HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/30/1981 ",' -_._'....'-~~-..~t~.. ,"-' .- l-.4 . . , ~ A,UG 'G 81981 IllW'l I;!mK SQuttiolll MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT July 30, 1981 A special meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Fish-c ers Island Ferry District was called by the Chairman at 6:00 p.m. in the office of the Ferry District. Present for th~ ,meeting were Commissioners duPont, Doyen, Bi!ker, EVi!ns ,and Edwards. The purpose of the meeting was to review the pt~ posed budget for the period January 1, 1982 through December 31, 1982. After going over the basic figures, the manager re- ported that he had received an estimate from Blount Marine Corporation for lengthening OLINDA. It was estimated that the cost for lengthening would be $300,000.00 with an addit- ional $40,000.00 required if a bow thruster was to be in- stalled. It was the opinion of the board that results of operations have been such that the unexpended balance which has been accumulated over the past few years plus that re- maining in 1981 would be sufficient to place the project in the budget while holding the line on taxes. The manager cwas directed to prepare the bUdget in accordance with the guidelines discussed. In an unrelated matter, a discussion was held relating to the contention of Mr. Anthony Marshall that his aircraft should be entitled to a seasonal rate as opposed to being charged landing fees on a daily basis. It was the opinion of the Board of Commissioners that, while the aircraft may be a private plane as opposed to commercial, it is, in fact, replacing commercial transportation sources (ferry or air) while being used on a daily basis to transport personnel em- ployed by Bouton Services, Inc. to and from Fishers Island. It was further noted that the aircraft is not based at Eliz- abeth Airport on an overnight basis. For these reasons, it was the opinion of the t)(lard that the aircraft is not entitled to the seasonal rates <tr..:corded to aircraft based on Fishers Island. Following discussion on the above matters, the following resolutions were passed relating to Ferry District business: , , Moved by Commissioner Evans, seconde<Ll:}y !=ommis.'s).oeeJ;: p~\, .: " ~ ":~;'.,.', ",;ri,.~.:;~'"' ~ WHEREAS the Fishers Island Ferry District has incurred outstanding obligations of $33,440.88 as represented by vouchers 205 through 233 inclusive; and WHEREAS these obligations are due and payable. THEREFORE BE !T RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold authorize payment of said obligations. Vote of the Board of Commissioners: Ayes: CommissiODer cbt->,. Pont, Commissioner Doyen, Commissioner Baker, Commissioher Evans, and Commissioner Edwards. Nays: None. . " -~~:r;;~1J~~:,;,~~,\:.~^=-c~~--"7~--~~~---=_ _~~=L~:T"':':'[j.:\\:~~~~{~, . IC! . , ~:l .v,'J ;}~1 </?i,~ .~....., ,.'. ~".""'''%--:" ~~...,."-t'ief .' . . July 30, 1981 (Continued) Moved by Commissioner Baker, seconded, by Commissioner d\l~t;",,), WHEREAS the annual election fora Commissioner of the " ' , Fishers Island Ferry District will be held on August 11, 1981 And WHEREAS Inspectors of Election are required to count ballots and certify the name of the person elected as C~m- missioner. '-. , THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following perso~s'ar. heJ;'eby appointed as Inspectors of Election: Edw;!.n h.'N.n~l Cha,irman: Dorothy B. Edwards, Teller; Katherine w. HQrlljJ:lg, , Teller. ' , ~ l" e.c Co: :r:: == Vote of the Board of Commissioners: Ayes: Commissione"",,<!u- Pont, Commissioner Doyen, Co~missioner Baker, Commissioner Evans, and Commissioner Edwards. Nays: None. Meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m. I~ ~ R. p. KNAUFF, , , ''''', secr'~;(y , t", ~' ; "", '~'T' ':..-,.f""";' '-,'lA1".\:;:,-i'f..;,., ...,.,'~ "., ...:,... . f''P'-I'fr,;;. 0''- '0;., '-'- ."-.~-~,., '" ~"--"-',,:,"..~..,_.- ,.~=,--