HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/18/1969 __',--0' --- "",f~' ;.""', ,i',.' i.'. ."-':""';':::::~:"'-", . . . . Fishers Island Ferry District DutrK( Ct.u4 B-J Sp.<<i.J1 Acto{ 'fM N. Y. Srate Lqula'"n (!.aU'f 01 N. Y., 1947, Cl\apln 69\)' FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANA[]ER . SECRETARY TELEPHONE 788-7-463 AREA COOE 516 BOARD OF COMMiSSIONERS LAWRENCE S. 8ALDWIN, CH"I"M"M POLLY EDMONDS .__.~.E.O_ R. GREBE RAYMOND F. DOYEN RICHARD V. F"OYLE A Ipecial h.aring wal h.ld by the Fish.r. I.land F.rry Di.trict .n the ..tilllat.ll r.v...u.. and .xp.nditur.. .t the Fi.her~ 1110' F.rry DlItri et t.r the p.ri.. JanuarI 1, 1970 thr.ugh aa4 i~luding Decelllb.r 31, 1970 at the Fi.h.r~ Island F.rr~ Dlitrict Theatr., August 18, 1969 at 8:00 P.M.. Pr..ent w.r. Cemmi..i.n.r. Baldwi., Chairmaa, Edm...., D.y.n, Feyl. and C.Mm1..i.n.r M.r.ll. AI.. pr....t were W. C. Si..lair, Mgr. and E. B.rning vh. act.d al Secr.tsry t.r the h.ariKg. Th.r.-w.r. ab.ut tittT p..ple in the audi..c.. ChairMan Baldwin .p.n.d the h.ari~ at 8:00 P.M.. W. Sinclair, M..aF.r r.a' the ..tic. .f the heariag. A. a p.i.t .t cr'.r it waR .ugg..t.d that anyb.dy ...king the tl..r IllUlt id..tity th.IIII.1t. It waR p.int.d .ut by the Manag.r that al r.gard. the pr.p..ed bu'get that anyb.dy there c.uld Ip..k r.r .r .gAta.t oy it.1II .r all it.ml an' that th.ir ..mm..t. waul' be the basil .f .ith.r iRerea.img the budg.t .r d.er...ing it a. the ea.e may b.. Chatl'lllA" ~aldwi. al.. .tat.. that arter the h.aring il cl.... that the B.ard v.ul' re-.p.n the m..ti.g r.r ge.eral c.mm~nt~ and ~e.ti.n.. Th. Manag.r th.. pr.c.de. t. r.a. the R.p.r t .r e.timat.,d Rev.nu.. aJld Expendi tur.. f.r 1970. Mr. p. S duP.nt: It it appr.priate t. a.k a questi.nt The Chairm.n .. all.w.d. Mr. DuP..t then a.ked ir the ..ure.s .r r.v~u. are at the .ame rat. t.r 1970 a. f.r 1969. Ch. Baldwin .tated th.t the rev.nue. reflect the i~r.a..d tarirf rat... Irl. H. L. F.r~u..n: What i. Special Servic..~ Th. Manaper st.ted th.t thi. a...unt e.n.i.t. .r trailer., bicycle., m.t.rcycle., bull ..zer., .tc. A p.iat .r .rd.r was rai.e' .ft the tl..r .n di~cu~si.g the budg.t. Mr. DuP.Kt: I w.uld Ilupgellt tho 1'ate .r m.t.reycle. be inc~e..fld t. $2$ ..ch t. k..p the.. p..pl. .rr. The MaJlag.r r.pli.d tha t uncler ICC rule. there ... ..t b. aJ!" clllori"'~_nati.n .h.Wl'l t. .T>> cH'ie item. K.r t. p...engera. A lIU".ti.J1 W....k..~a.-t. W'eat thfl en.rating rev..ue. w.re f.r 1968. The Manager .aid '183,991.7 . Mr. Galla: Y...... --'1. . i. $24,000 Ie.. in thil budget then lilt ye.r. 51..clair: $24,996 Ie... Mrfoa..: I ,..Ith tni.k this a fair c.mpari..n. 11. i.dicated i. thil budp;"t. Mr. P.S. DuP..t I WaJl.t te make. pretest, I ..ver heard .f a nudget m"erilT with.ut a y.t.. S1..lair: Thi. 11 .trictl~ a he.ring wh.re yeu caJ! veic. ysur .pini.n f.r .r agai..' a.y .r all it.ma th.r.in clRtain.d. R...i.g .f ..timat.d expe.... th.. centinu.d. Mr.. H. L. F.!:Bu....: Ma." I a.k why w. get m..ey rr.", P.e C.ntral. Chairman Baldwi.: That"1. r.ntal r.r pr.vidillg a r..1II r.r the cr..sinp '..der. Mr. P.ll. 'uP.nt: R.rard1ng t.ek w.rk , i. the figure high .r 1_. S1..1air: It i. ..rmal, c...iderlag that the w.rk i. l.ng .verdu.. Ir. ~.t: I'm n.t c...e.r.od with the ev.r due part. . ~. : Wh.t d... the the $39,450 o.n.i.t .f und.r R.pair. - Fleatl~ .qU1PB8~ and Mainten.J!o.. 8t..l.ir: V....l Haul .ut., 2 GMV-12 E.gi.e., ~giftl ~ftt.KaJlc., .n. 1~1.~aD.. ratt, ..d ratt i..peeti.n.. . Y.1J haTe a l.t .r expenses . . Fishers Island Ferry District DiIrricIOtaud 8, ~ Acto( lflu N_ Y. St4rt LqU"tv1't (I...IUl'J "'{ N. Y., 19f7. CMpln6991 . FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANAGER. SECRETARY TELEPHONE 7S8-7-463 AREA CODE 516 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE S. BALDWIN, CHAIRM"N POLLY EDMONDS ALFRED R. I3REBE RAYMOND F. DOYEN RICHARD V. FOYLE -2- (Aug. 18, 1969) C.mm. Baldwift then .xplain.d why w. are c.nt.mplatine changing e~gin... Mr. ~..t: y.u m.nti.n.. replacing the Cummin. E~jn.. but y.u d. n.t .h.w er. y.uwill g.t asy m.n.y t.r th.m. Mr. Baldwi.: W. plaa t. u.. that m.ney r.r in.tallati.n and f.r ouildiag the 'J!lgi.. b.... Qu..ti.~ tr.m tl..r: On Pur.er. .alari.., i. t~at an increa.. !la.lair: It i. 1..., beeau.e la.t rear we emol.yed a pur.er .n the Ollada, which we .perated. Mr.. Rafterti: Ma! I alk a quelti.n. D. we fl8.Te a C!lance to vote "n t!:ia? 51aclair: .t at thi. me...t1 ng. T!is butget wheJl approv.d h:v tn... Board er Cemm1..i.ner., will l-e .ent t... the Town er S.uth4llld u'Id will he incllld"df' with all the .therludgets .r the Tewn 1)114 at Which time yeu mav then v.te .. it. - Mr.. Rafter~: I think tni. C.~i..j.n i. doinp a great j.h, and I re.liz~ It 1. a thank~e.. jeb. I d. .bject t. t~e ract that more money either rr.m the T~ .r the C.uaty '.e..lt came back te halo the Ferry Di.trict. Sut.ti.n tr.m the t1e.r: Regarding in.urance .everag., which the Marag.r .xplain.d 1. detail. ~.. B...: I uad.r.taad from .ign. that :veu are net reBp.nsihle r.r a.r liii,e c.ming and g.ing 'Il the beat. Slaclair: We have be.n adTi.ed by our in.urance c.mpany te p..t thil tar.rmatieD. . !.) JIro.. F.r~..n: I. the salar Ie. 'i tem th~ . ame as 11.. t year. r ~Wft. Ba wi. answer.. thi.. ~..tiea ir<ml rl..r cenc.rlling two i tl'!m. undl'!r til.. !lame bea.aing, ie: Stationery aa print Jlg. aiaolair: Tw. acc.unt. .et up by ICC differentiating rrom tra.nsportatl.on ac..u.t and .rric. aec.unt. Ratt.rt: U.der l.cal transrers, 1s that am.unt .. salary or i. it upke.p? a r: at it.m i. a mail hau1ag. c~tra.ct, to haul mail to and rr.m . er. I.lad ~..t Otrice and the Ferry District Pi.r. Mr.. F.rgus..: Under V..s.l Sub-C.ntract, dees that include pal ~,ting the .......IT JIlo.. Ratrerty: C.uld Y'" itemize what the C.ntract C.Ter.. 51.c1air N.rmal Maintenance, painting, .upplying the crew, lic.n.e., Ut11itie. N.w L.nden D.sk, .tc., repair equipment etc. Mr. Gu..t: H.w d... the New L.nd~ .peratien c.mpare with wh.n ~.u ran it ".ur..lr. ' Ch. Ba1tlwi.: W. .nl:v .perated the Dii.da, n.Ter the My.tie 1.1.. ~'.i;;. rr.m t1..r: That .ub-c.ntract t.r 1970, h.w d... that compar. to 1969' It.. r1 It i. 1.... w.. Albert Gord.n: I d..lt .ee any d.preciati.n .n thi. budget. 81..1alr: w. de n.t maintain a reserT' fer depreciatien. ".G....a: D..lt y.u think that there .heuld he a re.erT', and that thi. ~4i.t .h.ult b. incr.a..t ~y $IOiOOO te tIS 000 . __lairs I think a re..r.. r.r d8prec!at!en 11 a. .xc.llent .ugge.ti.n - .___. "'!S'l'i~'"" -_.. ~~,'_. -~~ ,.....- _n'._.~ .~" '. '~':"'1-- . . Fishers Island Ferry District Discrict o.uai a, SJotdc:\l Ad fJ/ 'f'M N. Y. Stclu l4U14tw.n {LaWll of N. Y.. 19047. CM~tt 6991 . FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MA.NA.GER - SECRETARY TELEPHONE 7SS-7-463 AREA CODE 516 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE S. BALDWIN. CHAIRMAN POLLY EDMONDS ALFRED R. GREBE RAYMOND F'. DOYEN RICHARD V. FOYLE (3) Au~. 18, 1969 Mr.. Rarterty: I u.der.tand we are in a IPecJal rerry district and .e_where we Iheu1d be ahle te get a .ub.idy in the State er the C .,lIJlty. Ch. Baldwift: W. haTe neTer r.ceiTe. a ce.t frem th~ Stat.. Qu..ii ell rrllm the tle.r: Why .eel the F.rry Db tric t nave te pay tfl nave .. bu ding 4.melished en the Xirpert preperty. Si.cla1r: The ~rpert cnme. uader the terry Di.trict a. deel the thea~re .M the ferrie.. ~..tien trem the tle.r: What ditrerence will it make i. the inluranc. 11 y.u tear d.wn that building. Si.clair: N.t tee much, I'm afraid, w. haT. . bl..k.t .everape en the e.tire preperty. Ch. Baldwin: mentioned that ir the building i. dam.li.hed the brick will be u.ed te rill ene ef the eld bunkers up. Si.clair: .t.ted that buak.r. are a liability and we ar. having Dr.blem. with .ur in.urance peeple relatiTe te insuring .ame. He .tated thet !eme et the larg.r bunker. are being uaed t. di.pe.. .t junk ear. in c..perati.n with the Garba~e aBd Hefu.. Di.trict. J......: I have cha.ed eut tr.n.ie.t. in the b.rrack.. The building i. a hazard t. the C.mmuaity. I. Hern1et: Why i. there a dirrerenee betwe.n llaBd.r. &Ad .rr I.land.rl? lb. Baldw .: Ruled him eut .r erder. O~..t rrem tne fle.r: I gather that the theatre i. an even stev.n prep..itien. ~1..1.ir: Last year it was $40 eTer .xpen.... ... G.ta: May I ask .gain abeut the veti~ en the budget? ~1..1.ir: A. .tated i. the netic., this i. just a hearing. Yeur cemment. ..g.rdi~ the item. will be c.nsidered by the B.ard ef C.mmi.liener~. Gaillardr I w.uld like t. maKe a met1en that the future budget be prepar.d Wi~ .1' .. a thr~e year parallel bali.. ~Qf_ What i. the bank balance new. !YiiIair: $111,534.02 !!!!l Wh7 d. w. have te rai.. $26.000 the.. . ~1..~.ir; Thi. bal..c. i. ..t olear .nI tre., w. hay. a .hipy.rd bill te P&7 eut er it, . ..w 1'."1' and i..t.ll.tie. te p.y rer.a.. al.e we haTe t. take ....y eut r.r b.nd r.tir.ment a.. i.ter..t. G.tat I think w. .heuld 11.. this men.y. If mere men.y i. r.quired then .. ceuld alway. rai.e it bT a tax anticipatien .ete. Gaillard: a.ked ab.ut . balanc. .heet and ace.UJlt. receiTable. S1aol.lr: I have it ri~ht her. f~r the 1968 .perati.n. The enly aee.uat. r...iT.ble are the NaTY acceunt.. I Hernin: What about the high terry rate.. . Yeu .1'. .ut ef erder, this i. net pertinent te the budget. : From what Jeu .aid, we g.t .. money frem the State er Ceuaty, . 7 are we .n. .p..ial rerry di.trict. ~ Bal~I.: It 1. the .nly rerry .i.trlct i. the .t.te ef N.w Yerk "'..;.l~ :~~ II there ..y w.y we .u capi talize e. thll being . .pe oial _.,.."..~- ----."..-..-.-....,.~....... .A' ,""'_,,',,',' "--~\-''''~-.~~.~'''1 ..'..~..q':).!,.~~',;~_<i~~1!'J' ~,~~.._>- ...;~, . -', !"!Ib~";"',..,';;""'.~ I . Fishers Islan.d Ferry District DUtrktCr...udB, ~ Mol 'I'M N. Y. StAtr ~nwc(Law. 01 N. Y.. 1041. ~tr699j . i ! I FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANAeER - SECRETARY TELEPHONE 7Ba~7-463 AREA CeDE 516 BOARO OF COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE S. BALDWIN, CMAIIU.4,1.'" POLLY EDMONDS ALII'RED R. GREBE RAYMOND F". DOYEN RICHARD V. F"OYLE (4) Aug. 18, 1909 a.MM. F.yl.: Sp.ke e. hi. c..ver..tien with Mr. Durye. .nd the pessjbility er getting .eme meney rrem the St.te er New Yerk. Mr.. R.rtertQ: Sheult w. .t.rt eur .wn tax p.yer. As..ciatien. ~. Gada: e .heuld .11 get tegether and .... the T.wn Beard letters. Th. Butg.t hearing wa. then cle..d and .dj.ur.ed .t 9:00 P.M. Chairman B.ltwin then recenTen.d the meeting er the B..rd ef Cemmi..iener. r.r general discus.i.n: Mr. G.ill.rd: asked why the .hipyard bid. w.re r.jected r.r the My.tic I.le, &ad wanted te knew if it wa. heo.u.e . C.nnectj.ut Semp.ny w.. the lew hidder. Mr. Baldwin: Expl.ined what h.d haupen.d and that it wa. b.eed en the _th.. .r prioing .teel pl.te. .. Mr. H..b..d: Whe .et. the rate. en the r.rry beat.' ~. Baldwin: The Beard er C.mmis.len.r.. ~..tien ~r.m the fleer: I den't want t. he .tepping in where .ngel. te.r 1. tre.d but hew de the CeMmissiener. get nemin.ted~ Ch. B.ldwi.: Explained the urecedure. (Must be preperty ewner, er r~cerd, etc.> Hr. P. S. dupent: wanted te kn.w Why eTerybeay .h.ulda't get . ~etice er .l.cti.n and budp~t hearings. He .aid he w.uld p.y the p..t.p.. Sincl.ir: reperted that in the la.t eleotien 74 peepl. had Teted. Ir. ~..t: Ar. we .ntitle. te vete by mail? ~ Baldwin: Serry,.. ab..ntee b.li.t.. .. .. rem fl..r: Wh.n w.. el~cti.n h.ld? .. · r: ugu. 2, 1969 .t the Fireheu.., it .ccur. .very ye.r en the ...... Tu..d.y in Augu.t, ~ aurw.: Ceuld y.u giT' u. . .chedule when the.e thing. take pl.ce1.nd .eu~. a r.pre~ent.tiv. er the B..rd er C~mi..ien.r. be pre.~nt .t the Civie A...ei.tj.n meet1np'.. Ge.eral diso\lssi..n en.ned "n thi.. u..t1.n frem fl..r: I. there .ny chance er . cemmut.tien b.ek? .. . r: n 'Tem er Ot 1949 I ..ted th.t w'th.ut ..y pr1er di.cu..ien ~.. Tarlrf w.. ohange. t. .1Amin.t. the e.mmut.ti.n b..k.. N.t b~inR here at that time I c.. n.t .n.wer th.t .r give the r....n. theref.r. H.wever Mr. Ga.a i. in the .udienc. and he w.. chairman .t th.t time, p...ibly .. aight .hed ..me light .n the matter. Ga..: The b..k. w.r. a pr..uct ef the T.mp.rary water C.mmi..i.n .na ..r. pha.e. .ut .. .am.. Ca, Baldwin: Th. ce.t was te. mueh fer the i.iti.l .utlay. Arthur W.I.h: C.mmut.ti.n b..k. wer.. $30 per b..k. ~. Ga.a: Fir.t at.p i. t. g. .rter a St.te .ub.idy, cut .umber .r trip. ,. reCU.. .per.ting .xpen.... , "r<<. Deye.: .sked ab.ut r.jection er bid. en My.tic Isle w.rk .nd ..ked ~ ~rman w.ul. r.p..t ju.t wh.t went .n. Ch. B~dwin br.ught Mr. ,a.,.. up t. d.t. .n the matter. , ="~R:: t De yeu C.mmi..i.n.r. f1l4l th.t the Town B..r. w.. ju.tifi.. in ~. . . .... h...' bid.. Chail'lllaJl BaldWi. .t.ted that it d1. present pr.blema (. f . .~---~~ ,~ ---- . -.1[.' . . Fishers Island Ferry District """'" c....d '" -' Ioa,f .,.'" N. Y. _,-"",-" (......, N. Y., ..." ","",,"'l . FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANAGER ~ SECRETARY TELEPHONE 7BB~7-463 AIlEA Caoe: 516 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS L.AWRIENCE 8. .ALOWIN, C......llIIIM...... POLLY EDMONDS ALFRED R. GREae: RAYMOND ,.. COYEN RICHARD V. FOYLE 5. {Aug. 18, 1969 a.. et ceur.e up.et eur .cheduling. Mr.. Bur..: At the T.v. Beard Me~ting .everal peeple e~jected te net knewing Wbe. the Cemm1..iener. Meeting. were. Mrs. Dixe.: Aren't yeur meetin. public? Oh. Ba~.win: Our meeti"8. are net re~llar. we meet en eall te ,ay bill. er it aR~ preblem. ceme up. Gata: I tnink that the .ugge.tien er having all Di.trict meetin~. po.ted weuld be a geed idea. Ch. Baldwi.: It. a geed pei.t. aeger Burn.: Hew are we gein~ to rind out abeut decl.lon regar.i~ rates. What wilJ happen a. a re.ult or the .upgestio.. et this Meeting. o.ta: We should ~et help tr<<m the Stat. er Ceuaty. Br. Ke1.ey: Islander. whe .eed re1ier or ~edica1 attentio. rrom the Couaty have quite a harnship i. gettinp sa~e due te our gee~aphical lecation. Quite pessihly t~at sheuld he considered in petting aid from the County. 9Ue.tion fr~~ the rl.er: What kind er rates d. you have fer the winter .ea.e.' The Manaper read these err and ehewed the difference in coet 1tm trom the previous rates. Mr.. Burns: When t',e Tewn Fathers were here I uked ahout tne elderl'\" peeple living on ret*rement and ir p.asibly they ceUli get a reducod rate. Mr. Kel.ey: Can't the Commissioners reduce the rates witheut going to the l.ter.tate Cemmerce Commis.io.' Si.c1air: Ne, we are an i.terstate carrier with a tranchi.e. ~. Kel.ey: Whe can yeu call at .ight te find eut ir a rerry i. running er .et. Ch. Baldwin: Yeu CaR call 345, it ring. i. the ag..t. heu.e. Mr. Kel.ey: O. Suaday. could the Olinda leave at 5t45 P.M. in.teaa or 5:15 P.M. this will mean lea a waiting ti~e in New Lende. fer a trai.. Ch. Baldwin: Thi. ceultl. be considered ":1 the Burd. Arthur Wa1.h: I wender if se~e pr..vi.io~ oenlt be Illad.. .e that checka ceu10l be caahed rer the exact amount of the fare. Si.elair: The pur.er. have b~en inatructed that any checka they cash they are reaponaible rer. A. Wal.h: The pur.er aaid Mr. Mart.cchia made this ruling. Ii.clair: I te1d the pur.er.. Ch. Bal*win: I ju.t talked with the CeMllli.aien, and aelllething can be werked eut. Mr.. Gerd..: S weu1d .ugge.t that wh.. t~ .ch..u1e is werked up that it might be a Beed idea te get 1do.. tre~ tho I.land peep1e and a1.. frem a represeEtitive er the .ummer pepulatie.. C.. Baldwin: fle},eau1e. are usua1l"f _rig up in May and we de rely en the train ..hedule.. . Mr.. Gerio.: I weu1d like te a.k aheut a 7 Ge P.M. trlp every Friday .1~t CUring the rall. 0.. Bal'w1n: We have thla .che.u1e up to Octe"eJ' 15, 1969. Ir we centilme .".,..4:-~..~d...'.. ...".~""',r...,,~. ~~ . ,~:... .'..ccc:c....".. --'.......-.~""""r'~~._.." -" .._,.~,.....,"<~-- "' ~.'. ""'-"-,""'-' "'I"""""'f"""""..--:-C" ... --"'."~I" , . Fishers Island Ferry District _0...1 '" So<doI""'" .....N. Y._~a-"'N. Y.. ,....""-000) FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 . WILF"REO C. SINCLAIR MANAGER - SECRETARY TItLI!:PHONE 7B8-7--463 AREA CODE 516 BOARD OF" COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE B. BALDWIN, CHAIRMAN POLLY EDMONDS ALF"RED R. GREBE RAYMOND ,.. DOYEN RICHARD V. F"OYLE 6. (Aug. 18, 1969) after this time, it will b. ae muoh per trip. Ge.eral .iaoussien the. enaued aheut the train thst gets in aroun<< b:30 P.M. &ft. abeut helding the beat i. ease it ia late. Ca. Bal.wi. attempted to fi.. eut just how long yeu could held the beat. Mra. Rafferty: What about a late beat Fridaya in the apr'ng? CA. Baldwin: We start our schedule the first ef MaT 1969 . Metle. made to adjeurn ~d uaaalmeualy carried at 9:55 P.M. Edwin Horning Aetinp ~eeretary Appro.e": Chairman, Beard ef C~issionera