HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/29/1982 .. 1'0 ~ '... .- - - :::: r- i f r ! ..--, . . ~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF CO~MISSIONERS OF THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT July 29, 1982 A special meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Fi~h~ ers J;slano Ferry District WiilS called by the Chairman at 1:00 p.m. in the office of the Ferry District. Present were Com- missioners oupont, Doyen, and Baker. Absent Commissioner Evans. The oub:; tanding obI igations of the Ferry Distr iet were read by the Secretary. At the conclusion of the reaoing and disc~ssion thereof, the following resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners: Moved by commissioner duPont, seconded by Commissioner Doyen WHEREAS the Fishers Island Ferry District has incurred outstanding opligations of $86,574.11 as represented by VOllchers 199 through 220 inclusive and Capital Project voucher 14; and WHEREAS these obligations are o~e and payable THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of southold authorize payment of said obligations. Vote Of the BQard of Commissioners: Ayes: CQmmissiQner du- Pont, Commissioner Doyen, Commissioner Baker. Nays: None. In Qther matters Qf business, the fQllowing resolutions were passed. .... Moved by CQmmissioner duPont, seconded by Commissioner Baker WHEREAS the Board of CQmmissiQners wishes to transfer funds within the 198:' budget THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the follQwing trnasfers be made: From: ,Lengthening~OLINDA To: Capital PrQj ect $;;0,000.00 $50,000.00 Vote of the BQard of CQmmissioners: Ayes: CQmmissioner du- Pont, ~ommissiQner Doyen, Commissioner Baker. Nays: None. Moved By CQmn'issioner Baker, secQnded by CQmmissiQner duPont WHEREAS the annual election for a CommissiQner Qf the Fishel;'s IsLand Ferry District will be held on AUgust 10, 1982; and WHER~AS Inspectors of Election are required to count p,llots and certifY the name of the person elected as Com~ missioner. ,',' -_L'I';~_:l,'<-D_{--,~--;---_.. _~_,;.~~~_~_-_; _' ---':--~~,_.~:_:~~~::': -_.-~:-;~"iL;',::U"J~~:~' r;.':{:~ ~:~~:t:e.~J!~~~;i~ ~ 4.''t){ .) .:)1 , i I I i I, .'-'- '. ~ l~ I": !'~ '~! :" 1 d L .j,:~ 111'. .-'"i , ~ I: !;~: ;"~' l<i ii d (~~, ~ :-:'~ r.~ L:h I~ ';'i I: f " ,'~~ ~>{ }'.5 -!,c; .~:~; ~:'<i " f'j \ ~ .~ ~ ~ ,~ Ii ~ , . I .. i ..../t..__. ~ .'"-...JL ......~ . .' "'l'~" <<1;,..",:~.~...,-,~..'.'J " ,,~~.... ....~ July 79, 1987 - con'" . "1 . , l.,' THERE:FORE 'IE IT RE:SOLVED that the following persons are hereby i.lppointed as Inspectors Of Election: Edwin H. Hornill9, Chairman; [)orothy B. Edwards, Teller; Katnerine 'iI. Horning, Teller. Vote of the Board of Commissioners: Ayes: Commissioner du~ Pont, Commissioner Doyen, Commissioner Baker. Nays: None. ! , j I' Moved by Commissioner Doyen, Seconded by Commissioner dupont I I , ,WHEREAS a survey of conditions existing at the southeast limit of the Fishers Island Capital Project has r-evealedthat the decking and deck stringers leading to and supporting the existing ramp fairlead tower are in a deteriorated condition. Additionally, the fairlead towers which support the ramp hoist sYstem are deteriorated due to wastage of the steel; and , :1= j',! , ,= WHERE:AS the,Baord of Commissioners is of the opinion th~t due to the present unsafe condition of the ramp support system and the existing section of dOck at the southeast limit. of the Capital Project, the deteriorated section of dock and theex~ isting ramp along with its fairdead towers should be removed and the area so vacated rebuilt and decked over in accordance with specifications identical to those for the capital pro- ject dock ilrea. ,,'- t'- " , . " , ;~ ., I Ii THEREFORE BE: IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners advertise for bids for accomplishing the above described work at In estimated cost of $15,000.00 to S18,000.00. AND BE XT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of SouthoJ(] approve of the action of the Board df Com~ missioners and authorize it to advertize for bids to accomp- lish said work. . . , i ,:~ 11i '.j it , 1;- L. !:-~ ~'! j Vote of the Board of Commissioners: Ayes: Commissioner du~ Pont, Cqm~issioner Doy~n, Co~~is?ioner Baker. Nays: NOne. r"~ 1'= ;! , M~~ting adjourned at ?:05 p.m. (:: ~ o":~. '''---. _._~:.~~~_.",,~--~~,,~ - ,.- R. P. KNAUFF, se~y :)'~ f':!! ~;ii I~ 'iO:~-;; . t:.'_" r E\;; t 'i~ ., :~ I ):~ .If't,! --~'-;" ',& " ';:"; ',;; .'i' -~---- ~ ';", '2~ > ,; ..~ :", e, II ,