HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-53.-2-20 . COUNTY OF SUFFOLft @:=i~ ~~~\ ~ ~Wif~W; PATRICK G. HALPIN SUFFOl..K COUNTY EXECUTIVE February 11, 1988 DAVID HARRIS. M.D.. M.P,H. COMMISSIONER DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES Rudolph H. Bruer, Esq. Edson and Bruer P.O. BOx 1466 Southold, New York 11971 Subject: Board of Review Hearing - January 22, 1988 proposed Subdivision of Ciacia Town of Southold (SCTM 1000-53-2-20) Dear Mr. Bruer: At the hearing held on January 22, 1988, you had an opportunity to present your appeal of the department's ruling on the subject application. In accordance with the provisions of Article 2, Section 220, of the Suffolk County sanitary Code, the determination of the Board of Review is as follows. Based on the information submitted, the Board will grant the request for a variance for the 2 lot development provided that a separate service is provided for the garage/workshop and a covenant is filed in language acceptable to the County Attorney that the garage/workshop will always remain as a "dry" type operation. The granting of this waiver does not imply that your application will be automatically approved. It is your responsibility to ensure that your application is complete: otherwise, your approval will be subject to unnecessary delay. Very truly yours, /~~ O. UxC, Robert A. villa, P.E. Chairman, Board of Review RAV/pd cc: Walter G. Lindley Susan windesheim Town of Southold Planning Board \I J~ fiI , lS .. '~J 225 RABRO DRIVE EAST HAUPF>AUGE, N.Y. 11788 (516) 348.2900 ~=J8: -' . /' ",' L- c.-(":' -/J ,;.l/ "l . - o~cJ.1wc -.- .' ');~ liT )~ I'~ :,,"V I ) . ~~ ~ f!8/MLM< . c' ATTClRNEYS AT LAW MAIN ROAD - P.O. BOX 1466 50UTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 LEFFERTS P. EDSON RUDOLPH H. BRUER October 20, 1987 (516) 765-1222 (51 6) 76S~2500 PATRICIAC. MOORE southold Town zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Appeal No. 3652 Anna & Guido ciacia Dear Sirs: please be advised that this office represents otto and June schoenstein, contract vendees to the real property which is the subject of the above appeal application. The property owners, Guido Ciacia and Anna Ciacia, have given their written authorization for the substitution of Mr. Schoenstein, as applicant, on any and all pending and future applications with regard to the proposed set-off. We enclose a copy of said authorization letter for your file. pursuant to your letter of July 20, 1987 (copy enclosed) we advise and/or enclose, as appropriate, the following: 1. Enclosed is copy of August 26, 1987 letter of Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner, stating that the Planning Board will not accept the set-off application, and any future consideration will depend upon the requested variance being granted by the zoning Board of Appeals. 2. We are proceeding with the Health Department application. However, this would seem moot as the premises are served by public water, the water hook-ups exist and no new hook-ups will be required or asked for. For your reference, I enclose copies of the Health Dept. application forms and cover letter of J. Kevin McLaughlin, Esq., dated July 30, 1987. 3. Copy of Building Inspector's Notice of Disapproval, July 14, 1987. 4. Nonconforming C.O. for the existing uses of the premises. Please schedule this application for public hearing. 2lZg;{;fjJ~ Rypolph (J: ~uer RHB/df Encs. cc: Southold Town Planning Board Mr. and Mrs. otto schoenstein J. Kevin MCLaughlin, Esq. -- . . . . AUTHORIZATION The undersigned hereby authorizes Otto Schoenstein, 1645 Maple Lane, East Marion, New York, as contract vendee, to be substituted as applicant in any and all applications now pending or hereafter commenced I I before the Southold Town Board of Appeals, Southold Town Planning Board,1 I Suffolk County Department of Health Services and any other state, county or town boards or agencies regarding the proposed set-off of a pa:~cel of land located at the corner of Main Road and Kerwin Boulevard, Arshamomoque, New York (Tax Map No. 1000-53-2-20) and regarding any variances and approvals required in connection therewith. Dated: October 5, 1987. ../po' LG~ , .><7;~.c/r ~(L-C~ GUIDO CIACIA /~ Lx-~ ANNA CIACIA - (Ii ,L-d.-r-/---'A , I: . -- . . . . SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT--OF HEAL TH SERVICES BUREAu OF WASTEWATER MANAGEI\1ENT SUFFOLK COUNTY CENTER RIVERHEAD. NEW YORK 11901 o- f APPLfCA nON FOR APPROVAL OF REAL TV SUBDIVISIONS AND DEVELOPMENTS (Please type or print the following information) Application is hereby made for the approval of plans for a realty subdivision/development as required by the provisions of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code. PLEASE NOTE: This form must be completely filled out and signed by BOTH property owner(s) AND professional engineer or land surveyor. 1. Name of Subdivision or Development Proposed Set-Off for Guido & Anna Ciacia 2. Property Location Southold (Village or Town) Property Tax Map No. 1000-053-02-20 3. Owner's Name Guido and Anna Ciacia (Individual. Corporation or Partllership Owning Property) 55 Main Road 4. Mailing Address Greenport, NY 11944 Telephone No. (516) 477-1696 5. What is total area of property to be subdivided? 10938 sq. ft. 6. What is the zoning classification of the property? Business (i.e.. business. residentiall 7. What is the total number of lots proposed? 2 In this section? 2 1 lot 8. What is the intended use of these lots? (8) Single family residences o Two-family residences o Commercial or industrial center Gi> Other garage o Multi-family housing and workshop g. What do you intend to do with these lots? o Build on all lots 0 Sell lots only o Other retain use of residential o Build on some I~ts and sell others lot, sell workshop 10. ;What is the nature of soil? not applicable _ both lots are currently (Describe to a depth of 17 feet. giving thickness of im roved with buildin with existin cess ools various strata such as topsoil. loam. clay. sand. gravel. hardpan. etc.. if known) 11. What is topography? generally flat (i.e.. flat. rolling. steep. etc.l 12. What is the depth to the water table? not applicable _ all structures are [give maximum and minimum jf there is a currentl art Water District WWM-023 (Rev. 1/87) 18-1406..2/87 Page I of 2 . . . . SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEAL TH SERVICES BUREAU OF WASTEWATER MANAGEI\1ENT SUFFOLK COUNTY CENTER RIVERHEAO. NEW YORK 1190 I - j- APPLlCA TloN FOR APPROVAL OF REAL TV SUBDIVISIONS AND DEVELOPMENTS (Please type or print the following information] Application is hereby made for the approval of plans for a realty subdivision/development as required by the provisions of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code. PLEASE NOTE: This form must be completely filled out and signed by BOTH property owner(s) AND professional engineer or land surveyor. _ I. Name of Subdivision or Development Proposed Set-Off for Guido & Anna Ciacia 2. Property Location Southold (Village or Town) Property Tax Map No. 1000-053-02-20 3. Owner's Name Guido and Anna Ciacia (Individual. Corporation or Partllership Owning Property] 55 Main Road 4. Mailing Address Greenport, NY 11944 Telephone No. (516) 477-1696 5. What is total area of property to be subdivided? 10938 sq. ft. 6. What is the zoning classification of the property? Business (i.e.. business. residential] 7. What is the total number of lots proposed? 2 In this section? 2 1 lot B. What is the intended use of these lots? o Single family residences 0 Two-family residences o Commercial or industrial center G Other garage o Multi-family housing and workshop g. What do you intend to do with these lots? o Build on all lots 0 Sell lots only o Other retain use of residential o Build on some I~ts and sell others lot, sell workshop 10. ;What is the nature of soil? not a licable - both lots are currentl (Describe to a depth of 17 feet. giving thickness of improved with bUildinq with existin cess 0015 vJrlOLJS Strata such 05 topsoil. loam. clay. sand. gravel. hardpan. etc.. jf known] 11. \...'tl.:H I:; tcpogrnphy? crenerallv flat (i.e.. flat. rolling. steep. etc.) 1 '2. \Yf1ut l:j the depth to the wate t bl? t 1 . r a e.~ app ~cable - all structures are [give maximum and minimum if there is a current Iv sUP the Green ort Water District variation and how determined) WWM-023 (Rev. I/B7) 18-1406..2/87 Page I of 2 . SUFFA COU. DEPARTMENT OF HEAL. SERVIC_ WASTEWATER 'MANAGEMENT SECTION COUNTY CENTER RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK 11901 ; ~ i I' f REALTY SUBDIVISION AND DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE (Please type or print the following information) NAME OF SUBDIVISION OR DEVELOPMENT Proposed Set-Off for Guido & Anna Ciacia PROPERTY LOCATION (VILLAGE AND/OR TOWN) 1000-053-02-20 PROPERTY TAX MAP NUMBER Corner Main Road & Kerwin Blvd., Arsharnonaque, Southold OWNER'S NAME (INDIVIDUAL, CORPORATION OR PARTNERSHIP OWNING PROPERTY) Guido and Anna Ciacia MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER 55 Main Road, Greenport, New York 11944 (516) 477-1696 Please answer all of the following questions by marking the appropriate box. . i 1. Are any of the following permits required? ............. a. Wild Scenic and Recreation Rivers Permit - NYSDEC ..................... b. Long Island Well/Water Supply Permit - NYSDEC ............................................................. .............. c. Protection of Waters Permit - NYSDEC ....................... ................................. ......................... d. Tidal Wetlands Permit - NYSDEC ....................................... .......................... ............. .............. e. Fresh Water Wetlands Permit - NYSDEC .................................................... .............................. f. SEQRA Determination - SCDHS/Town .................................................................................................... 2. Will project result in a large physical change to the project site, physically alter more than 10 acres of land or alter any unique or unusual land form? .................................................................................... 3. Will project alter or have any effect on an existing body of water? ...................................................... 4. Will project have a potentially large impact on groundwater quality? .................................................. 5. Will project significantly affect drainage flow on adjacent sites? .......................................................... 6. Will project affect any threatened or endangered plant or animal species? ...................................... 7. Will project result in a major adverse effect on air quality? .................................................................... B. Will project have a major effect on visual character of the community, scenic views or vistas known to be important to the community? ................................................................................................................ 9. Will project adversely impact any site or structure of historic, pre-historic, or paleontological importance or any site designated as a critical environmental area by a local agency? ................ 10. Will project have a major effect on existing or future recreational opportunities? .......................... 11. Wi~ project result in major traffic problems or cause a major effect to existing transportation system s? .... .............. ............. ............ ............ ............ ....... ............. ......... ............... .......... ..... ..... ..................... 12. Will project regularly cause objectionable odors, noise, glare, vibration or electrical disturbance as a result of the project's operation? .................................... ............. .............. 13. Will project have any impact on public health or safety? .................. ............... 14. Will project affect the existing community by directly causing a growth in permanent population 01 more than 5 percent over a one-year period? ............................................... ...................... ". ""om '""', 00""'''", """m,", '"' ~ . . . DATE 7/27/87 WWM-024 (6/B5) YES NO X X X X X 11-61': 11/ts , . . . . 1'0\, ,. ./[0' SOUTIIOLD OFFICE OF flUILDlKG I:\Sl'CCTOI1 TOWN HALL SO[jTIIOLD, KEW YOr..K CEI,Tlf"ICATE Of" OCCUPANCY t\Oi\CONFOl1i1lING PRE1\IISES TIllS IS TO CEnTlf"Y th~t the IX I LClrld Ix I Uuil(!ing(s) r I \],-,e(3) Pre C.O. #- Z-J6J47 Date- September 9. 1987: 10c::Ited Clt 67780 Main Road & 55 Kerwin Blvd. Greenport, New York Street :i!w"l'n on County t::lX mClp as District 1000, Section Hamlet 053 . Dlocl, -- 02 - Lot 20 . does(not)conform to the present Building Zone Code of the T own of South old for the following reasons: Insufficient total area; front & side and rear set-backs; garage and workshop in side yard; non ~onforming one family dwelling. On the basis of inf()rn\~lion pt'esented to the Building Inspector's Office, it has be:"n determined that the above nonconforming C...XI Land I!:..I Building(s) 1-/ U sd~} existed on the effective date the present Building Zone Code of the TIl"in uf ~::()uthold. and may bc continued pursuant to and subject to the appll... c~d)lc pt'ovision:; ()[ sJid Code. IT IS FURTIICIC CEETIFlED that, based upon information presented to t:"" Bc:ilc'ing Inspec:tor 's Office, the oc:c:up~ncy and use for which this Cer~ili- c-:'.lc: j,,:; i~-;.";IJC'd is a~; fullows: Property contains one story, one family brick framed dwelling; permit' I 109Z/CO Z3260; accessory building '38/CO 634; business garage and woodshop Permit 113951Z/CO 3382; addition permit 'is'937Z (Still Active): "II situated in B-1 General business with access to Kerwin Blvd. Tj~(: Certificate l~i issued to GUIDO CIACIA (OWIlC r. }'lxm"JQ5l1X!<l>>1U\Kj(XX 0: ~I](' ;""tr()l'(::'~;lid hllildinr.;. Su(f"l:'. C"Clr,ty DCJl:lt'tmcnt of Ikclltl1 .I\pproval N/A 1:'<f)!:I:\',IU'ITIC: (TI,TIFW^'ll': NO. N/A [,(JTICl: IS III~!II':CY G[\'!,N that the owncr of the auovc prcmises I!.'\S :-JJT ('(Jc:r)L:"Tl:D T(J i'd, It\r;I'I:CT[ON of the premises by the Building In3pec- t'd' In ,i"t<:rncinc if thl:: Jll'''l11i'il':> comply with :111 applicaule codes :1ml ordin- ;:Jlc~t;. fJth0r til:tn the Buddin:, /.one Code. and therefore. no such inspection h',:; 1)'c"!} '''lD'lllcct..,d. Tilie: C,:rlificate, therefore, docs not, :1nd is not intendcd t,', c"rlilY th:ct Ihr' Jlr"111i:;,," c(,mply with all oUlcr applicable codcs and rc;:,ula- ~i(Al';. y:~ c;iZ~L .:..-'.i..\l'aJ.l::;: !..n::j)CClOr . . cf~ ~ '~/?<Ue)< . . ATTORNEYS "T LAW MAIN ROAD ~ p.O. SOX 1466 SDUTHOLO. NEWYORI( 1 1971 LEFTERT5 P. EDSON RUDOLPH H. BRUER October 20, 1987 PATRICIA C. MOORE (516) 76S- 1 222 (S 16) 765-2500 Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 ...,-:"' [,y ~lil: {;,,;, '.'. : 1..1 Re: Appeal No. 3652 Anna & Guido Ciacia ')ATE Dear Sirs: Please be advised that this office represents Otto and June Schoenstein, contract vendees to the real property which is the sUbject of the above appeal application. The property owners, GUido Ciacia and Anna Ciacia, have given their written authorization for the substitution of Mr. Schoenstein, as applicant, on any and all pending and future applications with regard to the proposed set-off. We enclose a copy of said authorization letter for your file. Pursuant to your letter of July 20, 1987 (copy enclosed) we advise and/or enclose, as appropriate, the following: 1. Enclosed is copy of August 26, 1987 letter of Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner, stating that the Planning Board will not accept the set-off application, and any future consideration will depend Upon the requested variance being granted by the Zoning Board of Appeals. i , 2. We are proceeding with the Health Department application. However, this would seem moot as the premises are served by public water, the water hook-ups exist and no new hook-ups will be required or asked for. For your reference, I enclose Copies of the Health Dept. application forms and Cover letter of J. Kevin MCLaughlin, Esq., dated July 30, 1987. 4. Nonconforming C.O. for the existing uses of the premises. 3. Copy of Building Inspector's Notice of Disapproval, July 14, 1987. Please schedule this application for public hearing. Sincerely, Rudolph H. Bruer RHB/df Encs. cc: Southold Town Planning Board /' Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schoenstein ~~~~~Kevin MCLaughlin, Esq. V ,,,,,- . . . - ~iI IIa:z:z. "f~cfc:c~ 'Co, ,1'vc,,\W uL!( I''?~ PD. i~. '~.V~<:':... B.'.Qp-.IiD. T~r~;~~.:-~~j'.;'~~!~~D '//1 :'!. 'Xo -l. 'r I . Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 August 26, 1987 J. Kevin McLaughlin, Esq. 828 Front Street P.O. Box 803 Greenport, NY 11944 Re: Application for Set-Off for Guido and Anna Ciacia SCTM# 1000-053-2-20 Dear Mr. McLaughlin: Pursuant to our conversation today, I am returning the above-referenced application, as it is felt to be premature. However, the Planning Board will proceed to forward its comments to the Zoning Board of Appeals regarding your request before them for a variance for this set-off. If the Zoning Board grants your client's request, the application can be resubmitted at that time. If there are any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, (j,-/J.1~.u J;A'~/ Valerie Scopaz:' Town Planner cc: Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman -:::;,0;.... ~~....:- "-~ -~-."" - _ ~_:'"":__~;Z- -- '~;;:~~~..;;.~..~~~~,..;...---=-_::-~~ -~;.;,.;~u~~- J. KEVIN McLAUGHLIN, ATTORNEY 828 FRONT STREET GREENPORT, NY 11944 '-k J:.]<L. '7 60-791/214 ~_19_C;;'2 ~iJ~~OF_~ ,,--OC\~~j~_:;,~(5\_J~ ~ ~ $ ds6.cX) ~ 1\ \ \-1:'. ~ ( {\ol ~\i'-d /} -. -. 'f ~'-'C'~~:FI~~J~j~-l...C:--l ,tIOe..> --=------- '__DOLLARS i FO~NI<' J li~ /;'1" "0 :,:.'~ FOR f'._. LC"." '. :' .:........~...";'_:r')..! .__"_______ . ~/!j . K ~ " ~ \. r -", ~,'o~:~0~:onl,079~21: 11'04 "'1',2 b:l~~~_fl,C~<~~t~,~,,-- ir !l 1107 . . . 8outhold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Gerard. Goehringer, Chairman, Zoning Board of Appeals , FROM: Planning Board ~~ DATE: September 9, 1987 RE: Appeal No. 3652 Anna and Guido Ciacia The above referenced case was discussed by the Planning Board in response to your letter of July 20th. The Planning Board feels strongly that the variance request to reduce the lot area from 20,000 square feet to 6,250 and 4,688 square feet respectively should be denied. The following reasons are offered in support of this position: Facts: 1. The property consists of a lot which does not appear to have been legally subdivided. The property incorporates land from one filed map and part of a lot from another filed map. Both maps predate the Town's Zoning Code and Map. And, the applicant purchased said property in two separate pieces in 1943 and 1947. (see attached) 2. The property is currently zoned B-Light Business. It was originally zoned "A" Residential~Agricultural. In September of 1961, the applicant petitioned for and received a change of zone to Light Business. (see attached) 3. Under the proposed Master Plan the property will be zoned Light Industry. 4. The site is currently in use as a residence with two detached garages (see survey). The larger of the two garages may include a workshop. The buildings have been in existance since 1960 and 1968. 5. Neither of the above uses (residence, workshop) are permitted uses under the current zoning ordinance, either as allowed uses or as special exception uses. -, . . . . . Gerard Goehringer Page 2 9/9/87 6. Total lot area is 10,938 square feet. Proposed lot areas are 6,250 square feet and 4,688 square feet. Required lot area in light Business zone is 20,000 square feet. Required lot area in proposedLight Industry zone is 40,000 square feet. For 16 years, the applicant has enjoyed two uses, a residence and a carpentry workshop both of which are now non-conforming on a lot which is about half the required minimum lot area for the Light Business Zone. The applicant has enjoyed and can continue to enjoy a substantial benefit, that of a non- conforming residence and a business onan undersized lot within the zoning district that it is located within. Granting the variance would increase the degree of non conformity. Therefore, we would not be in favor of this area variance. I 0<:::-> I s ~.< ~.... .,5' .:- So 0, ~~ J,5" ,'It 0 'o,~ 90' \)< 0 ' 0'lt0' ~~. ~ t<; ,..~ '>: < .. " Or- I;>(j PECONIC RVEYORS a ENGINEERS ,P. C. ( 516) 765 -5020 POBOX 909 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, N. Y. 1/971 i I I ! 1 Iii I ~ <:) o"? iV' Q: J....~ ~ ...:~ .J..0 ..... ~: ~"? "- --e- . , LO T 178 AREA PI 0 LOT 177 AREA TC 'TAL AREA ~ <Or- ~~ I;>" :- ~- ~-,-- / ~ /0 <or- I;,;> " .J:~_ "'.,5' 90 J,5" '90" k" 11- ~ft' Vv/tv <Or- 1;>5 Sou <.~v 4ft' o . C _'V \)< o'lt 1>)0 0' ~ "'b" __ '-.'~ ~ ..., , SCHOOL DISTRICT FIRE 01 STR ICT G~EENPORT 31 N.Y.S. L1C. NO. 49618 Prepared m accorounce witn 1ne I ~fandards for title surveys as establi the l. I. A. l. S. and approved and for such use by The New York Sta Title Association_ ml"'.n~m dishtll.l by adopted ate Land ,. = 6250 4688 10938 = = '-... SQ. FT. SQ.FT SQ.FT KEY MAP PROPOSED SET OFF FOR GU I DO a ANNA C/ACIA AT ARSHAMOMOQUE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N. Y. iooo 053 - 02 SCALE 1"= 30' MAY. 14,1987 20 CERTIFI E D TO : SOUTHOLD SAVINGS BANK PECONIC ABSTRACT INC. GUIDO CIACIA ANNA CIACIA LOT NUMBERS REFER TO' "AMENDED MAP 'A' OF PECONIC BAY ESTATES" FILED MAY 19,1933 IN THE OFFICE OF THE SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK AS MAP NO. 1/24 AND "MAP OF WICKHAM PARK LOTS" FILEO SEPT. 28, 1927 87 - 7iR4 . x~ .-rnl . {v~ c~\iT "lir r> P~~~tJI!F~~ TO~N., OJ.. "sl.,p.... JIn..RLD ,\ 'y' i,"S'J.-., ::0;: fj SV{FF'o"LK.~ 'S-NJ'Y "0-l1J' '\'0 ,.~. ',''!-'1 ~<~- arf .,/<' IG " r /-/I",d /, , i Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 January 19, 1988 Robert A. Villa, P.E. Chairman Board of Review Suffolk County Department of Health Services County Center Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: Proposed Subdivision of Ciacia, (T) Southold SCTM# 1000-53-2-20 Dear Mr. Villa: Enclosed, for your information, is a copy of memorandam and correspondence with regard to the above mentioned proposal. We note that this proposal is scheduled for a hearing before the Board of Review on January 22, 1988. Very truly yours, ~~/ Valerie Scopaz Town Planner . COUNTY OF SUFFOL. _~...\~,n,. ",'" _')U~/."< ..~.., :/:.:';0.. . \ :.~ H;".lJi" .):'s :.~~.~i:; .....~.. ~&:;~,' "J')l~<:r ""-~"" Patrjck G. Halpin SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES D^VIO 1 {",H, ( '~T~' January 7, 1988 Mr. Rudolph H. Bruer, Esq. Edson and Bruer P. O. Box 1466 Southald, New York 11~71 Re: Proposed Subdivision of Ciacia, (T) Southald ISCTM 1000-53-2-20) Dear Hr. Bruer: Your request to appear before the Board of Review of the Suffolk County Department of Health Services has been received. The review of this case has been scheduled for January 22, 1988, at 1: 3 0 p. ;::. in the Suffolk County Deoartment of Health Services Conference Room, Count"/ Center, Room N-204, Riverhcad. You and interested parties are requested to appear, with or without counsel, and you may produce any information or evidence concerning the above referenced property. Very truly yours, Robert A. Villa, P.E. Chairman Boa rd of Review R.;;'\/: '=.J:-1 cc: James L. ,--c:::-: 'n . -:~'. '-~f"'l .., , <.. ~~ c...! ~ >1r. Dennis Moran, ? E. ':,- l'1alter G. Lin ll.::,v ",' , "'_'[<. r....',:) 1<1"1'0 / ~;,,);.(;~; L::i,,~1 .' , ,-....1",-, Susan 1:;'inces"'?l:l :'n'.oln of Southold 'l'"}:1ninq Board .. ,0,., ";.~\J . COUNTY CC". "'cr-i nIVERHEA: I 1901 15161 Ext. 5'::':-~312 .. ."(' e( ec , Southold. N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Gerard. Goehringer, Chairman, Zoning Board of Appeals , FROM: Planning Board cvY~ DATE: September 9, 1987 RE: Appeal No. 3652 Anna and Guido Ciacia The above referenced case was discussed by the Planning Board in response to your letter of July 20th. The Planning Board feels strongly that the variance request to reduce the lot area from 20,000 square feet to 6,250 and 4,688 square feet respectively should be denied. The following reasons are. offered in support of this position: Facts: 1. The property consists of a lot which does not appear to have been legally subdivided. The property incorporates land from one filed map and part of a lot from another filed map. Both maps predate the Town's Zoning Code and Map. And, the applicant purchased said property in two separate pieces in 1943 and 1947. (see attached) 2. The property is currently zoned B-Light Business. It was originally zoned "A" Residential-Agricultural. In September of 1961, the applicant petitioned for and received a change of zone to Light Business. (see attached) J. Under the proposed ~aster Plan the property will be zoned Light Industry. 4. The site is currently in use as a residence with two detached garages (see survey). The larger of the two garages may include a workshop. The buildings have been in existance since 1960 and 1968. 5. Neither of the above uses (residence, workshop) are permitted uses under the current zoning ordinance, either as allowed uses or as special exception uses. '. , e( e( " .. . Gerard Goehringer Page 2 9/9/87 6. Total lot area is 10,938 square feet. Proposed lot . areas are 6,250 square feet and 4,688 square feet. Required lot area in light Business zone is 20,000 square feet. Required lot area in proposedLight Industry zone is dO,OOO square feet. For 16 years, the applicant has enjoyed two uses, 2 rcsi~c~cc and a carpentry workshop both of which are now non-conforDing on a lot which is about half the required minimum lot area for the Light Business Zone. The applicant has enjoyed and can continue to enjoy a substantial benefit, that of a non- conforming residence and a business onan undersized lot within the zoning district that it is located within. Granting the variance would increase the degree of non conformity. Therefore, we would not be in favor of this area variance. i .~,~~~-~ A~~,",-'~\\ r: 'r [:1 '-, -,-,~ ~...~ \"""_j\ 0......,. /'> C_ l\. .'-" .' ~ ~_ I'~'A~N I)~G;'B()AR,D ',~' .J., J,.... '\:.......... 'J J.-.:::;'-~l,-""'~': ,-::. h T~~~ O.J:'S~Yj~~LD ,...~ '.)'...... , S U.I;'F{)J,K"CO,1;,\~TY ""' .,'1 .....4..::Y,0 .." ~,-~ ..01. I .' '{"'... -, .<:~,. e, SOllthold. N.Y. 11971 (516) 765.1938 August 26, 1987 J. Kevin MCLaughlin, Esq. 828 Front Street P.O. Box 803 Greenport, NY 11944 Re: Application for Set-Off for Guido and Anna Ciacia SCTM# 1000-053-2-20 Dear Mr. McLaughlin: Pursuant to our conversation today, I am returning the above-referenced application, as it is felt to be premature. However, the Planning Board will proceed to forward its comments to the Zoning Board of Appeals regarding your request before them for a variance for this set-off. If the Zoning Board grants your client's request, the application can be resubmitted at that time. If there are any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, {jJ.,:1~J;/~/ Valerie Scopa:2' Town Planner Co" Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman .,<~ 0.J~~\1rral;r /'>~ P,~j~~N~~ps, . '~\D ,'J ,~"-'~C:~:." '''_ -< ~ TOW,}~ OR '_,S,O' .', JtPjD r~ "",A\,~- ,/ '::\~ f.,-..;'~_", ~ SUJIFo,.L,,~, ," 'gN Y '-:,'~;})t_ ';\0 ''>..,~ --. . Southold, N,Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 January 19, 1988 Robert A. Villa, P.E. Chairman Board of Review Suffolk County Department of Health Services County Center Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: Proposed Subdivision of Ciacia, (T) Southold SCTM# 1000-53-2-20 Dear Mr. Villa: Enclosed, for your information, is a copy of memorandam and correspondence with regard to the above mentioned proposal. We note that this proposal is scheduled for a hearing before the Board of Review on January 22, 1988. Very truly yours, / '~d-, (/~ c--_C?f/ Valerie Scopaz " Town Planner --.. -------.-- CO~Y OF SUFFOLK . \\ // \'.,// ,,~.,.--~O~ .f;:"~2\':.r'i)~/;~~~ :j"(Jf)'<' ". ". Ii '" f' "',.~ ;~\;,-- .-<:,,;; ~!;-j ","", .~," ~~Ir"};~o.~~~"'- Patrick G. Halpin SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES DAVID HARRI'-';, M.D M.f' H COMMI~:,~~IONI. ~, January 7, 1988 Mr. Rudolph H. Bruer, Esq. Edson and Bruer P. O. Box 1466 Southold, New York 11971 Re: Proposed Subdivision of Ciacia, (T) Southold (SCTM 1000-53-2-201 Dear Mr. Bruer: Your request to appear before the Board of Review of the Suffolk County Department of Health Services has been received. The review of this case has been scheduled for January 22, 1988, at 1:30 p.~. in the Suffolk County Department of Health Services Conference Room, Count; Center, Room N-204, Riverhcad. You and interested parties are requested to appear, with or without counsel, and you may produce any information or evidence concerning the above referenccn property. Very truly yours, Robert A. Villa, P.E. Chairman Board of Review RAV:cah cc: Mr. James L. Corbin Mr. Dennis Moran, P.E. Mr.. Walter G. Lindley Ms. Susan Windesheirn Town of Southold Planning Board t:l:C[::~"/:D L'r SU[jl~"t'~"'I.,,(1)i~{1I:;j.{il,BU,r;D J \" j-l'"''h. ~ ~.' .'v....".~ CQUNTYCE"JT[f-J RIVERHEAL NIl 90 1 (5161 Sdt:-1312 Ext. L' Approved - January Southold TOlvn Board of Appeals -50- November 18, 1987 Special Meeti ng (Updates, continued:) Appeal No. 3652 - ANNA AND GUIDO CIACIA. Variances for area, width, depth, yard Setbacks in this "B-Light Zone. Corner of Main Road and Kerwin Boulevard, Greenport. [Await Co. Health and P.B. reviews] Appeal No. 3649 - CHRIS AND WILLIAM CONNORS. Variance for insufficient setback from wetlands. West Drive, Southold. [Await finalization of SEQRA and Town Trustee action~before advertising.] Appeal No. 3636 -- TARTAN OIL CO. Variance for convenience store as accessory use to 9asoline service. Corners of S/s Main Road. E/s Sunset Lane and W/s Marratooka Road, Mattituck. [Await additional information and P.B. reviews.] Appl. No. 3633 - TARTAN OIL CO. Speci al Exception for partial self-service 9asoline station. Main Road, Marratooka and Sunset Lanes, Mattituck. [Await additional information and P.B. reviews.] Appeal No. 3627 - LILLIAN VISHNO. Variances for insuffi- cient area, width and depth for three proposed lots. 810 Corwin St., Greenport. [Await Co. Health and P.B. applications/revie\'Js/communications.] ..Arr0;:Jl ria 3621:l---G-!;.G-RCE ,'Jl-&-+,',;;[ I:P,\'TI~. ii, cu "" i...w,,-, ~U! two proposed lots at Paradis" -P-o+rri:-R'oad, Southold. [ A w a i t Co. H p , l-t-Ft--aTlCrl' . B. a p p 1 i cat ion sir e vie Iv s / C()IlHll~r, lCJ:t i OA3.] Appeal No. 3614 - ROBERT AND ETHEL SCHROEDER. Interpreta- tion request. S/s -Route 25, East Marion. [Await confirmation of activities conducted and survey. Further direction awaited from applicants' attorney.] * * * The meeting was declared adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully submi tted, Linda F, Kowalski, Secretary Southold Town Board of Appeals , 1988 . ~'c:.>.).~?' # ~~ -.~ 1/'/.. /.': / (7\ ,. '--_____L-" '>. KEY MAP <:) 0" !{J' / Q; ,," <<- ..~, S -'>." ,. -.: ~ S ",- .... ~V ~ ~"'- LOT 178 AREA Pia LOT 177 AREA TOTA L AREA 6250 SO.FT 4688 SO.FT 10938 SO.FT. <Or / '>> , t\t ~~, S"o "S. '10" k '" t:.-<r tr/ Iv / 6'2 ! 'SO/ * :)~... Q Q .,. " Sou. '(.t:V 4.-<r() 1;0,. . PROPOSED SET OFF FOR GUIDO' a ANNA CIACIA AT ARSHAMOMOQUE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY. N. Y. 1000 - 053 - 02 20 SCALE 1".30' MAY. 14,1987 ~ "'? ..~ SCHOOL DISTRICT FIRE' DISTRICT GAEENPORT 31 a ENGINEERS ,P. C. Pc, , ,~ '" ,""~,,..r:,.,o ',,;;:, i'-,J ~;,o:''''~:n ,:<c..: ';:: ;' Jr. ;i~J, ;U~'~" t. J;.';:.;;'!:_'"J by , L., . ,. "'~. ~~ J '=i-...10'1..J, ~"d Q~oplad :.r 1"':.l~;.) L1 1::8 ~t.._l'~tt :ita:.Jood ~). .~,u:xi'l~:,It.. ~- " -, CERTIFIED TO; SOUTHOLD SAVINGS SA NK PECONIC ABSTRACT INC. GUIDO CI ACtA ANNA CIACIA N,Y.S. LIe. NO. 496'9 11971 LOT NUMBERS REFER TO:"AMENOEO MAP '4' OF PfCON/C BAY ESTATES" FILED MAt 19, /933 IN THE OFFICE OF THE SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK AS MAP NO. /12. AND "MAP OF WICKHAM PARK LOTS" FILED SEPT. ~8.19Z1 87 - 384 / ~ J OWNER RECORD ~ )1-/tJ " .., ) ~- , ~ iOV/N OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY CARD . r - -..------------- FORMER OWNER I STREET___ N S RE~.n~~~/O- J;~E~;'--~H_uT v~~--~--~RM ~~-b:' -,-+ ;:O~AL DATE 13/ ~ I ~___; ~~~ __ H'~' .,~ t--- - -- - 1- / ;,/ / I '/" j'~.lUC -?'?9 I I ' AGE Wcodland Swampland Brushland -- House Plot ~....,.., TctGI NORMAL Acre BUILDING CONDITION -'I- I I Value Per Acre --l i --1'------- I ----- +-- BELOW , I I I I -------------- I I ---I ! ...... -...;~, I I I VILLAGE ----~~-. SUB. ,/ LO~ )./7 7 'I -- ___!:::!___n_________ '^ DISTRICT E J ( ACREAG~ -7- .-;; --- 1(\ J - ___ _______~____ n______n___ _ _ _ _ ________ TYPE OF BUILDING 'II --1 I I MISe. J COMM. IND. CB. , REMARKS ") I I I \.,:,---. .-; ~.... I/C/Z ~ __ (t-- / " ./ U~_,(,' __-\ I 'C...J? ' /, / ~ __~'.I. _ j / I -//7' -+--17__ c. I ~0'_::~/J_J!lLf~'(c..~"-.'" :'f' ____.__ "'-~~~~:ftb,,?~'-:~,/--_~L{'~ I Idu'()~)-' G:LL.:: -' :L,5_ 39-'!;-( Zu-(!//:.? /},.:?) C~J:, ___ I ',I J _ ;' _ 1-'~~-LLt~)/~- ": .~~~;.~~--J.;D(~!i~ :2, '-r-:.r c:.O - ~-'----- r ! / c c. ABOVE Value flj J 01, " / 'J __ u'-l-~u-_ J1 -- --1--- , .-- ----------. , I -------,--- ~ m'm m >1 (),QI~ A 'x X > OJ ilJI g; I. ;;; I;;; ;;; I' OJ . (Cl N ::s I" " _ m ~ 6' 6' 6' j.g- -- -- L-r--L--=-.J-:--:--(---_ 'k. I I "1\' :" ;.j:' i) I CJ , '; I Ic~' ~;: j 'l I' Gv Ie' r\ 'I c> · i '. I'~' " I 1:::- '\ 'I '" I ,,': I, I". I", ~ I IL-L--t""-"_ ,I ,-i~1 Iy I" (". II' Vo,' I I VI .0::' k!, C.,', I C> I \ 'I ' -L---r----r--:-T.i-f--j-t- 'i::. I, 'II : I I I I~ 1 "'\), I'll. ' ~ I 6( Ie, I ~ I I ~ I ~ ,og Ie>', II 'D I ,C) I _....L..~ I .-J___-t-. :\ I O"Uo I I", moo" , I~"~ a ,g '\ ~'6' I I ~ :.,. 3 5- .:E: 10' o<,m 0 On' _ I::::J ::!: '< i 1m 'Vi"I.-r g ,I ' I 1 I ci' 6' I ' , I ~ I ~, I ' n : (), i : :T : :r L __.: ; ~~--;---- I I 'Ilk 'I I:\' I I ,~,~ ~ I ~ I I I I l't~;I": L I I I ! ,;I\~\ I' ~~II:JI"rOJ 010 I::::, m 1~,OI,~ I 0 0 -.; 0 (I) I' 0 ".. I i~l~inl~Q'I;;;' 'I '!j' I v;" I I }1 I 0.......... I ::J +'j ',I~I~I 1 ~I I I ~ 1 ~ I 1 1 I 1 I,."h-" ' Ii' I !: IiI i "', I I" 1 I ) ) -..--~ /( '.:1: ! ! ..;:;'1/ I f',.! .~ , TO ...-'" -, T I T , I q; I, i '"' , -~; + =t+tt :; ---+L ';;c '~m~ .1.'" ,,' ~ " ,.~ ~ I 1 I 'r I , I , , r I ---1.--.. I ! j I I ! I I I I I I . , i ~. I 1 I I T :i .,..- 1 i T i I I i i T T T ! ;, "c.i. }l I ' I 1 I #11 I 1 . il , 1 , -tF--ri , I , ; -t-~- I I , I~ 'I I I L I' I I I I , ! I , V' 1 , T , , -~L-.; ,------j-- I ! ~I --,I----",i- 1'1' '\... ,t* 1-+ --t ~ 1--+ ~ ~- f~ ,,--I':' 1 ..... r::f r-"1\; 1+ r' i---i-- I--L ,i_--'-~_'---l-~ /. .- L .t.... '--'/f ,/ "/"Xc. " .--;:;- :1 t)t:; (!, ",).~-'. i /" V . J ~~ ~ ,qj4<U<3J< ATTORNEYS AT LAW MAIN ROAD - P.O. BOX \ 466 SOUTHOLD, NEWYORK 11971 LEFFERTS P. EDSON RUDOLPH H. BRUER October 20, 1987 (516)765-12.2.2. (516) 765-2.500 PATRICIA C. MOORE Southold Town zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Appeal No. 3652 Anna & Guido Ciacia Dear Sirs: Please be advised that this office represents Otto and June Schoenstein, contract vendees to the real property which is the subject of the above appeal application. The property owners, Guido Ciacia and Anna Ciacia, have given their written authorization for the substitution of Mr. Schoenstein, as applicant, on any and all pending and future applications with regard to the proposed set-off. We enclose a copy of said authorization letter for your file. Pursuant to your letter of July 20, 1987 (copy enclosed) we advise and/or enclose, as appropriate, the following: " 1. Enclosed is copy of August 26, 1987 letter of Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner, stating that the Planning Board will not accept the set-off application, and any future consideration will depend upon the requested variance being granted by the zoning Board of Appeals. " 2. We are proceeding with the Health Department application. However, this would seem moot as the premises are served by public water, the water hook-ups exist and no new hook-ups will be required or asked for. For your reference, I enclose copies of the Health Dept. application forms and cover letter of J. Kevin McLaughlin, Esq., dated July 30, 1987. 3. Copy of Building Inspector's Notice of Disapproval, July 14, 1987. 4. Nonconforming C.O. for the existing uses of the premises. Please schedule this application for public hearing. Sin~e]",. '/7 /,1 / 'i 'V}/ // A/' IG~f /l~/'\ / /'1 !I~!-~ t~/I), v 1 -' Y Rytlolph i . Bruer RHB/df Encs. cc: Southold Town Planning Board Mr. and Mrs. otto Schoenstein J. Kevin MCLaughlin, Esq. '" AUTHORIZATION I Late, East Marion, New York, as contract vendee, to be substituted as I ap ;,licant in any and all applications now pending or hereafter commenced I The undersigned hereby authorizes Otto Schoenstein, 1645 Maple be ore the Southold Town Board of Appeals, Southold Town Planning Board, Su'folk County Department of Health Services and any other state, cm,nty or town boards or agencies regarding the proposed set-off of a parcel of land located at the corner of Main Road and Kerwin Boulevard, Ar:;hamomoque, New York (Tax Map No. 1000-53-2-20) and regarding any variances and approvals required in connection therewith. Daj,ed: October 5,1987. ~~~t'!r~~l~ GUIDO CIACIA {J~ ANNA CIACIA , I I , r!~-r/--r'^ 1 "', "1" ;",. I : I', I' I I, ." '. SUFFOLK COUNTY OEPARTMENT-OF HEAL TH SERVICES BUREAU OF WASTEWATER MANAGEI'-1ENT SUFFOLK COUNTY CENTER RIVERHEAD. NEW YORK 11901 APPLlCA TION FOR APPROVAL OF REALTY SUBDIVISIONS AND DEVELOPMENTS (Please type or print the following information) Application is hereby made for the approval of plans for a realty subdivision/development as required by the provisions of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code. PLEASE NOTE: This form must be completely filled out and signed by BOTH property owner(s) AND professional engineer Dr I and surveyor. 1. Name of Subdivision or Development Proposed Set-Off for Guido & Anna Ciacia 2. Property Location Southold [Village or Town) Property Tax Map No. 1000-053-02-20 3. Owner's Name Guido and Anna Ciacia (Individual. Corporation or Partf)ership Owning Property) 55 Main Road 4. Mailing Address Greenport, NY 11944 Telephone No. (516) 477-1696 5. What is total area of property to be subdivided? 10938 sq. ft. 6. What is the zoning classification of the property? Business [j.e.. business. residential) 7. What is the total number of lots proposed? 2 In this section? 1 lot B. What is the intended use of these lots? (8) Single family residences 0 Two-family residences o Commercial or industrial center Q1) Other garage 2 9. What do you intend to do with these lots? o Build on all lots 0 Sell lots only o Other retain use of residential o Multi-family housing and workshop o Build on some I~ts and sell others lot, sell workshop 10. ;What is the nature of soil? not applicable - both lots are currently [Describe to a depth of 17 feet. giving thickness of im roved with buildin with existin cess ools various strata such as topsail. loam. clay. sand. gravel. hardpan. etc.. if known] II. What is topography? generally flat (i.e.. flat. roll ing. steep. etc.) 12. What is the depth to the water table? not applicable _ all structures are (give maximum and minimum if there is a currentl ort Water District WWM-023 (Rev. I/B7J 18-1406..2/87 Page I of 2 .~ SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEAL TH SERVICES BUREAU OF WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT SUFFOLK COUNTY CENTER RIVERHEAD. NEW YORK 11901 ,- APPLlCA nON FOR APPROVAL OF REAL TV SUBDIVISIONS AND DEVELOPMENTS (Please type or print the following information] Appl ication is hereby made for the approval of plans for a realty subdivision/development as required by the provisions of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code. PLEASE NOTE: This form must be completely filled out and signed by BOTH property owner(s] AND professional engineer or land surveyor. I. Name of Subdivision or Development Proposed Set-Off for Guido & Anna Ciac j 2. Property Location Southold (Village or Town] Property Tax Map No. 1000-053-02-20 3. Owner's Name Guido and Anna Ciacia (Individual. Corporation or Partnership Owning Propenyl 55 Main Road ~. Mailing Address Greenport, NY 11944 Telephone No. (516) 477-1696 5. What is total area of property to be subdivided? 10938 sq. ft. 6. What is the zoning classification of the property? Business (i.e.. business. residential] 7. What is the total number of lots proposed? 2 In this section? 2 1 lot B. What is the intended use of these lots? o Single family residences 0 Two-family residences o Commercial or industrial center QS) Other garage o Multi-family housing and workshop g. What do you intend to do with these lots? o Build on all lots 0 Sell lots only 0 Build on some I~ts and sell others G) Other retain use of residential lot, sell workshop 10. :'-':'hat is the nature of soil? not applicable - both lots are currently . (oescnbe to a depth of 17 feet. giving thickness of imoroved with bUildinq with existing cesspools ViJrIOuS strata such as topsail. loam. clay. sand. gravel. hardpan. etc.. if known] 11. \...t)iJt i;j topcgr<3phy? c;cnerally f la t [i.e.. flot. rolling. steep. etc.) 1" \'/r-lut 15 the depth to the water table?, . not apPllcable - all structures (give maximum and minimum if there is a are current 1 SUP lied b the Green ort Water District variation and how determined) WWM-023 (Rev. I/B7) 18.1406..2/87 Page I of 2 SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT SECTION COUNTY CENTER RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK 11901 REALTY SUBDIVISION AND DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE (Please type or print the following information) . t, l' I NAME OF SUBDIVISION OR DEVELOPMENT Proposed Set-Off for Guiao & Anna Ciacia PROPERTY LOCATION (VILLAGE AND/OR TOWN) PROPERTY TAX MAP NUMBER 1000-053-02-20 Corner Main Road & Kerwin Blvd., Arshamonaque, Southold OWNER'S NAME (INDIVIDUAL, CORPORATION OR PARTNERSHIP OWNING PROPERTY) Guido and Anna Ciacia MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER 55 Main Road, Greenport, New York 11944 (516) 477-1696 Please answer all of the following questions by marking the appropriate box. 1. Are any of the following permits required? .....h.............h....h....... ......h................. .....h...... ......h...... a. Wild Scenic and Recreation Rivers Permit - NYSDEC ............h.......h..... ........h......h.......h. ...h.h...... b. Long Island Well/Water Supply Permit - NYSDEC h....h......................h..... ...hh............h.. c. Protection of Waters Permit - NYSDEC ..........................h...............h....h......h d. Tidal Wetiands Permit - NYSDEC h.............h....hh......... ........h..............h e. Fresh Water Wetlands Permit - NYSDEC ......h......h...................h..............h............... f. SEQRA Determination - SCDHS/Town ...............h..... h....................................h........h......h....... h......... .. 2. Will project result in a large physical change to the project site, physicaiiy aiter more than 10 acres of land or alter any unique or unusual land form? ....h.....h.....h......h.....hh...............h........................h.... 3. Will project alter or have any effect on an existing body of water? .........h.....h..........h............h.....h.. 4. Will project have a potentially large impact on groundwater quality? ...............h.................h...h......... 5. Will project significantly affect drainage flow on adjacent sites? ..........h.......h.........................h.......... 6. Will project affect any threatened or endangered plant or animal species? ......h................h............ 7. Will project result in a major adverse effect on air quality? h......h.......h.....h...................................hh... 8. Will project have a major effect on visual character of the community, scenic views or vistas known to be important to the community? h....h.......h......................h......................................h........h.....h.............. 9. Will project adversely impact any site or structure of historic, pre-historic, or paleontological importance or any site designated as a critical environmental area by a local agency? ............h.. 10. Will project have a major effect on existing or future recreational opportunities? ..h...................h. 11. WiU project result in major traffic problems or cause a major effect to existing transportation s ysiem s? ..hh........ .....h............h........ .....h..... h.... .h................ ....... ... "..h.h... ..h................. h.. ................ ........ 12. Will project regularly cause objectionable odors, noise, glare, vibration or eiectrical disturbance as a result of the project's operation? ....h.....h..................... .........h...................... ............h..................... 13. Will project have any impact on public health or safety? ..h........hh.............. ..........hh... .......h.... 14. Will project affect the existing community by directiy causing a growth in permanent population of more than 5 percent Over a one-year period? ... ....................... " ",",,, '"''', '0""0,"'" 'o"..m;oo ,", 'Z1. ...mmm. WWM-024 (6/85) DATE OWNER'S SIGNATURE YES NO X X X X X x X x x x x x x X X y y y y y x 7/27/87 1I-'1I:11fU , '1'0\. _' )[0' SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF DUILDl!\G I!\Sl'CCTOR TOWN HALL SUUTIIOLD, NEW YOnK CCH.TIfo'ICATE 0[0' OCCUPANCY NOi\CONFORi\lING PREJ\lISES TIIIS IS TO CEIlTI[o'Y that the l i 1 I I I j j I I I I I , 1 Ix I Lanu Ix I Uuihling(s) I I Usc(s) Pre C.o. #- 2-16147 Date- September 9. 1987, locoted ell 67780 Main Road & 55 Kerwin Blvd. Greenport, New York Street ,;!wwn on Cuunty tax map as District 1000, Section Hamlet 053 , 1310c\, -- 02 - Lot 20 . does(not)conform to the present Building Zone Code of the I " Tovm of South old for the following reasons: Insufficient total area; front & side and rear set-backs; garage 1 ~ I and workshop in side yard; non ~onforming one family dwelling. (m the hasis of information {ll'esented to the Building Inspector's Office, it has been detc:rmineu that the above nonconforming C_X! Land (XI 13uilding(s) r I U sd ,0) existed on the effective date the present Building Zone Code of the To'.'m uf :'.~outhold. and may be continued pursuant to and subject to the appli- c~d)lc provision:.:; ()[ sJicJ Code. IT IS FURTlIEn. CEI\TIFICD that, based upon information presented to the nc:ilding Inspector '5 Office, the occlIp::mey and use for which this Cer:ifi- CFll~ i.:i i:-;.;ucd is a~; follows: Property contains one story, one family brick framed dwelling; permit' I 109Z/CO 23260; nccessory building '38/CO 634; business garage and woodshop Permit '39512/CO 3382; addition permit '15'9372 (Still Active)' all . situated in a-I General business with access to Kerwin Blvd. Th, Cct'liflcat,., i" i,;slled tn GUIDO CIACIA (own,., r, JllX..HeI(JQ\lIX~lU\~)(XX 0: U](~ ;'lr()l'I!;-)~lid building. ! Suffolk CO'Jr.ty Dql:lt"tment of Ikcllth !\pproval N/A l;r<r:)!':I~'.'.IUTI::IC; c:rO]l'J'IFTr:^TI'; NO. N/A I [.unCE IS 111~I:l:r~\' elVEr, that th~ owner of the :1\)ove premises 1l:\5 >JJ'J' ('()c;~)I::;\,[,I:J) TlJ i\f\ lI'\~;l'I:CTION of the premises by the Buildir.g In3pec- l'''' In ,j"[.:rrr.ine if the p,'emLe" comply with all applicable .codes anu ordin- ;!flC....:r::;. ol.h0r than the Huildinf' i'.onl' Code, and therefore, nO such inspection }",:; 1,'",!\ r:nnolur:t..,d. Thi:: C,:rtificCltc. therefore, docs not, Clnd is not intended jc, ",,,.tiiy th;c( thr. I'r"n1i,,,;,; c(,ml'\Y with all other applicalJlc codes and rC~ll\a- ~ i I; fl'; . ~~ d2~L ':"'~i..liicl::': .:..n::j>cctor \~ . . Southold Town Board of Appeals MAIN ROAD - STATE ROAD 25 SOUTHOLD, L.I.. N. Y. 11971 APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS I<ECEIVED BY ~lJUIJ~[JU."!i tu"J!iING BOARD !~.l. ~tik TELEPHONE 15161 765.1809 GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN CHARLES GRIGONIS, JR. SERGE DOYEN, JR. ROBERT J. DOUGLASS JOSEPH H. SAWICKI [lATE July 20, 1987 J. Kevin Mclaughlin, Esq. 828 Front Street, Box 803 Greenport, NY 11944 Re: Appeal No. 3652 - Anna Ciacia and Guido Ciacia Dear Mr. McLaughl i n: This letter will acknowledge receipt of your recent application before the Board of Appeals. The Board members will be conducting field inspections and environmental reviews as may be required by State and local laws prior to scheduling your application for a public hearing. It is requested in the interim that you proceed with ./ the [X] Planning Board [X] Co. Health(Article VI action) concerning their jurisdiction in this matter in order that they may submit their written comments, formal action, or other input as early as possible. Upon receipt of their input~ your application will be scheduled for the earliest available heari ng date. If the above document(s) are submitted by late August, it is expected that a public hearing would be held about the middle part of September. A copy of the notice of hear- ingsas publiShed in the Long Island Traveler-Watchman and the Suffolk Times will be sent to you as confirmation. Please feel free to call at any time if you have questions. Yours very truly, GERARD P. GOEHRINGER CHAIRr~AN By Linda Kowalski *and a copy of a Certificate of Nonconforming Premises (and/or current C.O.s of record, if any) cc: Pl anni ng Board "/ C~J.-\ . . ,/ ~ L ~H~.I'~h,. ATTORN~; :;:;;;;;;r~'- 828 FRONT STREET, P. O. BOX 803 GREENPORT. NY 11944 l516l477-1016 July 9, 1987 Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Set-Off of Guido and Anna Ciacia Gentlemen: I have enclosed the application for set-off, my check covering the application fee and the proposed set-off map in the above-referenced matter. Please schedule this matter for review as soon as possible. JKM/lg Enclosures // ( \ Very truly yours,~ / ~~ ')/. /;;~< / /( / /. ~ .; " l' / ..' t,:'C~<,,,,,, J ;.-1K~'1:n'''M6~aug'hlin \ ' j , I " ; , ' ;"'\,-(~~i\fE') BY .". -:- . . ,,,'r ~G~il SllUW.ulJl \Ui',\ rU'.i\l,,"U . JUL ! (?J987 DA1E / <>~, S .<V ".: ~ 39 (, ...'" 0,10$: ,f1" 0 -'0:-;;:", "0" ~ 0 0,~ ~ o ~ 'I'-~ . J? ~~ ~. (o~ ~ '>. ~ O"/J)" <1:-....'" ~ ~.t' " ~"'- LOT 178 AREA PIO LOT 177 AREA TOTAL AREA '0> '>9 / '>> , }y, 0$4,. 90 "S' "0" ~ ... (:>9 kt--/ -1t / e~ . 'SO'/ ," ~ .~)~.. Q o '>' " '0> '>. Sou. '(,(:v 4>90 ~ "". .~ SCHOOL DISTRICT FIRE' DISTRICT GAEENPORT 31 N.Y.S. LIe. NO_ 496/8 Pc': .!'~ ~'~-'r..r,.1~~ '</1 :~J "":,,:~~.,,, '\~ I' ':, ~.,::-j~':'J;C~;':;:':~&~~~!:q~~~r~ ~': L.:.l ~:~ '.;.'/ l::a H''')'r.rk.Cfal_.,Land f'i, ,.1,u:x:<r.hn.. - " a ENGINEERS ,Po C. 1/971 . 6250 . 4688 10938 SO,Fr, 5O,FT SO,FT . \ ~ KEY MAP PROPOSED SET OFF FOR GU I DO a ANNA CIACIA AT ARSHAMOMOQUE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY. N. y, 1000 - 053 - 02 SCALE 1".30' MAY, 14,1987 20 CERTIFIED TO ; SOUTHOLD SAVINGS SA NK PECONIC ABSTRACT INC. GUIDO CIACIA ANNA CIACIA LOT NUMSERS REFER TO; "AMENDED MAP 'A' OF PECONrc BAY ESTATES~ FILED MAY /9,1933 IN THE OFFICE OF THE SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK AS MAP NO. IIZ" AND "MAP OF WICKHAM PARK LOTS" FILED SEPT. Z8, 1'327 87 - 384 14-1fr"4 (9/84) , fl tff~ . NEW YORK STATE DEfARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF RECULATORY AFFAIRS . PROJECT I.D. NUMBER State Environmental Quality Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART I Project Information (To be completed by Applicant or Project sponsor) 1. Applicant/sponsor J. Kevin McLaughlin 12. Project Name Set-off for Guido & Anna Ciacia 3. Project location: Municipality Town of Southold . County Suffolk ... Is proposed action: o New 0 Expansion ~ Modification/alteration s. Dm"b. pmj." b".flv, Set-off of existing work-shop from single-family residence prusuant to propoied set-off map Q. Precise location (road intersections, prominent landmarks, etC. or provide map) Corner of Main Road, (N.Y.S. Route 25) with Kerwin Boulevard, Arshamomaque, Town of Southold, New York 7. Amount of land affected: Initi.lly 7812.5 sqftXt:<i>, Ultim."ly 7812.5 sqft ,j{oKs 8. Wilt proposed action comply with existing zoning or other eXisting land use restrictionsl DYes 0 No If No, describe briefly 9. What is pre~ent land use in vicinity of projectl o Residential 0 Industrial [lg Commercial 0 Agriculture Dm"b" mixed residential and commercial o P.trklandfopen space o Other 10. Does action involve a permit/approval. or funding. now or ultimately. from any other gOlleromental agency (Federal. state or 10(.11)/ ~ Yes 0 No If yes. list agency(s) and permit/approvals variance for sub-standard lots from Southold Town Board of Appeals 11. Does any aspect of the action have a currently valid permit or approvall o Yes IX} No If yes, list agency name and permit/approval type 12. As re~ult of proposed action will existing permit/approval require modificationl o Vos 129 No . AppJicantlsponsor I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVID~b ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWlEDGE / if .~I.~) n.me'r' ;'/~~v~hi M!C(L~/lifl~i '--/ ; It \~- L )---=--iJ,lX''-- . i J/ I' I;' / \ I ; , Date: 7/8/87 Sir:nature: / 11 the action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding wjth this assessment -... I _ OVER ", ..J ~ .' . . . . . . 'l> APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF PLAT To the Planning Board of the Town of Southold: The undersigned applicant hereby applies for -{!etltftt;.,e}- (final) approval of a subdivision plat in accordance with Article 16 of the Town Law and the Rules and Regulations of the Southold TowlI Planning Board, and represents alld states as follows: I. The applicant is the owner of record of the land under application. (If the applicant is not the owner of record of the land under application, the applicant shall state his interest in said land under application.) 2. The name of the subdivision is to be Anna Ciacia Set-Off of Guido Ciacia and .................................................... ................................................................................................ 3. The entire land under application is described in Schedule "A" hereto annexed. (Copy of deed suggested.) 4. The land is held by the applicant under deeds recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's office as follows: Liber .... ?-.n~ . .. .. .. ... .... Page .......Q 9. . .. .. .. . .... On March 16, 1943 . ........................, Liber 2689 Page Page Page Page 93 On March 27, 1947 ........................, ........................ Liber ........................ On ........................, Liber ........................ ...................... On ........................, Liber ........................ On ......................... as devised under the Last Will and Testamellt of ........................................ or as distributee ........................................................................ ..............................................................................................., 5. The area of the land is .. .~~.'. ~.~?..:;;~. Misx 6. All taxes which are liens on the land at the date hereof have been paid cl<<t~ ................................................................................................ 7. The land is encumbered by ...... .r!'? . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mortgage (s) :l(~~*lj:~ (a) Mortgage recorded in Liber ............ Page.................... in original amount of $. .. . . " . . .. .. ... unpaid amount $. .. . . .. .. . . . . ... held by .......................... . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. .. .. ... address ...................................................... (b) Mortgage recorded in Liber ............ Page ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. in original amount of $. . . .. " . . . . .. ... unpaid amount $. . . . . . . .. . . . . . " held by ........................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. address ...................................................... ,0 . . , . , ~ ~ (c) Mortgage recorded in Libet ............ Page.................... in original amount of $. . . . . . . . . .. . . ... unpaid amount $. . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. held by ........................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . address ...................................................... 8. There are no other encumbrances or liens against the lanel %XOf}ltK. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ......................................................................................... 9. The land lies in the following zoning use districts ...................................... ......................................................................................... 10. No part of the land lies under water whether tide water, stream, pond water or otherwise,xmtK x~ ................................................................................... 11. The applicant shall at his expense install all required public improvements. 12. The land, (does) (~~~ lie in a Water District or ,Vater Supply District. Name of Dis- trict, if within a District, is ... .q~.~EC~l?o.rt.. W:at.e:r. .1?~.s~.JC~c:~........................ 13. Water mains will be laid by ..... (<l;~r:'7~.dy:. ins.t':pe.d1............................ . and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said mains. 14. Electric lines and standards will be installed by .... ,(a;L.:t:e.ac?-y'. ~.l!~.t<:,-.~le.d).......... .................................... and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said lines. IS. Gas mains will be installed by ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N/ I:>. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing saiel mains. 16. If streets shown on the plat are claimed by the applicant to be existing public streets In the Suffolk County Highway system, annex Schedule "B" hereto, to show same. 17. If streets shown on the plat are claimed by the applicant to be existing public streets In the TO\vn of Southold Highway system, annex Schedule "e" hereto to show same. 18. There are no existing buildings or structures on the land which are not located and shown on the plat. 19. Where the plat shows proposed streets which are extensions of streets on adjoining sub- division maps heretofore filed, there are no reseryc strips at the end of the streets on sai(l existing maps at their conjunctions with the proposed streets. 20. In the course of these proceedings, the applicant will offer proof of title as required by Sec. 335 of the Real Property Law. 21. Submit a copy of proposed deed for lots showing all restrictions, covenants, etc. Annex Schedule "D". . . . .. 22. The applicant estimates that the cost of grading and required public improvements will he $. . . .. . . ... as itemized in Schedule wE" hereto annexed and requests that the maturity of the Performance Bond be fixed at ........ . . .. years. The Performance Bond will be written by a licensed surety company unless otherwise shown on Schedule "F". N / A DATE J ~(s '1 q q q q, JOq 87 ('i;~:~1;:":';I"n;lNAS!~~(" / /1 , 'L- '- l\ ""--:-,.. Y( . '---. By."'-. ....f._ .-\......,,(...:-:'....,., ./......,'.. .j....... _,. (CSignaf1re and Title)Attorney a~~i Agent .~?8.J:r;op~. .~~:r;~.,,:~!.. ~Cf. .J??~. .~~~.(. .~~.~enport, (Address) New York 11944 STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ...... ..~P.E:f.q~~ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .., ss: On the.. ..g:f!::...... day of .. ~x:........., 19..~?.., before me personally came ..J.-.. +<.E!Y.J;J:l. .!:1".J;.f\.l!<?R~;r,~. .... . . .. . . . . . .. t~jme known to be the individual described in and wh" executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that ..... J:l.~ . . . . .. executed the same. LAURIE E. GRAEB y':C (; NolMyPublic.St8t8ofN_Y~... ve7.(.4'(((t;cc..,c(.. ./...;.r-.'.t.., .1.'"00....... No. 4821818. Suffolk Cou3O,nty, x,' otary Publi;; Term EIcpiIM Sept8mber 1888 STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ............................5S: On the .................. day .............. of . . . . . . . . . ., 19. . . . . ., before me personally came . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to me known, who being by me duly s\Vorn did de~ pose and say that. " .. " . . ... resides at No. .................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . that .......................... is the .......... ................ of ............................................................................ the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that ............ knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed by order of the board of directors of said corp or- ation, and that ............ signed ............ name thereto by like order. :\ otary Public ................................................ _J----'~'ORM 547.\ N. Y. BOND AND8RTGAGE. FOLL COVENANT A..."fD LIEN TUTBLANX RE.G'STE.H(O U ~ r-"TOff'CE . ;L~;:,~:,lfJ4~, C~a~;e~88 lltutory Form MN) . TUlfleLawPrmfPubh511t!r5 Hul/aod.YI 'JWJ~i~~mWrL!g~t~ Made the twenty-third dayof JWle Nineteen H u-ndred and forty-nine 18t&ttna . GUIDO CIACIA and ANNA CIACIA, his wife, residing on the Main Road, at Greenport, Town of Southold, Suffolk COWlty, New York, the mortgagor ,and WILLIN~ L. GAFFGA residing on the south side of South Street in the Village of Greenport, Town of Southold, Suffolk COWlty, New York, 7.i7jtr:,s.M>4\"'?.ci'ttl.. That ~mlUr~ I~ the mortgagor s ,do the mortgagee hereby acknowledte themselves to be indebted to the mortl!al!ee in the sum of 'rwen ty-three hWl<u>ed- ------- ----- - ---- -- --- ---- ------- -- ------- Dollars, (12300.00 ) lawful money of the United States, which the mortl!al!or s do hereby al!ree and bind themselves to pay to the mort!!agee I , on the 23rd day of JWle 1954, together with interest at and after the rate of five (5) per centum 'per iinnum, payable on the 1st day of January 1950 and semi-annually thereafter. The mortgagors and ,obligors further agree to pay the sum of Fifty (i~50) Dollars on accoWlt of the principal indebtedness on oach interest date, the first of such payments to be made on January 1st 1950. to secure ,the payment of which the mortl!al!or s hereby mortl!age to the I mortl!agee the followinG described real property:- Pl,,-,'1CEL NO. 1'- ALL that certain lot, piece or parcel of lund, with the buildings and imp~'ovements ther>epn erected, situate, lyinc; and being, in the Town of Southold, COWlty of Suffolk and State of New York, knovm and designated on a certain Map entitled "Uap of' Wickham Park Lots" ovmed by the Westfield City Realty Corporation, located at Arshamomoqle, Town of Southold, CotmtJ~ of Suffollc, NeVI York, surveyed July 13, 1927, by Otto Van Tuyl, Engineer and Surveyor, of Greenpor>t, HoVl Yorlc, and filed in the office of the Cler>k of the COWlty of Suffolk, September 28, 1927, beins Lot #178, being fifty (50) feet front and one hWldred twenty-five (125) feet in depth, as laid down on said Map. BEIllG AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed by Guido Ciacia to Guido Ciaeia and Anna Ciacia, his wife, by Deed dated March 12th 1943 an recorded in'the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on March 16th 1943 in iLiacI' 2277 of Deeds at Page 90. .~ ,.----:; ~:::;:.~;:.--. I . PAHCEL NO.2 - ALL that tract, the TOWll of 30uthold, County of and described as follows:- piece or Suffolk, . ~iOL 1(j{j~ ~,\,Gt 109 parcel of land situatea in State of New YOrlc, bounued Southwesterly by a roadway knovm as I~erwin Boulevard, sixty-two and flve;-tenths (62.5) feet, more or less; northwesterly by Lots Nos. 178, and 179, seventy-five (75) feet, more or less; northeasterly " by pa~t of the same lot, Lot No. 177, sixty-two and five-tenths (62.5) eet, more or less; southerly by Lot No. 176, seventy-five (75) feet, nre n..... 1 ~9 Q -~ 1=t~t!1S +:1:~ ~!")"l+-h'~rC>Q-~<;r~:r ^~('\-~r.li' (1/2) of' the Lot kno1im nd desiGnated as Lot No. 177 on a map entitled "Amended Map A, Peconic ay Estates, situate at Arshamomoque, Town of Southold, New Yorlc," made by Otto W. Van Tuyl, May 12, 1933, and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on May 19, 1933, under Map No. 1124. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the sallle premises conveyed by Raymond Ciacia to the mortgaGors by Deed dated February 14th 1947 and recorded in The Suffolk County Clerk's Office on March 27th 1947 in Libel'- 2689 of Deeds at Page 93. " . .. . LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 45 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that after a public hearing held pursuant to the requirements of law, the BUilding Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Map) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New .York, was duly amended at a regular meeting of the Southold Town Board held on August 16, 1961, as follows: 1. By amending the Southold Town Building Zone Ordinance as follows: I. By amending Article III, Section 300, by adding thereto a new paragraph, to be paragraph 6E, to read as follows: 6B--Cemeteries and the necessary incidental structures when approved as a special exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided. 2. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District the following described property: All that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Greenport, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point formed by the inter- section of the northerly line of Kerwin Boulevard and the easterly line of the Main (state) Road, o running thence N.30 24'20"E. along said easterly line of Main Road 50 feet to land now or formerly' of Mann, thence easterly along said land now or - ~. . Page 2 - Legal Notice f6rmerly of Mann S.59035'4"0"E. 125 feet to a pointl thence northerly along said land now or formerly of Mann N.30024'20''E. 25 feet to a point: thence easterly along said land now or formerly of Mann S.59035'40"E. 62.50 feet to a pointl thence northerly o along said land now or formerly of Mann N.30 24'20"E. 75.00 feet to a pointl thence easterly along said land now or formerly of Mann S.59035'40"E. 62.50 feet to the westerly line of a private road, "Lawrence Lane"l thence southerly along said westerly line of said "Lawrence Lane" S.30024'20''W. 150 feet to northerly line of Kerwin Boulevardl thence westerly along said northerly line of Kerwin Boulevard N.59035'40"W. 250 feet to the easterly line of the Main Road at the point or place of beginning. DATED: August 16, 1961. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TO~"N BOARD ALBERT W. RICHMOND TOWN CLERIC * * * PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, AUGUST 25, 1961, AND FORWARD FIVE (5) AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION '1'0 THE TOWN CLERK, MAIN ROAD. SOt.l'l'HOLD, NEVi YORK. --