,-9.F \ ♦\ ° p 4` 3Z-aoo-_ �F 9 2•-`^ QJ Walters Sman . o o ♦ `4'300029.F . rp °. 2500n+ 'S.F. ♦ a 1 124 i/fl."la.�} Q •� Im / ♦ ♦ 0 22 029.F. - 22000-9.8 1. ♦ 7. I ' Stype ♦ �♦ m N \ eei OQ♦ 229 o;F 241fyrdP em% ,, ! G5'/°�J flabdd \ \ r . t'� , •♦ � „ - 1�7 2po�0' 9.F / l• ' 'y ,' 2B�ip p 2tiE /� ✓ �_D', �(� - \v\ 2 ` ``\ ��\` \\\ \♦ ]$�/�$la�-/ ltp / O E / 'I \♦ "\ ♦`\\\ \ \\ T0.14NTA Y NJ�� '� ` ' Q' Q 1 , i'no. G91 ♦ ♦`N.89 5410 W . \♦♦ \\♦\ \\\ 87?�.10 f „'' x40pc I �jTl D '1/ 2ayE ` -- e _ F� /17 I' r / 21 00, Tl o (Z ♦ ` NZ�Y1 1 ! t0 I f Er •t4,bi/ �'� . s a '4 ,B, 1gt1 � 1 b '� E' _ n/} laid' OF 2dll &M Pe at,00% t 1{ M L '.tl' I�4 1 n 'll' '" ' 'EIO�•Ir Q �i „ " , L m," , - „,'� f•r - ..l Carl AnihallY, Codon B ' Anrher.' E4TV00 IS rY.7 l�R �P� PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION ;ue PREPARED FOR 41 - ''` 9t + a � e; pB:M COM MANY Ir', �271g l� � (r I � r' 4+ ao° � � ,l -i ',. rl '" �" AT SOUTHOLD D�t7�1NASa4 %ASA ,y // °'sit `� �c _ Teter not E �/ .t // b ` ' TOWN OF SOU,THOLD oA E e g2ab nd',. �° °°N/n r / e SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK (� f 1 � g�L,YIN § / �, FEB I� NOTES, 1 _ 9 1. 1=MONUMENT oAM O . x - 2. 0 =PIPE ° ! I 6 198 Ll 3.O"STAKE '7,'I, I , 4.SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP DIST.IQM SECT.QS_3. „ meq, 1 I 4PjE OF Npk• PLpNNNIONO LD T R,v BLOCKS€ LOT J5.L 4ad,.A.HV4 - - "! " S Ra R,• �O r0`IIP r0 1r h 1 - n xem uLe ,1 ` 4 4589T1 u iNls suIIVFY Is AM1 VIOtAiIOb'�Or .la'' JcnoN N O,or PP 4 fRND aUVVE VC10 7 0Y O THE NEW Your ETA, :OYIESNOP rAl EIIEVFY MAp n IF o Eu Nor SE.gm[ FEB. 3 1989 nvtvap s INR!°sfor RE _ To SEE^SEAL ENALL NEE =f CONSIOMF[ LAkA W6S ryy°ICAles HFHFON E - 1 JNIY ro rNF rEH1G FOR "All Rue i DEC 22, 1988 „ s PREPnke^, AND ° E W"om 0 Su=vE - ., 1 ,, DEC. 10 , 19 BB YOUNGBi YOUNG "IiLt COMPANY, N MIE WHAfr !O rHE .Nmrvc wsnm OOVFENmNrAL ncerver ANL - I I 11 _ " � DATE SEPT.27, 1988 400 OSTRANDER AVE., RIVERHEAD,N.Y. xIGH Ll1rwrALAGNCY - �' SCALE 5 = 100' o THL A551GMES OF THE IFN°In° s - uTION cunnn°rEEs All Nor rnn"NE11 " - I' - N0. Eb- 1242 ALDEN W. YOUNG. N.Y.B. P.E.B L.S. LIC. N0.12845- _ HOWARD W.YOUNG,N.YS L.S. LIC N0.45893 per at A � , r _ 50007 .^°nlarvAl INsrlmnoNs Ok sueseo rvy, _ " \ UJN FET I Or, 3 I. • 23.3 0 22.73 .1. ' IQ60 19. 10 Vo G. _ - 0.41 V.L.G = •0. 13 Au . = 22.5 Ar - = 21.0 Aa . 29 Av+.=Ibbo # 2 `�•' V. I 400 + O.G O % EXIhTING GRADE _J R 0 N. PROPOh D GRADE Z 330 OP I G.M.P B .700 Z J 0 Ge- NO.q Ob NQ3 W b. N 5 U. .NO. V T.L. 16.80 L.e r ae� 20. 5 111 I.E. 15,55 E = 15. &0 $ T•L. z G.e N0. 4 1. 17.a 15.30 T.G. • 19 15 I E. ' 15.90 3 } q H.P 22.50 } L.P 2I 01 0. ♦ b > } � ? > N N p N N a N N .t {� A a �` N N A! N - h N N 8 q o 0 0 O 0 N N tv A N A F' OR an �' F A A p A A'A A A N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N ON N N N N N N N N N N N N N 0 p q q p q p p00 N o 0 N 0 O 0 O p o O N q N N0 0 q o pp 0 0 q 0 p q N 0 N O N P N O N q q N o N N 9 h o N O N o N 0 N N h 4 0 N O N 6 N z N $ N o N + + r t + T + + + + # # + # + IT 1 + + + # # # + + + + # + + # + N N cn A m m m a N N Is 5 N N r r A ,p m F q o _ = d N �+ FI h a .r S N S of�- I LE KOAV 161 �i&AL@ - HORIZ. 1" 50' VERT, 1" = 10' 19.10 21.41 1&.20 P.1. 00 P. I. ' Ida 1'• 1, = 22.101 2.1..21 21.06 20,32 KGU. = - H& V,GG. ' •0.09 V,GU.= -0.11 Aot. 19.64 ALT, Ib.b9 Ati> 21.99 PROPOh D GRADE EXIhTING GRADE d - o. B90•. p ) EXlilt TING (ORAD 0o Y. 40' OF 1 5'6,M.r Q ].A.-,3% IB°L.M.F Q 1.080% O 23 OF Ib G 7 50'OF M. . Fxp001 F IZ" MQ 1,00 x Pm0= RAD 700 y GB. N 4 3o0 o' 0.5. 1e" .M.P R70 220 0 Ib L.M,P Q .790 '� N . 5 } L.e.N0.15 TL, . mi T.L • .19 4TO - 14.60 I.G.• I .& I.E� = 1 .90 M.H „ B. MO. 10 LP+.NaI V- M.1-1,'b' O 4E- 1+a,60 9C Y } LE. = 13.79 T.L.a ZL07 ly 6E. 17Po2 o.6NO 14 (nl Ap'6' I� 17.62 F- I�B. 11 .93 bl W TG.^ 16.65 L.b. . 3 i.e. ' I1. 64 $ IP.•19.33 H. . , 0. 19b T•G, 18.81 F LEALHI G POOL�T(R� ` 4 P 168 I.E. = 15.3& wr 21.99 7 7 99 N } N } N N N N N - ^' N O N 0 N N 0 N O O A O iNl N o N t` 0 N N 0 N r Pq N N N p N o N N 0 N N q N N e0 0 N N q } } } t t + + } + + + } 4 i + + 4 } + + + + f hk + + + 4 + + + + + + t + + T + # + t } + + tq P a' p - N N N N tP m an ma ad '+ N N' S1 5 9 F. F N m b A V T P' P 0 ' II CL PROFILE KOAD ' 6' rK (9riLE: Ki G ' �oALE _ NOR IZ. : 1° a 50' hLALE _ VERTZ I" = 50' VERT, I° 10' 1 F.1. = 193 . 4 ZO.&b 28.40 26.50 P. I. 26.00 VCU.=} .41 V,GG. . +0.10 A•+.• 19 . 5 AL+. = X&.10 EXIh71 G GRADE 2.500 .422 '✓• Q ,flr - O-q c<s _ 089 EXIL#TING GRADC , W - _ BS' oF 18' G. .Pe .3 0 IN 77 PROP LVED GRA E A FRO OhED GRA7E 9L W L Z Q q Z 160' of 2i" .M.P a 0 500% O WG.6. N0. II $ J W S T,G. = 20.4' Z V LE.• I ,21 T . 'I .56 Z Z I. = 10.94 I. 10.74 Ny t b N In .p p' dF 7 N A 3 N N S d m r N �' m N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 0 q 0 h q p I.Ip qr O 0 O p 0 q a O 0 N 0 N O qt p 0 0 N 0 N a0 N N 0 N N 0 N O O + + + + + + + + # + T + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + N N 10 to 101 I I'ROrIL� IZOAn G C�• I'R4 �IL� IllIA r NORI Z. � I 50 HOR IZ. 1 I ^ 50 mGALE '�' E PERT. VE I RT. I • l0 1. = n.73 2250 rrE-LIMINAKY �LIWIVK:210N I1� ZO 2 P. VliL. =+O. 7 Act, = 16.20 K E T A K E V 10 1\ ,166 • O y # EXILaTING G qDE - - D 6 M G O M hA N Y AT �OUTN O LD p z II n 7FPRO QED GRA E _ TOWN 01= �01�TH 0LV G1:3 .6. 195 OF Ib G,M. . D.300% M H 129 OF 6' ,M•P(a' b NO, 13 > Aliy z 6 6JUF �OLK COUNTY, N .Y, T.L.= 17, 0 0.6. Na 12 d ' � 1.E = 13.45 LE.' 14. 5 SG • 17. O z W W 5 + 59 N N 14 N N N N N N N rl N 0 N m N + + +0 p 0 4 N 0 0 0 5 0 0 p 0 0 N 0 N N N 0 0 N N O 0 0 - - N I�pN GN G ISA' n to m d N N N I KO ILL: KOAV ' ✓ ' DATE � hEP'f. 12, 1968 YOUNG d YOUNG 400 OhTRAN DER AV E.,RIVERHI FAD, N.Y. h GALE - HORIZ. I^ = SONO. bb- 1292 ALDEN N YOUNG , NY1O. P.F. 4 Lh. L16. No, 12b45 HOWARD W. YOUNG, NYYJ. Li LIG. NO. 45b93 10, THOMA&i 0, WL.Ii NY.-A C1i I-10• NO &14&15 p6f hH EE'T 2 OF 'b o v a �2\ 6.6. No. 2 IQ I Ilf�p� EXI INC GRAD G.b NO. 1 TG. = 19.522 d I. E:. = 10.74 P — \ I � PROPO ED G AOE \ 1 �o DRAINAGE AKBA \ 2201 OF' 2411 G.M. F CJ 0.600% END hEOfION I.E. = 1.70 2201 O 24' L.M.P 0.600 I O OP 24' G. .P. 8 0.800 � 1 G.b. No. I I 601TOM BL. - 7.70 615.No. I \\♦ 23 I I LE�b.gp LE,. 1a0.14 „ I I \ \ I I m M s�it \ 1 I I ON N 1•' N N° "1 BOJ N N M.H. I + + + \ �Nc 1 01 OP 24i1 6.M.I' 0600 % --- I I M d I 1 1 VeKT. 111 SOS MP `O ( I hLALE — VCRY. + I" 1O' M6 �9 I is I 20 I I 1 J I I I I I H.W. M. r-L. = 17.70 I !fir I !I , I I 1 O eND ��GTIoN L�. I III { 1 41 Ga yl �a Gl I a 1 1 �n rP y lig II I.o7?oM EL.`- 7.70 =IIII .� 11 N $, iglll'I :7111 r 1 z A° K.I° Avr%A T 1 L WEAR1Nf= " III 1 YINI�iNCn GRADC huRPAGE VIII Ilillil7 'I'I4 X11 Nh I II II I I I IL i� I$I : ' �,''I �`�dal�ry`1 I y ' m P I �II��,r N I / 1�� , w'� . 1�� fY'+I'�TM r�(�'�• Cpl II �I wl$III� III I�,II .+SI I hl{�� p � �•(`�'I I J ��, a1�S VN)" -„ kin . XT \ a "$ Yllf Ally .all rj� i 1 � I III f° 1 II RM I (( �1.n til o p< U-6 1 ti M!u�IiIE'YI mrrl I' wAl ` I t'i e' - I , p � qP tsl' IPR" � � �I hu"PSI ! � I I��IIk { I� I I (/ ` � I'' I � II, 11 N I TYrIGAL OUKb DETAIL J I 3 ! Ilar t 9 rz •I ly" wl �dd�lr � x SII'1 X11 Ix� 1 I I �,�� d I VI h l III I ur)Ir�l IIP dIVMl iill�$I II I I R I I I I � , q I ILII' I11V4d I)4 �➢II r I II '" f 1 NUI 1 ill "I& I $ r✓ illy I I II Ic 1 ,filo- 4 1 r�IF$�II�.rrll �$ I 1 , m I y V ��iJ'I�Vr! w�� ) i A�yy 4,Ir' ynk� lll`t II� Elyl�11�`� 1 N RM r1�'d(Ya � .. ��14, Illy,IS�II rl a, NN MP eM DKAINAGr- GAL_GULATIONC�7 6.6. NO. 14 m 19 V = A•K•6 Nc 0\eHr< A - TKIbUTAKY AKEA I'12�L1 M I NARY �L12iI71V1 �1 ON '\ R = Z' RAINFALL - 0.17' 6 = co RFr. OF RUNOFF s O.zS PRWARD F'OR Q 650 aP = 0.17 = 0.2r = m,ep v. - D b M COM PAN Y 13000,E +- G8.420.EVE 19,0 VF UhC (Z) 101-0"DIA. • 10'- 0° EFFE'CTIVr- DEPTH LEAOHING POOLh \V16ONG. -3i-Ab-3.-3. FIRhT LEACHING POOL TO NAVE A-IT "00U T N QLP 6.1. FRAME 8r COVER. TOWN of cOouTPoLD DRAINAGL... AREA &QUff-OLK 6OUNTY, N .Y. v = A- K•C DRAINAGE AREA DrTAIL A = TRIb JT -A AKEA R = !vl' RAINFALL = 0.51 G = OOCFF OF KUNOFF 0.25 w6ALE . I" - 40' 1512000 m.F 1 0.51 = 0.25 � 189000 G.F TOTAL VOLUME REQ. 1890000.E TOTAL VOLUME PKC'+✓ = 20fc000 O.F. r L A N T I N G c9 6 H E D U L E CA1 6H 6A'JINh ISEY 60TANICAL NAME (COMMON NAME) ATY hIZE ALL 6ATOH bAw Nh TO GONCo1yT OF PICEOAWr 4x4 box E 50TANIRICA 6L N 1E ET mmdALO 23 2 - 5 Ht CONOKET& hLAb k C.I. PKAME — 6AMPb ELL FOUNDKY PATr EKN NO. 1162 - 6 00 EQUAL. MP MYRICA PEN JYLVANIOA (NORTHERN EAYEIERRY) 21 4'-5 HT. a NO NATIVE CEDAR I& 4'- s HT ALL 60NhTKU6TION TO bE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH A4. Fj KM ROOA MVLTIFLOKA (JAPANEIOE KO JE) 20 3-4' HT. TOWN OF cjOUTHOLD HIGHWAY &OM&IM&ATIONh. FEB. 3 1989 RR R010A K0600A (KU604JA ROD 19 I8"-24 HT. DATC hCPT I2 , 1988 YOUNG Q YOUNG 4000�(KANDER AVE:, KIVLIRHEAD, N.Y. NO. 88- 1292 ALIPEN W. YOUNG, N.Y. , PE. 6 L-b. LIO. NZ2, 12645 HONARD W. YOUNG, N.Y.10. L.'a LIO NO. 4489b THOMAh O.WOLPB.KT, N.Y.". M CIO. N0 aI46°b �Hi:ET 3 OF 5 7C C , TRIM' ' 1715 A if I 711 f unt�, Asseiiiii RIA Town of, I $OUTHIDLD ,��tl $bffolk i N.'Y", fli il� 130 Jli:f pl$ PART NO. 1. REAL PROPERTY Tax Extension SUCIAL DISTRIC173 Told A...mg. Ji V.I.. :Amount I V.Imf TIon,41. V.Im, T ..bl. V.1u. T.41. V.1m. r.AI. V.I.. T.41. Vmm. l County Higl -Fi . -Uht Amount Fo�m R;.-biplt T1 of of I... fmd Itm. No. I 't. I ON Of. I 'D.1.,tk OWNER DE5CRIF' i T.�,T.. T... of no X I t L. lity E..m,6.. E..mpti.n Flon Dia., Light i -T.Tk Di.t. kb�,uitm 1i Tamum T.. T.. Tfa.�. "'viti, T�. I No, 9,&�&�JV .2' -4,� / //2- ejol Y/ U ol: f 4 /6 66 16i t S 6 P,,� 'A� i -H _j 117 L ii IL fO rj �z 196 6'01- 9Z6 '-J) lij c ; Ar) 6 a4dt� 191 8 f 4n 14 , //ro zf-'�� S6 U r �22�) L0114A -)111 Y-k -J�' elf -?Z -A— �2 q ox-, �2 T S 6 jilD A-1� 4y 31Y X:6 -1'&' 1 �L4 wk /3 Aj, 91AI 3'r t I L T _J11" N j 11:�:j jj 'U Aki 1 Mal 'h dil iwki 1111=11411 himifill fiffifiell-I '�m E IM A9111114"I ii I Lk,"A i'll 111LIL"111 I'd � .d.:I��� I,,I+�I .i•; � ,.:.a� �li�: I:�.i.,-..-.,.k I - ur: r . �. . ; I TIM,'11111"1111117111 rj ' ph ,xr, -„):a i .. . r� . 71,17 t ,; .rytr - , . , _. it I 1:pII ssessment Roll Town'' o the Yea � '� o' f SOUTHOLD '': Suffolk County{ hi. `Y,; foX r '19`24 PART NO. 1. REAL PROPERTY Tax Extenaion s c . 1sTwcrs II PE 441. D ^ - Ti ,endNa. Date eVol.. e e e Stal Cilium, Hi h . e e' e m V u T 61 Vdu a w e e' F VAI.. m6 a '1' a Tse61e ilae skble Vi Tenbl V lu bl d 7 $drool Nema Aeeee� Full Vglo A'm " a[ tdl a I Ve u V T �7' Fire, Lig .. Pa'xk+k .Mo. vita School Amovne r Fee. Receipt of d : 9 ead Irom No. I ON aF of Le.e Ville o of D' e 'D rt D' t o . e e im of DEeORIP'C! a Db[. u. i -DLt. to. F end Numbs[ I P m v OWNER � No, Loeetlty �, - � Reel Property Enemptioa Eiemptipn - Fixe D6l. Licht Dld' �i Peek Di.e, o.quiro Dim Schael Di.[, ' Towa Tua Tse. Ti Ti Tue. Tete. Ti Ti � Interea y' Jy �7 "/ _ �m � -l - - - -.-. `-� !�-�I � �6 � �.J�-'r¢.. ,./ I� I .SO�ii I I : I tiGo tXM.a�I� J d &� K•-P..'^' • �6 � ✓�"'"2 � 0 I� � ��I II � I� I � � - _ _/ � I . . �. -I �. ili -._ _ ._-- _ - _— __ - - - -/�_ ! I' - i r Ri I p /eiL // _ r� � I ' 1I dI - : I I,, I II I I I I I I , !I I f J14 O '1 c 4 - -o - . . ._ l I ,I I I Id X b c��cA J k 6 �lQcfiC • (It � (d6 / � /_ , 1 / -�s.� — —' - _ • - - - - - - - cw� III i I . I I I II , I I YJ4ercae 3 - {� l5 ll�illlli c � I 76e Ti,c.elit�t/a^^- !'I . - �_ .-/�- - _ .. _� . _ . �b �'���(°/'/,. - �� '�/'u=/ -✓�"" _ - ! � �- � ' � : -, � �,, � -- ; - " - : :L .-;- ,- ��I �I -I! � -- -; -i ' �I--' I ; ; �, 'I I �, ,I ��_ SI µ r ��� - I�- I � . :,;. _-�� ,._ _I ; i.-. . %I- -I -� �I , 7 -- -- � '�I i'I'I;��I�i 'Ilial u �Luan _ . _ , 0� �t II Ii. I I a I. I — II I � IIrII Ie I I t Ii I' I : I I II I I Q I I I I 61C4 I - ill J )2b0i4w - �6 _ J " z ! zoa 20o 1 9 7 IiI k6 . - - -- - - --- --- - I I I it I I I I I i I i i 1 i I i ' Y � .� •� 'i � I "' I III I _ II I I I 1 - _ _- � _ '_.___ - - � - -- -_ _. . _._- - - . _. . . I'.'. II -11' 'I -i I. .- . -i •- i, _ , __ - '-i� I. !_ _!_- i . 1Y" � ,- �, . ... . . �'�,. :, ., -: I I��I I„Illilll . , L_' I I .L_. II -I- li i. 1 I ” ',i , Ja I : _ li,� ,�l Illi Ali 1,.... . ,. f .. 1 ...'-..w. � do - ,,,, 7 , 9'= lay: i i� l' E;. v.r e ,,.< . Ik L , ,I ',!.�� I, . ,,4 a a�G, l ii� 1 I . L en�"E!',. 9"'T^?.m ?'. - !^�In. M ,... ., :P4,. a, � � .,r1, m. di,.1. ,u, d.. .�. f .,- x �� `r' . ,,,. �,. .1 t .* 5.�, { „t .4 : ,;_, ..';' :. .� , ,. - , ry f i :• � 1 �,I,�,�i,,.'t',. , �II� Ir{Ili `11 ul.�, ,., - . , ., , I �I I , IIIIII Assessment ' Roll Town of S0VTH0LD 5461& County; N.Y'., for the' Yoar 1.924 l l 3 , L. z PART NO: 1. REAL Y Tax Extenan . III . I 9PECLAL DISTRICTS .I _ Total a eeiee De[ School Nere. Acreage Full Value' Amoun! Full Value m61e.Value Texehle Vdue exehle Value Texehle Value exehle Vdue exehla Vdue :9rete, County Hfghwry Fim Light - Pgrk ,Mosquito School "Amount Fee. Re pt iof Dia, of DESCRIPTION f of Lee. village of — end Item, No. I Duk Di.L Dim Diet. Diet. of end Nu Ger '' P.ym t III fr'i OWNER No. Locality Reel Property Exemption Etempti.n _ 'Fire Dirt.. Light Diet Perk Dut, .quit. Diet School Dut., 'Yawn Tax. Taxa. Tose. Texge T.. T.xee Tex.. Tex.. Interest � IIII 6 -Y✓ -�"^ �lw .3 tf jT0 I; pfdzz�g �1�'� I', 7 � � 'SII 116 �11I — - 9 i d : 1 / — o. U , 0 , D ti oa 1 1 I I � I 7 I I G i ' )j � I i III I I II ILV. I I '1 I )I G 1 1 li li it I i z�: li II I II I I do 0 1 0 / 11 I 1I I D FRS � Iz `hl J H I I 1 ' I � I I � �' 1 I 1 ' _ JG �i �r,�w✓i� l�Yd J�Ufwa! 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I 11, I ' l 1 1 1 1 I lo, 2 III I aIo - 1 i I Ii 11I I 1 1 I I I III I I I I ij j 1 1 . /{ 9Ili 1 'a' 6 Dawe- CS o _ Sdo 9 � - � I 0 i I I I I'1 II I II1 I I Il . I i � la I II . 1 I _ L II , 1 I I 1 1 :11 11 1'61, 1 I I Ll 7 I I I II 1 I 1 1 I ' 1 1 I ' ._ _ ._." .,- � _�___, __ � ...._ __ -_ _ _.. ,_ .. ... - - . , III "; I - I .�• ii : I�: -I ''1 - . . �1 - i 1 III'1' II I t i i 1 I 1 I I I I 1 i J _ 1 IIII. 1 - t, y { , .. ; ,::'. a _ �"��, , � -, �, � . � 1 :.I � - ^ a.. � t I'. a I ' '.. " .-. , I x .. 11 -�:� .. -� l,,.ti- 1, .. . 1. r: . " +t . i,.�, . :'rm rl- b �' .n. '>' . �,'...� 1 '17 �. ,..:[d .t , a. ,,:, - ..4v I', I+, - 1 s _. �- I �o r. JIX' 3 .Y'S[h t: , �: 45i.,& �,!Malt wd,WS,4" - _ �hl " .i., . tt ,. 1. I �. � , , . 7,,_.t �� u','-ai .., 2w .3aP,,� I ��.,:1 . n .� r�f� y-, I�i�; .1 •.1 ^t� :, 7 .�1 rl t. �, n8 t � . � � >� , la �� ' r ',1v�r s ,• , 1 -r � 1 -➢ ire .. )$ - r jillip. i"till V, TUFM 713TIFF777-11I. 1 I'm g�T IT F"711i lim IT im IT ""7 `7rT7 J, 77 Assessment 'Rall Town of SOUTHOLD , Suffolk Cou*r N Y." for YellII I PART NO. 1. REAL PROPERTY Tax Extension III SPECIAL DISTRICTS III P Trill Il D.t. S.i N.. creev Full Villue Arr.l F.11 V.1ve, rarl V.1u. T ..bl. Vel T"ol Val Teaval V.I.. r.bl- Valre T-.bl- V-Ire strite High"y Fir. S.hill Arall I... Rell of T.4 -�F.k.' ..d Nmeebar P.,...t Dirt. F DESCRIMON f a L... villill cl .3doerelity It.. Diet. f T.. T. OWNER I JI --G— -T. Tal I T.... T ... *rml Tal Te... let....t Real P..'ut, Elll.raiptl Ell.rapill.. Fire, Dl ell DUL rk Dirl -q�tDidl School Dirt. 664 J—I- 6 3 J�A 0. F- _Jkl- / I lid 6 11 T 2 y Mal '2 el 4Zoe a*0-;0 1,jily, 3 9 1 /J 1 n �b 41&11, 3 r 94, 1 1 Ji qj 6, 06c All 3660 /10 ti lu 3 , 1 Lts) r 6 e) 71 1�6 /old Mal III p T. III 7 7 1 i Ili I L J --I J, 7l :4 l' I" L �1 �'li 1,, 1 4 �;l I � Ai 11 1 1 1 1 ; 1, ;� I I � I! �� � ;� 11 , il��i, I l 1 -614�1�6 :.=A I FWSA4 21AP 14 6,0 I il 11 d1k' ' rd[ ilL I Ltil[ ;Lilllzi t hm" A td1l �lJA till i: 'j -�Ml It ,!j 11 "djjjMIjMjjjMll� 1111jiAu I I- '1 &4