HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/17/1981 1/",., . .' I.J ,..: " :. .J . ,,;,...~-.., .-V"l' . . <.... "Y"'~\~;~};~l\\.,~~_ - '" '-'.' ..... .... p; '," ....'- ',' .~, . -jc~-,,,. '. ... ". '.'- - '.', .. ....".. .' ~ "':> ".. ..,." ~.' "."'~,'::<"" 'c- , .~ .-. . ," . . 'n H I I , ~-~-~.-_. RECEIVED .IAn 11 1982 tOWll C\eIIi SOUtIiOId MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS !)PO THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT December 17, 1981 '-" A special meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Fish- ers Island Ferry District was called by the Chairman at 1:00 p.m. in the office of the Ferry District. Present were Com- missioners duPont, Doyen, Baker, and Edwards. Absent Commis- sioner Evans. The outstanding obligations of the Ferry Dis- trict were read by the Secretary for purposes of audit by the Commissioners. At the conclusion of the reading and dis- cussion thereof, the following resolution was adopted by the Board of Commissioners: ; Moved by Commissioner Edwards, seconded by Commissioner Baker, WHEREAS the Fishers Island Ferry District has incurred outstanding obligations of $6,343.61 as represented by vouchers 383 through 403 inclusive; and Whereas these obligations are due and payable. THEREFORE BE IT RES'1LVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold authorize payment of said obligations. Vote of the Board of Commissioners: Ayes: Commissioner du- Pont, Commissioner Doyen, Commissioner Baker, Commissioner Edwards. Nays: None. The following resolutions affecting the 1981 budget were adopted by the Board of Commissioners: Moved by Commissioner Doyen, seconded by Commissioner Edwards, . I I I ~ WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners wishes to transfer funds within the 1981 budget. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following transfers be made: From: Bonded Indebtedness NYS Retirement To: Office Expense Hospitalization $119.24 135.46 21.30 233.40 Vote of the Board of Commissioners: Ayes: Commissioner du Pont, Commissioner Doyen, Commissioner Baker, Commissioner Edwards. Nays: None. \ I ;; . - - ':,'L',,_ ..- "-'-".';SC,""-=2'::--,-,--:';:;O.:C,":::1ZT~;~".;c--.T:---'-'~'''-^. ;.'.ti: ~ 'lit b ~ .,. -. -- .- :I:: '_'"_";""'__~"'M":. ~." " "~,,'~~.' ~;~.';,:;f;~.i~:J~~-;.;;f.(i{'c'~;f~~a ,. .:. ': . .. .C'" d1..~""'-",:~___-= ,J. ~ ..',:_....,f..,.... ___.n__ .,.:.__ __""""'.'f" -.' .. . . 'Ci .. "1 uL,G December 17, 1981 (continued) Moved by Commissioner Baker, seconded by Commissioner Edwards, WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners wishes to encumber funds from the 1981 budget to meet known obligations which will become due and payable after December 31, 1981 THEREFORF.: BE IT RESOLVED that the following funds be en- cumbered as enumerated below: Repairs Ferry Purchase order No. 1040281 for re- placement of damaged propeller. Essex Machine Works, Essex, CT. $ 2,065.40 Operation Ferry Printing of various fare tickets for ferry operation. Globe Ticket Co., Waltham, MA. 1,825.00 Operation Ferry Fuel oil received but not yet in- voiced. Spicer Fuel Co., Groton, CT. 1,206.28 I Operation Ferry Fuel oil received but not yet in- voiced. Mobil Oil Corporation. Total Encumbrances $13,995.77 8,899.09 Vote of the Board of Commissioners: Ayes: Commissioner du- Pont, Commissioner Doyen, Commissioner Baker, Commissioner Edwards. Nays: None. In other business, it was decided that the request of John Ski to cut down a number of trees on airport property on behalf ot George Lamborne would be denied. This item had been tabled at the meeting of December 3, 1981. I I ;; . I . . . .. Meeting adjourned at 2:00 p.m. . C~~;~,a.uF~ '~"::ary--- ~;)~t.,,- . I .