HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/02/1982 ,';"",_'..C'-'7f:~,,>.. .... *'" c.c ~. ~ ... :c r , ii' '.~,',""r..,",,,,,,~,_,-r~,;;1~,""i':v-i;"-- 'L"'i~'" - "'h~'-..:'"c~;,~:.,,!::;"l;\".'A'."'l:fM~1i"', ..........1:.7"'y,,:"~F~ ..; Uf! i ..~ . HI'i'!TES Of THE MEE'rING OF THE IYl\!{L) OF COMMISSIONER$ OF THE F'!~l!.e:,';:; rSLI\ND PERRY DIS'i'HTCT Jec(;:mber 2, 191:37 A special meetipg of U,e B();l.r;O of COI~missioners of th,,! F:\.sn- ~t'$ 1s1"no r~rr:'Y O;bltdct. vias called. by the chairmii,n at',I,::1.5 p.m. in the office of the, F'errYI)istrict. ~res"nt weh6 COlT\~ missioners dul?ont, Doyen, B"ker, fJnd Doherty. Absent GQmmis"" sioner EIT:lTIs. The outstanding o.oligotio05 of the Perry Dis- trict 'Nere re<.1Q by the Secretary. At thG':'",::lusiqn of the' reading ClOd discu;.;:.; ion t:,ereof, the fo1.1 ow in+ rq;>ohltions were duly ad0pted by the l-loq,rd of CO~lfdssioners: M'wed by Corm~issioner duP?nt, :>econded .oy Com'dsslqner Doyen,. wrq:;rn:AS tM F bhen; Is1 !lnd. Ferry Pis tt" :lei:: ha:; inc\,Irrec! outs1::ilndin'J bbl1'Jiltions Qf $?O,965.R:' a:. represented Py voychers 3il(, throu']h 37R inclusive; and 'i.1HErnE/'~;; these obI ~tJJations are due and payable T'iE'C,SF0i'.8 ,')[:; IT ',8S0LVE:) that I:;n~~ Town Board of the Town nf Liouthold authorize payment of siad ob1ig"tion5. Vote of the Fl0arc1 of Commissioners: Ayes: qomrr,issioneli' d.u- P?nt, Cornmis'5 i.oner Doyen, Commissioner i3iiker, Cqrnm:tssionf.'lr Doherty. "lilY": None. Absent: Commissioner Evans. Moved by Commbi" inner Bi'lker, Seconded by Commiss ione::' Doherty, 'dHEI<E/\S the 5oa:::-d of Commissioners wi.shes to transfer f1,.jnds with :i,n the 1')3:" (.Judget THP.;REFO;{E i}E IT RESOJi,V8D thy.t the following tr;q,nsfel;l> PI!! mad'~: FrCH~r; Thedt'er tl,500~OO To: Pi.-:"yrol1~} 1. ,ooe.oo IlosPltallzation ?OQ. 00 S?cia1 Security 300.00 \l'ote'or the bOiH'd of c;ommi:;;sioners: Ay~$: Cqm!n:issiQne1;\'~"'., P:on't, COrnTTll.Ss'i.QO~t:- DOYE:'n, CammiGs:i-oner Ba.k~~r, CQmm.j;ssi6n~'r Ooher~Y. NaYS: N~ne. Absent: Commissioner Evans. jV[Oilet.tn<';J adj O!.lJ:'ned iJ.t 1: ,10 p. m. l~""~~' .,^ .... ~',"^"~7""~"" R.' I? KNAUfF', ~(:et~t"y' y~..^, :$~,; t " ~i~