HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/16/1982 ~"- ~f ~ .. """'c,,,'~~""""'- ~.." ... ,.' "~"-' ~~':'~";'\""""-~ "\ "8..'............... , :-,-"".>-" ".. '-'oJ , ,.,..-<,.~............'..?~.. ~'{.ES Of THE MEETING OF' THE: :n\",!) 01;' COMMISSIONEHS OF' THE FI.SPE :.~ ISLf\ND l"ERRY DISTHICT ~0(~ernber l~, ]QR? . A sp~cial ~0~t~nj of ~,~e .3oard ofCnmmissioners 0f the f!sh~ ers l:?~Qnd ?err)' :)i:;tr:i::t wa.s called by the Chair-,an at ~:OO p.l1'. in the office or the J"'1rry District. Pre.sent \'I<i:lreCqm..; missione::-s dvl"ont, Doyen, DQhe::-ty, and Baker. AbGent Commis~ (;ioner E;vans. The oub;tanding oq:ligations Of the Ferty Pis~ trict were read bY the Secretary. At the conclusion of. the reading :md discuss:bn thereof, the following res<1lutii;>ns' . W.2re dvly adopted by the Hoard of Commissioners: I I 1'- n 'i" l~ it- ;:\ 1<10ved by C;ommi,.;s i')ner Baker, Seconded byCornmiss ioner Ooherty, ~ WHEREAS th<i:l fishers l$land Ferry District hd3 incurred outstancHng obUgati..ons of $11 ,0156. 80 as reprE?sented Py v~uehers ~8Q thr0~gh ~99 inclusive; and 'dHe;fU:,\S these:>bl i (jations are due and payablE; T!lEHEFORE BE :rr RE.sOL'JED that the Town B0ard oft11c Town 0f S')ut:rs.l-j auth"rize paY111ent of said obl igat;ion",. " MOVed py C:QrTi111i",s ioner Doyen, seconded by C0111~iiss ioner Ba)qer, ViHEREAS the [)o<Jrd of C"mmissioners wish"",> to encumbl;lr funds from the ~98" budget to meet known oblig..tions whicll Will peeo",e due 010(1, payab~e "fter December 31, 198 ') ~., :'f;,-, :,).J ::,'t! THj;;Rf::P0"E BE: JT RF;;,':)OLVBD t:hat thli' fOllo\<:io\j f1>nctc'Pe encumberec;l a~; en'.Jm~rated below: R~p;:Jirs F{~,rry Purchase order No. 0440282 for re~ place~ent ~f damaged propeller. SS;3ex 1<1i)chine :~orks, Essex, CT. $ 2,192.110 Operat ion F',-,rry Fuel oil received ~ut riot vet in- voiced. Vobil Oil Corporation Operi:;1 Lion Ferry Pqinl. c~ceived but 11'Ot yet irt- v"iced. rnternational Paint Co. Opel'iltion Ferry Magnetron T\.be rr~pl aeernen t and tuning up of OLlNDAr"oar. Electconautical Bqulpment Co. Total Eneumpranees $1:;,46?(,;.~, vote of the Board of Commissioners: Ayes: Comrnis$lQner d\1':' . li'qnt, commisp loner Doyen, Commiss ioner Sal<:er, commlsS:tonep P~erty. Nays I None. '};ooo.oo " (."13.1,;\ 627.1~ , 1. ,j {\'., '.:j;l ',<' ," "",.-." , M.eting adjoupned at 1:35 ~ :~ i~ , '" ,~