HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/29/1959
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July 29. 1959
. Ipeci.l aeetine et tile Board ot Co_ission.rs v.a c.lled by the Chal. rman and
1le1' ln tile otfic. ot the Perry District July 29. 1959 at 8:00 P.M. Present
.ere~. L.e Per!Uson. Jr. L. S. Bal'vin. A. J. Gada, Polly Eemon's, L. O. Lamb
... W. C. Sincla1r, Seoretary. Th. Minutes ot the Meetin~ held July 2, 19$9
.ere r..d ani .pprov.' as r.... Ch.irman Fer!UBon reported that .t the Civic
'ISOC. aeetin~, Mra. Rockefeller stated that a.veral things whould be done .t
tile airport. She st.ted th.t a lot of the work almx involved vou.. be paid for
by a;~..p of lummer r.sidents. Some of the items are 1. rtemoval of sand and
rock on the runways, 2. Lighting Iystem, 3. mowing ~rass. 4. rest roam
fa.illties. 5 black top parking area, 6. take down pale on battery Clinton.
le~ar.inc the relt room facilities it vas suggested that we put in a septic tank
... tile tl.ld. Comm. Gada suggelted hooking into the sever drain at the army
eODtonements on the hill and puttin~ a lift pump in. Comm. Baldwin suggested
an arrov be erected .t the airport to be used when there is no wind to indicate
whioh runvay to use. Conm. ~dmond. feels that Mr. Rockefeller should be
pe.-dtted to Ipen' his aoney on the airport as he sees fit. She also feels that
faclllties Ihould be erected for the rest room in the rear of the existing
efti.e. Cemm. Baldwin s~gested that plans be made up for this. Chairman
.er!Uson sl&&elte. ve a&ke up tentative costs for this. The Board directed the
8&ft&ser to write Mr. Reckef.ller vhen the plans and figures are worked up. The
-.nager read quotations for repairin~ the han~ar building as follows: A. C.
Censtruction Co. $690, and A. J. Cabral $172. It was noted that the grass has
been out .t the airport but will be necessary to have it cut again shortly.
o.aeral (lleulsion then ensued on ule ot a veed killer. Comm. Gada suggested
x.r.ax er Televar. Chairman Ferguson I~elted that ve block ofr the road leadiD!
te tll. Militia Camp 10 that carl won't paas near the end of the runway, also that
.iens should be .rect.d theron. General discussion on fire wxtinguishers for
'Ile airport. The Manager reportpd h. had received pamphlets from Griswold &
00. .hoving various rescue techniquel. The Chairman re.d a traffic report
,repare. by the Ma~er .hich indicated that 572 plane. had landed on Elizabeth
.1rr1elf durinS the period June 26 through July 27, 19$9 inclusive. Regarding
'Ile rates on the airport Comm. Edmonds feels that we should try to keep the
ree. on the airport 4eWD so it won't hurt the local people. Chairman Fer!Uson
I'ate. that H. Guest, attendant at the airfield, has Itated that to keep up
with all the traftic that he must have a day off per veek and a 2 hour lunoh
,erlef per day. He il putting a large amount ot hours 1n over and above his
re~ar houa. because s. much traffic 1s in and out ~efore and after his
regular prescribed houra. Comm. Gada suggested that Mrs. Rooks vork on his
'*y ott froa 8 A.M. to $ P. M. The Mana~er reported on a Condition Report
et ~ttery 21$ which he had made vith the Underwater Sound ~aboratory. Motion
by ~ldvin and ~dmonds th.t the A. C. Construction Company be awarded the bid
to r.pair the hangar building dated June 23, 19$9. A condition ot the Contract
il to b. that the roof vork be !Uaranteed for one tear against leaks, barring
.ot. of god ie: hurricanes, etc. The Manager reported that R. Corser vanta
$900 tor the fi.ld lighting system and *37 tor the display case at the airport.
0Ila1r.an ~er!U.on reported that at/bhe end of the B.W. ~~-"7~~ runway th.re
1. an o.p. post which presents an obstac1. to aircraft. Tho Manager read a
.u..ation trom the A. C. Construction Co. dated June 20, 19$9 for removing thil
ebltacl""ll.CltO tile s_ ef $230.00. The matter vas tabled until Wednesday, A~. 5.
.e&ar.~ilthe Annual Meeting there was a motion by Gada and Edmonds that R.
laD!" bJ,'lijJpoint!l4 Chair.-n or the BOllfd of .lnapel:tot". G. Abman teller and
leba K.~.17, te11.r. and that P.~erk ns and tl. Best ~e appornt~d alternate..
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-2- Ju17 29, l~
---.1-oua17 earrie4. With ret.renoe to the hearing on the propose4 le.s.
'0 Union Pree Sohool Di.triot 14 of the The.tre Building the Board ..t
J.quat 24, 1959 .. the ute. After th1a meeting the g.n.ral public will
-. .e11.4 on the qu..tion ot .ith.r moving the P.rr~ Op.r.tion to West
Bar~ or n.t. Letter ut.d Ju17 20 trolll .1. R. Greb. w.. r..d r.questing
· 1.... .t bui14ing P-lB, ..id building to be uled .s a Ihop and .tor.g.
ft1141ng. C_. G.u r.1I.4 the qu.stion ot zoning. Ch. Fergu.on It.te.
We are willing to 1.... but '11.1. H. Grebe'l responaibi1 t t determine
01 .i . erguon rea e er rom the .nager
roque.tiDe . wag. .4julta.nt on the b..il ot rental and utilitiel. The.
..tter wa. t!i;~:- atter dlaoussionuntil W.dnes.~J_.!lZ\l,~J;_5",_J..9S9. Th. Be rd
--- .. ger -to have a1.1 petIflonl -tor having JUIIIel placed on the
billet turn.d in to the P.rr7 District otfioe n. later than 5 p.M. Jul7
)0, 19$9. Chairman F.rguson .tated that the n.xt aeeting will be W.dneld.7
Aacu.t $, 19$9 at the Airpert Hangar Building, at 7~30 P.M.
"ti.. ..d. te .4jeurn and unani.8u117
carried at 9:47 P.M.
W. C. Sinclair, Mgr.-S.c.
UPRO ED: {t~f~~-i.
H. L.. P.rgu.on,~Jr., Chairman
Boar' ot Coami.lion.ra