HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/03/1981 it~y-:,~,-;..: i"(":'~' .... ~. "')4' ~ . {, . ""&,,,-,,",,",,;~"-~"'~~;~~ ;.'-: " "-,' -"',,;c, ',- ',' -::;' ."~--'-;:" '::,~'_-;.,,'-;"':.- ' _ __:~ tOr . l: 'I --:.~ , I RECEIVED .IAN 1 J. 1982 lllWll ClerliSoutliold MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF 'l'HE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT December 3, 1981 A special meeting_I:l,:f~Board of Commissioners of the Fish- ers Island Ferry District was called by the Chairman at 1,00 p.m. in the office of the Ferry District. Present were Com- missioners duPont, Doyen, and Baker. Absent Commissioners Evans and Edwards. The outstanding obligations of the Ferry district were read by the Secretary for purposes of audit by the Commissioners. At the conclusion of the reading and discussion thereof, the following resolution was adopted by the Board of Commissioners. ~:. Moved by Commissioner Baker, seconded by Commissioner Doyen, WHEREAS the fJishers Island FetTY District has incurred outstanding obligations of $37, 804.67 as represented by vouchers 352 through 380 inclusive and capital project' voucher 2; and WHEREAs these obligations are due and payable. THEREFORE~,~T RE~O.LVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southo!yefll'~i'ti'ror1Ze payment of said obligations. -', Vote of the Board of Commissioners, Ayes, Commissioner du- Pont, Commissioner Baker, Commissioner Doyen. Nays: None. Absent, Commissioner Evans, Commissioner Edwards. Two other resolutions pertaining to Ferry District were also passed.. ," Y'" Moved by ;Qommissioner Doyen, seconded b;r COmmissioner Baker, WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners wishes 'to transfer funds within the 1981 budget. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the follow~ng transfers be made. FROM, NYS Retirement TO: Payrolls Bonded Indebtedness $1,143.63 1,000.00 146.63 - ;k 1 I Vote of the Board of Commissioners, Ayes. Co'mmissioner" du- Pont, Commissioner Doyen, Commissioner Baker. Nays. None. Absent: Commissioner Evans, Commissioner Edwards.' Moved by Commissioner Doyen, seconded by Commissioner Baker, " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , WHEREAS M/V's MUNNATAWKET and OLINDA must be drydocked for periodic inspection, necessary repairs, and refurbishing of each Vessel's Underwater body. - . - - ,"-,','",'>,,;.,....,-. , :4!r:., . .:)-71)fII~}..'h~:'-;:;:Ll~2~);:;inw:Z"'i'iLt':;;;',_,~~ ""'iIi'~:,>;~~. if . ,..;...,.:"<",.,, it;,';" . ~ l'" :.0 ,.., - - - :::::: " '~,:..:..:"_..,.-~r7"~ -............_._---~......._. .. .;.:.,:.' .~. (',-g" ;'c'.i""'''~'~ ,.....:........--'. ';.,,'-', .,'" --, ',>-;, ,. ..;.- ',L..." .. ",' .., ,,_, ~ .. _.. ;::) ~ 5 . . December 3, 1981 (cont.) THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners requests that the Town Board of the Town of Southold approve of this action and grant authority to the Board of Commission- ers to advertize for separate competitive bids to accomplish work on each vessel as per specifications. Vote of the Board of Commissioners. Ayes. Commissioner du- Pont, Commissioner Doyen. Commissioner Baker. Nays, None. Absent. Commissioner Evans, Commissioner Edwards. In other matters of business, the manager reported receipt of a letter from the office of the Judge Advocate General of the U. S. Navy requesting payment of $17.500.00 for dock repairs to the Navy facility at Silver Eel Pond which was struck and damaged by MUNNATAWKET on August 10. 1981. The matter has been referred to John Quirke at Adams and Porter for a deter- mination of the action to be taken. A request from Dr. Haase at Fishers Island School for group rates for organized school activities was considered. It was decided that groups of five or more would be given a special rate upon written notification to the Ferry District Office listing the activity and the names of the persons to be transported. A request from John Ski to cut down a number of trees on airport property on behalf of George Lamborne was tabled pending a physical survey of the area. A noon boat will be added to the schedule on Wednesday, December 23, 1981 only. I i II I Meeting adjourned at 2.15 p.m. ~ .d-:' I).' ....' ',- .... <, -11'..-/,,0.. -_.'--_.._~..:.....-.- ~--... .........~/ --.'.____ R. P. KNAUFF. se6~tary .. , ,ii I ii . . - . . - - ;;; i - ! .. , .. , '. - " . '.~'-:;;2S'!~'F~ 8 ,- :;::'-;~~L~'-"""::'"'C.;,:;'r,':::".T:~_"~~