HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/30/1982 ~ry;";-'~~""'~-",=7",,~'~"!'r"'l"'~.f"-> ,; ,., "" . MI/!'JTES OF THE MEETING OF THE P,()\HD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE PTSHEflS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT :;;eptember 30, 19~3? .. '..~ - ~I "o>;c"""l1l)'n I .. 1'0 ~, - ..... :t: A special meeting of the Board of Co~~is$ioncrs of the Fish~ ee;; Tslanq Ferry DLtrict was called by the Chaicnan at 1:0.0 p.m. in the office of the Ferry Dist.ei~:t. Present were Com~ mis~, i')nce$ duPon!;, D'.)yen, and Doherty. Ab.'"ent Commissioners Baker and Evans. The outstanding obligations of" the l"er,ry District were read 9Y th.: Secretar-y. At the conclusion qf t.he reading and discussion ther-eof, the following resolution was duly adopted by t.he Board of Corrmissioners: Moved by Commissioner Doyen, seconded by Comrdssiqner dUPont, ~HEREAS the Fishers Island Ferry District h3s incurred outstanding ob1igat::ions of $77,146.68 as represented by voucherp'CS t.hro\,J'l" ,04 inclusive and Capital Project voucher l: 7; and WHEREAS these obl i';ptions are due "nd payable THEREFOf/E BE IT :"ESOLVED that the To\~n Board of the Town of Southold d1.,lthod"e payment of said oblig<lt_ion~3. !' ~'~. - ','.' ." ,'.,., "-""'-'::"""",,,.-,..... / .'.___ .... ~:;c. .C . ~ /' R. P. KNAUFF, sicietarY ..~ f ( \ i I.~ I , , ,. I'; I; J; j~ V r [ Vote of the Board of Commissioner",; Ayes: Commissioner du., pont, Commi,;sioner Doyen, Commissioner Doherty. Nays: None. Meeting adjourned at 1:25 p.m. ,", ,i I; Ie Fi i 'i; r I" \: i