HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/04/1982 ~7"-"~-:r'- ~- _.-,.... . . "~i I. ii 1= 1= I';:; f;;; Ii \,i ,I II ,I 1= I: . - l'~ fi I.. . ~. 1'1 1,. Hi II "i1 i~ l~ 1~ 1 (. i;~ "'i~ , 1/ :~ lr l',~ !~ i;~ 1,- l~ ~ .... I'" ~ ... - - ..... ::r: MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . OF: THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT March 4, 1982 A Ilpecial meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Fish~ ers Is~and Ferry District was called by the Chairman at 1:00 p.m. in the office of the Ferry District. Present were Com~ missioners duPont, Doyen and Baker. Absent Commissioner Ev~ ans. The outstanding obligations of the Ferry District were read bY the Secretary. At the conclusion of the reading and discussion thereof, the following resolution was adopted bY th.e Board of Commissioners: Moved by Commissioner Baker, seconded by Commissioner Doyen, WHEREAS the Fishers Island Ferry District has incurred outstanding obligations of $26,367.19 as represented bY vouchers 50 through 76 inclusiv,e; and WHEREAS these obligation$ are due and Payable THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold authorize payment of said obligations. r Vote of the Board of Commissioners: Ayes: Commissioner du- POnt, Commissioner Doyen, Commissioner Baker. Nays: None. Meeting adjourned at 1:25 p.m. /~/'~'._.",.O'-7 /2 R. P. KNAUFF, secreta~ March 8, 1982 A special meeting was held at 10:00 p.m. in the office of the Ferry District to audit ,and approve for payment an in- Voice for insurance premiums received from John M Riehle & Co~ Accord'-ngly, the foll,owing resolution was passed: MOVed by Commissioner Doyen, seconded by Commissioner Baker WHEREAS, under date of March 4, 1982, the Board of COm- missioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District audited and forwarded to the Town Board of the Town of South old for audit and approval of payment vouchers 50 through 76 inclusive in the amount of $26,367.19; and ,;= 1~ L~ 1; \'.. 1.'", ";:,,. .....;,;_;,'.i:_.~;,d..:J-+..;;..{~..;..;\;.i:;_..".._...,.",.,';:;:j;. ",:'.-.:.. ~jt- ,1 !;; :,j I' t;" -r " ~~ . ~-- " .~. ~ If r ~ l WHEREAS additional b'-lling for insurance Wh'-ch must be paid before March 15, 1982 has been received. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the resolution of March 4, 1982, pari;lgraph 1, be amended to read as follows: "00.ob119"'- tions of $38,867.19 a$ represented by vouchers 50 through 77 . 1nclu$1ve; and" , ~~2- 4 ,.. -. "._,~"i'lf_~.on,~J,'~~~' . . Mar90 8, 1982 - (cont.> Vote of the Board of Commissioners: Ayes: Commissioner du- Pont, Commissioner Doyen, Commissioner Ba~er. Nays: None. - Absent: Commissioner Evans. Meeting adjourned at 10:05 a.m. <t~7)"'.~ ~ -':"7 ~ R. P. KNAurl". s;;~t,u:;y -----... I f-I :1 I) II-~ ,t L:;; <i II ~ ;? , ,.1 li " " ';:~ ~; d ~