HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-52.-3-15 ~ ' ~Southold Town Planner-~ Board --tl- ~' October 26t 1970 (There was no response.) VICE-CHAIRMAN: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak in favor of this subdivision? R~:G. TERR¥~ESQ~: Yes.~ my name is Rennselaer G. Terry.~ ~ttorney appearing on behalf of Valentine Ruth. We request approval of this subdiVision map by this Board as approved by the County Board of Health. HENRY RAYNOR: It says here on the map that ingress and egress for lots 1,2®3~4, & 16 shall be restricted~to the interior street system. What will stop the owners of these lots from~cutting a driveway through off CE 27? HOHARD TERRY: The State Highway Dept, would not give them a permit. THE CHAIRMAN: This subdivision h~s been discussed many times by this Board and it now meets all of our requirements. I will offer a resolution that this subdivision map be approved~as .submitted with the approval of the Health Dept,~ dated September 25~ 1970. An officer of this Board shall be empowered to sign the map upon receipt of notice from the ToWn Board that they have accepted the bond. On motion by Mr. Wickham, seconded by Mr. Raynor~ it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board grant final approval to the subdivision to be known as "Shorecrest"~ owned by Valentine Ruch, located at south side CR 27t. Greenport~New subject to receipt of nO. tice from the Town Board that they have accepted the bond. This motion shall include authorization fD~mtheChairman to sign map upon receipt of notice from the Town Board. Vote of the Board: Ayes:--Messrs: Wickham~. Moisa, Raynor~ Grebe. The PlanningBoard was presented with fiRal maps for the minor subdivision of Southold Developmen~ Corp~ property located at south side of North Road to Bayview~ Southo~d~ New York. The map showed 3 lots containing from 22~800 to 23,000 sq. ~t, of area~ a 50 ft. right-of-way~ a rsserved section at the westerly end of labeled "Southold Development Corp."~ bezng ~ne area on wn~un u~=3 could not secure good water. The Chairman questioned the reserved area on the westerly end of the property. Mr. Smith stated that it was part of Oakwood Development~3 he did not give them rights to it, but he told themhe had property on which they could put a boat. pHONE: PARK 7-4700 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE · ~,r. ~enry Claussen ,'~ou%hold Planning Board $outhold ~3oard of ,~ssessors Owner: Valen%ine F. uch, ~¥ ,iCness Da%e: 5/17/71 Tax Ctf. To Whom This May Concern: No. 7~-71 The Subdivision Map of: S {Ok~Ci~LS~ Was Piled, &/6/?l~ll :llA.M. Pile Number, Abstract Number, 6771 Township, 5outhold Book, Page, Very truly yours, County Clerk Map Department Form 49 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ROBERTJ. GAFFNEY SUFFOLK county EXECUTIVE ARTHUR H. KUNZ DIRECTOR OF PLANNING File #92-4.21 July 22, 1992 David Fishbein, Director Suffolk County Division of Real Estate Department of Law 395 Oser Avenue Hauppauge, New York 11788 Dear Mr. Fishbein: I am writing in response to correspondence from Edward J. Powers dated July 1, 1992 regarding the disposition of tax lien parcels. My staff has reviewed the following parcels and there is no objection, for environmental or floodplain management reasons, to their sale at auction. 0200-382.00-03.00-007.000 0200-658.00-01.00-016.000 The following parcels should be offered to an adjacent owner or transferred to the Department of Public Works to be added to the Right-of-Way of the County Road. Under no circumstances should these minute parcels be sold at auction. Due to their size and location, they are unbuildable and of no value to any other party. In the event that they are sold at auction these lots will invariably return to us again at a continued cost to the County. It is felt that these parcels should be discontinued as a liability to Suffolk County by either offering them at no cost to the adjacent owners who would otherwise not pay for them, or they should be transferred to the Department of Public Works as a buffer such that they be erased from the tax map book and that the County of Suffolk may discontinue paying property taxes for them. H. LEE DENNISON BUILDiN(~ HAUPPAUGE. NEI SOUTHOLD File #92-4.21 -2- July 22, 1992 Admittedly the tax savings to the County would only amount to about $100 per year, but the paper shuffle, following these two worthless parcels, will end. This is the third time this department has made this exact recommendation on these two parcels. 0200-389.00-01.00-019.000 0200-389.00-02.00-018.000 The following parcel is an actual right of way serving 19 residences and also includes a parcel reserved for a playground. It is felt that this property and road right-of-way should be offered to the Town of Southold as it serves a public need which should have local control. Please refer to the original filed map #5584. 1000-052.00-03.00-036.001 AK/PRIsm File #92-4.21 cc: L. Fischer P. Herman W. Thompson P. Haner Robert Sgroi Valerie Scopaz, File Enc. (Map) Director Southold Town Planning 1. DOMIHIC J. FiJCiT,~.L~I, Title Searcher, resi ~4AR .! ~ ;994 Cardinal Drive, 5iattituck, Hew York 11952 and the Shorecrest a.t arshamomoque association, inc., owner, havinK its principal J')l $'9/~/e 7' t c.c,c place of business at 590 bayberry Lane, Southold, Hew York 11971 certifies to the Town of Southold and to the County of Suffolk that Dominic J. Piscitelli has searched the title to the orem- ises hereto annexed which constitutes oremises as shown as the ooutherlv Fortion of Wild Cherry ~ay and also the area knowu as Reserved for tark an~ ~l~yground as shown on a certain ~ap en- titled map of ohorecrest at Arshamomoque, filed on Aoril 6, lO71 as map F5584 herein described and about to be abandoned in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk from a date 20 years orior to the date hereof and find title hereto pursuant to subdivision 3 of section ~35 of the Heal rroperty Law, for the ourpose of abandoning and cancelling ore~ises as shown herein. 2, Oubject to such mortgages, liens, taxes and assessments as appear in the annexed schedule all of which are part of this cer- tificate, this certificate is made and accepted wit~ the under- standing and approval of the owner of record and is limited to i2 .No. ~/suc_h interest in fee or easement as mey be acquired by the County of Suffolk or its subdivisions for street purposes and for any un- paid taxes and assessments during the period covered above. at DOi~iNIC J.',~ PI~GITELLI Sworn to before me this,i_TJ~ Ivl~' I /~'d~? __, l~ew York. 1994 '/3/Alt that lyinE and being at Arshamomoque, DESCRIPTION certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York and designated as the "Southerly portion of Wild CheRry Way" and the area shown as "Reserved for Park and Playground" as shown and designated on a certain map entitled, ~ap of Shorecrest at Arshamomoque filed in the Suffolk Couty Clerk's office on April 6, 1971 as map number 5584 bounded and described as follows, Oeginning at a point on the northeasterly corner of premises herein described, said point of beginning being the following 3 courses and distances from a ~oint in the southerly side of Middle Road (C.R.27) formerly north) where the same is intersected by the westerly line of land now or formerly of Peter ~. Papantoniou. Said point in the said southerly side of ~iddle Road is distant 1623.80 feet more or less westerly from the corner formed by the in- tersection of the southerly side of Middle Road with the westerly side of Albertson Lane. l) Along the land now or formerly of Peter ~. Papantoniou, south 14 degrees 25 minutes O0 seconds east 175 feet. Still along the said land of Peter ~. Papantoniou, north 75 degrees 35 min- utes O0 seconds east 125 feet to land now or formerly of Daly. Along land now or formerly of Daly and alone land now or formerly of B. Schwartz south 14 degrees 25 minutes O0 seconds east 740 feet to the point or place of beginning. hunning thence from said point of be- ginning south 14 degrees 25 minutes O0 seconds east 16~.23 feet to land now or formerly of'Cassidy. Thence along land now or formerly of Cassidy ~outh 73 degrees O3 minutes 20 seconds west 143.72 feet to land of ~utkowski. Thence along land now or formerly of ~utkowski south 67 degrees 14 minutes / · ~3. DESCRiPTiuN (Contld) ~ 3) (Cont'd) 00 seconds west 55.90 feet ~ erly line of Wild Cherry Way, the ing 3 courses and distances to the west- follow- North 14 degrees 52 minutes 00 sec- onds west 35.03 feet. b) iiorth 56 degrees 45 minutes 20 seconds west 60 feet to the south- erly line of lot l0 on said map thence along said line c) horth 33 degrees 14 minuZes 40 sec- onds east 78.04 feet thence across Wild Cherry Way in a northeasterly direction to a point in the east- erly line of said Wild Cherry Way and also being the southerly cor- ner of lot 9. Thence along the southerly line of lot 9 - north 75 degrees 35 min- utes 00 seconds 143.22 feet f~o the point or place of beginning~ That tha~ portion of Wz~d Che~y Way herein described and the park and playground area are neither open. nor maintained, nor dedicated to the Town.of ~outhold, nor used, nor necessary for the use of the owners. 5. The the premises as described are H~RED~ ABANV0NED ~t~D oAito~L~v ~'~C'flV~ WiTh DU~ APPROVAL AND R~COHDIING ttJZ, FJ~uF and shall no longer exist. 6. That the premises herein has an area of equivalence of that of two or more contiguous lots or an area of not less than one-half acre. 7. That endorsed herein is the aporoval of the assessor of the Board of Assessor of the Town of ~outhold. That submitted herewith is of land to be abandoned covering an abstract of title a period of ~t least of said tract twenty (20) years last past and the abstract of Dominic J. Piscitelli to the effect that there are no unpaid tax liens against said lands and further the abandonment of said premises shall be approved by the County Clerk of Suffolk at the time of recordinq hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this certificate this L~ day of ~C~ ,1994. is made and executed Title Searcher Janine .M. Holder --' President Shorecrest at Arshamomoque Association, Inc. ~/STAT~: OF Ii,':W YOR~) SS: On ~he day of Lq / ~ ~/%1 1994, before me per- sonally came omlnlc J. lsclmel~l to me known, who being by me duly sworn did depose and say that he is the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same.. GOul~'~'~ OF ~UFFOLK) On the tT~ day of sonally came Janine i'd. Holder to me known, who being by me 1994, before me per- duly sworn did depose and say that she resides at Hempstead, New York and that she is the president of said corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument and that she signed her name thereto by order of the board of directors of porat~on. ~ . Notary Public, State of New York No 492t 100. Qualified in SuffoL. ~,OUl'~ty $ ~ Commission Expires May 31, I aLL said car- d'anine Holder, President Shorecrest at Arshamomoque Association, Inc. State ~f New York County of Suffolk Onthe -'~ day of~V%dvc~ 1994 before me personally came ~'~C~.-~-~-u__O~ee3~-~-~ ~v , to me known who being by me duly s%~orndid depose and say that he is the Assessor of the Town of Southold and he has reviewed and approved the Certificate of Abandonment attached hereto for a portion of the s Jreet known as Wild Cherry Way and the area known as Park and Playground C~IRE L Nota~ Poblic, Stat~ of New York No. 4879~05. Qualified in Suffolk County CommiSsion Expkes December 8, 19 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING 'COUNTY'OF SUFFC ROBERT J. GAFFNEY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE ARTHUR H. KUNZ DIRECTOR OF PLANNING File #92-4.21 July 22, 1'992 David Fishbein, Director Suffolk County Division of Real Estate Department of Law 395 Oser Avenue Hauppauge, New York 11788 Dear Mr. Fishbein: I am writing in response to correspondence from Edward J. Powers dated July 1, 1992 regarding the disposition of tax lien parcels. My staff has reviewed the following parcels and there is no objection, for environmental or floodplain management reasons, to their sale at auction. 0200-382.00-03.00-007.000 0200-658.00-01.00-016.000 The following parcels should be offered to an adjacent owner or transferred to the Department of Public Works to be added to the Right-of-Way of the County Road. Under no circumstances should these minute parcels be sold at auction. Due to their size and location, they are unbuildable and of no value to any other party. In the event that they are sold at auction these lots will invariably return to us again at a continued cost to the County. It is felt that these parcels should be discontinued as a liability to Suffolk County by either offering them at no cost to the adjacent owners who would otherwise not pay for them, or they should be transferred to the Department of Public Works as a buffer such that they be erased from the tax map book and that the County of Suffolk may discontinue paying property taxes for them. H LEE DENNISON BUILDING · VETERANS MEt%lORIAL HIGHWAy · HAUPPAUGE, NE File #92-4.21' -2- July 22, 1992 Admittedly the tax savings to the County would only amount to about $100 per year, but the paper shuffle, following these two worthless parcels, will end. This is the third time this department has made this exact recommendation on these two parcels. 0200-389.00-01.00-019.000 0200-389.00-02.00-018.000 The following parcel is an actual right of way serving 19 residences and also includes a parcel reserved for a playground. It is felt that this property and road right-of-way should be offered to the Town of Southold as it serves a public need which should have local control. Please refer to the original filed map #5584. 1000-052.00-03.00-036.001 AK/RR/sm File #92-4.21 cc: L. Fischer P. Herman W. Thompson P. Haner Robert Sgroi Valerie Scopaz, File Eric. (IS. ap) Director Southold Town Planning OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER DECEMBER 22, 1994 Mr. Raymond L. Jacobs Superintendent - Southo]d Town Peconic Lane, P.O. Box 178 Peconic, New York 11958 Highway Re: SHORECREST · ARSHAMOMOQUE Subdivision Reconstruction & Restoration SCTM # 1000 - 52 - 03 - 36.1 Dear Ray: As per your request, I have conducted a final inspection of the above referenced project. All of the items listed within the specifications dated August 9, 1994 have been completed in a satisfactory manner. If you have any questions concerning this project, please contact my office. CC: Richard G. Ward (Chairman - Planning Board) rely, ,,/ ~/~mes A.~RiC'~ter, R.A. lNG BOARD TO: FROM: RE: DATE: FILE Melissa Spiro, Planner Shorecrest Subdivision SCTM# 1000-52-3-(15-34) and May 16, 1994 36.1 James Richter, Engineering Inspector, brought to my attention the fact that there is an existing recharge basin between Lots 2 and 3 of the above mentioned subdivision. He has reviewed this with Ray Jacobs, Highway Superintendent, and they have determined that this recharge area is an integral part of the road layout, and should be included with the road area to be dedicated to the Town. I discussed the above with Dominic Piscitelli. He advised me that he had asked Roderick Van Tuyl to prepare maps of the road area being offered for dedication to the Town, and that the recharge area was included in this area. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Richard G. Ward, Chairman George Ritchie Latham, Jr. Bennett Oriowski, Jr. Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold, NewYork 11971 Fax (516) 765-3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 19, 1994 Dominic Piscitelli 400 Cardinal Drive P.O. Box 665 Mattituck, New York 11952 RE: Shorecrest Subdivision S/S Middle Road; 1623 feet west of Albertson Lane, Southold SCTM9 1000-52-3-(15-34) and 36.1 Dear Mr. Piscitelli: As you know, a meeting was held on March 25, 1994 to discuss the issues pertaining to dedicating the roads within the Shorecrest Subdivision to the Town. Subsequently, the Planning Board received from you a copy of the Certificate of Abandonment for part of Shorecrest which had been filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's office on March 14, 1994. This Certificate has been reviewed by the Planning Board, the Highway Superintendent and the Engineering Inspector. Please note the following: The Certificate of Abandonment includes part of the southerly portion of Wild Cherry Way. This area is part of the overall drainage and road construction plan for the Shorecrest subdivision and drainage structures are located within this area. If the roads within the Shorecrest subdivision are offered for dedication to the Town, the Highway Superintendent is not in favor of accepting the offer without the inclusion of the southerly portion of Wild Cherry Way that was abandoned. The Certificate of Abandonment also includes land reserved for park and playground purposes for the Shorecrest subdivision. This land is to be used for park and playground purposes only. It is not considered by the Town to be a buildable lot. Shorecrest Subdivision April 19, 1994 Page 2 As you know, this Certificate of Abandonment does not facilitate the dedication of the road. Please refer to Section A108-50 of the Town Highway Specifications for the procedure to be followed when offering a road for dedication to the Town. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding the above. Sincerely, Melissa Spiro Planner CC: Thomas Wickham, Town Supervisor Thomas Fisher, Senior Building Inspector Scott Russell, Chairman, Board of Assessors Raymond Jacobs, Highway Superintendent James Richter, Engineering Inspector Shorecrest at Arshamomoque Assoc. Inc. I FIL ; ~IVi~iO~ OR PART T~R~OF PURSUAHT TO oU~iVI~iON 3 UR SECTION 335 OF T~iE P~A~ ~RO~RTY LAW OF THE STATE OOl~IINIC J. PiSCITmLLI, Title Oearcher, resi EDWN'~D F, R {3EI~ OF SUfFOLX Cardinal Oriwe, ~attituck, hew York 11952 and the ShorecresZ at Arshamomoque Association, lnc., owner, havinM its principal place of business at 590 Dayberry Lane, Southold, New York 11971 certifies to the Town of oouthold and to the County of Suffolk that Dominic J. Piscitelli has searched the title to the prem- ises hereto annexed which constitutes premises as shown as the Ooutherly Portion of Wild Cherry Way and also the area known as k~served for Park and Playground as shown on a certain ~ap en- titled ~ap of ohorecrest at Arshamomoque, filed on April 6, 1071 as map F5584 here~n described and about to be abandoned in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk fro~ a date 20 years prior to the date hereof and find title hereto pursuant to subdivision 3 of section 335 of the Real froperty Law, for the purpose of abandoning and cancelling ore:~ises as shown herein. lC, AR 3 0 L 9,4 IIXITH4XO TOWN 7 Iq.kNNING BOARD Lng at ~00 2, Oubject to such mortgages, liens, taxes and assessments as appear in the annexed schedule all of which are part of this cer- tificate, this certificate is made and accepted with the under- standing and approval of the owner of record and is limited to such interest in fee or easement as mey be acquired by the County of Suffolk or its subdivisions for street purposes and for any un- paid taxes and assessments during the period cowered abowe. at Sworn to before me this ~ /~I ~"~'~'I_/~f~ .., New York. DESCRIPTION 3. All that certain plot, piece or oarcel of land, situate lying and being at Arshamomoque, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York and designated as the "Southerly portion of Wild Che~ry y and the area shown as "Reserved for Park and laygroun~ as shown and designated on a certain map entitled, i~ap of Shorecrest at Arshamomoque filed in the Suffolk Gouty Clerk's office on April 6, 1971 as map number 5584 bounded and described as follows, beginning at a point on the northeasterly corner of premises herein described, said point of beginning being the following 3 courses and distances from a ~oint in the southerly side of Middle Road (C.R.27) formerly north) where the same is intersected by the westerly line of land now or formerly of Peter M. Papantoniou. Said point in the said southerly side of Middle Road is distant 1623.80 feet more or less westerly from the corner formed by the in- tersection of the southerly side of Middle Road with the westerly side of Albertson Lane. l) Along the land now or formerly of Peter ~. Papantoniou, south 14 degrees 25 minutes O0 seconds east 175 feet. Still along the said land of Peter M. Papantoniou, north 75 degrees 35 min- utes O0 seconds east 125 feet to'land now or formerly of Daly. Along land now or formerly of Daly and along land now or formerly of B. Schwartz south 14 degrees 25 minutes O0 seconds east 740 feet to the point or place of beginning. Running thence from said point of be- ginning south 14 degrees 25 minutes O0 seconds east 16~.23 feet to land now or formerly of Cassidy. Thence along land now or formerly of Cassidy South 73 degrees 03 minutes 20 seconds west 143.72 feet to land of ~utkowski. Thence along land now or formerly of ~utkowski south 67 degrees 14 minutes DESCRiPTio~ 3. (Cont'd) 3) (Cont'd) 00 seconds west 55.90 feet to the west- erly line of Wild Cherry Waysthe follow- ing 3 courses and distances, North 14 degrees 52 minutes 00 sec- onds west 35.03 feet. Rorth 56 degrees 45 minutes 20 seconds west $0 feet to the south- erly line of lot l0 on said map thence along said line c) Rorth 33 degrees 14 minutes 40 sec- onds east 78.04 feet thence across Wild Cherry Way in a northeasterly direction to a point in the east- erly line of said Wild Cherry Way and also being the southerly cor- ner of lot 9. Thence along the southerly line of lot 9 - north 75 degrees 35 min- utes O0 seconds 143.22 feet~ the point or place of beginning~ That tsar portion of lsd Uhea~y Way herein descrloed'' and the park and playground area are neither open, nor maintained, nor dedicated to the Town of ~outhold, nor used, nor necessary for the use of the owners. 5. The the premises as described are HER~Y ABAMDONED AiWD shall no longer exist. 6. That the premises herein has an area of equivalence of that of two or more contiguous lots or an area of not less than one-half acre. 7. That endorsed herein is the aDDroval of the assessor of the Board of Assessor of the Town of Kouthold. ~ That submitted herewith is an abstract of title of said tract of land to be abandoned coverin~ a Period of at least twenty (20) years last past and the abstract of Dominic J. Piscitelli to the effect that there are no unpaid tax liens against said lands and further the abandonment of said premises shall be approved by the County Clerk of Suffolk at the time of recordinq hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this certificate is made this L~ day of ~,1994. and executed Dominic J~/Piscitelll Title Searcher Janine M. Holder President Shorecrest at Arshamomoque Association, Inc. STATE OF Ii~W YORk) ESl OOURTY OF SUFFOLK) On the ~ day of sonally came Dominic J. ~?~ 199#, before me per- Piscitelli to me known, who being by me duly sworn did depose and say that he is the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same., ~.~ /) Dominic J~Piscitelli i~Ei. ANIE V. BROWN No~m"y Pul~., ~e ol Nellr y~ ~. 4~712 ss, OOU~'i'Y OF SUFFOLK) On the day of sonally came Janine ~l. Holder to me known, who being by me 1994, before me per- duly sworn did depose and say that she resides at Hempstead, New York and that she is the presidemt of said corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument and that she si~ned her name thereto by order of the board of directors of said cot- porat, ion. ~ / BARBARA FREE_T~I~ .. Notary Public, State of New York No 4921100. Qualified in Suffol,. ,.ounty $ Comm;sslon Expires May 31, i ~ danine ~. Holder, President Shorecrest st Arshamomoque Association, Inc. State ~f New York County of Suffolk Onthe -i~ day of~kovet~ 1994 before me personally came ~ ~c~7-~ , to me known who being by me duly sworndid depose and say that he is the Assessor of the Town of Southold and he has reviewed and approved the Certificate of Abandonment attached hereto for a portion of the ~street known as Wild Cherry Way and the area known as Park and Playground C~IRE L GLEW NotaW Public, State of New York Qualified in Suffolk Coun~ Commission Expires December 8, 19 7 THOMAS H. WICKHAM SUPER%qSOR OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: NOTE TO FILE FROM: TOM WICKHAM DATE: MARCH 25, 1994 RE: SHORECREST ACRES MEETING OF MARCH 25TH Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765 - 1800 Fax (516) 765 - 1823 Following a discussion among members of Shorecrest~Acres Association, the Town's Engineer and Planning Board officers and the Supervisors office, the following points of agreement were reached: 1) The bond was released in 1980 with the understanding that the road improvements were properly built, to the best information available at that time. 2) The Town would undertake all road maintenance if the roads were dedicated to the Town. Dedication procedures are outlined in section A108-50 of the Southold Town Code. 3) At this time improvements in the roads are needed to bring them up to the 1980 specifications such that the dedication could be accepted. The cost of doing this is approximately $50,000. 4) The Supervisor will seek support from the Highway Department in the following three ways, if it is the wish of the owners in the area to make these improvements. a) Engineering regarding impeded drainage. b) Securing construction contracts for the owners at Town prices. c) Use of Town equipment to connect a poorly functioning drain. 5) If the owners of property wish a district to be formed to finance improvements then the Town would assist in the steps necessary to achieve this, including bookeeping. HARVEY A. ARNOFF Town Attorney MA'FI'HEW G. KIERNAN Assistant Town Attorney OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCOWl' L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-t823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Scott L. Harris, Supervisor Town Board Members Raymond L. Jacobs, Superintendent of Highways James Richter, Engineer Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Planning Board Kiernan, Assistant Town Attorney Matthew G. September 29, 1992 Shorecrest at Arshamomoque Annexed hereto, please find a letter from Mr. Marinuccl, a resident of Shorecrest at Arshamomoque, looking to solve the communities problems of road repair and dedication. Kindly supply this office with any relevant thoughts, comments, suggestions, etc., you may have with regard to this matter. TOWN ATTORNEY'S OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Shorecrest at Arshamomoque Association, Inc. c/o Luigi Marinucci, Treasure 590 Bayberry Ln. R2 Southold, N.Y. 11971 September 1, 1992 Tel. (516) 765-5316 (718) 539-8435 (212) 239-7070 Mr. Matthew G. Kiernan, Esq. Assistant Town Attorney Town Hall Southold, N.Y. Dear Sir: On behalf of and with the approval and support of my entire community (Shorecrest), I am writing to you in your capacity as the Assistant Town Attorney and ask that you convey our problems (not of our making) and feelings to the respective town officials. If you recall, I paid you a brief visit on Aug. 14 1992 inquiring about certain procedures and also expressing my concern regarding our community at Shorecrest at Arshamomoque. You mentioned what you considered a si- milarity, the West Creek Community (I know some of the residents who live there). This would appear to be either a lack of information on your part or perhaps you assume we are not cognizant of the actual differ- ences. The West Creek Estates Community was.initiated as a private enter- prise. Shorecrest, instead, was always intended to be public, not private as the records show. The town officials have repeatedly said that in order to solve the prob- lems of road repair and dedication~ it should be worked out directly with them; but the fact that they refuse to tackle the problem from its root shows that they are unwilling to talk seriously, which should be based on the fact that the town erred in releasing the bonds without due process. You offer only lip service without substance and integrity-- we refuse to fade away. It was the previous administration that violated Town Zoning and Planning, Real Property Laws, and also the releasing of the street performance bond without due process of the law. Even if the present administration did not cause these acts of malfeasance against the residents of Shore- crest at Arshamomoque, they, nevertheless, are equally to blame for their indifference and stonewalling attitude. I personally have always thought and believed that right should ultimately prevail over wrong; here, un- fortunately, it is not the case and has become something ugly and dis- turbing in our lives. Let us get this ghost out-of the closet and deal with it. Let us stop this embarrassing legacy from being passed on to the next administration. Can anyone in this Town Hall rise above him or herself and do what has (2) to be done for the residents of Shorecrest at Arshamomoque? The search for truth and justice should be the duty Of all elected officials; they ought to be role models. The fate of our democracy hangs on what each of us do in our everyday lives. For us to be treated the way we have by the Town of Southold both in the past and at present is very disappointing. We feel it is an insult to our strong traditional family values. Some of our children are now grown up and ask us why the Town of Southold is doing this to us. I wish the Town Supervisor or one of the councilmen/women could give them an honest answer. I wish to know how the respected officials of this town would feel and react if their lives would have been touchea by this same experience. Do they not know that this form of psychological punishment has already inflicted a deep wound in each and everyone of us? Morality is also greatly involved in situations such as these. One cannot always follow orders, so to speak. God has given us a brain and a heart, too; in this case, they need to use both if they want to show to the residents of Shorecrest at Arshamomoque that the robes they wear are those of justice. Over the past fifteen years, Southold Town has collected from the residents and property owners of Shorecrest nearly one-quarter of a million dollars in real estate and property taxes, but not one dollar has been spent or appropriated for the repair and maintenance of the rapidly deteriorating roads at Shorecrest. Taxation without representa- tion is unfair, unjust, and most certainly un-American. Let us get together and have an honest and meaningful dialogue to resolve this problem. We can offer you a face saving solution. However, we will pursue this gross injustice and we are prepared to take whatever steps are necessary to gain a lawful resolution. We eagerly await your response. Thank you for your time. Encl: Lett. ~b Respectfully yours, Luigi Marinucci Shorecrest at Arshamomoque Association, Inc. c/o Luigi Marinucci, Treasurer 590 Bayberry Ln. R2 Southold, N.Y. 11971 September 1, 1992 Department of Law Division of Real Estate Suffolk County Hauppauge, N.Y. 11788 Attn: Mr. P. Fishbein, Director RE: Map of Shorecrest at Arshamomoque Filed April 6, 1971 - Map ~5584 (Tax Lot ~36) Town of Southold, County of Suffolk Dear Sir: This is a followup to letter, dated Aug. 17, 1992, regarding the neglect and the deterioration of streets in our community. Title to these streets was attached and transferred to Suffolk County because of non- payment of taxes by the developer. At the point of the termination of development, a number of questionable transactions and omissions occurred which appeared to breach applicable Town Zoning and Planning, Real Pro- perty laws, and also the releasing of the street performance bond with- out the "due process of the law". We are writing to you in your capacity as the director, Division of Real Estate of Suffolk. County and hope to find in you that special sense of justice, the justice which the Town of Southold has denied to the residents of Shorecrest. We would like you personally to peruse the enclosed letters, particularly that dated 6/29/90 by Dominic Piscitelli, Title Guarantee Closer, which relates in detail all the acts of malfeasance committed against us by the Town of Southold. I assume that you are an attorney, and if so, you will be able to see through the contents of the above cited letter. If you need more information that would involve legal matters, you may phone Mr. Pisciteili at (516) 298-8426. He is a wonderful human being and is ready to help. The Town of Southold has brought upon us these inhumane injustices and covered them up well. The Title of these roads must remain in the possession of your Department until the Town of Southold decides to take the roads as they should have done in the past. Nevertheless, we are always in favor of getting together ~¢ith the town officials and having an honest and meaningful dialogue to resolve this problem. Southold officials insist that this problem is a Town matter, but the fact that they deprived us of "Due process of law" for the past ten years shows that they really mean that this problem should continually remain covered up in this small town. Mr. Fishbein, we have confidence and trust in you, and hope that you too (2) will help to bring about an equitable solution to this ugly problem. This is one of those special cases which requires the use not only of one's head, but one's heart as well. Please do not treat this problem with indifference--to ignore it is to approve of the ugly way the Town of Southold is treating us, for they will have to bear the embarrassing' consequences that may arise as a result of this injustice. Thank you and God bless you. Respectfully yours, '- -,. c/o Luigi ~arinucci Encl: Lett. DP to Town of S. 6/29/90 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 12, 1989 Virginia Kalenderian 230-34 88 Ave. Queens Village New York, NY 11427 RE: Subdivision of Shorecrest SCTM #1000-52-3-21 Dear Ms. Kalenderian: Thank you for your letter of June 6, 1989 requesting information on the drains on both sides of Bayberry Lane and their connection to the recharge basin. In checking with the Superintendent of Highways, Raymond Jacobs, he informed us that the private drains are not connected ' to the recharge basin. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. CHAIRMAN RK/jt ~ HENRY E. BAYNOR. Jr..Chairm~ FREDERICK E GORDON JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOW8KI, J£. GEORGE RITCHIE LATBAM. Jr. Southold, N.Y. 11971 August 29, 1980 TELEPHONE 765- 1938 Richard Cron, Esq. Maln Road Cutchogue, New York 11935 Dear Mr. Cron: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held August 25, 1980. RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board release of the bond for the improvements in the subdivision known as Shorecrest at Southold, pursuant to inspection report #145 of John W. Davis, Planning Board Inspector, indicating all work called for in the bond estimate has been completed. I am enclosing copy of letter from the Superintendent of Highways agreeing with same. I have this day sent this information to the Town Board. Yours truly, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIR~N SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Enclosure By Muriel Tolman, Secretary HENRY E, RAYNOR, ,Ir.. Chairman FREDERICK E. GORDON JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI. J~. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM. Jr. 8outhold, N.Y. 11971 August 29, 1980 TELEPHONE 765- 1938 Supervisor William R. Pell III Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Dear Supervisor Pell: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held August 25, 1980. RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board release the bond for the improvements in the subdivision known as Shorecrest at Southold pursuant to inspection report #145 of John W. Davis, Planning Board Inspector, indicating all work called for in the bond estimate has been completed. of Yours truly, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TO~N PLANNING BOARD Copy to Town Board Members By Muriel Tolman, Secretary HENRY E. RAYNOR. Jr.. Cimirman JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI. Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, William F. Mullen, Jr. Southold, N.Y. 11971 TELEPHONE 765- 1938 June 25, 1981 Mr. Charles Grigonis, Jr., Chairman Southold Town Board of Appeals Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Grigonis: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held on June 22, 1981. DETERMINATION of Frank A. Battel appeal needs no further pro- cessing. Yours truly, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Linda Kimmins, Secretary RAYMOND C. DEAN Superintendent Tel. 765-3140 734-5211 August 27, 1980 Southold Town Planning Board $outhold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: Re: Shorecrest at Southold I reco~end the release of the bond for this subdivision. ruly yours, Sup ' t of Highways INSPECTION REPORT TO: FROM: Raymond C. Deanr Superintendent ~own Highway Department Southoldr New York 11971 John W. Davis NO. DATE: August 21, 1980 COMMENTS: SHORECREST at $OUTHOLD (Final Inspection) Reference is made to Re~ort No. 101 dated December 7, 1979 where it was noted that all work called for in this subdivision, with exception of weed growth along curb faces, had been satisfactorily completed. ?he weed growth at curb faces has been recently removed and roots treated with wee~ killer. ?he high grass and weed growth in the R.O.W. behin~ the curbs has been cut sufficiently. Pavement, curbs, grading and drainage installations including an adde~ recharge basin with fencing and nipe connected to road catch basins are still in goo4 condition. Based on the work called for in the bond estismte, I recommen~ release of the bond for this subdivision. C.C. Southold Town Planning Board C.C. Highway Committee C.C. L. M. Tu~hill, P.E. Southold. N.Y. 11971 HENRY E. RAYNOR. Jr., Cimirma~ FREDERICK E. GORDON JAMES WALL . BENNETT ORLOWSKI, Jr .GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, Jr. March 28, 1980 TELEPHONE 765- 1938 Richard Cron, Esq. Main Road Cutchogue, New York 11935 Dear Mr. Cron: Pursuant to conversation with the Town Attorney, the Southold Town Planning Board has taken the position that the filed subdivision map of "Shorecrest" is in effect as a valid subdivision. On the basis of this decision there is no reason to reapply for any subdivision of lots within ~his subdivision. Yours truly, HER/mt Copy to Building Inspector Board of Appeals HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLAiINING BOARD INSPECTION REPORT TO: Raymond C. Dean, Superintendent Town,Highway Department .... Southold, N~w York 11971 ...... DATE:~ec~mber 7: ]97~ FROM: John W. Davis ......... ' ....... '" . RE: '~HORECREST a~ SOU~OLD ~OMMENTS:. - Remaining work on this subdivision as of Sept. 9, 1979 (Report No. 79) consisted of completion of ~he recharge basin between lots Nos. 2 and 3, fencing for san~ and re- moval of weed growth Along curb lines. - Since. September the recharge basin and fencing has been satisfactorily cG~pleted. · ~le.'weed growth ~o date has ~ot been removed. The owner, ~$~ Ruch, ~ntends to have this work done within a £ew.wee~s.. Pilling. and grading Lots Nos. 2 an~ 3 adjacent t0 t~e recharge b~sin has been done ~ (See. Report No. 79). ~he mead work including pavement, curbs and drainage installations is 'in. good condition. When the pavement areas are cleared of weeds at curb lines~ all work will have been completed aud a final inspection can be made. C.C. Southold Plannin~ Board C.C. Highway Committee C.C. L. M. Tuthlll~ P.E. HENRY E. RAYNOR. Jr. , Ch/ri. FREDERICK E. GORDON JAMES WALL Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Southold, N.Y. 11971 July 5, 1979 TELEPHONE 765- 1938 Mrs. Valentine Ruch North Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mrs. Ruch: Section 277 of the Town Law states in part. "Such performance bond shall run for a term to be fixed by the planning board, but in no case for a longer term than three years, provided, however, that the term of such performance bond may be extended by the planning board with consent of the parties thereto." The time has expired with regard to your subdivision and as a result your passbook is in jeopardy of default with the Town of Southold. Please advise the Town Clerk and the Planning Board of your disposition of this problem. Yours truly, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD HER/mb Copies to Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Robert Tasker, Town Attorney James F. Homart, Deputy Supervisor INSPECTION REPORT TO: Ra~mond C. Dean, Super~ntenden~ ~ N~~ ?9 Tow~ Htshway Department DATE: September 7. 1979 Southold~ New York 11971 ...... FROM: John W. Davis ..... ' SHORECREST at SOUTHOLD (Completion'of Recharge Basin at Stoney Shore Drive) ~OMMENTS: Th~ subdivision owners have asked for an ~ccounting of remaining work to be done at the above Recharge Basin. Inspection of this uncompleted R.B. as left by a former contractor shows the following work to be done. 1. GRADING THE R.Bo BOTTOM TO PROPER ELEVATION, WOULD RECOMMEND TO ELEV. 2.0 WITH SAND BACKFILL. ~2. ~RADING THE T0P OF BERM TO ELE~. 9.0 AND BERM SIDE SLOPES AS NECESSARY~(INSIDE SLOPES TO BE 1 ON 1½) 3. COMPLETE ENTRANCE RAMP.' 4. INSTALL CHAIN LINK FENCE AND GATE IN ACCORDANCE WITH TOWN SPECIFICATIONS AT i ~T. . OFFSET FROM PROPERTY LINES (APPROXIMATELY 460 L.F.).~ 5. PROVIDE PAVED GUTTER (ASPHALT OR OTHERWISE) AT END OF PIPE CONNECTION FROM C.B.'S " TO BOTTOM OF R.B. The re%ommended size of the R.B. (letter of 9-3-74) in the additional drainage ar~a of 70 ft. by. 178 ft. was as follows; Recharge basin at Elev. 9.0 (same as road curb) to be 50 ft.-by 146 ft. with a lO~.wide berm at that elevation. I would agree with the recommendation. The present elevations of adjacent lots Nos. 2 and 3 are lower than ele~. 9.0, as much as 3 to 5 ft. The outside berm slopes as presently constructed are into these lots. ~lso, most of the R.B. excavation not Used for berms has been diSP0~ed of in Lot No. 3. I have discussed this .si{uation of berm slopes and disposal of excavation at Lots 2 and 3 with Mrs. Ruch (owner). She has no objections and intends to have these lots filled to curb grades. If necessary, she will give her consent .in writin~ to the planning Board in this matter. C.C. Southold Town Planning Board C.C. Highway Committee C.C. L.M. Tuthill, P.E. T( D Southold, N.Y. 11971 JOHN WICKHAM. Chairman TELEPHONE FRANK S. COYLE 765-1938 HENRY E. RAYNOR. ,Ir. FREDERICK E. GORDON ~L~/-4.~-~..~./ / ~/~. / ~ 7 ~ JAMES WALL ~ / Albert M. Martocchia, Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York Supervisor 11971 March 15, 1979 R[CEIVED rv!~R '~ ~ ~979 ~o~ TOMf Re: Shorecrest Subdivision at Southold {Recharse Basin) Dear Mr. Martocchia: Pursuant to the requirements of the Town, a great effort has been made to install a recharge basin at the Shorecrest Subdivision at Southold, New York. We are informed by the contractor, Everett Glover, that the work has been all completed with the exception of the installation of a fence. As to the latter, we had hoped that that would not be necessary. In any event, it is important to my client to have the bond heretofore deposited with respect to this subdivision released by the Town Board as quickly as possible. We would greatly appreciate if you would review this matter and advise as to when we might expect the bond to be released. Thanking you for your courtesies extended. / . Z.~ ..' -.,~/ ~c/jf TO: R,'~ymond C. Dean~ Superlntendent FROM: John W. Davis RE: COI,gqENTS: D'ate: D~cemh~r 28, i/f8 _ SHCRFL,{E), at $ou~hold. (Recharge Basin) I ~nspec±ed ~he recharge basin at the above subdivision today as reques~edo On ~ovember 3rd the excavation had not been completed (See' Report No. F6). Excavation is now 9~% complete, qlne bottom el.evaSion (O.00) is in s~nd, c]Jay ~a~eri~l found in prior excava- +ion is shove ~he hot+om. Con~rac+~or was told $o make ~he ~ssin at the top perimeter o~0 F+. wide by 1'66 Fi,. in length wish a 10 Ft. width berm at +be top el~evation. AI~o~ +o provide an entrsnce ramp and $o mak~ t~e side sloDes on 1 On 1~-. Contractor had questions on the Van Tyl stakeout of the R.B. ~s tim plan shows a right m]gle pipe connection in the'SiE, corner from exis.ting_C.B.~s in~,o the R.B. The C.B.'s. are, about 20 f~.. furth¢,r Cast in .the field. The pipe connection will have to be a_flgIed into the R.B. The s, ryey stakes are still existing and ~ see-no reason to doubt _them. eo ~a+,e no pipe connection from l~he C.B.'s has been made or any fence installed. C.C. Sou~hold ~o~ Ylanning Board C.C. "' _ L~goway Committee C.C. L.M. q~l~hill~ P.E. JAN 2 1979 ~Y $OUTI:OLD TOWN INSPECT]ON REPORT No. 'lO: R~ymond O. Dean~ Superintendent Town Highway Department Southoldl New York DATE: Novembar 3; 1978 FROM: John w. Davis RE: SHORECREST at Southold (Recharge Basin) CO~N TS: I inspected the recharge basin located between lots 2 and 3 at t~e above s~bdivision. ~he location had been staked out in conformance with sketch submitted by Van T~yl and recommendation by L. M. Tuthil!. ~xcavation has not been completed. Pipe connection from catchbasins 6n Stoney Shore Drive not placed. No fence h~s been installed~as ~eq~ired~ by the ~6wn'of SoutholdCode. Present excavation appears to be in clay (not down to Elev. O.00 as shown in sketch). Unless sand and gravel are found'in +he next few feet~ this basin wLll not be very efficient. C.C. Southold Town Planning Board C.C. Highway Committee C.C. L.M. Tathill, P.E. RECEIVED NOV 6 1978 BY SOUTHOLD TOWN OFFIr.~ RNEY TD~LD 42S MAIN ST. r-REENPFIRT, L. I., N.Y. 11cj44 May 3, 1976 TELEPHONE: Mr. John Wickham, Chairman of the Planning Board Hon. Louis M. Demarest, Town Highways Committee Member Hon. Martin Surer, Town Highways Committee Member Re: Valentine Rusch Dear Sirs: Richard Cron presently representing Valentine Rusch with respect to the subdivision on the south side of the County highway in Arshamomaque, would like to have a meet- ing between members of the Planning Board and the Highway Committee to the end that this matter can be resolved. The basic issue seems to be the construction of the highway into the subdivision. Accord- ing to my recollection, the highway was not constructed in accordance with the map and elevations approved by the Planning Board. There seems to be considerable disagree- ment as to the exact cause for the method in which the highway was built. I was always under the impression that the topographical maps were changed and/or the contractor deviated from the approved plan. Mr. Cron takes the position that the road is con- structed in conformance with the approved map. He is particularly interested to examine the original maps approved by the Plarmirig Board. It would seem to me that before such a meeting is held, a meeting should be held between the Highway Committee and the Planning Board members at which time the original plans can be examined to ascertain in fact whether there was a deviation. I will appreciate a prompt reply to this letter. Yours very truly, RWT :MY SHORECREST 5/16/74 5/2o/?4 5/21/74 8/ 9/?4 8/19/74 8/20/74 9/ 4/?4 8/26/74 9/11/74 9/16/74 9/16/74 9/20/74 10/10/74 lO/11/74 lO/16/74 10/16/74 10/30/74 10/31/74 11/18/74 11/22/74 12/ 2/74 5/ 5/75 8/11/75 8/25/75 10/ 6/75 5/lO/76 5/24/76 Received additional drainage plan from Van Tuyl Received additional maps Sent 3 copies to Supt. of Highways, i copy to Supervisor Supervisor called. Ruch wants list of exactly what has to be done. Young says different formula will only require 50 feet instead of 70 feet figured by Van Tuyl. Talked to John Wickham. He says show us computations and Planning Board will study it. Asked Larry Tuthill for recommendations. Tuthill brought in recommendation. Sent copies to Dean, Surer, Demarest and requested comments. Page 145 of minutes. Discussion with Tuthill. Talked with Dean, he will send letter. Received Dean's recommendation. Page 157 of minutes. Send recommendation to Ruch. Sent letters to Suter and Demarest asking for comments. Called Demarest, didn't return call. Called Demarest again. Demarest in - signed in agreement. Wrote letter to Ruch to go ahead. Rich in. He wants something from John Wickham re his now underwidth lots. Very abusive! Came in and apologized. Page 195 of minutes. Resolution approving recharge basin. Wrote and told Ruch. Denny Terry in to see file. Will confer with Town Attorney as to next step. Page 55 of minutes. Mr. Cron asked about eliminating recharge basin. Told him to confer with his client. Copy of letter to Town Board received from Cron requesting release of bond. Sent to Supt. of Highways (Dean) Page 148 of minutes. Read letter to Planning Board. Will wait for Town Board or Highway Department action. Meeting at Dean's office, Wickham, Coyle, Suter, Tasker, Brush. Mr. Tasker asked for minutes - sent them. Page 45 of minutes. Wickham report on 5/10 meeting. Mr. Tasker wanted more information. Will get back to Planning Board. 516 734-5100 July 24~ 1975 Tram Board o~ the Torn o~ Southo~l South Stzeet Greenpo~c, ~ Yo~k 11gA~ Shorecr, eot ac Arsh~.m~moque b have been revalued by Mr. Valentine ~uch ~o~ rim expressed purpoae, at this Ctn~, Cb secure a release of a subdivision bond held to your benefit in ~he £ormo~ Certificate of Deposit issued by The North Fork ,B~nk mlJd Trust Company, Mlttituck, New York. Our exaa~Cion off 811 ,docmnenCm in connection S~divisi~, incl~lng c~ul~Ci~ i~i~C~ t~t at th~ t~ a rel~ee o~ c~ a~e descr~ the T~ of ~utho~. To~e ~ot of ~r l~o~t~ ~d kn~ledse the d~l~ ~s ~lly c~pli~ ~ r~u~ts in ~t~ vi~ t~ i~m~i~ of ~e r~ds o~ ouch In the Light of the foregoing, ue vould request an ~m~d~ate response to the release of l:he foregoing 0ubdivfJion bond. cc: John Wickhem, ChaL~nan Southold Toum Planning Board The North Fork Bank & Tru s Company Mattituck, New York 11952 May 19, 1975 Mr. Albert Martocchia Supervisor 16 South Street Greenport, N. Y. 11944 Dear Al: You are undoubtedly aware that Mr. Valentine Ruch IV is developing property on the North Road in Southold, known as Shorecrest. In lieu of a Performance Bond, he had taken a $42,000. C of D with The North Fork Bank which has been assigned to the C of D was recently renewed and as a new Assignment is necessary with each renewal, one had been forwarded to Mr. Ruch for his signature. To date we have not received this Assignment, and the purpose of this letter is merely to advise you of that fact. I have not been able to contact Mr. Ruch this past week and felt that you should be aware of this lact of documentation. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. ABT:bt November 25, 1974 Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York 11944 "Shorecrest" drainage Gentlemen: It ismy understanding that the Town Board requested additional drainage for the above-captioned subdivision. Originally, it was thought that 50 feet would be enough but after, computations were made by Van Tu71 it came out that it would be necessary to take ?0 feet, 35 feet from each of lots 2 and 3. I have in the fils the signatures of Mr. Demarest, ~ Mr. Suter andMr. Dean agreeing to this plan and the Planning Board has gone on record on November 18, 1974 with a resolution approving this recharge basin as approved by l~h Town Highway Committee and Town Highway Superintend- ent, The Iota are now 116 and 114 feet wide rather than the original 150 feet each. Mr. Ruch would like the Town Board to indicate their approval of this plan along with acceptance of the new widths on the lots in accordance with an agreement that he said was made at the original meeting requesting the drainage provisions. Yours Muriel Brush, Secretary $outhold Town Planning Board November 22, 197~ Mr. Valentine Ruch North Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Shorecrest Dear Mr. Ruch~ This ia to inform you that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting hetd' on NOvember 18, 1974. On motion made by Mr. Moisa, seconded by Mr. Grebe, was REsoLVED that the $0uthold Town Planning Board approve the recharge basin at "Shorecrest" as drawn by Roderick Van Tuyl, P. C. May'l, X974 and as, aI~oved by the Town Highway COmmittee and,the Town Highway Superintendent. Vote of the Board= Ayes= Wickham, Moisa, Raynor, Coyle and Grebe. Yours truly, Muriel Brush, Secretary Southold To~n Planning Board Mr. Valentine North Road Southold, New Dear Mr. Ruch: I have in the Highway ways concurring M. Tuthill, P.E Enclosed fi tions of Septemb You~'~are now struction. October 16, 1974 11971 Re: Shorecrest drainage file signatures of both members of tee and the Superintendent of High- the recommendations of Mr. Lawrence the drainage at Sh0recrest. a copy of Mr. Tuthillfs recommenda- 3, 1974. a position to proceed with con- Enclosure Yours truly, Muriel Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board September 20, 1974 Justice Martin Surer Wickham Avenue Mattituck, New York 11952 Re: Shorecrest drainage Dear Judge Suter: EnClosed find recommendation of Lawrence M. Tuthill regarding the drainage at Shorecrest. Also included is a letter from Mr. Dean in which he concurs with the recommendation of Mr. Tuthill. I would appreciate your signature on the copy of the letter indicating your approval or disapproval and any comments. Yours truly, Enclosures 2 Muriel Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board Martin Suter September 20, 1974 Justice Louis Demarest Main Road Orient, New York 11957 Re: Shorecrest drainage Dear Judge Demarest: Enclosed find recommendation of Lawrence M. Tuthlll regarding the drainage at Shorecrest. llso included is a letter from Mr. Dean in which he concurs with the recommendation of Mr. Tuthill. I would appreciate your signature on the copy of the letter indicating your approval or disapproval and any comments. Yours truly, Enclosures 2 Muriel Brush, Secretary $outhold Town Planning Board $outhold Town Planmng Board SOUTHOLD~ L. I., N. Y. 119'71 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERB John W[ckham, Chairman Henry Molsa Alfred Grebe Henry Raynor Frank Coyle September 20, 1974 Justice Martin Suter Wickham Avenue Mattituck, New York 11952 Re: Shorecrest drainage Dear Judge Suter: Enclosed find recommendation of Lawrence M. Tuthill regarding the drainage at Shorecrest. Also included is a letter from Mr. Dean in which he concurs with the recommendation of Mr. Tuthill. I would appreciate your signature on the copy of the letter indicating your approval or disapproval and any comments. Yours -truly, MurieI Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board Enclosures 2 Martin. Suter ' ~.... RECEIVED BY TOWN OF SOUIHOLD DATE -~ '~.,'~ ~/ }~OUR D.~ ~: T. : _y':..~__~ ......:.~ RAYMOND C, DEAN Superintendent September 12, 1974 Tel. 765-3140 The Planning Board Town of Southold Southold, New York 11971 Re: Shorecrest, Southold, N.Y. Gentlemen: I requested Mr. Lawrence M. Tuthill to review the recharge basins at Shorecrest, Southold, New York and I concur with his reconmnendations on this problem. Ve~bruly yours, lOD/esg / RAYMOND 0. DF~,N Sup't of Highways SCHOnL HI'~USE CREEK NEW BUF'F'OLK, L. I., N. y. 11cj56 t'se~. 3, l~Th Town Plannin~ ~eard Ssutheld, 1~: Drainage at Ener~cres~ ~outht.ld Gentlemsn: I have reviewed tho sketch cf .Mr. VanTuyl d=tod 5/1/7h of ~echarge Pas/ns at Sherecrest a.%4 cever!n.£ latter ef computations. ~ reconn~em/ that the area te be taken be 70' in w~dth, aurre~u~lod by fence. ~at the recharge b~sin a% elevatlen 9' ~ ~' x lb6' with !O' ~de %c~ cf ~ at that elev. It is also recc~nner~ed that a reques~ for a drainage easement 15 wide on lets 1 an~ 2 of tho eu~tivisian ale~ M~dle Ce~, Re~ CR 27 in the a~a dea~aa~ ~se~ed for futu~ raad w~on~ ~ eb~ f~m Mr. ~ch if these lets have net ~en se~. ~ls wo,,~d allew the ~ at their e~ o~ense %o co,oct the catch bas~ at the entrance of the su~lvisien to this ~char~e ~sin. ,?g.,. f . , : NEW SUFFOLK'DOCK BUILDING CORP, SCHOOL HOUS£ CR££K NF..W SUFFOLK, L. I., N.Y. 11956 Sept. 3, 1974 Tewa Pla.-~g Bear~ ~aiw ~a~ Seuthel~, Re~ Drainage at ~oereere~t, Seuthel~ I have reviewed t~e sketeh of ~r. VanTuyl da~e~ 5/1/74 of ~ee~arge Bas~s at Shereerest ama ceveriag l~ter ef ee~p~tatieas. that the area te ~e ~aken ~e 70' ia width, e~rreu~ie~ ~y fence. ~at the ree~arge ~asia at elevatien 9' ~e 50' x 146' with 10' wi~e rep ef ~erm at that elev. It is else ree_e~e=4e~ that a request fer a draiaage easeaeat 15 ~ide et lets 1 a~l 2 of the eu~xlivisien aleag H~ldle Ce~try Rea~ CR 27 in the area desigaated reserve~ fer future raa~ wi~eni~g ~e ehtai~e~ frem Hr. t~Aeh if these lets ~ave net ~eel sel~. ~ais weuld allew the Tewn at their ewe expense te cen~ect the eateh baeia~ at the e~traace ef the sub~ivisiel te this ree~a_rge ~aein. ~espectif~lly sn~itte~, ~awrelce H. Tuthill RAYMOND C, DEAN Superintendent Semtem2er 12. :~74 The PlannSng Board Town of Southold Southo!d, New York 11971 ~ie: Shcrecres%, Sou±hca]d, ": '~ Gentlemen: I requested Mr. La~ence M. '1~%+~111 to review tbs recharge basins at Shorecrest, Southo!d, ~[ew York and I co£cum wi~ his reeo~rmendations on this problem. Vet)~ ~ruly yours, ~IYL~0?D C. DEAN Sup' t of Highways RCD/esg August 2, 1972 Mr. Valentine Ruch Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Ruch: The Planning Board has set August 15, 1972 at 8:45 P.M. for a meeting with you to discuss Shorecrest Subdivision at Arshamomaque, N.Y. The Board meets at the Town Office, Main Road, Southold, N.Y. Very ~incerely, JW:tle John W*ckham Chairman It should be noted that this parcel was one of those that had been considered for acquisition by the county for conservation purposes. Staff comments on a preliminary map do not constiuu~e a review. When this map is in the final stage ~f preparation, it should be referred to the Suffolk County Planning Commission for review pursuant to Section 1333 of the County Ckarter. Very truly yours, Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning by Charles G. Lind Subdivision Review Section The Chairman advised Mr. Kroehler that he has ~© the signatures of the Suffolk County Departments of and Environmental Control before the Planning Board can give its final approval. Mr. Raymond Dean reported thae the Town Board is very adamant that 75 to 80% of the is to be put into recharge basins. At the last Town boar~ meeting it was discussed putting recharge basins in all subdivisions. Mr. Dean stated that he would not sign any more subdivision maps unless this was provided for. Mr. Wickham told Mr. Kroehler that he has to have the signature of the Town Superintendent of Highways and ke just stated what he wants. You will have to go to the State Highway Commission and get approval of the connection also. Mr. Kroehler said he would proceed with getting the signatures and approvals required. Discussion was had in reference to Shorecrest Subdivision at Arshamomaque with Mr. Valentine Ruch. The Chairman reported that he had received from the Supervisor's Office a certificate of deposit for $42,000 ~in Mr. Ruch's name from the Bank asking that Mr. Ruch endorse it and return to the Bank with instructions for a renewal term. Mr. Ruch stated that at this time he was no~ prepared to give a renewal date. Mr. Wickham gave the certificate of deposit to Mr. Ruch. Mr. Raymond Dean expressed his concern with the pitch of the roads in~'~he subdivision and the drainage. Mr. Rod Van Tuyl presented a revised sketch of the property showing additional basins to be installed based on a three inch rain fall. The Board, Mr. Dean, Mr. Ruch and Mr. Van Tuyl discussed this OTTO W, VAN TUYL Reg,'~rofessional Engineer Licensed Land Surveyor Phone 477-1487 RODERIOK VAN TUYL, P.r.. FRONT STREET AT MAIN GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 PHONE 477-0170 ROOERICK VAN T Licensed Land Surv Phone 477-160~ May 1, 1974 To: Southold Town Planning Board From: Roderick Van Tuyl, P.O. Subject: "Shoreerest" Subdivision---Additional Drainage Area Gentlemen: Pursuant to your directive of April 29, we herein submit a plan for additional drainage at "Shorecrest", together with the computations for same, based on a 6" rainfall. Area to be provided for: 5~ Acres, or 228,700 sq. (6" rain) O.~ 114,350 cu. (50% runoff) ft. ft. O.~ 57,175 cu. ft. (Provided by existing basins) 16,000 Additional required 41,175 cu. ft. Basin dimensions: 6~ depth 144' length laverage on slopes) 48' width Laverage on slopes) 6 x 144 x 48 = 41,470 cu. ft. Area necessary for taking: 178! (length of lots 2,3) 70' (36' from lot 3, 34' from lot 2) cc: V. Ruch Very truly yours, Roderick Van ~uyl~ P.~. E BOSS[D SEAL .r! ~LL NOT I~ CONSIDEI~D i' BE A VAO~ UL COPY. MPANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY INSTITUTION LISTED HCREON, AND zbT $ - MAYOR GEORGE W. HUBBARD SAMUEL KATZ WILLIAM H. LIEBLEIN MARJORIE H. TUTHILL DAVID E. WALKER CkERK MABEL HARRIS qreenport, Suffolk Count , Y. 1972 Scvthold T~n Clerk's Offlce 1~4~ Road Southold~ New York ].1971 Attention.' Fr. John ~ickham, Chairman Dear 1~. Wickham: The standard a~reementbetweenHr, Valentine Ruchandthe Village off (l~eenpo~t to supply nter to a development called "Shorecrest., Arsham~quewas signed byallparties and approved at the Village Board Meetiag of May 30, 1972. The agreement is ca file with the Vil~-Ee Clerk, 236 'J~,trd Street, ~reenpc~t and follc~s the map prepared by Van Tuyl and Sca. Also enclosed ia an extdendumwhichwas approved. Xf I ca~ be of further eervice~ please call. Very truly yours, JI~:nr ~nce Mr. Lawrenc e~Tuthill Inlet Laue Exl~lon Greenport, Ne!York 11944 Dear Mr. Tuth~l: The Supe~ the drainage I am enclosin information e: Mr. Ruch Young said a require a lift Would yo~ on it. I wou ,1 August 20, re: Shorecrest ~or contacted me about a w~ ~a for the above-captioned the map drawn up by Van Tuy~ his computations. ,~d contacted the Supervisor ,rmula could be used which w, ' foot area to be taken. look this ever and give me appreciate it. Yours truly, Murtel Brush, S Southold Town P: 1 ek ago about ubdivision. with the and said uld only ou~ comments cretary arming Board MAYOR GEORGE W. HUBBARD TRuST~BS SAMUEL KATZ WILLIAM H. LIEBLEIN MARJORIE H. TUTHILL DAVID E. WALKER CLERK MABEL HARRIS tla e of ,_ t'eenlood reenport, Suffolk Count% Y. October h, 1972 Mr. Valentine Ruth ~retumc~oque Colo~ Southo~d, New York 11971 Dear Hr, Ruoh: The water mains that were laid in your subdivision called mShorecrest" were approved by this department on September 1, 1972. The changes that were authorized in the field during constructi~ have been noted on the final map. The Village must receive from y~A (Mr. Ruch) a guarantee for the work against defects in workmanship and/or material for a period ef one (1) year from the approved date of this letter as agreed to in the contract. If I can be of further help, please call. Very truly yours, ~J James I. Monsell Superintendent of Public Utilities JIl~tnr cc: Southold T~m Planning Boawd i Southold Town Planning 3oarm On motion of Mr. ~'~ v .... it was Septei~ D , seconded by ~ ' · ,~. R~yllor, RESOLVED that ~,.~ approval De given to subdzvzszon of Ralph Tuthill and tko Chairman is authorized te sign the map. Vote of tile Board: Ayes: Messrs. Wickham, Raynor, Moisa, Coyle, Grebe. Mr. Terry said it has been found there is a misuake on the Zoning Map in regard to property owned by Papp~ at Orient Point on which the Jiffy Bite is located. 'fnls propert] is susposed to be B-i zoned but this does no~ snow on the map. The Board disucssed Orient Point by Wilsberg and Cron at some ~ng~n. Subu~v~szon owned ~ne Board ~ .... ~ .... .,as received notl/lcatlon from tile ~ULi. O~ County Department of Planning that the proposed miner subdivision of Valentine Ruch at Arshamomaque will non be reviewed because of noncompliance with requiremenns for notice and maps. The Chairman read a letter to ~ ~.v Ruth from Robert A. Villa, P.E., of ~-' ~ - ~n~ Suffolk County ' ~ Department. The Board discussed ~he proposed subdivision. Mr. Wickham said he will entertain a motion that we approve this map of two 40,000 square fooc lots on the condihion that the third lot on map dated September i1, 1972, by Van Tuyi & Son have no construction on it other ~han th~ boathouse and stairway shown and further provided %hat there be deed restrictions upon this lot so that no dwelling shall be erected upon it. Mr. Grebe made the motion, Mr. Moi~ seconded. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs. Grebe, Moisa, Wickham Naye: Coyle, Raynor new proposal. Mr. Wickham advised Mr. Ruch as far as the Planning Board is concerned this is an approved subdivision. You can move ahead and construct it as is shown on this map as long as the l~ighways meet the specifications the day this was approved. You can have your bond released as soon as the Town accepts the report of their engineer and our report saying the highways are satisfactory. This will mean you have highways and drainage in your subdivision but it does not mean that the ?own will accept dedication of your highway. It will mean as far as we are concerned you are clear to sell lots but you have private roads. What Mr. Dean and Rod Van Tuyl are talking about is to province additional drainage which you don't have to do for us meet the specifications of the Highway Department and the Highway Cb~T~ittee of the Town Board. When you get this all done it can be dedicated to the Town and you can be relieved of the responsibility of maintaining these roads. I just want you to clearly understand if you meet the requirements of this map and the highw~.y specifications in force at the time the map was approved you can get your bond released, if the construction is adequate. The thing you have to weigh is the advantage of making some changes in the drainage in order ~o the specifications of the Highway Superintendent and the Highway Committee of the Town Board. You would be much better off to dedicate the highways. But this is your choice. Mr. Ruch asked if Mr. Dean would give the specifications in writing. Mr. Dean stated that if the plan does take care of a three inch rain fall ~h~s would take care of it. Mr. Wickham suggested to Mr. R~:ch if he wished to go ahead on this basis to advise us and we will notify the Board of Appeals. Mr. Ruch asked if ~e could do that verbally and said that he wished uo proceed. Discussion was held with Mr. Valentine Ruch with regard to his minor subdivision at Southold, N.Y. Mr. Wickham advised Mr. Ruch that the Suffolk County Department of Health wants us to submit to them before we approve any subdivisions. It was the feeling of tkis Board that some of that was low land. Mr. Raynor stated that it is very hard to fill meadow land in the Town of SouthQld. Some of the lots do not have enough land. August 23, 1972 Southold Town Board of Appeals Southold, New York 11971 Re= Shorecrest Subdivision Southold Town Gentlemen: The map of' Shorecrest Subdivision, Route 27, immediately east of the Town Beach has been causing some concern on the part of the Town Superintendent of Highways and the Highway Committee of the Town Board. This subdivision was approved by the Planning Board on October 26, 1970, and has been filed in the County Clerk's Office on April 6, 1971, but at this time it seems to be the feeling on the part of the Highway Department that additional drainag~ structures should be required. The"Planning Board approveaof these changes in principle and the developer wishes to meet the requirements of the Highway Superintendent and the Highway Committee so that the highway may be dedicated. We respectfully ask that you act favorably on any requests for change in drainage in this subdivision. If you need further information on this we or the Superintendent of Highways would be glad to supply it. Very sincerely, JW:tle John Wickham Chairman August 2, 1972 Mr. Raymond C. Dean Superintendent of Highways Town Highway Department Peconic, New York 11958 Dear Mr. Dean: The Planning Board would like to have a written opinion from you on the drainage at Shorecrest Subdivision, Arshamomaque, N.Y. The bond is for two sets of drainage rings and the final plan show~ three. We would appreciate having this report for our next regular meeting, August 15th. Very sincerely, JW:tle John Wickham Chairman PERMIT UNDER SECTION 136 of ARTICLE VI of HIGHWAY LAW o o WHEREAS, a certain highway known as the ~ ~ ~[ No27 has been improved and is on the Suffolk County Road System and ~[l~l[~i~s R,~'. 11~11~ requests permission to biJld lift IIIlk Iii Illilllt IS II iai llllt llll Id Ittllid as per sketch or map attached~}l~ ~ m ~1~ ~'O ~ ~l~, ~ ~0 ~,~ NOW, THEREFORE, permission is hereby granted to said ~ ~ to do said work upon the following conditions: CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS 1. When concrete is removed, cut concreto with concrete saw two feet outside the limits of the proposed excavation and for the full panel width. When the cut is made in pavement within 10 feet of the panel Joint, the pavement shall be removed for full poael width from the cut on the far side of the excavation to the panel inint. 2. BaclffIH and thoroughly compact fill using POWER TAMPER, placing soils so that various types of soil axe in same relative position as before exeavaUng. Grade to original surIace. 3.' Replaee pavement, sidewalk or surface same az existing; if eonereto, replace using 1:1~ :3~ mix stone mix concrete; if bituminous material, replace using same type 4. If concrete curb is removed, replace with simlinr curb 1:1~ :8~ mix. 5. Edge of Jacking Pits or any other excavation shall be not less tha~ 5 feet from Edge of Pavement. No undercutting allowed in Pit. 6. Notify the Department at Yaphank 4-8551 when the work is to begin so that an inspection can ho made of the operation. This permit shall not be assigned or transferred without the written consent of the Commissioner of Public Works. The work authorized by this permit shall be performed under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the Com- missioner of Public Works or his representative. Particular attention is called to the necessity of thoroughly compacting the beck /ill, which W/Il be required by the Commissioner of Public Works. The Commissioner of Public Works shall be given one week's notice by said applicant of the date when it in- tends to begin the work authorized by this permit, and prompt notice of its completion. The said applicant hereby agrees to hold the State, County and Town harmless on account of damages of any kind which may arise during the progress of the work authorized by this permit or by reason thereof. Applicant certifies a]l persons concerned with actual work under this permit are duly covered by Workanen's Com- pensation Insurance and the State, County and Town shall be held harmless on account thereof. The Commissioner of Public Works reserves the right to at any time revoke or annul this permit should the said applicant fail to comply with the terms and conditions upon which it is granted. The applicant agrees to pay all necessary expenses incident to supervision and inspection by reason of the granting of such permit as certified by the Commissioner of Public Works, such payment to be made within ten days from the rendering o~ the certified account. Work under this permit to be commenced within thirty days from the date of permit and continued in an expeditious manner. The applicant shall submit a detailed plan of structure to be built, with a description of proposed method of construction. It is understood that should future changes in the alignment or grade of the highway require changes in the work covered by this application and permit, the applicant shall on reasonable notice from the Commissioner of Public Works make such necessary changes at his own expense w/thin the time so specified in notice. Traffic shall be maintained by the applicant on this section of the highway while the work is in progress and until its A in the sum of $. ~s*~m~...e.-~.payable to the County Treasurer Suffolk County is on file es security that the highway will be restored to its original condition where disturbed at the expen~ of the deposited applicant, as soon as tho work has been completed, and the said Commissioner of Public Works ts hereby authorized to expend all or as much of such deposit as may be necessary for that purpose, should the said applicant neglect or refuse to perform the work. In consideration of ~'canting this permit the undersigned acceptlit subject to conditions described. *pplieant ........... :.?z z?./.?..?. ....... Oom ssioner of Public Works, Saffolk Date TO AVOID SERIOU~S DAMAGE TO VITAL UN-DERGROU1VD FACILITIES, PLEASE CALL LONG ISLAND LIGHT- ING COMPANY AT JUNiP'~i% 2-9000 OR FOR TELEPHONE lVACILi'i'i~;S CALL N. Y. 'r~L,. CO. FLOP,.A~, PARK ~- O~'~',t~AL ~5 BEFORE STARTING THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERM1T. ,5ca1¢: PF~OPOJa D ~hd /¥WA ¥' Itl MIDDLE ~O;~D, C.~.Z7 fow~ o~ Sour,4o~ ~ N. ~. ~.) Oc/'. It 19'70 COUNTY ~F SUFFOLK DEPT. OF 'PUBLIC WORKS R. M. KAMMERER~, COMMISSIONER YAPHANK NEW YORK PERMIT N? RAMP ADJACENT TO C.R. (EXISTING SHOULDER) //THEOTETICAL CURB LINE /O TO PROPERTY LINE VALLEY GUTTER FA. ~/4.I' -~'-~ R ~ TO ROAD PITCH DOwlg ~ EXISTING PAVI BUILD PAVEMENT= 4"BITUMINOUS MACADAM 1-1/2" " CONCRETE TOF SECTION THROUGH RAMP o~-_T4/F'£~,.<~'¢-7-/,~A/ (NOT TO SCALE) RM ~-,~$.~ REVISED: ..~-IO-G'7 GOUNTY OF SUFFOLK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIG WORKS R,M. KAM MERER...GOMMISSION ER YAPHANK · N.Y. P E R*M1TNO.- .... SKETCH SHOWING CUI~B, SIDEWALK AND SHOULDER CONSTRUCTION ADJACENT TO : .~,~ ~ 4~ "TO PROPERTY' LINE ~ ~PITCH ~"PER FT. ~PLAGE TOP SOl ~ ~ GRASB BEED 4~. BUILD CONC, CURB. ESTABLISH GRADE , AT CURB LINE FROM r EDGE OF PAV'T. ~ EXISTING PAVEM ~/ ~a~l PITCH A"~--~ ?LD PAVEMENT BITUMINOUS MACAOAM BASE I--~BITUMINOUS CONC. TOP I 2Lo" MIN. ,R"~. I" ~'~F PARING SECTION THROUGH CURB NOT TO SCALE April 1, 1971 Rensselaer G. Terry, Main Street Southold, Ne~ York Attorney Dear Sir/ Enclosed please find certified copies of the Planning Board Minutes of October 26, 197~ and January 11, 1971, and alee a copy of the Town Board Minutes of February 23, 1971. Each of the fo~egoing pertain to the subdivision "~horeorest", owned b~:~Lentine Ruch, located at the south side of County Road 27, Greenport, Ne~ York. The Planning Board granted final approval to "Shorecrest" on October 26, 1970. M~. Ruch was allo~ed the usual ninety day period of t~ae in which to file a Performance bond for this subdivision with the To~n Board. On January 11, 1971, u~on request of Mr. Ruch, the Planning Board granted a forty- five day extension of thee in which to file a Performance bond for this subdivision. On February 23, 1971, the Town Board accepted a bond in the amount of $42,000. presented by Valentine Ruch. The maps were signed by the Ch&ixman of the Planning Board after notification of acceptance of the performance bond by the Town Board. Upon being signed by the Chairman of the Planning Board, the maps were then ready to be filed with the County Clerk. Very truly yours, John Wickham, Chairman Southold TOwn Planning Board January 13, 1971 Valentine Ruth 2 wilkins Place Tenafly, New Jersey Dear Mr. Ruch~ Please be advised that the following resolution was passed by the Southold Town Planning Board at their regular meeting held on January 11, 1971z IT WAS RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board grant Valentine Ruch a 45 day extension of time on the approval of his proposed subdivision "Shorecrest", located at south side of CH 27, GreenpOrt, New York. Yours truly, J~hn Wickham, ~hairman Southold Town Planning Board January 8, 1971 2 Wilkins Place Tenafly, New Jersey Mr. John Wickham, Chairman, Southold Town Planning Board, Town Clerk's Office, Southold, N. Y. 11971 Re: Subdivision Map of SHORECREST Dear Mr. Wickham: Comfirming our telephone conversation of January 7th, 1971, I am writing to request a ninety (90) day extension of the approval of the above mentioned subdivision map so that I may complete my arrangements for filing of the bond. Trusting that you and your board will give favorable consideration to this application for a~inety (90) day extension, I am Very truly yours, Valentine Ruth MAYOR ARTHUR LEVINE GEORGE W, HUBBARD WILLIAM J. QUINN SAMUEL KATZ MARJORIE H, TUTHILL MABEL HARRIS November 27, 1970 Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, N. ¥. Attention: 1.~. John Wickham, Chairman Dear Mr. Wickham: The standard agreement between Mr. Valentine Ruch and the Village of Greenport to supply water to a development called "Shorecrest", Arshamomaque was extended to October 31, 1971. This action was taken at the regular Village Board Meeting of November 9, 1970. If I can be of ~ther help, please call. truly yours~ Supt. o£ Public Utilities December 1~, 1970 ~r. Valentine l~aeh 2 Wilkin~ Plaee Tenafly, Dear We are writing to inquire aa to the possibility of you~ submitting the bond for your subdivision 'Shore Creet~ in the near future, Approvale as given are only good for ninety (90) days tu~less extended by request to the Planni~ Board) you~ approval will expire in mid January. Further) should the zoning ordinanxe be ammended al expected the map would have to be done over to meet the new requirements, ~ill you kindly advise t~s)in writingt of your position and intention in this ~atte~. Yours truly John W ick~ha~ Chairman) Planning Board. CCs R.G.Terry~ Attorney Southold Town SOUTHOLD, Planning Board L. I., N. Y. 11971 PLANNING BOARD ~MEMBERS John ~Ni,ckh;lm, ~Chairman Henry' Moisa Alfred ~Grebe ~ Henry Raynor Frank Coyle Mr. R~M.Kammerrer, Commissioner Suffolk County Dept. of Public Works Yaphank L.I., N.Y. Attn: William Matsunaye Or. Dear Sir; October 26 1970 Enclosed please find a print of revised subdivi~i6n map "Shorecrest", S/S County Road 27 - East of Mill Creek, Greenport school district #10. Referance is made to our letter of Feburary $, 1970 BE: this subdivision. The map has been revised to meet the Suffolk County Health Dept. requirements of less lots and change of access from the east to west side of the development. Copy of this map has been sent to the County Planning commission today. If you need further information please contact Otto VanTuyl & Son Engineers, Greenport or this office. Yours truly I10/19/70: Approved to the Town of Southold ....... ~- ~-~ pursuant to Section 239K of the Gen. Municipal~/-_~ Law. Before building access to C.R. 27- Middle Road, a permit under Sec. 136 of the Highway Law will be required. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS R. M. I<ammerer, Conu~r_ . By: William S Chief Engineer Board. October 8, 1970 Mr. $ohn Wickh~m, Cha/rman Southold Town Plmming Board Ma/n Ro~d Cutchogue. New York 11935 Re: Map of Shorecrest (Final - revised) Arshammx~oque, Town of $outhold Dear Mr, Wicld~-n: The Suffolk County Pta,,,,tng Commission reviewed the proposed Map of Shorecrest at its regular meeting, 7. October 1970. pursuant to Section ~$9-k of the General Municipal Law. The proposed map. as submitted on 5. October 1970, was approved by the Suffolk County Planning Commission. Very truly yours, Lee E. Koppelman Director of Pl~n,~lng Ch&ties G. Lind Assist&nt Civil Engineer CGL:cb cc: Howard Terry. Building Inspector. Town o/Southold~/ Rudolph M. Kaxnmerer, Cmnmissioner, gu/folk County D. P. W. File: Z39-k-SH-4A RAYMOND C. DEAN Supeeintendent Tel. 765-3140 October 8, 1970 The Planning Board Town of Southold Southo!d, New York Gentlemen: I have inspected the lay-out of the roads at SHORE CREST, as revised September 25, 1970, and approve these revisions, RCD: ~ St~pt. of Highways VAN TUYL & SON GREENPORT, NEW YORK '1'1944 Oct. 5, 1970 DESCRIPTION--Proposed sub-division to be known as "SHORECREST" South side Middle Road--Southold Beginning at a point on the southerly line of Middle .Road, 1623.80 feet westerly along said southerly line from Albertson's Lane, said point of Oeginning being the north~ westerly corner of land of Papantoniou; from said point of beginning running along said land of Papantoniou, 2 courses: (1) S.14~25'00"E.-175.0 feet; thence (2) N.75u35'OO"E.-125.0 feet to land of Daly; thence along said land of Daly and along land of Schwartz, S.14°25'OO"E.- 908.23 feet to land of Cassidy; thence along said land of Cassidy and land of ~utkos~i, 2 courses: (~) S.73o03'20"W.-143.72 feet; thence (2) So67°14'00"W.-55.90 feet; thence along land of the party of the first part and the several lands of Eisen & o~i~8, 4 courses: (1) N.14°58'OO"W.-35.03 feet; thence (2) N.56°45'20"W.-732.64 feet; thence (3) N.47°38'O0"W.-435.90 feet; thence (4) N.13°48'40"W.-148.29 feet to said southerly line of Middle Road; thence along said southerly line, 2 courses: (1) easterly on a curve to the right having a radius of 1877.0 feet, a distance of 242.48 feet; thence (2) N.76°07'30"E.-563.0 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 15.35 acres. To Howard Terry JSS Van Tuyl & Son ' Form San. RS-2 SCDH Suffolk County Department of Health Riverhead, New York Division of Environmental Health Services CERTIFICATION OF APPROVAL OF REALTY SUBDIVISION PLANS Mr. Valamt,~m Ruch TO:2 W~,~s Plaee TenaZly, New Jersey This certificate is issued under the provisions of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code in connec- Sept. m~r 25, 197p tion with the approva! of plans on .................. zor your realty subdivision known as The following data was furnished in connection with the submission of the plans. Location Areh~RamOques To~ of Southo~ds ~f~'o~k Cotmtyj N~ York 1~0' z 180' Acres (approx.) ........ No. o~ Lots ........ Size (approx.) .............................. · e~ lo~ ~. Owner intends to ........................................................................ Topography ...~..~ .~..~ .................................................. 17' 3' 1~ Dep~ Grmund ~ater - Max' Grading (cut or fill) ..... Not ~ ~ect de~ of s~ ~ fac~. Drainage ~ ~ by ~e T~ of S~old. On each lot a 600-?T!e~ ~4n~m Ltqu~d capacit,y approved type sept;I.c Se~ c~ected' t~ 'a 'cesel~cfJ: 'cone~t,~g 'of' at,' ~eaet' 300 wquare- feet 'of' out,de ~ide ~ az~a ~lOW inlet pipe Of al~ed precast cemspo~ eecl,'-io~s, prO~ Approval of this subdivision is granted on condition: 1. That the proposed facilities for water supply and sewage disposal are installed in con- formity with said plans. 2. That private sewage disposal systems shall no longer be constructed or used after public sewerage facilities become available. H. W. Davids, P. E. Director, Division of Environmental Sanitation Henry Raynor October 2, 1970 ~r. RtM.Kammerrer~ Commissioner Suffolk County Dept. of Public Works Yaphank L.I., N.Y. Attn~ William Matsunaye ~r. Dear Sir~ Enclosed please find a print of revised subdivision map "Shorecrest#t S/$ County Road 27~ East of Mill Creek, Greenport school district Referance is made to our letter of Feburary ~, 1970 RE~ this subdivision. The map has been revised to meet the Suffolk County Health Dept. requirements of less lots and change of access from the east to west side of the development. Copy of this map has been sent to the County Planning commission today. If you need further information please contact Otto VanTuyl & Son Engineers, Greenport or this office. Yours t rlzly John Wtckham Chairmmn, Planning Board. xxxxxxxxxxx Henry Raynor October 2, 1970 Suffolk County Planning Commission Veterans Highway Haupp~uge, L.I. Attn: Chas Lin~ Dear Enclosed please find a revised print of map of "Shorecrest' S/~ County road ~27 - East of Mill Creek, Greenport school District 10. Due to County Health Dept. requirements this map has been revised with less lots and the access changed from east side to west side. Reference is made to our letter of January 15~ 1970 in this matter. Co~ of this map is bein~ forwarded to the County Public works Dept. today for their comment. If you need any further information please contact Otto VanTuyl & Son, Engineers, Greenport or this office. Yours truly i~// John Wickham Chairman Planning Board ~ PZa~e At tho hearLq bald em ~al~ 8, I~?0, tn tho ef~tee of tho hffelk County Dop~tmnt et' lleaXth, Suffolk CeuatF Cemte~, lttvm~4d, New Yerk, ~ the ~b~eet realty sub~sim. fo that the~ ~ more elosely ecaform to the departnmnt'a etandards and al~ml~me~', office ~u July 14, 1~70, ha~ aot beeu revea~e~ or ~e~_~Aed by him, ~t i~ the~e~e~e deea~d to be the ~ti~a ef t~ Cm~siemaw. Very truly :rc~rs, ,.A. V~A, Remmoelaea. G. TeaTS, Jr. Otte w. Vaa ~rX Dear PM, F. uch: ~he subject :~alty euNttvisio: Unit and it is not being processed 'fhc z;~bject r~a!ty sul~ivisio~ meet the requir(~r~ute of ~he r~ty sub~sion~ apl:roved by the J~m~~ 1~ 1970. (A copy of t~e st~ ns~J re&!ty sub~vlsion~. lot ~as ~ area of supp~ is a~lable on each lot, .~d acc~table. There is now an appeal proc~du request a variance fro~a theze stands necessary to ~a~lte a iett~r to thi~ ~ho~ld be gr~u~ted. R~quests for var before the departm~nt'~ r~e~ -~hoard in ~armony :,~th the C~;~r~l ~*t.~t ~ Sewer Ag~cy~ which Js lO :~i,e,~ ~.t Ye1 s~ce that ag~cy has recently adopt~ ~ new ~e~ty sure.one. It :~.~ ~ ~th ~e Sewer Agency [~ior to .t~y e4 However~ you do hav~ the right Our General ~mgineerLng ~nit ~J and related papers to you. cc. Robert A. %'illa~ ~ : Aldo ~ndreoli, : .£. v~vUifolk Country Sewer ~ T~I and ~o~ :indicated to be by il~ividual se~c<rage pica ~s tb~rsfore disapproved since it dqes not ndar~; is e~c!osed.) These stud.'ds r~re a~ a publi: .~:;~:'aj~, ~.:r~-:.¢;6 b~ p~'o%ided to serve ~1 tvl~ur~ ~ewera~:.e a~d ~at~ ~iy syste~ ~my ~ re in t}~i~; d~ti.~nt ~.~ereby em applicant may ~ds. In order %~ eppiy for a ~ri~ce, it is :/epar~cnt st<,~i:,inL~ :h:. z'~asons why s~n a ~-iance ~m~reb?/ ~tn epplic~t O~.n pre~emt hic ~se for · aria~ce~ :,ill no~mlly be ~anted ',dlen they are ,robl~ be ~seuss~i ~th the S~fo~ Co~ty ~ :e?a~riai hisnway~ Haappa~, ~ew Icrk, ~d pr~res for pro~g public sewerage s~ce ~ poa.$lkle t~ Pe~,elva ,?o~~ sewage ~spos~ proble:~ directly to this depm~ment for a w"ari~nce. to ~ettu~ yom' reai~y subdivision plans {:]~ectcr "~' ~h,~ :Division of ~vi~:az~w~nt~.l Health Services ~ to Section 2'/6 of will~ held by the Southold Town Planning ~rd at the Town Office, .I~n,~ ~..ad, South- old, New York, ~ Town on [he 24[h day of ~h, 1970, at 7:30 o'clook tnQt~ evening of said day, on th~ qhestion of ap- proval of t~le following plat~: 1. Plat of Property o~med by Nicholas Mandaro and Frank Mandaro, entitled Wheatfield Park, consisting of a parcel of land of 27.7975 acres, situated in Cutehogue, in the Town of Sou[hold, Suffolk County, New York, and bounded and deserib~d as follows: the westerly lineI of Griffing Street, 101g.36 feet northerly along said westerly line from the Main Road; from said point of be~in~i~g l~inn/ng along land of Mandate, S. 52° 46' $0" West--16~.$9 feet to land of Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church; thence a- long said land, ]~orth 37° 13' along land of o~eaney and others, North 39° 29' 10" Ea~ 563.41 feet ta land of Ma- chinchick; the~ along said land and alon~ land of Kur- czewski, Sou~h 3g~ 30' 50" East 1,901.4g feet; thence alang land of Tyler, two course~ and distances; 1. South 37° 39' 50" West 210.23 feet; thence 2. ~outh 37° 04' 40" East, 273.63 feet; thence along land of TOWn of SouthoId, two courses and distances; 1. South 52° 59' 20" West, 170.00 feet; thence 2. South 3~° 04' ~" East. 95.0 feet to the northerly line of Schoolhouse Road; thence along said northerly line of Schoolhouse Road, feet to said westerly line of Griffing Street; thence along said westerly line. South 3~° running thence North 67 de- of W-stphalia Road 100.i0 of Taylor, thence Soutix 29 ed land 265.39 feet to a moral- merit, ~hence North 63 degrees 93 minutes 10 seconds East aloug ti~e said land of Taylor ~nd along land of Snyder 185,65 feet; thence along land 29 degrees 22 minutes 50 sec- onds East 147.38 feet: thence (2) North 60 degrees 37 min- utes 10 seconds East 25 feet: thence South 29 degrees 2~ son and Haines 364.97 feet; thence along land of Bennett two courses and distances as follows: (1) South 58 degrees 209.08 feet; thence (2) South (ll S. 73° 0~' 20" W. 14372 feet: thence (3) N. 47° 38' 00" (4) N'. 13° 43' 40" V~r 148.29 feet to said southerly line of Middle Road; thence alo~ said southerly line. two (1) Easterly on a curve to the right having a radius Of 1877.0 fee~ a distance of 242.4g feet; thence (2) N. 76° 07' 30" E.--563.0 feet to the point of begin- Any person desiring to be heard on the above matter should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED: FEBRUARY 25, 19~0 BY ORDEi~ OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN' )F SUFFOLK [ ss: NEW YORK of Romanowski 3857.07 Feet · Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND - MATTWUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- ed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that f which the onnexed is a printed copy, has been a said Long Island Zmveler-Mattituck Watch- j , ;ach week for ......~'~"~'~'~'d'"'~'" '/'"/--~--[tt;:¢eel}g , commencing on the ................ ./.~:Q,.,...[. ......... of Albert C. Nolte as follows: Sou~h 19 53' 40" east alon~ land of Albert C. Nolo and land of 15 acres, situated in old, Suffolk Com~ty, New York. and bounded and described as BEGINNING a5 a point O1! the southerly line of Middle Road, 1623.80 feet westerly along said southerly line from Albertso~k~ Lane, said point of beginning being the north- ~/orn to before me this ........./.~.~ ....... day of , LEGAL NOTICE ~LE~_AL NOTIq~ NOTICE OF HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 270 of the Town Law, public hearings will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board at the Town Office, Main Road, Southold, New York, in said Town on the 24th day of March, 1970, at 7:30 o'clock in the evening of said day, on the question of approval of the following plats: 1. Plat of. property owfied by Nicholas Mandate and Frank Mandate, entitled Wheatfield Park, consisting of a parcel of land of 27.7978 acres, situated in Culchogue, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. and .bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly line of Griffing street, 1013.36 feet northerly along said westerly line from the Main Road; from said point of beginning running along land of Mandaro, S. 52' 46' 30" West- 163.69 feet to land of Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church; thence along said land, North 37:: 13' 30" West - 2,254.55 feet; tbenee along land of Heaneyand others, North 39 r 29' 10" East 563.41 feet to land of Machinchick; thence along said land and along land of Kurczewski, South 38' 30' 50" East 1,901.48 feet; thence along lind of Tyler, Two courses and distances; l.South 37' 38' 50" Wes[, 210.23 feet; thence 2. South 37: 04' 40" East, 273.68 feet; thence along land of Town of Southold, two courses and distances; I. South 52* 55'20 West, 170.00 feet; thence 2 South 37 04' 40" East. 95.0 feet lo the northerly line of Schoolhouse Road; thence along said northerly line of Schoolhouse Road, South 52 ' 55' 20" West. 55.10 feet to said westerly line of Griffing Street: thence along said westerly line. South 38" 32' 40" East, 60.02 teet to the point of beginning. THE ~UFFOLK TIMES LEGAL NOTICE 'FOLK, ~ ss: 2. Plot of property owned by YORK, j James F. Reeve and John T. Reeve, entitled Bennett's Pond, .-....?~..x ./~'~~. being duly Sworn, consisting of a parcel of lind of ' 7.566 acres, situated in Mattituck n the Town of Southold, Suffolk ' is Printer ,,nd Publisher of the SUFFOLK County, New York, and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly line of West- phalia Road at the Nor- theasterly ~corner of land now or formerly of Sophie Rau; running thence North 67 degrees 35 minutes 20 seconds East along the Southerly line of Westphalia Road 100.10 feet lo land now or formerly of Taylor, thence South 29 degrees 32 minutes 00 seconds East along said last mentioned land 265.39 feet to a monument, thence North 63 degrees 53 minutes. 10 seconds East along the said land of Taylor and along land of Snyder 165.65 feet; thence along land of Le Valley two courses and distances as follows: (1) South 29 degrees 22 minutes 50 seconds East 147.38 feet; thence (2) North 60 degrees 37 minutes 10 seconds East 25 feet; thence South 29 degrees 22 minutes 50 seconds East along lands of Raacke, Harrison and Haines 364.97 feet; thence along land of Bennett two courses and distances as follows: (1) South 58 degrees 64 minutes 50 seconds West 209.08 feet; thence (2) South 29 degrees 32 minutes 00 seconds East 242.13 feet to a monument and an old ditch separating the premises herein described from land now or formerly of Gilles; thence Westerly along said old ditch to a stone monument set in the Easterly line of land now or formerly of Norman Wells, th~ tie line of the last course being South 74 degrees, 41 minutes 10 seconds West 265.16 feet, thence North 29 degrees 32 minutes 00 seconds West along the snid !al)d now 0L~£olLm. erly of Norman Wells 763,65 feet to the Southwesterly corner of land now or formerly of Sophie Rau, thence along the said last mentioned land the following two courses and distances: (1) North 67 degrees 35 minutes 2o seconds East 159 feet; thence (2) North 29 degrees 32 minutes 00 seconds West 241.00 feet to the point or place of beginning. 3' Plat of property owned by Emma Enterprises, Inc., entitled Laurel Country Estates, eon- sisting of a parcel of land of 36 acres, situated in Laurel, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point which is the Southwesterly corner of lind formerly of Wertenberg which point is the southeast corner of a eerliin 50' Right Of Way on' the northerly line of Peeonie Bay Boulevard, running thence from said Point of Beginning south 25~ 55' 20" wesl along the northerly side of Pecouic Bay Boulevard'~ 65.69 Feet to land of C.T.' Young; running thence south 2~ 37' we~t al~g the nor. therly side of Peconic Bay' Boulevard and land of Young 25.75 Feet to a point; running thence along said lind of C.T. Young three courses and distances as follows: (1) Ona curve to the loft having a radius of 55.4~ a newspaper published fit Greenport, in said the notice, ,of which the ,o. nnexed is fl printed ublished in the said Suffolk Weekly Times k, for ....... ~ .............. week~ nencing on me ....~.~ ..~.'..~.~. ..... ..... me this ..{:~?~'...~ ~... 19.~...-I .... .... : ...... . ........... Friday, March 13, 1970 LEGAL NOTICE Feet and an arc length of 46.97 Feet whose chord is north 4" 21' 40" east 45.58 Feet; thence (2) North 19 ~ 53' 40" west 77.30 Feet; thence (3) South 71~ 23' 40" west 380.12 Feet to land of Henry S. Romanowski; running thence north 18 o 36' 20" west along the easterly LEGAL NOTICE line of lind of Romanowski 3857.07 Feet Island R ail rO~,~l~njag 'thence north 47' alo~ ~e sou~rly si~ · e Long IMand Railr~d 3~.~ F~t to C. Nol~; runni~ e~ and me ~sterly line of~ Nolte as follows: (1) South 29 ~' 30" east ~3.78 F~t; thence (2) South 18~ 29' 30" east ~13.61 F~t; ~nee (3) South 19* 53' ~" ~st ~.44 Feet; thence (4) On a curve to the right ~ving a radius 50 Feet in an a~ length of 124.70 F~t to a ~int of ~ngency; t~n~ S~ lS~ ' 53' 40" east along land Albert C. Nol~ aha formerly of Werthnberg 531.~ F~t the ~int or pla~ of Begin- ning 4. Plat of prop~ty own~ by Valentine Rueh, entitlea Shor~r~t, comisti~ of a ~el of land of 15 acr~, si~a~ in Greenport, in the Town of S~old, Suffolk C~n~, New ' York, and bound~ and d~cri~d as follows: BEGINNING at a point ou · e sou~erly line of Midge R~d, 16~.~ f~t w~torly along said sou~rly fram Al~r~o~ ~n~, said point of beginni~ ~ing northwesterly corner of lam of Papantoaious; f~m said point of begi~i~ ~n~ng along ~id land of Pa~n- tonics, ~o c~s: ~) S. 14° 25' ~" ~. - 119.~2 f~t; thence (2) N. 76 ~ 0T 30" ~. - 1~.0 f~t; thence along land of Daly and along lam of Sch- wartz, S. 14¢ 962.~ feet; thence along la~ of Cassidy and land of Mutkowski, ~o course: (1) S. 73~ 03' 20" W. - 143.72 feet; thence (2) S. 67 ~ 14' ~" W. - 55.90 feet; thence along land of the party of the first part and the several lands ~ Eisen & others, four (1) N. 14¢ 58' ~" W. - 35.03 feet; thence · (2) N. 56 ¢ 45' 20" W. - 732.~ feet; thence (3) N. 47t ~'~"W.-435.~ f~t; ~ence (4) N. 13~ ~'~"W.-I~.~ Park, eonsistit~g'of a P~rcel df '~ ~rk, aud hounded and (h s~ ribed f~EGINNIX(~ a~ a i)om~ on thc ~(~tcr~ line el (;~iIImg along said westerly line h'm~ the Main Road: 'f'nlm said poinl el beginning runnmg along hind el Mandaro, S. ~o land of Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church; thence along said land, North 37 13' 30" West - 2,254.55 feet; thence along land of Heaneyand others, North 39 ~ 29' 10" Easl 563.41 feel to land of Machinchick; thence along said laed and along land of Kurezewski, South thence along land of Tyler, l.Soulh 37 38' 50" West, 2 South 37; 04' 40" East, 273.68 feet: thence along land of Town of Southold, two feet to the northerly line of Schoolhouse Road: thence along said northerly ime of Schoolhouse Road, Soulh 52 westerly line oJ Grilling Street: thence along said westerly line, South 38" 32' point el beginning. Southerly line of Westphalia Road lO0.101eetto land now along lands of Raaeke, feet; thence along land of and an old ditch separating the premises herein described from land now or or lormerly of Norman Wells, seconds West along the said Sophie Rau, thence along the said last mentioaed land the sistnig of a parcel of land of 36 acres· siluated in Laurel, in the Town of Soathoid, Suffolk County, New York, and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point which is the Southwesterly corner of land formerly of Werteaherg which point is certain 50' Right of Way on the northerly line of Peconic Bay Boulevard, running thence from said Point of Beginning south 28g 55' 20" west along the northerly side of Pecoaic Bay Boulevard Young; running thence south 28, 37' west along the nor- therly side of Peconic Bay Boulevard and land of C.T. Young 25.75 Feet to a point; running thence along said land of C.T. Young three coarses and distances as follows: (1) Ona curve to the left having a radius of 55.48 Friday, March 13, 1970 LEGAL NOTICE Feet and an arc length of 46.97 Feet whose chord is north 4~ 21' 40" east 45.SS Feet; thence (2) North 19 y 53' 40" west 77.30 Feet; thence (3) South 71 ' 23' 40" west 380.12 Feet to land of Henry S. Romanowski; running thence north 18'~ 36' 20, west along the easterly LEGAL NOTICE line of !and o~ Romanowski 3857.07 Feet .Island Railroad~.~.lm~l~i0g thence north 47 ~. /8' ~,. along the southerly si~ the Long Island Railroad 368.68 Feet to land of Albert C. Nolte; running ~ courses and d~~ the ~westerly li~'f Nolte as follows: (1) South 29 06' 30" east 333.78 Feet; thence (2) South 18~ 29' 30" east 2813.61 Feet; thence (3) South 19& 53' 40" east 299.44 Feet; thence (4) On a curve to the right having a radius of 5O Feet in an arc length of 124.70 Feet to a point of tangency; thence South 19~ · 53' 40" east along land of Albert C. Nolte and formerly of Wortenberg 531.48 Feet to the point or place of Begin- ning 4. Plat of property owned by Valentine Rueh, entitled Shorecrest, consisting of a parcel of land of 15 acres, situated in Greenport, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New ' York, and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly line of Middle Road, 1623.80 feet westerly along said southerly line from Albert.sous Lane, said point of beginning being the northwesterly corner of land of Papanto~!ious; from said point of beginning running along said land of Papan- tonious, two coarses: (1) S. 14g' 25' 00" E. - 119.92 feet; thence (2) N. 76 r, 07' 30" E. - 125.0 feet; thence along land of Daly and along land of Sch- wartz, S. 14¢ 25' 00" E. - 962.23 feet; thence along land of Cassidy and land of Mutkowski, two courses: (1) S. 73~ 03' 20" W. - 143.72 feet; thence (2) S. 67 ¢ 14' 00" W. - 55.90 feet; thence along land of the party of the first part and the several lands of Eisen & others, four courses: (1)N. 14f 58'00"W.- 35.03 feet; thence , (2) N. 56 '~ 45' 20" W. - 732.64 ' feet; thence (3) N. 47~' 38' 00" W. - 435.90 feet; thence (4) N. 139 48' 40" W. - 148.29 feet to said southerly line of Middle Road; thence atoag said southerly line, two (1) Easterly on a curve to the right having a radious of 1877.0 feet, a distance · 242.48 feet; thence (2) N. 76'~ 07' 30" E. ~ 563.0 feet to the point of beginning. Any parson desiring te he heard on the above matter should ap- p~ar at the time and place above specified. DATED: FEBRUARY 25, 1970, BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD JOHN WICKHAM, CHAIRMAN SUffOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT Of HEALTH SUFFOLK COUNTY CENTER RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK 11901 March 10, 1970 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES Southold Towa Planning Board Southold, New York 11971 Attention: Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Dear Mr. Wickham: I have received your letter of February 26, 1970, and also the separate letters of transmittal for Leeward Acres and Shipule Properties at Southold, Shorecrest at Greenport and Weglicki at Laurel. I am forwarding these letters to Mr. Aldo Andreoli, P.E., Chief of the Sewage and IndustrialWaste Unit, who has been designated as chairman by the Commissioner to the Department's new Board of Review. You may rest assured that each of these cases will receive careful consideration by our Review Board. Very trulyyours, Director Division of ~vironmental Health Services cc. Aldo Andreoli, P.E. Robert A. Villa, P.E. VAN TUYL & SON GREENpORT. NEW YORK 11944 March 4, 1 970 DESCRIPTION: Proposed Sub-division to be known as "Shorecrest", south side I~iddle Road, "Arshamomoque", Town of Southold Beginning at a point on the southerly line of Middle Road, 1623.80 feet westerly along said southerly line from Aloertsons Lane, said point of beginning being the northwesterly corner of land of Papantoniou; from said point of beginning running along said land of Papantoniou, two courses: (1) S. 14° 25' 00" E. - 119.92 feet; thence (2) N. 76° 07' ~0" E. - 125.0 fe~t; thence along land of Daly and along land oi Schwartz, S. 14v 25' 00" E. - 962.23 feet; thence along land of Cassidy and land of Mutkoski, two courses: (1) S. 73° 03' 20" W. - 143.72 feet; thence (2) S. 67° the party of the four courses: 14' 00" W. - 55.90 feet; thence along land of first part and the several lan~of Eisen & others, (1) N. 14° 58' 00" W. - 35.03 feet; thence (2) N. 56° 45' 20" W. - 732.64 feet; thence (3) N. 47° 38' 00" W. - 435.90 feet; thence (4) N. 13° 48' 40" W. - 148.29 feet to said southerly line of ~iddle Road; thence along said southerly line, two courses: (1) Easterly on a curve to the right having a radius of 1877.0 feet, a distance of 242.48 feet; thence (2) N. 76° 07' 30" E. - 563.0 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 15.51 acres. VAN TUYL & SON JSS/mo To: Howard Terry ~arch 4~ ~ ~70 DESCRIP~,IONI Proposed Sub*-dXvision to be know~ a~ "Shoreorest-, so~th side ~iddle Road~ "Arsh~momoqae., To~n of Southold '~gizming at a point on the southerly l~ne ~£ Middle Road, 1623-50 feet westerly alon~ said southerly line from ~bertsons L~e, said polht of beainn~ng bei~ the northwesterly oo~er of l~d of Pap~to~ou$ from said point of begi~i~ ~lc~ said l~m~ of Pap~to~ou, two co~ses: ({) 8. 14° 25' 00" D, - 11~.92 femt$ thence Laly anc ~o.~g &end of Schwa~, ~, ~4~ 25' 00" R, - 962.2U f~e~; Tk~nCS ~0~ l~d of Oaesidj ~n8 laud of ~ra~.koeki, ~wo (~) S. 73° 0~' 20" W, - ;45.72 feet; thence (2) P. ~o ~4' 00" W. - 55,9C~ feet; thence ~o~ l~nd of ~he p~,rty of ~- ~ ,,u, first part m~d the severs3" ' ~' '"' ' " .... "~% - ~..5.5'~ feet; thenc~ "~ .:~-[~' 40" W. - 148.2o feet to sadd southerly, line ..~ ~i~:~.~ .d~ ~e....e alohas , ~i,, southerly .tl,'~e, two ~ .... , ~ ~ . .~"'~ ~,t ilo right l',~-~,~ ' "~.'~ ' feet; -~ February ~;, 1970 John Wtckh~, ~hairmnn ~outhold To'.~n Planning l~cax, cl P. oad P,e: .Map of f~,'hor®crest ~Final) ,'~-'-~-i, ta~.:m: oque. f'own of 9, outhold Dear Mr. Wi~khs:-:~ The Suffolk County Planning Commission reviewed the proposed Map o£ Skorzcrest a~ ire regular me~.tin~, 4 February 1970, pursuant to Sec- tion ~39-k of the Gen,:.'-al iNlu~zicipal Law. Tl~e proposed ,;,ap wac ~pproved t~y thc ,~uffolk County Planning Costa:Is- aicn .,;ubj,zc~ :o the following: I,..,,.,;'"+ t"~e l:rovosed, widenine_ of Middle Road, C.R. :~7, be shown Z. thaC ti~e final ,r~ap note that ingress and egress to Lots l-6. both 3. ~}xat a right ~rla:,agular parcel, havi~i; legs of 25 feet. be taken Very truly yours, Leo ~. Koppeh~:an Director of Planning <;GL:cb cc: Howard Terry, CharleS C;. Lind Assistant Cl~l Engineer .Building lnsp0¢t~r, Town of Southold." Pebzuaz~ 26, 1970 6u£~o,l.k Coun't~' Bom~d o£ limalth D:tvJLlion of Bnv:tZOnlamntmX 8mnitmt. ion Count.y cen~er RXvarhasd0 Hew York Dear ~r. Dav:l. ds Ret 'Shore~rast." earlier Xn the year we fanl that. thio aubdXvXoXon merXto IpecXal AppXicat.Xon was £Xrot eulxuXt.ted July 16. 1968 Bxton~oddXocullXonon X&nd lmlXnq Appr~ed~ Suffo~ County,S. of P~X1c w~ks Au~st 9. l~g R~f~dby" " " " " *' F~u~y 4, 1970 Ap~ed~water Co.. Village of Or~n~rt ~r 11. l~ A~r~dbyCounty Pla~Xng C~asX~ ~Y S. 1970 ~n clearances with other agencies. John wXckham. Ch&X~n Southold bn planning Board Van 'Tuyl & Son Southold Town Plannin Board SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. 119'71 PLANNING ,BOARD ~MEMBERS John W[¢kh~$m, ~Ch;~irman Henry, M oi~,a Alfred Grebe Frank Coyle Henry Raynor Mr. R.M. Kammerrer, Commissioner Suffolk County Dept of Public Works Yaphank ~ L.I.~ N.Y. Feburary $, 1970 Dear Sir; . . Pursuant to a telephone call from your ?ffice last week, ~%~a~e f~nd three co~ies of the Droposed subdivis~on "Shore Crest". ~yo~orth Road (CR27) east of Mill Creek~ (Greenoort school district ~10~ Southold, N.~. ~ These are poropsed final maps based on a letter from Mr. ~il~iam Matsunaye of your office date~ Aug 9~ 1968. Cooies of this map are now in the hands of the County Planning Conm~ission a~ Hauppauge . Please as we must hold a public hearing within Yours truly send any comnents to this office as soon as possible the month. -~ ~/4/70: Approved to the Town of Southold pursuant to Sec. Municipal Law subject to the comments shown on plan in red. access road to C.R. 27, Middle Road, a permit under Sec. 136 Law will be required. Suffolk County Dept. of Public Works R. M. Kammerer, Commissioner Chief Engineer 239K. of the General Before building of the Highway February 5, 1970 Mr. $ohn Wlckh&m, Ch~irm0~ Southold Town Planning Board Main Ro&d Gutchogue, New York 11935 Re: Map of Shorecrest (Final) Arshamomoque, Town of Southold Dear Mr. Wickham: The Suffolk County Pl&nning Commission reviewed the proposed Map of Shorecrest at its regular meeting, 4 February 1970, pursuant to Sec- tion 259-k of the General Municipal Law. The proposed map was approved by the Suffolk County Planning Coramis- sion subject to the following: 1. that the proposed widening of Middle Road, C.R. 27, be shown on the final map; that the final map note that ingress and egress to Lots 1-6, both inclusive, be restricted to the interior street system; that a right triangular parcel, having legs of 25 feet, be taken off the northeast corner of Lot 6 to provide sight distance. Very truly yours, Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning Charles G, Lind Assistant Civil Engineer CGL:cb cc: Howard Terry, Building Inspector, Town of Southold ../ File ~39-k - SH -4 Henry Raynor ~r. R.M. Xammerrer. Commissioner Suffolk County Dep~ of Public Works Yaphank~ L.I., N.Y. Feburar2 ~, 1970 Dear Sir~ Pursuant to a telephone call from your office last week~ please find three copies of the proposed subdivision Shore Crest ~ ~/S.North Road (CR2?) east of Mill Creek, (Greenport school district ~l(~ Southold, N.Y. These are poropsed final mmps based on a letter from William }~atsttna2e of your office dated Atlg Copies of this map are now in the hands of the County Planning Commission at ~uppauge . Please send any comments to this office as as we must hold a public hearing within the month. Yours truly '. / John Wickha~ ~' ~/ Chairman soon as possible Charles Lind 8ttffolkCounty Planning Commission Tetera~s ~ighway ~auppogue~ N.Y. 1970 Dear SirI Enclosed ~lease find three prints of a proposed subdivision to be located on the South side of North Road (CR27) a short distance east of the Bouthold Town Beach~ this will be locted in Greenport school district ~ IO, There is an agreement between the developer, Mr. Valentine Ruch and the Village of Greenport to supply public water tO this development. We have in our files a letter from the County Dept of Public works stating that they may take about 70 feet to widen the County road on the south side of the existing road bed. If you need anything more from our file please advise me, and we will try to get it to you ~s soon as possible. Best regards Building Inspector 0~c¢r$ MAYOR ARTHUR LEVINE GEORGE W. HUBBARD WILLIAM J. QUINN SAMUEL KATZ MARJORIE H, TUTHILL HARRY L. BELING ~i//a~Te o~r ~t'een/oot.[ ~reenport, Suffolk Count3,, ~. 5'. January 5, 1970 Southold Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Attention: Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Dear Mr. Wickham: The standard agreement between Mr. Valentine Ruch and the Village of Greenport to supply water to a development called "Shorecrest", Arshamomaque was extended to September l, 1970. This action was taken at the regular Village Board Meeting of September 8, 1969. If I can be of further help, please call. Very truly yours, James I. Monsell Superintendent of Public Utilities JIM:nr O~to]~r 6 ~ 1 96 9 Mr. Valentine Ruch 2 Wilkins Place Tenafly, New Jersey 07670 Dear By motion of the Planning Board it was decided not to accept the revision marked September 29, 1969 on subdivision entitled "Shoreorest", Arshampmaque, Southold. Of course it is possible, if you wish, to enter an entirely new application for prel~minary approval. This would entail forfeiting the fee you have already paid. May ! say in explaination that the Planning Board is consistently attempting to reduce the population degsity and does not look with favor on increasing the number of lots in any subdivision. Very Slncerely, John wickham~ Chairman $outhold To~n Planning Board July 7~ 19~9 Mr. valentine Ruth 2 wilk~ne Place Tenafly, New Jersey 07670 Dear Sir~ Enclosed please find a receipt for the subdivision and inspection fee for subdivision "Shore Crest." U~on receipt of the final map from Van Tuyl & Son we will schedule a hearing on this matter for you. Yotlzs truly, Wick. ham, Chairman $outhold Town Planning Board APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF PLAT To the Planning Board of the Town of Southold: The undersigned applicant hereby applies for (tentative) (final) approval of a subdivision plat in accordance with Article 16 of the Town Law and the Rules and Regulations of the Southold Town Planning Board, and represents and states as follows: 1. The applicant is the owner of record of the land under application. (If the applicant is not the owner of record of the land under application, the applicant shall state his interest in said land under application.) 2. The name of the subdivision is to be ....... .S.I-J.0..R~..C..R~..S.T. .............................. 3. The entire land under application is described in Schedule "A" hereto annexed. (Copy of deed suggested.) 4. The land is held by the applicant under deeds recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's office as follows: Liber ........................ Page ....................... On ....................... ; Liber ........................ Page ....................... On ....................... ; Liber ........................ Page ....................... On ....................... ; Liber ........................ Page ....................... On ....................... ; and as devised under the Last Will and Testament of .V...a.l.o..n.t.$.n..e..R...u.q.h.x..H.:.D.... l?.r.o..b.a..ted tn Bergen County, New Jersey, and under the Last ld±ll and Testament of Helen R. Ruth probated tn Bergen County,~-New Jersey 5. The area of the land is .... .1.~.. ........... acres. 6. All taxes which are liens on the land at the date hereof have been paid except ............ 7. The land is encumbered by ............................................................. mortgage (s) as follows: (a) Mortgage recorded in Liber .............. Page ................ in original amount of $ ................ unpaid amount $ .................. held by ......................... ........................... address ..................................................... (b) Mortgage recorded in Liber .............. Page ................ in original amount of ................ unpaid amount $ .................. held by ......................... ........................... address ..................................................... (e) Mortgage recorded in Liber .............. Page ................ in original amount of $ .............. unpaid amount $ .................. held by ......................... ........................... address ..................................................... 8. There are no other encumbrances or liens against the land except .......... rl.011t~ .......... 9. The land lies in the following zoning use districts ........................................ 10. No part of the land lies under water whether tide water, stream, pond water or otherwise, ex- cept ................................................................................... 11. The applicant shall at his expense install ail required public improvements. 12. The land (does) (does not) lie in a Water District or Water Supply District. Name of Dis- trict, if within a District, is .......... .G..~.~.~..n.p.o.r...~...V.~.I..~?.~?. ........................... 13. Water mains will be laid by ............................................................. and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said mains. 14. Electric lines and standards will be installed by .......................................... ..................................... and (a) (no) charge wilI be made for installing said lines. 15. Gas mains will be installed by ........................................................... and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said mains. 16. If streets shown on the plat are claimed by the applicant to be existing public streets in the Suffolk County Highway system, annex Schedule "B" hereto, to show same. 17. If streets shown on the plat are claimed by the applicant to be existing public streets in the Town of Southold Highway system, annex Schedule "C" hereto to show same. 18. There are no existing buildings or structures on the land which are not located and shown on the plat. 19. Where the plat shows proposed streets which are extensions of streets on adjoining sub- division maps heretofore filed, there are no reserve strips at the end of the streets on said existing maps at their conjunctions with the proposed streets. 20. In the course of these proceedings, the applicant will offer proof of title as required by Sec. 335 of the Real Property Law. 21. Submit a copy of proposed deed for lots showing all restrictions, covenants, etc. Annex Schedule "D". 22. The applicant estimates that the cost of grading and required public improvements will be $ .......... as itemized in Schedule "E" hereto annexed and requests that the maturity of tbe Performance Bond be fixed at .............. years. The Performance Bond will be written by a licensed surety company unless otherwise shown on Schedule "F". DATE ...J..u!Y..3., ................... 19.6..9 ................................................. (Name of Applicant) (Signature and Title) I . (Address) STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ...S.U..F.F..0.L.K. .................. , ss: On the ............. day of ..... 4.u.1.7 ................. 19.6.9 .... before me personally came VALENTINE RUCH IV ............................................ to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that ...b.e ...... executed the same. Notary Public STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ................................ ss: On the .................. day ............ of ............... 19 ....... before me personally came .............................................. to me known, who being by me duly sworn did de- pose and say that ............ resides at No ...................................................... ................................................ that .......................... is the .......... the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument;that .............. knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed by order of the board of directors of said corporation. and that .............. signed .............. name thereto by like order. Notary Public MAYOR ARTHUR IEVINE HERBERT L. KALIN SAMUEL KATZ WILLIAM J- QUINN GEORGE W. HUBBARD HARRY L. BEL[NG reenport, Suffolk County, Y. Dece:-.ber 11, 1 968 So~thold Planning Board ~in Road $outho!d, N. ¥. Attention: ~ro Jo!mn ~.l~_c!,~_ar~ Chai?~sm Dear ~ae standard agreement between Mr. Valentine ...~.ch and the Village of Greenport to supply water to a development called "Shorecrest", Arshamo~aque was signed by all parties amd approved at the Village Beard ~eeting of Dece~er 9, 1968. ~ae agreement is on f$1e with the Village Clerk, 18 South Street, Greenport~ and follows the map prepared by Van ?uyl and Son. Also enclosed is sm a~en~aent which was amproved. If I can be of further help, please call. Io Monsel! ~pt° of ~blic Utilities MAYOR ARTHUR LEVINE HERBERT L. KALIN SAMUEL KATZ WILLIAM J. QUINN GEORGE W. HUBBARD HARRY L. BELIN(; i[[a e o/r Mr. Valentine Ruch, North Road, Greenport, N.Y. Dear Sir: This letter will serve as an amendment to our agree- ment d~ted ~ugust 31, 196§ relative to the Village furnishing w~ter to mains to be inst--lied by you on property o~ned by you at A~sham~uaque, New York. If the Village, in due time before installation by you of mains, indicates that certain of mains should he ten (10") inch instead of six (6") inch, you agree to install said ten (10") inch mains where indicated, with the Village to pay for any and all increased costs for use of ten (107) inch mains instead of six (6") inch mains. Please sign copy of this letter where sho~n as evidence of our agreement. Very truly yours, ACCEPTErs,. MAYOR ARTHUR LEVINE HERBERT L. KALIN SAMUEL KATZ WILLIAM J. QUINN GEORGE W. HUBBARD CLERK HARRY L. BELING //a ae of t,een/aot,[ Decembe~ 11, 1968 Southold Planning Board Main Road Southold, N. ¥. Attention: i<~. Jo!%u ;~c!~_ar~, Chai??_s~ Dear The standard agreement between ~. Valentine ~ch ~ad the Village of Greenport to supply ~-~ter to a develop~ent called "Shorecrest", Arshamo~aque was signed by all parties s~d approved at the Village Board ~eeting of Dece~uber 9, 1968. ~e agreement is on file with the Village Clerk, 18 South Street, Greenport~ and follows the map prepared by Van Tuyl and Son. Also enclosed is an ~mendment ~.~5. ch was approved. If ! can be of further help, please call. i truly yours, s I. ~ionsell Supt. of ~.blic Utilities O~ce~$ MAYOR ARTHUR LEVINE HERBERT L, KALIN SAMUEL KATZ W~LLIAM J. QUINN GEORGE W. HUBBARD HARRY L. BELING Mr. Valentine Ruch, North Road, Greenport, N.Y. Dear Sir: This letter will serve as an amendment to our agree- ment dated August 31, 1968 relative to the Village furnishing water to mains to be installed by you on property owned by you at Arshamomaque, New York. If the Village, in due time before installation by you of mains, indicates that certain of mains should be ten (10") inch imatead of six (6") inch, you agree to install said ten (10") inch mains where indicated, with the Village to pay for any and all increased costs for use of ten (107) inch mains instead of six (6") inch mains. Please sign copy of this letter where shown as evidence of our agreement. Very truly yours, ACCEP'r'~f Valentine Ruch November 7, 19~8 · o~n Board, ~o~n o£ Southold South Street Oreenpozt, L.X., Me~ York 11944 Gentlemen! Our engineer has est~ated the cost o£ roads, drainage° and other ~prove~ents for the subdivision to bekno~n as #Shore Crest", o~nedbyValentine Ruoh, at ~42,000. · he Planning Board has accepted this figure and reommends to the ~o~n Board the ~ount o£ the bond £or this subdivision be $42,000. A ~o1~ of the eng~neer°a estate is eno~osed. Yours truly, n Wiokham, Chairman Southold ~l~:~n Plannin~ Board 1968 B. Smith, Broker #lddle Road 8outhold0 New York Sir! The Planning Board engineer has est:huat:ed the bond requ~red for the roads, la enclosed. Any work done before final signing and £11~ng o£ the map may be dedoct:ed from the amount of the bond. drainage0 and other t,uprovoments in the subdivision owned b~ Valent:ine RUth, at: $42,000. A copy Yours t:rulyo ~ohn uickhmn, ChaPman Southold Town Planning Board TEL, YAPHANK 4-3451 - 3452 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS R. M. KAMMERER, COMMISSIONER YAPHANK, NEW YORK, ~1980 WILLIAM 5. MATSUNAYE. JR. CHIEF ENGINEER August 9, 1968 Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold, New York - 11971 Dear Mr. Wickham: Re: C.R. 27 - Riverhead-Greenport Road Town Beach - Southold This is in reply to your recent letter concerning the future widening of County Road No. 27 east of the Town Beach, in the Town of Southold. While we have no inmediate plans for the widening of County Road No. 27 in the vicinity of the Town Beach near Arshamomaque Pond (Mill Creek), we still plan to widen this road on the south side of the existing right-of-way. A right- of-way width of 96 feet is contemplated for County Road No. 27 east of Tucker Lane, if and when it is WSM:nmv ns tructed. ery truly your ,~ Chief Engineer U Q RAYMOND C. DEAN SUPERINTENDENT August 7~ 1968 The Planning Board Town of Southold Southold~ New York Gentlemen: I have inspected the map and disapprove the lay-out of the proposed road(s) at SHORECREST~ property owned by Valentine Ruch~ Arshamomoque~ New York. Wild Cherry Lane should not be a dead end road~ and right of way should be contlnued~ but not dedicated until the adjoining property is developed. RCD:a truly yours~ APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF PLAT To the Planning Board of the Town of Southold: The undersigned applicant hereby applies for (tentative) (final)approval of a subdivision plat in accordance with Article 16 of the Town Law and the Rules and Regulations of the Southold Toxw~ Planning Board, and represents and states as follows: 1. The applicant is the owner of record of the land under application. (If the applicant is not the owner of record of the land under application, the applicant shall state his interest in said land under application.) 2. The name of the subdivision is to be .... $lll~t~ll~R~'~ .................................. 3. The entire land under application is described in Schedule "A" hereto annexed. (Copy of deed suggested.) 4. The land is held by the applicant under deeds recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's office as follows: Liber ..... .9.~..~. .............. Page ...... .1..6.9. ........... On ....................... ; Libor ........................ Page ....a.,.e.0r.a..-.a. ....... On Liber ........................ Page ...................... On ....................... ; Liber ........................ Page ...................... On ....................... ; Liber ........................ Page ...................... On ....................... ; as devised under the Last Will and Testament of .¥~,1,,ffi1:1.~:[~. ]~ll.~h.....~.. ............ oF-agm~m~ramm., at~l. i~ l.en..lit.. It. nell ............................................ 5. The area of the land is ..... .l..~. :.4 ....... acres. 6. All taxes which are liens on the land at the date hereof have been paid except 7.The land is encumbered by ...~..~1...~ ..................................................... mortgage (s) as follows: (a) Mortgage recorded in Liber .............. Page .................. in original amount of $ .............. unpaid amount $ ..................... held by ...................... .............. address ................................................................ (b) Mortgage recorded in Liber ......... Page ....................... in original amount of .............. unpaid amount $ ...................... held by ...................... .............. address ............................................................... (c) Mortgage recorded in Liber .............. Page ................ in original amount of .............. unpaid amount $ ...................... held by ...................... ...................... address ......................................................... 8. There are no other encumbrances or liens against the land except ....~l..~l..~. ............... 9. The land lies in the following zoning use districts .t.'.A'.*..R..~.8..~..~.~..~.~..~.8..l, ................. i0. No part of the land lies under water whether tide water, stream, pond water or otherwise, ex- cept ................................................................................... 11. The applicant shall at his expense install all required public improvements. 12. The land (does) (~) lie in a Water District or Water Supply District. Name of Dis- trict, if within a District, is ( reenpo ater 13. Water mains will be laid by ........................................................... and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said mains. 14. Electric lines and standards will be installed by [,..I ,..g;[g~.~$1}g..%.O... ............... ..................................... and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said lines. 15. Gas mains will be installed by ...... .~.?.~.~. ............................................... and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said mains. 16. If streets shown on the plat are claimed by the applicant to be existing public streets in the Suffolk County Highway system, annex Schedule "B" hereto, to show same. 17. If streets shown on the plat are claimed by the applicant to be existing public streets in the Town of Southold Highway system, annex Schedule "C" hereto to show same. 18. There are no existipg buildings or structures on the land which are not located and shown on the plat. 19. Where the plat shows proposed streets which are extensions of streets on adjoining sub- division maps heretofore filed, there are no reserve strips at the end of the streets on said existing maps at their conjunctions with the proposed streets. 20. In the course of these proceedings, the applicant will offer proof of title as required by Sec. 335 of the Real Property Law. 21. Submit a copy of proposed deed for lots showing all restrictions, covenants, etc. Annex Schedule "D". 22. The applicant estimates that the cost of grading and required public improvements will be $~i.~800to as itemized in Schedule "E" hereto annexed and requests that the maturity of the Performance Bond be fixed at .... .~. ........ years. The Performance Bond will be written by a licensed surety company unless otherwise shown on Schedule "F". (Signature and Title) 'Address) STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF .... ~ ............... ss: On the ..... [ ~0~'[ day of.....~../ ............. 19.~.., before me personally came · · .~~/.~ ~g~.: ............. to me known to be the individual deseribed in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that . .d~ .... executed the same. RENSSELAER g~ TERRi~ ~ ~ ..~..~ STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ............................ ss: On the ................ day ............ of .............. , 19 ...... , before me personally came ....................... to me known, who being by me duly sworn did de- pose and say that ............ resides at No ..................................................... ................................ that .......................... is the .......... the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that ............ knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed by order of the board of directors of said corporation. and that ............ signed .............. name thereto by like order. Notary Public July 17, 1968 Mr. William S. Mateunaye, Chief Engineer Buffolk County Dept. Public Works Yalahank Avenue Yaphank, L.,Z., New YOrk 119e0 DeUX Si~' ! We a~e In receipt of an application for a subdivision on the south sl,le of CR 27, ~bout one thousand (1000) feet east of Town Beach, A~ehamomaque Pond (Mill Creek), Southold. We have ~n our files · letter from your Department that is eeveral yeazs old, stating that the road widening ~n this area will be on the south side of the exiet~g concrete pavement. Do you have any later information on ho~ much land will be taken for widening in this area? Thank you for your cooperation. Yours truly, .._%... / ...... '"'J~n WiCkhamo Chairman $outhold To~n Planning Board APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF PLAT To the Planning Board of the Town of Southold: The undersigned applicant hereby applies for (tentative) (final)approval of a subdivision plat in accordance with Article 16 o{ the Town Law and the Rules and Regulations of the Southold Town Planning Board, and represents and states as follows: 1. The applicant is the owner of record of the land uuder application. (If the applicant is not the owner of record of the land under application, the applicant shall state his interest in said land under application.) 2. The name of the subdivision is to be .... SHOR~CRE$.T ................................. 3. The entire land under application is described in Schedule "A" hereto annexed. (Copy of deed suggested.) 4. The land {s held by the applicant under deeds recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's office as follows: Liber ..... 9.8.¢ ............... rage ...... 3.6..9 ............ On ....................... ; Liber ........................ Page ....R.e..c.o. ~'.d..e.d. ....... On .A.u.g.u..s.~...2.8. ,...1.9..1.9..; Liber ........................ Page ...................... On ....................... ; Liber ........................ Page ...................... On ....................... ; Liber ........................ Page ...................... On ....................... ; as devised under the Last Will and Testament of Vale.llL.ill.~.][t&l~:.h....M~... .. o~xa~c~m~J~ .. and. lie len. ~... R. uch ............................................ 5. The area of the land is ..... .1.5.: .4. ....... acres. 6. All taxes which are liens on the land at the date hereof have been paid except None 7.The land is encumbered by ...N..o.n.e. ...................................................... mortgage (s) as follows: (a) Mortgage recorded in Liber .............. Page .................. in original amount of $ .............. unpaid amount $ ..................... held by ...................... .............. ad'dress ................................................................ (b) Mortgage recorded in Liber ......... Page ....................... in original amount of .............. unpaid amount $ ...................... held by ...................... .............. ad'dress ' (c) Mortgage recorded in Liber .............. Page ................ in original amount of .............. unpaid amount $ ...................... held by ...................... ...................... address ......................................................... 8. There are no other encumbrances or liens against the land except ....N.o..n.e. ............... 9. The land lies in the following zoning use districts .'.'.A.'.'..R..e.s..i.d..e.n.~..i?..1. ................. 10. No part of the land lies under water whether tide xvater, stream, pond water or otherwise, ex- 11. 12. 13. cept None The applicant shall at his expense install all required public improvements. The land (does) (4ro~-~lr~) lie in a Water District or Water Supply District. Name of Dis- trict, if ~vithin a District, is Greenport ~/ater District Owner Water mains will be Iaid by ........................................................... and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said mains. 14. Electric lines and standards will be installed by L...I o..Lighting..C.o. ................ 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. ..................................... and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said lines. Gas mains will be installed by ...... .N..o.n.e. ............................................... and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said mains. If streets shown on the plat are clai~ned by the applicant to be existing public streets in the Suffolk County Highxvay system, aunex Schedule "B" hereto, to show same. If streets sho~vn on the plat are claimed by the applicant to be existing public streets in the Town of Southold Highway system, annex Schedule "C" hereto to show same. There are no existing buildings or structnres on the land which are not located and shown on the plat. Where the plat shows proposed streets which are extensions of streets on adjoining sub- division maps heretofore filed, there are no reserve strips at the end of the streets on said existing maps at their conjunctions with the proposed streets. In the course of these proceedings, the applicant will offer proof of title as required by Sec. 335 of the Real Property Law. Submit a copy of proposed deed for lots showing all restrictions, covenants, etc. Annex Schedule "D". 22. The applicant estimates that the cost of grading and required public improvements will be $.3..1~.8..0.0.: as itemized in Schedule "E" hereto annexed and requests that the maturity of the Performance Bond be fixed at ..... 3. ........ years. The Performance Bond will be written by a licensed surety company unless otherwise shown on Schedule "F". V^TE ...... ~. .... t.~ ........ ~9.¢.? ............................................... '[- .~/ 0 ", , . ~ (Name of Allp~icant) /,"") VgLCFr/,/~ g:~ ~n ~ /7 A~.. //ff.. _ / --~ (Address) STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF . .~.~ ............... ss: On the .... /.~...~.. ..... of.~! .................. 19.~..~'..., before me personally came ... ~..-.; .' ....................... to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that ............ ~ executed the same. Residing in Suffolk Coll~ly " ........... STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ............................ ss: On the ................ day ............ of .............. , 19 ...... , before me personally came ....................... to me known, who being by me duly sworn did de- pose and say that ............ resides at No .................................................... .............................. that .......................... is the .......... .................. Of ........................................................................ the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that ............ knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed by order of the board of directors of said corporation. and that ............ signed .............. name thereto by like order. Notary Public ,.l ZO ,\ 0o /0 ~ tL i · G'0 -c _ TO: :TAIN F~LL- ROAD ' ;ri t.4 0 ~