HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/17/1959 .... "" ,.,or-:-:"""'" ~ " .._ " .~ "",, , ;$;W ';;L.:..~.. ~<': -J..). _._'1 ~. ~~..,. ~t.'~ .~ ,.t' , if: !it.~ -!'t111n Ferguson opened th;, meet lnf: at which in addition to bimaelf the follo'l- ---S,omminioners were present: L.' S. &11win, L. O. L"~ )'olly Edmonds, ~~ Grebe and W. C. Sincl~r, Sec. The fir.t order or 'tiu1ness was to elect __,~lr1lan of the Board for' the e!Uuing railX'. Motlon 'by Laab lInd Gr.be that ~tJ Ferguson, Jr. be appointed Ohairl1llllll for the m.ulD41 Tear. Motion unan- ~--.11 carried. The Minutes of the Meeting held .~. S, 19$9 were read and ~~Ted as read. Chairman Ferguson s~ated he had met with Mr. Rockefeller last ~: regarding the airport. He stated that he had gi.,en Mr. Roc\l:efeller a letter _~ng the work in progress and the work contemplated, at the airport. Mr. Rock.l _.1" atated that he would donate $1000 to be used on the airport improvementa. ~tiso atated that he wanted the rupways cleared first. Chatrman Ferguson ~~~~t~d to the Board that the Manager had received price8 from ths A. C. 2 __atruction Co. for this work and he direoted the ftanager to have the A. C. .~truction Co. do this work. lie then brought COmM. Grebe up to date on ~~irpOl"t ..tters. General discussion then ensu.d. on the Water situation .t~e tield~ Comm. Grebe said that water c~ be .Upplled to the airport frram ~~e back of Bldg. #21. Comm. Grebe suggested that stone. should be placed , ~e end ot the SE runway to break up the tidewash, other then that the ~~y will be undermined. General discussion then ensued on the power poles. --2;~ager reported that the A.C. Construotion Co. had quoted a price of ~;OO to repair the front of the hangar building. Be al.o reported that , =>~ Horn had stated that he wll1 repair and oil the ramp leading down to ,':'I, :-~,arking area at the airport. Chairman Ferguson reported that he had spo~en 'fIi: Mr. Ingall regarding Federal Aid to Airports. . Mr. Ingals stressed that " " ,,'.d given will be based on safety fac.tors. General discussion then ensued ~.the rest room facilities, etc. The Board agreed that lome of the major , i,- ovements at the airport would be a communication .ystea, rip rap at end ~' .IE runw.. - $1000 and replacement of lights where necessary wi th a modern .' . The anager reported that A. J. Gada had told him that applying ~. killer (Te1evar) on a 10' strip on eaoh side of the runways would cost ~. . t $700. General discussion ensued. . Chairman Ferguson suggested we ask ~a new price based on a 6' strip on each side. He ~so suggested calling " ,'~. Boyd of duPont Co. for his recommendation. Tha anager was directed to - .\~h1s. The spraying was then tabled until a future meeting. Chairman ~aon then reported that he had contacted Hr. Ingals regarding shooting ~>.e airport property. He reported that 1"1r. Inf'als told him that there --~ao abjection to controlled shooting on the airport properties. Comm. -==~~n suggested tha the A. C. Construction Co. level otf the floor inside ~....ar bul1dlng. .. .1.0 ...g..t.d dolng.... vc.. thl. t.ll 1.. ..t.. :, . .eptic tank etc. The Board directed the lU1lager to get some price on :,' " mud tee. Chairman Ferguson .tated that H. Guest had contacted him and had 1,',., .tad if possihle he could be put on an annual ba.is. General discussion ',",__no 01of8d. Comm. Grebe suggested keeping Guest on until possibly the 1st of "i~er then let him work it on his own. Chairman Ferguson stated that he had ,.<tat...ed Guest that he is a representative of thiA District and to a ct as :i!,.. . , tia11y as possible. The Board directed the anager to contact Guest and ~.. rize him to work until October 15th. The Manager reported that on the & ~ay trip Capt. Kelly stated his radar was inoperative due to a double ~mage. '! ....'''-rd directed the anager to, ~tain a written report on this. The Board ~. ." went into an execlltive ses.ion after excusing the Manager. . .r'....,- "1lll~'i"""fill'!'~. '! t J1UTE:3 01' TlD;: l~.ml'U' OF' 1'lD<: I IMl.D OJ' COMK: :,:' :on~s OJ' TIU: Ii'1 SHF{;; ISLANll FmF:1 nISTRICT A -7' QI"} '1&. .~. , J i.1' " \ . , ",.",....-.....".,.". t.r ,~ ^ "~~ ,;j: ! i ,<,."- . 7--' ;~. .~~. ...~~t:~t..., '. ~ "'.: 1'~' ,. ~JU'l'BS 01" 'l'lm Mll'fr:r j.~'!- . " OF THE . BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE J'ISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT AUC. 17, 1959 ....:~~.- ~;<V"1, "f r ...... "\. ~\ " ....' " ''Of ....., Perausoh opeDed tbe..etlng at which In addItIon to hLmae1f the to1low- ..lonerl were .,r..ent: L. S. Ba1dv1n, L. O. LllIIlb; Poll,. Edmonds. ' be and V. O. aiaolllr. Sec. The firlt order Gt, bu.ines. va. to .lect ot the Board ter tat. entuing year. Motion by Lab IDd Grebe that JIIerculon, Jr. be a.,olDted Ohairman tor the en.uIng Iear. Motion unan- ,..arried. The Minute. ot the Meeting held Aug. S. 9S9 were read and .. re.d. ChU1'II&ft F.rguson stated he had met v1th'Mr. Rocketeller lalt >~ardiDs the airpori. He Itated that he had giTen Mr. 1II0c~.teller . letter <tAe work in progre.. and the work conte11l1'1ated, at the airport. Mr. ROCke . .,.t.d that he would donate 11000 to be used on the airport lmProveMentl. .G~tated that he wanted t~e runways cleared tirst. Chairman Ferguson ,.<<ito tha Board that the ftanager had receIved prices troM tbe A. C. rUstioD Co. tor tbis work and he directed the Aanager to have the A. C. tructIoa 00. do this work. He then brought Comm. Grebe up to date on ~~, __tterl. General discU8s10n then ensued. on the Water situation ;~l:ellli\: COIID. Grebe said that water em be supplhd to tho airport trrCllll leek Qt Bldg. 121. Com=. Grebe suggested that stones should be placed eDd ~' tbe SB runway to break up ths tidevasb, other then tbat tbe Will ~e underalned. General discussion tben ensued on tbe power poles. l' reported that the A.C. Construction Co. had quoted a price ot to repair the tront ot the bangar building. Be allo reported that bad Itated that lae v111 repair and oil tbe rUlp leading down to king area at tha aIrport. Chairman Ferguson reported that he had spo~en . Iasal. regarding Pederal Aid to Airportl. . Mr. Ingals stressed that ,.".. given will be baaed on safety tac.tors. General dlacusslon tben ensued .~e re.t 1'00111 tacilitIe.,' etc. Tbe Board agreed tbat lome ot tbe major . " .. ..ents at the airport would be a communication .ystem, rip rap at end , .. PYDw~ - 11000 and replacelllent ot light. where necessary with a 1II0dern e. 'f1ae anileI' reported that A. J. Gada bad told b1I1l that applying killer (Televar) on a 10' strip on eacb side ot the runways would coat t t700. General discussion ensued. . Chairman Ferguson suggested we ask a new price baled on a 6' strip on each side. He Also suggested calling ,,'. Boyd. ot duPont Co. tor his recollllllendatlon. The anager was directed to ':\Ja1.. The s,raring va. then tabled until a tuture meeting. ChaiI'lll&n " . on then reporte4 that be had contacte~ Mr. Ingals regarding shooting ~. airport property. He reported that ftr. lngals told him that tbere .. '-jection to oontrolled Ihooting on tbe airport properties. Comm. .uggested tba tbe A. C. Construction Co. level ott the tloor inside 1aaaaar building. lie al.o suggested doing sOllIe work this tall ie. water . ..,tic tank etc. The Board directed the manager to get some price on - ,wi" tee. Chairman Perl\lson Itated that H. Guest bad contacted him and had .....ited 1t possIble be could be put on an annual basis. General discussion ~.Il.~. comm. Grebe suggested keeping Guest on until possibly the lit ot :'~r then let bta work it on his own. Chairman Ferguson stated that be had .4at.- ou..t that he 18 a representative ot thiA District and to a ct as ially as possible. The Board directed tbe anager to contact Guest and .-. ~&e hia to work until October 15th. Tbe Manager reported that on the ~, .y trip capt..XellY stated bis ra.dar was inoperative due to a~ouble i , , d dire. ted,_tbe.-!lana!ep-to_-.t)t.,i~a wri t ten report on tbi s. ('!'he Boarer' 'ant Into an executiye 1..110n atter excua1ng the Manag"r~ . 'l ,r ~ W e. I 1 I ! "' ' ;;;j ...J ".", ., " .~... .-- -- - - ~ p'<. p2 -z.---- , '" :~ . ", . ~-:: :J ";'\i ;;: ~. .~ ~~ , .l , " . -2- 'fae Manager vas. tilen invi too. back to the meet! ns aj~ter this sel!lsion. Tho following resolution vas introduced by Chdrmllu Ferguson and adopted by, the unanimous affirwative vote of the Board of Co~sl!lionerl!l: I! ~kAS the ~anager of the Pishers Island Ferry Diatriot hlll!l requested a l!Iala~., adju.tment '~; AID WBBRKAS the Board of Commiasionerl!l are agreed that an adjustment il!l in ord~i TBBRIPORE BE IT R~OLVED that effective Augul!lt I, 1959 the annual oompenaat- I i 108 ahall be increaaed from 15200 per year to 15560 per year : . AID HI IT FURTHER RESOLVER that the rental of 55 per month for building , 1239 _w ocoupied hI the anager shall be wahed and said building 1/239 shall b."O~1e4 bythe..,anager on a no rental bal!liIJ-oftective Augul!It 1. 1959. et1iIiW.n'P'erguilootoldthe Hanager that in the future all major repairs .ball be taken oare of by the District. negarding Labor da1. the a..e sohedule will prevail al!l last year. Chtirman "rguson stated that the pUblio ..etlAg will he held Aug. 24 after this meeting another meeting will be held oa . publio opinion ~oll on moving to West Harbor. Regarding the racks Cbai~ Pergul!lon .tated that we have prices on renewAl of them. The feard direoted the Hanager to get figures on the theatre operation for the ....iog Aug. 24th in the event there are any quel!ltions. Comm. Grebe stated " that he felt that lomething .hould be done about zoning the d_r tl.'PC'JA,;:.(.dl''''''''! 0_. Baldwin spoke on the oondi tion of the boat end about having the ~. Bear. i..peot .ame when the businel!ls l!Ilaok. off. Motion made to adjourn . and 111'A..1aousl,. oarried at 10: 20 p.M. 1"" ' "; (/CY-t.i!-Ut<IIt \ ;/ W.O. inclair, Manager '..m." J!K~'~;~",:. c ~/~h"rmBri Board of Commil!lsionerl!l i i , ; \ \ "1' ~ ~} ~, ,i\'. , ~1 :) V: i I.: i;: 0'_1' , (' ~:: !~... ~I .: ~..I=' ,> : .I ~,.. ~ , J: , "11: 1 '> ;; ,1'