HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/12/1982 j;J\;f~!hfi:'~~i(~~:;;!!Fr~:"~q,,,:;,.:,; - -;~J~-';" .'. r':inutes of the Meeting of the !?J~rd of Commissioner"s of the FI~HL~~ ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT October 12, 1982 1 [ 1'- At 1:00 p.m. this ddte, bids for drydocking fII!V I'1UNNATAWKET. were recoived and opened in the office of the Ferry oist.rict. Two bicls "welt", receiv8d, those of Thames ShipYi).rd I::< Repair CQ. of New London, Conn. and Hitchcock Gas Engine Co. Of Sridge~ port, Conn. After' a c()mparison of the bids, the following resolution III.'!.(; passed by the Board of Commissioners: It:: Moved by Com~1i,;sioner Doherty, seconded by Commissioner Doyen. i:"'" ,- WHEREAS the Board of Cornmissionen; has advertised for bids ror dtydocking M!V MUNNATAWKET; and wHEREAS bids were received and opened at 1:00 p.m., Oc~ tOber 12, 10S2 in the office of the Fishers !slandFerry ois~ trict as follows: ,~ i; -,~ " I: C f; L Tnamos Shipyard & Repair Co., New London, conn. Orydockihg in accordance with specifications - $3,700.99 + S3S.00 each for sacrificial anodes (zincs). , t:: j~ I supplemental work - Thames Shipyard A. Removal of shafts for gauging o. Inspection-rcnew~l strut bearings C. Re~ew stuffing box pac~i~g D. Hull pLd,:ing renewal (sb"el price) E. L"y days 11 ,000.00 ea. 400.00 ea. 250.00 4.50!lb. 3.50!ft!q<i.Y f,_ i;:: I j, ~.I' ::::',:~ ,~,,~ \j ". · 1; I: Hitchcock Sas Engine Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Drydocking i~ accorda~ce with specifications + $74.00 each for sacrificial anodes. - $fJ,330.00 ~~ " ", I Supplemental work - Hitchcock Gas Engine A. 8. $J. .650.00 ea. 890.00 ea. ~50.00 .92/lb. . 25.00/hr. 350.OO!4ay after Uvt;! 4",ys. . ~~ '"- C. D. E. ~ 1- " '!. l'HE:RE:FORE BE: IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioner:; has determined from a comparison of thE:! bids receiveq that " Thames Shipyard ;In'i RE:!pair Co. is the apparE:!nt :low bidder and 'that said company be awarded the contract for dryd9Qking M/V MUNNATAWKET as pc.1;' its bid of $3,]QO.OO plus $35.00 eachfQr saqificlal i3nodes; and ~~ ",- L , t: I~ "IF f , '$' ~~ '~~ , .. l'o ~ t.:l - - tt: r f t r t ~ >1J<'IT1"'\_W'''''''~');_ ":,;~,.,,. fIl'" ~.,.,!_,~ ......;,. 353'\T~ . .. ~. . October , .., J.."-, , l'lP? - cant. BE IT RUfiTHER RESOLVED'that the'Board of Commissioners desir','s tOJi::cornp15~,h Gupp1emental items ^ thr.ough D and/or E dependent u!'on conditions found at time of drydocking; and 1 . i I: dE :rT FINALLY RESOLVED that tne Town Goard of tne Town' of Southold approve the action of the 30ard of Co'nmi:>sioners and grant the 30ard of Commissioners authocity to enter into said contract. , t:= Ii ;:~ \~ ri Vote of the Board of Commissioners: Aye::;: Commissioner du Pont, Commissioner Doyen, Commi,ssioner Baker, Commissioner Doherty. Ni.lYs: None. Absent: Commissioner Evans. "'- i,',1,... 1~ 1:- Meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m. f1n'"'),.-. .? R. P. KNAvFF:-S~Y -----,..." I: i 1- :, " (. p:; ~'. ,. Il- I'';; -,..1i L~ t'\! ;{~ I. = i~ d~ r;:'.! ,~~ n;;; Iii L_ f"f,: f,j '." i V L 1 '~. ,-; , tj: 11~ ,~~ \~fl i.~ I'; "~ I:; :~ fA ~ '\'.j, w ,