HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/16/1981 V" '.In .J 1.. I.J . . ltEalVED DEe 0 7 199 I MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT September 16, 1981 iI!lWCII!l'R Iill!!lholll' A special 1,eeting of the Boar-d of Commissioners of the Fish- ers Island Fer-ry District was called by the Chair-man at 12:30 p.m. in the office of the Ferr-y District. The purpose of the meeting \.as to discuss plans for lengthening M!V OLINDA. Present were Commissioners duPont, Doyen, Baker., Evans, and Edwards and the District's contr.act operator, Mark Easter. The meeting was opened with Capt. Easter presenting his and Capt. wi.Jcox'r; views on the proposed project. 13asical1y, they are opposed to the project for several reasons. 1) The vessel is now 14 year-s old and has reached the age where it will star.t deteriorating. 2) There is now some corrosion in the voids. 3) ':'here is a dip in the main deck where the rear wheels of large trucks rest. 4) In light of the original cost of the vessel, is it worth the money to only increase the capacity by six cars" Will there be added strength to allow for an increased payload? Will there be additional passenger space? Captain Easter pointed out that they recommended that the vessel be surveyed for condition before proceeding fur- ther. They also recommend the installation of a bow thruster as the.deled length will make the vessel less :Limeuverab1e. In discu~;s ion the commissioners pointed out that it is the District's intention to provide a vessel with the capability to adequately back up the MUNNATAWKET should she have to be removed from service during a peale traffic period. It was further pointed out that we are unable under existing l.aw to establish a capital reserve fund for the purchase of a new vessel and that we do not have sufficient bonding reserve to borrow money for a new vessel. Plans for the vessel do include increased passenger capacity and the installation of a bow thruster. After discussion, it was decided that nothing further would be done until a survey of the vessel was completed. The manager was directed to arrange for the survey and drydocking of the vessel to accomplish same. Included in the survey would be ultrasQnic testing to determine plate thickness. Meeting was adjourned at 2:15 p.m. f-),f~~t=-=~::C-~___"__ R. P. NAUFF,' sec~ y I ~. ....~ ':"J,'I 1.: '{! .- " I ~ I I I ! ! . . I I . . i !! II ! ~ ; ;; i I I !! i I .. Ii ;;