HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/03/1981 i':.~';" . .... I" '.0 , ~ ....' '-~ ~- , ."7 .;c_;;,;;.,;:.;'~~.,..,.....__,---.,...o; ,_.,-::.~>;~-,.l:':._~~~,~i. ..:" _ ~."T" . . MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE iV1ARD OF COMMISSIONEPS OF THE FISHEJi.S ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT JUNE 3, 1981 RECEIVED JUN 1 ~ 'i981 Town ClarlC Soutfiold > A special meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Fish- ers I,',land f'erry District was called by the Chairman at 1:00 p.m. in the office of the Ferry District. Present were Com- missioners duPont, Doyen, Baker, and Edwards. Absent Commis- sioner Evans. The outstanding obligations of The Fishers Is- land Ferry District in the amount of $3S,406.65, $7S4.34 of which is encumbered from the 1980 budget, as represented by vouchers 137 through 169 inclusive, were read by the Secret- ary. A motion was made by Commissioner Edwards and seconded by.Commissioner ,Doyen that the outstanding obligations of the Ferry District be paid. Motion was carried unanimously. Two resolutions were passed as follows: Commissioner dupont Commissioner Doyen Commissioner Baker Commissioner Evans Commissioner Edwards Yes Yes Yes Absent Yes WHEREAS the Fishers Island Ferry District operates a movie theater during the summer months And WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners wish to operate a theater cO!Tlmencing on or about July 1, 191)1 and also wish to engage the services of competent personnel THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following persons be en- gaged effective July 1,1981: E:dwin Horninq - Cashier J. B. Hartsfield - Projectionist Charles Stepanek - Clerk .100.GO/week ;>',.OO/show 51). GO/week - - - - - - - - - - - - WHEREAS the Pishers Island Ferry District engages the services of Evelyn A. Clarke to perform cleaning and janitorial services at its Fishers Island offices And WHEREAS the ex ist iog rate for c] ean inq ot '1,]',.00 per week has been in effect for many years And HWEREAS ~~s. Clarke has requested an increase in compen- sation to 80.00 dollars per month THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the rate for cleaning and jan- itorial serveces be set at $80.00 per month effective July 1, 1981. '~..', !Iq t., '- F .. , l I \ I I i I f . e; t ~ i I . a i I; !!' ~ . 5 Ii b ~ .. f: ! ~ J!; - !f .,<;)':;~;;l~1I'~-T}:f;:" ~r;~~,,.z;l",,~~,: ~. ; ... !l , . . Other matters discussed were as follows: 1. Charter Rates - with the increased cost of fuel, the existing t'ate for charters is felt to be too low. As we are in the middle of the year, it was decided to defer that matter until early next year. ;>. Subj ect matter to be included in the report to the Fishers Island Civic Association was discussed. The manager will prepare the text and distribute it to the c:ommissioners befor submission to the Civic Association. 3. The date for the election of d Commis:;irmer for a term of five ('i) years was determined to be Auqu.st 11, 1981. 4. The date for the annual meeting for presentation of the 198? budget was set for August :>0, 1981 at 6:30 p.m. in the Fishers Island School. 5. Thi':! qperation of the free,.er'h'uckwd:; discussed. It is the concensus that the truck needs to be put on the road and driven due to the short periods of use it receives daily. It was decided that Mark Eastet' should s;lbrr,it vouch- ers for additional fuel required to operate the Vdn outside of normal operations. Meeting was adjourned at 2:30 p.m. R. P. KNAUFF, Secretary ,-, -r--, i'" ~ , ~ , , ~ ; ,'J , .~ , ~ D ':: - , ! ~ ~ I I I IS ; ,