HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987 Vol 1 No 1 May 4 Fishers Island Ga:u"e BUSY SUMMER SCHEDULE AT PEQUOT HOUSE The Pequot House will open again this summer with both restaurant and bar service. General manager Paul Giles said the Pequot will follow much the same schedule as last year. Dinners will be served on a full-time basis from Memorial Day until Labor Day and then on weekends probably until Columbus Day. Bar service, which started in early April, will continue until October 30 when the Pequot will close for the winter season. The owners of the Pequot House put the building up for auction last Thanksgiving weekend, but no one bid on the property. Mr. Giles said there are no immediate plans now to sell the Pequot House. However, if an investor makes an offer and "the price is right, they (the owners) would sell," Mr. Giles said. The Pequot House has been owned for the past three or four years by the Pequot Company Inc., which is composed of about 10 off-Island investors, according to Mr. Giles. In a new arrangement, Mr. Giles said he and three other original investors have fonned Fishers Pequot Associates to lease the building and manage the restaurant and bar. The three-year lease began in January. Mr. Giles said the Pequot will have a number of new features this summer. A screened-in porch is being built so that diners can eat both inside and out. A new sound booth with an updated sound system has been created for the weekend discos. In addition, new showers have been GREGORY THIBODEAU / 7777 MASONRY / CONTAINER GARDENING / LAWN & TREE MAINTENANCE / LANDSCAPE DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION installed for the seven-room hotel at the Pequot. More than $200,000 has been invested in the Pequot over the last two years, according to Mr. Giles. "We're trying to cater to all age groups on the Island," said Mr. Giles. "In the past, the Pequot has had an image problem, which we are trying to overcome. We ask people to forget what they've heard and to give us a try." There were complaints last summer about noise from Pequot patrons outside the bar late into the night. Mr. Giles said it is difficult to control people leave the building. However, the dining area will be opened to bar patrons after all meals are served. Mr. Giles said this move should reduce crowding and encourage people to stay inside. The Pequot was closed this past winter for the first time in many years, and will remain closed during the winter months under the current ownership. "It is just impractical to run the Pequot in winter," Mr. Giles said. "In winter, there is just no money coming in." The meal service worlced out successfully last summer. Mr. Giles reported that in August 50 meals a night were served on week-days, and 80 meals on weekends. SIX NEW FIREMEN INSTALLED Six Island residents were inducted into the Fishers Island Fire Department this past winter. The six new firemen are Lance Donaghy, Andrew Doucette, Victor Dubrey, Michael Conroy, Ed Scroxton, and John Doucette. THE BANK OF MYSTIC MEETING THE FINANCIAL NEEDS OF TIlE COMMUNITY FULL-SERVICE BUSINESS AND PERSONAL BANKING ROlITE I (203) 572-8981 Opening Spring 1987 Fishers Island Gazette 7 ISLAND SCHOOL LOOKS FOR MORE STUDENTS Two separate plans are being studied to increase enrollment at the Fishers Island school. School principal Thomas Roy said he and the board of education are investigating whether the public school can attract students from the New London area by becoming a "magnet school," namely a school which draws from other districts. "Weare trying to encourage students from Southeastern Connecticut to come and attend Fishers Island School for a particular reason," said Mr. Roy. "These reasons would be the good to excellent student-teacher ratio, the fine academic curriculum and the individual attention. There should also be a desire on the part of the student to mix and relate with people from a different area." Mr. Roy added that a New York State Regents Diploma carries quite a bit of prestige and could also be an attraction for mainland students. Additional students are needed to increase the small enrollment at the Fishers Island school, which currently has about 50 students in 12 grades. "Outside students would be most beneficial to our students who would then be exposed to many different points of view," said Mr. Roy. "The social and academic interaction would come at a time when it is most important for young adults to rap with their peers." Students from the mainland would arrive and return each day on the ferry and would not cost the local taxpayers any money, said Mr. Roy. School officials say there are obstacles to the plan, such as publicizing the program to families on the mainland. Even if successful, it is expected only two or three students would be attracted at first. Another move to increase school enrollment is being reviewed by town officials with the help of U.S. Congressman George Hochbrueckner of Long Island. The Southold Town Board is exploring the feasibility of having military personnel with families assigned to Fishers Island year round. "There is a possiblity this plan might succeed since the military does have the land and the facilities on Fishers Island," said Southold Town Supervisor Frank Murphy. Mr. Hochbrueckner assistance is being sought because he is a member of the House Armed Services Committee. PAINTING TO BE RAFFLED A painting by local artist Oede Esenlohr will be raffled this summer to raise money for the Fishers Island Fire Department. Raffle tickets can be purchased for $1 apiece at various local stores. The drawing for the painting will be held on September 1. The painting by Ms. Esenlohr, "Windrift Dune," will be on display at different locations throughout the summer. Fishers Island Shopping Center Dry Cleaning Convenient Drop off & Pick up right at the Store Laundering & Dry Cleaning Call 7133 Island Video Over 1000 Movies to choose from Rentals $2.00 per day VCR Rentals available Call 7133 Luxury Leisure we sell... Hot Tubs - SPAS - Saunas Exercise Equipment Tanning Machines Check it out... Call 7133 Bill & Colleen Bloethe, Prop. ,Po O. Box 658 ,F.LN. Y. (516)788-7255 10 Fishers Island Gazette 1987 SUMMER CALENDAR OF EVENTS May 23: Our Lady of Grace Church food sale. Starts at 9 am at the Fishers Island Fire Housc. Spring mecting of the Fishers Island Civic Association at the Fishers Island School at 4 pm. Public is invited. May 24: Peter Sanger Memorial Sea Stretcher Marathon. Runners to mect at Fishers Island Fire Department at 8 am. Race st,ms at 9 am. Memorial Day parade at noon on the village grecn. June 3: Fishers Island High School golf toumamcnt. School golf team hosts school tournament at the Fishers Island Country Club. June 19: Fishers Island High School graduation. 8 pm at the high school gym. Also, last day of classes. June 30: Exhibition opening and open house at the Edwin Homing Jr. Studio gallery. 6-10 pm. Current works by Edwin Homing on display. Gallery in Building 98 in the fort (across from public tennis court). Special exhibition continues through July 18. July 1: Red Bam gallery opens with paintings by Charles Ferguson. Open from 9:30 am until 12:30 pm through September 15. July 4: Fourth of July parade around the village grecn. Starts at noon. Cookout with hamburgers and hot dogs to be held on green. Arts and crafts show sponsored by the Island People's Project at the village grecn from 9 am until 3 pm. Anyone interested in exhibiting should send for an application from the [PP, Box 523, Fishers Island or call John Weil or Dick Edwards. July 6: Summer pro),'fam at the Island Pcople's Project begins. Activities include arts, crafts, and swimming. July 11: Fireworks Cruisc sponsored by the Island People's Project. Time to be announced. Our Lady of Grace Church food sale. Commcnces at 9 am at the Fishers Island Fire Housc. CA TCH THE BOA T1NG SPIRIT THIS SUMMMER! - ~--=CC~--~==='-~=',_ ,- __'___cc-'~c-~" ,I!f~;, <"tEP.CRUI>ER' E'J'1>lRlJDE e>1"'r"".~,. iffJ1, I lDOCKAGE j 1 STOR.AGE ~, REPAIR ~ ~', ,-__ - _,'-~-' , " 5:: ' 'wORK '; "" " ;PI - -A_t'<&~_ 6 ~ ~~". ". - -A.._;J. __ _~::~ -""--- 'I. ~'~N ' EAKf'~ FOUL \-\ \ '~"l>'I&",,",. '1.EATHER CE,'AR, ,t.IFF, ,J~KETS ,BOAT S'JPPU~S ,!,~I) ,. ._~:""~'~"\'\,\\h\._\\~\"'~ .'\,,_\~l'I"" ' ! Telephone 7528 Now offering laser sailboats OPEN MONDAY - SATURDAY 8:00-4:30 ~ Fishers lswnd Gazette 11 Jull 14: Island Concerts presents Judith Norell on harpsichord. Time and location of concert to be announced. Public ;5 invited. Admission fee is charged. July 18: Union Chapel FIca Market and food sale from 9 am until noon at the church parking lot. Contact Pat Baker or Mary Pankiewicz for more information. Fee is $10 per table. July 28: Island Concens presents the Uncalled Four, a male capello vocal quartet. At the Fishers Island Country Club. Time to be announced. Club membership is not required. Public is invited. Admission fee is charged. Aug 5: Town fathers meeting. I pm at Fishers Island School. Town, county and state officials will be available to answer questions from local residents. Public is invited. August 8: Annual meeting of the Fishers Island Civic Association at 4:30 at the Fishers Island School. Public is invited. Our Lady of Grace Church food sale. Begins at 9 am at the Fishers Island Fire House. Aug 9: Tour Dc Fishers Island bicycle event begins at 9 am at the Fishers Island School. Call Tom Roy at 7950 or Sissy Buller at 7431 for more information. Aug 11: Island Concerts presents Mitchell & Ruff on jazz piano and bass. At the Fishers Island Country Club. Club membership not required. Open to public. Admission fee charged. Time to be announced. August 15: Union Chapel fica market and food sale. 9 am until noon at the church parking lot. Call Pat Baker or Mary Pankiewicz for more information. August 22: Arts and crafts show sponsored by the Island People's Project. From 9 am until 3 pm at the villge grecn. Contact IPP or John Weil or Dick Edwards for information. Calendar continued on page 18 VILLAGE FLOWERS by Bonnie I~J~yl arranging classes perrennials vases annuals containers cut fZowers mcYsLfc IsLe ReaLLY foc. .1'16-788- 78B2 Building across from town tennis courts phone 7777 Bagley Reid Licensed NY Slate Real Estate Broker Marilyn F. Pickett licensed New York Slate Real Estate Salesperson Properties for Sale and Rent .J:rSbeRs IsLand, n(f. 06390 Fishers IslmuJ GIJZI!Ue 17 CONSERVANCY UNDERTAKES FOUR STUDIES OF ISLAND ENVmONMENT The Fishers Island Conservancy is undertaking four environmental studies this summer. The group will be trying to deter- mine pollution levels in all the island's harbors by taking water samples this summer and studying their contents. The U. S, Food and Drug Adminstra- tion conducted a study in 1985 which indicated that there was pollution in West Harbor caused by sewage, accord- ing to Conservancy President John Thatcher. This summer's study will determine the level of the pollution and the source of the problem, said Mr. Thatcher. It is too early to determine the extent of the pollution problem in West Harbor and the island's other harbors until the study is completed and a report filed, said Mr. Thatcher. He predicted that the conservancy report would be ready by the end of the summer. EATHS l'CstOl'atio Shop The other studies to be conducted by the Fishers Island Conservancy this summer are; -- Examining the feasibility of an acquifer study on the island. The conservancy would examine how the study would be conducted and at what cost. Sources of funding would be reviewed_ -- Assisting the Fishers Island Garbage District commissioners in selecting a means of garbage disposal to replace the existing landfill. -- Working with the federal Environ- mental Protection Agency to determine the pollutive effect of tributyl-tin on local shellfish. Tributyl-tin is a toxic chemical used in paints applied to bouoms of boats and lobster pots. The EP A is conducting this study on a nationwide basis, according to Thatcher. 1I'/"".'fb""".ktll,lI,,d "'41...,b"ilJ/,wl'a" jrh!.:"''/IH WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! Any suggestions, comments, story ideas? The Fishers Island Gazette would like to hear from you. Contact the Gazette care of Fishers Island Civic Association, Box 464, Fishers Island. Russell.;t. }fentlt . AIf/iqlle.f lllfJ/i/llre Repair . Reprodllrfkms . Vi/dilfg . Cnrt'ilffJ Po. 1!tJ~ /76. }islttr;,- J;,-/Illft{ .VVt)63'o}/..h (H6) 788-7730} For remodeling or new construction, count on "The Good Guys"...at Z &5 Contracting! Here's how Z & 5 can help you... -Professional staff with a proven reputation for service. -Quality workmanship in everything from installing kitchen cabinets to pouring concrete foundations. -Expert painting and paper hanging. -Licensed electrical, plumbing and heating professionals. -24-hour plumbing, electrical and emergency service. -Full earth moving capability including bulldozer, fork-lift, and backhoe operation. -Complete line of electrical appliances, including May tag, Amana and Kitchen Aid. -Full landscaping service. -Now window washing as well. Count on the Good Guys... Z&S Contracting! Call Z&S at 788-7857 18 Fishers Island Gazette Continued from page 11 Aug. 25: Island Concerts presents Walter Trampler on viola. Time and location to be announced. Public is invited. Admisison fee is charged. September 9: Fall term at Fishers Island School commences. September 5: Our Lady of Grace Church food sale. Bcgins at 9 am at the Fishcrs Island Fire House. October 10: Fall meeting of the Fishers Island Civic Association at the Fishers Island School. At 4:30 pm. Public is invited. American Legion schedulc has not been sct by press time. Look for signs for specific dates and information on the June Lobster dinner, August pig roast and August Bazaar. People who wish to have events included in fuJure schedule of events should contact Carol Doherty at 7585 or c/o of the Fishers Island Civic Association. HOURS ANNOUNCED AT ISLAND MEDICAL OFFICE call 24 hours a day. A messagc can be left with 7244 or in case of emergcncies 911. Dr. Stephan Lynn, medical liaison to the Island Health Project, said local residents should be alerted to symptoms of Lyme disease. No cascs have been reported on Fishers Island. However, Dr. Lynn said the disease is spreading on the Connecticut mainland. The disease, which is spread by tick bites, can produce arthritis and neurological disorders, according to Dr. Thc medical office on Fishers Island will be staffed again this summer by a physician on the faculty of the St. Lukc's-Roosevelt Hospital Center. Regular office hours will be Monday through Saturday 9 am until noon, and Wednesday evenings from 6 pm to 7 pm. The physician will be on Lynn. Symptoms left by the tick bite are similiar to viral infections and in- clude joint and abdominal pains, and rashes. The disease can be easily diagnosed and lreated, said Dr. Lynn, who encourages local residents to have a checkup if they have suspicious symptoms. Dr. Lynn added that he has prepared a brochure on the subject which is available at the medical office. I . Just like thaU Coastal Air Services will zip you away In one of our clean, modern twin or single-englne alrcraft...and at very reasonable rates. We've been serving Fishers Island for 32 years. Give us a call and ask about our year-round, 24 hour Zip Service! Coastal Is also a Cessna Pilot Center. ~ial Fishers Island 7555 or 203-448-1001 Day or Night Rain or Shine """COASTAL AIR SERVICES, INC. II'''' "Since 1955" Groton/New London Airport The Liquor Store Fine wines & Liquors Domestic & Imported located at the Village Green 516-788-7271 open Mon.-Sat.