HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/04/1981 ~,~ .---'-'.\ 2 '~, .' ,} J~.' . . :":I!';UTES OF THE !1EE;TING OF THE ,\O\,U OF COMMISSIONEPS OF THE F'TSHE,iS ISLAND pE:rwy DIST'nCT :'Jovemb3r 4, 1981 J own CI~!K &ou1I!oIil' .;' -- ~ RfCl:NtIi l)~Q071981 A spcci31 meeting of the Board of Commissione~s of the Fish- e~s Island Ferry District was called by the Chai~man at 1:00 p.m. in the office of the Ferry District. Present were Com- missione~s duPont, Doyen, Baker, and Ed\<Jaros. Absent Com- missioner E:vans. The outstanding obli'::jations of the f'erry District were read by the Secretary for purposes of a\,ldit by the Conmissioners. At the conclusion of the reading and dis- cussion thereof, the following ~e,"o]\:tion was adopted by the Board of Co~missioners: MoveJ by Commissioner Baker, secondect by Commissioner Edwards, ;JHEREAS the Fishers Islanct Perry District has incurred outstandinq obligations of $?2,a43.40, d~, represented by vouchers 319 through 349 inclusive; and :dHEOlEAS the"e obligations an~ due and payable. Tl1EiiF;FORE 3E IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of South old authorize payment of said obligations. Vote of the gO~'Jrd ofCommissioneL'S: Ayes: COMrlissioner du- Pont, Commi~~sioner Doyen, Commissioner Baker, Commissioner E:dwards. Nays: None. Absent: Co'nmiss1oner E;vans. In mutters relclt:1ng to fund tcansfers within the 1981 budget, th~ following ~esolutions were adopted: Moved by Commissioner Doyen, seconded by Commissioner EdwardS, ~HEREAS the Board of Commissioners wishes to transfer funds within the 1981 budget. THEHE;fORE: 'l".: IT RE:SOLVED that the fo11ow1n9 amounts be tran~; Ferred: From: To: NYS Hetirement Hospitalization $460.78 460.70, VotB of the Board of Commissioners: Ayes: Commissioner du- Pont, C0rrrrdJsioner Doyen, Com:~i~;sioner E1aker, Coml1li,s,sioner Edwards. Nays; None. Absent: Commissioner Evans~~ - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - Moved by Commissioner Baker, seconded by Commis~ioner Edwards, ;VHE:REAS the Fishers Island Ferry District has exec;uted a grant agreement with the people of the State of New York \vhereoy appropriated funds are to be made available for!, dock repairs at F is hers Island, New York; and :'.,'; <, "".,"""..,;".~,...:,,;;-i''''''-'.-rrc"...,.,~---,-....i., ',.,.,.;_.~.,.._ "'.._,__,_..__ ~~ -:f; .' I .. I - . - - II I . i . - ~ I ii . . !!! - - :-, !! ii ii Ii iii iii - - - ~ l" tC ,.., - -- - :r:: ,~~""''''''''''i"- .....w., 't.., -ni'~ <"~ J,..oI' , ...". ,.-t"}J,J, ~ J . . November 4, 19B1 (cont.) ~4EREAS ~ ~eparate budget category must be established out of which expen::ec; are to be pa:Lrl 0," a t'ci'nbut'sable basis; and 'tlHERE:AS fun'j,- from the current: (l'!i'lj) budqet must be tr,;ms~ fer red into a new line item entitled C~ritdl Project to meet currerlt expenses. THE!~E"'ORE BE I1' RESOLVED that 1 Dwlget lil10 item entitled CAPITAL PRO,TEeT be establ i"hed in t:~1(' ] 981 burig,.,t and be carried forward into the 199~ budget and th~t the following transfer of funds b~? r11t)de: Pro:n: Airport To: Capital Project $]0,000.00 10,000.00 Vote of the loard of Commissioners: Ayes: Commissioner du- Pont, CO..ft7Td.ssioner Doyen, Comrrd.s:r:;ioner B:lke.r, Commissioner Edwards. Nay:;; None. Absent: CO"1mi.;,.;ioner Svans. Meeting adjourned at 1:45 p.m. ~J 0::'~~_c~ ..c:' · C',fl-::;. n "H. < ~ _~_~~_ R:P. KNA1TFP, .seE: .tary . I . ! i . . . i ii . - . .. ii - - - - T-:;Z;:7:':!-,~~~;'~-' -,-,--'------:.,----,----:--:--,., ~. ..-':-'-;c~__.,,-_-._c___",;-~-__,~_.~___'____..._~_.