HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/20/1982 '5'"':;C"''S''''':''CZC,c..,''", ;Y';r"-",,...,',,".;""'c,.,..,.,;;~ i"I .... . . , 3 47'T. i . '. !! ~!! MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT August 20, 1982 '~ .!!! ;Ii :: , - "If' (" ~ .,.."'" - ........,.. - ::r: In accor,lanc:e 'with Section 10 of a Special Act of the New York state LegJ"slature (Laws of N.Y., 1947, Chaptel" 699, as amended) creating the Fishers Island Ferry District, a P4b- lie hearing on estimated revenues and expenditures fOr the fiscal periOd January 1, 1983 through December 31, 1983 was held at 7:00 p.m., August 20,1982 at the Fishers Island School, Fishers Island, New York. Present at the hearing were Commissioners Doyen, Baker, Evans, and Doherty. Abs- ent Commissioner' duPont. Other persons in attendance were the FerrY District Manager, R. P. Knauff and 14 members of the gener.al publir:. i '. Oil .. j ~ ,'. ,- n; H~ l~ 1'- ..~ };,- \:'-\': ,( li.... r ~ I The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by the acting (pro tem) Chilirman, Commillsi'anet l'.:vans. Mr. Evansg<lve an ~itial exp:).anation of the purpose of the meeting -that the p,t'oposedpudget for the fiscal year 1983 W<:iS to 1::>e m;adep4b- lie at this time; that only items relating to the budget WE;lre to bedisc\);>sed from the floor during the formal proGee(iing:;; that final decision for acceptance of the budget rests with the Board of ~ommiS5ioners; that upon conclusion of the for_ m",l proceedw\is the meeting would be opened for general dis- cussion of itc~m5 relating to the operation of the Ferry Dis_ trict. ;c~ },'~ :,:~ ,~ ~ 1;; l...~ ll\l ::~:' - , At the conclusion of the formal proceedings, the meeting wa9 open~d to g0neral discussion. The disCl:ssion centered ~ainly around increa!,es in traffic and the reasons thereforE'. There was no definite conclusion drawn other than Commissioner Doyem pointing out that he felt that a great deal of the tncrease was at~ributable 1:0 second and third generation!; coming Joac1< to the is1an1 for vacations or to summer with families. There was alSO a discussion of bicycles and the proposed chan')e ~n r~tes ($1.50 to $5.00 one-way.) t:J~ , r /.'~ .' ~ ,O! ; '~, i;~ \:11 1,7' I I i,:~ 1,' t...,; ,\.." n~ p' Jt Ii, '~H H !,.,.: I, 1'; The operating budget for the fiscal period as specified in paragraph 1 above was read line by line, including break(iownll of certain categories, by the Manager. Time was allowed for questions and discussion from the floor on all items presented theHdn. Most Of the discusslol1 in the formal por- tl,on of the proceedings centered <J.t'o\md il new vessel. It was e:>cpl2\ined that our present capacity i:; striiin8cl I,d,tn, onlY OLINDA to backup ~mt:NAT1\;'IKE'I'. It was further pointed out that OLINDA would not be d satisfactory substit\Jte for MUNNA- TAWKET during the summer months should an emergency situation arille taki.l1'J the lat.ter out of service. In the summer months there are virtually no acc~ptable vessels available ~?1'" th~~- . ter should an emergencyar1$e. ' '''>'';, :,,~'; c, V h',<, l,~ lit t, ~;..~, i I c-"; Ai, tel'" there w, as no fur. the,r diScu:;'i:~'. Commissioner Evans sta",. ted that he would entertain a motflQn"l;hat the budget be accept- \ Eld. ~~48,n.., .,.~ ..-.~..'""'~.~'!'\,:~) c:~.~. .->.',.,. ...~. . '-'-:, ! , . .-. l\':nvcn by CO~Ti:<':: 'i.')n,_'i Doyen and Seconded by CO'l1...,i:~s1.oncr Raker THAT the OpcTottn'j ",.,rjget for th!,! period ,January 1, 1983 through Dt":r:e'rh(-!t" ~ f, 1981 be accepted a:; r.ea.ct.. Vote of tho "lo,u"d of Commissioners: Ayo";: Co",,^issioner EVdns, Commissioner, Qoyen, Commissioner Bak!'!r, Commis:;ioner DOherty~ Nays: None I Moved by Commissioner Baker, seconded by Commissioner DOherty THAT Reynol;L1 duPont, Jr, be re,,1ected as Chairman of the Board of C"'T"11iss,1oners fOr a term Of <me year. Vote of the '30a,J of Commissioners: Ayes: Commissioner Evans, Commissi"ner Doyen, Commi!;sioner Baker, Commissioner DohE;'!rty. Nays: None, J' Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p,m. ~~ ;'t. ~' . ~ ,.,,~~ !=l>cz-;"c<~~~' ,.' _ R. P. KNAUFF, Sec ,; etary -_.=-~- .' l' ~ ; , ~; : , :~ 1 ,. '" J- ,~' ".~ , 'I'~ . :':,~ ,'. - '. 1.,,< , .., t:\.!( ;....'O^.....i,"-,.... ~ , ~ ~ f .~. l;~ ,