HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/14/1980 ~.~..~~ ~'". '. ,.>,;. 2t}o ., """V"""'~'_ 11"'" . . -,"'--=~~~;T~-;~~',:::?!-':7(!['~~~~~>:'~:.;)."~"" ~i..."T'~-"~'-'"~:ii - ;;; . RICIMD . MAil 9 1981 MINUT~S OF TH~ Ma~TING OF THt aOA~D OF COMMtSSXONERS OF THe FXSH~RS LSLAND Pt:RRY DISTRICT Octooer 14, 19AO A puoliC hear~ ng by the Soard o!.eomrt.' ss-l oners was held at 2;00 p.m. ~n the F~shers Island rire House on the matter of a proposed lease between the F~$hers Island Ferry District and Richard Grebe for lease of the westerly half of bu114- -Ing 383 for a period of one year w~th prov-ls~on for t""(I,auto- matlc extensions of one year each commencing on or a:ft(!!r 1 November 1980. ThiS hear-lng takes precedence Qver~(I~e held on July 30, 1980 whiCh was not advert~sed in accord~ce wtth the Ferry Di strict Enabl! ng Act. The meet; n9 was opimedby Comm~ssioner.at 2:00 p.m. tn attendance for the board of Comm.!.ssHmers were C;omm' ss~ oners duPont, Doyen S. Edwar4s. The pUbl! C notice d<J.ted october 2, 1980 was read as COnCern$ time, place, and subject matter of the hearing by thelilana.~. The floor was then given to those members of the publJqwno wished to comment. A. J. Gada, Sr. voiced Objection to the Proposed leaSe on tMe grounds that the FerrY District should not be in the re<J.lestate business and that others had to pay taxes on the property they used for their businesses. Mario Zanghett~ commented briefly that he felt that khe lease wO\lld be broken as to terms. Richard Grebe comm~nted that thele4se would allow him to remove his contracting veh'cles from the airport area. J. Wall, s. Witt, anq D. Doyen did not comment. The meeting wa$ c:).01.ed at 2:2S p.m. after wMich there was' general d1i3cuss'on on the part of tMe bOilrd members inl;":luding C()mm~ss~oner Baker who Mad come in late. No dl'lcis1()n wa~:' reached. . .... .. 1.-" Meeting adjourned at 2:45 p.m. 'c;:~'''-C: ..... /<Ir~~"~;; ~-- .L R. P. l<NAiJi"l!'7' s;r~;~;- ...'.' .",,. ",,:._~.,,-,:,,~:_.~: I i II I I I i i II i " . I ii J:~;= iilil.;;~ ~ i{Y cii -,.). = - .. - !! I == iiii . ~:,'; "iiii .. ;; I '. ;; II . 1'1 ;i~ll ;; '. I ii 'i J~