HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/29/1982 '. . ". ...., -"-. OB ," '<.i .- t". V' ......'; I ..... .... ~ - ....... :::: MINUTES OF ~HE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT December 29, 1982 A 'Peelal meeting of the Board of Commi,sloners of the.f~'~~' ers :tllland Ferry District l!Ias caned by the Chalrma,n a1.il:~O p.m. 1nthe office ,of the Ferry District. . Present wereC~ m1ssioners duPont, Doyen, Baker, and Doherty. Absent Co~~~ doner. Evans. The outstanding obligations of the F.erry' Dis- trict were read by the Secretary. At the conclusion of the reading and disc:usl!ion thereOf,the following resol\.ltic)~s were duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners: ., .. .' Moved 1;ly Commissioner Doherty, seconded by COmmissioner Balcer, WHEREAS the Fishers :tsland Ferry District has inCUrred OutlltClndlng obligations of $26,125.85, $lO,014.Ei30f wh1dh is encuml;lered from the 1982 budget, as represented by vouch- ers l,through 18 inclusive; and ,'~ .~ r , WHEREAS these obligations are due and payable ~HEREtORE BE IT RESOLVl:O'that the TOWn Board of the ~OWnof ~outhOld authorize p~yment of ~aid obligations. MOVed by Commissioner duPont, seCOnded by Commissioner Doyen; . WijEREAStne Board of Commissioners wishes to amend tne commodity Rate structure effective March 6, 1980 for the 'Fishers Island Ferry DilItrict by changing item PO, bicYclell, each f~Om $1.50 to $5.00;and WHEREAS such rate changes must be submitted f,C)r approV!!! to the Interstate Commerce Commisslon THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 80ard of Commissioners r.quests approva:!. of said rate changE!landits submission to the Interstate Commerce Commission. Vote of the Board of Commissioners: Ayes: Commissioner du- Pont, Commissioner Doyen,Commissioner Ba~er, Commissioner Doherty.' Nays: None. Absent: Commissioner Evanll. ~eeting adjourned at 1:40 p.m. " ~~'" ~~"P. Ki~~:;:~~~,,"---' I"""" l',' t::'. ~ !'" J , , , I,' I , , I , ! , I I I ;. f' ,'" .~'" " ! ~ i I ;- I' , ~ f 1 ~ ~ " j': ,{! ,~. T . ::~