HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/02/1982 (2) =~C~^ ,~,'" ,-,,=-w ,:Ofi """,". . . t'lY,';~~, ,l~~'i\"}V>~.YWf'\'-':';; '0'.: " ;s' " ",',. . .',' ,,- . , 'V~ '~ . MI~!1JTES OF TBE MEETING OF THE 'lCA,W OF COMMISS ION}~RS OF TBE FISHE"S ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT ~ovember 2, 1982 A special meeting of Lhe Board of Commissioners of the Fish- ers Island Ferry District was called by the Chairman at 11;15 a.m. in the office of the Ferry District. Present were COm- rnissioners dtjpont, Doyen, Baker," Evans, and Doherty. The 0utstanding Qoligatiolls of the Ferry District were read PY the Secret~J.t:'Y. At: the conclusion of the !"f~~uing an(j discus~ sinn the,t'eof, 'the following resolutions were duiy adopted by the Board of Commissioners; Moved by Commissioner dupont, seconded by CommissionelC E;vans, 'l'iBEHEAS the Fishers Island Ferry District hasincu'rred outstanding obligations of $38,273.33 as re~resented 4y vouchers '307 through 343 inclusive; and )IHE;REA5 these obI igations 'an~ due and paY<;iPLe THEREFORE BE IT RESoLVED that the Town 00ard of the TOwn of Southnld a,1,lthQriz.e payment of saio obliggtion~. Vote of t",e [30"rd of Cornrnls:;ioners: Ayes: Cornmi~,5ioner du- Pont, Comrriss ioner Doyen, Cnrnmissioner Saker 1 COf"1missioner Eyan.s., CO;TlIr:issioner Doh~~rty. Nays: None. Moved by CQfnrni~9ioner f.~aker, ~econded by Comrniss.i.onec D:oy~n, , IIPEREAS the Soard of commissioners wishes to transfer funds with in the 19f1,') b1,ldget THEHEFORE '3E IT made: r'rorr: To: RESOLVED that the following transfer be At:torney F'ees Bonded Indebtedness $/2.,19 77'.49 vote of the 30ard nf Commissioners: Ayes: Commissi9ner du~ pqnt, COW'" iss i.oner Do;ren, COll'missioner Baker, CommissIoner Evans, COcw'issionct' Doherty. N;lYs; None. Meeting 'ldjourned dt 11 :11', a.m. ~""""'.".""".'" ",-"".,."",,~ R. P. KNA~~;~':-S~~Y . 'I" /("f= I , I I' t ~ t~- y :1- .. i' ::.' 1; !:- !~ I; . i!= .. );,-- 1.:- Ii ...,., ,; , ~t " ;, L_ :'- .. i;= n'= !?~ Iii! F" 1,.t= u- i": j'-' ~ V r~ f~ fj i1. ~;i iJ I.. \'" "i';.E 1l~ ~ ~ i ",1.