HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/01/1981 . . MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BO.\RD Of' COMMISSIONERS OF THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT October 1, 1981 .y 32t RECEIVED DEe 0 'i 1981 10Wl\Clerl< SOlltholl! A speci31 meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District was called by the Chairman at 1:00 p.m. in the office of the Ferry District. Present were Commissioners duPont, Doyen, Baker, and Edwards. Absent Commissioner Evans. The outstanding obligations of the r'erry District were read by the Secretary. At the conclusion of the audit of the bills, the following resolution was passed: <l:t' I" CC .~ - - - - - Moved by Commissioner Doyen, seconded by Commissioner E:dwards, WHERE:AS the ~ishers Island Ferry District has incurred outstanding obli<]ations of $46,.?5,~.14 as represented by vouchers ;>84 through 116 inclusive; and WflE:REAS these Obligations ar'e due clnd payable. THE:REF'ORE BE: IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of South old authorize payment of SLid obli<]ations. Vote of the Board of Commissione~s: Ayes: Commissioner du- Pont, Commi:3sioner Doyen, Commissioner Baker, Commissioner Edwards. ~ays: None. Absent: Commissioner Evans. Other bu~iness discussed included the winter schedule - spec~ ifically the Monday middclY boat in November and December. It ~Jas decided to retain that particular trip. The mana]"r was diL'ected to look into the co:;t of an air compressor for use at the New London terminal. 'rhe mandl,,!r reported that the tiedown area at the airport was being n,furbished Lo provide secure I:iedowns. Meeting adjourned at 1:4:' p.m. -) .. ,;;~U ..)~:'. = ---'-'- i R. P. KNAUFF, Se = ~ . ~,.-";..."",-.",._,,.", ,.._-.-~,<,...-,=;.",.,.,._::..:..,.:.C~~_~~.,__:""""_~_',~ .