HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/05/1970 " ",...., ':.", -r-,:, , . r I"" ,'-",'":',/~ ,-'-'-- : ,,', ~ '. II O ,,~ ,If' 1<W ~.' .,! . . Fishers Island Ferry District _OoooooI__A4o( ....N. T,_~u.-o( N. T., ...,..0..-6001 FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 063go r-. WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANAIJE.. .. .ECRETA.V TELEPHDNE 7...7.....:1 AItCA CDDIE .1. SOARD OF COMMISSIONER. LAWRENCE a. BALDWIN, CHAIIIlIMAN POLLV EDMDNDa .................. IllAVMQND ,.. DDYEN .'CHARlD V. I"'Q!'LE Stephen Morell " MINUTES OF THE MEEl'll\ G OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT M.reh 5, 1970 A .pe_i.l meeting ot the Be.r. of Commi.sioner. w.. o.lle. by the Ch.irman an. ~ -'1. in the ottiee ot the F.rry Di.triet, M.roh 5, 1970 .t 2:00 P.M.. Present ~ ..r. C.mmissioner. Bal.win, E~ond., Morell, Foyl. .nt W. G. Sincl.ir, Mgr.- ~ a....tary. Al.o present w.. Mr. Peter N.l.on ot Dir.et Airline. Ine. Ch.irm~n ~'.; ""'''in .pek. ot m.inten.ne. .t the .irport. He t.lt th.t the Ferry Dhtriet ~';,"~ ld take oare .r this in.t..d of the l...ee. Gener.l ti.cu..ion en.uet on . thia. Mr. N.l.on then ..it h. w.. yery much intereat.d in the .irport. H. then " .pok. .r proYiting aecuri ty and win. w. tch.s on .11 .ircrart which would b. i In.lud.d in hia lan.ing teea ant tie town tee.. Propea.t 1.nting r.e. were , then dla.uaaet. H. .lao mentionet .ircr.tt w.ahing .nd poliahing .n. .ircrart ..int.nanc.. Comm. E~ond. .ske. wh.t kind ot .ircr.tt he h.t. Mr. Nel.on a.it h. h.d .n Azt.c which h. woult bas. h.re .nd he .lso h.d a twin . Gener.l ~' tl..ua.ion .n.ue. on utility billa. Mr. Nel.on is inter..ted in . long term r't to"",', 1.... a. h. c.n iny..t .n. ..v.lop the buainess. Ir ao he sugge.ted that ir he ,c perr.rMa hia .ite ot the contr.ct h. ahould b. given an option to ren.. aubj.ct ",' )It&a.. He mentioned th.t . 30 day canc.llation cl.u.. coult ne in..rted in "., ... ..ntract in t.yer er the l...or in case he tidn't pertorm un..r hia contr.ct. Ii';...... Baldwin atated th.t it 18 not te.aible to oontinue buaineas during .ru,~ winter ant augg.at.d th.t the Di.triot t.ke o.r. er the utility bill. .uring !il;~a peri.d. It woult be rer elec;ricit:r onl:r. Mr. Nelson .t.tet that the :;~'~tion proyide. by the Diatric' should "e thoroughly gone over b8tore the I.; "a.on .t.rt., an. at the en. or e.ch ....on it sho'lld b8 returnlld in the I,!!.... eondition. Ge1ll!l1. Me-rell .uggllste. making amendments to the eJl(ist1np; ~~ 1..... Sincl.ir at.ted th.t it i. not much ot . problem to m.ke up . new ",Y:~a.. ani incorpor.tll the revisiona th8rein. Mr. N..lson st.t..t that the 3 -'ility bill. ahoul. be lett .s i. .n. a.ya he has 24 it..ms to do if he ~ets ;.i. l.ase ant would like to get going .. .oon as possible. The l'1anager w.s ~, tlr.ot.. to hay. 10..1 centr.etor. look at the airoort toors and g8t . price ., s t. haTe aam. made oper.ble. GeMM. Morell ..1. that this 1.... .hould be -;.~" ~."i t.d. Th. minutu ot the meeti ng helt Feb. 3r. 1970 were r... an. " tpprn.. .a read. A reaolution w.. introduced by C.IlIITl. Foyle an. seconde. -':Xt1 COIlIIll. Morell th.t the Town Board be .uthorized to t.ke out ot surplus tun.. ~~12O.000 p1u. int~r.at t. .etr.y the .nnual cost or the M/V Olin... All m.mber. ~t~., the Beard ot ~ommi.aIoner. indie.tlld their .pprov.l ot thia re.olutlon. 1)0"... Baliwin ...ted th.t the Supervisor h.a invited the Bo.rt over to dlacu.a ,~. r.rr"1l>tatriet Act and ponible amen~ent. thereto. The Manllger 'Pea. · -f~I.I.t""lon receiYed trem A1tret R. Grebe in the .mmmt ot $$218.40 tor an ~\;.~1If .... 4lrinl:ing fountain tor the My.tic Isle. Motion by Gomm. Foyle and "A~" .' , by C.JIIIl. Mor.ll th.t the Dhtrict purchas. this drinkIng tountain. "fi{, , ' 1IRU1Imou.1y carrle.. The Man.ger was .irected to pureha.e . mirror ,cl., , llena reom on the M,..tie 1.1.. The Bo.rd .lso tirected the Man.ger MlRCH 5, 1970 (..nlt.) .. a.Terti.e tor an a..itional 25 man lit.raft tor the My.tic 1.1.. The .Boart authorize. the Utility Company to renew the cable. ~n the ramp at Fi.her. I.land ~~ alao to inatall the new ramp plate. th.reon. Motion.by Co... Foyl. an. ...on..t by Comm. Eimonta that Toucher. #21 ~hroUgh#49 inclu.iTe in the amount ot t25,128.52 repr.s.ting the outataniing obligatton. ot the Ferry . ntatriot tor February 1970 be patt. Motion unanimoual,. carriet. COIlll1l. Foyle .tate. that .. tiinlt think 1t 4aa"~ta.l. ..rmls.......1on.r to be ab.ent ~.. meeting. tu. to ~.ing employet el.ewhere. General .i.oua.ion en.uet eb thi.. Motion ma.e to atjourn ant unanimou.~, ar i . at 3:5 P.M. I .. I , j i :.! ,: i"~ ~ i , ~ . - .~.~ -., '._~-_"!,I.."mrrr".~-" . Filhers Island Fe.~ty District --"_.wof ....H. Y'-~a-ofH. Y.. -.0.-i0oi FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06300 .; W1L1'ltED C. .,NCLAIA lillNlAaa . 'IECIlIEYAln' TD.aaHDNE 7..7.....3 - Ca"lE .,. .aMD a"caMMIS.,DNERS ; LAWllENcc -. .ALDWIN. CHA'''''AH NI,LY lEaM_". ,- ... -.- ItAYMaND "..DOYEN "'DHAlIa Y. PDYLIE St.ph.n Morell " . s. Appron.: ?fff[(~vU .J /J~L:- ilawJlenoe S. Baltwin Cha!.1'IlIan, Boart or Commi.aioner. \,' r:: .fi1 ir ' ~J '''"' ')': .' _h, ~; ',' -f' W l' .t' :.~, i~ f. i; '. ;; , . k !..' t :.... 'oi :j.1 :'~ ~. I I ir -~ ., (--, ~~;I