HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIFD - Amendments to Establishment of District 1948, 1950, 1951 ,- . . C!l!\P"fEH. S99 (:!; THE ,,~, wS ("' la"l .\N~C'r eftEA TINO TRIo: l."ISHEl\S IS! AND Ff1:RllY OISTRICT AS AMENDE!) BY CH/\PTER 21 Ct' 'fU, ',^WS <"1'" IHB; eHA PTER Sa (!:" THE! A.'iS Cl' 19SI), AND eRA PTER 820 (!'" THE U\ i~S (T' USt. '-'...A" { '~. ".... ! (.--./ , ,,'\N ACT &loItl:torlaiug t~. IlcqulelllNl. ~<!n.tr\lcH~n. equipment and q".retINI , "r a pub'lc rerry tor hire fr(lm F,.b.r. le'and 40rn.. ",atlilr. of '.on,t.!and 8otlnd: &utboril\'fjll tb. ereati,',n (.r ,."t.b.... I. Iliad terry dl.tl'lct 'ft tlM 16.'" c'f S,-,uih..ld. Sutfe,Ht count,\' and pr<:>vidinl tor tbe .,eeUoo or Us dreer. lalld 8lll.,.menl ()! ita .ttaiNl, aUiu",rb:lIII the cote"ti..," "f terrla,. OMI'II..; Iliutborltilnf the !..ltanee 0100 .~ . (If ob'lft>tlo". d .'&(4 t"\1\>. laraid rovldiftl ((II' tllel,. plHlRellt; authfllridr;a lhe '.vy .nd eol'eetlon eoi' taxe.; and prr,vid1nc f:l' dl:\er re ated IlUtterlt , la.cunflll '0. April?, 194", .1'1\ the approva' of theOovern"r. PIIl...d, , tnre.-tH'tl\8 bein, \1"8.ot , Tile Pet<ple I:lt tit. State d rh... Y rk, rltf.\"..Qted In Sill".t. and A..emb11 idf1 .lUl(!~ 111t to' r'.I; S.etkl'l 1. Ul'0U v.tltlen III h....llIan.r ,r<"vlded, tb. l"wn board o! tll. !~~''WII i"t !k,utll!;!ld, !uN'o'k (:(">I:lt1, may .fter It !"mb'le be.rlng and witb the ipennilelC'l' ,.,r the etate e~usptrI)H'I'. ..tab'Uth the flllHr. t.rrlt(>l~Y "f I i [~"lebel"e ~l.l:Id III ..Id t"wn. .,<(c'uI'"e ..,J Fc'" l'vri.gnc a pub' ,e ferry d'ltriel, , ! [IG be 11131'''0 a. tbe Fla"e..a 1.'11l1d ferry diatJ'lct. Such peutlc.n aha" be ilSlened by the (I"",ara <,f t":I'llb,. rtfal pJ'l:>perty .Uu.te in thl! prop<'J.e' 'tatrlet. I I i"WIlI..11l lbe Ill,re,ate III net on.' ba'f d US. 3.......d ftlaat1ca of all the , ita..ble ....1 property of the pl'OpClled a.triot a. aho... by the l~te.t complet.d ! I i......m... 1'011 01..111 tOd: pl'09lcl.... howe".I'. tbat tu petitto. ahall itRehu'. tbe .....tu.... ot ....ld..t OWlleNl OWll'" taable ....1 PropeJ't1 ........t... at 'net ODe-halt of the .......eI _luaUd of allell taable real property. AU of tile ,.,0'1181... of artlel. t..el" of tlllt to.... law. Mt , IDCOUleterat _itb tbe pt'cmelou of tJale aet. aball appl, to the ....bllehm..t ; ... ope...tloa or ab" .letrlet. ! II. The object u.cI pIIrpoae of tile district sball be to aeqtltre. ClO..tnot. ....Ip. ope...t. ad matatala a pllbttc ferry fot' tile trauportatloa fv Iltre of "__ n . . .....OM .nd ..blel... ... ,004_. .......... m....IId.... h'om c........ ~In\1l OIl F......... Ie"" .cJ'ClM tn ...t.... of I.q let... eoud ... otlM.. .,.e...t ..t.... or trlWary tM....O to J'01at8 wlttda ... witbollt tM ..... uh terry -7'" ...,....... to .. tile FlaIM... ..ta.' r...ry. A f\a....... object IiuuI PIII'P... of t1M ellat..let ....n ... to ....... by flit. p1ll"0..... or 1..... ~ airport 01' 1..... fleW....... .. "le.... leland. ... to ope...te ... I . tala .uch al.l'port. '3. The toWII ...... of tU to.. of SolItJaoId m., cout.._ .......... leI'" ~.rry. ... _..Ire aU..... aDd otIMr ...&pIUlll.... .,part....... .........,. I i f" utllorl.. tH 00............. of t'" .letl1ct to let tn .......ry e<*tnct ... I Fontncte t...ntOl'. Tn t..... _I'd of ...It toWII m&1accpdre.1I 1..... i IrIIIW' or ......... ill ,... .......ry tor tbe ptlI'PO... of ..... t.rry. ... I , , rUb tH .pp1"Oftl of tU hpertat."" of p_Uc won. ...,. .reet or ..... ~.... .reeted aM mai..1aM wlthla tn 1....\11 of.., ptdtUe bJIllwa,. .u 1waaU. .p,....,.. or otber ..uip.... &ad .truet...... .........,. tfll' tile operat... 01 tile t...ry. TIle to.. ll.... .., .1.. utllorle. the com.........,.. I to eaatract witb . ,...... pe..... 0" ....... or . .orpo...tloa tor tile ....,...... operau. of HdI I.rry.,.. .uta.......... cera4.Uou" 1iUJ'" maull, .,..... lIpOD. prOYS.... Ilow..... that..,.-h ooatnct 01' 1'.....1 i !tbeNOl aIlall .. ... tor. perlo4 1'*PI' t.... "",.an. 110 WdII tor neh Ie_net...." ... ree.lftd as" he.......,.... p...""" _I... ,be t........ provt.ioIIlI thereof ....11 ....... ..... appr--' by tile t..... board. fto eOlltl'act ..u ... 1.t 1181... ...led eolllpeU.... .... HaU ....... Unt ..... nce1...... .. &0....... wltllllOtke of tile time ... ,.... of tile .....Ipt of.uIl ...... .,ble.. DOt... ....ll ... plIbllehed In a ....paper 1laYlnI.......l cSrc.1atlota .. tlM to..... ... ,",ed fa at ,.... fI.. c..plea.. placee .mwa tile 4let1'ict .t 1.... tea.,. ...,.. tIl. ope." of ..... .,,. ttae eOllu....l...... All..... ...eel.... ..n ... op..'. la pubUe ., tile tl.. ... plac. .peelflM by the -1- . . notice. TJa. to... bIlIar4 01" .w::b cOQun...lone.... if allUaorise4., tDIly acnpt 0.. njeot lUlY Md aa4 may a.......d a eoatraet to the b1rHe.. ..1iaoM bW .. ell ..ottt ra....bl. to tbe d..t..1ct. , , ... Tbe COIlt of aeqlld.1tlM. eoaatructlOll and eftu1p..e. of tM terry. 'i Ileahlcl1lrc laada Dad "iCll" I'll' .......... la I..... .....n blI paid fro.. the 1 ~ronedll of toWD ollll1.Uo_ to be .....41 IUI' .0115 hl the ma...r pl'Ovicladby I r- loeal f..... law. TIle to.. board f'i! ti.e towa of SO_bold..., borrow rM ...ouat ...... tor .ucll purpo... aM ...... towa c1tU,.dlGu tIlentor ila u .......t. prielpat ...00. GOt exe...... OIle lIuadred t..... _Ilan. fpoll tbe Mopt1- of . ".ohatIOft ..,. the ",we 1iloard. aubject to . pel'm...an rrera\lum by tlte owaen of tauble ....1 pro,.rty .ttuate wttlda tU f...". tlm1et .. abowa by 1M la'" completed ......m...t roll of aid to.., hOlt ........ pl'lMlpat .mOUld ..bleb tbe to.. boa..d may borrow ud tOl' wlldeh UpU.. ...y be _uN may be ......... to 8D1 .~0IS1t lip to IMrt BOt _...... the aum or two IllaJIdI'ed tllouatlll dollar.. I 'i II. ft. afl'alN of Ute tSlltrict .Ilan 1M ....... tile jurtHlet1oll. coatrol .... I~,.......... of a ....... of flYe oomml..'....... Tile towa .....d....1I aPJlOiat [, Itl" ....idnt tupaya... of tbe dlatrtet wllo .lall coastlt.... the beard _UI It...1r ........... .... e!aetecllUlCl !Ia" quaURed V.........t to tile provlaiMa of ~ act. S.......... to the ...m...... ao appolD'eeI allan 1M eltlCt4ld b)' the ~t"tOl" of tn d....rlct .. .........rt.r pl'"lchd. n. fll"7 oOJ'll"'...I..... :1 I' ran ...." 11'0"1' ... It eull 1M 1M "'y of .lICh co.,...............: . i (a) Te ,...pa... 0" ...,.. to be prepared and to ."bmil to tile tOWll IMard of toWD or SoIItbold to.. appl'OYllt. piau tor the "'lIlattloa. c&UtntctioD &lid 1'..... 01 the fe..l'7; Ii (ta) To .lIperrile tile eottlltl"\aetlOD of any w€>ru 01' tlDprc"e--. e",,-,.ete4 ~ltll tile "1'1'1 .1Id .... report. tla....OIl from t,... to U... a. tINt to... bolard ii tMn ..........; , :i il :1 " I' I! :i II II .1. . . (0) Te ban jtI..~ oOlltl'ol &ad ..,."ialoa ove.. tbe ferrr ud to operate ud lUiataiD tM ume. (d) To P'll"Obue aU MC"1IlU'1 too18. material..1l<<! IIllppU.. ..ded fer ttMt proper UP'"' 0' the terr11 (a) SubJect to appl'o.al ..,. ttMt tow. boar. of tll. towa. to eate.. lato eQlltracte 01' 1..... for tM pup~ of Ule term (I) .....j"t to tM ."'I'oftl of tM to.. board of tbe to... to &ppolDt aM at pl...ure ...mow . ma1!lA'.1' ... .ub otM" .mpl~ ... ...latante .a maT he ........., to oaI'I7 out the po....... of tb1a ect. &ad fb tWiI' CO.peaAtlClll; CI) SUbject to the appl'Oftl of tM tow. board 1$1 the tOWD. to pro...1.... aDd adopt ud from tlma to time am'" ...1.. ... ...plaUoM 10'"...... tM operatloa of 'M fel'l'7. (b) To ru aed ctaulf1 ..IUl tM appl'Oftl of tile to.. boar' ud ."JMt to ............ wi'" ..... 1101""8. ... mm u.. to UIIM ,.C. or 1DcI'ea.. tM rat.. of f.rr.... 0....... to'" eoll.... for.... t.....perteUOll of ,....... aRd of ...hlet... anti of ,coa....... ..... ..re.......1 (ll TCI ru .... 4a7tJ ... bOll... ...... ...... tM rOIT7 ....n ... ....ted ... e..... Rott.. tMl'eof to ... ,..ted at aU ......... to tile ferrrl (j) 1'o.pClllt... k.., poet.. la cou,lctMII. ... hen.tltl. pleoeo OlItaicle aDd adjacent to each en..... to tile '.1'1'7. .. pia" ..... 0' the ,.......... ..poa IIllOIl f.l'I'1. a aeMdat. plaSlll1 pri.... lD the _tillh '....... of .... ...... of fel'riaJ. chari" to ... eonoe'" '01' ......poriattOll OWl' aaell 'olT7J (It) To ban ... ...re'" hell "'ltlo_1 po...... ... d.tI.. retatlat to .... operatloft. ...tm_...o &ad up-It.p of tM ferr:r .. IDa7 ... ..l.,.ted to tMal ta)' tlae towa bOlU'd 01 the to... 1'4. The towa boa... of .... t.... of IwUt.cll' JUT aeq.... ID7 tift. ,....... or 1..... oa MIlalf of tM '."'7 41aU1et. .. airport or ltlll.!I.., field -.... . . itualed OIl FlaM... lit!.... att... a ,abUo Ilea..lac held In the .... -".... UpM tbe eame Donee U la tbe ea.. ot the Htabliahmeat of the t.rr, iatrlct. The 110tle. (lr .arlac ehan lltate ,......Uy the pvpOll. ot the ....... de_e..iM tbe ....1 propert, to be acquired ud the uta... of _uela ..IUoa. specify tb. amollnt of the e01lll14....tloa to be pai4 therefor tile tlm. whea &ad plac. wll.... aatel town bM.rd wU1 m..t to Q01IlIld.1' th. t:V~ltloa a'" te Ileal' .11 p....OlUl latere.ted in tbe ellbjeet ther.of COM....- ttle ..me. Aft... e\toh. bearll'll"" UpClD the ..ideu. addllo" ther.at. ~be to.,. MaN "'1\ determlae b,. ....Clutl_ whetMr or aot U .. ia tb. "abllc ~te"'" to ~I", allCb 1'..1 prop.rt,. In tb. mall..r aDd lIpOft tbe terma i ~t" la the lIe.tice of bearinc. It tbe town boardllbail dllt."lIUDe that Heb uislUea .. In the pultUe laterHt. It may proc.e. to aequln eucb real pel'l7 la tM epeem.d manner aad upca the speeltied terma. S I-b. W1lea -7 _ucb aiI'Vort {)I' 1&llll1Dl field ehall ha.e ..... _0 uqlllrecl. be town board ma,. del.,at. ~\lrladletloll. eorrtrol aDd sllpervleloD c>f Hell I tlrpGrt or lalldllll fI.ld to tlte board of r...ry dtetrlet eommle.lonen. Tbe OIU"d 01 ,...,., dlatrkt eommla.1oft.... ma7: I , I (a) EqlillJ1. maintain. repair od ope..at. neb airport or Iud.... fI.ld. : Rt} Sdject to tb. 8J1P1'Oftl of tb. town board of th. town. adopt aad ame" ~em time to tlm.. rul.. and ",ulatlCl" ,Oftrat. the ope...tlon IUld 11M of i ~ueh airport e>r laadJe,I1.ltl. i i (e) Prmde 8uola ..rvic.. aad raeUlU.. .. are ...uat a'" laaideatat to the ....Uoa bt a. airport or 1..dlDc riald. aad fllC. from tlm. to Um.. the t.... ......... ....1&1. or other coaaida..UOII tor tM ......r11lc 01 .ach ......ie.. ! .. the ua. .f heb t8elUtte.. i II (It G..... Ue...... cOM...lou .... p..hil.... aad ..II .pac. alld relit I~...m"'. to .lIeb fI'lUlt... aDd lte.DII... tOI" 'be carr,inc oa of the Itul.... r turalabl.. _."lc... .llpllU...... ..tertata required tor tile ........... II if " !; II -1- . . ud ot-eratlOll of .1ftraft ud ...aa otMl' ..mCM. nppU.. &ad t....... .....OMbly ......llI'7 or iDel4utal to the operatlOll of ... atl'poI't lud1., ne'd. e.) Coatr'Ut at the ..p.... fill tll. t.1'I'1 cIUltl'let tor lullJ'allCe 1IIlie~ e 'el'l7 ds..tl'1et. or the toWD. 01' &toOl. ..... INtI a....., floe. lDj\Il'iea I) pel'llOlllll or pnpe"''' arlll", eat or the m.......... ud eperat10a 01 .1Ie" port or '_"'.. rteld. (I) C.... ,..." cIUltl'lct p~l"ty to be laatued ap"" loa. or ..... from fa) L.....hh portloa of the al.l'port 0.. 1...... n.14 aot req1Itre4I to.. trport 01' ,......t.a n.ld purpon. rOl' ..., te..l ........ PUI'p084l. The ....e". 01 ..y power autlaoria.. by .........,u (cI) ad fa) of dUe ... ....11 M ellbJltct to the approval ot the tC>1nl bear" att... . pIlbUe _I. by .... boa... 01 r.rry eo......toae.... Mottce of Hell pabl1Cl al'llllaball atate ,.....Uy the pup c.. the...of. _MJ'1be bli.n, the ter.a t the lice.... CIlOllCl."_ pl'l"lf1.,. or 1.... ... aJ*lIf1 tbe tb.. ..e. ad lao. where the boai'd of ,....., .omatnioa.... will ..... to couid... the bear aU per... ..........1 lD the a..,.et th....ol eoa- .ns., the ..... S,",oll Dotlee aball M pu.llIUa1ted aad iii*" in tu .... r .. ill the cue 01 the ".1"..." d tM ''''17 d"tI'Iot. AI; ...".maH. ot ....t...... lltad 0.. ..t..... .ria", out 01 the Ili'IlWIhnTMe oparatlClfl (I aile" atrport m" t....... neld. ....11 be the pl'O;Mtrt)' of tile I. .e- . . ommi..10lMr. pur..... to ..ction tea _...or .hall inc1l.". antlelpated ..... aDd ..pencUt...... arlalll1J out of tbe cWMrahlp. malateaaaee ancI I eraUon of aileD airport ell" landtJlf ft.td. II. All mone,.. ...eel"" from f.r....,. eba..... sbaH be ftpolllted dall1 baake or truat com put.. 1A tlw atate of N.. York and tb. ata. of ODDectiCltt to be deel.gnat.4 by the ..pervtaor or tbe to'WII of SoIlt!K.\c1 aDd to . credit of aucD su.peJ"ltsor. The superviec;;r abaP edcute and flle ...ttll . town clerk additional a.eurlt)' for the ..teke.ping and laml applleatlOll 01 ren mOM,.. in euell amoUl'lt anI! with auch IIJlU'eU.e a. lb. tOW'll board .IlaU F"r'JVII. The expeMe laeurrect in connection with any allC'h IIdertaldnr n be a eba.... ..,.u... the diatriet. TiM' terry coml'l':<i..tOlM'l"a sban oa 01' tor. thIt teatb d.,. 01 Heb montla. fUe wltb the town ('I.rk 01 the t"we a port of their activitiea <<Illriac the preeedtDf month in allcll detaU as the w. board aball requl.... Each allcb ,..ptlJ't .al1 call1ain a etateme_ .~_..., I te aDW\lat ot t.rri.,e eba..... collected aft. all obll,aUoa. of tt..e diJnrlet " tel at tbe time .1 filtnc tlM report. All ('Iatms .,ai..t ttle clletrlt~t .un ...d.t.d montbl, b, the tt!w,. board aftd paid by 11M .upel'Y1aOl' from MOM,.. " !I '~mabUaJ to ltt. credit aftd b4tt"'Jltng to ft.. terry dletrlet. ()1It of a"1I Ii " , oae,.. tIW \0_ board m&)' ..tabUsh 11 r""lvl. ~tt:r ~.all fund lor thIt .... 'I the boar' of commie.lon..... Sacl1 tuftd .ball be lJJ aach amount a. the *w. board llII&y deem nee......,. but abat! aot at all)' tinte n<:e'ld tlte .UID ot 1 r bundred dCJila... and .hall cOAtinu. Sa e'ldtlteftCtt trc>m yea,. te yea.. watll oUebed. 15ueh pett)' c:aah twld .hall b. placed 1D aD accwnt In the aa_ 01 i , e commlaaloa aIhI eba!l be li8e1er the centre} f)r tbe lTlUllfer aDd elC)'>8lldl- 1 .. t.....lrolln .beli b. made 01111 tor paymeut in achaftce of .lIl1tt 01 op.1'17 tt.m.." aDd certltlH or ..ritled hUl. tor material... .IIPPU.. and "ice. etber tbaIl.mployment. fronded. hewever. that ..peadJtu.... act ..ce.. of t.1l della"a at a.y OM time may b. macle I(;r c..lI pureluul.. of -,- . ~ . . CftAFy ma"rial. 01' .uppliel. A .....merd Qf .apeadl,..... ,rom.... t, cu. ,... ud ....tr pul'pd" tot....... with.... bUtI 01' WlICIMn .......101' n be a JIU't fit the _oathl, report t<.> tbe teIl...~. Upoa a.'" bJ t_ OWD 1ilolU'd leb pelt, cub ,lIII4 .IlaU ... ...t>o;~"" Ia tU a.OIIIIt 01 tblt lqieDdltll.... aUowed. fa tba ."eat _t ..,. .uoll bm. 01' .xpeadttll.... a... lIo'" .... m....... .baU _ ,......117 U.bt. 'bereto... S'. T1te ~1l!..1 ....., tor.... .t..ti.. 01 commiltN"'" ....n ... bet. .... .NoM ,.....,ta A....'. At tlw ""' ........1 .tNtioa OM 1.1'l7 mmt..Ioa... IIla11 be .tected lor. t.... 01 OM :rear. Oft tOl'. term 01 two .. OM'OI'. t.I''' 01 tlar.. ,...... .. fOl' a t.r.. of foul' ,..... ... OM .,.,.., co.n.........r,. lban be .lec'" for a tarm of ttve,....... to Clomma..a .... date of t1tta .1Ntloa. l1Iec..ao... to ..ob f.rr, commilt....... Illall .1..... '01' t.rms of'.... 7ft"1 aub. ".. eomlll...'on.... ellall OI'pat.. tbe .teotloa IJoom 'lwir IUIIIlbel' ., a Cl......... ..Ilo ....11 p....We at all ...... or tlw 1ilolU'd d eomm.......... T1te .omm...t..... .ball m... .....11 Oil tbe ...... 'h...., Ie aula mOlltb for t1te ..........toIl ., .be 01 tu dIItI1ot. SpltCllel IIlttetIIIp me, be beht at tU cran of Ule ...... Eacla .o....t....... aban........'OI' Ida HI'YIo.. ttw ... of ..u.... 'or ..... ........ ot .. IIcta.I'd utaU,. ........ by..... pro...... ttw .....___ta eom,....tloa ..Idoll ....., IUb eomallltoae.. ..,. ....el.. ......... ,........ ....... ....., 7"" lbaUDDt .aeed tbe ... fit....... ..U..... III .MUoa ,be....o eae.. .om....'.... lban ........ .... aetuU, ... ........U, .......... In .... ,,"'or_" of ._ ...... bJIi oftke. SlIell ..,..... .ban be paW from tile ,.... of .lw t.....y after ....it ... appl'Oftl I'll ,be tOW'll board. '1. Ttae ""l1l~P'" AaU be tlw ..........UWl liIH4 fit tbe dtatriet and U ...... Ida ....... u.. to tlw ...... .f .. ..... lief.... _...... .,. a'''1 of at.. GIft... tbe --1::'...... ItwU to. t1te ....UtaUo.l ..... of &lilt fll. tbe .... III tbe omce of tU towa el...1l of tbe..... TINt , Ii ,I II -8- 'f '...,-. . . I IflmcUon.. pow........ duU.a of tbe oemml..""". ...latlaC '0 ttwt .,....tlcm and matatelllUlce d ll'taber. Isl... t...., ...n ... .xe"....... ,...lot.......,. th. ......p.. o. ..... bU .aperv1eloa ..bJect to the dlreetloa ... coatrol of commi..l...... The lJIe'""l"r .baU .-..ellte and ftl. with tINt to... clen tile to.... .. ............ tor ,bit aatekHptee .Dd lam' a"pUcatie8 0I1U17 .... of tbe dl8trlct w.atch m&1 COld to bIe ...... tD .... ....... aU .11b rac.. .lInty or .....ue. .. .hall be "pI'ClYe4 .,. ttae to.. board 01 the ton. SI. The .....' -eettar ahall be beh. wital. ttae &tr1ct at a pia" to ... I.... b, tIl. cOftlm.......... The e........lG..... ahaB .... lieu.. to be eel tD ft.. public plu.. 1a the cUatr1ct at tMet ten -1' beton tM data the --..,.1 mntblc. TIle aot1ce a.U eta,. tbe Ume, pi.... aDd objeet 01 meetlallUId the boG... U1at .... pella ara to ...mas. ope& The poll. ..n .. to. . period 01 ,... ..z. to be I'lxecI by the cOllUl'da.l....... Vettee I~ban be by paJMll' baUet to be prcw1.... ..,. tile com....Io....... Suh bal'ota ~ll cOSllf_ .. .....1' .. mar be to banota tor pr....., etecU08 ,..."ldH I ,I t' .actlon .- lllllll:ln4 -_ fill .... _leet.loa la.. Tbe aapeua 01... ....... ..u be . ClIIarI- .,.w. the .u.trlct. ZI",ora d tbe &trtet lUted to Yota tor to.... oftl"... 01 tbe t...ot SoutIloW at tile ......... alect... .un be _1".1. to .ole at *Il1 hOlt .....1 a'eeti-. The amber. 01 tbe .....-4 01 _IUII..I..... ...n be tu lupeGtora 01 .1...... ~ .t ... ct_ ..... ..... _ll __ ... _ ... _.......It .. t,:::, ~ :::......:..:" _:.:::-..= ...- II S10. The &_1 :reel' of the dletriat ....n Clom....a Oft tile ,....t _,. of "7 aDd ad OD'U tllirtr-ttnt de,. of Oeft....... Tbe eOlllmJa.t...... n prepare ....U.. .alimate. 1ft writJec of the uUalpatH .......... uti XfllIIlCItt.... f. ... dletriot tOI" .he ~. of ....rmlftl.. tbe ..1MlltIt of ...,. ~ to mHt tbe ........ of o,....Uca ... ..t....~ of .... triat... dIatrtet propert,..ct t..p..eye...... to.. the a..1 :reel' CO-..... i II II II .1- ....' ..., '... . . c. tu li...t day 01 JallllU7 HlCt 'IICCMdiIlC. SWilh aDDUal ..ti....... .ball be pre.......d aM .ubmitted au actton theret4l tallen by the hum board 01 tU towaia tile mumer IUl4 .Ubin tile Ume '~etned la .ect1ca two hu8dred two-a of tI.. town law. The town o(JlU'1II .....n a.td to all7 .uoll e.t1ma.t. ilultaUm" of priad,al .04 of lat.r..t .ecrum, 4111'''' .lIdl IIHal y..r on lUl1 towa bo1IcIe UIIIll" to proYltl. (II_ for tbe pay...t of the co.t 01 aeqld8ltton. colUltl'lidiOll aDd ~uipmm et the 1.1'1'7. TIle ameum of ..elt .8t1mat. .. appl'Gnd .., tll. tOWDlIoard .Ilan be raiN4 b7 tall IIpo1l .11 the taxable ....t property of tII. dlatJict. at the ..UUI 11m.. In tlM aam. ....DIUIl' ud by 11M llam. ottk.... .. towa aha..... ar. .......li:Iy tax tMreln. aM whee collected 1....11 be paid to tM .upe......o.. 01 the tQW1l. AU at tile provlafou 01 a.ell_ I two ......... two-. of the Iown law. Dat llle.......t wlUl tlM provl.ICIUt of tMa act, .....U apply. 111. Mo aommlUloaer. ..tllc.r. .mpl...,," or ....t of tbe dSatrlct aball ban ..,. pe"'''l Inter." In M)' efIDl....ct. I.... or ..ream"t ..cutelt pvlhMUlt to tbl. act or fa t'u1I1ll1bJac tabor or _t.....l. for t1l. dlatr1et. 111. It lb.. eom. of tM ....e or ,,4 tM Old'" ltat.. .....n adJtlq. 8117 ..etloll or aect1oa8. prwl.lflll or pl'OYlaloaa of Uala act IlDetlutitlltioaal or volel. thee .lIcb ....rmbaatlon .haU affect 1>817 1M .eetloft or ltfICrttou. ....""1011 or pI'~tCDII .. .djdpd to be llDeoutltllUoUl or void. aacI....U _t affect &Il7 otMr aectlca or p......... of tbla act. I I I, I, II I t .10- ,