HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/01/1982 "f' I'" ~ ~ - ....... :::::. r .... f t \; ~ . . 849'T= ; ""! ~,~ j.,- t,= i,~ ! ~INUTES OF THE MEETING OF' TH~ iJOA.RD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT September 1, 1982 A special, meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the l;"i~h- ers Island Ferry J:)istrict was called by the Chairman at J,:QO p.rn. in the office of the Ferry District. Present were Com_ missioners duPont, Doyen, Baker, Evans, and Doherty. The outsta,nding opligations of the Ferry District were read l:!y the Secretary; At the conclusion of the reading ,md disc;u~- sion thereof, the following resolution was duly ,,,dopted l:!y the ~oard of Commissioners: . ! I... I~ .n: . = ! Moved py Commissioner Evans, sec()nded by Commissioner Baker i-= i._ L,'~ \',S ,,'.. 1= I~ , 'tlHEREAS the Fishers Island Ferry District has incurred outsta,ndinq ol;>liga,tions of $103,176.00 as represented by vouchers 223 through 262 inclu~ive and Capital Projec;t vQUcherS J,5 and 16; and j"= ..,- j ~ ' , i= ~;- " WHEREAS these obligations are due and payable THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Soard of the Town of Southold author iz,e .payment of s",id obUgations. , " r~ ,I f/t;; ,:~ !~ 'I':: Vote of the Board of Commissioners: Ayes: Commissioner du- Pont, Commi ssionel;' Doyen, Commissioner Baker, Comry1i~sioner Evans, Commis,; loner Doher"ty. Nays: None. I I- n h~ In ,1 r"eldted matter of business, the following resol- ution wa~ pa~s~d. Moved by Commissioner duPont, seconded by Commissioner Doyen i- i; it I: ;VHEREAS the Board of Commi$sionors wishes to transfer funds within the 1982 budget From: Lengthening-OLINDA To: Capital Project $20,000.00 20,000.00 1"-'- rl Vote of the Board of Commissioners: Ayes: Commissioner du~ Pont, Commissioner Doyen, Commissioner Baker, Commissioner Evans, commiss iOller Doherty. Nays: None. .' .' r If I; II I; h The matter Of bicycle rates was discussed~ The manager presented a list of tariffs used by the Fairhaven to Marthas Vineyard Ferry which is roughly comparable in terms of time and distance to our operation. At the end of the disc;ussion a motion was made by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Com- mis~i()ner Doherty that biCYCle rates be raised to $~.OO one_ ,way. The motion was passed UQanimously by vote of the board cmd c;hange will be incorp'lli'ated into the next tariff . if , ~ "35~~"""~"" '~""':,"~' ~~."""'l!"":"""~.""'~ ". .aY'~""~'~'''"'i'''"'P''fU "'~~~;''';'_'' "~'W:/c':.',~,'-';1"iJ'..!'li",~"j'"' '.' , ,,~, ',. September 1, l~)~:.~' (-/'ont) The manager ::-eportf'G that MUNNATA'NKET \1015 experiencing a: p,tiqJ:>- lem wit!"! leaking seals in the bow thruster unit whi.chw~lJ" .t'~- quire the vessel be drydocked, and that the contra,c.t opera~r had reconWlended thdt 'lrydocking take place in mid to lat~ Oc- tober. It was also n'ported that a manvfacturer's represeJ.ll;" tatJ.ve for the bow thruster unit had informed Ot.l, Ch'ief En_ gineer, E. II. :,-li lcox, that the bow thruster ll,nt\:: :;hould not make the 9rinding noi"es it makes, in normal operdtion. The fo:!,l'OWing resol ut ion '"as passed: MOVed by Cornmissicmer Doherty, seconded by Commissiouer Doy~ ",\ ,- I"}\lI,tI"E,',, REAS M/," M,iTJNNl\Tl\'NKET rnust be drYdocked, for insp~l1fii;)i.on, necessary repairs, and refurbishing of underwater body; and per~odic ' the . V e.Sl7'e L!f!i WHEREAS the vessel'" bow thruster unit is in need of.'~9rk which can only be aCCf'mplished when the vessel is on, drydb~. T!,j,iRil"ORE BE IT RESOLVED that the BO>3rd 'of Com['1ission~.$ , "_,I.'," , ' ',' ,,/ requ~.$ll;'I>that the Town Board of the Town of Southold, approve of this'action and grant authority to the Board of Comm.iss:i..on... E!rs to advertize for competitive bids to accomplish, wOIi"l5,'on the vesseL, as per specifications. Vote of the Board of Commissioners: Ayes: Commissioner du- Pont, Commi~:.sioner. Doyen, Commiss ioner Baker, Commissloner Evans, Commissioner Doherty. Nays: None. ~ '~ Meeting adjourned at 2:20 p.m. rI: i 1 !{; .')1 <.-.~ R P. KNAUFF .7 cretary ~.,"l ~~( , "'I I Ii "'1 t "" ,; iL' "1 .1 . ..'\ :~ h; ;f' i~ .\ f'- !~ i7 !,~' ~~ f ~ t ~ ~, ~ !- i' ~- l': t 11 t 1, ~ .... , i;~ ~ , " ,I I ~-,; !l it 1