HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/08/1970 :I~ M~"';;;~:~~";'::'j.-:':...i;-'i:-~-~::,,;:.r~::"~-;;:~:.:..- .~~"-, . . -, Fishers Island Ferry District ~ c::.....i ., s..-. Act 01 'fM N. Y. s.... ~ (z..zWI a/ N. Y., 1~7. ChdlMf 6w\ FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 W1L,.REO C. IIINCLAIR MANAClE" 4 8&C"UAAY TELC"HQNE 7....'7.463 AAU CODe: 51. BOARD OF COMMJSSll1NERS LAWRENCE S. BALDWIN. r.....a,!RM...N POLLY EDMONDS lI.Dm:llI = 1lk"U RAYMOND F. DOYEN RICHARD V. FOYLE :'t/lnhen l':orl"ll '-iff'J VI / A .peel.l ~eting of the Board of Commissioners of the F.I. Fe~'Y District v.. e.lle4 by the Ch.irm.n and held in the office of the :~.:istrlot J.nuary B, 1970. Pr.s..t were Commissioners Bal.win, Foyle ~dmonds, Mor.ll and W. C. Slnclair, Mr~. Secretary. Commissio~er was .~lIent. M~nute. of the Meetings held Nov. 26, Dec. 4. anri Doc. 18. 1969 v.tt'e road. an. .pprove. as rea.. ','he Boa I'd direc te4 the Manar'er to oontact Mr. Martocchla r.lat~ ve to s~ c,( leave fer MI'. Alhert Ch.plask1. Chairman Balaw'n reperted ~n the shiny.rd work at the fhames Ship~ard. Motion by C_. Feyle and s/lconded by Co"'m. Edmon.s th.t veuchers 151339 through 1$1363 inclusive in the amount of $9639.89 representing the outstanding eh1Jp:.t1onll of the Ferry District for December 1969 be p.i.. Motion unaT'JlllouIIly c.rri... General disoussion ensued relative te the 1I0hool !".quellt.~np; putting briok anr stone from .emoli ti on of barY'.cks in th.t bunker Iving on Ferry District Pronerty weuthobf the proposed school lion:!"!;:" ;ction. The man.p:er w.s directed to I"et appY'ov.l (If this. The C.~issioneY'1I all . vhnle approved of this dispos.l site. A bill from E. Wil,'(}x of 5 Vivian Ceurt,"at.,rford Conn. was Y'ead relative to partll and piping for the Mys"ie 11111" 'n the .mount of $621.62. The Be.r. .ire~te. the Manap:eY' to write Mr. Wilcox for the inv0ices covering the .-teY'ial. .nd .111. feY' . =~uy ~f the a~eement he referred to. DiscuIIsien th.n .,nllu...d. on Tuesd.ys and Pblhl!aci.y while the M/V Olin.a is still operating ter the My~tic Isle that. non IIcheduled trip he run leaving N..w London at; 1=30 P.M. for all tholle people with .utomobiles who wish to he euaranteea ua.llage ~aok that day. The PuY'ser is to contact the owners .t aut_.bile. 1e.virw tI' the 8: 15 P . !If. trips on tholle .ays and so a.vise 1lMa. The Beayo. .ireoted t.he ManageY' to .rran~e . m..eting with Mr. Luther B1eunt en Moftiaf. Jan. 19, 1910 to diseulls the vibration on the M/V Olln.a. eap'.in George Farley and C.ot. Bicknell are to be invited to attend thll1 ...Mnp. The Manager was t11rected to investigate a company that oan eleetY'nnioal1y ....ure the hull of the Mystic IlIle while it Is in the ship- J&1'. and ..:et . prloe on aame. MotLn m..e to/.djourn and un.nlmously ._ri.. .t 3:40 p.M. /:)/ i~1' I ^ f) " /' I " ' U.k"'XA~ / / LW . S neldr, Mgr.-Seo. / MINUTES OF TEE Mh'E','ING OF THE BOARD OF' COMHI SC:lrNERS OF THE FISHERS ISI,AND FEHHY DISTRICT Jan. p. 1970 , ~, -T" .PJ1r.T8.~.J ~k~. L. S. BalCWbl, ChalI'1Un lea!". .t C..-d..loner. ,,~' , "--,