HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-51.-3-3 -h'~ '. Vvr I~ _ C "pl( fB c/{'-. . tkr t.~IJ ....tj~.# Sublltission Without a Cover Letter /,4 --b> )' ( " it 0")'1 . ((s}t.'f )~ty\- Sender: M~M~ ~~'1'\ ::::::::::::::-'" >eiI~J l11ti7CkS.' ..;=-c" "Y.. - li:- (;'0 IS: Ii. .... ."l. I I)'~ ~J) .".' ".__ : \ l J ,...=:--:.... . ~ ~--^ '\ ' , \\1 y: JAN 1 5 2008 \ 'i Bul., 1/I!$Jo'l' \ _ L.- ) Comments: ~ at:. H~;;./.;;j,"'--"$-' ~~ ;;<~ - tti::-- I/IJ-f?~ o o Subject: c. '-A~ SCTM#: 1000- 5'/ - :3 -:3 ( n'~,) o o October 28, 2007 Ms. Jerilyn B. Woodhouse Chair Planning Board Town of South old Southold Town Hall P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, New York 11971-0959 ji:', ~_.,~ i ! - . -.'.....'....... r/...-j;'~:< I' 'I. I, " !: " ':-"j JAN 1 5 2008 Dear Ms. Woodhouse: ...._L~'__'''--..,...,. As residents of the Chardonnay Estates subdivision, which is contiguous with the Purita vineyard, we are concerned about the impact of the bed and breakfast, winery and tasting room proposed for the vineyard property. We are also concerned about land clearing on the western edge of the vineyard. Homeowners living on the east side of Chablis Path, abutting the western part of the vineyard, have noted, with dismay, a steady encroachment on the buffer zone between the vineyard and Chardonnay Estates. Trees have been removed and boundary markers have vanished. To remedy this situation we ask that the town require the restoration of trees in the buffer zone, the placement of concrete boundary monuments and the resurveying of the vineyard property. To mitigate the impact of increased traffic generated by a full-scale winery and tasting room, we would also like to have the town move the dead end sign located half way down Chablis Path to the entrance to the subdivision. Although Chardonnay Drive, another road in our subdivision, appears as a through street on maps it dead ends at an electrified fence erected by the vineyard owner and this would seem to preclude use of this short street as an access road for the winery, tasting room, and Band B. Still, we would like to have some assurance that visitors to the Purita facilities will not be able to reach them by traveling through our subdivision. Aside from traffic within Chardonnay Estates, it is likely that all of the roads in the vicinity of the vineyard will be more heavily traveled as visitors to the winery explore the surrounding area. As noted by those of us who addressed the town board, in August 2005, when the Purita proposal for a barn on Soundview Avenue was discussed, the stretch of Soundview Avenue from Route 48 to Mount Beulah Avenue is particularly dangerous because oflimited visibility. Since this is a designated bike route utilized by professional cyclists and families with children, some consideration should be given to the use of electronic speed signs at intervals along Soundview A venue as well as on Old "....,....>_._~_._---~,_.'-~._-', o o North Road from the winery to Youngs A venue because some visitors can be expected to turn right when exiting the winery property either to use Old North Road as a westbound bypass or to explore the area. Since many more vehicles than the ten per hour stated in a document the vineyard owner filed with the Department of Planning are likely to enter and exit the winery parking lot and overflow parking area during peak tourist seasons, the impact of those vehicles, particularly motor coaches, party busses and limousines, on air quality and noise levels in the surrounding area is cause for concern. Moreover, since the 5,000+ square foot winery will have a kitchen, special events, including catered parties, held both inside the building and on its patios, have the potential to increase both air and noise pollution. Will the decibel level of music provided for private gatherings, as well as for public events, be controlled and will any of the private parties extend into the early hours ofthe morning creating vehicular noise as guests exit the winery property? Finally, with regard to the proposed bed and breakfast, would it be possible, either under Purita or subsequent ownership, for a Band B to receive a country inn designation permitting considerable expansion? In view of our questions and concerns we would welcome an opportunity to enter into a dialogue with the owner ofthe vineyard and we, therefore, request the Planning Department to host such a meeting. Respectfully submitted, Residents of Chardonnay Estates* *Signatures, printed names and addresses appear on enclosed sheets ". o o PLEAsE AFFIX YOUR SIGNATURE AND THEN PRINT YOUR NAME AND ADDltESS. ~~U1o tJ~{l17~ C O-Y /r{ /{lIS S -J OU1/l fl6ltMI'~1().M. (,tJ 8vYJ I . J 5w11w I el U kvUJj.. bl/jJU !14N/tZItCIt' -l loi.s. /lAv/.ecd,' 3d-O BrJfCJ<.J1fJ7 <L-r .6ovtir>)t/' ), 7 If r 7/ c ~d ~ni~ A"II)~~O ~~R~ Ebf ~ YY1~' eJ~ ~^- 0-S=~, . -~.J Gyp,W?JJ( So~~ rr~ \19'71 3<fS /OC.-'/l)t/ll1or e r q;,~~ /(os.a-A.ie e /f(Nl-/"t.( 'j...'J-./ ~ 7.J--- p <( I!.- &; f../ /1/ tJ 'f a...r ~G{. 7h-",,(o q //f7/ '\ . ' . ~ o ' 0 0/11/aJ,'t ~ . '195 CJt:lM '?aa $6JtlkaLd #J /1'97/ ~6k~~ t'35 ~ \, \..:,,- "'0..\'" S00\'^.PL~ ~'\ \\~l \ /l 01: f:..J..A ~ ~~ ,~. ~ev\'~ ~ ~+hUA'~ ~~ 3(0) aJolAr e~ ~J I Mj UQ71 p~ !lL)'bQClL Ii r",-\( ;CI" De N I ~o \~ to 3 5 ~ Po:tl- ~J 11~ /117/ ~\~\\ ~ ~~ r .' .Ut-5 '0 ~-Jv_~l\~ lW D~""-4 C\ l SO~o\~ D~ \\<:t.l-\ c . ~ fl1rJ k fl ~ ," LoLli . ~r;J ~ tJ s c;1/liL;) riff! ", . ~oAHuLj P- y, Iff?! f hit - / J!IV E. UJt/6 cJ -< ;) / ~ i- rJ C f/t413 I:./f / I?-T1I- So (Y71f-()l.() / lIIY/lft/ ~ LA: -1 TlfN tr SA5~;O'A 11(JtJ ~~ IcJA ~ Y4 \(11/ {)~rj{)~~Uv- 1t~~f'RID~V\ CdJ L ft ,70-0 ' fttAit ~ /ff1 ( otl11Al~ Lie ()he (Ie. h' f~f//l 17 ~ Chi 1-5 fttrn ~cfhf)1d IV(IICJ1/ \ o o ~~ 225 Burgundy Court Southold, NY 11971 January 5 , 2008 Scott Russell, Supervisor Town of Southold 53095 Route 25 PO Box 1179 South old , NY 11971 ""-. JAN 1 5 2008 Dear Supervisor Russell: The homeowners in the Chardonnay Estates subdivision in Southold are concerned about the proposed Purita Winery. . The winery will snare a common boundary with us. While we have several concerns about the winery, for example, what it will look like, the possible noise coming from the winery, etc., our primary concern is the impact of winery traffic on our lives. Our traffic concerns are about increased traffic on Old Main Road, on Soundview Avenue and, more importantly, within our subdivision. Chardonnay Drive, which is in our subdivision, now dead ends at the vineyard's west boundary. We understand that a 2 lot subdivision within the vineyard has already been approved and that one of the lots may be used for a bed & breakfast business. This new subdivision is at the terminus of Chardonnay Drive hence access will probably necessitate bed & breakfast guests coming through our subdivision. We are actively monitoring what is currently before the Planning Board regarding the proposed winery. Attached is copy of an October 28, 2007 letter to the Planning Board about our concerns. In addition to what we are doing at the Planning Board level, we would greatly appreciate your oversight of the Purita Winery proposal to make sure it does not adversely impact the Chardonnay Estates homeowners. We would also appreciate it if you will direct the appropriate Town Departments (Police, Highway, Engineering, etc.) to monitor the traffic impact of the proposal on our area. Yours truly, Paul Clancy for the Chardonnay Estates Homeowners Association ~..~-~ ~-- ""W"'" Sidney 8. Bowne, P.E., L.S. (1922-1959) Chester C. Kelsey, P.E., L.S. Robert A. Stanton, P.E Robert W. Brown, L.S. Zabdiel A. Blackman, P.E., L.S. Frank J. Antetomaso, P.E. 41 SIDNEY B. BOWNE & SON '6'~ rff~ 45 Manor Road Smlthtown. N.Y. 11787 (516) 724-0611 , George A. Style, P.E Jerry D. Atmont, P.E George L. Fagan, Jr, Ph. D. P.E Frank Capobianco, C.E Paul F. Stevens, P.E Roger L. Cocchi, P.E June 30, 1989 Roland Anders Francis J. Lynch Phillip Schlotzhauer Joseph F Stegman William T. Styne Richard B. Weber roJ~@ ~ D IJ'l 1., '1 WJ i JUL - 3 1989 Thomas R. Pynchon, L.S. Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Chairman Town of Southold Planning Board 53095 Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 L_ Re: Chardonnay Woods, Major Subdivision, Town of Southold, N. Y. (SBB No. 87138) S.C.T.M.: 1000-051-03-03 Gentlemen: An inspection was conducted by this office on June 28, 1989. We find that the right-of-way on the interior roadways have been cleared and roughly graded. Very truly yours, SIDNEY B. BOWNE & SON CONSULTING ENGINEERS t:I.~ /'_~~_ A. BARTON CA S ABC:rp cc: Ray Dean (SBB) Ray Jacobs, Supt. of Hwys. MINEOLA . SMITHTOWN . NEW YORK CITY . CLEARWATER An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/H i ' . . . SIDNEY B. BOWNE & SON '1f~~~ 45 Manor Road Smithtown, N.Y. 11787 (516) 724-0611 . Sidney B. Bowne, P.E., LS. (1922-1959) Chester C. Kelsey, P.E., LS. Robert A. Stanton. P.E. Robert W. Brown, LS. Zabdjel A. Blackman, P.E., l.S Frank J. Antetomaso. P.E. ji;::j l Llt"j JUl - 3 /989 '"., ROland' Anders . Franois J. Lynch PtlHlip Schlotzhauer Joseph F. Stegman William T. Slyne Richard B. Weber George A. Style, P,E Jerry D. Almont. P.E. George L. Fagan. Jr" Ph. D. P.E Frank Capobianco, C.E. Paul F. Stevens, P.E Roger L. Cocchi, P.E i " I L__ June 29, 1989 Thomas R. Pynchon, L.S Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Town of Southo 1 d Pl ann i n9 Board 53095 Main Road Southold, N. Y. 11971 Re: Chardonnay Woods, Southold,N.Y. S.C.T.M.: 1000-051-03-03 Dear Mr. Orlowski: This letter is in response to the Suffolk County Plannin9 Commission letter dated June 12, 1989 of which you requested our comments. We have met with the Developers Engineer Edward Bullock to discuss the County's letter. He has provided us with additional copies information and a copy of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Permit secured for this project. The plan has been approved by N.Y.S.D.E.C. with some modifications and numerous conditions as listed in the permit. A summary of our comments in conjunction the Planning Commission's letter are as follows: 1. DESIGN CALCULATION FOR STORMWATER DRAINAGE SYSTEM Have been provided on the Final Drainage Pl an. the Drainage Design is herewith attached as N.Y.S.D.E.C. permit process, which provides for facilities. Al so, a report on prepared for the adequate drainage 2. DIRECT DISCHARGE OF STORMWATER ONTO WETLAND Additonal drainage basins have been added to reduce the stormwater flow from up-land areas. Adequate depth in leaching basins could not be attained at the low point of Chablis Path without excessive filling of the wetland to raise the road grade. A mitigation plan for the wetl and has been prepared at D. E. C. request and approved. 3. THE PROPOSED ROAD, CHABLIS PATH, CROSSES THE WETLAND Access to the 4 lots on the Southside of the site adjoining the wetland from Old North Road was originally proposed but was disapproved by the Town, thus the only access to the area was from the north. This accur has been approved by N.Y.S.D.E.C. ;. MINEOLA . SMITHTOWN . NEW YORK CITY . CLEARWATER An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/H ',( . . , Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Town of Sout ho 1 d June 28, 1989 P age Two 4. 100 FT. SETBACK FOR SANITARY SYSTEM FROM WETLAND Site Pl ans for lots 6 and 9 have been prepared indicating the location of the sanitary systems beyond the 100 ft. setback and have been approved by N.Y.S.D.E.C. 5. CURVE IN OLD NORTH ROAD This revision has been made to the plan by the Projects Engineer. The Suffo 1 k County Pl ann ing Commi ssion has al so suggested several revisions that could be made to the plans. Our comments to their suggestions are as follows: 1 & 2. EXTENDING COSDEN COURT Cosden Court is not a dedicated roadway thus rendering it inacessible. 3. PLACING LOTS ALONG THE SOUTH SIDES OF LOT 10 AND CHARDONNAY DRIVE This area is heavily wooded with mature trees a relatively steep slope, thus it was preferred to preserve this area in a natural state. We are forwarding to you four (4) sets of the following documents as provided to us by Edward Bullock. The documents are as follows: - Drainage Report for N.Y.S.D.E.C. Application. - Site Plans for lots 6 and 9. - Rev i sed Final Map. - Revised Drainage & Road Pl ans (5 Sheets). - Overall Topographic Map. - Wetland Detail. - Wetlands Permit - N.Y.S.D.E.C. l .,t.., . Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Town of Sout ho 1 d Pl anning Board June 29, 1989 Jr.~hairman . Also, to reflect the increase in the number of drainage basin now proposed, we have rev i sed the Bond Est imate according ly. A rev i sed copy is also enclosed. Contact our office if you have any questions regarding this matter. JWK:rp Encl. Very truly yours, SIDNEY B. BOWNE & SON CONSULTING ENGINEERS ~~J:;/e OOHN W. KOHN SIDNEY B. BOWNE & SON ITEM NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 QUAN TI TY L.S. 4,450 c.y. 13 each 5 each 11 each 2 each 2 each 1,015 1.f. 76 1. f. 1 each 2 each 5,000 1.f. 1,400 s.f. 7,780 s.y. 860 c.y. 1,150 tons 650 tons 5,840 s.y. 3 each 650 1. f . 115 each 135 each 19 each 16,000 s. f. 12 each 1 each 48 each ~ BOND ESTIMATE FOR CHARDONNAY WOODS AT SOUTHOLD, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, N.Y. S.C.T.M.: 1000-051-03-03 DESCR IPTION Clearing and Grubbing Unclassified Excavation 8' Dia. x 8' Deep Leach i ng Pools 8' Dia. x 10' Deep Leach ing Pool s 8' Dia. x 14' Deep Leaching Pools Catch Basins Overflow - Bubble Basins 18" C.M.P. 30" x 18" C.M.P.A. 18" C.M.P. End Section 30" x 18" C.M.P. - End Section Concrete Curb Concrete Driveway Aprons Fine Grade Stone Blend Asphalt - 2-1/2" Binder Course Asphalt - 1-1/2" Top Course Top Soil & Seeding Street Lights Direct Buried Cable P1 ant ing Street Trees Wetlands Shrub Planting: Buttonbush, Swamp Azalea, and Red Chokecherry Wetlands Tree Planting: Ced ar or Hem 1 ock Wetlands Grass Planting: Rice Cut or Reed Canary Street Signs Fire Well Concrete Monuments ~ecember Revised: June 28, w.\ UNIT PRICE $ 6.00 2,000.00 2,400.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 23.00 55.00 500.00 575.00 10.00 4.50 1.50 40.00 60.00 60.00 5.00 1,500.00 2.00 200.00 40.00 200.00 0.30 250.00 10,000.00 80.00 Subtotal = 5% Inspection Fee = 21, 1988 1989 'l JUL - 3 1989 TOTAL $ 8,000.00 27,300.00 26,000.00 12,000.00 33,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 23,345.00 4,180.00 500.00 1,150.00 50,000.00 6,300.00 11,670.00 34,400.00 69,000.00 39,000.00 29,200.00 4,500.00 1,300.00 23,000.00 5,400.00 3,800.00 4,800.00 3,000.00 10,000.00 3,840.00 $442,685.00 22,134.25 TOTAL = $464,819.25 SBB NO. 87138 D/Southo1d 3 Sheet 1 of 1 t . :- ..~ Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Soulhold. New York 11971 TELEPHONE (S 16) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM TO: Victor Lessard, Building Department FRaIl!: Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner DATE: June 19, 1989 . RE: Chardonnay Estates, Southold SCTM 1I 1000-51-03-3 On June 14th, it was brought to my attention that road construction has been started on the above-referenced subdivision. I inspected the premises on the morning of June 15th. The initial grading and staking of the road has been started. A performance bond was accepted by the Town Board. However, this subdivision has not received final approvals from the Planning Board. The Suffolk County Planning Commission has recommended that the map be revised before it is given approval. These recommendations are being reviewed by the Planning Board and the Town Engineer. The southerly portion of the road, which will traverse a wetland type area, is the portion under review at the County's request, the construction of this portion should not be allowed to proceed until final approvals are granted by the Planning Board. Further, this office has no record of a notification by the construction project manager of commencement of work. Consequently, the Town Engineer has not been notified to begin inspections of road construction. cc: James A. Schondebare, Town Attorney Neil Rego, Applicant Town HaIL 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1938 . }<.~-E"~\"'~'?'>.~ . . ..., ,.(, .. ,/~;>,,"i..:.'...'\~.;.'.'~':':i'\1\ :~1 S ':'~,} 'i " ';I-=: ' ,1U'/' 1 !::!:J. !J.'~':' 'C::"'j ',~ '''a''l\: .... .... "'t-".' ", '"<~J .~. 'lJ1 ..", 'Y ~-~~:..;:.,:;:::::~,;:,::~",/> t PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD :Sl.l>Je Ib, I'IB'\, Robert Brawn Sidney Bowne & Son 45 Manor Road Smithtown, NY 11787 Dear Mr. Brown: Pursuant to your agreement with the Town of Southold, the Southold Town Planning Board hereby refers the following: Application of (Major subdivision, minor subdivision, site plan) c.l-o.rc\ Ol\f\~ \.(lOOt".' So G:l So,,~ol.~. Hamle t s,,,"t'no\J.. VlATERIAL SUBMITTED: File /I 9'71'36 Suffolk County Tax Map No. looo-SI-~-3 Sketch plan Preliminary map Street Profiles Grading Plan Preliminary site plan Final Map Other ~_ j')" /9'S'r ~ ~ 'H~ ~ ~~ Co:~ents: ~ ~~ ~'_.~ ~~ ~~ ~rJ' :!:Ntt,:~ ~~'H~;:j1t!-~~ &~~ ?jJ v~ truly yours, B~e~~~. SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOA"KD ~ e~. , COl 'TY OF SUFFOLK 6) . PATRICK G. HALPIN SUFFOL.K COUNTY EXECUTIVE ,,_.. .~.~-"..,-~ rn ~ -.::-.... !! D 1;,- . !' <1' \lfU L~1U.;;~""'~..~'.'" p ~_. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING ARTHUR H. KUNZ DIRECTOR OF PLANNING June 12, 1989 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Town of Southold Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Map of Chardonnay Woods at Southold Northerly side of Old North Road 201.34 feet easterly from Mount Beulah Road, North Southold, New York Dear Mr. Orlowski: The Suffolk County Planning Commission at its regular meeting on June 7, 1989, reviewed the proposed subdivision plat, entitled, ''Map of Chardonnay Woods at Southold" referred to it pursuant to Section A14-24, Article XIV of the Suffolk County Administrative Code. After due study and deliberation it resolved to disapprove said map for the following reasons: 1. No information was provided on the design standards that were used for the stormwater drainage systems. 2. There is direct discharge of stormwater into the wetlands on the property. 3. A proposed road, Chablis Path, cuts across the wetland area. 4. The setback from the upland edge of the wetlands is indicated as 75 feet. A 100 foot setback is required for sanitary disposal facilities and preferred for residential structures. 5. A short radius curve should have been required at the angular bend in Old North Road. The Commission also offers the following comments on the map for your use and consideration: It is suggested that the subdivision be redesigned by: 1. Improving and extending Cosden Court to serve as access for Lots 6-10, inclusive, with the lots relocated away from the wetlands; or VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE. LI.. NEW YORK 1'788 (!518) 380-15192 , . -2- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Improving and extending Cosden Court to tie into Chardonnay Drive with Lots 6-10, inclusive, located on the northerly side of the road; or 3. Placing two or three lots along side of Lot 10 with the other one or two lots placed on the southerly side of Chardonnay Drive. Very truly yours, Arthur H. Kunz Director of Planning bydll.1q; W Charles G. Lind, Chief Planner Subdivision Review Division File: S-SD-89-09 CGL:mb Encl.: Map cc: W. G. Holst, County Clerk . , ~ TO: Kc)h &l2nl-<.,~" n} 1l1t>j,'<;<;,4 0>J/?o FRO:,!: ADDEESS: DATE: ;//CN :30, /189 { . c.h::ll'AOl'\M" WecAc;. / ScTtVI 5/- 3- 3 CON"",,,, 4(f..,NA taA'UO H A'e. 5 t:~f::;;;:,:::.'oon5f;:l;h;'~-= 011/"~ ,t r'7 jJ~ ,: .&?r ?Yf.&u SUB0"ECT: " ftkfz Signature ------ EDWARD A. BULLOCK, JR. " Professional Land Survevor & EnJi!:ineer l [L[E:1JLfTEOO @~OO&J~~[f(A]D1J1J~[L Waverly Plaza 755 Waverly Avenue HOLTSVILLE, NEW YORK 11742 (516) 758-3803 Southold, NY 11971 16A~- - --------"1- JOBNO---n ----I W ~~1989 1000-51-3-3 - --l I ATTENTION Melissa r- I I Street Grades & Drainage for ~hard~nnay woods at Southold ~ TO ::;ouc.no.lC t' .lanrung J:jQ(ir:a Town Hall WE ARE SENDING YOU ~ Attached ~ Under separate cover via____the following items: [J Shop drawings :KJ Prints [j Plans CI Samples I~ Specifications Ll Copy of letter n Change order [' ----~~-- -- -~--- ---~ COPIES --~ATE - T-~;----T- -~-Tl---~ I I Street Grades & Drainage for Chardonnay Woods at Southold (Sheets 1-5) I DESCRIPTION 2 Set l_J rnr__JjL~~_l.W.J: ~__: t ,. rL\ I MAY I 8 1900 . i 1-- THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [] For approval [' Approved as submitted n Resubmit__copies for approval ~ For your use D Approved as noted '] Submit copies for distribution ex As requested ::J Returned for corrections n Return corrected prints ~ For review and comment [l 'J FOR BIDS DUE 19_ ::J PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS SIGNED:?;LJ-(J-4 ~ / .2-~J~ ~ it/-(')o ,~ IfenclOSlJres are not as noted. kindly notify us at once. Edward A. Bullock, 'Jr. ,PLS & E ~ Neil Rego COpy TO ___ , , . "'" , 3: Co ,.. ~ '" ~ - Co I i': ::;, ~ '..::.::1 .. .."::1 'I I -"'I'i."" D'N. _ilh Co,..,"" ,,,in.. """'OC".'""i'i""'] "_""'i"" Standard NY9.T,U. Form 8002. (~inll'kshcel) CONSULT TOU. LAWn. lIFO.1 SI.NIN. THIS INSTRU..INT . THIS INSTlU..INTSHOULD II USlD IT LAWTI.S ONLT .., , THIS INDENTURE, made the BETWEEN day of May , nineteen hundred and Eighty- nine Neil M. Rego. residing at 615 Fox Hill Drive Baiting Hollow. New York 11933 party of the first part, and Chardonnay Woods Homeowners Association. Inc. party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of ten dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the See Schedule A attached. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the hdrs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the lirst part covenants that the party of the lirst part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have be-en encumbered in any way whatever, exC'ept as aforesaid. AND the party of the lirst part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the lirst part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consid- eration as a trust fund to be applied lirst for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same lirst to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the smne for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indentl1re so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the lirst part has duly executed this deed Ih. day and y.ar lirst above written. IN PRESENCE OF: -------------------------- Neil M. Rego nA.TI 1;1' ~IW YOlK, COUNTY o' SU.lk Dn the '16th day of May 1989 personally came Neil M. Rego . II. , before me to lilt.' known to bt, the individual executed the foregoing instrument, executed the same. described in and who and acknowledged that STATI O' NIW YOI., COUNTY O' On the day of 19 , before me Pl'rsonally came to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. that he is the of , the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrumtnt is such corporate s('al; that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corpora- tion, and that he signed h name thereto by like order. lIargain aub &alt IIttb WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS TITLE NO. TO STANDARD FORM Of NEW YORK BOARD OF TITLE UNDERWRITERS Distributed by C..C&GO .......... IN'.URAN'CB COMPANY ITATI O' NIW YO.COUNTY. On the day of personally came 55: 19 , before me to Ille known to be the individual executed the foregoing instrument, executed the same. described in and who and acknowledged that 55. ITATI O' NIW YOI.. COUNTY Of IS: On the day of 19 , before me personally came the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument, with whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. that h.knows to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument; that he, said subscribing witness, was present and saw execute the same; and that he, said witness, at the same time subscribed h name as witness thereto. SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN Ilecorded at Requelt of CHICAGO TITLE INSUIlANCI: COMPANY Return by Mail to Zip No. ... U it ... o <II z is "' o u ... .. ... o ... '" :> .. o ... ... U < L '" '" i: ... ... > .. ... '" ... "' CHICA(;O TnLE INSURANCE CUMI'ANY .. . . . F.10449 TITLE NO. SCHEDULE A - Description AREA A ALL that being at State of certain plot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and North Southold, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Southerly side of Sound View Avenue said point being distant the following courses and distance from the inter- section of the Southerly side of Sound View Avenue and the Easterly side of lands on Map of Mount Beulah Acres filed 5-29-81 as map No. 6984; 1. South 87 degrees 10 minutes 40 seconds East 517.11 feet; 2. South 70 degrees 23 minutes 00 seconds East 324.21 feet to the true point of Beginning and from said point; RUNNING THENCE along the Southerly side of Sound View Avenue South 70 degrees 23 minutes 00 seconds East 190.00 feet; THENCE South 01 degrees 48 minutes 56 seconds West 642.86 feet; THENCE North 88 degrees 26 minutes 50 seconds West 153.20 feet; THENCE North 01 degrees 33 minutes 10 seconds East 119.43 feet; THENCE South 75 degrees 54 minutes 35 seconds East 64.31 feet; THENCE. North 19 degrees. J7 minutes 00 seconds East 133.01 feet; THENCE North 01 degrees 48 minutes 56 seconds East 479.08 feet; THENCE North 70 degrees 23 minutes 00 seconds West 173.54 feet; THENCE North 19 degrees 37 minutes 00 seconds East 30.00 feet; THENCE Northeasterly on an arc bearing to the right having a radius of 20.00 feet a distance of 31.42 feet to the Southerly side of Sound View Avenue to the point or place of ~EGINNING. e"ICAl'OiL>: INSURANCE COMPANY . . F.l0449 TITLE NO. Page 1 of 2. SCHEDULE A - Description OPEN SPACE -B- ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being at North Southold, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Southerly side of Sound View Avenue said point being where the easterly side of lands on Map of Mount Beulah Acres, filed 5-29-81 as Map No. 6984 intersects the said southerly side of Sound View Avenue.and from said point of Beginning~ RUNNING THENCE along said lands South 00 degrees 50 minutes 30 seconds East 2007.25 feet to the northerly side of Old North Road~ THENCE along the northerly side of Old North Road the following two courses and distances~ 1. South 72 degrees 46 minutes 40 seconds East 161.79 feet and 2. South 86 degrees 03 minutes 30 seconds East 763.70 feet~ THENCE North 01 degrees 33 minutes 10 seconds East 1217.27 feet~ THENCE North 88 degrees 26 minutes 50 seconds West 161.83 feet~ THENCE Westerly on an arc bearing to the left having a radius of 1475.00 feet a distance of 117.42 feet~ THENCE South 86 degrees 59 mintues 30 seconds West 115.26 feet~ THENCE Westerly and Southerly on an arc bearing to the left having a radius of 20.00 feet a distance of 31.42 feet~ THENCE South 03 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East 473.69 feet~ THENCE Southwesterly on an arc having a radius of 175.00 feet a distance of 2i!4718 feet~ /OS.7S THENCE South 8 degrees 23 minutes 03 seconds East 50.00 feet~ THENCE South 12 degrees 49 minutes 59 seconds East 234.36 feet~ THENCE South 89 degrees 09 minutes 30 seconds West 529.44 feet~ THENCE North 00 degrees 50 minutes 30 seconds West 292.09 feet~ THENCE South 85 degrees 79 minutes 50 seconds East 121.33 feet~ THENCE North 00 degrees 50 minutes 30 seconds West 133.14 feet~ THENCE North 89 degrees 09 minutes 30 seconds East 184.54 feet~ THENCE South 45 degrees 44 minutes 44 seconds East 85.76 feet~ THENCE North 86 degrees 59 mintues 30 seconds East 50 feet~ THENCE North 03 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds West 402.95 feet~ Continued... CIfICAUO TITLE INSUHANCE (;OMVANY . . F -10449 . . Continued.. Page 2 of 2. SCHEDULE A - Description TITLE NO. THENCE North on an arc bearing to the rIght having a radius of 775.00 feet and a distance of 119.51 feet; THENCE North 84 degrees 70 minutes 23 seconds West 289.41 feet; THENCE North 10 degrees 10 minutes 03 seconds East 161.12 feet; THENCE North 75 degrees 29 minutes 31 seconds West 24.93 feet; THENCE North 65 degrees 06 minutes 24 seconds West 188.91 feet; THENCE North 00 degrees 50 minutes 30 seconds West 447.27 feet; THENCE North 69 degrees 46 mintues 29 seconds East 172.28 feet; THENCE South 87 degrees 10 minutes 40 seconds East 288.03 feet; THENCE North 19 degrees 37 minutes 00 seconds East 16.93 feet; THENCE South 70 degrees 23 mintues 00 seconds East 246.42 feet; THENCE North 19 degrees 37 minutes 00 seconds East 30.00 feet; THENCE Northwesterly on an arc bearing to the left having a radius of 20.00 feet distant 31.42 feet; THENCE along the Southerly side of Sound View Avenue North 70 degrees 23 mintues 00 seconds West 234.~ feet; THENCE still along the Southerly side of Sound View Avenue North 87 degrees 10 mintues 40 seconds West 517.11 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. A FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 2. Date Deed Recorded / /~ * .TE OF N.ORK STATE BOAR aUALIZ AND ASSESSMENT RE OPERTY TR'" ",R REPORT 1. Swis ,Code. 3. Book I 4 Page EA-5217 Rev, 1/88 CONTROL NUMBER 7360633 IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION Southold City or Town Village 1, Property Location No f Street Number North Road North Southold Street Name Zip Code 2. Buyer Name Chardonnay Woods Homeowners Associations. Last Name Inc. First Name 3. Buyer Address Buyer Address 4. Buyer's Attorney I Name Telephone Number 6. Tax Billing Address Last Name -1iJ Same as Buyer Address Rego Neil M. First Name DOther (Specify Below) 5. SeHer Name D Same as Property Location Street Name and Number 7. Deed Property Size lor I City or Town 8. School 25 District Name Acres State Zip Code Dimensions f 5 I C ASSESSMENT INFORMATION (Data should be taken from the latest final assessment roll) 1. Enter the year of the assessment roll from which L8.lLJ the information was taken. 2. Check the bOil indicating the numberol parcels which sold. KJone Parcel OMore Than One Parcel (Specify)1 D Only Part of a Parcel 3, Enter the total assessed value (Of all parcels in the sale), 4, Enter the tu map identifier af the parcel. 1000 (If more than one, list on a separate sheet) 051.00 Section 03.00 Block 0/0 003.000 Lot 5. Enter the roll identifier II different from tax map identifier. fl'Y PROPERTY USE INFORM4TION I 1. Check the box in the Property Use Table which most accurately describes the use 01 the property at the time of sale. PROPERTY USE TABLE 2. Is the sale of a condominium or ~perative? Dyes DNo I E SALE INFORMATION 1. Date of Sale (Transfer) ~ Agrlcullu,,' 2 1, 2, 3 Family Residential 3A Residential Vacant Land 38 Non-Residential Vacant Land 4A ~ Commercial 4B Apartment 5 EntenainmentlAmusement 6 ~ com.munity Service 7 Industrial 8 Public Service 9 Forest 5 / 16/ 89 5. Is this an arm's length sale? DYes [!] No 2. St.,. the Full s.... Prtce. S None 6. Check all of the conditions below that apply to this sale 4. II yes. indicate the value of the personal $ property included in the sale. A B C U F R T G Land Contract Sale (SpeCify Contract Dalel Sale Contract Executed More than One Year Prior to the Date of Sale (Full Sales Price is the total amount paid for the property, including personal property. This payment may be in the form of cash, other property or goods. or the assumption of mortgages or other obligations.) Sate Between Relatives or Former Relatives Sale Between Related Companies or Partners in Business / / 3. Was there personal property in ellcess 0 0 of $500 included in this sale? Yes No Buyer or Seller is a Government Agency or a lending tnstitution Deed Type is Not Warranty or Bargain and Sale (Specify Deed Type) I Sale of Fractional or Less than Fee Interest (Specify) Other unusuallactors aflectlng sale price (Specify) I F CERTIFICATION I I cenify that all the items 01 infonnation entered on this transfer fonn are true and correct (to the best of my knowledge and belief) and I understand that the making of any willful false statement of material fact herein will subject me to the provisions of the penal law relative to the making and filing of false Instruments, Signature NEW YORK STATE Street Name & Number Name (Print Of Type) COpy City I Town Telephone / / Date State Zip Code -------------------------------------------------------------- II County Recording Officer or Authorized Agent forward the SBEA COPY of the EA-5217 at the end of each month to: Division of Equalization & Assessment Property Valuation Bureau Agency Building #4, 5th Floor Empire State Plaza Albany, New York 12223 NEW YORK STATE COpy Attention: Sales.lJfiit- I P-584 (7/86) IEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT IF T^XATIGN AND FINANCE ;TATE OF ) New York :OUNTY OF ) SS: Suffolk I (we) Neil M. Rego , being duly sworn, depose (s) and say (s) under penalty of perjury that (I am~e-~re) the (transferor(s) (transferee(s) of real property located at20 f liiort oa , North Southold STREET CITY ...iiEAl PRO_n TRANSFER GAINS T. . AFF~VIT OF INDIVIDUALS . , . . New York; that property has been. or in being transferred to/from Chardonnay Woops Homeowners Assoc. Inc.. for a consideration of None ; that it is true to the knowledge of the offiant (s) that the transfer of such real property is exempt from the Tax on Gains Derived From Certain Real Property Transfered imposed by Article 31-B of the Tax law by reason that: (CHECK APPROPRIATE BOX) 1. ( ) the transfer of real property consists of the execution of a contract to sell real property without the use of occupancy of such property or the granting of an option to purchase real property without the use or occupancy of such property. 2. (x) the transfer is a transfer of real property where the consid- eration i$ less than five hundred thousand dollars and which is neither (A) pursuant to a cooperative or condominium plan. nor (B) a partial or successive tranfer pursuant to an agreement or plan to effectuate by partial or successive transfers a transfer which would otherwise be included in the coverage of Article thrity-one-B of the Tax law. 3. ( ) the transfer is a transfer of real property by tenants in common. joint tenants or tenants by the entirety where the aggregate consideration is less than five hundred thousand dollars. (all such transferors must sign this form). 4. ( ) the conveyance is not a transfer of real property within the meaning of subdivision seven of section fourteen hundred forty if Article thirty-one-B of the Tax law. (Attach documents supporting such claim.) 5. ( ) the transfer of real property consists of premises wholly occupied and used by the transferor eXClusively as his residence. including a cooperative apartment or condominium occupied by the transferor exclusively as a residence. (See footnote.) (A TRANSFEREE HAY NOT CHECK TIllS BOX.) Transferor's or Transferee's Signature Transferor's or Transferee's Social Security Number I I Subscribed 'and Sworn before me this day of -' 19__ NOTARY PUBLIC lk COUNTY OF Suffo STATE OF New York These statement are made with the knowledge that a willfully false representation is unlawful and is punishable as the crime of perjury under Article 210 of the Penalt. law. I . This affidavit must be filed on the-date of transfer with the recording officer of ~:~o~:~~tYd~~~;; ~~:h~a~ pr;pe~t~t t~an~erred is located or if the transfer is not 5045. Albany. NY 12205. . ew or a e partment of Taxation and Finance. P.O. Box :~: ~~lrh~a~:n~fd~~:tf~:m:~~st~as a~:uallY olccuPied and used for residential purposes H Y k 5t t R 1 peen re rea property is $500.000 or more Form TP 580 T:~58~r NewaY:rke;t tro~erfYpTranSfer Gains Tax. Questionnaire - Transferror and Form' must b~ completed. as:e ~~str~~~;~~~ :~::S~:~5~~~~sa~:xip~~:~~~~nnaire _ Transferee. --ilii ;~dF~;~i~C[ - REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER GAINS TAX ~ AFFIDAVIT CORPORA1.<(lN, PARTNERSIlIP, ESTATE r ... OR TRU,T STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) I N"i 1 M. Reqo , being duly that I am the President. Title the (transferor) (traqaf9r~) of real North Southold City to~ Chardonnay Woods Homeowners Assoc. In,Cfor a consideration of ~ ~ None ; that it is true to the knowledge of the affiant that the transfer of such resl property is exempt from the Tax on Gains Derived From Certain Real Property Transfers imposed by Article 31-B of the Tax Law by reason that: (Check Appropriste Box) , New York; that property has been, sworn, depose and say under penalty of periur)' of Chardonnay Woods Homeowners Assoc. Corp~rati~~, Partnership, Estate or Trust property located at No I. North Road Street or is being transferred 1. ] the transfer of real property consists of the execution of a contract to sell real property without the use or occupancy of such property or the granting of an option to purchase real property without th~ use or occupancy of such property. the transfer is a transfer of real property where the consid- eratIon is less than five hundred thousand dollars and which is neither (A) yursuant to a cooperative or condominium plan, nor (B) a part al or successive transfer fursuant to an agreement or plan to effectuate by partia or successive transfers a transfer which would otherwise be Included in the coverage of Article thirty-one-B of the Tax Law. the transfer is a transfer of real property by tenants in common, joint tenants or tenants by the entirety where the aggregate consideration is less than five hundred thousand dollars. (All such transferors must sign this form.) the conveyance is not a transfer of real property within the meaning of subdivision seven of section fourteen hundred forty of Artlcle thirty-one-B of the Tax Law. (Attach documents supporting such claim.) the transfer of real property consists of premises wholly occupied aod used by the transferor exclusively as his resilience 1 including a cooperative apartment or condominium occupied oy the transfert,r exclusively as a residence. (See footnote.) *This exempLon may only be claimed by an estate or trust which is a transferor. 2. Ix .1 3. 4. 5. Transferor or Transferee Transferor's or Transferee's Federal Employer 1.0. Number By "(Title) Subscribed and sworn before me this day of , 19. NOT~' PUBLIC - COUNTY Of' - Suffolk STATE OF New York These statements are made with the knowledge that a wUlfull y false representation is unlawful and is punishable as the crime of perjury under Article 2]0 of the Penal Law. This affidavit must be fUed on the date of transfer with the recording officer of the count)' wherein the real property transferred is located or if the transfer is not recorded~ directly with: New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, P.O. Box 504~, Albany, NY 12205. *If only part of the premises was actually occupied and used for residential purposes and if the consideration for the entire real property is $500,000 or more, Form TP-580, New York State Real Property Transfer Gains Tax Questionnaire _ Transferor and Form TP-581, New York State Real Property Transfer Gains Tax QuestIonnaire - Transferee, must be completed. See instructions, Form TP-580-1 and TP-581-1. .B BACK. FORM FOR CRIlDI'l LI.ORTGA. CBRTIFICATE (7/86) 8c!ck . ~ . CREDIT LINE MORTGAGE CERTIFICATE ~ This certificate relates to the mortgage recording taxes imposed on the sale or transfer of real property subject to an outstanding credit line mortgage. See section 253-bof the Tax law and Part 404 of Title 20 of the Official Compilation of Codes. Rules and Regulations of the State of New York for complete explanation. Note: This certificate is not required to be completed for a transfer of real property which is a transfer of other than fee siqJle interest. I (we) certify that: (Check Appropriate Box) 1. ( ) the real property being sold or transferred 15 not principally i.,roved nor will it be improved by a one to six fa_ily owner-occupied residence or dwelling. 2. (X) the real property being sold or transferred is not subject to an outstanding credit line mortgage. 3. ( ) the real property being sold or tranferred is subject to an outstandihg credit line mortgage. however. an exemption from the tax is claimed for the following reason: ( ) I the transfer of real property 15 a transfer of a I fee si.,le interest to a person or persons who held a fee silllple interest in the real property (whether as a joint tenant. a tenant in common or otherwise) immediately prior to the transfer; ( ) the transfer of real property 15 (A) to a person or persons related by blood. marriage or adoption to the original obligor or to one or more of the original obligors or (8) to a person or entity where a majority of the beneficial interest in such real property after the transfer is held by the tra~sferor or such related person or persons; ( ) the transfer of real property 15 a transfer to a trustee. in bankruptcy. a receiver. assignee or other officer of a court; ( ) other (attach detailed explanation). 4. ( ) The real property being transferred is presently subject to an outstanding credit line mortgage. however. no tax is due for the following reason: ( ) a certificate of discharge of the credit line mortgage 15 being offered at the time of recording the deed; or ( ) a check has been drawn payable for transmission to the credit line mortgagee or his agent for the balance due and a satisfaction of such mortgage will be recorded as soon as if is available. 5. ( ) The real property being transferred is subject to an outstanding credit lfne mortgage on record at (insert liber and page or reel or other identification of the mortgage). The maximum principal amount expressed in the mortgage is . No exemption froB tax is claimed and the tax of is being paid herewith. Signed under penalty of law. . . . . BY-LAWS OF CHARDONNAY WOODS HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. A New York Not-for-Profit Corporation ARTICLE I - NAME, LOCATION AND PRINCIPAL OFFICE These are the By-Laws of Chardonnay Woods Homeowners Association, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the "Association". The prinicpal office of the Association shall be in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. ARTICLE II - DEFINITIONS The following words when used in these By-Laws shall, unless the context prohibits, have the meanings set forth below: (a) "Association" shall mean and refer to Chardonnay Woods Homeowners Associations, Inc., a New York Not-for-Profit Corporation. (b) "Developer" shall mean and refer to Neil M. Rego and his successors and assigns if such successors and assigns should acquire an undeveloped or developed but unsold portion of The Properties from the Developer for the purpose of development. (c) "Declaration" shall mean and refer to the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions, applicable to The Properties and amendments thereto, if any, in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk, New York. (d) "The Properties" shall mean and refer to all those areas of land described in and subject to the Declaration, and as shown on the subdivision map of Chardonnay Woods at Southold. (e) "Lot" shall mean and refer to any plot of land intended and subdivided for residential uses shown on the subdivision map of The Properties but shall not included the Open Space Area as herein defined. (f) "Member" shall mean and refer to each holder of a membership interest in the Association, as such interest is set forth in Article VI. (g) "Home" shall mean and refer to all units of residential housing situate upon lots on The Properties. . . . . (h) "OWner" shall mean and refer to the record owner of fee simple title to any lot, including the Developer with respect to an unsold lot. Every lot OWner shall be treated for all purposes as a single owner for each lot held, irrespective of whether such ownership is joint, in common or tenancy by the entirety. Where such ownership is joint, in common or tenancy by the entirety, majority vote of such owners shall be necessary to cast any vot to which such owners are entitled. (i) "Open Space Areas" shall mean and refer to certain areas of land other than individual lots as shown on the filed subdivision map and intended to undeveloped open space for the use and enjoyment of the owners of The Properties. (j) "Development" shall mean Map of Chardonnay Woods at Southold, a 18 lot subdivision located along Sound View Avenue, North Souhold, New York. ARTICLE III - PURPOSE This Association is formed to own, operate and maintain the Open Space Areas for the benefit of the Members of the Association and to otherwise act according to the provisions of the Declaration. ARTICLE IV - APPLICABILITY All present and future Members shall be subject to these By-Laws and to the rules and regulations issued by the Association to govern the conduct of its Members. ARTICLE V - USE OF FACILITIES The Open Space Areas shall be limited to the use of the Members or their families residing in their household, and the Members' guests. In the event that a Member shall lease or permit another to occupy his Home, however, the lessee or occupant shall at the opton of the Member, be permitted to enjoy the use of the Open Space Areas in lieu of and subject to the same restrictions and limitations as said Member. However, both the Member and the lessee may not use the Open Space Areas at the same time. ARTICLE VI - MEMBERSHIP AND VOTING RIGHTS Section 1. Membership. The Association shall have one class of membership interest as follows: The OWner of each Lot on the Properties shall be a Member whether such ownership is joint, in common or tenancy by the entirety. Each Member is entitled to one vote for each Lot in which they hold a member- ship interest. When more than one person or enti~y holds such interest in any Lot, the one vote attributalbe to such Lot shall be exercised as such persons mutually determine but with exception of cumulative voting employed in the election of Directors, not more than one vote may be cast with respect to any such Lot. No Member shall split or divide its votes on any motion, resolution or ballot other than in the cumulative voting procedure employed in the election of Directors. . . . . ARTICLE VII - QUORUM, PROXIES AND WAIVERS Section 1. Quorum. So many Members as shall represent as least 51% of the total authorized votes of all Members present in person or represented by written proxy shall be requisite to and shall constitute a quorum at all meetings of the Association for the transaction of business, except as otherwise provided by Statute, by the Declaration, the Certificate of Incorporation of the Association or by these By-Laws. If, however, such quorum shall not be present or represented at any meeting of the Association, the Members entitled to vote thereat, present in person or represented by written proxy, shall have the power to adjourn the meeting. At least five days' written notice of such adjourned meeting shall be given to all Members. At such adjourned meeting any business may be transacted which might have been transacted at the meeting originally called. At such adjourned meeting, so many members as shall represent at least 33-1/3 of the total authorized votes of all Members shall constitute a quorum. Section 2. Vote Required to Transact Business. When a quorum is pres~ht at any meeting, the vote of a majority of the Members present in person or represented by written proxy shall decide any question brought before such meeting and such vote shall be binding upon all Members, unless the question is on upon which by express provision of the Statue, Declaration, Certificate of Incorporation or of these By-Laws, a different vote is required, in which case such express provisions shall govern and control the decision of such questions. Section 3. Right to Vote. Members shall be entitled to vote either in person or by proxy at any meeting of the Association. Any such proxy shall only be valid for such meeting or subsequent adjourned meetings thereof. Section 4. All proxies shall be in writing and shall be filed with the Secretary prior to the meeting at which the same are to be used. A notation of such proxies shall be made in the minutes of the meeting. Section 5. Waiver and Consent. Wherever the vote of the membership at a meeting is required or permitted by Statue or by any provision of the Declaration, Certificate of Incorporation or of these By-Laws to be taken in connection with any action of the Association, the meeting and vote of the membership may be dispensed with if all Members who would have been entitled to vote upon the action if such meeting were held, shall consent in writing to such action being taken. Section 6. Place of Meeting. Meetings shall be held at any suitable place convenient to the Members as may be designated by the Board of Directors and designated in the notices of such meetings. Section 7. Annual Meetings. The annual meeting of the membership of the Association shall be held on such date as is fixed by the Board of Directors. At such meetings there shall be elected by ballot of the membership a Board of Directors in accordance with the requirements of Article VIII of these By-Laws. The Members may also transact such otner business an may properly come before the meeting. . . . . Section 8. Special Meetings. It shall be the duty of the President to call a special meeting of the Association, if so directed by the Board of Directors, or upon the presentation to the Secretary of a petition signed by a majority of the Members. Section 9. Notice of Meetings. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to mail a notice of each annual or special meeting, stating the purpose thereof as well as the time and place where it is to be held, to each Member at least ten, but not more than thirty, days prior to such meeting. The mailing of a notice in the manneE provided in these By-Laws shall be considered notice served. Section 10. Order of Business. The order of business at all meetings shall be as follows: (a) Roll Call (b) Proof of notice of meeting or waiver of notice (c) Reading of minutes of preceding meeting (d) Report of Officers (e) Report of Committees (f) Appointment of inspectors of election (in the event there is an election) (g) Election of Directors (in the event there is an election) (h) Unfinished business (i) New business ARTICLE VIII - BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 1. Number and Term. The number of Directors which shall constitute the whole Board shall not_be less than three nor more than-five. An initial Board consisting of three Directos shall be designated by the Developer to serve until the meeting and at all subsequent annual meetings, the Members shall vote for and elect five Directors to serve to one-year terms and until their successor have been duly elected and qualified. All Directors, other than those the Developer shall have the right to designate, must be either Members of the Association or immediate family members residing in the Member's home. Each Director shall be at least nineteen years of age. Section 2. Cumulative Voting and Right of Developer to Designate Certain Board Members. In an election of Directors, each Member shall be entitled to as many votes as shall equal the number of Directors to be elected and a Member may cast all of such votes for a single Director or may distribute them among two or more Directors as he sees fit. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Developer shall have the right to designated three Directors until the second anniversary date of the recording of the Declaration or until 51% of the Lots in the Development are sold, whichever is sooner. Thereafter, the Developer shall have the right to designated one Director for so long as it holds at least one membership. The Developer may not cast its vote to elect any Directors in addition to the designated Directors set forth above. . . . . Section 3. Vacancy and Replacement. If the office of any Director becomes vacant by reasons of death, resignation, retirement, disqualification, removal from office or otherwise majority of the remaining Directos though less than a quorum, a special meeting of Directors duly called for this purpose, shall choose a successor, who shall hold office for the unexpired term in respect of which such vacancy occurred and until his successor is duly elected and qualified. In the event a Director appointed by the Developer resigns, the Developer shall have the right to appoint another Director in his place. Section 4. Removal. Directors may be removed for cause by an affirmative vote of a majority of the Members. No Director, other than a designee of the Sponsor, shall continue to serve on the Board if , during his term of office, he shall cease to be a Member. Section 5. Powers. (a) The property and business of the Association shall be managed by its Board of Directors, which may exercise all such powers of the Association and do all such lawful acts and things as are not by Statute, Declaration, Certificate of Incorporation of by these By-Laws, directed or required to be exercised or done by the members or OWners personally. These powers shall specifically include, but not be limited to, the following items: 1. To determine and levy assessments provided for in the Declaration. The Board of Directors may increase the monthly assessments or vote a special assessment in excess of that amount, if required to meet any additional necessary expenses. 2. To collect, use and expend the assessments. 3. To maintain the open space area, as designated on the subdivision map of Chardonnya Woods at Southold. 4. To open bank accounts and borrow money on behalf of the Association and to designate the s:ign,atories to such bank accounts. 5. To collect delinquent assessments by suit or otherwise, to abate nuisances and to enjoin or seek damages from Members for violations of the house rules or rules and regulations herein referred to. 6. To make reasonable rules and regulations and to amend same from time to time. Such rules and regulations and amendments thereto shall be binding upon the Members when the Board has approved them in writing and delivered a copy of such rules and all amendments to each Member. Such rules and regulations may, without limiting the foregoing, included reasonable limitations on the use of the Open Space Area by guests of the Members as well as reasonable admission and other fees for such use. . . . . 7. To employ workmen, contractors and supervisory personnel, to purchase supplies and equipment, to enter into contracts to provide maintenance and other services and generally to have the power of Directors in connection with the matters hereinabove set forth. 8. To bring and defend actions by or against one or more Members and pertinent to the operation of the Assocation and to assess special assessments to pay the cost of such litigation. 9. To hire a Managing Agent to perform and exercise the powers of the Board of Directors in the management of the Development. (b) The Board of Directors may, by resolution or resolutions, passed by a majority of the whole Board, designate one or more committees, each of such committees to consist of at least three Members, one of whom shall be a Director, which to the extent provided said resolution or resolutions shall have management of the business and affairs to the Associaton and may have power to sign all papers which shall specifically so provide. Such committee or committees shall have such name or names as may be determined from time to time by resolution adopted by the Board of Directors. Committees established by resolution of the Board of Directors shall keep regular minutes of their proceedings and shall report the same to the Board as required. Section 6. Compensation. Directors and officers, as such, shall receive no compensation for their services. Section 7. Meetings. (a) The first meeting of each Board newly elected by the Members shall be held immediately upon adjournment of the meeting at which they were elected. provided a quorum shall then be presnet, or as soon thereafter as may be practicable. The annual meeting of the Board of Director shall be held at the same place as the annual meeting of Association Members and immediately after the adjournment of same, at which time the dates, places and times of regularly scheduled meetings of the Board shall be set. (b) Regularly scheduled meetings of the Board may be held without special notice. (c) Special Meetings of the Board may by called by the President on two days' notice to each Director either personally or by mail or telegram. Special meetings shall be called by the President or Secretary in a like manner and on like notice on the written request of a least two Directors. . . . . (d) At a11 meetings of the Board, a majority of the Directors sha11 be necessary and sufficient to sonstitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and an act of a two-thirds majority of the Directors present at any meeting at which there is a quorum sha11 be the act of the Board of Directors, except as may be otherwise specifica11y provided by Statue of by the Dec1aration or by these By-Laws. If a quorum sha11 not be present at any meeting of Directors, the Directors present thereat may adjourn the meeting from time to time, without notice other than announcement at the meeting unti1 a quorum sha11 be present. (e) Before or at any meeting of the Board of Directors, any Director may, in writing, waive notice of such meeting and such waiver sha11 be deemed equiva1ent to the giving of such notice. Attendance by a Director at any meeting of the Board sha11 be a waiver of notice by him of the time and p1ace thereof. If a11 the Directors are present at any meeting of the Board, no notice sha11 be required and any business may be transacted at such meeting. Section 8. Annua1 Statement. The Board of Directors sha11 furnish to a11 Members and sha11 present annua11y (at the annua1 meeting) and when ca11ed for by a vote of the Members at any specia1 meeting of the Members, a fu11 and c1ear statement of the business conditions and affairs of the Association, inc1uding a ba1ance sheet and profit and 10ss statement verified by an independent pub1ic account and a statement regarding any taxab1e income attributab1e to the Members and a notice of the h01ding of the annua1 meeting of Association members. Section 9. Fide1ity Bonds. The Board of Directors sha11 require that a11 officers and emp10yees of the Association hand1ing or responsib1e for Association funds sha11 furnish adequate fide1ity bonds. The premiums of such bonds sha11 be an expense of the Association. ARTICLE IX - OFFICERS Section 1. E1ective Officers. The officers of the Association sha11 be chosen by the Board of Directors and sha11 be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The Board of Directors may a1so choose one or more Assistant Secretaries and Assistant Treasurers and such other officers as in their judgment maybe necessary. A11 officers must be either members of the Board of Directors, Members of the Association, or 1essees of occupants entit1ed to the use of the Properties in 1ieu of the Member renting or premitting them to occupy the Home in which they reside. Two or more offices may not be he1d by the same person. Section 2. E1ection: The Board of Directors, at its first meeting after each annua1 meeting of the Association Members, sha11 e1ect a President, a Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. On1y the President must be a member of the Board. Section 3. Appointive Officers. The Board may appoint such other officers and agents as it sha11 deem necessay who sha11 h01d their offices for such terms and sha11 exercise such powers and perform such duties as sha11 be determined from time to time by the Board. . . . , . Section 4. Term. The officers shall office for a period of one year or until their successors are chosen and qualify in their stead. An officer elected or appointed by the Board of Directors may be removed with or without cause, at any time, by the affirmative vote of a majority of the Board of Directors present at such meeting, provided prior notice was given to all Board members that this item was on the agenda for such meeting. If the office of any officer becomes vacant for any reason, the vacancy shall be filled by the Board of Directors. Section 5. The President. The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Association; he shall preside at all meetings of the Association Members and the Board of Directors, shall be an ex-officio member of all standing committees, shall have general and active manage- ment of the business of the Association, shall see that all orders and resolutions of the Board are carried into effect and shall have such other powers and duites as are usually vested in the office of the President of a corporation organized under the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law of the State of New York. Section 6. The Vice President. The Vice President shall take the place of the president and perform his duties whenever the President shall be absent or unable to act and shall have other powers and duties as are usually vested in the office of Vice President of a corporation organized under the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law of the State of New York. Section 7. The Secretary. The Secretary and for Assistant Secretary shall attend all sessions of the Board and all meetings of Association Members and record all votes and the minutes of all proceedings in a book to be kept for that purpose and shall perform like duties for the standing committees when required. He shall give, or cause to be given, notice of all meetings of Association Members and special meetings of the Board of Directors, and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors or by the President, under whose supervision he shall be. Section 8. The Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have the custody of the Association funds and securities and shall keep full and accurate chronological accounts of receipts and disbursements in books belonging to the Association including the vouchers for such disbursements, and shall deposit all monies, and other valuable effects in the name and to the credit of the Association in such depositories as may be designated by the Board of Directors. These duties may also be exercised by the Managing Agent, if any. However, euch Managing Agent shall not replace the Treasurer. He shall disburse the funds of the Association as he may be ordered by the Board, making proper vouchers for such disbursements and shall render to the President and Directors, at the regular meeting of the Board or whenever they may require it , an account of all his transactions as Treasurer and of the financial condition of the Association. . . . . He shall keep detailed financial recors and books of account of the Association, including a separate account for each Member, which among other things, shall contain the amount of each assessment, the date when due, the amount paid thereon and the balance remaining unpaid. Section 9. Agreements, etc. All agreements and other instruments shall be executed by the President or such other person as may by designated by the Board of Directors. ARTICLE X - NOTICES Section 1. Definitions. Whenever under the provisions of the Declaration of of these By-Laws, notice is required to be given to the Board of Directors of to any Director or Association Member, it shall not be sonstrued to mean personal notice; but such notice may be given in writing, by mail, by depositing the same in a post office or letter box in a postpaid sealed wrapper addressed to the Board of Directors, such Director, or Member, such address as appears on the books of the Association. Section 2. Service of Notice - Waiver. Whenever any notice is required to be given under the provisions of the Declaration, or of these By-Laws, a waiver thereof, in writing, signed by the person or persons entitled to such notice, whether before or after the time stated therein, shall be deemed the equivalent thereof. ARTICLE XI - AMENDMENTS TheseBy-Laws may be altered, amended or added to at any duly called meeting of the Association Members provided: (1) that the notice of the meeting shall contain a full statement of the proposed amendment and (2) that the amendment shall be approved by vote of at least sixty-six and two thirds percent (66-2/3%) of the Members. No amendment, however, shall affect or impair the validity or priority of the Members' interests and the interests of holders of a mortgage encumbering a Member's Lot. Nor shall any amendment have the effect of infringing upon the Developer's right to make membership in or use of the Association available to purchasers or lessees of the Lots of The Properties. ARTICLE XII - SELLING, LEASING AND GIFTS OF LOTS Section 1. Selling and Leasing Lots. Any Lot may be conveyed or leased by a Member free of any restrictions except that no Member shall convey, mortgage, pledge, hypothecate, sell or lease his Lot unless and until all unpaid Association expenses assessed against the Lot shall have been paid as directed by the Board of Directors. Such unpaid Association expenses, however may be paid out of the proceeds from the sale of a Lot, or by the Grantee. Any sale or lease of a Lot in violation of this section shall be voidable at the election of the Board of Directors. Upon the written request of a Member of his mortgagee, the Board of its designee shall furnish a written statement of the unpaid charges due from such Member which shall be conclusive evidence of the payment of amounts assessed prior to the date of the statement. A reasonable charge may be made by the Board for the issuance of such statements. . . . . The provisions of this section shall not apply to the acquisition of a lot by a mortgagee who shall acquired title to such Lot by fore- closure or by deed in lieu of foreclosure. In such event the unpaid assesseements against the Lot which were assessed and became due prior to the acquisition of title to such Lot by such mortgagee shall be deemed waived by the Association and shall be charged to all other members of the Association as a common expense. Such provisions shall, however, apply to any assessment which are assessed and become due after the acquisition of title to such Lot by the mortgagee and to any purchaser from such mortgagee. Whenever the term BLotB is referred to in this section, it shall included the Lot, the Member's interest in the Association and the Member's interest in any Lots acquired by the Association. Section 2. Gifts, etc. Any Member may conveyor transfer his Lot by gift during his lifetime or devise his Lot by will or pass the same by intestacy without restriction. ARTICLE XIII - GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 1. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the Association shall be fixed by resolution of the Board of Directors. Section 2. Seal. The Association seal shall have inscribed thereon the name of the Association and the year of its incorporation under the laws of the State of New York. The seal may be used by causing it or a facsimile thereof to be impressed or affixed or in any manner reproduced. Section 3. Examination fo Books and Records. Each Member, or their respective representatives and frist mortgagees, shall be entitled to a reasonable examination of the books and records of the Association at any time upon reasonable notice to its Board of Directors. The Declaration, Certificate of Incorporation and the By-Laws of the Associa- tion shall be available for inspeciton by any Member or first mortgagee at the principal office of the Association. Section 4. Construction. Whenever the masculine singular form of the pronoun is used in these By-Laws, it shall be construed to mean the masculine, feminine or neuter, singular or plural, whenever the context so required. In the case of any conflict between the Certificate of Incorporation and these By-Laws, the Certificate shall control: and in the case of any conflict between the Declaration and these By-Laws, the Declaration shall control. Section 5. Severabili ty. .Sh ould any of the Covenants, terms of provisions herein imposed by or become unenforceable at law or in equity, teh remaining provisions of these By-Laws shall , nevertheless, be and remain in full force and effect. . . . . THE UNDERSIGNED Directors hereby certify that they have adopted the foregoing By-laws as the first By-Laws of the Association, in accordance with the requirements of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law. Dated: May 1989. """,,---. . . . . CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION OF CHARDONNAY WOODS HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION. INC. Under Section 402 of the Not-For-Profit Corporation Law Filer: Neil M. Rego 100 Fox Hill Drive Baiting Hollow. New York 11933 .' 'I.,. . . . . CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION OF CHARDONNAY WOODS HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION, INC. Under Section 402 of the Not-For-Profit Corporation Law The undersigned, being a natural person and at least eighteen years of age, desiring to form a not-for-profit corporation to the provisions of the Not-For-Profit Corporation Law of the State of New York, does hereby certify and set forth as follows: (1) The name of the corporation is: CHARDONNAY WOODS HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION, INC. (2) The corporation is a corporation as defined in subparagraph (a) (5) of Section 102: the corporation is a Type A corporation. (3) The purpose or purposes for which this corporation is organized are as follows, to wit: To promote the health, safety and welfare of the residents of Chardonnay Woods and to own, acquire, operate and maintain open space areas, commons, streets, footways, structures and personal properties incident thereto. To enforce any and all covenants, restrictions and agreements applicable to the residents of Chardonnay Woods. To pay taxes, if any, on the common properties and facilities. To do any other act or thing incidental to or connected with the foregoing purposes or in advancement thereof, but not for the pecuniary profit or financial gain of its members, directors or officers. Nothing contained in this certificate shall authorize or empower the corporation to perform or engage in any act or practice prohibited by General Business Law, Section 340 or any other antimonopoly statute of the State of New York. (4) The office of the corporation in the State of New York is to be located in the County of Suffolk. . ) . . . . (5) The initial directors of the corporation until the first annual meeting are as follows: Neil M. Rego 100 Fox Hill Drive Baiting Hollow, New York 11933 Janey Anderson 42 Mill Road Remsenburg, New York 11960 Rachel Mincieli: Albo Drive Mattituck, New York 11952 (6) The duration of the corporation is to be perpetual. (7) The Secretary of the State is designated as agent of the corporation upon whom process against it may be served. The post office address to which the Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any process against the corporation served upon him is: 100 Fox Hill Drive Baiting Hollow, New York 11933 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this certificate has been signed this 15th day of May, 1989, by the undersigned who affirms that the statements made herein are true under the penalties of perjury. .. - . NYS.PARTMENT OF STATE. . FILING RECEIPT NAME RESERVATION (FOREIGN-BUSINESS) CORPORATION NAME CHARDONNAY WOODS HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION INC. (RES FOR 60 DAYS) DATE FILED DURATION & COUNTY CODE FILM NUMBER CASH NUMBER 05/08/89 C00"7809-1 396000 NUMBER AND KIND OF SHARES LOCATION OF PRINCIPAL OFFICE FOR NEIL REGO (SUBMIT CTF WHEN FILING) ADDRESS FOR PROCESS REGISTERED AGENT FEES AND/OR TAX PAID AS FOLLOWS: AMOUNT OF CHECK $ 00020.00 AMOUNT OF MONEY ORDER $ AMOUNT OF CASH $ $ DOLLAR FEE TO COUNTY S FlUNG S TAX $ CERTIFIED COpy $ 1 0 . 00 CERTIFICATE 010.00 MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL PAYMENT $ 0000020.00 FILER NAME AND ADDRESS NEIL REGO 100 FOX HIL.L. DR. BAITING HOLLOW NY 11933 REFUND OF $ TO FOLLOW _ (8184) GAIL. S SHAFFER - SECRETARY OF STATE I i,d';~.._... ,~';:'~rn"j . ;t~/~"-':?0 _ ". .'~/. C,\jl ....'.;'l .n_,. .~. j'~"'" ',"'l', __'~__'.. _ f~ 1('-"(" ',~. ~ ~~ _: I, ,~,~ , j,~ .,.-....:..J.__'.'i " ! S '~i ~,:',~~, ~,'" """:.'1..1:"_""'1' ""'1. ,~.~ _,,',~~.r,:,'-' ~A :::.. ':? ~",,'Ij " "'- ,i -,,~., J~n'f"i . '. .<~. ~.tJi ",,'f.f' :iIl ~..vOr' ..-;;. ~ ' ~ ,.' ' . Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O, Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IY\ o.j \ 7- , 198<1 Suffolk County Planning Commision H. Lee Dennison Executive Office Building - 12t~ Floor Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, New York 11788 Attention: Mr. Charles G. Lind, Chief Planner Subdivision Review Division Gentlemen: Pursuant to Section A14-24, Suffolk County Administrative Code, the Southold Town Planning Board hereby refers the following proposed subdivision to the Suffolk County Planning Commission: Map of - Ck..~('O.~ Wo~,> Q '5ou"'t\-.\A S.C.D.P.W. Topo No.: S.C. Tax Map No.: 1000- Hamlet/Locality ~u~~d Zoning Ad ric.u!-fvra 1- Gnsnva+, on (fl:.c ') 5/ 3 3 Major Sub. Minor Sub. Site Plan clusterL MATERIAL SUBMITTED: FiN"\-. ,j PrelimiBary Plat (3 copies) ~Road Profiles (1) Drainage Plans (1) LTopogroaphical Map (I) Site Plan (1) ___ Grading Plan (1) ~ ..K Other materials (specify and give number of copies) (0 Corj o.{. l~"-\-""~ \-ko\+\.- nW"",,b\ Waiver of Subdivision Requirements - See attached sheet CONTINUED C' . REFERRAL CRITERIA: SEQRA STATUS: 1. The projec~ is an (Unlisted) (Type I) (Type II) Action. 2. A (Negative Declaration) (Positive Declaration) (Determ. of Non-Significance) has been adopted by the Planning Board. 3. E.I.S. statement enclosed. (yes) (no) 4. The proposed division ha3 received approval from Dept. of Health. (~) (No) (u~c.\c..-\-~~ M...,\ '1, \'\8'1J the S.C. COMMENTS: 11 ,,,,Jr./,.("'''If ),,,< /1.,f h,."". c,,},,~,,11""/ q", /hie <:,,/.,,(,",,< ion I'f?ct'ivnl !A~:~:] U'r;;;:,. ~r.f l1~:;+;t:*" ~:~t- ;~~::~:~D~~,I: l'tt" Co w~::.;:,~::::(~. p:.~"O~,ll""n'\ We request acknowledgement of receipt of this referral (Yes) (no) Referral received by Suffolk County and assigned File 19 Planning Commission No. '/9rulY yry) ~ /} . (7~~,,(i?JTU4:~ A. BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. .r . CHAIRMAN' .' jt revised: 3/8/89 . EDWARD A. BULLOCK, JR. rr.:~([[: if~--'r ~ ~ U) r:"~.,~'n'o'-_'" , . i: . Professional Land Surveyor & Engineer MAY I 2 1989 ,. t.."" I i l_ ~ ,-' f i '"'._......~.:;.". SU.ffolk County Department of Health Wastewater Management Section SU.ffolk County Center Bi verhead, NY 11gel Att: Peter Akras Services ,'; ~-, ,. l :, ,i ~ - ~ r ''f' ...._-"'4'1:':;".'. J.',-" '. ~. " e ': MAY 8 1989 i 'C." ~ 111: -,.! f -~. , -(~ May 5, 1989 Be: Map 0 H.D Be EAB File /j.,,., ,.., ~-..... . ~.~, ;;. ;-,~ r,(: (', l', ", ., C,' q;"'" :iC' ~ <-;' .J Dear Mr. Akras: On November 29, 1988, the above referenced subdi vision recei ved He.;3lth Department approval and was submitted to the Town of Southold for a final hearing date. I have recently been notified th.;3t the hearing will not be scheduled until some time in June. As you know, your department's approval is on good for six (6) months and w' . on May 29, 1989. I would like to have the maps this time so ~ave our hearing and map. ere have been~made to the map since recei ving your approval. Enclosed herewith please find two (2) mylar blueline cloth prints, and t approval. I would a plans are approved so ~ deliver them to If you should have any questions do not hesi tate to contact my office. Yours truly. ~ciwo...J- a.. ~. f. L , Edward A. Bullock, Jr., P. L. S. & E. cc: Neil Bego MEMllEl'.. NATIONAL SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS' NYS SOCIETY PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS' NASSAU-SUFFOLK CIVIL ENGINEERS .!, , r . ( . ...... ~~1";';: New York Stote Department 01 cnvlrol1mentol Conservotlon ? "_^'.~.,~-...~.,<.,""-.......,. ~egulatory A!:ai:s Unit Bldg. 40,.SUNY, P.m. 219 Stony Brook. ~ J 1794 e ..... I I (516) 751-7900 JUL - 3 19:jj Tnomoa C. Jotllng . Comm/$$lOnet April 10, 1989 ,I Chardonnay Woods c/o Neil ~ego 100 Fox Hill Dr. Baiting Hollow, NY 11933 .1 I , I '1 Re; 10-88.1867 :' Dear Permittee: tn Conror~ance with the re~ui:ements of the Stat~ Uniform Procedures Act (Articie 70, EeL) and its implementing regulations (6h~CRR, Part 621) We are enclosing your permit. Please read all conditions carefully. Xf you are unable to comply with any conditions. please contact us at the above addu $S. Also enclosed is a pe~it sign whiCh is to be conspicuously posted at the pr~ject site and proteCted from the waather. Very truly yours, ,JJJ..O~"I.. ti:.c.k .U.lliM.I..l. ~ Su'san Ackerman Senior Environmental Analyse I I I I . I I enclosure - -~'.:... ( ')\.20-4 (9Jnbl-~~\ ~tC PIR.\Uf NUMBL~ . r . :-..tW ~o>\1C. ST~'rE OiP..R'l'MiNl 0' 1N"I~ONM'NT^1. CONSERV"TlO."'l !FOECTly! OAT! 10~88-1887 fM~ILlfVlrWCc." \M NI"IMlI.lR[\1 NIA D Article 15, Title 3: 6NYCRR 327, 328, 329: Aquatic Pesticides D Article 15, Title S: Protection of Water D Arllcle IS, Title 15: Water Supply DAniele '5. Title 15: Water Transport CJ Article IS. Title 15: ~ong Island Wells [J Article IS, Title 27: Wild, Scenic and Recreational Alvers ... - -- PERMIT Undor tho Envlronmont~1 Consarvation L~w O 6NYCRR 608: Waler Quality Oertl11catlon r--1 Article 17, Tilles 7, 8: L--J SPOES r--1 Article 19: L-.J Air POllution Control' r--1 Article 23. Title 27: L--J Mined Land Reclamation r::-l Article 24: L!...J Freshwater Wetlands N-New, A-Aenewal, M-Modificatlon, C-Construct ('only), O-Operate ('only) 4/10/89 lXP'R~TION OllTEhl I ,:.130/92 I O Article 25: Tidal Wetlands O Article 27, Title 7: 6NYCRR 360: Solid Waste Management' D Article 27, Title 9: 6NYCRR 373: Hnardous Waste Management D Article 34: Coastal Erosion Management D Article 36: Floodplain Management D Articles I, 3,17,19.27,37: 6NYCRR 380: Radiation Control PH,MIf' 15S....~O TO Chardonnay Woods clo Neil Rego l"I,1L~IUSS Ut "l:KMlTH~ 100 Folt Hill Dr., Baiting Hollow, NY 11933 ....c..;tNI fOR PtIotMII1Ll.ICONT^-CT rpl.$!JN I THEPl'10NE ~VMBEIt En-Consultants, 1329 North Saa Rd., Southampton, NY 11968 N-;;;; .\1'ol1J ^CCRtU I,:)F IIROIICiJ',AC1~lTY (11 ClIItt!r~M t,Cm Pilrmlltefl South of Sound View Ave. SC!M 1000-05 I . -3-3 lOCATION OF P'OliCTIFAC'''rv \ ~(,)~,'TV I TOWNlCITVI\'ILLAC! I UTM CeO~OINATts i I Suite lit Southold OUCRIIITIO"",, OF ^UTIoIO~IZEO ACTIVITY This "roiect includes a 18 lot usidentisl subdivision and the construction of thrall. acceSS roan $ . Si"~le famil v homes wi ch dacks and inrround $wimmin~ "onls will be constrUCte" on locs 6 & 9. Al' structures will be oreater than 75' from NYSDEC freshwater wetlands (as per h~SDEC approved plana - attachad). CENU"L CONDITIONS By aC'C'ept~n"e of thl, ~('rmjt. the permitlC't "R~"' that the permit Is co"tlncent upon s.rlct compli- ance with tne !C~, olll ~I)plicablt ttl\ll.llJOftS And the 'onaillor'il spe-<ificd hll:rtln or ~ltlched hereto. , Tn.ll\'rmltt.. ,""II IIi., IFl tn\" ollieI.' 01 tl<t' 'oIHOQrlolll," 11'l:IM,'l1 ,erm1t "'clrtljl'll~lt~tO" 0' Olht, offiCt dtSilt".u~d In ll\t ~lIel;IIII cOMdlHon~,.. nollce 0; InlentlOI'l to l:ommenco ""QI'Ii. .1 Ie,,,' "Po 1'101.11' 'n I1C1YoInfll 01 ll'lu t1""C! 01 t'O",,"'H'/'IC~~~M 4/'1d 11oI~1I ~I~O t"u='IIfv I'\'f'r'lll'\., orompll". 11'1 'IImtlnE Itl Hut c:om~l(,lIol'l 01 \"~ worlc. , t'll' 1'~'I""tt\-cI wl,lfM. ~l\",~11:I1t HoICleCI to In)u\"I.on by ~ /'I .;l.Ilhofllrd 'el're~l!/'II,I'I"O 01 tll. Qt'~lrI""Of'lt of fl'lvlrOl"u"tI(!I'tCl1l COMt""IIOn wnn.h m"" order (ho WOfIr. ,u'~l'Idcclll the l'tubllC' inter." 10 '4c:l1JlrC'~ ~l,lf~\,l"'1'I1 ~o 'C~ '''.0)0' ,no $~P" 140,m J I hI:' wrrtUUt:4' "''''~ .'l.'I'I;II\:d u"'arl,a~I", ll"l' tnl,,'lIl1l..t.Ullvn alii'll! '~~lJuuon, !h~ rl,llllt'M~1 '1j'~~ol'ltICllllIV lot III d~m'l(lIt, !J,,~t OllIlO"oel, 0/ wl...II....t'r I'IlIt\lo'., 41l'1d "V wnotnl!v.r t1,lIh~rC'd, ~tIIl1'\S 0\11 0/ ,no pn:/Jt:c.\ dt1c:rl~eG hcrelr1 Il'lcllol... I.,l:'('d to Il'ldOf'l'll'llly ""\cll~vt h,,,""la-II ~ SlUt Irom tIJIU, "ClIOnt, damiv,l:S and cost! of ovel'V name And cSC'CUl" li<Il'I ftlwhlrl. 11"'01"1'I the s.ld QrOUtet 4 lh. Oeolrtmcnt IUtf'VO~ lhe rlQht to modlt'!'. ~\.II~ofld C, rhO~t lnll ~crmll it In.,. llfnt Ifllr dl.lct notlco. ,,"cl, if r,queued, kOld . toICtrlne wl'lln: .1 11'10 'CClI" 01 thll' CltQIOI;~ I' It'l.CCCClOd Ot . ""I;)I.tlo", of HI~ COI'II:l\"OI'I g( l~t' ~lIn'"~1 elf IHClYlIlon) all"e IG~ ",no P4jt'1if\tn\ IUwl.~IQn. I'" Icxmdl gr blll'l. 1'01"""'1 w., obt",nod b'f 1'/\1~'~Cirt'ei'\t~l!O'" ", 1a;i!l"Irt ~~ dlsclole '(It....~1'I1 luts; o! cl I'Irwly dl'co....epoc II'lIQ"I'I~tIOM or $llu"oIIIC.fH ;=nY~lul ChArliel n~ Ql)coyered )!fIe. tl\v ~or"'lt w... luuod Tl\t ~'trmIUU II r"~on.lbrtt lop lcellPln4 tt'lo OOlml~ o1.C~l"l''I by SI.ICll'!'nlll/l;" "1"1(.......1 ,ppliutlol'l. incll.ldll'lQ ol'ly forI"", le~ 0' ,vpplemontAI I"forr'nO'ICln whiCn MAy be Pf1lUlt~ t1v l"'e Ooo,rtmcfll, "0 Iltor than jO Oo1.VI 1'60 d"....1 lOr SPQU or Soli. II ~"':I'clWOUl WIUO Mlln"lemol'lt OerlTllu) "rlor ~o tne t~plrallon i"l', tI TIm 1'''''''''" ~I'IIIII Ml tit (O"''Ilf\led U ~O/l...tVII'IC 10 l~' aoollcoSnc ~l'Iy rl~~\ IClIIU~^u \lPO" tl'lollndl or lMcerh'n.. w~'h lht "ClOt."" rl~hu 01 O~nCr1I" order to IHrtcum tho Ol,m.ncd worll or .u .1I.1Hlo"/:ltll tht II"l'lOjUtmtfll 01 oln'l' f18Im. lllle or Inll.llr:lIln 'Nl or "arson"l rm'l)ct'tY held ~r ...ened in I pClrlOn not 01. ".,Iy co lb. j)~,1.. ., The QermtUec II re'DOI'I~lblo 'l:'H obUII'lll'la An... Oli'ltr ~erl"l'ltU. Utl'o....I', IIf'lCI', Ulcm,nu ,1r'td r1ahUoOI,w.1V wl\lI:l'l ""V be rtC(\.lltttG 'or tl\l' Dro,,~t. e IWIIM,t pI l/'ll, ""r'TIIl bv 1~1: OeIUrtm~/l1 docn l'IO~. I,jflltU tKcrC'I)Jy grgvlded ~or, 'I'IOdll\", lo.llK'nec\o Ot rC:'Clllc\ 01.1'1 Qrcl~r on con"n! Of QetlfrmlnlltlO" by tn. CommluJonM IU\ll;'d "CftTOIOt. 0\. 1!Ie Oei:lal\l"tIa"'t Of d"Y o~ Inl' !IU""l, COl'\elIIIOI'I$. or 'C'C1\1I'OM"I'II. COrl\ilnt(ll" ,wCf'l oldo, or clC!U:fl'Plln~uOI'l, , Anv 1'P'ICJ(jlj.;i~IOn 01 tl'\II Qt:m'llt 1t'~l'It bv lhtt 0" ,Hl~('t\l ,"1,,11.\ ~t '1'1 wnllnJ; ,Pld .nlt;nC'd herelO. P!~MIT ISS\iA~C~ OArt 4110/89 Aur~(,.'lRIUO ~IC,'\f^ I ~lct _{1~!_'R.!~_ c.. I"^,,,,~l AOORESS ldS' 40 SUNY Rm. 219 Stony !roOk, NY 1179 ':"'\",h I I Page' of 4 I"!H '1'-- 2. - ;:::':-,. ~'l L:;.. L. r . ( . .-. _ ~_:.1 4 . ",').,~o r1/$6I- zSa ADDITIONA~ GENERAl CONDITIONS FOR ARTICLES 15 (TWo .n, ~4, :1, l4, l6 .na 6 NYCRR ,.n 60S I '0 That it future o~er~tIOnl by the- State of New Vorl< I"Qui~. An .J. ttratlon In the Oosltlcn 'Or tn. mue:l,j(. Qf 'i\'ork neftin .lUtnOflited, or it, in ~~t: oglnlCln ot the Oe-D3rtl'ne"~ 'Or cnvlfQnmencl11 COllS~rv,1ttO" It ~nl\lI c:~u~~ u/"Ire.nonO&Q!a t)C1s:ruc;m)r'l to. t~t iree n~\,IIg.)tlon l"lf '''ld l'V.:Jten I)r rlood flo\\'5 ~f ""Cl1nq~r :he I'\\Hlith, safecy 'Or w~l/~r. or th~ p~ople or tn. 5t:!.t~. 'Or ~.:\I.,la ioss er destructIon Qr t/'le n"tural re$Ources lOt tne 5t~t~. :l"ie own!!r m~~' c" ordered by the Oe:Hlrtml!nt to relTlOV~ or niter the structur.:ll werk, OQS\rl.lctIQns. or h.:lurdl c~u!ed thofebv wlthQut expen5. tQ :nt State, and it. upon the t~I)I(,)tlon or rtVOC:\1t1o.n of this perrTHt. In!! struc:ture, fill, IIt)(cAVAtIQn, o.r other modlflcatton o.f the WiUercoune ntrcby autno.ti:od Ih~ll not be com- pleted, tn, owners, sh.il, without e)(pense to. the StAte. l1l"lci to sue" extent u,nd In sue,", tIme ~no m~nnef..u the Oer=i1l'1:rncnt o.f ! nVirOr'lmen"a.l Constrv.o;tlOn may require. "movt,)(I or ~ny portion of tn. uncompleted strl.lctl,lre or fIll and feJtOfl to IU former eonclltlcn ~h. navigable and flood ('O'ClIV ot ihe w.tereou'le, NO cl.,m lh.1I b. m.de a~a1n5C the State of NCM York on "'ceount of ~ny sucn removal or 1I1ter~ucn. That lh. St.l. ot New York ,h.11 in "0 COl. be Ii.ble for .nv d.m.~e or injury to. the ,tfucturc or work nerein buthori;z;~ whlc:h mav'be c:~usccl by or result from future operations undtftaken by the Sti'te !or the conservation or improvement Qf no.vl!"'tion, or tOt other pur=o~es, ~nd no clAIm or r1aht to compensation ,t'l~ll ~Cc:rue from any such dilmZlU. 12 Cr.)ntlna of thi, I'ermlt d~, /'lot relieve the ~"ollc:nt of the (eSOonSl' bilit'Y of obt:1lnlna Any othef p"rmI3Slon, CQnsent Or upproval 1rom the U.S, ""my Coro$ 01 En~inoerl. V,S, Coalt Cuara. Ndw York Stat. O!flce of Cene..1 Servlce$ or locol aovernment which m.y bo rtQuire<l, 13 All n.et.Silry precautions shall be t~ken to. Drecludo ~ontM'I11'\4t10" of "ny wetland or waterway bv ~1"l5~ended $Ollds, sediments. fuols, sclvenu, lubr14;olnts. epoxy eQatln~s, gllntJ, ~on<:rete, !1!;1dHUt or Any " ) othar invlronmentullv cJ.lft~ef''''Us m.;lttrl~IS lUDCI.1teo with tl'i. prOI"cL ~oi Any mlterllJ drodijltU In the cros.r:utll;ln (H (~'Ilt ''1'''1( Mrll'tn permlU~d ..""'II b. remov"d fwnlv. WllnDUllfl.t\llnq l.m;e rl'lruslt Ollet, nd~vs olerou the o~a ot .t waterWtlv ur rIOQODI.:J1n ,,, ;J~t'D I'\Olet (not rT'l')V h.1""" .. tendency to c~us. damaqe co. ni.l.'o'lq\lol. c!'l.1nn"l. ar to tne bank.s Qr a waterway. , 5 Tn'lre snlll be no unrcA,onabl" InterTtrttnc:e WI~r'l r'lAvlqatIOl1 by fn' work herein OIuchortzed. 16. It upon che tXDiratton or rovoc:~rjon of tt'lu. otrmlt, the' prOleCt hereby .l,ltho.rited "HIS not be.n C:Qm~leted. tne applic:ant shall. NlfhOUt ltXDCn~e to tn, St~tt. And to suc:h exttnt And In '\.Ieh time Jnd manner as the Department of Environment.,,1 Con,ervatlon mav IeQUlre. remo.ve AU or Any Port!o.n o.f the unc:ompl.tod nruc:ture or TIll 4nd rfmore the sltl te iU former condition, No clAim shall be made ag'll\\t Che Stace of New York on a<:c;ount o.f I1ny such remOVAl Qf alteratlQn 17 ,t arAnted und., Article 36, this I)trmlt does l'tQt sisnltv In anv WAY thaI tho ~roloel will bo tree Irom flooding. 1S, If granlod under 6 NYCRR Part 60S, tho NVS Oop.rtmen, at EOVlron. mental Conservation hereby c:.rtlflel tMl1t the $l"lblect orolttc:t willno.t contravene .itluent limit;1tlon~ or othdr llmltl.ltlons Of stAndArds under Soellonl 30'. 302. 303. 306 and 307 01 the Cle.n W.ter ACt of 1977 IPL 95.2'7) ~ro';d.d ,hal .il of Ih. eondllloo, listed heroin are mOl, 1'. Allletlvitles ,ulhorlted bv thl. permit must be,n "rlet conlorm.nee wilh Iho.a~orov.d ol.n. lubm'llea bv the aophe.nt or hiS .gent os P.1l of the ~ermll .~~llc.t1on. Sueh .~~roved olon$ we.. ~r.o.red bv o:l.::J~ hQ',",!.J on SPECIAL CONDITIONS I. All activities authorized by this permit must be in strict conformance with the approved plans submictsd by the applicant or his agent as part of this permit application. a) subdivision plan, by E.A. Bullock, Jr. last revision 12/21/88 b) mitiaation plan, by E.A. BullOCk, Jr. drawn 1/6/89, last revision 3/29/89. c) constrUCtion plan for lot 6 by, t.A. Bullock, Jr. drawn 1/1/89. d) construction plan for lot 9, by E.A. BUllock, Jr. drawn 1/9/89. 2. The deeds for lots 6 and 9 must be covenanted to read that a 75' buffer of undisturbed natural vegetation will be maintained around the wetland. 3. The wetland mitigation plan (1/6/89 - revised 3/23/89) will be changed co read Caht red cedar and/or eastern hemlock will be planted on S' Centers in cwo offset rows. 4. The proposed wetland to be' created as mitigation will be excavated to the 19' elevation. 5. The slope of Chablis Path will be planted with red cedar and/or eastern hemlock on 5' centers where it crosses the wetlands. 6. Drainage shall conform with 3 page undated letter from Edward A. SOlluck, Jr. I (attached) . OEe PERMIT NVM8ER 10~88-1881 (continued On nell:t page) PROCRAM"ACllITY NVMBER I 'I N/A' Page L- of ..L- ,1-, (" . ( . I' . l-.~1 "..:,:. ...f...... 'fO~~ ~l#,U C~'^A.'T.Y.INT or tNV!1I0~MkNT"'L CON$lH.V....fION .a - - 9S iu.ftll"'I,I1I-.'h SPECIAL CONDITIONS For -"rliele 24 F~esh~~ter ~otlands 7. A 75' buffer of undisturbed natural vegetation shall be maintained around the wetland. 8. Hay bales shall be staked end to end on the downslope edse of any areas of filling, grading or excavation. They shall be maintained in place until all disturbed areas are perroanently vegetated. Trapped sediments shall be removed to a suitable upland site before the bales themselves are removed. 9. All arees of soil disturbance resulting from this project shall be seeded with an appropriate perennial grass and mulched with hay or straw within two days of final grading. Mulch shall be mainteined until a suitable vegetative cover is established. 10. Oisturbance to the wetland and its adjacent area shall be strictly limited to the work area identified in the approved plan. 1 I. During construction, no wet or fresh concrete or leachate shall be allowed to escape into the wetland or its buffer tone nor shall washings from red i-mix trucks, mixers or other devices be allowed to enter the protected area. 12. Any debris or e~cess materials from construction shall be immediately and completely removed fro~ the wetland an~ adjacent area to an appropriate upland site for disposal. 13. All ~redged or excavated material shall be disposed of on an upla~d sice and be suitably Stabilized 50 that ic cannot re-enter any water body, wetland, or wetland adjacent area. 14. If seeding is impracticaole due to the time of year, a temporary mulCh shall be applied and final seeding shall be perfor=ed as soon as veather conditions favor germination and grovth. 15. The pe~i.tee shall allow access to Department parsonnel at all reasonable i times during normal business. hours On nc~l business days, and aiter I reasonable noti::ic3.tion to tbe pe==ittee and proper ide'lltificatiou as 'I Oepartme'llt employees, for tha purpose of conducting inspections or investigations in t~e regular course 01 their dUties pursuant to the Environmental Conservation Law, notwithstanding signs or other notices purporting to limit access to the propeny. I i I I I I I I ) ~iC D'UoVl.~ ~~'''..qH" Supplementary Special Conditions (A) toru (J) attached. 10-88-1887 ~"C;i.,T\ :c ,......MiiF. :;/A "~CC~^"A NU""'SR Pa~e -....l- or -L- I ( . ( . 1-. _ ~.:.:.I c. SUPPL. EMEN'rARY _illflb.!:..-~NDI'I'IONS '1'110 following conditiol19 apply to all permitSl A. if any of the pernlit conditions are unclear,the permittee sllall con- tact tile Division of Regulatory Affairs at the address and telephone noted belo~l. B. A copy oE this parmit with supplementary conditions and approved plans shall be available at the project site whenever authorized work is in progress. C. Tile permit sign enclosed with the permit or a copy of letter oE ap~roval shall be protected from the weather and posted in a Con- SpJCUOU5 location at the work site until completion of authorized work. I). At J east 48 hours prior to COnllllencement of the project, the permittee shall complete and return the top portion of the enclosed receipt form certifying that he Is fully aware oE and understands all provisions and condi lions oE this perll1lt. Wi thin olle week of completion of the permitted work, the bottom portion of that form shall also be com- pleted and returned. E. l'or projects ilwolving activities to be accomplished over a period of- more than one year, the permittee shall notify the Regional Permit Administrator in writing at least 48 hOurs prior to the COn~encement oE resumption of work each year. If project design modifications take place after permit issuance, the p~rmltte~ shall submit the appropriate plan changes for apprpval by the Regional Permit Administrator prior to undertaking any such modi- fications. The permittee is advised that substantial modification may require submission of a new application for permit. ljl. G. Il. I. All necessary precautions shall be taken to preclude contamination of any wetlands or waterway by suspended solids, sediment, fuels, solvents, lubricants, epoxy coatings, paints, concrete, leachate or any other environmentally deleterious materials associated with the project work. - Any failure to comply precisely with all of the terms and conditions of this permit, unless authorized in writing, shall be treated as a viOlation of the Environmental Conservation Law. The permittee is advised to obtain any permits or approvals that may be required from the U.S. Department of Army Corps of Engineers, NY District, 26 Federal Plaza, New York, NY 10278, (Attention: Regulatory :unc~ions Branch), prior to c~M~~nc'~ent of work authorized her~ln. , . . :~~ ?!a~t:ng of this per~it ~;es net relieve the ~er~lttee ~E the; re~ponsibllity of obtaining a grant, easement, or other necessary approval from the Division of Land Utilization, Office of General Services" Tower Building, Empire State Plaza, Albany, N~ 12242, which may be required for any encroachnlent upon State-ownea lands underwater. RegJonal Permit Adminl~trator NYS IJtlpt. or 1~llvl\I.'nl'\~'ll\.'l C'~~t:n~':. Bldg. 40, SUNf-Room 219 Stony Brook, N~ 11794 (516) 751-7900 Dli;C H Ie, <.;<; "I, 1 ./ Page /.1 ot '" " , r- . ( . r-' . ~1-7" PAul Ca~dla I~S DEC, Bureau ot Environmontal Bldg. 40, S1.n~, ll.rn. 210 Stony B~ook, N. Y. 11794 Protection Re: " ~ I I Pe.na:l.t Ho. I Issued To. Contractor'. Address. Contractor'. Phone ~ J:lear Sir: Contractor'. Name Pursuant to Ceneral Condition Mo. 1 of the above referenced permit you are hereby notified thnt the authorized Bctivity shall commence on . this Notice i. to be sent at least two days in ad- vance of commencement of the project. The Permit Sign will be posted at the site and copy of Pe~~it will be available at site for :l.nap~ction. Submitted by - !Jate: ',: ' rAILur~ to nOTIfY on POST SIGN WILL L~AVE OWNER/Alm/O~ CONTRACTOR s~e' JEeT ITO APPLICABLE PENALTIES FOR NON-COMPLIMlCE t<1ITH PEIU1IT CONDITIOI"!. Paul Carella I~S CEC, ~ureau of Environmental Protection 9ldg. 40, SmfY, Rm.410 Stony BrOok. N, Y. 117S4 Re: PeX'lllit 110. Iuued To. Contractor'. Address. Contractor'. Phone D Dear 3ir; Contractor's Msme Pursuant to Ceneral Condition No. 1 of the above referenced Permit, you are hereby notified that tha autho~1~ed activity was co~pleted on . ~ Subll\1ttad by DATE. TillS NOnc!:. lIt.Tll PllOTOS OF eOllPLEtlW IlOr.K AND/oR COllPLETED sunVEY, IS TO 5E SEI-IT TO ABOVE AD1'lRtSS Pl\O~:PTL'i UPOll COts'LET10N OF PROnCT. FAILURE TO NO'l'U"'l \1lU, LEAVa O\l'l'lEIl.. AND/OR CONTRACtOR. SU'3.JECT TO AJtl'LICABLE PENALTIES FOR tl0~1-<OI!PLIAllCE WrrR l'tl',MtT C01Ult1tONS. , I, ':1 , i ~ , , ,....1 i' ,I ,I I , ", Ii I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~20-11M1"-9d New York State Department of Environmental Conservation . o NOTICE ~ ~ ~ The Department of Environmental Conservation (DEe) has issued permit(s) pursuant to the Environmental Conservation Law for work being conducted at this site. For further information regarding the nature and extent of work approved and any Departmental conditions on it, contact the Regional Pennit Administrator listed below. Please refer to the permit number shown when contacting the DEC. Regional Permit Administrator Permit Number IO.~. \\~ 1 &I- 3D -'I J. Expiration Date NOTE: This notice is'NOT a permit - 1, (; I co I '-J) E '" tj " --"\ , 1. ~ . " . 1) C) W . . . ; -; < i;i: tL.;;:' 0., THE FOX Hill GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB May 9, 1989 Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Planning Board Office Town of Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Re: Chardonnay Woods SCTM# 1000-51-3-3 Dear Mr. Orlowski, I understand that the Planning Board recently decided to send the subject map to the Suffolk County Planning Commission for addi- tional comments. I would be appreciative, if at your May 15th Planning Board meeting, final approval could be granted, subject to the County comments. I have met the towns requirements for payment of the following: park fee, bond, town consulting engineers fee, Board of Health reqUirements, DEC requirements and Lilco has also been paid in full. I have enclosed Lilco proof of payment. Once again, Thank You for your consideration in the above matter. GOLF. 727.6363 RESTAURANT/CATERING. 727.6076 OAKlEIGH AVENUE, BAITING HOLLOW, NEW YORK 11933 , . . "'.{"'""'" ~"~'''''-'4.:':C<:'''~.'':'ht:.':s?l''r''_:,,''':_.{;'''.':. l"z.rO /PH/.fU#;//U'#Il#tf' LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY COCTORS PATH RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK 1 1901 Direct Dial Number: 548-7044 April 24, 1989 Re: Reference #59459-94 Project: Chardonnay Woods Location: Southold Lot #1 thru 18 Total Units: 18 Rego Realty 3 Sunset Avenue Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 Gentlemen: This is in response to your request for underground electric facilities to serve the above project. Enclosed is a copy of "Exhibit A" which represents the route and extent of our proposed facilities. PAD MOUNTED ABOVE-GRADE TRANSFORMERS ARE THE COMPANY STANDARD INSTALLATION. ANY REQUEST OR MUNICIPAL REQUIREMENT FOR BELOW-GRADE TRANSFORMERS WILL BE SUBJECT TO AN ADDITIONAL PAYMENT OF $1,125 PER TRANSFORMER PLUS SALES TAX. The following charges have been determined as your contribution toward the cost for underground electric facilities: a) FREE ALLOWANCE 18 Dwelling Units X 100' ~ 1,800' b) CONNECTION AND DISTRIBUTION FOOTAGE (in excess of free allowance) 1,175' c) CHARGE FOR EXCESS FOOTAGE (b) 1175' X $14.15/ft. d) Plus 7!% Sales Tax ~ $15,540.40 $ 1,248.03 I-U.G. Installation with Pad Mount Transformers (non-refundable) $17,888.43* e) BELOW GRADE TRANSFORMERS (if requested) 3 Transformers X $1,125/Transformer 7.50% Sales Tax f) BELOW GRADE TRANSFORMER CHARGE ~ $ 3,375.00 $ 253.13 $ 3,528.13 II-U.G. Installation with Below-Grade Transformers (non-refundable)~ $21,516.56* (payment in this amt. rec.4/24 The charges quoted herein are in accordance with LILCO's currently filed tariff PSC No. 7-Electricity and will be valid only for those facilities which qualify (as defined hereafter) for installation within 60 days of the effective date of any future tariff changes. *Please make payment by certified or cashier's check only. FC-8689.3-SS . . -2- Facilities will qualify for installation when: a) Payment of charges has been received by LILCO prior to the effective date of tariff changes, and b) In the case of Distribution Mains: 1. You have provided a clear unobstructed easement route or right-of-way, graded to within 6" of final grade, and 2. You have installed curbs and all other proposed underground facilities, such as se~er, drainage, water mains, and water taps, also 3. You have cleared, final graded, and made free of obstructions the pad mount transformer locations as indicated on "Exhibit A". The locations must be at the same grade as the road area. These trans- formers cannot be installed on or in embankments. If the locations shown on "Exhibit A" will not meet these specifications, notify us after receiving this proposal so we can mutually make appropriate adjustments. c) In the case of Service Laterals: 1. Conditions a) and b) have been met, and 2. Proper grade has been established, and 3. LILCO has received an Application for Service and appropriate Certificate of Electrical Inspection. The determination of compliance with the above conditions will be made by us separately for distribution l.ines (mains) and for services. In the event of a rate change in our filed tariffs covering underground charges, LILCO shall determine, in accordance with the above gUidelines, what portion of its facilities qualifies to be installed at the charges quoted herein. Pad mount transformers will be installed in accordance with "Exhibit Tn, attached. Please note the relationship of the transformer to the street and side property lines, as well as the clearance requirements. In the event that there is a proposed tariff revision, you will be notified in writing by LILCO of such revision fifteen (15) days prior to the effective date of the new charges. The Company is required to file with the PSC, each year on February 1st, its historic cost for the installation of underground electric facilities. This report will usually be accompanied by proposed changes in tariff charges, which may become effective as early as 30 days thereafter. Underground electric installations are made jointly with telephone facilities and trenching may be performed by either company. Proper sequencing of your construction and compliance with our requirements will aid us in meeting your schedule. You should schedule roadway pavement and sidewalks to follow our installation. . . . (3) We suggest that you avoid requ1r1ng our installation during periods when the ground may be frozen, which will necessitate extra charges. When six inches or more of frost is encountered, additional charges are imposed for trenching service laterals. Distribution lines installations will cease when frost exceeds eighteen inches. If you have any questions concerning this project, please contact Mr. Frederick Weber at 548-7044. Very truly yours, . C:Ct/~ E. W. Case, Division Manager Residential Services Eastern Suffolk Division New Business Department EWe/vn Enc. . ,tt : .,- "\ ,; "'---"~'~q-"".~~_..._._,.~,._..,,,_...>.. . MAY - 4 1009 THE FOX Hill GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman Town of Southold Planning Board Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Orlowski: i....... , L_ .", '. May 2, 1989 RE: Chardonnay Woods SCTM #1000-51-3-3 With respect to your inquiry re: dedication of open space in Chardonnay Woods, enclosed please find my affidavit to that effect. If you need anything further, please do not hesitate to call me at 369-0160. NR/j c enc. GOLF" 727"6363 RESTAURANT/CATERING" 7ne076 OAKLEIGH AVENUE, BAITING HOLLOW, NEW YORK 11933 I .J . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ) ) ss.: ) STATE OF NEW YORK) CHARDONNAY WOODS Southold, New York SCTM #1000-51-3-3 ~. ,r,;: ~ ml ~ ~ ~1_~_"!qi' :!;~I"" .. il q i! IULli MAY - 4 1009 I .L,,".,_..; . I :~~~'i,;Wii?h~ 2~,":,>" NEIL REGO, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That I am the owner of the property known as Chardonnay Woods located in Southold, New York, Suffolk County Tax Map #1000-51-3-3. That a non-profit homeowners association will be formed for the Chardonnay Woods property and will be named "Chardonnay Woods Homeowners Association, Inc." That the open space located in Chardonnay Woods, Southold, New York will be dedicated to the "Chardonnay Woods Homeowners Association, Inc ~ " Sworn to before me this day of May, 1989. No"" ~ J. STANTON POHL Notary Public State of New Yorll No. 4780232 Suffolk County Commission Expl.... 3-300189/ EDWARD A. BULLOCK, JR. Professional Land Surveyor & Engint . rn @ rn 1IL'i:1r~[]3 ~ 1T[]3I~~~UVlJD1TlJ,%[l Waverly Plaza 755 Waverly Avenue HOl TSVlllE, NEW YORK 11742 (516) 758-3803 00 .'UII' ~.__.. A JOB NO . .27, 1989 . 1000-51-3-3 SOUTHO PlANNIN' Melissa TO Southold Planning Board RE Town Hall - Southold, NY 11971 Chardonnay Woods at Southold WE ARE SENDING YOU lX Attached 'I Under separate cover via. the following items: [] Shop drawings ~ Prints 'I Plans n Samples D Specifications 'I Copy of letter '.-J Change order 'I .___________.___~___ COPIES DATE NO DESCRIPTION 2 Mylar Originals 4 Paper Prints '----- I I i_~.J THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: n For approval C Approved as submitted D Resubmit copies for approval ::x For your use D Approved as noted D Submit__copies for distribution j' As requested D Returned for corrections ~ Return corrected prints n For review and comment LJ D FOR BIDS DUE 19_ D PRINTS RETURNED AFTER lOAN TO US REMARKS Approved by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services on November 29, 1988 SIGNED~~rf.J a. ,BJ}~}(y If !;lnC/OSlJres are not as noted. kindly notify us a/ onceEdward A. Bullock, ;r., PLS & E ~cr5 COPY TO Neil Rego . . Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 FAX (516) 765.1823 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 irK 'I.. 6 1989 JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR Of VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON APRIL 25, 1989: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the $403,380.00 Letter of Credit No. M-89050, submitted by Neil Rego as a performance bond for roads and improvements in the major subdivision of Chardonnay Woods; said amount approved by the Town Board on Jan- uary 10, 1989, as recommended by the Southold Town Planning Board and Sidney B. Bowne & Sons, Consulting Engineers. d_~d~ ~hT. Terry C7 Southold Town Clerk April 26, 1989 - ~ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765.193& It PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 18, 1989 Neil Rego Sunset Avenue Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 RE: Chardonnay Woods SCTM *1000-51-3-3 Dear Mr. Rego: Enclosed please find the resolution from the Town Board accepting the bond estimate in the amount of 403,380.00 for the above mentioned subdivision. Please note that in the letter addressed to you dated January 10th, the amount of the bond estimate was incorrect. The above amount is.the correct amount of the bond estimate that was accepted. If.you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. . ~v rU1Y. Y/22rs, / t2 p ~'" . . f/ c-",'-;;'j) ./- /t 'M-f.fitlij/Y 1/ :....v-~.;,.~v;:-~. BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. CHAIRMAN enc. jt illr~~l~~, " ~~~T(~:t{:~i~.,ir_~:::~_,~.,.. _, . . Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 FAX (516) 765-1823 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOllOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOlD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON JANUARY 10, 1989: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby approves the amount of $403,380.00 for a bond for roads and improvements in the major subdivision of Chardonnay Woods, all in accordance with the recom- mendation of the Southold Town Planning Board and Sidney B. Bowne & Son, Consulting Engineers. IhLd ~~ ~hYT~~ Southold Town Clerk January 11, 1989 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1938 . PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 10, 1989 Judith Terry Town Clerk Southold, NY 11971 RE: Chardonnay Woods SCTM ~1000-51-3-3 Dear Mrs. Terry: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, January 9, 1989. RESOLVED that Southold Town Planning Board recommend to the Town Board to accept the bond estimate for this major subdivision in the amount of $423,549.00. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. VrrY,;7truly .- ./ /,/ I' . '~-1' \ ,/ /... ) ,1.j!>'? .~1- '( / '" ._'-,~,'"" v yours,c>, 'i/7 y ..... / ,,- f' " /.. , /.' / , ./ ' "." /) /: // ., }" , , .f - /, L,/ ,:#.~~--".".._- .... .~ BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. CHAIRMAN cc: Neil Rego enc. jt . . . SIDNEY B. BOWNE & S '1f~ tff~ ill 45 Manor Road Smithtown, N.Y. 11787 (516) 724-0611 DEC2a_ . ~@~O\'ll~ Sidney B. Bowne, P.E., L.B. (1922-1959) Chester C Kelsey, P.E., L.S. Alexandre W. Marcil, P.E. Robert A. Stanton, P.E. Robert W. Brown, LS. Zabdiel A. Blackman, P.E.. L.S. George A Style, P.E. Jerry D. Almon!, P,E George L. Fagan, Jr" PhD.. P_E Frank Capobianco, G.e SOUTHOLD TOWN PlANNING BOARD ---_.. Thomas R. Pynchon, L.S. December 21, 1988 Ms. Valerie Scopaz, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Planning Board 53095 Main Road Southold, New York Town Planner 11971 Re: Bond Estimate for Chardonnay Woods, Southold, Town of Southold. S.C.T.M. 1000-051-03-03 (SBB NO. 87138) Dear Valerie: We have completed our review of the final drainage and improvement plans for Chardonnay Woods. The developer has addressed all comments concerning the design of the project. As per your request, we have prepared the bond estimate. An itemized breakdown is attached. Also enclosed is a breakdown of the street light and street sign locations, and a set of approved drainage plans. Very truly yours, SIDNEY B. BOWNE & SON CONSULTING ENGINEERS C~Ad~ JrN W. KOHN JWK:c1g Encl. cc: R. Jacobs R. Dean MINEOLA . SMITHTOWN . NEW YORK CITY . CLEARWATER An Equ.' Opportunity Employer M/FIH mY Roland Anders ij I Roger L Cocchi . Francis J. Lynch l!l '.1 Philip Schlotzhauer U" Joseph F. Stegman t_J I PaulF,Stevens , WllhamT. Slyne ; Richard B Weber " SIDNEY B. BOWNE & SON ITEM NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 QUANTITY L.S. 4,450 c.y. 25 each 2 each 865 l.f. 135 l.f. 1 each 2 each 5,000 l.f. 1,400 s.f. 7,780 s.y. 860 c.y. 1,150 tons 650 tons 5,840 s.y. 3 each 650 1. f. 115 each 12 each 1 each 48 each SBB NO. 87138 D/Southold 3 . BOND ESTIMATE FOR CHARDONNAY WOODS AT SOUTHOLD, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, N.Y. S.C.T.M.: 1000-051-03-03 DESCRIPTION Clearing and Grubbing Unclassified Excavation 8' Dia. x 8' Dia. Deep Leaching Pools Overflow - Bubble Basins 18" C.M.P. 30" x 18" C.M.P.A. 18" C.M.P. End Section 30" x 18" C.M.P. - End Section Concrete Curb Concrete Driveway Aprons Fine Grade Stone Blend Asphalt - 2-1/2" Binder Course Asphalt - 1-1/2" Top Course Top Soil & Seeding Street Lights Direct Buried Cable Planting Street Trees Street Signs Fire Well Concrete Monuments 4Itbecember 21, 1988 UNIT PRICE $ 6.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 23.00 55.00 500.00 575.00 10.00 4.50 1.50 40.00 60.00 60.00 5.00 1,500.00 2.00 200.00 250.00 10,000.00 80.00 Subtotal 5% Inspection Fee TOTAL = () ~\:> f\\ E:., 'V TOTAL $ 8,000.00 27,300.00 50,000.00 4,000.00 19,895.00 7,425.00 500.00 1,150.00 50,000.00 6,300.00 11,670.00 34,400.00 69,000.00 39,000.00 29,200.00 4,500.00 1,300.00 23,000.00 3,000.00 10,000.00 3,840.00 $403,380.00 20,169.25 $423,549.00 Sheet 1 of 1 ',. SIDNEY B. BOWNE & SON . December t, 1988 Chardonnay Woods, Southold, Town of Southold. S.C.T.M. 1000-051-03-03 (SBB NO. 87138) STREET LIGHT LOCATIONS 1 at Sound View Avenue and Chablis Path 1 at Burgandy Court and Chablis Path 1 at Chardonnay Drive and Chablis Path STREET SIGNS ~ Location Street Names Sound View Ave. & Chablis Path Burgandy Court & Chablis Path Chardonnay Drive & Chablis Path Stop Signs Sound View & Chablis - sle corner Burgandy Court & Chablis - slw corner Chardonnay Dr. & Chablis - nle corner Speed Limit Chablis Path entering site No Outlet Chablis Path entering site Dead End Burgandy Ct. & Chablis - nlw corner Chardonnay Dr. & Chablis - sle corner Chablis Path & Chardonnay - west side Dead end w/warning markers End of Chardonnay Drive ) . Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southo1d, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 165-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD !VO~, ,~\ I \q88 Robert Brown Sidney Bowne & Son 45 Manor Road Smithtown, NY 11787 Dear Mr. Brown: ,...! Pursuant to your agreement with the Town of Southo1d, the Southo1d Town Planning Board hereby refers the following: .--.------ Application of ~~ubdiVisio~~~inor (subdivision, site plan) ('.,,<lre\' 0.",,, o....:i l0c:r-t!<:, crt Sc,01\",,~Q Hamlet S:o,s\\rd cJ VlATERIAL SUBmTTED: File II 87 I?,,? Suffolk County Tax Map No. I'-~DO - 51 -"3 _ ~ Sketch plan Preliminary map Street Profiles Grading Plan Preliminary site plan Final V"'p f Other ~ ' " Comments:' . a ..UrJ- /l~wf -J7Wtt' wM 4:n* .~i'~'~ .8,:1. 0,,"(1,,, r / . (/ rt1ZfJ ! I . ::'C f,ll /, () J I 0L~~J VeryAruly yours, " ,) .-H- /"7 1/ . / ;;' ;f)vWNA,/ V/~{P;~Gi, IA. BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR.,CHAIR}~N?' '?h-I SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD EDWARD A. BULLOCK, JR. Professional land Surveyor & Engi!}eer 405 South Country Road BROOKHAVEN, NEW YORK 11719 . 'i"'r=''',--;::::J ~ IJ (516) 286.8558 ',\ ~ r_ "') "iU November 14, 1988 1000-51-3-3 TO Southold Planning Board Town Hall ,\fTro:r" Melissa I<E Southold, NY 11971 Town of Southold Planning Board Street Grades & Drainage for Chardonnay Woods at Southold WE ARE SENDING YOU CXAttached n__ __ '_______,._____.___n_,.____ ___"____.. ____.___._____ ___~ i Under separate cover via ---- ___.the following items: L__J Shop drawings 'X Prints Plans i~l Samples e_] Specifications [J Copy of letter I~] Change order I~S +~~A_~ --=~~~~2 I : I 3 'I 3 Sets of Street I (Sheets 1 & 2) --- ----- ---- ----.------.- --- -------- DESCRIPTION - ----..--....--..------- -- ----------- ..-----..----._.___.__ u___ Grades & Drainage for Chardonnay Woods I I I -L-.___ __...____----'__.____ .- - __ no. _00_ ___n____.__.____ THESE ARE TRANSMiTTED as checked beiow: - - ---- --- [J For approval .1 Approved as submitted i Resubmit__copies for approval x: For your use I Approved as noted " Submit___copies f:)r distribution X As requested Returned for corrections Return -__corrected prints '_-:I For review and comment , ---- ___ ..._n___________._ -----____ - n__ ___ _____ ~____ _________ _ r~ FOR BiDS DUE -~~__ ---------__19_ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS IIlal ~0\JoC-W.-"s. ~+(CZ Co~& \'v..o-y SQIAi\ ~o s;.~. lroJ R @ ~ n "7 P ,,':::;-1 D l!; " ., ., , I r - l u '-I "',.1 . "'!,' II \ '! I! n :! , ,; j I,::, 'J! Wwl .' ~~1~iT.-\,-,d-,;; J'-' 1',',,--\',', F't_r-.,"":"", -_.;.:. --,''0 COpy TO Neil Rego lIonC!osu ''''''''''>'''''';'''''''~;~:~~fliu~La .Md(~ 'M Rmr.:=irM ~ 'Q.ll11,...,,...~ ,.". nrC" (" r.o EDWARD A. BULLOCK, JR. Profess i r>n a , l.al1d SrJrveyo, & Enginee'1 -IC5 SOLlh Country Road BRO:rf(HAVElj, NEW YORK 11719 I (511i) 286.8558 November 14, 1988 1000-51-3-3 TO Southold Planning Board Melissa Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 Town of Southold Planning Board Street Grades & Drainage for Chardonnay Woods at Southold WE ARE :::;JI" [, ~; ')1 Xn Hac "11, i Under separate cover via __the following items' I i ,r r '~a InQ'. X Prints Plans I Samples Specifications - ( '1\ uf I ttel Change order COPII' , NO [Jf' ;,-~':,lfJ ''-1:.) 3 3 Sets of Street Grades & Drainage for Chardonnay Woods (Sheets 1 & 2) THESE Am, TRANSMITTED as checked below: For approval I Approved as submit1ed Resubmit________copies for approval x: For your use Approved as noted , Submit_____copies br dis~ributjon X' As requested ! Returned for corrections : Return___ corrected prints For review and comment FOR BIDS DUE .19___ ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS IrOJ f2 (iil f2 n Drl rco ";::;'1 I.!: l!J Ls I. \~i :,~ i,.: 1 {i 0, r -..-..-...--.: i i : ~ : , ; I iJU I ~"V . :.d i I L.:.~~ .......~.....J-' I rL,~')"" ".~ Copy TO Neil Rego If~"c!,,'''''' m """, ""led kmd'Y~'~~I~:f~ t2 '~'i L ".ti" Edward A. Bullock, Jr.'PL~~ E~ _...__=""Il 'ffi- c ill l( '-0 s.,' ~1! l N~: \~\ NING BOARD JUDITH T. TERRY TO\VN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS f . Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON NOVEMBER 1,1988: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby determines that the amoun t of $44.376.00 shall be deposited with the Town in lieu of land for Park and Playground purposes by the owners of Chardonnay Woods major subdivision, located on the scuth side of Sound View Avenue and north side of Old North Road, Southold, New York. ~~~ -37.~ Judith T. Ter~ Southold Town Clerk November 2, 1988 . EDWARD A. BULLOCK, JR. . Professionol Land SUNeyor & Engineer OO( ~ ~ : : m ~ SOUTHOLD TOWN PlANNING BOARD The Brook House 405 South Country flood Brookhoven, New York 11719 (516) 266-6.556 October 17, 1988 Southold Planning Board Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 Attention: Melissa Spiro Re: Chardonnay Woods at Southold SCTM-I000-51-3-3 Dear Ms. Sprio: In response to a letter dated October 5, 1988 from the Planning Board office of the Town of Southold, I have revised the above referenced subdivision. We are now showing the improvements of Chardonnay Drive with curbs, pavement and drainage system; also please note that the Suffolk County Department of Health Services is requesting a SEQRA determination letter from the town on this project. Enclosed herewith please find six (6) copies each of the revised final plat and drainage plan, sheets # 1, 2 & 4. Also enclosed you will find a copy of the Notice of Incomplete Application from the Health Department. I have taken the liberty of forwarding two (2) copies of the revised plans directly to the Town Engineer. Enclosed you will find a copy of my transmittal letter to him. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at my office. Yours truly, --2c.\....,~ Q. ~'\I~' Edward A. Bullock, Jr. Professional Land Surveyor & Engineer EAB/lg Enclosure cc-Neil Rego MEMOER, NATIONAL SOCIETY OF Pf\OFESSIONALSUf\VEYO~ . NYS SOCIETY Pf\OFESSIONAL LAND SUf\VEYO~ . NASSAU-SUFFOLK CIVIL ENGINEERS . . SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT SECTION SUFFOLK COUNTY CENTER RIVERHEAD. NEW YORK 11901 NOTICE OF INCOMPLETE APPLICATION - SUBDIVISION Your preliminary/final plan submission for the below referenced subdivision or development nas been reviewed bv this office. This office will re uire thi followin for further review TO, 13~ '- S · DATE 03 ~i H.S. REF. Cl,w.~';t' :'1 ~OS- s. ~;/rl./ ~ ZONE NOtr TOWN: J7-67. 0 i, )3 r ~f~.-. t1J ) / 71 -"-" 5 (,--v..:f?..-C c!( Preliminary Submission _ ,4 /, / ~ /-1, ~V 11) 3' /"/~ o Signed Appl ications (enclosed) DWWM-023 (Application) DWWM-024 (EAF) 0 Paper Prints OTopographic Survey o Test Holes Located and Witnessed By: 'OSCDHS inspector. Call 548-3312 for appt. o Other OP.E./L.S. as per locatfon instructions o Test Well o Located & sampled by representative of this office. Call 348-2895 for appointment. . (Test well does not indicate a waiver of requirement for connection to public water). o Other o Public water availabilHy and cost letter from local water district. o Public water contract or covenant for extension of pUblic water. o Public sewer availabilitv letter from local sewer district. ~ ~~ Final Submission 3 N& ~ 3 .;tx4:; t. M Show on Final Maps:.fi ~ ~ T'2JTest hole locatio ons/detail sl. /. tts. ewage disposal .locati oJl~d7tai2 s.Yo' '. ~Test well locations/details) typical lot ~ ISO C7~~l 'OSewet:- line locations/details, stampea OWater main locations/details ~11 (W"- and approved by lo~al 3{wer district OP.E. 's/L.S. 's signature and seal ~he following is required~l:.ior to continuing review: Board of Revi ew determi nati on 1 etter. 0 Non-comp 1 i ance not ice enc 1 oseo. )eWetlands permit or determination letter from NYSDEC. ~SEQRA determination letter from Town~t.+o OFiling fee check of $4.50 per lot at time of submission. o Covenants: For Approval Recorded Copy )'J Other {).o It f1 Pro. -:tJ ~ / p.r,. cfa.- ()-r... ~ ?0'? / Instructions enclosed ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MAY BE REQUIRED PRIOR TO FINAL APPROVAL. cc: PLEASE RETURN A COPY OF THIS rJ.uP (2 /0 U Fc:r 1/J!Ii;:;' \ '" ~ ,J3n ',d;/'^e., I _ N Y 1/1'5 J FORM WITH ANY RESUBMISSION. Reviewer fiP/!- ~'Mo~,ryfSl":1 ._.-~!nl 'I OCT -11988 .~ ~HOLD TOWN J NING BOARD t . " iUUJ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southo1d, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 JUDITH T. TERRY fOWN CLER K REGISTRAR 01- VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON OCTOBER 4, 1988: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby engages the services of Lewis Edson for the purpose of conducting an appraisal of the major subdivision of Chardonnay Woods, located on the south side of Sound View Avenue and north side of Old North Road, Southold, so the Town Board may determine the amount of money to be deposited with the Town in lieu of land for park and playground purposes, all in accordance with Section AI06-38 E. (3) of Subdivision of Land from the Code of the Town of Southold. ~('b~~~ Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk October 6, 1988 . . t Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 5, 1988 Neil Rego Sunset Avenue P.O. Box 1164 Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 RE: Chardonnay Woods SCTM #1000-51-3-3 Dear Mr. Rego: As per your conversation with Melissa Spiro on October 3, 1988, Chardonnay Drive must be brought up to Town standards and cannot be left unpaved. Please revise the maps accordingly. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, ~,~~ CHAIRMAN cc: Ed Bullock Sidney B. Bowne & Son jt v . . Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 4, 1988 Mrs. Judith Terry Town Clerk Town Hall, Southold RE: Chardonnay Woods SCTM #1000-51-3-3 Dear Mrs. Terry: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, October 3, 1988. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board refer the major subdivision of Chardonnay Woods to the Town Board for a determination on the amount of money to be deposited with the Town in lieu of land for park and playground. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very_.~~uly yours, Le(/ / /rJ # ;;7,/ ---;",! - - -'. ., ~. ?' C:::7;>.;''')--/'/ /// ,/~.- ,J .._,;'"1.''' /1 .../ ,~.,.-: ,_~. "'.... t/~vV:"e,/'-;1tl-""'- '--"'- .-''';'//'Y\'J/,~IL--(''"'1__ ___ " """- BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. pP CHAIRMAN jt ~ . Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 7~S.1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Oc..-\. 4) ICfSS Robert Brown Sidney Bowne & Son 45 Manor Road Smithtown, NY 11787 Dear Mr. Brown: Pursuant to your agreement with the Town of Southold, the Southold Town Planning Board hereby refers the following: Application of (Major subdivision, minor subdivision, site plan) Q,,",c\((\.oT\'r'\o....1 ~<::. Hamlet YillTERIAL SUBMITTED: File # Suffolk County Tax Map No. ICCO - 5/- 3 -3 Sketch plan Preliminary map Street Profiles Grading Plan Preliminary site plan Final Map Other \..e *e~ -\0 NI'? ~"~ a Comments: .~: ~)(:~ ~?''''\-''l..,,\r''\l 5'''1'\1"T. ~C-:'" n. ~l\)~ (X,-\-\'l"'r"\o.-\~ \?\eQ<;'p \f\l('\\.'<.\~~ C\-"o.rc\C"!f\l\n..'l \)'f'~II.p '",,-, ~,~ \-:..--.",' ..... >0 _, .;;,~;> Very truly yours, ~p(- Cldt1}.d-i~ i) (,17. -n'S BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR.,CHAI~N . SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING B6AcKD -..~ .. " . .. Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765.1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 4, 1988 Neil Rego Sunset Avenu P.O. Box 1164 Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 RE: Chardonnay Woods SCTM #1000-51-3-3 Dear Mr. Rego: The fOllowing action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, October 3, 1988. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board refer the major subdivision of Chardonnay Woods to the Town Board for a determination on the amount of money to be deposited with the Town in lieu of land for park and playground. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. ~trUlY yours, i7~_~v~(.ffFld2sc~fe/ , (j...... BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. ~ CHAIRMAN cc: Town Clerk jt EDWARD A. BULLOCK, JR. . . Professionol Land SUNeyor & Engineer The Brook House 405 South Country Rood Brookhaven, New York 11719 (516) 286-8558 September 19, 1988 m ~@~DIYl& @ rU SEP 2 0 ,. SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Town of Southold Planning Board P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Attention: Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Re: Chardonnay Woods SCTM-1000-51-3-3 Dear Mr. Orlowski: I have been retained by Mr. Rego to prepare the final mapping for the above referenced subdivision. Preliminary approval was granted by your board on August 30, 1988. We plan to develop the 44.301 acres into 18 lots each containing a minimum of 40,000 square feet. The proposed road system consists of two (2) cuI de sacs, one, Chablis Path having access from Sound View Avenue. The second cuI de sac, Burgandy Court, extends westerly from Chablis Path just south of Sound View. A tap street to the east, Chardonnay Drive, is being dedicated to the town as a right of way and is designed so that the future construction can be accomplished if and when the parcel to the east is developed. We propose no improvements to Old North Road as per the preliminary. Although a widening is shown for Sound View Avenue, the only improvements will be the development of the intersection and two proposed leaching basins on the south side at existing local low points. It is proposed that our drainage system will provide storage for a 6 inch storm, not only for our 44 acres, but also for any additional 61 acres adjacent to us. We propose utilizing three natural retention areas on the site. Retention Area No. 1 will pond to an elevation of 25.0 (approximately 0.5' below Old North Road) Retention Areas 2 and 3 will pond to an elevation of 21.0. A berm is proposed along the westerly boundary of retention area No. 2 and the easterly boundary of retention area No. 3 to contain the ponding on our site. Should the parcel to the east be developed, the berm on No. 3 may be removed to lower the depth of ponding. MEMBER, NATIONAL SOCIETY OFPROFES510NALSUIWEYORS . NYS SOCIETY PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS' NASSAU-SUFFOLK CIVIL ENGINEERS EO:WARO A. BUllOCK, JR. - . Professionol Land SUNeyor & Engineer ~ ~-- - All retention areas will be interconnected with positive overflow system. The capacity of the three (3) retention areas is 554,000 CF which is 146,000 CF more than the required 408,000 CF of storage required for a 6" storm. In light of this and the fact that the number of leaching pools shown in preliminary calculations was of concern to the Town Engineer and the Superintendent of Highways, we have only provided inlets at the pick-up to aid in the settling out of contaminents from the water before it reaches the retention areas. Attached please find eight (8) copies of the final plat along with eight (8) sets of grading and drainage plans. If you or the Planning Board staff should have any questions, do not hesitate to contact my office. Yours truly, E".t~-,t1~ t? t?M-!/~c,.t~, Edward A. Bullock, Jr. ~ Professional Land Surveyor & ~ineer EAB/lg cc Neil Rego Dictated but not read. MEMBER: NATIONAL SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS. NYS SOCIETY PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS. NASSAU-SUFFOLK CIVIL ENGINEERS . . Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 76.S~1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Robert Brown Sidney Bowne & Son 45 Manor Road Smithtown. NY 11787 ~1'-\. :2-'1) \<=\68 Dear Mr. Brown: Pursuant to your agreement with the Town of Southold, the Southold Town Planning Board hereby refers the following: Application of (!Maior snhrlivisiD:ID minor subdivisionJ site plan) C''''c,r(\()~'''('';J Wo,,/,c., q-\ <:;("\1-\""o\c\ Hamlet Sout\....,,\c\ !<'JATERIAL SUBMITTED: File II 0712,'0 Suffolk County Tax Map No. ICOO. SI-"3 .3 Sketch plan Preliminary map Street Profiles v/ Grading Plan v' _ Preliminary site plan Final Map v' Other ~(1!~A~$ 6t:1!!'~:t:ir;:iJr4!?:.~t'tl ~+:",.&_~ >:'.. '.:7 v~ trUly~(urs7 ..1 ./.; tmlZ-' (;,dr;;-u~, II-r, BrlfNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRl<1AN '/Ir(, SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BdA1UJ ~C'. \(o.j 3Cl.cc\'s -~c ... .. '-. . . BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS SOUTHOLD FIRE DISTRICT SDUTHDLD, N. Y. 11971 September 16, 1988 \O)~@m8' HI1 SEP' 9 1988 ~ Southold Town Planning Board P.O. Box 11 79 Southold, NY 11971 Attention: Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Re: Well Locations for: Henry Arbeeny, D.B.M. Company and Chardonnay Woods at Southold Dear Mr. Orlowski: I am returning the above subdivision maps indicating the location of fire wells requested by the Board of Fire Commissioners. I have also ,enclosed copies of a new fire well specification recently adopted by Southold Fire District. All new wells installed will have to equal or be better than these specifications. The Fire District will not accept wells not meeting these standards. If you will include a copy of these specifica- tions in your correspondance to the developers, they will be aware of the re- quirements, and problems can be avoided. If you have any questions in regard to this matter, you may contact me at 548-7044 days and 765-3572 evenings. Frederick R. Weber, Secretary Southold Fire District FRW:rh Ene. -~,_. ' ,,' \ ~..,,\ / , \./ .. t.,. , I I I <\ . I \ I I \ \ \ , " / ( \ \ ~ ,. 'iP,. ' --.... 4". ~ . .~ 'l\ . ~ ~'\ . ~ fl. 1 ' '! ( } f~ iHf..', , ~." : '....... ,.---.....' ,~. ,,/~ ,\ I ....... -~ ~! ",< . ,,- ~ ' \ I \;:' . .-__/ "\ II, 'f '.' I I I I .,.,.,,-- ',: p.c. /.J.(,t!'."2 ~, L \ II .... ~ /"/ " / ,//' ,.." "I I I ' p.. 2.7"(.7 / ~ \ ~ ./ / /~.--.: \../ / /^ / "// I '" / / I . / '!'~ / / / I ~, "/" I 1. ... - / ,. / '" " .. / / ~.' I . ..../ /' ( I I f I ...r . /'" (..... f'..~~ ,- "'I ;' . ,I ... jl ; .'f I ~. ..,j. ill. I - 1;( /- - / ;y/ ~~. 7#-59.91. 1.10+ 0 ~CJrO.oo "'1.'"''''\ ..... ~. , ". , I I I ) // / I ' / / I , -' ;htr - . ..../ - ,,- I I , .... ~ .... I . f ..... , if \'K~ ..... ...... _ -<t'~~ / -- ' .""....---- .. 1~ , , , ,- -..... I \, . I ' -.-' , 4. " 4.1. 50 " ..il; fl. .... .\ - , '-I \ ~ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1938 . PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 31, 1988 Neil Rego Sunset Avenue P.O. Box 1164 Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 RE: Chardonnay Woods SCTM #1000-51-3-3 Dear Mr. Rego: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board on Tuesday, August 30, 1988. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board grant preliminary approval on this major subdivision, survey dated March, 1988. If you have,any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. lJ:;;r12 BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. CHAIRMAN J ./ J' jt --~ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1938 . PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 31 , 1988 Southold Fire Commissioners Southold Fire Department Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Commissioners: Enclosed please find the survey for Chardonnay Woods at Southold Please notify this office as to whether any firewells are needed. Please reply by September 14 , 1988. Thank you for your cooperation. enc jd LSCAL NOT1(T Notic{: (}1 public It_~Hing NOllC~ IS-HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant:o Sectalll 276, of t?e Town La'v, cI public 'Ieanng wIll be held hy the Sout'101d Town Planning Board, at lh(' Town Hall, Main R03(1, Southold, \;cw York in said To\!. n on the 1 <;th day of August, 9S8 Ot) the question of the following: 7:30 pm. Approvai of the pre- liminary maps for the major sub- division of Elijah's Lane Estates -- Section 3, located in Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suf- folk, Stale of New York. SCTM No. 1000.108-4-7.1. The property is bordered on the North by Rebekas Road, by land now or i-armedy of Elijah's Lane Estates, Section 1; on the East by Elijah's Lane Estates, Section 2, Tabor Road and Jeremiah's Lane; on the South by land now or for- merly of Agnes Grabowski;. on the west by the Long island Railroad. 7:45 V-ill Approval ,of prelimi- nary maps for ~he majOr subd!Vl- ~-on n -- ,'-~';;"'j th,' Sn:ltho'd fit :-lev' 1_'. ';11' ('Cl \1 ,rk '~{': ',,1 !'.' " Sl;-t:~ ,..}T\S The p per"} 111 ',,\' North--,\ ':;o,wd '. \\ 'j " \'1 the E3;1 ~-y :;1,-,<1 'ner\y' Frank ar.d W.dt.\' 'q\\ f; n r t' SOllth b~ lalh' ~I(\\/ 1)1 ,:m' Ily A M;:Itlhn.. T !'.Ii,'.' h ',1-' n,,'I, nr fupn(,dy (,r (a,-y 'ann)' LiHis, b:/ bile T]('-'" or llT:l,:dy ot Gregorymd \m'~' Cal ;il, b} l;11,d now or l\)fm\~rh' (>f I' cn;tld acd Susan W;\rd; on ,he W .~\ toy laild now 'lr 'urn.cd" of \':\l('f~nt Tirdli, hy land n'.lW f<f H"r!T1nly oj DonalJ and lan" Pet:~, ),\,' l;\!Id now ilr ionnrrh ()f (:lcPlcl1t\V Booth, \1) la!id '~;)\'I.' OJ !onrcrly of John and Alexander Lii(il\ hy lanJ now ('f fonnerly of Eli,,:, ~,,-d MHY PapanlOniou'i, ~y lanJ t"lW or fonnerly of Bamara Koch. by land now or f'Jnnerly of Terry and John Green, by land now llf fomlcrly of Henry and I h)pe Tall', by bind noW or fOffilCrly cf HC':,-l--'e!l lnd Irene Ernest. Any perscn desHing 1n be heard on the ahove matter ~,hould appear at \he lime and place -;pccjficd, Dated: August 4, 19X~ BY ORDER OF TlIE SOUll lOW TOWN PLM"NINCi ROARD, IJENNFTl' OHLOWSKJ, JR CHAIRMAN H^ 11-6033 ":iITH'E STATE OF NEW YORK) )ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ii, W ill @ ~ ,@ ~lIG I 2 I!:Il8 ChristinR rnntpntn said County, being duly sworn, says that he/she Is Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a Weekly Newspaper, published at Mattltuck, In the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed Is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for ~ weeks successively, commencing on the 11 day of Augus 19~8 (I J \ i\( it L. t . ~ \lVl t4 l tnll I,D Principal Clerk Sworn to be r~iE~~I;~~';'~U;~"~~U LEGAL NOTICE loti,;c of Public Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board, at the Town Hall. Main Road. Southold, New York in said Town on the 15th day of August, 1988 on the question of the following: 7:30 p.m. Approval of the preliminary maps for the major subdivision of Elijah's Lane Estates- Section 3, located in Mattituck, -Iown of Southald, County of Suffolk, State of New York. SCTM No. 1000-108-4-7.1. The property is bordered on the North by Rebekas Road. by land now or formerly of Elijah's Lane Estates, Section 1; on the East by Elijah's Lane Estates, Section 2, Tabor Road and Jeremiah's Lane; on the South by land now or formerly of Agnes Grabowski; on the West by the Long Island Railroad. 7:45 p.m. Approval of preliminary maps for the major subdivision of Chardonnay Woods at Southold, located at the Town of Southold. County of Suffolk, State of New York. SCTM No. 1000-51-3-3. The property is bordered on the North by Sound View Avenue; on the East by land now or formerly of Frank and Walter Sawicki; on the South by land now or formerly of Matthew T. Palmer, by land now or former- ly of Gary and Nancey Lillis, by land now or formerly of Gregory and Anne Cahill. by land now or formerly of Richard and Susan Ward; on the West by land now or formerly of Vincent L. Tirelli, by land now or formerly of Donald and Jane Petrie. by land now or formerly of Clement W. Booth, by land now or formerly of John and Alexander Litras, by land now or formerly of Elias and Mary Papantonious, by land now or formerly of Barbara Koch, by land now or formerly of Terry and John Green, by land now or formerly of Henry and Hope Thte, by land now or formerly of Herbert and Irene Ernest. Any person desiring to be heard on the above matter should appear at the time and place specified. Dated: August 4. 1988 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTH OLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD BENNETT ORLOWSKI. JR. CHAIRMAN IT-~/l1 /SHH?'::;\ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF Nt:W YORK 55' Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, says that she is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Travel,r-Watchman once each week for. . , . . . . . . " wee~s --I, successivel..,., commencing on the dJy.of. . - {"_,,l<..,.1 (,.' ," 19.' { .. ,"')of ,-'" Sworn to before me this d,l\' uf (.'---- / 1~ r ) 1/, ., JA / :/'-:/? ,,(.-' '-/t:,<,,~-", // +---_P1.,;(~:,.__" Notary PubliC BARBARA FORBES Notary Public, State of New York No. 4806846 Q~aHfied in Suffolk County Commlssion Expires<1>'7_ 3 ,I 19 'i Sidney B. Bowne, P,E., L.S. (1922~ 1959) Chester C Kelsey, P.E., L.S. Alexandre W. Mercil, P.E. Robert A. Stanton, P.E. Robert W. Brown, L.S. Zabdiel A. Blackman, P.E., L.S. . SIDNEY B. BOWNE & SON '6'~C~ 45 Manor Road Smithtown, N. Y. 11 787 (516) 724-0611 ~ IUj I O. moo Roland Anders frank Capobianco Roger L. Cocchi francisJ.Lynch Philip Schlotzhauer Joseph F. Stegman Paul F. Stevens William T. Styne Richard S, Weber George A. Style. P.E. Jerry D. Almon!, P,E. George L Fagan, Jr., Ph.D., P.E. PlA NING BOARD Thomas R. Pynchon, LS August 8, 1988 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr; Chairman TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Pl anni ng Board 53095 Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 Re: Preliminary Drainage Plan for Chardonnay Woods, Southold, N.Y. Revised Plan dated July 25, 1988. S.C.T.M. 1000-051-03-3 Dear Si r: We have reviewed the revised preliminary drainage plan referenced above. The comments from our letter dated July 5, 1988 have been addressed. However, we recommend that pipe end sections be used in place of bubble basins where retention areas 1 & 3 are connected. This change can be implemented with the submission of the final plans in accordance with Towns requi rements. Very truly yours, SIDNEY B. BOWNE & SON CONSULTING ENGINEERS JJ?~~ k~ JWK:rp c.c.Ray Jacobs Ray Dean MINEOLA . SMITHTOWN . NEW YORK CITY . CLEARWATER An Equal Opportunity Emp'oyer MIFIH , (~ " ~ r . ; 111987 lowN of .5c~7NeU' ~/If"'RcH /?81 J'/IISP€cT /0/11 .or V",(l~~S $u4P' yrsr.oN$ rd/L JACI( OlJv 1$ " .. Acres.. (f) t;.ii1III/V _Rl&7UR&f; /k!//7TITucK VElllelGS If/WE TRAVelED RolV R6AD BUrNe erNe,/( 1It::'Tlv ITIE"S oBSERVeD (!) ~rV/Ne V Ie-Iv IIssoc/lIJrss" @ €~U/PME.uT LEFT "AJ d,,8 SITE" HEMeVli'"b t:wrH/N B1srz /)I9Y.s-=-_ @ A BASE M..4~.q/IP(. Or BI9,uk Ru..el CoUA'SG SA/IIf) I tl.llAV;L pL/lC!d OjLJ Accs~s ;:reAP A-r U/l/l<AbuNrJ ///Vl6=". A./,,&',sr/M-9Te< ~p .oe'JI'Or. (l) [)/f!.I'fNIIJ/I (~ ST.€ve7'vpe-s PL.Ae~1J R r S//i'T/,,~ s:r".. ~ ~6""r-r.; R,..~H T 5/p~ /<.uTH /NTe/L- C()/Vee.7'/N~ IS" ell..... F',..pe. ST.I2,u.T~dt.r; &?N ~~rT(U.c J./HS /8"C'ILR.Pd"c $'XIT ~ /1'4"A/~ /JIGSr 610e" ~ /'4#~r.}M7/D~ (.+rQ:t:(('t>~,,p NIT UF"T" C',yt9'JL 7" ~#FeK /"/115). C>SSGILVGp S/~.N.I cp BAc.l<Lr/U..{$fFt-tBy.:-7i,Be "ve~ p/Pe- f/2.uM MH) //f/,/IU'c.rT4".L-~f' f)1.ee~T/d/V 7D ,PdNP /1U/i. HtYIIIY 6"j2.eJ.$ID/V "A/ 'p"uP EO~"" j.. .:''''''1 Ill" r J)ET~cr ouT 1"t."U-' /"rpc IT ?~.5e/UT' h'l~# ~.6'yel. "p ~A'rel @ Oel1//l/J9C;tf sT;2U'l.r/J~ers P,tAt:RP /17' ~7J;T/.uN /~r-77:!: 4.N ~""'r~ 70tiH r S ,pe Or e"APU/Ar, /II!) Y/fl1lt:e ?"'Pe /ft/ C/THd.e. .$.#$'/N} Jbi 1Z..6TIII/lI wt:/Te-R-. @ ~lfe~o CSTftrES" Cl:~L()dL-.~,/R~) leur I/QI!-~ $t/pMdTel ""T;I.e6N//V' t. 0..... rA./lM J!?&?JIlP. L-<:Ar/~__ ZbD'; 5/tv 4r tp/<.! /"PNPIN4 r1~A. "-".... /ijl.CA rL-..""BD ~"'V"P /1./" r Pi?~ lJ6l"r# $YrCOye,2..r H L/P'/LaC' SI"AC611i'6~u'.tl"J .()IU~//lIIN~ P/l-Io/C.. 1-<1 TP/O/f/~ 8oe//Vt;$ 5{./8M/TT~P BY lil~H/1/U U/#/7/z/cf-' $' Af/1~# /?'? ~\lp \<61 t A. BULLOCK, JR. t. ~ond SUNeyor & Engineer The Brook House 405 South Count')' Rood Brookhoven. New York 11719 (516) 286-8558 July 26, 1988 '{OJ [ff & [ff II W [ff -1f WI -l.l 2 7 IlI8 51!} Southold Planning Board Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 Attention: Melissa Re: Map of Chardonnay Woods at Southold SCTM-I00-51-3-3 Dear Melissa: Enclosed please find six (6) copies of the revised Preliminary Map in accordance with the comments received from the Town Engineer's office. Please note that I have placed a semi-positive system on Chablis Path to alleviate any ponding at the proposed low points. All retention areas have been inter-connected with drainage structures and/or piping, and we are proposing two (2) leaching catch basins on the southerly boundary of Sound View Avenue. Also proposed is a berm along the easterly boundary of retention area number 3 to mitigate the ponding overflow of storm water onto the adjoining property to the east. I have taken the liberty of forwarding two (2) copies of this revised plan directly to the Town Engineer's office along with a copy of this letter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at my office. Yours truly, l?dw~ Q.B..hl)~\,~. Edward A. Bullock, Jr. Professional Land Surveyor & Engineer EAB/lg Enclosure cc Neil Rego Sidney B. Bowne & Son ALSOClETY OF PROFESSIONAL SUIWEYORS . NYS SOCIETY PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS. NASSAU-SUFFOLK CIVIL ENGINEERS .. ..,' '- \)C'"-\'G- /U.." I ,--... '. ~/ J/)/ , (' ./ . (\c~~ ~ ..-( ~;J1rJJA ZSu-\.\O \ K\\ OieS LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Public Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board, at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York in said Town on the 15th day of August, 1988 on the question of the following: 7:30p.m. Approval of the preliminary maps for the major subdivision of Elijah's Lane Estates - Section 3, located in Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. SCTM No. 1000-108-4-7.1. The property is bordered on the North by Rebekas Road, by land now or formerly of Elijah's Lane Estates, Section 1; on the East by Elijah's Lane Estates, Section 2, Tabor Road and Jeremiah's Lane; on the South by land now or formerly of Agnes Grabowski; on the west by the Long Island Railroad. 7:45p.m. Approval of preliminary maps for the major subdivision of Chardonnay Woods at Southold, located at the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. SCTM No. 1000-51-3-3. The property is bordered on the North by Sound View Avenue; on the East by land now or formerly Frank and Walter Sawicki; on the South by land now or formerly of Matthew T. Palmer, by land now or formerly of Gary and Nancey Lillis, by land now or formerly of Gregory and Anne Cahill, by land now or formerly of Richard and Susan Ward; on the West by land now or formerly of VIncent L. Tirelli, by land now or formerly of Donald and Jane Petrie, by land now or formerly of Clement W. Booth, by land now or formerly of John and Alexander Litras, by land now or formerly of of Elias and Mary Papantonious, by land now or ~ r<~ . LEGAL - PAGE 2 --- ---- ------------------- formerly of Barbara Koch, by land now or formerly of Terry and John Green, by land now or formerly of Henry and Hope Tate, by land now or formerly of Herbert and Irene Ernest. Any person desiring to be heard on the above matter should appear at the time and place specified. Dated: August 4, 1988 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. CHAIRMAN v Copies to: Traveler Watchman Suffolk Times ~ " h'c ~. t2_ ~ i) \\CC~ \~(5-vle\ )Luce...k~c,,--vj LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Public Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board, at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York in said Town on the 15th day of August, 1988 on the question of the following: 7:30p.m. Approval of the preliminary maps for the major subdivision of Elijah's Lane Estates - Section 3, located in Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. SCTM No. 1000-108-4-7.1. The property is bordered on the North by Rebekas Road, by land now or formerly of Elijah's Lane Estates, Section 1; on the East by Elijah's Lane Estates, Section 2, Tabor Road and Jeremiah's Lane; on the South by land now or formerly of Agnes Grabowski; on the west by the Long Island Railroad. 7:45p.m. Approval of preliminary maps for the major subdivision of Chardonnay Woods at Southold, located at the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. SCTM No. 1000-51-3-3. The property is bordered on the North by Sound View Avenue; on the East by land now or formerly Frank and Walter Sawicki; on the South by land now or formerly of Matthew T. Palmer, by land now or formerly of Gary and Nancey Lillis, by land now or formerly of Gregory and Anne Cahill, by land now or formerly of Richard and Susan Ward; on the West by land now or formerly of VIncent L. Tirelli, by land now or formerly of Donald and Jane Petrie, by land now or formerly of Clement W. Booth, by land now or formerly of John and Alexander Litras, by land now or formerly of of Elias and Mary papantonious, by land now or .~~.... ~ -, . LEGAL - RA~E_2_ ------------ -------- formerly of Barbara Koch, by land now or formerly of Terry and John Green, by land now or formerly of Henry and Hope Tate, by land now or formerly of Herbert and Irene Ernest. Any person desiring to be heard on the above matter should appear at the time and place specified. Dated: August 4, 1988 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. CHAIRMAN v Copies to: Traveler Watchman Suffolk Times , ;t .. ,- - '-~'" . . :..~. Town Hall, 530,95 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (5.16) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Neil Rego nset Avenue P.O. Box 1164 Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 ~' RE: Chardonnay Woods SCTM #1000-51-3-3 Dear Mr. Rego: The fOllowing action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board on Thursday, August 4, 1988. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board set Monday, August 15, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. for a Public Hearing on the question of preliminary approval .for this major subdivsion. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Ve~lY yours,/}/ /? P~Mv'ttp/-Utp~k!/ BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. CHAIRMAN jt . ..~--... .... ,> . . . . iU- :2k~~~ /dV"C - 5"""/-.3./3 , fCtTVED BY SOUT/:OW TOI,II I b'II:; ',,] BOARU 'JJl.l._.Q -.19.88 f // DArE ...... .:1- ;Pd jf.- ,J~Y\ ,,<.:-11<:.. Dl> rna S \n,11 Lclon~ Po 130"- 0)F SOLAkolcl n"l l)lJ 1- I -- .June 2>0 Jqg,y ) Sou-t~old -roU/Y) PJann'''O f60MJ lo<--v1'\ \illll) S30'l51v1afl'\ ~O{lC) S,ovt\""ld h'l II Cj T J I\ar S \ r o{ Ma.J.a \'Vl ) I a'YY\ w,..-.'+,....j ih.:> \e..t!er- -10 ey,pre.-s..s rnt +Or ~-+U{e crf The I <tv1d Co>'"> ce {n +h~ Ot..un ed br ..l 0 """ oppo.s~d +0 tl,e,. P ropo.se d l'Y\<tjDr .subJ.v'-s 10 h 6as~d iP.... -fj..e- +0 I \ow'n~ +t:lds I)t-- 0 r man~ ~ e.arS hOW -t-he.-r~ ha v e.- 6ee~ Cl. pa;~ cr( P)eCJ--k,'leJ t1a.wk;-~ (Bo-te.o jalYla;c-ens.s) .. '," . . . i j . fdj e.- ).. and AmencaV) I\e.s{(e-ls (falcb_ spC1f"V'e(;J5) Y\I:S-+in~ In -Jhe- Luood! ajDjt)inr -the open t.e.ld. T + -the. p rOfoStd su1d'v',S,'Dn lj/ue approved) ihe. V\est~J and hvn-hnr hab.~...-I o-f-f/"esc- b)'rJ s'peCles L<..> CJ,.) \ d b e.. ded'(Dyrd. ~Th<:- land prov,c1e.s:f.oroy=_ -b,r (~slden+ bird S pwes C(V) d (Y) '\~y'-a.,+s . I" padeular ) ihe... II o(1~eyy\ l6a ok(('}-' .5hV'v b7 prov;de... +(v,+ +o.r- +he... ~e.llolAJ -lumpe&\. Worbler (DerJroJt-a.... corona.ffL). \\,.s breec.ts -tar/he...>" y)" (+~ QY) c1 .spee,/'.-s SfCV"lJ.s d,s w.n-tf'y'" I'''' out arr&(. CJn "'--' \A)\()k'(s day) -r have... See." VY1an(j" h",,,,Jru/s 0+ -th ,s b,'rd specl'es +;;rt1j'rI r 611 'Ih.s la..oI Deve.lofmeV\+ Df the.- RejD prope.to wH~ ."..,." .. . . . . POJe.. '3 . SL7b5~ve () +- a Ikra. L,., eA .-the.., €..l'-,".d;"'j Vl'je.-lej.,,'1 (POLl lei clesfror th,s ~b'+4+ -as a.. 1.-V'(J-1e"j / S -topo v ef' S ,fe. . lh. ~ L<v"\J 0+ shrvb lopen -+.e..ld (..VitI, qJJ ~~ v..:>ooJ \... VI vi I ..s (\~.J\ "1\ 'specle-s oI'clv.s,f-:r- Ih,,S ~ UJ ItHt'e. ~Cl b,fa+ and O~er.s are.. np,d)'ir' J, ~ sqppea (, Y) 't' *r'0",,", -r~ \lorTh fb,~_ Tf deveIDfrne,,+- Df -rh,s pr-oper-fa 'd- o1hey- land CC>f'l+I~ves) ihe c.ouClLf'r D+ I,.{-e- +hCl-f n-,d--'~Mlly oY\d T have en\D~cl here. tvr V'YHlY)o- ~ears, U-),I\ be ;(Jewrs,1Ir cte.stro1fJ. c;, i VI ce-re....\ / . . D Southold. N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 July 13, 1988 Neil Rego 3 Sunset Ave. P.O. Box 1164 Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 RE: Chardonnay Woods . SCTM #1000-51-3-3 Dear Mr. Rego: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, July 11, 1988. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board accept and request compliance with the Engineer's report dated JUly 5, 1988. This parcel is on 44.376 acres located at Southold. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, ~,et;{jf!ff! CHAIRMAN 7- enc. jt . . :~ ... T D Southold. N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 -z.~ July 5, 1988 Neil Rego 3 Sunset Ave. P.O. Box 1164 Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 ,.RE: Chardonnay Woods SCTM fi1000-51-3-3 Dear Mr. Rego: Enclosed please find, for your records, a copy of the inspection report conducted by our engineers on June 16th. If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact this office. .-<! !.r--.. ~'Y youn, B_~iffPP~ CHAIRMAN "/ . jt ~~. f9/J!i. 'f" ., . '<< ~ . SIDNEY B. BOWNE & SON CdJ'~~~ 45 Manor Road Smithtown, N.Y. 11787 (516) 724-0611 . Sidney B. Bowne, P.E., LS. (1922~1959) Chester C Kelsey, P.E., L.S. Alexandre W. Marcil, P.E Robert A. Stanton, P.E. Robert W. Brown, L.S. Zabdiel A. Blackman, P.E., L.S. REeEI Roland Anders VED BY Frank Capobianco SOUTHili.DLll'CI fl-A"1i'9'Jiip1BlJAIII ~~.~e:'~Jc~;~;: JU, 0 ots~PhiliPSChlotzhauer Joseph F. Stegman _'_ Paul F. Stevens WiitiamT. Slyne Richard B. Weber George A. Style, P,E. Jerry D. Atmant, P.E. George L. Fagan, Jr., Ph.D., P.E. Thomas R. Pynchon, L.S July 5, 1988 Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 RE: REVIEW OF PRELIMINARY DRAINAGE PLAN FOR CHARDONNAY WOODS, at SOUTHOLD, N.Y. - PLANS DATED MARCH 1988 S.C.T.M. 1000-051-03-3 SBB NO.)87138 Dear Sir: The followin9 comments are presented for consideration of the above subdivision: 1. The road layout has been modified since previous submissions. The dead end road entering from North Road has been eliminated. Access to the lots in the southern portion of the site are from the road which enters off Sound View Road. 2. The overall drainage calculation which is generated off the site. on and off site drainage design. includes the runoff from 61 acres A 6" storm has been used for both 3. The overall storage capacity (includes both natural retention areas and leaching pool) provides for the runoff from an 8.8" storm. 4. The proposed high water elevation for retention area III wi 11 cause flooding on the adjoining land to the east. This is of concern because runoff from the improved section of the site will be contrib- uting to this potential flooding. However, the high water elevation of 21. 0 may on ly be achi eved after a rai nf all of 6" or greater. 5. Connect all retention areas with pipe. 6. Ponding in the roads should not be permitted. Incorporate the use of a semi-positive drainage system (pipe and bubble basins) to direct excess water to the retention areas. MINEOLA . SMITHTOWN . NEW YORK CITY . CLEARWATER An Equal Opportunity Employer MIFIH . I' - . Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD July 5, 1988 . 7. At least one (1) leaching catch basin each should be placed in the two (2) low areas on Sound View Avenue adjoining the site. 8. Because forty-four (44) leaching pools have been proposed, the concern for settlement and maintenance should be brought to the attention of the Highway Dept. Very truly yours, SIDNEY B. BOWNE & SON CO~NG ENGINEERS -I r;;s-;:;. ROBERT W. BROWN, L.S. RWB:clg xc: Ray Jacobs John Kohn Raymond C. Dean Sidney B. Bowne, P.E., LS. (1922-1959) Chester C Kelsey, P.E., L.S. Alexandre W. Mercil, P.E Robert A. Stanton, P.E. Robert W. Brown, L.S. Zabdie! A. Blackman, P.E, LS. ~ SIDNEY B. BOWNE & SON 'tf~C~ 45 Manor Road Smlthtown, N.Y. 11 787 (516) 724-0611 . Roland Anders Frank Capobianco Roger L. Cocchi RECEIVED BY' '"no" J. Ly"," SOUTHOLD TOWNP; 80' ,~=..:::~h1;~:~":: JU Paul F. Slevens I/L2 2 WIlliam T. Slyne DArE J~ ~:';~ ~ George A. Style, P,E. Jerry D. Almont. P.E George L. Fagan, Jr" Ph.D., P.E. Thomas R. Pynchon, L.S. June 17, 1988 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Pl anning Board 53095 Mai n Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Chardonnay Woods at Southold, Major Subdivision Town of Southold, New York (SBB NO. 87138) S.C.T.M.: 1000-51-3-3 Gentlemen: A site inspection was conducted on June 16, 1988 by this office to review plans in conjunction with the area's natural drainage to determi ne the poss i bil ity of any interference or interrupt i on of the present storm water runoff pattern. We fi nd that the adj acent area's drai nage wi 11 not be overt 1 y affected by the proposed plans. Very truly yours, SIDNEY B. BOWNE & SON CONSULTING ENGINEERS ;l~4 r~ I- ROBERT A. STANTON, P.E. CSH:clg xc: Ray Jacobs, Supt./Hwys. Ray Dean (SBB) MINEOLA . SMITHTOWN . NEW YORK CITY . CLEARWATER An Equal Opportunity EmpkJyef MIFIH . . .~s P T - .c:.~;. Southold. N. Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 June 7, 1988 Neil Rego 100 Fox Hill Drive Baiting Hallow, NY 11933 RE: Chardonnay Estates SCTM ~1000-51-3-3 Dear Mr. Rego: 'The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, June 6, 1988. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board make a determination under the State Environmental Quality Review Act of nonsignificance. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very >r~}y yours, Uv /// 'i2 /. / ;! / 1\ /_~" _ f .- -,-r ~--'77r- Ii .'/ ' .C~__.j...?,'tfitl~'~/ Z v~Cf.- , BENNETT ORLOWSKI ,JR. . . CHAIRMAN Ene: jt = .~ . Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 06/07/88 NEGATIVE DECLARATION Pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law State Environmental Quality Review Act and 6NYCRR part 617, Section 617, Section 617.10 and chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is hereby given that Southold Town Planning Board, as lead agency for-the action described below has determined that the project, an Unlisted Action, will not have a significant effect on the environment. DESCRIPTION OF ACTION The Major subdivision of Chardonnay Estate for 44.376 acres located at Southo1d. SCTM #1000-51-3-3. The project has been determined not to have a significant effect on the environment for the following reasons: The Planning Board feels that the layout has been designed in a manner that utilizes the upland areas for development and preserves the low land areas for open space and natural drainage. An environmental assessment has been submitted which indicated that no significant adverse effects to the environment were likely to .occur should the project be implemented as planned. Because there has been no correspondence received from the Suffolk County Department of Health Services in the allotted time, it is assumed that there are no comments or objections from that agency. Because there has been no correspondence received from the NY Stae2 Department of Environmental Conservation in th~ allotted time, it is assumed that there are no comments or objections from that agency. The project will meet all the requirements of the Code of the Town of Southold Subdivision of Land Regulations. .", ......-------- . . Further information can be obtained by contacting Jill M. Thorp, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board, Main Road, Southold, NY 11971. Copies mailed to the following: Suffolk County Department of Health Services Suffolk county Planning Commission NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Supervisor Murphy Thomas C. Jorling, DEC Commissioner Judith Terry, Town Clerk Applicant Planning Board ,.~ -' r,c-::.. . Southold, N.Y. 11971 ,,'1: (-P16) 765-1938 JOf\l<a. 1, \q88 Robert Brown Sidney and Bowne and Son Hauppague, NY 11787 Dear Mr. Brown: Pursuant to your agreement with the Town of Southold, the Southold Town Planning Board hereby refers the following: subdivision minor subdivision, site plan) I Hamlet Sr",Th,\c'I. MATERIAL SUBMITTED: File II &7/:'8 Suffolk County Tax l'lap No. /lXO - 5/-3-3 Sketch plan Preliminary map ~ Street Profiles ./ Grading Plan ~ Preliminary site plan Final Map Other Comments: J:!:::,~ ~~:~, ~d-MP~~hL4~~~' ~ht;'1.I're~ '1nL'<f (fUl9O ;1.'), .~-- <<:',) ve:btrul: -!lJ-rO~~' B~~SKI. JR"CHA~~5 SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOA~ -....;... '. --.-...-...-....--- . May 27, 1988 RECEIVED BY SOUTHOW iii"', '1i "",','''' Bnfllll ...I!/, . jlll/f Ita UIIlUI ~?J.~ Town of Southold Planning 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Board Attention: Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Re: Map of Chardonnay Woods at Southold SCTM-I000-51_3_3 Dear Mr. Orlowski: I have been retained by Mr. Neil Rego to develop the above referenced sUbdiVision. The current layout shows 18 lots at 40,000 square feet per lot and has sUbstantially different configuration than the sketch plan which was originally submitted and approved by your Board. We have had meetings with your staff and submitted several alternate layouts which have been before your Board in work sessions resulting in the current layout. The only access to the site will be via a 50 feet road off Sound View Avenue having a short cuI de sac to the west and a tap street to the property adjOining us on the east. The main access also ends in a cuI de sac approXimately 750 feet south of the proposed tap street. The proposed drainage will be handled by a Positive and/or leaChing system for all storm waters floWing to the proposed road system. Two inches of storage will be prOvided in leaChing pools with an overflow to natural retention areas. In addition to the 44 acres comprising our subdivision, there are additional contributory areas of approximately 10 acres to our west and 51 acres to our south which flows onto our site. We propose to provide 6 inches of storage for all contributory areas coming into the site through the Use of natural and/or bermed retention areas. .Mom, \ TIONAL SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOI\S . NYSSOClETY PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOI\S . NASSAU-SUFFOLK CIVIL ENGINEEI\S Professionol Lond Surveyor & Engineer REliVED \:IY . SOUlHOLD N PLANNING BUARt --IIA1 ~J. ..-- . _ _ _ _ 'C . EDWARD A. BULLOCK, JR. The proposed water supply will be through individual wells and the sanitary will be handled by individual septic tank and cesspool systems. In addition to the open space requirement of the building zone ordinance for cluster development, we are also proposing to dedicate a road widening on the southerly side of Sound View Avenue for the eventual improvement of both horizontal and vertical site distance of that road by others. It is our intention not to improve the tap street to the east, known as Chardonnay Drive, but instead dedicate the right-of-way to the Town should it be required for the development for the eastern parcel. Enclosed herewith please find twelve copies of the Preliminary Map, Preliminary Drainage plan and Street Grades for your review and approval. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at my office. Yours truly, ~&w~Q.~\.~. Edward A. Bullock, Jr. Professional Land Surveyor & Engineer EAB/lg Enclosure cc-Neil Rego MEMOER, NA TIONALSOClETY OF PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS. NYS SOCIETY PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS. NASSAU-SUFFOLK CIVIL ENGINEERS . EDWARD A. BULLOCK, JR. m(~ ~n'!:~m.l. ..,gg! The Brook House 405 South Country flood Brookhoven, New York 11719 (516) 266-6556 Professionol Lond SUNeyor & Engineer April 18, 1988 Southold planning Board Town Ha 11 Southold, NY 11971 Attention: Melissa Re: Chardonnay Woods at Southold SCTM-1000-51-3-3 Dear Melissa: This is to confirm the conversation which you had with Mr. Rego, Monday, April 18. We are going to eliminate lot 10 and increase lot 11 by approximately 10 feet in accordance with your request. I am planning to proceed with the preliminary based, upon the foregoing and should submit same to you in approximately three weeks. If there are any changes, kindly contact my offce to let me know. Yours truly, '-flAw~ 0 -~, ~r 1 Edward A. Bullock, Jr. Professional Land Surveyor & Engineer EAB/lg cc-Neil Rego MEMBER, ~ATIONAL SOCIETY OF PflOFESSIONAL SUflVEYOflS . NYS SOClETYPflOFESSIONALLAND SUflVEYOflS . NASSAU-SUFFOLK CIVIL ENGINEERS - -- , Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 04/18/88 Environmental Analysis Unit DEC, Building 40, Room 219 SUNY Stony Brook, NY 11794 Gentlemen: RE: Chardonnay Woods SCTM#lOOO-Sl-3-3 Enclosed please find a completed Long Environmental Assessment Form and a copy of the map for the major subdivision of Chardonnay Woods. This project is unlisted and an initial determination of nonsignificance has been made. We wish to coordinate this action to confirm our initial determination. May we have your views on this matter. Written comments on this project will be received at this office until May 18, 1988. We shall interpret lack of response to mean there is no objection by your agency in regard to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, and our agency will assume the status of Lead agency. Very truly yours, . BQJ'1Jl.L-tt Q;J)QL05kL, Q\., BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. rj) CHAIRMAN Ene: cc: Department of Health Services . .... II. .. h , . ~ . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD EM ENVIRO:IMElITAL ASSESSMENT - 'PART Pro;ec~ !nfo~tlon NOTICE: This doc~~~~ ;~ de~1~ned to assist in deterninfnq whethe~ the action pro~osed ~~y nave a effect on t!1e erl\lII"C.,~nt. Pi ease con-;:lete the entire D.Ha Sheet. Answers tJ these questions will as c~rt of the ~D11~ation for apprcval and mdy be subject to further verification and public reyie any c1dd'it;onal 1nfOrm.ation you believe ,"ill be needed to comalet? PARTS Z dnd 3. It is eXDeCteo t'at CC~Dlcticn Of. the EAF will be deoend,nt on information cu~rent:y available and wi 'nvolve new studles,.re","c, or ,nVestlDH.on. If infO"""ion re~uirino such additional work is UM SO 1ndlCate and SceClfy Each instance. . ~l:'lit or PPOJE'CT: c:: v..l\~ \:) ~..J tJ.......... \)J () ~ Q So. A~0~f5S ~NO ~~~E Or ~PPlIC~~T: ~A~E AND ACC~tSS Or n~SER (If niff~r~nt) . \\....~\...\^.,~i..C'..() (tlar.:eJ ~ \0 () ~O'j,,\X\\..\..:\)~, , (Street: "'.~, ~,.; \\ \" l. 't\.~\..\..OI..J , \,. ':\:. \ ,co. ~ S \.l.. 'I. ~S"te)' " {Z BUS"1!I:SS PHO,'IE: ~ <\ ~ 0 \ l.. c ~'i.-\\.. Y\. .~~ C:. D { ,sIl'l:J (S~~t? ~O '" ~\\..\.. ~ \\.. ~U~)~_\";_t. \\~'~~IO'-V '\..2;)~''\' \\C;. 1- '-. < D[~C~!?TlC'i or p~OJrCT: (Briefly describe tY::Je of oroject 01'" action) \\.-L. S \.~l&.... c.,.. ~ t) ~t.. '''''''''~ l." A. SIT, DESCRIPTIO!' (PLEAS, CC,'nET, EACH QUESTInU - Indicate N.A. if not applic'ble) (Physical setting of overail project, both develoned and undeYelo~ed areas) I. Gener,] ch'r,cter of the land: r~nerally uniform slope ______ Generally uneven and rollfn~ or ..)L. z. P~sent lilnd use: L!roi\" . Industrial _, Agriculture _.l5th'er 70t31 acredge of Dr-oject area: ~acres. .-' Corrrnel"'cial -' Suburban _.' Rural X J. Aooroxj~Jte acreage: Presently After Co~~Jet1on ~eadow or BrushlJnd _acres ~acres -'-_acres Fores led acres Aoricu I tura 1 __acres _acres '!ptlanQ (Freih...atel'" or TldJ I AS (1e,- Art 1 c] es :4 h::~ or c. c.. L. ~ lcre!. _"cres IIJter SurfJce Arc.! . PreSently A(te ~Jcrcs Unv('~('t;tcd (rock, e'lrtn or fill) ___acres Roads. bUildinns dnd otner ;"JJved $urr,'ces -i_aues 0tner (indlCJCe CY~e) 5. . ~re :~er. ~paro~( outcrC~jlnos C~ ~r~IPct Slt~? 4. 'J"~~ l~ .......dcn!"~~t 50ii t.'/::,dsJ On "lrt':!:'ct Site? __... .L;t:Stfc<~ -- _._-_._-_.-._-------_.~ t. _acres ......c!: ~i c...,~., :c :eC'-ccL;"I .------h_~A_._..___{'" .!;"eeJ YP$ L.-'ic- 9:1::5 . . 6. A;DrOXi~~lDerCenta9c of proposed oraject site grea teT %. with slaoes: 0-10: -. 10.1 \~ -. -" 15: or 7. Is project contiguouS to, or Contain a buildinry or site listed on the lIational Register of Historic Places? ______yes ~No 8. What is the depth to the water table? ~feet 9. 00 hunting or fiShing opportunities presently exist in the project area? _Yes ~llo 10. Ooes project site contain any species of plant or animal life that is identified as threate'ed or end~nQ~r~d . -----:Yes ~:lo, aCCording to _ Identi~y each species 11. Are there any unique or unusual foroations - _Yes -x"'No. land forms on t~e project site? {Describe (Le. c~iffs. dunes;-other geologica 12. Is the project site presently used by the Co~unity or neighborhood as an open space or recreation area - _Yes ~No. 13. Does the present site offer or include scenic views or vistas known to be important to the Ce~unity? _Yes -A..llo . 14. Streams within or contiguous to project area: a. Narne of stream and name of river to which it is tributary 15. Lakes. Ponds, ~etland areas within or contiguous to project area: M.~, a. Hame fj,,\, 16. ~hat is the co~i'a't land use and zoning classificatio, within a 1/~ mile radius of the project (e.g. sinGle faml1v resldential. R.2) and the scale of deveJop~ent (e.g. 2 story). ---~ . : b. Size (1n acres) B. PROJECT DESC^IPTJC~ 1. Physical di~~nsions and scale of project (fill in di~~nsions as a~propriate) a. Total contiguous acreage owned by project SponSor 4h acres. b. Project acreac;e developed: -:t.!:. acres initially; -2Z:.... acres uJti~ately. c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped ~_' d. length of project. in miles: ~.t>,. (if appropriate) e. If project is an expansion of existing, indicate percent of.expansion pro~osed: bUilding square foot age kif) : developed acreage 1dA~ f. flur.-Oer of off-strC:P.t oarking spaces existin9 IJ Co.. prCPosed 2. l'EJ2-1~~ '5' (uDOn C~pletion of project) g. Maximum vehicular.tri9S generated per hour h. If residential: Number and type af hausinq units: :ne Family Two Fami ly Multi~le Fa:;]ily ConcOI:" n 1 U:1'1 Ini t Ld 1- fCf U) t ::::J te i. If: Gr1(,rltJtion :'elc;~tornOGC-(jty-~e910nJJ Estl~Jted [r~lovnent Cc.-rerc J J I !\III< ~r.- rnC:JS ~ri Jl~ J. iCtd] re1';r'lt cf tJllest ....rc--:osec struct:.Jre -.1>.P__Jeet. .2- , . . . . t 2. How much n<lCur,,] material (i.e. rock, earth, etc.) ....il1 be re/l"Oved from the site _ lJo~ t NolOe. c 3. How ~any acres of veqetation (trees, shrubs. ground covers) will be renoved fro~ site . ~a 4. Wi 11 any prOJect? matUre forest (over _Yes --X-No lao years old) or other locally-important veqetation be removed b' 5. Are thprr. any plans for re-v~getatlon to reolace that removed during construction? ~~es 6. If single chase project: Anticioated period of construction ~ k months. (in~luding demolitio, 7. If multi-,hased oroject: a. Total number of phases anticipated ~No. b. Anti;:;oated demolition) date of co~encement phase ~ ~onth ______year D~p:.-,j,Jo'? ;J1'''''tli\.~\>Rtlvl\;~ ( in c. Approximate comeletion date final phase d. month ----yea'" ~r.:-r::o ~u\)E.- subsecuent chases? _____yes Is phase I financially dependent on 8. Will blasting Occur during construction? ______yes ~No 9. N~ber of jobs generated: during construction ~: after project is co~~lete (j. TO. Nurrber of jobs el iminated by thi's project ~. 11. Will project requir:-e relocation of any projects or facilities? Yes XNO. If yes. cxcl 12. a. Is surface or Subsurface liquid waste disposal invol ved? LYes _~o. b. If yes. indicate type of ....aste (sewage. industrial. etc. ) e8;\ ~I"'\... 'Sew/.4l'_ c_ -_If surface disposal name of stream into which effluent will be di schar-;ed l\JA. . 13. Will surface area of existing lakes, ponds. streams, bays or other sur(~ce wate~ays be increase decreased by preposal? ______yes ~No. 14. Is project or any ~crtion of project located in the 100 yeu need olain? _Yes .~NO 15. a. Does project involve disposal of solid waste? _X....)es No b. If yes, will an existing solid waste disl10sal facility be used? lVes __'10 c. If yes. give name:"'OWlJOFS:lVllW..O~: location Cl~J Cu,c.t~DGUf;. . PIS . d. !{ill any wastes not go into a sewage disposal s....stem or into a sanitary landfill? _Yes 16. wi 11 oroject use herbicides or p("!sticlces? _Yes X'IO Wi 11 project routinely produce odors (r.-ore than one hour oer day)? _Yes LNo wi 11 project produce oDerating noise exceeding the local ambience noise levels? _Yes L5-f 17. 18. 19. ~11l project result in an increase in energy use? ~Yes ."10. If yes, indicJte type(s) ~et c. (U1.-'O) - 20. If wdter suo~Jy is from wells indicJte Dumo1ng capacity 21. Toul dnt1cin.Hcd wJter usage per dJV _.2~e........oJ.ls/cJ.v. ~':>- QJ.l s/n1 nute. 22. lon In:;: d. \/hd: 1S don1nant ~onlng claSS1ficJtlon of site? _ "'2-~ ge::-~. Curr!!'n~ saeclfic ;::cnlr'l(~ c1.1SsificJtlon of Slte "'2--~C:f?d::::- ~S. !s orO:);J<iect use C:::.....SI5:(>n: .~lt": nrese'1t .:onlnq! ~~ b. d. 11 no. jnd1cate deSJred :crlnq ---- ---.---.- --.- .-.------ _.1. . . 26. Aporovals: a. Is any Federal permit required? ______yes ~ No b. Does project involve State or Federal funding or financing? Yes _x ~Io c. local and Regional approvals: Aporoval Required (Yes. 1/0) (Type) City. Town, Village" Board City, Town. Village Planning Board City. To~nl Zoning Board City. County Health Department Other local agencies Other regional agencies State Aqencies Federal "Agencies ~ ~ ~ ..$2. '"V IJ~T€..";~ _...P~~\&.. Se.N~ 01:5_ ~ ....ut..wl..y O~J1-: c. INFO~"ATIOHAL DETAILS Sub~ittal (D.:e) Aporova (Date) Attach any additional fnfomation as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adverse impacts associated with the pnoposal. please discuss SUCh ;~pacts and the measures which can be taken to mitigate or avoid them. PREPARER'S SI~,~TURE: TITLE: REPRESE~TING: DATE: "---- . . l.".. .- . . EAr . ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT. - PART II Gen'!roJl r""~""".!~1'J~ ';~i='!r:: C~reful1y) Project ImOJcts and Their Haonitude - In comple~lng t;.~ form tM~ reviewer should be guided by the Question: Have my decisions and been re~scr.z~~~: The reviewer is not expected to be an exoert environ~ental analyst. Identi~yfn9 t~dt ar. effect will be potentially large (column 2) does not mean that it sicr'llf~C3:1t. ~l:Y ~~r9~ e/fect must be evaluated in PART 3 to detenmne s1gnlflcance. eneet ,10 c~lu;nn 2 sirr.ply asks that it be looked at further. is als~ By iden The Examoles provided are to assist the reviewer by Showing types of effects and wherever coss of r."odgnnu':::e that would trigger a response in coJur.:n 2. The examples are generally apol1cable State and for ~st situations. But. for. any speCific project or site other examples and/or lo~ may be more aD~ro~riate for a Potential large Impact rating. *' Each project. on each site, in each locality. will vary. Therefore, the examples have been oft They do not constitute an exhaustive list of impacts and thresholds to answer each nuestion. - The nU~er of examples per questinn does not indicate the importance of each Question. INS'KUCT10NS (Read Carefully) 4. Answer each of the 18 Questions in PART 2. Answer ~ if there will be ~ effect. b. ~ ans....ers should be considered as ~ answers. c. If answering Yes to a ouestion then check the aporooriate box (colur.:n 1 or 2) to indicate tr size of the imoact. If imoact threshold equals or exceeds any exarnpie prov~ded. check colu~ impact will occur but threshold is lower than example, check calw~n 1. d. If reviewer has doubt about the size of the impact ~~e!l consider the il':".oact as notentially 1 proceed to PA~T 3. e. If a potentially large il':1oact Dr effect can be reduced by a change in the project to a less magn1tuG~. pla..:e it Yes in call;;;;n 3. A r;a res~onse indicates' that such a reduction ls not DO 1. 2.. IMPACT 0'/ lMiO rlo YES 0(2) 1. .ILL TH,RE 9, A.'r oFFECT AS A RESULT 0, A PHYSICAL CHArlGE TO PROJECT SiTE? EXd~al~s that ~Ould Acol] to Co1u~n 2 f,,,y ::c~stru:tl(l~ -Qn !:l::pes of 15': 01'" oreater, (15 foot rise nel'" 1JO foo~ of lengt'!}, ~r where the gen~raJ slooes in the prOject area exceed 10:.. w.. t!@ Cc~<,;truct~~r) on land when~ the denth to the water t,1bJe is less than J feet. ~ Nh "'onstructlon of r)(lved nJrkirlQ dre~ fnr 1,"""'" or more vehicles. C/;n":~ruC:lcn on ']J,,:j whe,-c bedroo: IS ex!')osed Or llL'nerdlly ~Itnln J feet c( eXlst:ng grou~d su,-fJcc. (cnS~~-"':I-C:I~.,trJ' ,....ilJ contInue for r;:o,-e than 1 Vf:la,.. or Involve ...rye :hJ(. .:r:,:, "1r,1~(I or ~tJge. fA [,I':..'n~1:::r'l {"'JI- -'("nl1 :lUr;lCSCS t!1J: '...auld ~e""ave ~ore than 1,O::::C :cr.s sf r.J::'''dl n:::e"'ldl (I.~. rock. Or SOlI) per Year. 1/1! (:;'ls':.,.....:::1::ro cf .1";-- new SdnltJ":, ldndf;ll. -5- SMALL TO POTENTIAL CA MODE~TE LARGE R 11-'P;'CT !MPACT PRI - - - - -- - - - - ~ . - - - - - . ~ Construction in a desl~nated flood~ay. .. Other impacts: __4_______ 2. -----'1 ~Ill TEERE BE A,' EFFECT TO ANY UNIOUE OR U."'SUAl lANO ,"R,~S tOI FCWW ON THE SITE:? (1.e. cliffj,. dunes, oeoloQical formaM \C:;J Ucns. etc.). . l:!Jr Sr'Jecific land forms: H'P~CT O~ \.JATrq J. Nn WIll PROJECT AFFECT ANY WATEP. BODY DESIGNATED AS ..........1<:1\. PROTEC7ED? (Under Articles 15. 24, 2S of the Envir- ~ on~~ntal Conservation law, (.C.l.) [xa~,les that riould A,ply to ColL~n 2 MIl. Dredg1no I"'Ore thar'l 101) cubic yards of material from channel of a protected stream, f11r AlA Construction in a design~ted freShwater or tidal wetland. Other 1r.:pacts: 4. lUll ?~:JJ[CT AFFECT ANY ~;O,'I-P;;:OTECT[D EXISTI.'\r. OR .'iff-l NO 82~Y OF flATER? ............................................0 (x~.,..~l"'':i th,H ""auld Apply to Calu:"'1n 2 A to: increase or decrease in the surface area of any body of water or !;"(lie than a 10 acre 1ncre~se or decrease. JJ! Construction of a bOdy of water thH exceeds 10 acres of Surface area. ~ Other imoacts: --------------- s. 1.,11Ll. PllOJECT AFFECT SURFACE :)R IjRIJl1'IOI.,PATER nIlALITY? NU G) El.~,-'Jlros that ~.!ou1d A~~ly t.o Column 2 ~ PrnJect ...ill re'luire ~ dfscnuge pemit. ~ Pn:J!e-:t requIres use of a source of ....ater that does not have dp,rO'tdl to serve 'reposed prOJect. ~ PMJ['ct reqUIres wHer suooly from wells with I)recHer ~~dn ~~ Gallons per mInute ryUmolng capJclty. Ur C;n~tr~c~lcn or ceerdtlon CaUSIng any COnt~nlnd[IOn of J ;;:':C/IC ....,Her suo;>!j System. AJPr Al4 PrJJe-:t will adversely affect groundwater. :'T~Jl~ ef(llJen~ ..,II be conveyed off the site to f~:'lltl~S ..fllen presently do not eXIst or nave ll'l~ ::::-~-::';d ~e C J;;'JC I C I. !IJ,. ~~'J:e:~ '-e-:U1r1fl'1 a fHllity that would use wHer 1M {>'=<'B cf :(1.'1:8 :;JJ Jons ;:er cav. JJI:r::"-::~-:t .,11 J'~ell Cduse siltatIon or o~~e" CISenJroe ,..::: ~" '!.lS:I"? (:::/ Of wdter to ~r:e e.o::ent :~Jt t~~re w';1 ~e dn ':"VIO:.;S \llSu,,1 Centrast to nat:.;ral ccnO'ltlcns. . 1 z. 3. "~'.~ L L T f') I 'nrE.'ITr~l I CAli {'l,'>':'CT " ""9 EiOI TE l"'RGE REDUCE::! BY 1UCI.H'r ~I-Inu:r oor:lJ~C'!" C;.JMIr,r - - - - - - YC:S - - - 0 - - - - - - YES C - - - - - - - - - - - - YfS 0 ~ - - - - - - - - YES - - - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . ;. .. .' 1. 2. 8. WILL PROJECT AFFECT ANY THREATEHEO OP. ENDANr.ExD SPECIES? ~ YES ~O ls"All Tr POTEI.fTl,\L T: <lDEP.ATE LARGE I~~;":C7 p'pe.CT" - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - A: R~ p~ ~ ~t~pr J~oacts: -------------- . 6. :IlU PR~JCCT ALTER OR~I"Ar.f FL~", P^TTE'~IS Oq SllxFA,E 'lATER NO YES RUN~FF? ................................................... 0 ~ Exar."l"l~ tha:' l!ould .I'.1\ply to Calum 2 ~ Project wnulcl ;m')ede floo" wat~1'" flClws. ~ Prolect is lHely to cause substant;'51 erosion. !lA-Project is incol"patible with ex;stin-q drainage Patterns. Other fmnacts: ~~VclA., iJ.....E- PLo:A-oJ I,",p~"'T ,.,~ atQ 7. /10 Y., l'IlL PROJECT AFFECT AIR OUALITY?...........................@ 0 rxai":'ol1"s that Hould ApPly to Calum 2 . }Jk- PF"'Oject 'WIlt 1nduce 1.~"O Or I:'()re ven1c1.t trips in any given hour. ~ Project will result in the incineration of n:lre tl'lM 1 ton ~f refuSe! "1"1'" hour. ~ Project e!Tl{H1on rate of all conta.....1nants will excperl 5 lbs. :ler l'1our or Il heat SOurce r:>roduclng n:lr~ than l~ million 8TU's per haul"'. Otner 1mo.!cts: l""O~"'''I' /"1~ Dl ~'ITO:: ,~tjl"\ !~IU~, <:: rxa~oles that Would Apoly to Column 2 ~ Rl'!duction of one or rrore species listed on the I/ew Yor~ or Federal list. using the site. Over or near site Or found on the sHe. 1\4.. Renova! of any ~ort'on of a cr1tic~1 or sionif1cant wild- lif~ tHblWt.. !M. "'0"1 icatiM of Pesticide Or' '1ed:lici JL' over r"Or~ than t.'lC~ it .Ve"".otl'1er tt\J.n fDr~"':cJJt.ur~l r.H"f'C"i'~S. 0~""r i~o"'cts: 9. 'lIlL ~='JJECT SL:gSi.~:;T!;"LLY AFrECT r~(1~-THRE;.rl:'[:::J OR NO YES (',?",r,;,,? SprOlES' .......................................(8) 0 [1'~~lp that ~ould Apply to Colu~n ~ rvPr rrOl~ct '..ould SUOH,lntl,llly_ interf",re ...qr"i .In:' rI'51r1~nt - or r"ll(vJt~r:l (15' or ....11dll(C S;H.CI~S. ill- P~'))ec: r("OtJlr~s the r"'r'V)val of r:ore t.'lJI1 1-: JCrf>'i n( ~a:~re fcreH (ovf>r 1']11 ~e1r'i In ane) or Ot~er Iced II 'i 1r"l~')rt1nt ~e1etatlon. .]- , . . P'N.(i (I': ':IS'.''Il o':~""~'l(C:E' ". l!IU T~E ocnJfCT ~rrC:C7 Vt-::~l~. ''tSit..S ~.\ T~lf VfSP....L Ci-Ip,q':'Ci(;{ ')F TIlr. :IFIGHSIlR:U\'JD or. CO.....,'ulITV? .............. tx.)m.,l~s that "auld A=,;lly to ColuMn 2 W~ y~<:. 06 ~Ir An incomrati~le vi~ual affect caused bv t~e intro~uctinn of nel., ,.,at~rla15. colors and/or forr.:s in Ct:lntrast to t:le surroundinc landsca~e. J1Jr ,t oroject easll? visit-le, not easily screen~d,t~l.H is obv;ousl.v dlfferent fror.l nth~rs around it. - J1.1. Project ~il1 result in the pli~ination or najor 5creenlnQ of scenjc views or vistas known to be important to the area. Other it:1P3CtS: . t~PtC7 (1', HYQQ'1!( ,:):~I"H.!:;tr:') 11. 'WILL PROJC:cr H'PACT A,'lY SITE OR STR!JCiURE PP.E.l!I$T0:lIC (1p' p:"lEIJ:nCr.:OL Il'r'J?T';.',C::? OF HISTORIC. NO YE~ .................6Q0 E):il~:lle'S that '~ould Aool.v to Colur.n Z Wr Prt'ject OC(UI"'1no ....holly or nar-tially within or conti~~ou'S to any faciJjtv or site listed on tne Ilational Re01S!Cr of historic ~laces. .m. Any inoact to an arCheological site or fossi] b~d located witnl" the prOJect sHe. tJther ir.1,acts: J"'o~rr n~1 fJD~~1 SPACE' ~ P:C():~TF'H: 12. \JIll THE PRn.JECT AFFECT THE CUM/TITY OR QUALITY OF EXISn::G NO .YF.S OR FUTURE opn: SPACES CR RECP.E.~TIO::A2L OPPO.iHt.:.':!Tr.:S?..... -(g) 0 Examoles that ~Iould Aoply to Column ~ TI1e pernilnent foreclosure of a future recreHional oooortunity. AlA A Major I"'p.ductlon of an open space ;n:portJl1t to the ccmunity. I)ther l:T:Oacr.S: f":J'.r"" n'l T::;~..'c;r::;T.~:I""1 13. ~'I~L T\.l~:;:: :: ;,'/ U'=-~CT TO D!Srr:;C T;;:",'jS;?':~L~Il(1~1 SYSTE~~? ...... ........ .......... .......... ...... ....... 110 YES QQO (.,~....')lp~ :I'1Jt ',,'oula ~'J'1)v to Colur.n 2 ~ Altf'r'dt_'o", of ;lre.';ent ~Jncrns of :rJver--ent of l'eo;Jlc M1C/Cr'j:ccs. ~ Pr~lf'ct ..:11 resuit in sev'.C're trJffic "Jl"cbJel"ts. _ ~t"er !!'":::J::ts: --------- -.. ----.---- --- 1. 2.. :;. u.ALL 11 oCTE:liI':"L C:'i:. n~?ii! (l~~~~i[ LARGE REDUCED r....r>~r:7 1"I"':'C7 P:;I"\,JECi [ - , .t', ~..' . " . . \0. . . P,lP~CT O~~ pr~qGY 14. \I!lL PROJECTVFECT THE CO~HUNITIES SOURCES OF FUEL 0R NO YES ENERr,y SUPPLY? .................... .......................(2) 0 Ex,'01e5 th't ~ould Apply to Column 2 M- Project causing Qreater than 5: increilse in any form of enerqy used in muniCipality. ~ Project re~uiring the creation Or extension of an enp.rljY trans~lssion or supoly syste~ to serve more than 50 sinQle or.t~o fa~11y residences. Other impacts: I/olP~t:'T rm W)r~E 1S. ~ILL THERE BE OBJECTIONABLE ODORS. NOISE. GLARE. 'Il8.'UTI0~1 NO YES or ELECTRICAL OISTI;RSANCE AS A RESULT OF THIS PROJECT? ....00 Ex~~~les that lloulrl Aooly to ColLir:1 2 \c3.I M Blasting ....ithin 1.S()~ fe~t of a hos~1tal. school or other sensitive facility. .. 1dk 1,& Odors ~;ll occur routinely (more than One hour per day). Project will oroduce ooer~ting noise exceedinn the local a~oient nOlse levels for noise outside of structures. P~ject will renove natural barri~rs that would ~ct as A noise screen. nther ir.1113ctS: WPACT m! HEAL T1-I .(, ~A?4?n) 16. N0 YfS 'IILL PROJECT AFFECT PUBLIC ilEAL TH AND SAFETY? .............~o Examolps that Hould ^-pply to Column 2 $& Project will cause a risk of ex?losion or release of hazardous substances (i.e. oil, Desticid~s, chenicJls. rarliation. etc.) in the event of accident or uoset conditions, or there will he a chronIC low level discharge or enlsslon. & Proj~c~ t'1d[ .....ill result in the burial of "hazarc\lUS wastes" (i.~. texlC, ;l(11S0nous, hiQhly react.l....e. nd1oactlv(I, IrrltJting. inf~ctl:JU~. etc.. lneludinG loo'dstes thJt are SOlld, SCl'll-solid, I iC;'Jld or contdln qaSes.) ...NA-S~crJae f,~C111tips for,one nilJion or ~ore r:allons of Jiouified nHura] !,;JS or ot.'1cr IIOUlds. _ f) ~ ~(' r- I r-:J~ C t S : ---------------- ----------------- --- .^ 1 2.. S"ALL Tn i~DER.ftTE Il.1t='ACT I CAH I RED~ p;;OJE pnTE~Tp.L LA~r.E I'IPACT . , . I~tl:..C'r O~l G~WlTl-f A!<IO CHMtACTn~ OF' Cr)1"~'!!~l!iY r'JR '!:!r:u::ll')Oul"rlr'j 17. WILL P"JE(T AFFECT THE CHAP^CTEP of THE EX!STI:lr, NO YES :::,:~:T::.;. ~~~;~. ~~~;:.;:. ~~;~~~.~......................'GD 0 J!I. The Dopul~t;on of the City, Town or Villaoe in which the p~oject is loc~ted 1s likely to grow by more than 5~ of resident human copulation. !1k The muntcf~al budgets for capital expenditures or opera- t1ng services will increase by more than 5: per year as a result of this project. - 1:!ir ~fl1 involve any ~err.,anent facility of a non-agricultural use ;n an agricultural district or rel1"tJve nrime-agricultural landS from cultivation. ~ The project will replace or eliminate ex1sting facilfties. structures or areas of historic importance to the co~unlty. 1& O~velop~nt w111 1nducp. an influx of a partiClJlar age group 'Withspec1al needs. ' JJ!. Jli< Project will set an important precedent for flJture prolects. Project will relocate 15 or more em~loyees in one or MOre businesses. Otr,er lrr.:l3ctS: IS. IS THERE PUSLIC COIITRCVE"RSY CO:-;CER~nIG THE PI\I'JJECl"? Ek~-~lps that Would Apply to Colu~ 2 .......@o -I::lkEf~her c;overn~nt or.citizens of adjace"!t c8~~.mities have exoressed 0~~OSlt1cn or reJcc:ed the prolec~ or hJve not :een contacted. ~ O~jec~ions to the oroject from within the co~nity. . I~Ll III ,:;C i ~;ii l:'L L;',', i~~AU o~ ~OOERt,TE lMlCiE REDUCED SY II.PACT IIiP4CT PROJECT CIJ.ANGr - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NO YES IF !.flY ACTIO,'j H: P'~.RT 2 IS IDE:1TIFIED AS A P0TE:ITIAL LA,r,E I"'ACY Or. IF YOU CANNOT OnEp.~!IIE THE .'"!AG,'IITUDE OF !!-!?ACT. PROCEED iO P~RT 3. PORTlO:IS OF EAF co.~PLETEO FOR THIS PROJECT: OnER~IIIATlON PART I _ PART II _ PART 3_ U~on review of the 1nfomation recorded on th1s EAF (Parts 1. 2 and )) and cons1derinq both the maonitude and 1mnort3nce of each lrr;lact. tt is r~"son"t>Jy determined that: PREPM(E A I1Er~~TlVE DECLARATION A. Tne oroject will result in no major il":DdCts and. therefore. ls one whICh Mdy not CJuSe si9nificant dJ~Jae to the enVlron~nt. B. :"lthOlJOh the project could ndve a significant effect on the ~nvlrQ~.~nt. th~r~ will not be a SIc;nlf1c1nt Affect 1n thiS case bec~~se tne nltl~Jtlcn ~ed~vre~ de~crlted In P~RT J hJve been lnclu~ed as ~~rt of the nroposed proJect. C. The cro]cct ~jl I result In one or more MJJor ~dvprse imoacts t~dt cannot :e recuccC and may CJUse si~nlflcJnt dJ~Jge to tte enVlrcn~ent. f,c!tt' '\lS'~.d:..re::r ..renarer tl: clffprcnt rrc" re<;.f;onSlaic ornerr) o PREr~~E ~ ~EG~TI~E nEClAR~rlOrl o PRE?~R( rO~!r:~E :[Cl~~~TrJ:1 PQOCEEO WITII o Sl.:::nJt~e-cr- ;;,.,s;.:r.SI::lc urtlC1JI lnL-cdd ~genev P7int Vi ~,:e nJ e :If res::.;nSl,JI~ ortlel" in Le~d ~:;enc" , .\. . . r f . . ~:.. .. ~ E~F EIIVIROtIHENTAL ASSESSI1EIIT PART III EVt.lIJAT!n~1 f"lF TH~ r~~pnqTA'j(E' nF IMPACTS 1:lrOR~Tln:l Part 3 is prepared if one or more impact or effect is considered to be potentially laroe. - The amount of writin9 necessary to answer Part 3 may b~ determin~d by answering the Question: In comDlet1ng the instructions below have I ~laced in this record sufficient information to indicate reasonableness of ny decisions? INSTRUCTlO:IS Co,~lete the fallowinq for each impact or effect identified in Column 2 of Part 2: 1. Briefly describe the impact. 2. ~escr1be (if apolicable) how the impact might be mitigated or reduced to a less than 1arge imnact ject c"ange. J. Rased on the information available. decice if it ;s reason~hle to conclude that this in~act is 1m! to the m1nic1paJity (City. town 01'" villaqe) in HMich the project 1S located. To ans~er the question of importance. consider: The probability of the i~pact or p.ffeet oecurrinQ The duration of the im~act or effect Its irreverSibility. including pe~anently lost resources or values ~hether the imract or effect can be controlled - The regional consequence of the inrac: or eff~ct Its potential divergence frc~ local neees and soals ~hether known Objections to the project a~ply to this i~pact or efrect. OEiE;.."INATl011 or SIG~!IFICA.'!CE ^n ~ction is considere~ to bp. significant if: One (or rrore) imoact is detenr.ined to both hrne and its (their) conseouence. hase"d on the r abo~e. is i~oortJnt. PAPT III 5TATE~E~ITS (Continue on ^tt3chments. as needed) -po ... ~~ ~ .... -- f, f Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 March 4, 1988 Neil Rego 100 Foxhill Drive Baiting Hallow, NY 11933 RE: Chardonnay Woods SCTM # 1000-51-3-3 Dear Mr. Rego: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board, Monday, February 22, 1988. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board approved the sketch map for this major subdivision subject to Sidney Bowne's comments. This proposal is for 19 lots on 44.376 acres with access off Sound View Avenue and the North Road in Southold. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office. jt Very truly yours, 8~ ~lll-J~ BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR~~AIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD r . . "y "-~nL' ,y C':l}rru ,'(" P.L... ,..~,....~ 'N.. k.....N ....~~..-.......~..B..,........Q. ~ ..R. D j,:-".L~,,!, ...:.~ TO~ o,l',s~H. !!:PfD SUFYO,LK~i;ogN 'y ,~,iI}J '. "0 '~~,{ .','" j'.") -~ r.- SOUlhold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 March 8, 1988 Mr. Neil Rego 100 Fox Hill Drive Baiting Hollow, NY 11933 RE: Chardonnay Estates SCTM # 1000-51-3-3 Dear Mr. Rego: The following action was taken by the Southo1d Town Planning Board on Monday, March 7, 1988. RESOLVED that the Southo1d Town Planning Board declare itself Lead Agency under the State Environmental Quality Review Act. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, fJe1'/AlhtC cVl.!oo.UI{' {j, . BENNETT ORLOWSKI,J~~CHAIRMANbr- SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD.J' jt &:i7.{ #J6l'D -O'S'I -0:3-03 . Sidney e. Bowne, P.E., L.S. (1922-1959) Chester C Kelsey, P.E., L.$. Alexandre W. Mercil, P.E. Robert A. Stanton. P.E. Robert W. Brown, l.S. ZaMiel A. Blackman. P.E., L.S. . SIDNEY B. BOWNE & SON '?f'~g~ 45 Manor Road Smithtown, N.Y. 11787 (516) 724-0611 George A. Style, P.E. Jerry D. Almont, P.E. George L Fagan, Jr., Ph.D., P.E. Frank Capobianco, C.E Thomas R. Pynchon, L.S. January 27, 1988 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Planning Board 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Chardonnay Estates (Rego Park), Town of Southold, N.Y. (SBB NO. 87138) Dear Sir: We have reviewed the revised preliminary drainage plans dated December 17, 1987 for Chardonnay Estates. Our comments and recommend- ations (see attached sheet) should be incorporated into the plan. These plans have also been rev iewed with the Town 'sH iyhway Super- intendent, Ray Jacobs, to keep him informed of this latest design and to be certain it would not create any hardships. Also, in addition to our comments and recommendations, a covenant to preserve the drainage area and open space should be included with the final approval of this project. This will protect against the develop- ment and disturbance of these areas in future years. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding this matter. Very trul) yours, BOWNE & SON ENGINEERS JWK:clg cc: Ray Jacobs Encl. MINEOLA . SMITHTOWN . NEW YORK CITY . CLEARWATER An Equ.' Opportunity Employer MlFIH Roland Anders Roger L Cocchi Francis J. Lynch Philip Schlotzhauer Joseph F. Stegman Paul F. Slevens WilliamT. Styne Richard S. Weber REVIEW ~DRAINAGE PLAN FOR - SIDNEY B. BOWNE & SON CHARDONNAY ESTATES AT SOUTHOLD REVISED PLANS DATED DECEMBER 17, 1987 . NORTH DRAINAGE AREA - Burgundy CT. 1. Positive drainage 6" storm. Runoff: system to recharge basin provides storage for a 60,360 CF Storage: 62,000 CF 2. Previous submissions indicated 2 low areas on Sound View Ave. in which puddling may occur. This condition should be addressed. 3. Reduce slope of 24" pipe into recharge basin to approximately 3%. The proposed 10% slope would yield velocities which may create erosi on. SOUTH DRAINAGE AREA - Chablis CT. 1. Make minor modifications to retention area #2. bottom sl i ghtly, to increase storage capacity. to low pt. on Chablis Ct. Excavate and level Cut drainage swal e 2. Do not entirely excavate retention area #3, too much clearing would be i nvo 1 ved. Make only mi nor cuts and grade changes to di rect runoff to Chablis Ct. by cutting a drainage ditch. 3. Connect areas 2 & 3 with a 24" RCP cul vert. Set WE IR on the southside of Chablis Ct. at elevation 22.0 to retain some water. 4. Regrade North Rd. so that 1 definite low pt. is created and place catch basins at this location and direct water to area #3. 5. Regrade between retention areas 1 & 2 so that the flow from area 1 to area 2 will not be impeded but also to maintain a 1 foot depth in retention area #1. 6. The overall storage capacity as modified herein is sufficient for the runoff from a 6" storm for the contributing areas on and off the site. Runoff: Off Site 61 Acres - 199,862 CF On Site 19 Acres - 62,073 CF TOTAL 261,935 CF Proposed Storage: Ret. Area #1 77,000 SF @ l' Ret. Area #2 70,000 SF @ 1.5' Ret. Area #3 34,000 SF @ 2' 24,000 SF @ 1.5' GRAND TOTAL = 77 ,ODD CF = 105,000 CF = 68,000 CF = 36,000 CF 286,000 CF 7. All disturbed areas are to be re-p1anted 8. Use stablization methods in drainage ditches where high volumes of storm water will cause erosion. JWK D/Southold SBB. No. 87138 . . p T D Southold. N. Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 October 8, 1987 Mr. James DeLuca 12 Linda Lane E. Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: Chardonnay Estates Rego Park SCTM #1000-51-3-3 Dear Mr. DeLuca: Enclosed isa copy of the latest report form the Engineering Consultant for the above mentioned subdivision. The Board has reviewed this report and requests compliance with same. In order to expedite this matter, the revisions should be made and submitted on a preliminary plan and the preliminary application and fee. Upon receipt of the revised maps and the preliminary application and fee, the Board will continue its review. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, ~~l,Or~ BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTH OLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary enc. Sidney B. Bowne, P.E., LS. (1922-1959) Chester C Kelsey, P.E., L.S. Alexandre W. Mercil, P.E. Robert A. Stanton, P.E. Robert W. Brown, L.S. Zabdiel A. Blackman, P.E., L.S. . . SIDNEY B. BOWNE & SOltfkE!VED BY '6'~ <ff~ ~"LihLLL 1m!i;' i-lhi'id"ci BDARD 45 Manor Road SEP 28 1987 Smithtown, N.Y. 11787 '._n___ DATE (516) 724-0611 Roland Anders Roger L. Cocchi FrancisJLvnch Philip Schlotzhauer Joseph F. Stegman Paul F. Stevens WilliamT. Styne Richard B. Weber George A. Style. P.E Jerry D. Almont, P.E. George l. Fagan, Jr., Ph.D., P.E. Frank Capobianco, C.E. Thomas A. Pynchon, L.S September 25, 1987 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Planning Board 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Chardonnay Estates (Rego Park), Town of Southold, N.Y. - Review of plans and profile dated 9/31/87 as shown on map. (SBB NO. 87138) Dear Sir: On the basis of information provided by local residents (Mr. Richard Ward, map markea showing flood area) and the Town of Southold Supt. of Highways, Mr. Ray Jacobs, dated July 14, 1986, March 10, 1987, there exists a drainage problem on North Road that has not been adequately addressed. The appl icant should indicate the tributary areas as noted in SBB letter to the Planning Board dated July 30, 1987, Item 3. On the latest plan submitted there is a notation on the south side of North Road opposite the Lillis parcel which states "Install berm top elevation 24.00". This needs clarification. The Suffolk County Ground Water contour maps indicate ground water at elevation 2. The water retained in Retention Area No.1 leaches slowly due to silt or an impervious layer. Additional borings should be conducted to determi ne the nature and depth of that materi a 1 . Mr. Jacobs, in a letter to the Planning Board dated July 14, 1986, notes that a hole excavated by a crane along North Road encountered clay for a depth of 20+. A boring should be taken at the edge of the property retention area 25' deep with gra in size ana lys i s of each change of strata and certified report for evaluation of soil percolation qualities. The proposed leaching pools on the east side of Chablis Court will be ineffective in part due to a water elevation 16~ for periods of time. MINEOLA . SMITHTOWN . NEW YORK CITY . CLEARWATER An Equal Opportunity Em~er M/FIH Mr. Bennett Orlowski, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 25, 1987 Page Two Jr., .airman . The natural direction of surface runoff from all directions must be considered. Additional research of contours establishing contributary areas should be presented as requested in letters dated July 20, 1987 and August 20, 1987, along with explanation of drainage system operation and supporting calculations. Very truly yours, EJJ:clg xc: Ray Jacobs, Supt./Hwys. Ray Dean (SBB) V. Lessard (Building Dept.) . . T Southold. N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 September 9, 1987 Jim DeLuca 12 Linda Lane East. Riverhead, New York 11901 Re: Chardonnay Estates at Southold Dear Mr. DeLuca: As per the enclosed correspondence from our Engineering Consultant, would you please have the limit of existing wetlands staked by. your surveyor. Please notify our office when this has been done so we can arrange to have the site inspected by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contac~ our office. Very truly yours, . &nm.JLf:t ~~, (}l. BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. CHAIRMAN ~ SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD enc. ,,-- Sidney B. Bowne, P.E., L.S. (1922-1959) Chester C Kelsey, P.E., L.S. Alexandre W. Mercil, P.E. Robert A. Stanton, P.E. Robert W. Brown, LS. Zabdiel A. Blackman, P.E., loS. . . SIDNEY B. BOWNE & SON ..R~CEIVED~Y _ <:&,_...b.:.._.,g; . SOUTKOLlllLv'ii r u" ...:,j C0~.R9 Roloo' An'", --7 ~ J U L -. . '19- 0'" R09" l CO"hi 45 Manor Road ~ i) ... _~_~"n'''J.Lvn'h ~ Philip Schlotzhauer Smithtown, N.Y. 11787 - DA Jo,"ph F SI'9moo (516) 724 0611 Paul F. Stevens . Willi.m T. SIV" Richard B Weber George A. Style, P.E. Jerry D. Almonl, P.E George L. Fagan. Jr., Ph.D" P.E. Frank Capobianco, C.E. Thomas R. Pynchon, L.S J u 1 y 30, 1987 Mr. Bennet Orlowski, Jr., Chairman TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Planning Board 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Attention: Diane Schultze, Secretary to Planning Board Re: Dear Sir: at North Southold, N.Y. (SBB NO. 87138) After review of the above referenced preliminary plan, we have the following comments: , -y.. CO" #"'~~ 1. The yield calculations shown on the plat represent the allowable yield under ideal site conditions. Due to the existence of wetland and areas which are periodically flooded (areas along C. R. 27 which apparently receive road runoff), this approach is not appropriate. The limit of existing wetlands should be determined by either the N.Y.S.D.E.C. or the Town's environmental consultant. This area, as well as the area presently affected by highway flooding, should not be included in the total gross area used for yield calculations. 2. The question of whether or not the existing wetl ands should be used for the retention and/or recharge of road- way runoff should be addressed at that tim~ A determin- ation by the N. Y. S. D. E. C. or Town environmental consult- ant is necessary due to the fact that the Cluster Plan submitted relies completely on the use of these wetlands for stormwater drainag~ If the wetl ands are used for this purpose, the runoff must be contained on the subject property so as not to create future problems for adjoin- i ng 1 and owners. MINEOLA . SMITHTOWN . NEW YORK CITY . CLEARWATER An Equal Opportunity Emptoy<< M/FIH . I TOWN OF RIVERHEAD) ) ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) AFFIDAVIT TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: I, NEIL REGO, being duly sworn, depose and say: That I am the owner of a certain property located in the Town of Southold, tax map no. 100-051-03-03. That I hereby make application to the Town Board of the Town of Southold for a sub-division pursuant to all applicable zoning ordinances of said Town. , Sworn to before me this 8th day of February, 1988. ~ jJ~J / ICAIlIN .. J J _,_ .... ....,............ - - .... 111"" 0' -l.lnlulfall..,._ ~9 C ................- v .' "l ,,~"'" " ~, ~ I':: ~ : .... i'. ' , ~ . . ~\~fn~ '--\.1" uz..r,.. ~~ PI:"NNINC....BO'ARD i, ~ ,::,,,,,..,ju,,,!:-;;::,, k N ~ /':":iJ1L>r~;~~('17 -c:. ~ TO~~~~~17:~g'&1 J}~LD SUE:I~~o},t~iCO'UN y -'/f/J. ;~ ,\"0" -. Southold. N.Y. 11971 Maior Subdivision Procedures Applicant Submits surveys and affidavit of ownership t Application placed on agenda for Board to review ~ Board to; filld Report at I inspect Inspection next meeting I Sketch Plan Approval --V Applicant makes preliminary submission -j.. Planning Board makes necessary referrals .} Public hearing set .v Public hearing held, Board has 45 days to make a determination on preliminary map . .j, Applicant makes final submission lit Planning Board makes necessary referrals -It Public Hearing set -V Public hearing held, Board has 45 days to make determination on final map. -.j, Final determination made..If approved, the Chairman endorses the surveys when the conditionsJ if any have been me t. -It . If approved and signed, surveys get filed with r ...l. '-', \II' Recommendations for Revisions OR lit Applicant makes revisions and resubmits ____ AND Lead Agency ~ Planning Board coordinates' with the Health Depart. and DEe .t- When above agencic have responded, application is pI, on agenda for a SEQRA determinatic ,J" Board to pass Neg' Declaration if the are no adverse imr to the environmeni .' . '.'.' ~' , . . .... -..,..-.-r;-r.-.... ~c......~.:.>:':.r:>-:: /1\1).. .\\'::',:n/ " ....~... /.Y-......,s\.:~ _~ J(......7";;.. PL'ANNING:'BOARD ;."r ..........""..~~J,-':..\. '\.\""" ~ 1."1 t..""::'. .~{~H.,;::-.r:-"~:-::_':.. -.:.:. ~ TOWN OrSOUT-HOLD .~' ...._\. '''/'' '~ - ,...-, "'.", ',. "'-- .'- . . "-"........... _""t . ,~.... """")"'::-.~'~'~'::""" S ltFI<:qLK~GQ.Vtl/TY ~:'IJ. :"~1 ',\'o:;},v ~~~~. Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 NOTE: Due to the shortage of staff and increasing workload we ask that all maps submitted and revisions thereto & are to be folded. Any rolled or unfolded maps will not be accepted. Thank you for your cooperation. Valerie .Scopaz TO'tVTI Planner .' , . , ,,' . . ~~~ ,,1"1 , '-n'-"'-~ "; ~\\CrUl ',.. y~ I}'" '-\,.1\ ....1 ~ ".... PLA~N I N'G)i'(j"ARD ^, .' .,' ".', ,.', .~';'" '0' 'Y I'" , .,.,:','1M ":""_"(~"\;":'_l -.::. )...; TO:WN9~~;~~.ij1i~aLD '~~"-,r7'\ ':':,~J:'t'..; ~" iY ,4... _ '..... - /, ':'1 SUFFOLI{:zCO'U;. TY ?$.:..~; -70{ 1.\........' ~~'-~ .-c~rf' Southold. N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 HE,lO TO: Whom it may concern FROX: Town of Southold Planning Board DATE: June 3D, 1987 RE: Inspections on Road Construction Please be advised the pursuant to, Section AI08 5, the Highway Department (765-3140) must be contacted 48 hours prior to commencing any work on roads within subdivisions in order th~t the work can be inspected. Any work done on any road without notifiying the Highway Superintendent shall be considered unacceptable pursuant to Section AI08-43. " " ..' . . '. ., '. PRELIMINARY LAYOUT - MAJOR SUBDIVISION DOCm'ENTS , A. 12 copies at 100' = 1 inch 1. Subdivision name, tOlin, county, north point, scale, name and address of Oliner, subdivider and engineer or surveyor 2. Name of adjoining subdivisions and/or owner os record of adjoining property 3. Zone district and boundary lines of districts, if more th, one district 4. Parcels of land to be dedicated and conditions, if any 5. Property lines, easements, bUildings, watercourses, marsh, outcroppings, woods and single trees 12 inches diameter measured 3 foot above base of trunk or other significant features of subdivision and adjacent property 6. Location of existing sewers, water mains, culverts and drains on property, pipe size, grades and flow direction 7. 2 foot contour elevations of existing roads at 100 foot intervals - approximate grading if more than 2 foot change 8. - Widths and location, grades and street profiles of all streets either public or proposed by developer. 9. Location and size of water, sewer systems 10. Storm drainage plan 11. Plan and cross sections of sidewalks, street lights,stree trees, water and sewerage, recharge basin(s), pavements, manholes and underground conduit 12. Design of bridges or culverts contemplated 13. Lot lines and suggested building locations 14. Actual field survey by licensed engineer or land surveyor with corner markers approved by Superintendent of Highways B. If only a section proposed of entire tract, map to sho\v entire tract 1" to 100' outlining probable future development systems C. Copy of covenants and restrictions for all or any part of traci D. Two (2) copies of the preliminary plat application E. Part I Environmental Assessment Form ." . . ~ "',~. FINAL LAYOUT - MAJOR SUBDIVISION DOCUl1ENT REQUIRENENTS 1. ~vo (2) copies of final plat application 2. The original final plat tracing 3. Two (2) cloth prints and three (3) paper prints of the final plat 4". The original and one (1) copy of deeds of cession to streets, rights-of-way, easements 0: ot~er.sites to be devoted to public use", and the original and one (1) copy of agreements, covenant, or other documents showing the manner in which streets, parks and other areas are to be reserved and maintained for the co~mon use of the residents of the subdivision, including provisions for homeovmersassociations and property assessments if needed, all certified as to their legal sufficiency by the TO'.,m Attorney. 5. ~'IO (2) prints of all construction and landscaping plans and drawings as required by and in accordance \'Ii th to'.offi specifical 6. An-estimate as to the cost of the required improvements, including, but not limited to, streets, curbing, sanlcary sew' storm drain lines, water lines and fire hydrants and/or firewells. 7. One (1) certified copy of the water company contract indicati that mains will be installed and water \'Iill be transmitted to the subdivision when available or required. 8. If fire\'lells are to be installed, a copy of the proposed agr' ment to be entered into with the appropriate fire district t, convey title to said firewells to the fire district when comi together with legal access thereto. The plat to be recorded with the County Clerk shall be printed u linen or be clearly drawn in India ink upon tracing cloth. The of the sheets shall not exceed twenty by thirty-six (20 x 36)'in including a margin for binding of t\'IO (2) inches outside of the border along the remaining sides. The plat shall be dravm at a scale of no more than one h~~dred (100) feet to the inch andorj wi th the North point at the top of the map. \'[hen more than one she~c is required, an additional index sheet of the same size sl be fi2.ed, sho'ding to scale the pntire subdi visio:1. \'Ii th loOt and 1 n'~sers clearly legible. ~~ . N330lcs,sz, 38&IRO 3 . ') / /71if4-/f, -;;:.q-;- 80,000 . K'~ D LsTA-re.5 ,- /q t-6T5 C'-USn::JG COt-J,(:E:[OT.- 0,1:;:, bt2A.'~~ AEi:A IS Ik:l:-Pt:..D . . e5 H/.>y 80> . FILE COpy Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 n \98.>\ Robert Brown Sidney and Bowne and Son Hauppague, NY 11787 Dear Mr. Brown: - Pursuant to your agreement with the Town of Southold, the Southold Town Planning Board hereby refers the following: Application of ~r subdivisiOn) minor subdivision, site plan) 'KE!.8r> ES-\-Q-";e<:. Hamlet ~<~\~ MATERIAL SUBMITTED: Sketch plan Preliminary map Street Profiles Grading Plan '-"'" Preliminary site plan Final Map ,/ File II Suffolk County Tax Map No. 61-'>,-3 Other fest &r;.,!(, ~"~OR.-Ts. tlAtJ ~ &n,.......p~A~ comments:. ~1 ~~~ ~ Y: ~""/ h~""~~~do~;~ ---~;:;;~;~"::t;:;~;::.:..2'C? j~ Very truly yours, ... r 10' -.:f BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR.,CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD '. ... . .... . . . April 30, 1987 James V. DeLucca 12 Linda Lane East Riverhead, NY 11901 Southold Planning Board Main Road Southold, NY 11961 Re: Rego Estates, Sound View Ave. & North Road, Southold To Whom it may concern: . . .. MAY 4 7987 Enclosed please find test borings which were requested by the Southold Highway Department. If any additional information is required, please do not hesitate to call me. v~ylrulY / / .I /," ~ ~ )f -t:~ "':!! DeLucca . '.. . Iy SLACKE TEST BORING, INC, ffi~kur~' 9'~ gc ~~ fff~ 4 1987 , ..,. o 4 MAIN STREET, P.O. BOX 64, KINGS PARK, Lt. NEW YORK 11754' (516) 54~ 0404 IMrs.1 SIlly Ann Sllckl, P,..id.nt Boring No. 1 Jt>f> Nt>. 3766-86 Dated: December 16, 1986 Job LOCllion Recro Bstates Sub-Division, Borth Road, Borth Southold, Town of Southold, Bew York Ollum Ground Surhce Elevation . WIler Level is 6 ' 6- below Ground Surf Ice IN"" ION_ ..M:tI'...." CLASSlflCAIION Of SOIL '-ole .. ..... CASING ILOWS .- T, ..... I. ....... Grou~d 3' Mixture Topsoil, Loam , Gray Silt Drilled in Casing Surf.. trace Gravel, probable PILL Used 3' 4' Medi um to Pine Dark Brown &~nd, some Pine Gravel, some Silt Sample . 1 @ 2'6- to 4' 18-21-30 18- 4' 5' Medium to Pine Brown Sand, some Gravel, some Silt Sample . 2 @ 4' to 5'6- 23-27-31 18- ~ 5' 20' Coarse to Fine Liqht Brown Sand and Gravel Sample . 3 @ 9' to 10'6- 10-7-'1 18- S3mple . 4 @ 14' to 15'6- 10-10-11 18- Sample . 5 @ 18'6- to 20' 7-8-13 18- .. . M~ 4 1987, SLACKE TEST BORING, INC, !//Jk(~(V'- g~ IV ~~ fff~ 4 MAIN STREET, P.O. BOX 64, KINGS PARK, 1.I., NEW YORK 11754. (516) 544-0404 I Mrs. J Solly Ann Slocko, Prosidont Boring No. 2 Job No. 3766-86 Dated: April 2, 1987 Job location Reqo Estates_Sub-Division, North Road, North Southold, NY Datum Ground Surface Elevation _ Water level is 2" below Ground Surface DI"H H" ..... .......,.ti... CLASSifiCATION 0' SOIL _.10 .,.... CASING .lOWS .- f. 1- 1.._.... - - Ground I' Topsoil and Decayed Leaves CASED PROCEDURES Surface UTILIZED I' 2' Coarse to Medium Dark Brown Sand and Gravel, some Silt Sample t 1 @ 0" to 2' 1-1-2-3 24" 2' 10' Coarse to Fine Dark Brown Sand, some Medium to Fine Gravel Sample t 2 @ 2' to 4' 2-3-5-7 24" Sample t 3 @ 4' to 6' 6-7-7-8 24" Sample t 4 @ 8' to 10' 7-7-7-9 24' . ~~,AY 4 1987j . . SLACKE TEST BORING, INC, g~g~ gcSl~fff~ 4 MAIN STREET, P.O. BOX 64, KINGS PARK. l.I., NEW YORK 11754 . (516) 544-0404 I Mrs.' Selly Ann Slecke, President Boring No. 3 Job No. 3766-86 Dated: April 2, 1987 Job localion Reqo Estates Sub-Division. North Road. North Southold. NY Datum Ground Surface Elevation _ Water level is 3- below Ground Surface DE"" 30" I'... .......,.ti.. CLASSIFICATION OF SOil s..ple of s,.... CAStNG 1tOW5 .- T. s_" h'lIM.... - - Ground I' Topsoil and Decayed Leaves CASED PROCEDURES Surf.ce UTILIZED I' 2' Medium to Pine Dark Brown Sand, some Gravel, some Silt Sample I 1 @ 0- to 2' 1-1-2-2 24- 2' 4' Coarse to Pine Brown Sand, traCE Gravel, some Silt Sample I 2 @ 2' to 4' 2-3-3-5 24- 4' 10' Coarse to Pine Brown Sand, some Gravel Sample I 3 @ 4' to 6' 4-6-8-9 24- Sample I 4 @ 8' to 10' 6-6-7-9 24- , . . SLACKE TEST BORING, INC."'\\\ g~g~ gc~~fff~ l\: \<jco1 ~ 4 MAIN STREET, P.O. BOX 64, KINGS PARK, L1.. NEW YORK 11754. (516) 544-0404 I Mrs.1 S.IIV Ann Sieck., Pr..id.nt Boring No. . 4 job No. 3766-86 Dated: April 2, 1987 Job Locotion Reqo Estates Sub-Division. North Road. North Southold. NY Datum Ground Surface Elevation _ Water level is 2- below Ground Surfoce DEPTH 10" II... ,......,.Ii... CLASSIFICATION Of SOIl. s....".. ., 1,0... CASING ILOWS .- To s_. ...1_.... Ground l' Topsoil and Decayed Leaves CASED PROCEDURES Surface UTILIZED l' 10' Co~se to Fine Dark Brown Sand, some Gravel, trace Silt Sample t 1 @ 0- to 2' 1-1-3-3 24- Sample t 2 @ 2' to 4' 2-3-5-7 24- Sample t 3 @ 4' to 6' 4-6-6-8 24- Sample t 4 @ 8' to 10' 5-6-7-9 24- . · MJi.'i p mQor . \,JU. SLACKE TEST BORING, INC, !/~!/~ gc g~fff~ 4 MAIN STREET, P.O. BOX'54, KINGS PARK, L.I., NEW YORK 11754 e (516) 544-0404 I Mrs,l Selly Ann Sluke, President Boring No. 5 Job No. 3766-86 Dated: April 2, 1987 Job location Reqo Estates Sub-Division, North Road, North Southold. NY Datum Ground Surface Elevation . Water level is 2- below Ground Surface DE"H J 30" ...... h....,.tie" . CLASS.FICA ~ION OF SOIL s..p" .. s~... CASING "LOWS .- T. L s,.- I. ...... Grou"d I' Topsoil and Decayed Leaves CASED PROCEDURES Surface UTILIZED I' 2' Coarse to Fine Dark Brown Sand and Gravel, some Silt Sample t 1 @ 0- to 2' 1-1-1-2 24- 2' 10' Coarse to Fine Dark Brown Sand, trace Gravel Sample t 2 @ 2' to 4' 2-3-5-6 24- Sample t 3 @ 4' to 6' 4-5-7-8 24- Sample t 4 @ 8' to 10' 6-6-7-9 24- ", \~'{ SLACKE TEST BORING, INC. g~ g~ gc ffoundaAon, tff~ . 11 Y3?l? 4 MAIN STREET, P.O. BOX 64, KINGS PARK, L1., NEW YORK 11754. (516) 544-0404 I Mrs.) Solly Ann Slock., Prolidont Boring No. 6 Job No. 3766-87 Dated: April 2. 1987 Job Location Reqo Estates Sub-Division. Horth Road. Horth Southo1d. RY Datum Ground Surface Elevation _ Water level is DRY below Ground Surface G< s.. OIPT" aD" ''-WI PalMtr.ti... I CLASSIFICATION Of SOIL s.",,,.. of $po.. CASING ILOWS f_ T. I- ." ...... ound 2" Topsoil CASED PROCEDURES rface UTILIZED 2" 2' Brown C1ayy Loam Sample I 1 @ 0" to 2' 1-2-4-5 24- 2' 4' Coarse to Fine Brown Sand. some Medium to Fine Gravel. trace Silt Sample I 2 @ 2' to 4' 6-7-7-8 24" 4' 17' Coarse to Fine Brown Sand. some Medium to Fine Gravel Sample I 3 @ 4' to 6' 6-8-7-1 24" Sample I 4 @ 6' to 8' 10-10-1 - 13 24- Sample I 5 @ 8' to 10' 11-13-1 - 17 24- Sample I 6 @ 10' to 12' 9-11-14 16 24- Sample I 7 @ 12' to 14' 10-11-1 - 15 24- Sample I 8 @ 15' to 17' 8-13-16- 20 24- , . Highway Department Town of Southold Peconic Lane Peconic, N.Y. 11958 MAR 10 i ..- ...... j'd J98' RAYMOND L JACOBS Superintendent leI. 765-3140 734-5211 March 10, 1987 Mr. James V. DeLucca 12 Linda Lane East Riverhead, New York 11901 Re: Rego Estates, Sound View Avenue & North Road, Southold Dear Mr. DeLucca: Reference is made to location of boring B-1 and distance from the proposed boring locations (see attached sheet). An inspection was made at the site on March 5, 1987. The area was flooded throughout to contour 20~. This area takes runoff from all sides of the property except the east and is probably well silted which could account for the flooding. A bottom elevation of 17.3 is shown on the plan which would make a water depth of 2.7~ at that locat~on. To get borings in the flooded area would require draining same which could be difficult. Provided silting is the reason for the flooding, the use of a grade- all or a big dynahoe that could reach into the ponded area and ex- cavate a hole in the silt might drain the area. Samples 3, 4 and 5 at boring B-1 from 5' to 20' show good leaching material. It is nec- essary to find out if the same conditions exist under material that is presently causing the flooding. ReS~llY , RaymonqlL. Jacobs Superintendent of Highways CC.: Plamiing Board Highway Committee L. M. Tuthill, P.E. "..-.... !,C '- ~ ,~,~; . .-.- . ; . . FEt_ . . ,:' "- . February 6, 1987 James V. DeLucca 12 Linda Lane East Riverhead, New York 11901 Southold Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Attn: Diane M. Schultze, Secretary Re: Rego Estates, Sound View Avenue & North Road, Southold Dear Ms. Schultze: Enclosed please find updated drawings and test hole boring report as per your request. Theremaining test holes will be forthcoming. If I can be of any further assistance to you or if you need any further information, please do not hesitate to call me. enclosures 6( b~' rna;fW 1lLCJ.J.JJed. J to ~1.4 ~ ~,~'-\\ JbJ ~~?).'\~'" 0..'\ ~::'-:. (\~~ v~ Dve., . . . . FIB .~ 0 1987 SLACKE TEST BORING, INC. .9~.9~gc~~~~ 4 MAIN STREET, P.O. BOX 64, KINGS PARK, L.I., NEW YORK 11754 e (516) 544-0404 I Mrs.1 Sel1y Ann Sleeke, President Boring No. Job location Datum 1 3766-S6 Dated: December 16, 19S6 Job No. Reqo Estates Sub-Division, North Road, North Southold, Town of Southold, New York _ Water level is 6'6" below Ground Surface Ground Surface Elevation DEPTH J 3D" liD.. '......r..ion CLASSIFICATION OF SOIL 5....,.. .f Spoon CASING IlOWS ..... T. Sp..n 1ft h"he. Ground 3' Mixture Topsoil, Loam, Gray Silt, Drilled in Casing Surflce trace Gravel, probable FILL Used 3' 4' Medium to Fine Dark Brown Sand, some Fine Gravel, some Silt Sample t 1 @ 2'6" to 4' lS-2l-30 IS" 4 ' 5' Medium to Fine Brown Sand, some Gravel, some Silt Sample t 2 @ 4' to 5'6" 23-27-31 lsn 5' 20' Coarse to Fine Light Brown Sand and Gravel Sample t 3 @ 9' to 10'6" 10-7-7 IS" Sample t 4 @ 14' to l5'6n 10-10-11 IS" Sample t 5 @ lS'6n to 20' 7-S-13 IS" illf'\~O " ~., ~" , ( . <'../ \ J Y ('f' ~,)-, ... , ,~, ~ ' ,J "- -,/\....../ \,.' '-' \,)" \ -\1".1 ,,0/ (V ~\, ,> \ Yrf'~F vLeliu((V -~/,~ ~hdo... t?fU,L1.. C, lei;: JeAA4.c1 ( .(It- 11901 v ~,~" (~-qo (fM:- /ll~SuhC~UjL4Lu~ S:(j.-t/~:tt- \ / ~_m.,.,~."...~"._...".""c;'.""_" ~,. ','. -, ""''''''~~,_",,,,,,,,,_~.~:..,,, ,_o.,_.,_",_,,_"~_. __._.. .. __ _ ~ Lecu,--Yry, L';e /:UCUj '. a4 'f~ Lt{WL1J~, ~L" ~ UU->O>:- ,P (~:L'fYLW ~/Mr~ 'tj;~\_~ch'L~ ( ~o ot i,,-": C-,->y/Ji,&UXrU yJJu-iLJc 'fJ0;,~ ! 'A'fJ/~)(QC ,~~'-+"'~ L~ ',L.f-o iJ,Dt f-uueLB ~ C~fJ..-c.~ d ~0CV--/c, ()O~ \^6 ll:l..., ,M 'I h,:d, \;l W', 'lL tX&\dj) p::. G ~ +;:: h-fIOi :~Lu<rbJ'ly1uht~vWw~'J- '~ '-l-t.-.C ~"tD~ tJCY!Mc" f:'V' 'f 4u, ~~ Cf Yt-'- cUc,Ju>I u Usnur 1- , . JI (L~J2A\ ..vf;;:Yt/gy, Va., a},w~ I->4Po,oCL.{~ ~(!ut ~t~'L I-t. ,k/\.;lzd~ l/~ ,t L-() VT,(jJJCY, ~DY~L,' ~.I\vu')')Q k,tt'L:h P Uuh app~ UJ LL~_ tJt O"P/-t n cLcd 'L0 dL U.t. f i,-~ VLGo c.15YdJ. Q0A- , ~ ,. T D LD Y Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 March 4, 1987 Mr. James V. DeLucca 12 Linda Lane East Riverhead, NY 11901 RE: Rego Estates, Soundview Avenue and North Roa~ Southold Dear Mr. DeLucca; The first boring submitted by Slacke Test Boring, Inc. at the above subdivision is a considerable distance fr8m the area designated by the Highway Superintendent for boring information. The remaining test hole borings should be within or ne~rby the above designated area. Very truly yours, ~/1 2u. U1oL&/~ ~~-w~ Davis, Inspector Southold Town Planning Board dms . . LD Southold. N. Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 July 22, 1986 Mr. James DeLuca 12 Linda Lane Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: Rego Estates Dear Mr. DeLuca: * Enclosed, for your review, is a copy of memorandum issued as a result of a joint meeting with the Planning Board and Highway Department regarding the location of a drainage area within the above mentioned subdivision. As you can see, it is requested that four (4) test holes be made in order to determine if the underlying material is leachable and also ground water elevations. The location of the four test holes is indicated on the enclosed copy of that area of the subdivision. When you have the results of the test holes, would you please forward that information to our office. Please contact this office if you have any questions. Very truly yours, lil1J\.ctt fr'~, A_.cL~ BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR.,~~AIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD enc. By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary -.... . . Highway Department Town of Southold Peconic Lane Peconic, N.Y. 11958 JUl15 1986 RAYMOND L. JACOBS Superintendent Tel. 765-3140 . 734-5211 To: Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Date: July 14, 1986 From: Raymond L. Jacobs Re: Sketch plan for "Rego Estates" - Major Subdivision at Southold Plan dated Revised 3/27/86 Connnents: In reference to the Planning Board meeting on July II, 1986 I would recommend that before any further review of this project is done as to road layout, drainage structures, etc., the owner or owners be advised that test holes are to be made in the low area as shown on the plans for runoff storage. Serious flooding has occurred in the past in the area of North Road adjacent to this project. The area designated on this plan for rainfall storage overflowed and caused flooding conditions on the road and on adjoining private property. Town forces in an attempt to control the flooding excavated a hole with a crane on the side of North Road. Clay was encountered for 20 ft.! in depth. Attached is a copy of the proposed drainage storage area and approximate location of four (4) test holes to determine if the underlying material isleachable and also ground water elevations. The land on all sides of this subdivision is higher and is indicated by contours shown on the plan. This situation should be considered in the drainage design. R ond L. Jacob Superintendent cc: Highway Committee I I ""'~\IIIIllf.- II '-..::" IJjtIii;iJ!'" ,>:""~~l-'-- .....--1 1,.- "'~. / f,"'" i / . . "'7"iI"'~"" .. ',. .....--'-~ " ,,-~ / ,,; /' - -'~-';"-!."\In"-- .,.. -:..! ... ,., ,~ --ii' I '\I ' .".c""'- ~'~'. " ,- - ", ~..~...,-_ . l ..~...,._- . - "I: ~- : \ " / I / " '. I I .j,'- "~.- ~~i' , ," , ,/ ./ ,,/"" ..r"" \ , , , '10.......,.\ , 1" ,~.>J l).'l' :,.,,- , \,;;, I " , '\. ,\ ~J"",,-...:;~ I ! ~ ,.--: \ '\ \ '( ":(;2, 1 ~ ".-....."-A V",}.~- / 't --L~,'''')('':-:''~~ ' A { ! I '~ ~'",,",J:-' / .: .- '(J> '-:\! " \ I '\ '\, ' r' f"",'Y::::J \ \ ',\ :'\.... ( -' ,<..,-~-t-l '.1 / -/' \ ,.""",,,-- .,. ',\ It-" / / ) -..'........- '''.) . "...... ( ~-~...".~ ~.-~_~..h~..~__-__--1 \ _'_ ., ., -- --...-.', - "'1 \..:-' , '/ '" /,\\/ Yr;:=:=~ --~\:.': tP /'! 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'. ." .. , fi'; ~ c"" \,~ .... ---~~ fI~ "'~ " r-J .' . , " J ,. i,' I ;, ~J (~t 4 .. \ ~ 'j . .. (' "\ \ ~. ~ ::.:.\~' ,...,,,,"'\.,, t;;r. \. '-, ~ \" :::'--"~ '~'\ \ ~ ; J ( /' \ . ).-Jt/I/tL:;, .', .,:> " ~- /" . ('---'X \ f.. \. \."'\~c : '''' i \_ ,"'1 L .. '. I.' '- ~",""I4: ":1>'_ ~M .-...... ">',,", \, ..... ., /1 i . .. /' ,~' , , . ~ J' LD Southo1d, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 May 14, 1986 Mr. Raymond Jacobs Highway Superintendent Peconic, NY 11958 Re: "Rego Estates" located at Southold Dear Mr. Jacobs: Enclosed are two surveys for a major subdivision to be known as "Rego Estates", located at Southold. Would you please review this proposed subdivision and advise our Board as to your recommendations on the road layout and location of drainage areas. Please contact our office if you have any questions, or require any additional information. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, ~ Or~\u) ~d-1vY BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary enc. . I D LD y Southold. N. Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 May 14, 1986 Mr. James DeLuca 12 Linda Lane East Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: Rego Estates Dear Mr. DeLuca: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board, Monday, May 5, 1986. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board approve the sketch map of the subdivision proposal to be known as "Rego Estates" located at Southold, for 19 lots on 44 acres in the cluster concept, survey dated as revised March 27, 1986, subject to: 1. Approval from the Southold Town Board of the cluster concept. 2. Review and recommendations from the Highway Superintendent with regard to road layout and drainage areas. Would you please forward three (3) surveys of the property without the proposed lots for our referral to the Town Board. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, ~H-- Or~ ,COr~ BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTH OLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M.Schultze, Secretary r~'-'~~~~~;'::-'"'"'C-""'-~7'~-'-~'-,~"----"-;"~'- ~ ~ ,__c~c_'_;':' __j_ '~T James V. DeLucca 12 Linda Lane East Riverhead, N. Y. 11901 , APR 7 ,~..~ "..--- 1986 April 4, 1986 Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, N. Y. 11971 ATTENTION: Ms. Diane M. Schultze RE: Rego Estates, located at Southold, N. Y. Dear Ms. Schultze: Please find enclosed surveys with the Planning Boards rec- ommendations as per letter dated February 14, 1986. I would appreciate if you can schedule this on the next available agenda. Thank you for your prompt attention to the above. jvd James V. DeLucca T , APR 7 1986 Southold. N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 February 14, 1986 Mr. James DeLuca 12 Linda Lane East Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: REGIO ESTATES located at Southold Dear Mr. DeLuca: Enclosed is survey with the Planning Board's recommendations, for the above mentioned subdivision proposal. Would you please make the changes noted and forward twelve surveys to the Planning Board. When we are in receipt of the surveys, we will schedule this application on the next available agenda. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, ~ ()yfJJWX1W-. ~cthv.v BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M.Schultze, Secretary enc. , ,e. nrc 10 1985 12 Linda Lane East Riverhead, NY 11901 December 17. 1985 Ms. Diane Schultz Southold Town Planning Board Box 728 Southold, NY 11971-072 Dear Ms. Schultz: Enclosed please find a revised sketch plan for Rego Estates. I would appreciate it if you would schedule a meeting with the Planning Board to review this sub-division. enc. . V."'~~"trUl~07t) e../ t {~~'l , ~:::.";vty. CCo ., Southold, N. Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 November 13, 1985 Mr. James DeLuca 12 East Linda Lane Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: Neil Rego "Regio Estates" Dear Mr. DeLuca: We are in receipt of the surveys of the above mentioned subdivision. Upon review of the proposal, it was noted that the cluster computations for 44.376 acres allow for 19 lots, however, the layout proposes 22 lots. Enclosed is a copy of the cluster computations for your review. The Board requests that the sketch be amended to show the correct number of lots. It was also requested, that the layout be revised as per the sketch submitted to you. When the sketch has been revised, as per the Board's requests, would you please forward 12 copies to the Planning Board Office. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact ou):: office. Very truly yours, ~\U./ttOvlDwjj~} ~cL~ BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTH OLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M.Schultze, Secretary enc. ~ Cluster Computations S100-136 A 44.376 X 43,560 = 1,933,018 square feet 1,933,018 X 80% = 1,546,414 square feet 1,546,414 ~ 80,000 = 19 lots . , s Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 February 14, 1986 Mr. James DeLuca 12 Linda Lane East Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: REGIO ESTATES located at Southold Dear Mr. DeLuca: Enclosed is survey with the Planning Board's recommendations, for the above mentioned subdivision proposal. Would you please make the changes noted and forward twelve surveys to the Planning Board. When we are in receipt of the surveys, we will schedule this application on the next available agenda. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, ~ ~f.1JW~.~~ BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M.Schultze, Secretary enc. J / I , / ~ . ' ^ -.".. .....v.. .-' .-...~... -.. (\~ '- ( ~ \WA~R j '\ ~ ,.,.~ "-' / , ' .~. - /@ .~ ~"'''''''''''''''--:.. I ,// ~ I~~,,- l' ~ / , <<.'::\..~' I f:~ " I , /~ \\~_~ / ' \'\~~ / ["-II' '. I ',< \-t ~ I ( \ /'-. '- . -------,--- -_. .j) ". '''--...- ; I I / -- I I . ~.'O_"____, ~ i So'~' . I 7--- , : 1'\ . -__~~___ . t 'oJ -______.".__ If' f s' : ;' 1J l ) . f~'':'~_:'-"~,,,,:,~ .~ (~ .~-, ~; , '::/ , .,,----- . -. . =:~""-~--...J.. f/e I'I---=-- ".... . .-""\ .'..3) ""'-...~." ,t CD II ~f/\ \ ,~) \ . 'ID / ~---_.~ --,,- ,. ---- .....;. ~ i.' o t · r l f 11..;1 ; ,- C' . . 'i . ,;' ';; . ,>' {/f' t . I G) / " , "-- -...,... ...... ~. .- _.,.-. -- t .,. ~,OCA , ""-....,..,~~,... ..."... --.--- --- HERBERr I) IRENE ERNEsr ENIt " OP. TArE ' j i MOI.INT I Lor 7 L r6 L c 1116/,....',.._ . ' FRANK aWALrER SAWICKI .lr . "" " ~."1) ~ '\.~ , ~ ~~ 1 ::+...: 'Q: ~ t; -Lll41 , ~ , L1L45 MATTHEW T PALMER , ~ ..,: :~ ~.K .J ~~ C'/... e.l-l\ \it&., '^~ Dtf<).CJF \)~ ------~ ~ ~ --:--- ~ cy- S"\ GARY a NANCEY LILLIS IL .,~ R. Tc~ Of sLopo- J.\~6' GREGORY a ANNE Lll40 CAHILL --'--- \'<-\ <::.u <2 r ,. L. To Sc...lL..7H r e:. C ...:, l.." ~..., ~ Lr:"/' , \ 1 ~ ~ , '-./ / ~.>.:. ~~~ ~% //> / ;:;;; , ::;:;; cOS~ '. " ~ ~ '" .. OWNER. NOTES: POST OFFICE: SOUTH FIRE DISTRICT: SOU, . SCHOOL DISTRICT: N" PRESENT ZONING: R; TOTAL ACREAGE: 44.3 PROPOSED NUMBER, ALL PROPOSED ROAD SUFF. CO. TAX NR/OOO ELEVATIONS ARE IN ,. . -'~,l ~ '. SIDNEY B. BOWNE & SON REG;\,,:':" 'o' ('''" .~. , ~~L;li.'..._'J i;...,,;. i.;.. '. , Sidney B. Bowne. PE.. LS. ( 1922-1959) Chesler C Kelsey. P E.. LS. Alexandre W. MetcII, P E. Robert A. Stanton, P.E. Robert W. Brown, l.S. Zabdiel A. Blackman. P.E., LS. '(j'~g~ 45 Manor Road Smith town, N.Y. 11787 (516) 724-0611 j: I' . uL , J -- '\:';'),7 V4..J~ . ',' ol,~,jf'rs -.." L ;:0cch, _ '--'~,J Lynch "- :- ~~"IOlzhal -.,-,:-" ~ Slegm. ~ SIever" ...., T Slyne . '-"~'O B Web!'!. L',',i7: George A. Style. PE. Jerry D. Almonl. P.E. George L. Fagan, Jr., Ph.D.. P.E. Frank Capobianco. C.E. Thomas R. Pynchon. LS. July 30, 1987 - - Mr. Bennet Orlowski, Jr., Chairman TOWN OF ~OUTHOLO Pl anni ng Board 53095 ~1 a inRoad Southold, New York 11971 Attention: Diane Schultze, Secretary to Planning Board Re: "Chardonnay Estates at North Southold, N. Y. (SBB NO. 87138) Dear Sir: After review of the above referenced prel iminary pl an, we have the following comments: 1. The yiela calcul ations shown on the pl at represent the allowable yield under ideal site conditions. Due ta the existence of wetl and and areas which ore periodically flooded (areas along C. R. 27 which apparently receive road runoff), th i s approach is not oppropri ate. The limit of existing wetlands should ,be determinea by either the N. Y. S. D. E. C. or the Town's environmental consultant. Th i s area, as well as the area presentl y affected by highway flooding, shoula not be included in the total gross area used for yield calculations. 2. The question of whether or not the existing wetl ands should be used for the retention and/or recharge of road- way runoff should be adaressed at that tim~ A determin- ation by the N. Y. S. D. E. C. or Town envir'onmental consul t- ant is necessary due to the fact that the Cluster Plan submitted relies completely on the use of these wetlands for stormwater drainage. If the wetl ands are used for this purpose, the runoff must be contained on the subject property so as not to create future problems for adjoin- i n9 1 and owners. v-.. ~'\ Ij0 ,,\~\\ ~ MINEOLA . SMITHTOWN . NEW YORK CITY . CLEARWATER An Equal Opportunity Employer M/FIH . . '.~-- \. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 30, 1987 P age Two . . Considering the drainage problems which already exist in the area and the possibil ity of creating new problems through improper planning, we feel that the sketch plan approval should not be considered until the above matters are adequately dealt with. 3. Future submission should contain two (2) prints of drainage plan showing tributary areas marked in "red" to include drainage calcul ations, tributary areas in and . outside of the development, design rainfall, runoff coefficients, et~ Very truly yours, SIDNEY B. BOWNE & SON CONSULTING ENGINEERS ~~ ROBERT W. BROWN, L. S. RPO/RWB:clg xc: Ray Jacobs, Supt. of Hwys. Ray Dean (SBB) , . rtIIIJ::z ~&"~~I~ ,(J-".... \' ~ '.' r r....-<.:;,..... N~'l\ f;" x,; '", ,'1_,'0 ''''~'.y./.~ IY~~NN)~~~~~.~ ~'tD T()'WN 0.....".". S~'.':t'r.liaLD i;.~ ..,~, '>U' -/;:/ \:\ G':'...;~:~.:.~ ':.:.~' "...;.'1'/ SL'EFO'L~'QHNTY ~. -.<,( . "c'.~..-t I 1'~~.f1; r:'W' '~ . Southold. N. Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 September 9, 1987 Jim DeLuca 12 Linda Lane East. Riverhead, New York 11901 Re: Chardonnay Estates at Southold Dear Mr. DeLuca: As per the enclosed correspondence from our Engineering Consultant, would you please have the limit of existing wetlands staked by. your surveyor. - Please notify our office when this has been done so we can arrange to have the site inspected by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contac.t our office. Very.truly yours, . l3a.nu-uJ:t Q-~I (}L. BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. CHAIRMAN ~ SOUTHOLD TOlVN PLANNING BOARD enc. j ,f f? ~ SIDNEY lB. BOWNE & SO~ECE.\'ED if? 'C~ 6"F"'''''''' :~',~,,,,,,, i ; "., : . r 45 Manor Road SEP 21r'Q~~7" Smithtown, N,Y. 11787 ---Jc':::~ C-.c,it (516) 724-0611 ROlilnd Ander! Roger L Cocc; F"'anCIsJl\i"'_ Pr,lhp SChlOlZh Joseph F Sleg Paul F, Sleven! WoIliamT, Slyn HichardB. Wet S/'.lley B. Bowne. PE. LS. (1922-1959) Chester C Kelsey, P E" l.,s. Alexandre W, Mercrl. PE. RObert A. Stanton. PE. RObert W. Brown, L.S Zabdlel A. Blackman, P.E., LS. George A. Slyle. P E. Jerry D. Almonl. PE George L Fagan. Jr., Ph.D., P_E . Frank Capobianco. CE Thomas R. PynChon, L.S September 25, 1987 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman TOWN OF SOUTH OLD Pl ann i ng Board 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Chardonnay Estates (Rego Park), Town of Southold, N.Y. _ Review of plans and profile dated 9/31/87 as shown on map. (SBB NO. 87138) Dear Sir: On the basis of information provided by local residents (Mr. Richard Ward, map markeo Showing flOOd area) and the Town of Southold Supt. of Highways, Mr. Ray Jacobs, dated July 14, 1986, March 10, 1987, there exists a drainage problem on North Road that has not been adequately addressed. The appl icant should indicate the tributary areas as noted in SBB letter to the Planning Board dated July 30, 1987, Item 3. On the latest plan SUbmitted there is a notation on the south side of North Road opposite the Lillis parcel which states "Install berm top elevation 24.00". This needs clarification. The Suffolk County Ground Water contour maps indicate ground water at e 1 evat ion 2. The water reta ined in Retent i on Area No. 1 1 eaches slowly due to silt or an impervious layer. Additional borings should be conducted to determine the nature and depth of that material. Mr. Jacobs, in a letter to the Planning Board dated July 14, 1986, notes that a hole excavated by a crane along North Road encountered clay for a depth of 20.:!::.. A boring should be taken at the edqe of the property retention area 25' deep with grain size analysis ot each change of strata and certifiea report for evaluation of soil percolation qualities. MINEOLA . SMITHTOWN . NEW YORK CITY . CLEARWATER A.n Equal OPPortunity EmploY8f" '-4IFIH The proposed leaching pools on the east side of Chabl is Court will be ineffective in part due to a water elevation 16+ for perioas of time. I I Mr. Bennett Orlowski, 'TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 25, 1987 Page Two Jr., tairman . The natural direction of surface runoff from all directions must be considered. Additional research of contours establ ishing contributary areas should be presented as reGuested in letters dated July 20, 1987 and August 20, 1987, along with explanation of drainage system operation and supporting calculations. - - EJJ:clg xc: Ray Jacobs, Supt./Hwys. Ray Dean (SBB) V. Lessard (Building Dept.) Very truly yours, SIDN~BOWNE & SON COIS~6 ENGINEERS " <[~~~, L-(?zQ~ ROBERT W. BROWN, L.S. .'. . SIDNEY B. BOWNE & SON '(,~g~ 45 Manor Road Smithtown. N.Y. 11787 (516) 724-0611 . Sidney.a. Bowne. P.E., LS. ( 1922.1959) Chester C Kelsey, P.E.. L.S. Alexandre W. Marcil, PE Robert A. Stanton, PE Robert W. Brown, l.S. Zabdiel A. Blackman. P.E., L.S. ,or:Cc;VED ~'::: ~T' _'~::; , "'"JUt '8 3'.' . "',1 ~~llJ:" E:38'c..-- ---"- Roland Anders Frank Capol),a, Roger l COCCi FrilnCISJlync PhllPp Schlolzh Joseph F Sleg Pilul F. Stevens WilliamT, Sly" Richard 8. Wet George A. Style. PE. Jerry D. Almonl, P.E. George L. Fagan, Jr.. Ph.D., P.E. Thomas R. Pynchon. L.S. July 5, 1988 Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 RE: REVIEW OF PRELIMINARY DRAINAGE PLAN FOR CHARDONNAY WOODS, at SOUTHOLD, N.Y. - PLANS DATED MARCH 1988 S.C.T.M. 1000-051-03-3 SBB NO. 87138 Dear Sir: The following comments are presented for consideration of the above subdivision: 1. The road layout has been modified since previous submissions. The dead end road entering from North Road has been eliminated. Access to the lots in the southern port i on of the site are from the road which enters off Sound View Road. 2. The over a 11 drainage ca 1 cu 1 at i on which is generated off the site. on and off site drainage design. includes the runoff from 61 acres A 6" storm has been used for both 3. The overall storage capacity (includes both natural retention areas and leaching pool) provides for the runoff from an 8.8" storm. 4. The proposed high water elevation for retention area III wi 11 cause flooding on the adjoining land to the east. This is of concern because runoff from the improved section of the site will be contrib- uting to this potential flooding. However, the high water elevation of 21.0 may only be achieved after a rainfall of 6" or greater. 5. Connect all retention areas with pipe. 6. Ponding in the roads should not be permitted. Incorporate the use of a semi-positive drainage system (pipe and bubble basins) to direct excess water to the retention areas. MINEOLA . SMITHTOWN . NEW YORK CITY . CLEARWATER An Equ81 Opportunity Employer M/F/H ~ . Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD July 5, 1988 . 7. At least one (1) leaching catch basin each should be placed in the two (2) low areas on Sound View Avenue adjoining the site. 8. Because forty-four (44) leaching pools have been proposed, the concern for settlement and maintenance should be brought to the attention of the Highway Dept. - - Very truly yours, SIDNEY B. BOWNE & SON CO~~c:JNG ENGINEERS -I~. ROBERT W. BROWN, L.S. RWB:clg xc: Ray Jacobs John Kohn Raymond C. Dean ;-.;..;.. T0" .~; Sidney B. Bowne, P. E., L S. ( 1922-1959) Chester C Kelsey, P.E., l.S. Alexandre W. MerCil, P,E. Robert A. Stanton, P.E. Robert W. Brown, l.S. Zabdiel A. Blackman, P.E., loS. .. SIDNEY B. BOWNE & SON '6"~g~ 45 Manor Road Smithtown, N.Y. 11787 (51 6) 724-0611 {I , , I: I i , George A, Style, P.E. Jerry D. Al mont, P,E. George L Fagan, Jr., Ph.D., P.E. RECEIVED BY. SOUT"'LO TI""', F' I".... , lie 'J"I, L,iirill!ti BOARU JUN 22 1988 J UATE J~ Thomas R. Pynchon, loS. June 17, 1988 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman TOWN OF SOUTHOLD P1 annin9 Board 53095 Mai n Road Southo1d, New York 11971 Re: Chardonnay Woods at Southo1d, Major Subdivision Town of Southo1d, New York (SBB NO. 87138) S.C.T.M.: 1000-51-3-3 Gentlemen: A site inspection was conducted on June 16, 1988 by,this office to review plans in conjunction with the area's natural drainage to determi ne the poss i bi 1 ity of any interference or interrupt i on of the present storm water runoff pattern. We fi nd that the adj acent area's drai nage wi 11 not be overt 1y affected by the proposed plans. Very truly yours, CSH:clg xc: Ray Jacobs, Supt./Hwys. Ray Dean (SBB) SIDNEY B. BOWNE & SON CONSULTING ENGINEERS ;:!J{,J4 [1/-- '- ROBERT A. STANTON, P.E. MINEOLA . SMITHTOWN . NEW YORK CITY . CLEARWATER An EQu.1 Opportunity Employ,", M/F/M - '."f .....p '..( Roland AndES Frank CapOlJJ' Roger L. Cor 0> FrancisJly", PhilipSchlot,r Joseph F, St"y Paul F. SIeve""; William T. SrI""~ RiChard S, W,," U-Z;':J /6 1 -~~--- .:(\;;:tl:i"::','i:/;;W!/;');;f!{J.\~7;':'f: ,', ' ,,' , .. :";, fZt..,I._,~~~~"~ ., :J"'i,".',,~ ,~~ .r" ~'''''l, '-' -' ~':. I .... , .' "" ::;~ffli.f"EDwARD A:' BULLOCK, JR. I fil':i~~i~~SI~~6i l~~d Su;':''eYor (, Engineer . .', ' ." :6 ~.; '~.,~'~'~ ,,,- '. ", ' . Th n_-kH " ~" ~. 110.." 1oJ,'J>: \!....~-"'\iI ,~~ (~r! -. l; .'. ~, ", eUfUU ouse- : ,", "r.{J;~.:",J"')\:r,:/..~;>"';'t,\c;';'" "," ",/...>'" '. ""I, "" "'40550uthCounttyRood "t;s:kf '''IL\'',!MS;,~\\,'!f:''\''''~l,\ft.,,,,, ~~' " ""'\f'('~J\,~.'I) <, ..\,' , II' 't'~ ~;~~'it."QI~,}~~'l'~':~~''';'l:''\.''' .,'; ~; ': OJ" ';.t.;::~",,~ .~, ,...~. ~~,', ';".' :j,~~ _~"I(' .':.,t.' :.",,-;~,";::,'.,.'~'.:'.;",'., ' , "." ,Brookhaven, New York 11719 ~ I . i. ...~...t~'I,./:.~v~\."M!;~~ I!:~ ~ .~"'I~nli<'" <.;-r .,'.... , ,,:~ '':''',,~. ,~t" (' ,'t ~;1' ..~, '\ I t ::.t',.,..... . '. . .. . -.,~".r..':.':,.~..'::\..,::'~..,':',.,~\...,.,:,~.v."'.' (516) 286.8558 ':''il' ",}"'''l~I;,.~.\;;.i.,\\:-j'',..::: '\> I'~!,,,,/ ,f' r . 1 '.< .'.': (..: "I'I~l I,~ "-".. ...... ..... ..~~~~ht1'..it~~~~1:1X:~~I~~~"~p. t~'~b'e~~"'1'9l .~~ ~9 88 . ~", ";, " :}" ""', . ~~.~ ,\\ ',\'!', ':J~'~:f:~}.~':',:;,';"...,-'.~.;.',;,~'(.::';\ "",.' ,.,.,'\'~:<; ~i,~;f,i~ ';t,;;'~';f\r,:t11J.)b"'.r., , ,', '.,""~ 1 ), .... . ".r.: . ';~"j''''';: :';,,,;,' .)" ':::c",;" ;;J:'i,."~'."I'.""':' :,' : ":,, ',; . ," m m@mowmW'" ~~""~:'~"'."l) ',h'"" "~..;o,.I/if,~_~",..",,,' "I' ,r I' '.'.1.,,('" ~', I ' F!' ~;r',r' """ ,\ . '>'WC ","'" ,... ,,,, " . ," '," " ,,' "!"", " 0 ~ :\~i ,,~t:l:\~I\,,:'~fl~;~~',7}."'.~~1j.!' I, ,', It" ';,' " ,.., , , .11;~;lul>~\'l',' ";! f,." ,..,~"'".,......,.".;"""""',,"'.',,,,',.-, '.":"'\.'f,f.',; . ...._,-,..i:,"~",..~.-'."'.l, ,-',., ""'<-'" ...,.~,:~'..,:,.., '-'~";. ,. I,',' ;1 '::i.l.....~'l\>..-I.'i'''' , .- '~"l '. '._ ....:.:---- . I. .,,",'!'il.j~"\';i"i\'"" ',':')'. ,';,','I"~':~7"""";"::~"'" ' . '!'#l',,~~ ",(' '.' I,."" ,:8'"'~~'''ii '1',;;1 ':,'" ::,:}(:;;:,;:'/\,j;" ..",.,;"...'.'....:'.;,. ''''''''''''''.'''''''m ",~:;\,;'S';:(i;;>!f:';q'Towon BOf S01u1t7h90Id..p'~~n~,~ng ~~~'~,~;i";;;;)',,:,,;,,,i),T'';,:;'': SE~2 O~,:; it~ '.. '-:;~" ,:.:.f '," :;".;.,.-.;.,..\~,...P.. OX ., ,\, I . ".;' ;,,:. :;.. J',,-,'.'.'_~.,. '.,-'...-, "':']"-""'.:"'> .-': ' ,', ::" .',,),1' .:":' . > , ", __" , ,I ".""-""""""":i""'-' -'~,. "..',. """. "''-'''''-';'''',, ,'.'. ";....;..,..'....~-.t"il :..'..-.,,';'.:._,.....:.-i"i.j:;~~:j..',::.;, .~~';ii: ..,:j~;,,1,&f,i);}::";;:r~"~.u t~~f d, ~y 11971., >'};i>:}X/.Z>;:}/:LJ:"'.,S";;;.\,':;:::','i,, . j&~~~OJ8XUt, , \',:,~; ,,~,,:!:: ;}>!.i\<:i ."Attention : Mr. Bennettprlowski ,Jr. , Chairman ...... , '. ,', .',....,:,.", ",,' ,~,}t~;i <'il.,'.".,>:"".",'~:;'A'.:. ;,:' .'''' ' "e':, ;,:',', ";,1 ;'<,:,,' """)'.', ". '.""'.".r """.""" '" '.: """".'I/"';:"."'''.'i'''.."/t,,.,:.,,:,. ". >.:":.""".;' :.i'd.".;"i"1l'i:J];I"j.~,j",A!tti 'il~! :":",, ':',(""'1--'/.'i'~.4<_\~:", . '." "i ','.:"'.. '. - . .: '.":- ~'-T ;" ...~!;'W'; . .::','::';;rij"f !..: " \'.., ;,:,.' J,,:";( "," j' .,' ,;:',i I ;;'!.\,";"i,-..d:. L. .- ',"'~ :~."'" :.':(~I~"i;-:l:';~"\':~"'I~.~I;~O'\~t,f,v.....,:...,~~"'\.IJl .~\, ';. _,.(,,~l. """-"".""'" "'Re.' Chardonnay Woods - ':.' '-":"'-1"',',,/ ....','.",~...l "~.:...~t"",:;''',''-'l;''''J''.,Hi;-''_'''''''l''-'' ':', ' ""'" :..".~~..",',{.~{tf ,,"'" ;"J,"",,:Jt'" , ~~~~f~J;:;ifeit;~i:~~:~::~Z( 3 .'!,;,j"t\i'\;:0~('i1'~'!'i':"";1';j1~f,i,;?~;!sjf~ii!~lI ''':'{'''I:j'r'i\,'L'~I' have been retained by . prepare the final ' ...~1~t"\,,",,,;","~'~'~;;( "":i,,. '. ..... mapping for the ab9ve referenced subdivision. Preliminary ,\,:,\~,";,,:,;;:'::',;~N{':ft i:;;;'i;:':!';(IF;;;':},}~pproval was gra.nted by your board on August 30, 1988 ~ "";':'~;;i~;d;~;;':;;q;;i' ::/"':':-:;':'~'~I/!!\ ~-'::~ '-';,',:.~',~ "'; >:',:: ,('~~ ;,:~~." ", ':".' "."r:'.'! ,!.( ," ::.'; :,,:': (:': "':~ ,< :":~,~", 'i:.J 'A:_ ',"" c'.'" ~.. '. , ;-:,"~-:.,',', ,j _.;' ," '''';~'';':. ";' ''-;''A:,: '" ;:;:::".:," " ;/f\""'.' 't:"JY'h'c",-',:We plan to develop the 44.301 acres into 18 lots each ' ""r'" ";(;:,! ~':{:{':rU1~~/.\:},;;t~~~"~'containing a minimum' of 40,000. square feet . The propo~~~..~,.:.",','.,:'.,',.,.',.....".,:',:...,,'::":,;"',",,,,':,"',.',:",.,,','.:,:,f,.,':r,,,I,',:',',':,,:.:.:, -!.::. :'~':'>:i:;,:",,':road system consists of two (2) cuI de sacs, one, , ,:' ',,"' ".'1'(:, ,:",:'e"'e,,',j;,Chablis Path having access from Sound View Avenue. The' ""c""" ,:c.',:\\..' ':"\:'e::;~:,;;'::((!:second cuI de sac, Burgandy Court, extends westerly from"'/\r:~::,,, ' , J"",";:;,;:'!:f;';:.Chablis Path just south of Sound View. A tap street to the ",:,1' ,,"""', ""/t::y',,, east, Chardonnay Drive, is being dedicated to the town ,as a,;,:::':;,\::':>':~ "';,l.:,;'"C;!^, right of way and is designed so that the future construction':,^::,".},;,. ;),;,,;::',,)::'::':t,<can be accomplished if and when the parcel to ,the, eastis,,{ii,;:;!,jj:::::,,/,':;0;.,: ','~..:,'~,'.r",';,~,:',,'~,:,'.,?'{'':''''','.';,:,J.,(,~:,.:_i",'~~,":;"-~.i;~,"~,,\.d,,, .e~e loped. . "~ .".,:'.":," :^:" . .', ". ,'\ ,I,:.>, .> , ;. ',-'_ ' :;"0"', _;~"'.~'" '-"', '.'\_'."::":,i:::.~"::~:>:- (.:"':'cr,: . . -.~"",L~,,:;-,:~'~'~!'~~,~<;-,:: ." .';. ..... . .... . . '.' "'1 ' ':'~ ,'" -'-/ ',l~',:n ...::;'_'<,...r. -'/:' ~:',;,?:..:\::;;f::~,b.i~t':l~_'!t~',;. ,.,;':::;:;';~',: .,:;';',:(./L".,;,:::/:..we propose no improvements to Old North Road as per the ""'.'H,:~:;',~;i'1';':"Ai'':; ;!,',,),\':.' ,.': ',,'.' preliminary . Al though a Widening is shown for Sound View ' , ,;';,,,.U,!.'/',:::,;;i:Avenue, the only improvements will be the development of the Xl':::/,,;\:i:r'.'!<,:intersection and two proposed leaching basins on, the south ' ." '"'''''''''''''''''' id t . t' I I I 't'" '. '" "",' ,"',', .",,' '", :'-,1.'~:),,~\~).~~';~,:{" ~,'f'.::s e a exl.S 1.ng oca ow pOl.n 5..: ,;.,I;\\,':"-;:':~,~::f'':\,,'':~'.::,~''.'l~.\;~:~{~,,~:;~,:-',:";,, \';';: j?)-:~~:~d~i~;1~i:,\t}.;\~:~{~"~:,~.;,\: .~~.r::~:\,("',,,. : r_, ' . .;, ',. . , . , ' " "~:-\:~~': "'::"',~ ':. " ,: ::;';<:'::; :'.,>,:~;~t)J',,;",:I>:,~,;,':, :~'::;>,: ,:. " """'..:."",It is proposed that our drainage system will provide storage '\':';/'.'::/'.':,,:~, for a 6 inch storm not only for our .44 .acres, but also for .,;.>..A <'. r~, ..,1"., .'t. , , c<"':,',,"';'any additional 61 acres adjacent to us. We propose . ., utilizing three natural retention areas on the site. Retention Area No. 1 will pond to an elevation of 25.0 . (approximately 0.5' below Old North Road) Retention Areas 2 and 3 will pond to an elevation of 21.0. A berm is proposed ',.,along the westerly boundary of retention area No. 2 and the easterly boundary of retention area No. 3 to contain the ponding on our site. Should the parcel to the east be developed, the berm on No. 3 may be removed to lower the depth of ponding. ..... fi,', v, . , ~, : 't' '. l :. ~ , .,'" \>.....':-.-,~ ;."! .', """ ,'.,:,- ".. ."l MEMOEl\: NATIONAL SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS . NYSSOClETY PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS. NASSAU. SUFFOLK CIVIL ENGINEERS ',,)' "'i~' .: .. 'j ': ' " t ,~ ~R:J A. BULLOCK~JR.' ", .. .'<"'... IOna/ L )nd Surveyor & Engineer' ;':,:,'~'. ,,~;:,', J/.','''' .\..'" . :.., '\111 .~,i:~"";" ,,,:,:~',;'~:ii:!~/,.....;,,,;:,:; "., ': A :,",.'. I ":;'::.: .;,1;',:,:--;:~:..:,',::,~Sj:.;_t~~\ , "i.Mhil':- ' " , '.~ .'., l,;' ,,:. i :-:,' \.,;~ .' ,,' " Al I ";~t'~ntion areas will b~ interconnected w~th pos~hve,:"..i..,,,,.",\~,,,I..b 0\ erflow system. The capacity of the three (3) retention '::)':fP'i;6:>';~~~:l;); areas is '554,000 CF which is 146,000 CF mQ:r:.e than the' '.~'..i,:.,~n,~,,,.,(,,:..<..i,",j).'itt'l i d 408 000 CF ft' 'd f . 6" t "1 "".".., ,..,.",.....l,t r~ qu re . ,os orage requ~re or a s <;>rm. nl:;;:::,;,')"i"!'i~ llgtlt of th~s and the fact that the number of leach~ng pools :::"\!:.:\ii.~f:: preliminary c<;1lculations wa~ of concern to the Town...":'ij,~t}i:~ and the Super~ntendent of H~ghways, we have onlY'!':':";,kl\/";I.\H;~+!> pLovid~d inlets at the pick-up to a~d in the settling ou~ of>IA:it.'hl'i,~~~?11 . cc n tam~nents .from the water before ~ t reaches the retent~on ..'~L\,' :';;?'&~;t areas '''', ' , , t ~""l',.,,\,~?:.}](~;i'; . , .' I ~ I ''\ " ,'~, t!1 ~t,!J';:( .~~~i;:~~~~~:~;;~~;:~~~~:~::;~~~:;;:~d ~~~i~:;>i,~~~ '.i~tt~~ll ',' , "',/~\.:'1'l" '\;', t\\q"l~~' ," " . 'I. '(, ;. -, \ \ ~ '~Ij'" ''\\~,'" Y t 1 . .,' ., , , .' .; ,::,' t, 'P ..: ~ :,f:,~ i~~; Y't?~f9~1/.t;i~. ..... . '.' ..\j::~~iii'I,1!,r":0 .~iJ\*';; . ... . :::;::"~~n=~l~~~~'s~~;eYo~' ~nee' .. .},;v~~i11;';'~': \<1~it:~~~~~\.~'.>tll~ l:'~ ~ ,\ ,:.:. :::'. ~~,( :,.,\' ',)' '~:~ '; .\~ ,~,";;t;/~"~f,~il~~~~~11tf~~\ki;~~~; ~':/", ~W.;i,ifJ~\:u~::(./~,>:-'~' cc Nei 1 '\ ' : ~: I ~.~/: {;'~f~ir:$~n{~1'~\ri;'tjY~;:~~,1l~~I~~. ~,~" . 'I ' , ,I j .('~l"<"~i';"r \i" tV I {jl. ~;<.~ l' , .i.:~;~r.~*~~~m~'.:'; -~;:.\ ':\:' 'Di c'ca ted 'bu f not re'ad ~ l' ,'( \\'f <,':'i~:)~l,.{ )':~~~lt~111t~~1~~(~~~'l,j~,i~ ~\\i' H"~ ";~ .._:~,_;~."r.t~,.~!r.,>.',c._,'.,~:.'~.':'..'~,':~;'cll}~:.'.,'.' '., "~: ;, I ',i ')'''~:;/'.\;'':J:I',.\ ,,~\ ,'", 'i! . .{R~ . "-'., ," ,'I. 1 ~"l~n-\~fl ~1"\~fl,,~..\~'J'~' .1' "'\...Il/....;.tl,'......~;"'.,...:'" ",,' ',r, ~r ,. ;'(.,'<'..,'-...~f:~"i~\\~~~\.11\JI.d.l.\(t;!';, .. ~,' ~~~\;~}t~,;i~f~~;,{F1~:',;,;~,/:;<.~ '. . , ,,: '. t/' i(~:\I:~' 1~~'~1$W,~ Hf~" ~~::~:~,':,~. ~'.~' : f:' ~~~ :'h~',{l$,fj..~.>i;t\'t\;:.~!1<:;.:.. '",'-. ".'." \, f' ...., ",~'f',~\r':1;'}l' II~i:l~';1~.: '~} '. ".A;~!!'"llrN",'.-\~.\.;1I~,~;.." . " ' 'I \'~ ,.,f;' ,) 1\....'''1'~ (J \......\,If(.. ~r,......;\>~<:i\1~. '~'~ll~~ ~t~'.t~ _ '~1\,~H."\'."'..,.".I~',.."'~I,. " ....',. . .....' ~..,.,"A"',f1:J~ 'f.~',,, .t'l".I''!''V..s.:trl.'f'''''l,..,.,.;. ,1' J' ~ """t"~'''''~''+''h'' .,,;\u'(&,l"~"'~ - '~\I~.lr.~g; . .." .... .; ';;;~f~7:+j~Y::[;~:':' ',"'" 'F".,i'.,;.j'. ...,'j....,", . ',,",' ....,..(.. .~ "~". .. ',-'I ('.' . '1,' ."''''.'. ,', :::l,:~f~(~ .t", ,.,,1 , ): ~',l '." ' \',' '. .' ..- ~'>':.\. '. ' . ,~, '. '.; .:! . ,,<,., ' ,', ..,' , ':.:,\,;",,~I:!f:~'r\.::i,~;;,~:~:;T{~1:i:Yt;:~.~~,~\>:~~:"-. "'f '... ',":':',{,\)'ii.,,\,. .;i;:.:,,, ...., .. . .........' ,;~;i~;;'&;;~~~~j~~:t' ~-, NATIONAL SOClE TYOFPI\OFESSIONAlSUI\VEYOI\S . NYSSOCIETY PI\OFESSIONAlLAND SUI\VEYOI\S . NASSAU,5UFFOLKCIVIl ENGINEEI\S" ~' ; ,~.. "-'" Sidney B. Bowne, P.E.. L.S. (1922.1959) Chester C. Kelsey, P.E., L.S. Robert A. Stanton, P.E. Robert W. Brown. L.S. Zabdiel A. Blackman. P,E., L.S Frank J. Antetomaso, P.E. '( SIDNEY B. BOWNE & SON r~:---.. , ;.; '6'~rff'~ 45 Manor Road Smithtown, N.Y. 11787 (516) 724-0611 " 'I ~ P. _.~. ""_.". "-. ',. ~---..:.. ...... Roland' Anders Francis J. Lynci Phillip Schlolzh: Joseph F. Stegfr William T. Styn;.~ Richard B. Web, '. .I.ii.' .: L: ~,,; j ~-..".. George A. Style, P.E. Jerry D. Almont, P.E. George L. Fagan, Jr.. Ph. D., P.E. Frank Capobianco, C.E. Paul F, Stevens. P.E Roger L. Cocchi, P.E. '__'_.n. June 29, 1989 Thomas R. Pynchon. L.S. Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Town of Southo ld Pl ann i ng Board 53095 Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 Re: Chardonnay Woods, Southold,N.Y. S.C.T.M.: 1000-051-03-03 Dear Mr. Orlowski: This letter is in response to the Suffolk County Planning Commission letter dated June 12, 1989 of which you requested our comments. We have met with the Developers Engineer Edward Bullock to discuss the County's letter. He has provided us with additional copies information and a copy of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Permit secured for this project. The plan has been approved by N.Y.S.D.E.C. with some modifications and numerous conditions as listed in the permit. A summary of our comments in conjunction the Planning Commission's letter are as follows: 1. DESIGN CALCULATION FOR STORMWATER DRAINAGE SYSTEM Have been provided on the Final Drainage Pl an. the Drainage Design is herewith attached as N. Y.S.D.E.C. permit process, which provides for facilities. Al so, a report on prepared for the adequate drainage 2. DIRECT DISCHARGE OF STORMWATER ONTO WETLAND Additonal drainage basins have been added to reduce the stormwater flow from up-land areas. Adequate depth in leaching basins could not be attained at the low point of Chablis Path without excessive filling of the wetland to raise the road grade. A mitigation plan for the wetland has been prepared at D.E.C. request and approved. 3. THE PROPOSED ROAD, CHABLIS PATH, CROSSES THE WETLAND Access to the 4 lots on the Southside of the site adjoining the wetland from Old North Road was originally proposed but was disapproved by the Town, thus the only access to the area was from the north. This accur has been approved by N.Y.S.D.E.C. MINEOLA . SMITHTOWN . NEW YORK CITY . CLEARWATER An Equal Opportunity Emplover M/FIH . , (. ~. . , Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Town of Sout ho 1 d June 28, 1989 P age Two 4. 100 FT. SETBACK FOR SANITARY SYSTEM FROM WETLAN~ Site Plans for lots 6 and 9 have been prepared indicating the location of the sanitary systems beyond the 100 ft. setback and have been approved by N.Y.S.O.E.C. 5. CURVE IN OLD NORTH ROAD This revision has been made to the plan by the Projects Engineer. The Suffolk County Plannin9 Commission has also suggested several revisions that could be made to the plans. Our comments to their suggestions are as follows: 1 & 2. EXTENDING COSDEN COURT Cosden Court is not a dedicated roadway thus rendering it inacess ib 1 e. 3. PLACING LOTS ALONG THE SOUTH SIDES OF LOT 10 AND CHARDONNAY DRIVE This area is heavily wooded with mature trees a relatively steep slope, thus it was preferred to preserve this area in a natural st ate. We are forwarding to you four (4) sets of the following documents as provided to us by Edward Bullpck. The documents are as follows: - Drainage Report for N.Y.S.D.E.C. Application. - Site Plans for lots 6 and 9. - Revised Final Map. - Revised Drainage & Road Plans (5 Sheets). - Overall Topographic Map. - Wetland Detail. - Wetlands Permit - N.Y.S.D.E.C. r . ,Bennett Or 1 owski , ~~n of Sout ho 1 d p(anning Board June 29, 1989 Jr.~hairman . Also, to reflect the increase in the number of drainage basin now proposed, we have revi sed the Bond Est imate accord ing 1 y. A rev i sed copy is also enclosed. Contact our office if' you have any questions regarding this matter. JWK : rp Encl. Very truly yours, SIDNEY B. BOWNE & SON CONSULTING ENGINEERS a .~ / .C---//. /' ~U/tk~ {JOHN W. KOHN .. SIDNEY 8. BOWNE & SON ITE~1 NO. QUMTITY 1 L.S. 2 4,450 c.y. 3 13 each 4 5 each 5 11 each 6 2 each 7 2 each 8 1,015 1.f. 9 76 1. f. 10 1 each 11 2 each 12 5,000 1. f. 13 1,400 s. f. 14 7,780 s.y. 15 860 c.y. 16 1,150 tons 17 650 tons 18 5,840 s.y. 19 3 each 20 650 l.f. 21 115 each 22 135 each 23 19 each 24 16,000 s.f. 25 12 each 26 1 each 27 48 each SBB NO. 87138 n/'/"'\I,tl-,rolrl ~ ~ --------_.-_._-~. --~---~- ~eCembe;^ Revised: June 23, 21, 1988 1989 BOND ESTInATE FOR CHARDONNAY HOODS AT SOUTHOLD, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, N.Y. S.C.T.M.: 1000-051-03-03 DESCRIPTION Clearing and Grubbing Unclassified Excavation 8' Dia. x 8' Deep Leaching Pools 8' Dia. x 10' Deep Leach i ng Pools 8' Dia. x 14' Deep Leach ing Pool s Catch Basins Overflow - Bubble Basins 18" C.M.P. 30" x 18" C.M.P.A. 1B" C.M.P. End Section 30" x 18" C.M.P. - End Section Concrete Curb Concrete Driveway Aprons Fine Gr ade Stone Blend Asphalt - 2-1/2" Binder Course Asphalt - 1-1/2" Top Course Top Soil & Seeding Street Lights Direct Buried Cable Planting Street Trees Wetlands Shrub Planting: Buttonbush, Swamp Azalea, and Red Chokecherry Hetlands Tree Planting: Cedar or Hemlock Wetlands Grass Planting: Rice Cut or Reed Canary Street Signs Fire Well Concrete Monuments -'>! , UN IT PR I CE TOTAL $ $ 8,000.00 6.00 27,300.00 2,000.00 26,000.00 2,/100.00 12,000.00 3,000.00 33,000.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 23.00 23,345.00 55.00 4,180.00 500.00 500.00 575.00 1,150.00 1n.oo 50,000.00 4.50 6,300.00 1.50 11,670.00 40.00 34,400.00 60.00 69,000.00 60.00 39,000.00 5.00 29,200.00 1,500.00 4,500.00 2.00 1,300.00 200.00 23,000.00 40.00 5,400.00 200.00 3,800.00 0.30 250.00 10,000.00 80.00 Subtotal = 5% Inspection Fee = 4,800.00 3,000.00 10,000.00 3,840.00 $442,6S5.00 22,134.25 TOTAL = $464,819.25 ,hoot 1 nf 1 , I" (" ( ( ( 1--" . ~.;.I"": New York Stote Deportment 01 Envlrol1mentol Con..~_~!yotlon Regulatory Affairs Unit Sldg. 40..SUNY, Rm. 219 Stony Srook. m: 11794 -~~ --..-- '-.'., -,-, ~ ~ ~ (516) 75H900 n,omos C Jorllng Comm/s$Joner I i ! '1 . . April 10, 1989 Chardonnay Woods c/o Neil Rego 100 Fox Hill Dr. Baiting Hollow, NY 11933 .) I i I Re: 10-88.1887 ;' Dear Permittee: !n confor~ance with ~he requirements of the Stat~ Unifor.n Procedures Act (Article 70, ECL) and its implementing regulations (6~~CRR. Part 621) We are enclosing your permi:.. Please read all conditions carefully. If you are unable to comply with any conditions, please COntact us at the above addres s. Also enclosed is a permit aign which ia to be conspicuously posted at the pr~jec: site and proteCted from the weather. Very ~ruly yours, Su'aan Ackerman Senior Environmental Analyst , i , I .' , .;JJ.J..O().,/'I.., Uck:./l./m(~/.. ~ enclosure I I I I , I I " - - .!..I ( 'J\"OJ.l /t)mbl_ ~~I I,ac PERl\lIr NIJMelR ( ( ( . "'tW 'CRK STo\l'~ ~f!=''''RT,\.li,'''T O~ fNVIR,ONMlNTM CONSEI\V^Tl0.'" IOH88-1887 l"rllllvlrMOC.It 1M t~UMi:LlRI\1 N/A D Miele 15, Title 3; 6NYCRR 327, 328, 329: AQuatic Pesticides D Article 15, Title 5; Protection of Water D Miele 15, Title 15: Water SuPPly D Miele 15. Title 15: Water Transport D Mlcle 15, Title 15: Long ISland Wells O Miele 15, Title 27: Wild, Scenic ana Recreational Rivers PEl!,Mlr ISSI".~C TO Chardonnay Woods .- - -- PERMIT Undor the Envlronmon131 Con.orv.tion l.w II 6NYCRR 608: L-J Water Quality Certification II Artlele 17. Tilles 7, 8: L-J SPOES O Article 19: Air Pollution Control" II Article 23. Tille 27: L-J Mined Land Reclamation r:l Article 24: L..!...J Freshwater Wetlands N-New, R-Renewal. M-Modlficatlon. C-Construct ("only). O-Operate ("only) c/o Neil Reso "lm~tS) Vt IItKMlTHl 100 Fox Hill Dr., Saiting Hollow, NY 11933 "'<';{NIIOR. PkM.MII1ttICONr"CT NH.~l,jN En-Consultants, 1329 Nonh Sea Rd., Southampton, NY 11968 N..\Mt ,.l.NL.) ^CORk~5 i,Jf PR;OIEC'r,'li"'CI'~ITY {It dllltf~~1 Ifom P~lml\letl South of Sound View Ave, Serlo! 1000-051,-3-3 10CWON OF PROliCT/P,C"'Tv C()~,'IV I TOWNlCI1'Yi\'IUACt Su:folk Souchold I"ICTIVE OAT! ~/IO/8q IX"~ATION O^TEI~1 ,~/ 30/92 CJ Micle 2S: Tidal Wetlands O Mlcle 27, Title 7: 5NYCRR 360: Solid Waste Management" O Article 27, Title 9: 6NyeRR 373: Hazardous Waste Management O Mlcle 34: Coastal Erosion Management O Article 36: Floodplain Management O Mlcles 1. 3. 17, 19, 27, 37: 6NYCRR 380: Radiation Control THtPHONE NVMSER i I UTM CCOROINMU OtSCRIPTION OF ....UTIolO~IZtO ACTIVITY This n~o;ect includes a 18 lot residential subdivision and the construction of three access roads. SinO'le familv homes with decks and in..round swimmina nools will be constructed on lots 6 & 9. NYSDEC freshwaeer wee lands (as per All structures will be 2reater than ~~SDEe approved plans - attached), 75' from CENERAl CONOITION$ By U'C'c;Jl:&nce of thi, PC'fmlt. Ihili ~ePl"itlC'e ~Rrc:u lku the DermiC Is continunl upon strict compli- ance with tt'le EC~. olll ~policable ftt:\lIJIlons .1nd Ihe 'on~itions specMicd herein or altilcheo hereto. 1 th", 1~l'f",tl1f''' \h,\~l Ili,.." tht" otllc:t' or ''''t' 40CltOQr'oIl~ 't'~,o')",:d tlc,mll "dmlrl"tr,HO', 0' Ollolt, offie. dtSiltr'\lu~d I" !I\t ~prC:I.1 CO"C1It1onJ." "ollce olll'ltentlOtl to comme"c.- ....Q,... .II IN,l ol^ I'IQl,II' .n OQvoInfQ o' thl.! llm~ o. C'Qm'"I'I'\C~m~l'It 41'10 I~~ll ~I,o nOlllv ",,,,'/n.., Qrompll.,. ,1'1 .,..rUlnS 01 \1'1. com~j('tlofl 01 Il'h" WOrk. , l\,' 11~''''t\Itll,'<I wl,I,1I l~vU t1~ lvb'l'O"l IQ U\~I1\.I;\IQ" bv ~ 1'1 '\I(/'IQ"'~d reO't1cl'll,lllvC! 01 !tlc! O('Ollflmct'" of fl"l\o'ItonMt"l"Iltll COl'llctrv,ulon wl'u'h "'10''1 ordo' the woril. tu\ocndcd. I the t'OItll,C' illWfoU to IC!(llJjr" o..mlJ.tlll to EC~ &7'.030' .n~ $^P^ A4Q~m '''w \,)~'rrI'IlU"" holl '(1;1'l.11\:(I loIlI.grl.:njv. bv Uw fo'H'I.\I I It HI 01 Ih~ ~~CthC~tlOI'l, 1!,C' 11,111 IctlUI r\l"QOI"I),blliev lot III d:.mll"lu. ~h't:c.t or Il"Icllrele\, 01 wh.\lr....t<t J'I,n"",.. ~nd ~'" whom~vl' f\.dh~ff'd, ,HIUJ'I; ovl 01 U'Ic ?'QltC~ dMI;r,bed hcpell'\ al'ld ~.a. Ol'~ t~ ',noom,,,t.,. ,\1'10 l~yt: h.,tmll:U \/'It Stlte lfom ''''IH. aUl0"'. dolMIl;,c:I "'l"Id CD:lU 01 oveN nAme and oc"m;:- liOn tt:lu1lltl. 'tom the s.ld ~rOU:CI 4 The OeOlrtmlHIl refel'\lll'l li'\~ rl~MI 10 M'loo:tv. $IJS=OflC! or rtvO~t lnll ~trmll U any lIme .Illr duo /'loti co, ~l"Ia, if t"quoHod. kOld I ~t&nnv: wnen: .) tl'lo 'coee el Ihe: ='QIO(t I' e"'cC~QOCl or I ....,<;1141iOr'l 01 ar'lY COnt:H!I~n g( lJ'!~ j,)cr"'l! gt I:Iroyuiol'l) 0/ I!,t' iC\. "'"9 ~"ll"lcnl 'UuIUICln. 'f" 11011.11'10; Qr b) tfle pormll Wit oot"'I'Iod l;iv /'I'\'~'tore'enl~ll~n or '.aill.l,. \0 ~1'~lo~t 'm'v~l'\\ Ll.c:s; or () l'lcowl.,. dluoltered Il'Ijo'm~tIQI'I Of ~,itl'ltll(.n'. J:lI'IV)I~..j chllnse, Ut' dncoverc:d w"co the: "4''''11 WU IUl,Ic:d T""t oo:rm'tlU \1 rt';lon~l=rt' lor ~~e:Pln~ el'le oerMtt .anlyt bv 'IJQl'\'\i~!lni' rl\'~t......l aO'DIIC~tIC:l", il"lClloldll'\a Ilny Icrms. ~eC" 01 'lJOOlement~1 InfO,mlltl"" wn.cl'I mAy be rC'ClUlr;;:- 'e~ l"1e OePlrtmeflt 1'10 IlIor th.:ll'\ ~O d~v, {'&O 101,)'1" 10' spoes 101' $olia 01 riUlHclIolQ"" WllHl: M"I'\~;em~"'t cerrT'llul erl0r '0 ~he tMOllrallcn ri.,~o o Thl' !"",m'l ,kllll MI ~C' CCll"I'I'vc:d u tOI"l....,Yu'C IQ rllt "'oollc~nl ~n.,. r't~\ to' Ir~H?^u 1ol00" Inol.and:l 0, \"terl\'rl.,' wit" the rlc"rl~n rl!;l'1u 01 Oll'len 11'1 Ordt' ~O ()crto,m In ~e'm'n~d worll c)f U oll.lll'lOrlZltll ti'\e ImOllllmtl'l\ 01 ~l'Iy r1il'l\i, lIllt OP intl:'~H 11'\ rNi or l)etlol'\.l pro~crty ~eld OP "'luted In I PClUOI"I not <l ,,.Ply co ~h. pormlt. '1 The oepmttttc 'I 'e"~onubllt lor obu'nll'\; .,,,1,0 oci'I~r ;lern,.u. 1i"!!)'o....I', I.lnc~, ellfemenu "nd rrahtJ-of.....~y wkll:n I"!'\'IIY be rc<lI.l1t~d fop thl' CHClI'Ct. ~ IU\l4"'. of 11'111 PCrlTIIC bv lht' OC:',1rt""ent dool "01, I,jJ'lltU t.crtu1y lHOyldc:ci ~Of, 'I'ICdlf.", sl.lC'('n~ao OP reiC'lnd"n ofd~r on CO"~tnl or C1ctcrmln,tlDn D.,. tl'lll C:cunrl'!luIDI"li; 'l'lul;d "t(ftolor,. 0\' l:'\e Ce='ll'~/l'\I;"'1 Of ,,'W ot !ht' It'm,. eOIlC!III(l"'S, 01 'eQvI't'M"l'Ill COntlll'led ," 'u'l'\ cldo, 1;' d~a'pmll'l~tlol'l. 9 Any ""Odl'I';UIO" 1011 11'111 OC'''''1 it'~l'It by Iht' ~""~fll'l'\e"l /!'\;t1,,\ ~t I" wntlnl; .nd ~ttAcheod nereiD, F'~~MIT I$S\,iANCt o...':'t 4/10/89 '1 AurH(,~RlltO )lC:"'I....r\,:ia I I I ~~~, IT "-1J.>.,1I"il$fJt....rOI\ I Christine J, Costcooulos ,.,..! 'P.l='.~ - - - - - - - - ~ C "./v"'~<. ,I, AOO~ESS ldg. 40 SUNY Rm. 219 Stony 3rook, NY 1179 --'--- "'.,,-h Page 1 of 4 1'1 H'" ( ..;;. - .:::. '-~ ~.j L.. L. ( ( ( 1-' _ ~_:J..... "I'5.i!OJ'lQ (1'S6\-2Sc . ADDITIONAL C,NERAL CONDITION! FOR ARTICLES 15 (Tille .!), .4, 25, J4, 36 4ncl 6 NYC~R Po.. 60a I 10 ThAt it future o~er:mor'll bv tne Sti\te of New Vork I'CtQuirt lln .J. tlHiltlon I" the ClOSltlon 0; tht Hrue:lJr. fJr work nerlln .ilJtnort.:c:d, or It. In tn~ nQlnJcn ot thlt QtD"'rtmen~ or En....lrOnmenH11 COt'!~f'\io1ttOn ': ~1'l#\1I C:.1u~~ \'u'lre.:uon"'ola Q=5:r~~tl\,n to the rrel! n.:i\/ig;Hlon l')f ,aId ""'.:iten t)r rlood flow, l')t ""C.lI.,<\~r !he hlJ~lth. s.1rctv or w~l/~re or the peogle or the ~t01te. or t:.)u~e Iou Or destruction or '1M n.ltur~j re>50urcel or the St:ue. :ne own!!r mr)\, ou ordered by the OiJOu.rtment to f~rnoV~ or nIter thl!! strue:ur",l woric. obstructIons, or h<1%~rd1 c01u"ed thorGby wtthout eXl)ense tCl :1"1. State. ~nd it, upon the e:'l.QlrJ,tJOn or revoC:Hion of thll I:lermlt. the mvcture, fill, llXcAwulon, or OChff modlflcl1tlon of the Wi1terCQune nercby authori:~d shQ,1l Met be com~ pletcd. the ownil'rs. shall. without e;(pense to tn. Stilte. o1nCl to SYCn ~lItcnt ~nd In suc/'\ time .lno mannef JJ the Ce~artlTlcnt of !nvironlTlenta.1 Consfrv.3tlOn may rOQujre. re-move 1311 or "ny portIon of the ul'\~om~leted Itructure Or fill l1nd restore to Its former eonclltlcn the naYiSi\ble and flOOd ~aQ\&Cltv of the watcfCOIJrSe, No CLil.1m snail be ml1de aGainst the Stue of New York on .lceount ot ~ny ,ucn removal or alteHUlon, " That the St~tc: of New York ,n",1I in no e\ue be ll~ble for il.lW d~m,]ce or inlulV to the ,tructure or work ntrein buthori.ud which mav be caused by or result from future operJtlons vndert;,.ken bv the St~te ~or th~ conServation or improvement of no.vlB3tion, or for other purl)o~e', ~nd no cI.~lm or riiht to compensation sh.)lI accrue from ",ny $uch d.lml1&:t. 12 Cr~ntlni of thi! permit d~s not rl:fleve tne ~ooIIC~Mt of the re$oonsl' bilit'Y of ob1.:l.lnJnlZ any other ;:HHml~slon, consent Or o.pprovai trom tne U.S. ^rmy Coro. 01 En~ineerl, U.S. Coast Cu~rd, Ndw York Slate Office of Cener31 S~rv(ces or Joc...1 aovernmcnt which m.1V bo re<iuire<t. 13 All nteeSS3:1'Y preC3Utlons shall be ti1xen to Dreclude cont.)mlnatlon of "n',o' wetland I:;.r wo1terw~y bv ~usl'e"ded ,olids, sedlmcrlt$, fuels, solv~nu, lubru;olnts. egoxv eO\\tln~s, glllnU-, ecncrete, l~':H:n:!.tt or IIny othor envlronmentullv (!elftte""us m.,\terl<1I' USOCI.1.teQ with ~h' grCJ~Ct. ~ 01. Anv mate"al rirod14u~ I" the Qros.~utlon ()t ~~l't ''I'l'')rl( I'\~f~tn ~ermltttd ~h.J11 be 'tmcvp,o Itvl1Mlv. 'h'llhoUllf''''''lnq l.,W~~ rl!fI..lS1! OIICU, fldl;el J.cross the o~a ot .t WlltC,......:aV lJr '10001)1,:110 'It :J1ti'D "Ol~' tnot rn.1V nl:lve . tendency to c~us. damaqe 10 nll',lqaClle C:'l.lnntm or :0 ~h. boJnl(S Uf I W.utrwAV, 15 Tht.lre snlll be no unfliU~IOn4CIl! IntefTerence w'tn "A\lt'll1tlors QV rhe worle herein olut.i'lorlud. 16. If upon the ')(Oir~tIOn or reYoc~tlon of thu. otrmrt. th~ {HOlect hereby ,.uthorli~d nas not belt" completed, tne applic,.nt Shall. 'NlrhQut (lXDCn~e to the StatG', ~nd to such f:(tllnt ",nd in such time olnd m.1nner as the Departmenc of Envlronment.al CQnservatlon mAV reQuire. remove all or lIny f)ortlon of the unc;omplttcd Itruc;ture or fill ~nd rl!store the lite to iU former condition. No clAim shall be m~Qe 3;I,Mt the Stllte 1)1 New York on lI<:c;:ount of ~ny luch r~moval or alterauon, 17 If ir,Dnted under Articloe 3&, this permit does nOt ,ignlty In ,),nv w;ay that tho oroloct will b. fr.. from tloodln~ 1S. It grDnled under 6 NYCRR Part 1i08. ,ho NYS Oe04r1mont of EnVIron. rnc.:nt~l Conservation hereby certlfle:; thl1t the $vblect QrCle<:t Will not CQntr:!venc tHluent limit~ticn~ or other IImltD.tlons or 1t411d..rds unde, Section. 301. 302. 303, 306 and 307 of the Cleon W.ter ^ct of 1977 (PL 95.217) orovided that .11 of lhe condltlonll"ted herein are met. 19, All &ctlvitles 4Ytnorlzed bv this permIt must be In strll:t conrormance with the aoproved olan' ,ubm,,,ed oY the aoollc.nt or nil aqent as pari ot the t:I'ermlt appllc~tlon. Sucn .:IDDrOyed pi"ns were Drepl1rcd bv -..!:~~ 1'\&1 1 m.r on SPECIAL CONDITIONS I. All activities authorbee! by.this permit muse be ~n strict conformance with the approvee! plans submit tee! by the applicant or his agent as part of this permit application. a) subdivision p~an, by E.A. Bul~ock, Jr. last revis ion 12/27/88 b) mitigation plan, by E.A. Bullock, Jr. drawn 1/6/89, last revi.sion 3/29/89. c) construction plan for lot 6 by. E.A. Bullock., Jr. e!r.:lwn 1/7/89. d) construction plan for lot 9, by E.A. 3ullock, Jr, drawn 1/9/89. 2. The e!~ee!s for lots 6 and 9 ~USt be covenantee! to read that a 75' buffer of une!isturbed natural vegetation will be maintained aroune! the wetlane!. 3. The wetland mitigation plan (1/6/89 - revisee! 3/23/89) will be changee! to read taht reel cee!ar and/or eastern he~lock will be planted on 5' centers in ewo offset rows. 4. The proposee! weeland to be' created as mitigation will be excavated to ehe 19' elevation. 5. The alope of Chabli.s Fath will be plantee! with red cee!ar ane!/or eastern hemlock on 5' centers where it crosses the wetlane!s. 6. Drainage shall conform wieh 3 page undstee! letter from Ee!ward A. Bolluck, Jr. (attached). Oie PERM'T NUMBER 10-88-1887 PROCRAMIF^C1LITY NUMBER N/A' (continued on next page) .1 Page.1..- of.!..- . ,1-,' ( ( ( ( . ~.:..I '..:. ...fw 'Oltl\ ~lATE CHM'T"'~NT or (....,VrA:O~M~NTJrol CONURVArlON .ia - - 9\ ~U'!lol (1'871_ ;'h SPECIAL CONDITIONS Fo, ""llcle 24 F~csh~~ter Wetlands 7. A 75' buffer of undiSturbed natural vegetation shall be maintained around the ~etland. 8. Hay bales shall be staked end to end on the downslope edge of any areas of filling, grading or excavation. They shall be maintained in place until all disturbed areas are permanently vegetated. Trapped sediments shall be removed Co a suitable upland sice before the bales themselves are removed. 9. All arees of soil disturbance resulting from this project shall be seeded with an appropriate perennial grass and mulched with hay or straw within two days of final grading. MulCh shall be maintained uncil a suitable vegetative cover is established. 10. Disturbance to the wetland and ics adjacent area shall be strictly limiced to the work area identified in the approved plan. 11. During construction, no wet or fresh concrete or leachate shall be allowed to escape into the wetland or its buffar zone nor shall washings from redi-mix crucks, mixers or ocher devices be allowed co enter the proteCted area. 12. Any debris or e~cess materials from construction shall be immediately and compleCely removed fro~ the ~etland and adjacenc aTea to an appropriate upland site for disposal. 13. All dredged or excavated caterial shall be disposed of on an upla~d siee and be suitably stabilized so thae it cannoe re-enter any water body, weeland, or wetland adjaceut area. 14. If seeding is icpracticable due to be applied and final seeding shall favor ge~ination and gro~tc. the tice of year, a temporary mulCh shall be perfor.:ed as soon as veatner conditious 15. The per:i.tse shall allow access to Departcent personnel at all reasonable times during nor:al business' hours On nc~al business days, and aicer Supplementary Special Conditions (A) tbru (J) attached. I I I r~iC I'rA.......~ '''''\II~i~ I 10-88-1887 .......::;;..n:O' !'...M~iJ: :~ I.~. ! F'~OCi~^M :-'\.'M5!~ P a lie -....l.- ot' --:.....- ., " ( ( ( ( t.. _ ~.:...1 t, SUI'I'LCMCN'rARY _~.!!l~ggNDI'I'IONS 'I'ho 1'011010;"9 co"dHiollS apply to all permits: If' any of the permit condHions are unclear, the permittee shall con- tact the Division Ot Regulatory Affairs at the address and telephone noted below. B. A copy of this permit \-lilh s\lpplementary conditions and approved plans shall be available at the project site whenever authorized work is in progress. A. C. The permit sign enclosed with the permit or a COpy of letter of approval shall be protected from the weather and posted in a con- spicuous location at the work site until completion of authorized work. D. At least 48 hours prior to COOllllencement of the project, the permittee shall complete and return the top portion of the enclosed receipt form certifying that he is fully aware of and understands all provisions and condiUons of this perllllt. Wlthin one week of completion of the permitted work, the bottom portion of that form shall also be com- pleLed and returned. E. Por projects involving activities to be accomplished over a periOd of- more than one year, the permittee Shall notify the Regional Permit Administrator in writing at least 46 hours pric:! to the commencement of resumption of work each year. P. If project design modifica~ions take place after permit issuance, the permittee shall submit the appropriate plan changes for apprpval by the Regional Permit Administrator prior to undertaking any such modi- fications. The permittee is advised that substantial modification may require submission of a new application for permit. G. All necessary precautions shall be taken to preclude contamination of any wetlands or waterway by Suspended SOlids, sediment, fuels, solvents, lubricants, epoxy coatings, paints, concrete, leachate or any other environmentally deleterious materials associated with the project work. I!. Any failure to Comply precisely wi tll all of the terms and conditions of this permit, unless authorized in writing, shall be treated as a violation of the Environmental Conservation Law. I. The permittee is advised to obtain any permits or approvals that may be required from the U.S. Departmel1t of Army Corps of Bngineers, NY District, 26 Federal Plaza, New York, NY 10276, (Attention: Regulatory :unc~lons BranCh), prior to c~~~~nc~~~nt of wor~ authorized herein. 2. :~~ ?~~~~~ng cf this ~er~i~ ~~~S ~:~ relieve the ~er~ittee ~f tr.r: reflponsibi.lity of Obtaining a grant, easement, Or other necessilry approval from the Division of Land Utilization, Office of General Services,. Tower Building, Empire State Plaza, Albany. NY 12242, which may be required for any encroachment upon State-owned lands underwater. Regional Permit Administrntor NYS 'J(~lll. or l~nvh~'1l11Il'n\.,\ ~','~n:n~':' Bldg. 40, SUNr-Room 219 Stony Brook, NY 11794 (516) 751-7900 DEC #_ It, 'is I,.., 1 " Page /j or q , " ( ( ( ( 1-" . '-..:.1. I I I I I P I\ul Ca~..l1 a ITYS DEe, Bureau Bldg. 40. Sl.nTY, Stony Ilrook, 11. of Environmontal Rrn. 7.10 Y. 11794 Protection I I' Re: Permit Ho. Issued To. Contractor'. " ~ I I, I I Address. Contractor'. Phone 0_ Cear Sir: Contractor'. Name Pursuant to Oeneral Condition Mo. 1 of the above referenced permit you are hereby notified that the authorized activity shall commence on . this Notice is to be sent at least two days in ad- vance of commencement of the project. The Permit sign will be posted at the site and copy of Per~it will ba available at site for 1nsp~ction. Submitted by Datil: ',: . , P'AILllr.s TO 110TIrY on l'OST SIGN WILL LEAVE OtIllER/MlIl/OIt CONTRACTOR su.e- JECr lra APPLlCAllLIl PENAI..TlES FOR NON-COMPLI~CE HI'rn PERMIT CONDITI01is. Paul Carella ITYS DEC, ~ureau of Environmental Protection ~ldg, 40, SmfY, Rm.410 Stony Brook, N. Y. lL7S4 Re: Pel."l1lit llo. Issued To. Contractor'B Address. Contractor's Phone ~ Dear 3ir; Contractor's name Pursuant to Ceneral COndition No. 1 of the above referenced Permit, you are hereby notified that the autho~ized activity was eo~~leted on Sub1l\1tted by DA'!'E: TI:tS 1l0nc!:. IIlTll PROTOS OF COlrPLE'T:::D nOI'X AND/OR COI:l?LETED Stm.VEY. IS TO 51': Stl'1T TO ABOVE ADl'lRtSS Pt\OI:l'TLY UPOll COa>LETION OF PROJECT. FAILURE TO llOnn HILL Ll!J..Vt O~'l'lEl\ AND/OR COmMC.OR S\JBJEC'I TO Al'PLlCABLE PENALtIES FOR tiOI1-<::Ot!FLIAllCE WrrH 1'ln'J.UT COHDlTIONS. , ' i' "I t. I I , ...I I' .1 I , I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~28-1 \811I1)-9<1 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation . C NOTICE A~ ~ ~ The Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has issued permit(s) pursuant to the Environmental Conservation Law for work being conducted at this site. For further information regarding the nature and extent of work approved and any Departmental conditions on it, contact the Regional Permit Administrator listed below. PI~ase refer to the permit number shown when contacting the DEC. Regional Permit Administrator Permit Number IO.~. \\~ 1 J4- 3() -q,. Expiration Date NOTE: This notice is NOT a permit - 1, (Ij ~ I ((I, '11 l: rr, tJ ,- -----, , I. " , '\ "1j r. Q, ~."'''''J7 rrV L- J K CQ, NY: .- .~.~ .. , , / /~ ,/ ~ .. / ( ( ~ \~ " . f I I , I I / 1 , I FRANK 8WAUER i ! SAWICKI , / , / / ,/ - -- ,..----<---. /21!;.O I tlATTHE .ili \I!..~ ~ ".j.. - 0) <'II . 'i . . <0 .~~ .....: 3 ; .} l., _/ { I' ./ ( DtP. D~. ------------------- 6ARY a NAN LILL Il'lZ , \ 2.-r:v 6RE60RY a ANNE LlL 40 CAHILL , o J) '2.E>.'O... ?4-.' --- 1"-\ ~'-' 'e- Lt.L To 6J..- . - ,? 1012____~ , \TU SAWICKI / /' // / VINCENr LrLLI ~/ - J~ ;:r'j , ! i ') ./ .ili ~ " \'l,~ ~ r c;cJ ~ .# ~~ \ 0' r +- I ~ { - ~ I' ./ / / I -I .' (j] <;;iI, ~(;() 9' ~f1c~ {)EO (Gig-II 0 N ~ D~N~E: ~Ala TDJ-lN ~ SCUtt-b~ < > ?'\loVL"j .. n c.)l..lJ ~,~ 0 kL..:;:c> --- ~\~\VERI I I... ' ~ f:i;?I' f'\_~ /''-/'-..'-.,..,-, DONALD ilANF PF""'F -^-^j .n.~"~- ,\ , T TOWN OF RlVERHEAD) ) ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) AFFIDAVIT TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: I, NEIL REGO, being duly sworn, depose and say: That I am the contract vendee of certain property located in the Town of Southold, tax map no. 100-051-03-03, owned by Agnes McGunnigle. That I hereby make application to the Town Board of the Town of Southold for a sub-division pursuant to all applicable zoning ordinances of said Town. Sworn to before me this J. STMION POHL "="= "t~New YorII C'III~r.'IA ........ ..~~ 7 r ~ ~ .'1:> , Vi :) \1 l:s 1Sb.Q 't '" t<! U) ~ <f) v, c:, .< \':! ~ "" <Jill: - Of ,J a....~ ct - o-~ ~ ~~.~ ~()6 * Ms I' '''''!!'If"! ..-- --"""~- :,fA]OR SUBDIVISIO~ CJ1ll1!ete ",?pli(;ation .'e(;eived Applkation reviewed ,\, work session Appli(;ant advised of necessary revisions Revised submission received Sketch plan ap proval -with conditions Lead Agency Coordina.tion S:tQRA oetennination Preliminary maps received Preliminary maps reviewed at work session -revisions Road profiles/drainage submitted -revisions Road profiles/drainage reviewed be Engineer Sent to County Planning Commission Review of SCPC report Preliminary hearing Preliminary approval -with conditions Sent to Fire Commissioner Receipt of firewell location Notification to applicant to include on final map Draft Covenants and Restrictions received LWtJllI'lMII Wax:is 051'3. "3 - 1""'1.1 r::::::l - ,"ro,l~ I~,J ~Kj I~,lllo;< I ~~ ~18fJ ",Ic~\~ ~/'718a- L-A 6/' (Bro. ~,~. __I~,LI~ ~~.ll~ I::'~I ~ 1iZO'Llr:::::l ~~ 1iZO'Llr:::::l ~~ i=.ll~ ,. 5//71"'9 I=.ll ~ 1iZO'Llr:::::l ~~ '7 /,0 Ie '1 Au... IS, 1C(r;f? ^"f>".,;t 31) I '1'8~ ~' l"t/ ~~ Draft Covenants and Restrictions reviewed Filed Covenants and Restrictions received - ~~IOK I (.-.....;...r~~ Bond estimate submitted Bond adopted by PB Bond adopted by TB Determination of park & playground fee Park & playground fee adopted by TB Open Space documents Documents reviewed by T A l~eceipt of mylars and paper prints with Health approval Final Public Hearing Approval of subdivision -with conditions Payment of bond Payment of inspection fee Payment of park & playground fee Endorsement of subdivision ''t>'~clto.l' -,\>1 ~"~ ..' -<,00 ~ .,1. v -~o-A ('c ( 7/'illl~ (C",y..<.! O'N. 7/16j8't ~"f~,.)~o(~~::; ,...."'.~ "11 I ~~ 4- '/'1,1>76 d)O 9 jL.. /8'1 ,,1m5't1 r:::::l ( 1<\\", ~~':':-~Q_~ ~~ 1/').7/ B't 'G..Y>\yl~ "\~<.~ '1'1>/&'1 ~~fP: 1..11, - ) f~ ~ W1mlt'5!"'f~ i "I/llle."! "'L~ /~;.~$~"'S IdS """"" ~"l"'l 'D' , _ la~ ~o /I.f,oo I;%:S ~ 'i~ ~76 .CO ~'7IPff ~~ \ I~~