HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/16/1968 ,---- \ - ~~ ..... .. ,... .~ "'l'"-~""" ..... ~ ..,.,..,_,,... ''''.''_ ....... _-, .,;o;.c.-...;".'.,..:...'......-v ~-'~'-"."-jii<oli,.i'~...,._, ~. . . ,. . , ~ Fishers Island Ferry District o..rtc:t o.ued s, s,.dal Ace 0( 'flv}<.' ~- ScMe ~ IUlWS r1I/ N. Y., 19047. ChaI:oll"I' 690) i:;: ~~ FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 ~ .1 ..~ ; WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANAtiER - SECRETARY TELEPHONE 788-7-463 AREA CODE 516 . BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE 9. BALDWIN, CH...IRMAN POLLY EDMONDS ALFRED R. GREBE RAYMOND F". DOYEN RICHARD V. FOYLE 1 ~ MIIUTES OF THE MEETIlfG OF THE ~OARD QIi' COMMISSIONERS OF THE PIffiERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRI CT Sept;. 16, H611 A .,..i.l ...tine .t the ~.ar. .t ~emmi.si.ners ef t.e F.rry District was .all.' )7 tA. C..ir.an a.. Ael' i. the .fri.. ef the Perry Di.trict S.pt. 16, 1'.11 .t II: 31 A.M. ."', Jr..e!t v.r. C.!lllldll si.n.r. ~a1'wiJl., Gr.b., D.y.n, Eo.n.. ... V. C. Si..lair, MCr.- ,s... ... Mr. R.bert T~.k.r, Att.r..y. A .iscus.i.. then ...u.' .~r"....n'ati.n. e. ehan~iftC the eperatine c.ntract a. t.11.ws: Pac. II: I. ...ver t. . quelltien, Mr. Ta.ker .ai. tAat t.e C.ntract .pecifically ..,.. that t... t.ti1 bi. ,ria. inT.1ve. l'et. T....1.- t.e tve c.mbine. :!,rhe. ....11 ....titut. . bi.. '.,e Z - Ite. 3.: The 01i..a .ha11 .perat. .n a five .ay week, ~ h.urs .er t&7.,lu. olau.. r.r pr.vitin, a o..t f.r .aeh r.un. trip aver the 8 h.ur.. al.. tn. Olin.. ... be .,erate. u~ t. 12 h.ura ,er .ay w..n the Mys~ic I.1e 1. ...u1.' .ut. A .1au.. rer t... ...t per r.un. trip f<<r th~ Mystic Isle i. t. ~. i...rt.. a1.. f.r the ...t .Ter the 12 ..ur .perati.n. Pae. 3-~: A.t e1.us. t. reat that u,.n ap,licati.n by the O,erat.r t. the Di.trict fer ti.. t. l'I.ke n.r!lla1 llIaintenanc. m. re.air w.rk. Pa,e 7-1: Chanee vehi.1e t. V.hic1e. ,.,. ~-J: ChaR,. ram, t. ramp.. '.e. )-.1: Op.rat.r t. .upp1y ,a. anA .i1 f.r all frei,.t han.Unlt eq'Jipment. '.,. ,-~: N.t t. ..tuct 1e.~ c.st fr.!lI .perat.r if .x.ensell .re 1..s. It v.. a,re.t that .ne week 's ~rac. will h. ,iven an~ then there- .fter t..er. RU.t be . ere.it ..juatlllent ef o.st. ,.,. 7-D: The O,er.t.r !lIu.t .u~~ly th~ Purll.r fer the Olin.a an. .ravi.e . bent .n .... in the aM.unt .f $5.... R.ear.ift' . queati.n e. . pr.Tailinc wa~e .che.ul., Mr. Tasker ..i. he w.u1t le.k i.t. the matt.r. An.ther ~eati.n was rai.et .n a o.ntr.ct f.r . tv. TraP peri.. an. th.n r...c.tiatin<< f.r an.ther tv. y.ar.. Mr. Tasker aai. this veu1. b. ..ubtfu11 ana w.ul. pr.hably require aR.ther bi. 1f the pr'c. va. hIcher. He aai. te .etermlJle the 1.we.t bi. b.th b..t o..ta have t. be a.t.. tee.ther rer a full .n. o.l'Iplete quatati.n. Thi. o.n be put in the N.tic. t. ~i.ter.. He ..i. a five .ay P..tinl .eri.. wall .11 rie.t an. that S .a. ... Satur..l. nul. b. ..unte. in the f1 va .ay perle. .f ..etiftl./ ettar tn.--SU~.rTl..r-Xin1'"til.nwa.-re..-..e-e...~t;. --11;-I"'II, .eti~y .f which is herevith .ttach... TAe f.11ewine re..1uti.n was intr..u... by the Chairman ... .'.ptet by a T.t. .f the ~.ara et C.MMi..i.n.r. all r.11.w.: c_< C...t..{;ner ~al.win Ce..i.ai.ner D.y.. C.JiJl1ui.ner EGO.. C.mai..iener F.y1. C.mal..i.ner Gr.b. - Yea - Ye. - Ye. - A b...t - Yea 'y J -eo. -'-~,~_~"",-_'..."..---...-"r__'_ ',," '-'C,"-"';"",,,",, .111, 'V""V,;,-,-,'-""'-'- . Fishers IslanJ Ferry District I>Umc:t~B,~Aaof 'T1w}\.' y SwteLt~(I..aWfof N. Y., '947. Chapr,.,.6Qol . FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANAGER - SECRETARY TELEPHONE 7BB-7-463 AREA CODE 516 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE S. BALDWIN, CHAIRMAN POLLY EDMONDS AL.FREQ R. GREBE RAYMOND F'. DOYEN RICHARD V. FOYLE P.C. Z - S.pt. 16, 1,6e ~ \ WHEREAS the Man.cer h.s r.queste. th.t eenallieratien be given t. a w.l:. increase AID WHEREAS the ~..r. .f C.mmlssl.ners have al:ree. that .n ..ju.tNent ia in .r..r .t this ti.. THEREFORE ~E IT RESOLVED th.t the Mana<<er's aalary ahall be $e..O Jter ye.r lIlD m: IT FUHTHER RESOLVED that ill ali.iti"'n t. the a~eve llIenti"ne. that 8u1141ac #23' in .enai.er.tien er tr... .alary .r te... Jter year saall ne auPltlht wi th thl'l Jt" i ti.n. lIlD m: IT FUiiTHER RESOLVED tInt subject incre.se shall he effeethe Aucullt :1.. 1'~~ . "~'--~~"'-'" M.tien .... t. ..j.urn .n. uaanillleusly c.rri~. f48 P.M. ./."_ ~~t:t L-1 . .'~' Mcr.-Sec. Apltrn...: -;(J! ~~ L. S. ~.l.wiB, Ch.irlllan ~earli .r C.mrnissiener. ... \. / '.-', ',-- ,if \ ,1 / '\ \ \---f' ' \.i ;(" \ li. .~I \ \ f /1",/<'" . ., ~. ~":''!F'" '"'~ , I ! ~ I , .' , t' ~' ~ ~l' r , \ <j ..~-.-- " <.. '. LIE.TEA M. ALBERTSON BUPE"'VISOR . _. .. ~'~-"'''''., "'-~~--""r"'----' ----.. . -j'II' . ~\ f UtI ': O~/ .......~'~,. OFFICE tif ,,: ",.:1 RV1SOR TOWN 6....Un.fQLD -~,.;~ I3REENPDRT, L. I.. N. Y. September 11, 1968 Board of Commissioners Fishers Island Ferry District Fishers Island, New York 06390 Gentlemen: At the meeting of the Town Board held Yt",terday, we discussed the resolution received from you, which indicated that you wish the salary of the manager to be increased from $7,060,00 per year to $8,9()O.O(), $900.00 of which would be waived as house rental. This cannot be done. Therefore, the Town Board would like a rpsolution from your board indicating whether you would like the salary to be $tl,OClO.OO per year, and a charge madC' fr>r the rental, or whether the salary should be $8,OU'),OO per year, in consideration that a house is supplied with the job. .., TELEPHONE GREENPORT 7.Q550 yYO@ ~, 1 ertson S /' -