HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/02/1982 ::.c:;:i~.r:.I~\~il>\~"';';' ,.I, l . )~. "i. . ~lINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ?0ARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FISllS:1S ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT November ?, 1982 A special meeting of the Board of Commissioners was called by the Chairman at 9:10 a.m. this date for the purpose Of discuss:l.nr; plans for construction of a new fe,I:'I:'Y. Present w€'l:'e Commissionen; du,'ont, Doyen, Baker, Evans, "nd Doherty. AlSo present were Capt. Mark Easter, the District's contract operator, and Mr. John Bogert, Fishers Island Civic Assoc:- iation. ' At the beginning of the meeting Mr. Bogert requested to address the bOilrd briefly conc$rning <In unrelated matter. He informed the board that at the Civic ,'\ssoc:l.ation meet- ing of October. 11, 198? the matter of round tr:l.p reserva~:l.ons from Fishars Isl"n<1 for those persons who wished to go t9 town for- shQPpinq or other business was bl:'ought up and it was voted to r-equec;t thilt such a sy:;;tem be instituted f):'Qm the isLmd only. After br-ief discussion ~1r. Boger-t depart... ed the meeting. , ~: , r The remainder- of the meeting was devoted to a discussion of a prof He dJ;'dwing of a vessel which had been prepared by Capt. Easter. U5in'] the bask hull design for l'mNNATA'o'/KE'r it has been ;JroposecJ to modify the upper deCk arran<;Jarnen:t to allow for i'lPproximC\tely 60 feet of open decK: spa,ce at the after end of the vessel. The passenger cabin ~sto be shorten0d in length and widened out ,to the sidesar tl1e vessel with outside ;;eating on q third deck above the P<lss", engeJ;' cabin. The pilot house will be raised to allow for v:l.sibility aft tQ the> stern. ' Several maj or questions came up which will be addressed tq Blount Marine ~orpordtion. The first was that of access to the en'Jine room. The pre,;ent design \-JOuld have a trunk i-n the center of the deck to provide access to the engine room. '{'his h0\4even,ould require uneven loading of the vosse,l when One large truck :l.s c,"rried. It was deci,led to investi<]ate the pOGsipil:l.ty of having ,an access to the ongine room bY means of acceSS thro'Jgh a void space forward of the engine room :l.t.self. The majol:' consideration here is the effect on the gross tonnage calculations of the vessel. 'l;'he pqssenger' louncle arrdngement was also diScussed as:!.!:;' was felt that doors should not be placed at the fot-wiirdend of the cabin as th.y would be adversely affected by strong w.inds and could be a potential souJ;'ce of injury to passehg... ers. The proble~ here is the number and locations of means of egress from the compartment. Considerable discussion wa$ devoted tq this matter and that of the engine rOom hatch mentioned above. , It WilS deci(jed t:hat. the drawing pl:'epar'ed oy Capt. Bilsler woulq to give 1310unt Marine <l basic idea. of what 1.s <:.ieliif.ed "'1,~ l- I ~= . 1 i' , ~ ' ,- If 1'- r- :"'> , I - :\- IL,', ':"1 _ , ":'J '...c:c_. .:<...1 ; , , . \~,~. - r .; .i, !, t ~""_i ~ ': ~~; ,i, ' - J:1 ..-;: i- " -;;,L r \ ~.: ~ t' N f' {'L -~. ,- :-= '. ,;;- " f il '.... ~ ! ., ;\ f -. ~7' 'i-" ,:,.'}_~,,:,,;i;-::'T~ '~5~f ~ - i . ,~ "'"'""', . , .~;- Novernbep ", 1')')" .. cont. .' internls of a basic h~111 dr.~.:r.'dngement and for pu.rposes of illu$~ tration with ~e3pqct to the que~tions to boresolved. Another; :-catter which "Iill have to be resolved is that of fOr'@, and aft wQight oistribution. As more weight wil+ b~ moved forward in this new design, it is felt that the vesse+ wi+l h,lOve a tendency to ride Jown by the bow. One proposec;l sol.. ution is to locate the main engine further aft~ .- I'" u:: ~ ....... ... == The final ite',' to be discussed was the ar;rangement of thepiJot; hoUse. lIs th::; vessel will haye visibility fro.m the pi+ot hO\Jse to the stet'n, it '.'hiCl decided that outside controls such i;3,S those on i~UNNATA'!IKET wouid not be necessary. i= ~:;;;;;; 1= I I: !;~ ~.~ ~~ ~ ." --"."'-"'" ,..,-.''"'-.. .'..--,...,:,.---__ /7 ! -'. --~-=----';-::--~ ... 'R. P. KNAUFf, secrl~rY <- L !t- it- l~ n: 1'- 1~~ It I~ tii r: F- f- h-_ l'~ 1= C Meeting was adjourned at 11':05 a.m. r f ~. f"- \!:' ~,\- !';- l':ii f= ~ t= f.- {- '1: ,,- .~- 11 t~ 'fit ~ ,,- F < :5 Ij ,