HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-51.-6-3.4 . .. " ~.. D Southold. N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 March 20, 1985 Mr. Joseph H. Sawicki North Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Lot-line change at Southold Dear Mr. Sawicki: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board, Monday, March 18, 1985. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board approve the lot line change for Joseph H. Sawicki to move the rear lot-line of lots of Joseph and Constance Sawicki at North Road, Southold twenty-two (22) feet south. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary . . DEe '7 1984 Southold. N. Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 SUBDIVISION REQUIRED DOCUMENTS r:l.INOR Survey map- 12 copies 5 foot contours Scale 1" '" 100' Key Map with property location and distance to nearest existing street and intersection Name of owner and adjOining owners County Tax map numbers Fee at $25 per lot with a minimum of $50 If within 500 feet of bay, sound, or estuary thereof or county or state road, letter regarding drainage grading and road construction Part I of Long Environmental Assessment Form Legal description of Property Notations on existing restrictions (easements, covenants and zoning lines) . . ~)EC '7 1984 SOllthold Town Planning Board Tmm Hall SOllthold, New York 11971 Re: Gentlemen: The following statements are offered for your consideration in the review of the above-mentioned minor subdivision and its referral to the Suffolk County Planning Commission: (11 No grading, other than foundation excavation for a residential building is proposed. (21 No new roads are proposed and no changes will be made in the grades of the existing roads. (3) No new drainage structures or alteration of existing structures are proposed. ;:? j/~ .. , _" ~~ .~... . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~~c 7'19B~ - :.... , . . ,\, .~" ,)-- (.-' ..... ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - PART I PROJECT I~TO&~TION :'IOT:C::~ ihis ::oc~.e!1t 'os desianed to as~i'it in deta;.:':'lnbq '~n!!t:-:!!r ':::e -lc:"lon ;)ropose'.1 'nay iotave ! 'ifqnific:ant !ff~c: In the !!'tvircnment. Ple:!sa c:male>:a t~e l!ntirl! ~i!':J. :)t:e<::!:t:. ).,nSioler'5:0 t:-:esc '~uestlons ~in tle c::msiCl9rl!d .!S :Ian: of ~"e ~!llicJ.ticn Tor" apcrcval !nd ;nay be 5uaj~-: to furtrter- '/ertficJtion lnd ;:luetic: ~yi~. Provide lny -!C'd.itiOr1al infonnation you bel ieve wi-ll !)e neea~ :0 ::rr:oleti! ?ART3 Z ancs J. :: is !xce~e: :~at ~::oietion of the ~F ~~lT ~e de~~ce~t ~n inionnation curre~tty available !r.d ~iTl not nvolv~ !'te~ s~ua.es..~~s~a~~.or tnvest1qatlon. If tn~O~~~lcn r!~ufring 3uch 3ad1:i~nal ~ork ~s~unava:~ble, J~ tnalc~:! ana soe~l.y i!~' Ins;ance. o. . --.. -,-- ,...,.....".......- ._--~_.~_... :Ur.!~ .1F pqQJECi: ~~.=_.~E -"NO .~cc~::ss OF mmtR q f 01 if'!!"~nt1 .' .....Tc.5 e.ph If, \/9-'W Ie/-) i .. (:Iame, . . /pi?/<.7h 12. .D {St~'!~~: . .-.-: -"-''"'7;:. ~r.".. J./;yt,cfA~-1j/7 ~ . . . - . .. . '. .sOr)~E3S .1;m ~IAr~E OF .1~OI_!C.tNT: . ,1t75-<;JJA (~i..te: .-,'....../YGfI?/11 'S'ra~t; (J!;<< 11 did If.f&~/c/:5r ..~i) _... u.1J;~~--C-;ir7; ---.--..-'- (Stat.) (~i~J '. )tP,t//h;L IJ V.J., 3US'!~ESS ?HCtIE: 7J;J (Stac.a' . / ff7/ (.:p) I)E!~~!~~!~~! IJF oOfJJe':7: (9ri!f1y describe type of ;::Irojec-: ~r aco:ion) (?L~:;SE CCI!PLE:i! EACH GUE3TrO:1 - tndjc~t:. ~I.A. jf not 'Dolic~ol..) , ........ A. St;o ~ESC~I?TIO~ ;:.;_"it/I~::.. .'._:. _\_~~,~_. ~'.".;.:~':'~I:." ,.;, . '-:... ;-:~;-' .':"':'.'-;:'~{".:;~-:;~i~_~':::;::'_;. :,-;;!,:.itf':!:r:':;~~;~~~--: ';:';.5;'~_ !~hY5~C!1 iattin; or oveY111 ~roj~c~. ~oth develcc~ 1. Genet!1 ~'arac~ar of ~~e land: r,eneraily unif~~ !nd :.indevelcceci .ar!u) '_'-.:~.;:.~~~~~.~: ':::::--;i~j.i~:.:.~~'~:;.... I s1aoe.L. Ganeraily ',:neV!!1 and roiling .Jr./rre9ular Apcroximaea 1cr~~ge: ?~sant ~and :Jse: Urban , [nc!us-:rial , Corrrnere~al _, _, :'9rjcultu~ _.~r Y/1C/9-A'r ../...P/ ,ot31 3cr~.qe 0-; ;>reject .~.: _.c~.; ,;2.5'>7ff"O~;-r. .' :'resanch )'f':~r Camolat~a" IvL,~.. . ,c,". SLlDuroan -' 'u."- ~.- -' ~or~s~ , .. ~~~; :"'-:;',~"'I"'-'. -' -'~. .,.-..._--.~ J. ......;.'.- ~resent~y After ~cmoletiQn . ~e!~cw or ~rusnldnd ~"at2r Surilce ~na _!c:"''!s _,"eMS ~o r'!s :.a~ _lC';"''!S _!~:-'!5 .UnV!~'!~3t~~ ~~c~. e-!or"::! Qr fill: _!c:"''!s _lcr~s .~qr":C:li'::.:r~1 _!Cr'!5 _!:::-'!5 ,oaC5, )ci1dii:']s a.r.~ ~:::~r Jav~~ iUr':"!C?5 !!::""!S _lC~'!S ~e~t!n~ (~~~snwat!~ or ff;:!! H ~er :l,r~,:-:;u ~e, ZS ~r !.:.~.} _lcr~s _!c:-!!: ~t::!~ (:llaicJ:~ :I'~e; !C:""!S _iC:"''!S ~. ~h~: is ~r!~cm":n!n~ soji ~yp~(s) ~n 'r~j~: l:~e: 1Ij.J?- i. 01. .:lor! ::.":~r':! .Je~l""':c:t ::ut:::~::~j~1S :n :2~je!:-: $: :!? _~~S _'10 :J. "''h.at is ,=~~t.~ ~~ :ed!'":c:<? (!:: 3!~-=} ..~ .. -,_. ULna .. ....._...-..... -.....:. ...~. ..:J;~~Z%~~~?~~;;,:":1&\1t!: .: - ,.~ -.. :jo. .:.....t.;:. ~:"'" . . '\ ',0" <J- )- . ~~ . f ~ 6. Ap~roximate per:entase of proposed project site with slopes: 0-10: -1L-*!.; 10-15: ---:":i 15: or . .. greater ~.... . 7. Is project contiguous to. Or contain a building or site listed on the National Register of Historic Places? ______yes ~1I0 , 8. What is the depth to the water table? ~feet 9. ~ hunting or fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? ______yes t--1iro 10. Coes project site contain a~ species of plant or animal lIfe that is identIfied as threatened or en~3nc~red - ______yes ~~Ot according to - Identify each species 11. Are ~~ere any unique Or unusual land forms on the project site? (I.e. clIffs, dunes. other geological fonnaticns _ _Yes --'::::::~o. .(Cescribe 12. Is'th~"project site presently used by the ccrnunltj' Or nelghbcrhocd as an open area - Yes V 110. . - - "..- space or' rec~at1on . 13. ." .', Coes the prese~t site offer or Include scenIc views cr vistas l:nown to be Important to ,the ccamunlty? : ______yes -.!:::::.!Io ' 14. Streams withIn or contiguous to project area: . ,/~();z. ... . a. Hame of stream and name of rIver to which it is tributary I. I 15. lakes, Ponds. Wetland areas within Cr contiguous to project area: a. NaIi.e : b. SIze (in acres) '16. What Is the dominant land use and zoning classifIcation within a 1/4 mile radius of the project (e.g~ single family r~~idential, R-2l and the scale cf development (e.g. ~ story). B. PROJECT OESCRIPTIO!l ., 1. .--. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fIll in dimensions as app~opriate) a. Total contiguous acreage owned by project sponsor acres. b. Project acreage developed: _ acres Initially: _ aCres ultimately. .,;;..:';'~;:~ , ..... . c. Project acreage to 'remain undeveloped . ' d. length of project, in miles: (if appropriate) .. ..._._, e. If project is an expansion of existing, indicate percent of expansi.on proposed: building 'square foot age : developed acreage . . f. f1UJr.ber of off-st~t parking spaces existing propos ad .,. g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour (upon completion of project) h. If residential: Humber and type of housing units: Inftial One 'Fami ly J..,.---" Two Family Multiple Family Condominium Ultimate I. If: Orientation Neighborhood-City-Regional Estimated Employment Comarcial Industrlal J. Total height of tallest proposed structure -.,. /rllt , - . ,,~~;<~. ~'.:.:"i;~~~;-"" :- _.,..(..~:;".':";":'. 4..~-;t:;c,;'f.t~ ....\..............,.... ~~.......'-4_' .::.~t~.~)::.-:~ feet. .'.... L . :"'/ .... . .l-_ . ~Z. ,",,' ., .. , " 4. 5. . 6. 0 7. . . . H~w much natural material (i.e. rock, earth, etc.) will be re~ov,d from the site - ;r,vt?tt1~ons - cubic yards 3. How many acres of vegetation (trees. shrubs. ground covers) will be removed from site ~acres~ Will any mature forest (over 100 years old) or ot~er locally-Important ve~etation be removed by this project? ______yes ~~o Are there any plans for re-ve~etation to replace that re~oved during construction? ~s ______No If single phase project: Anticipated period of construction _____months. (including demolition). l.f multi-phaSed project: a. Total number of phases anticipated ~No. b. Anticipated date of commencement phase I ______month ~ear (including demolition) c. Approximate completion date final phase ...onth --year. ..... d. subsequent phasas? ,-'---:Yes ______No Is phase 1 financially dependent on yp;;, ~. 8. Will blasting occur during constrJction? ______yes 9. Number of jobs generated: during construction _____: after project is complete _____. 10. NUlI'ber of jobs eliminated by this project -----. 11/;; . 11. Will project require relocation of any projects or facil ities? _____yes --110. If yes, ~xplain:~;1- lZ. a. Is surface or subsurface liquid waste dis.osal involved? ______yes ~' No. b. If yes. indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial, etc.) c. If surface disposal n~e of stream into which effluent will be discharged 13. Will surface are! or existing lakes. ponds, streams. bays or other surface watar~ays be increased or decreased by proposal? ______yes _____No. 14. Is project or any portion of project located in the 100 year flood plain? ______yes ______No ~ 15. a. Does project involve disposal of solid waste? ______yes ~No b. If yes, will an existing solid waste disposal facility be used? ______yes --110 c. If yes, give name: ; location d. Will any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or into a sanitar] landfill? -!--.-Yes ~~ N, '16. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? ______yes ~~o 17. wm / project routinely produce cdors (mere than one hour per day)? ______yes ~Ho project produce operating noise exceeding the local ~bience noise levels? Yes ~ project resu1~ in an increase in energy use? ______yes ~. If yes, in~e type(s) ":-'~"".;- 18. 19. Will Will ZOo If water supply is from wells indicate pumping capacity gals/minute. 21. Tocal antic~pat;d water usage ~er day _ gals/day. 21. Zoning: a. What is dCr:1inant o:oning c1assificaticn of s;t~? //T.bCU;'Jb?-t~ b. Curr~nt s;:ec1ffc zoning chssific3tion of site c. [s pr~posad use cO~sis:2nt wit~ ~re3ant zoning? d. If no, indicate desired zoning ... :.:t. ~~ *' -3- . '~J~i~rJ/. ~rZ:.~...:;' '\jil!t!~ ".:.h" . ... .~.- 26. Approvals: . ao Is any Federal permit reGaired? . Ves <.-./ --.,2'10 \11. .." i, ~ 0' " . . b. Does project involve State or Federal funding or financing? ______yes ~o c. local and Regional approvals: City, Town, Village Board City, Town, Village Planning Soard City, Town, Zoning Soard City, County Health Departr.ent Other local agencies Other regional agencies State Agencies Federal Agencies C. INFO~~TIOllAl OETAILS ....; ..\ , Approval Required (Yes, 110) (Type) ." Submittal (Oa tel ...... "., Approva 1 (Oate) Attach any additional infonr~tion,as ~~y be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adverse Impacts associated with the' proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which can be taken to mitigate or avoid them. ~~AI~ TITLE: PREPARER'S SI~IATURE: RE?I'.ESENTlNG: . OATE: ';:~':":'.;--~_. .- ;:J-?-,P;/ / ", :': ;.~ ~.J .'._ t; .~. :': ~ ,;: -~.;~:. 0:;',,::'." OJ' ;. . 0 . '..~4""H'_. '___"._..~__._ " . .~... .,....~',;.... .' ..... ".h~-:::"'.t,. .... ,,.....'- * ',,;,";.-; - ~~:..:i~:f.i. , -:"'.' .;, ',-,-j '-\' .' . . . -' ..-.~ . <j:~L~. ". -~ " . ~';:j;.>... , . . .. /..;'.. "t,<.. ... .J~". 1- '. " \ '. \. .,t"~ ~} .. . . f[JEC ,..., l 10 n ,f ." .,.<i. ~ -1 ~/:) '" -. APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF PLAT To the Planning Board of the Town of Southold; The undersigned applicant hereby applies for (tentative) (final) approval of a subdivision plat in accordance with Article 16 of the Town Law and the Rules and Regulations of the Southold Town Planning Board, and represents and states as fonows; 1. The applicant is the owner of record of the land under application. (If the applicant is not the owner of record of the land under application, the applicant shall state his interest in said land under application.) ! 2. The name of the subdivision is to be JOSEPH H. SAWICKI. ..................................................... ...................................................................................................... 3. The entire land under application is described in Schedule "A" hereto annexed. (Copy of deed suggested.) . 4. The land is held by the applicant under deeds recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's office as fonows ; Liber ......?~..::.t.........Page ...I~l............. On ...'-(.-:.~?:.-:.:.j.....: Liber ........................ Page ...................... On ........................., Liber ........................ Page ........................ On ......................., Liber ........................ Page ...................... On ......................., Liber ........................ Page ........................ On .......................... as devised under the Last Will and Testament of ....................................... or as distributee .......................................................................... ................................................................................................. l 5. The area of the land is .................. ac~es.LOT_LINE ADJUSTMENT - 28,000 sq. :ft. 6. An taxes which are liens on the land at the date hereof have been paid J(,j('*lI~ l!.. . . . . . . " . ..... ............................................................................................... 7. The land is encumbered by ............................. . . .. . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ... . mortgage (s) as follows: (a) Mortgage recorded in Liber .............. PaRe. .. " . ... .... ..... in original amount of $. . . . . " . . . . . .. unpaid amount $ ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. helt! by ....................... . .. . . . . . . .. ... address ................................................................. (b) Mortgage recorded in Liber ......... PaRe ....................... in original amount of .............. unpaid amount $...................... held by ...................... . . . .. . . .. . . ... address ................. .............................................. .. ~. . ..,..' ..., ../'(:. 4.... . ..:' . .)-1' '- -':- .'" . . (c) IVIortgage recorded in Liber .............. Page ................ in original amount of .............. unpaid amount $...................... held by ...................... ... .. . . . . .. ... . . .,. . .. address ..................................... -. . . . . .. . . - ... . . . -.. 8. There are no other encumbrances or liens against the land dIOt~X............ -.:......... ....................................................................................... 9. The land lies in the following zoning use districts ....................................... .~.-. ~:.~ ~ .~~.n.~.i.~].. ~.~?_ .~~.~ ~.~ ~.1. ~~.:.~)........ jC?C?9.~..~ :.~ ..~. >~'..1. ......... 10. No part of the land lies under water whether tide water, stream, pond water or otherwise, JeX-X X&1pl.< ................................................................................... 11. The applicant shall at his expense install all required public improvements. 12. The land ~dI:lel()x (does not) lie in a Water District or Water Supply District. Name of Dis- trict, if ,vithin a District, is ..................................................... ........... 13. "Vater mains will be laid by .. ..(.n p.n ~.l. .. .. _. .. .. .. ..... _ .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... ...... ..... and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said mains. 14. Electric lines and standards will be installed by ....J... I ~.~ 0.. .. .. .... .......... .. .: ... .. . ....................................... and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said lines. 15. Gas mains will be installed by . .. .. (!1.Q !1~.1. .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ........ ... .. . .. .~:.~- and (a) (no) charge will be made for installing said mains. " 16. If streets shown on the plat are claimed byth.c applicant to be existing public streets in the Suffolk County Highway system, annex Schedule uB" hereto, to show same. 17. If streets show~ on the plat are claimed by the applicant to be existing public streels in the Town of Southold Highway system, annex Schedule "C" hereto to show same. lB. There are no existing buildings or structures on the land which nrc not located and shown on the plat. 19. \Vhere the pint shows proposed streets \\' hich are extensions or streets on adjoining- sub. division maps heretofore filed, there are 110 reserve strips at the end of the streets on said existing maps at their conjunctions with the proposed streets. 20. In the course of these proceedillg's. the app Ikallt will (lfit'r proof of title as required by Sec. 335 of the Real Property Law. 21. Submit a copy of proposed deed for lots showi~~ all restrictions, co\'enants, ~lc. Annex Schedule uD". ...... " . . ,. r. . '. . J., ,.J, I. .. .t. . . . . <C. .} . 22. The applicant estimates that the cost of grading and required public improvements will be $..... ..... as itemized in Schedule fiE" hereto annexed and requests that the maturity of the Performance Bond be fixed at............. .. years. The Performance Bond will be written by a licensed surety company unless otherwise shown on Schedule HF". v December 7, 84 DATE ............................... 19.... Joseph H. Sawicki ................................................ (Name of Applicant) B)~/)~.!../r!...~~ (5 ature a~' ttle) N rth Road Southo1 d NY 11971 .............'................................... (Address) 5TATEOF NEW YORK. COUNTY OF ...~.U.~f.q~.~.............. ...... ss: v 7th December 84 On the.................. day of................ ..............19......, before me personally came J 0 s e p h H. Sa wi c k i, Sr. t k t b h . d"d 1 d '1 d' d' h ...... . . . .... . . .. .. .... . . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . .. 0 me -no\,'n 0 e t e In IVI un escrt)e In an \V 0 executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that... .he...... executed the same. LINDA F. KOWALSKT NOTARY PUBLIC, Stale of N'ew Yorlt No. 52-4524711 Qualifier! in Suffolk County commission Expires March 30, 198"~ ~;; MtJf 1~~:.............~' g(,;,.~~ Public . - STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ..... .0_. ................ '0.55: On the ................ day............ of .............., 19... .. .. beiore me personally came . . . . . . . . .0 . . .. . . .. . .....". . to"hle. known. who being by me duly sworn did de- pose and say that............ resides at No. .................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . that .......................... is the .......... ... .......... ..... of .......................................................................... the corporation described in and which executed t he foregoing' instrument; that ........ ..0.. knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed hy order of the board of directors of said corporation. a.I'\ that............ signed.............. name thereto b)' like order. .............. . Notary Pnblic ............................... . . ----- ~'-"\CKI Cl~w a4 J ~(,...l ,?lAp ~~(:)(lj:). ~~"'5f s-tbv....> /AlT /...-l/JI<!' c~"(.r ~ ~\l15-r11\l(\ C"'....,;;>,TlQ<.\s. ----ra Fia'2fO~Pflllc.,"~""'''''" ~'U'/..IS.IOl.1 C;,!,<>Nq=t SQLI~ ~C;~ Ci-b4NG,e'S, e--rc."" . '-.' 1<.. '::'1 , ' "-' . , "rv. 6O'Q.~:;pQ"~ -r 5'0'0 ", '104. 014 ,. .', '.... ..' ~ ~ . .'. ""::iy..~'. '.1 11- . ',. '. ;"n, l) . :..l..,/.Iel1l;';< l'i.~' - '"/~~ ~. ' '.1;;,....... 'I' .".,,' ;O-\n:' '..... v "" ,~~, 3i"" '. l: ".,,,, rn~ry::$ ..bi "Ia~.o ,,~...]~I?REL/M/NAR) ':: ,'~)lr~f'.~;~+,:~,::f'~,',~ .,' "'~Op ..<.~; ":~,". c~~ ~~l{i~~~~~~~~~~.~,./~~.Vj~~':3~fflt~~ , . .;~. .'t, . ':~':Y\:' 7}r.z.~" 3" ~'1. :;. '}!.o._.~",::;,',''''.._~~..,::_.' ~. ;.<;.j,~t\)t,.:.:),'_\;' ~,...r.;.-.:.' \~,_:~ '. ,~' ",.,",_~.,;', L.,' ~ ~,;.^\.,..';,.~,_ ~:::...~,/.; " .... . n 'I ',.c, '~5"~.~7'40:~"i'~~"~~" ~'~~'~..., "",'.. ..;.; ,r"',:,,..;q;Sr'1~',":\;j~~:~J:'g; .~ ....~.~ ~';ttr;;~;c::'" 5:'f', .... 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