HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/01/1982 .. I'" ~ !"1IIt! .... - - :c: r r- r , ~; '" . . - fV:INUTES OF THE tv:EETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FISHERS ISLANq FERRY DISTRICT July l, 1982 A special meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Fish~ ers Island Ferry District was called by the Chairman at 1:00 p.m. in the office of the Ferry District. Present were Com- missioners dUPont, Doyen, Baker, and Evans. The outstanding obligations of the Ferry District were read by the Secretary. At the conclusion of the reading and discussion thereOf, the fqllowing resolution WaS duly adopted by the Board qf Commis~ sioners: Moved by Commissioner Doyen, seconded by Commissioner Baker WHj;;Rj;;AS the Fishers Island Ferry District has incurred outstanding obligations of $159,400.03 as represented by vouchers l69 through 197 inclusive and Capital Project vquChers 11, 12 and 13; and . Vote of the Board of Commissioners: Ayes: Commissioner du- Pqnt, <:commissioner Doyen, Commissioner Baker, Commissioner Evans. Nays: None. In a related matter of business, the following resolution WilS Passed. I'unds transferred to Capital proj ect i'lre in part reimburseable from the state. Those transferred to NYS Re- t.irement are to cover arrears due to Mrs. lone NortOn being placed in Tier 1 in the retirement system retroactive to 1976. Moved by COO1missioner Bal<.er, seconded by Commissioner j;;vans WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners wishes to transfer funds within th(~ 1982 budget THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following transfers be made: From; To: From: To: ~engthening-OLINDA Cap Hal Project Operation Ferry NYS Retirement $120,000.00. 120,000.00 4,544.00 4,544.00 Vote of the Board of Commissioners: Ayes: Commissioner du- Pont, CQmmissioner Doyen, Commissioner Bal<.er, Commissioner Evans ,. N(iYs: None. , ,0" S 4;D~~ .. ~ , ' I- I , i:- ~~ ,d it ~ ..- I - ~ ,~ '': ~ ;L I[ '1..'= , L ~, '1 r.; h- I'" ~ "1:: \,.::: , Ii 1:'= I'il r(= '! :i , ,- t 'i!- rt~ ~,~".--. .~ -~,~""f'::J,,,\"'f...t., "-"''1~~~~ ~- . . . In other.- matter:; of bus inElss, the Commiss ioners directed the manager to notify Mr.Cl;1lilrles B deFord, 1301 ejilpin Ave., Wilmington, DE that he is authorized to have repairs made to his automobile in accordance with the low estimate of $119.00. Chairman duPont introduced a petition he rec~ived re- questing a special round trip, same day fare orig1natin9 on Fishers lsland only. The cost proposed would be that of a one way trip. General discussion of the pros and cons en.. sued and the matter was tabled temporarily until a full in- vestigation of the le>gality of such a rate could be made and the matter discussed in an open meeting. The matter of damage to a 1969 corvette owned by CarolYn Ebersole was discussed. It was felt that a second estimate should be obtained before authorizing repairs resulting frOm damage incur.red aboard the MUNNATAWKET. Meeting adjourned at 2:25 p.m. m>-_cc~~--, ,~' , R. P. KN;tJ;;:-S''Utary ,~ , <~-:'" i I' } t i 1 I i , I ;\ '.. I \ ! ~: l - t 1 I ~ l t; t I t 1 l' I ! ;','" '~ (,'c"", .... , '';:t,. ..",c -'I , I :i I :. I I .