HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/18/1982 ",,~'" ',e' ."'" , J ~~ti . . F;.nutes of the Meeting of th e 'l'lard of COmmissioners of the Pis~wrs Island ferry Oistd.ct August 18, 1982 A special m~eting of the Board of Commissioners of the Fish~ ers Island ferry District was called by the Chairman at 1:00 p.m. in the office of the Ferry District. Present were COm~ missioners duPont, Doyen, Baker, Evans, and Doherty. The pU~~ pose of the meeting was to review the proposed budget for the fiscal year January 1, 1983 through December 31, 1983. The estimated revenues and disbursements for the period were r$~d bY the manager, The estimated revenues for the period are . p,140,OOO.00 and the estimated disbursements are $1,264,292.50 thus requiring a tax levy of $124,292.50 as contrasted to the fiscal 1982 levy of $155,000.00. At the conclusion, a lengthy discussion was held concerning the pros and cons of building a. new boat to replace OLINDA. . There is considerable apprehension about increasing capacity abQve what is currently existing dUe to the possible influx of new people into the island when services are alreadYs~rain- ed, i.e., electric utilities and remaining telephone circuits. It was pointed out that the Ferry District is alreadY stiained with its existing vessels and needs increased capacity to meet current capacity demands. At the,end of the discussion it was decided to leave the line item "NEW VESSEL" with a $600,000.00 cost figure in tho budget and to proceed with plans to cOnstr\.lct a new ferryAith increa$ed cargo capacity. Such a vesselwoUlc! ll;!ssen the number of charter runs required and would provd,de a more acceptable backup vessel for MUNNATAWKET. Other matters discussed were those of a special one~WaY charge, round trip rate from Fishers Island only. There ',Iere many pr(j$ and cOns brought up and the matter WaS tabled pending further . studY with respect to possible days, limits on USe ,tYPe qf' ticket to be issued, and security to prevent misuse. ' !3.icyc1, era. tes were discussed., It is the oPin. ion 0." f ,bhe bO,. ard tha'l:: the bicy<::le rate should be raised to $5.00 one~way frOm itl! Cl,lrrent $1.50. Immediate action will pend other' changel! in the tariff, specifically that of charter rates. Meeting adjourned at 1445. tr?~:=<~:~~~-~.- , ,,,'f;,,,~ I' ~~) h , i I , ., I ('- 1'= ~ ; "'l I . , , j , '- Ii i' I I r t,- I r 1 .:\ t '~ r ,.C',- ,it- ,'1i.,., ~- :":<'J'-"':': ", ,',..'- '- :,