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. . . . . . Fishers' Island Ferry District Oimlcto...d B,SptdUAttal ...hI N. Y. Sc.:ak l.4Ularlfno<Lt_of N. Y.. '941. ~6ot) FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 06390 WILFRI(:!), C-AI,~,C,LAIR MA~ - _lV'lE't....r' TELE....ONE: "'''''''-46S AREA clHlIi; .'6 BOARD, Of" COMMISSIONERS LAWReNCE So .ALDWIN. CHAoIAMAN PDLI,;;,V'ED....O,NDS RA"MDND F. DOYEN RICHARD V. FOYLE STEPHEN MORELL " mKUTES 0;;' jI,;I\HI!"G 0J0' THE FIS;L=<;RS ISLA1W F1i;il~Y DISTi-'ICT (')11 T~rE MATTER 01<' LEA",U;G EIIZA,1i:;'TH AIRFIELD 1':9;7 2':;, }970 , A'~fi~,~~'~~,. cape~,t", ,!rd~rb;Y Ch~irnt.~ ,BaUwitl ~n ;thepropuetl. A1~1!'t. ,L~t..~"~:rf.~t weri> Co~.ls~t(,)!'ler Bw.l~win,W. C'..srpe1~r, Mgr.- Se..,. A~'.',pr".'''nt were rep!'e~entat1ves 0<" PeepnleAlr'Service as r.ll~.:,M'r. ,?h;pip Corby, Mr. >,j. Ve}YlIan<'i others. The !.1anag"r rea. the notice ,of the h"ar5,nr: ami t',h",l" "~ad ',"e nr?foaeti. lease. NI>> cOl1lI'lentl! were receive. ,~nti the, hearinv ,,,as adjourn'll! at;' 1:20 .p) H. , ',{ IJtl~,~IJ~ '" W. c.LAtKe'.llllr, l'Ilr.-Sec. ;;ll' . Appretea:_>J,c /2: /I! /1" ,. v':..;r.l 41;.":<0- , 'L. s. aaljwln, 9nalrman Be.rti. "r CI}!1ll>11l!lsione"a .;" '1' j' I' , ~'~\;l;"',A..iii.., ~o .:...t:"., " 0 ',:~i<r~',~~;"'~&.." '" \~::i,L~iI~~ ,,"" i~ '"'. 00 '~-'in.I-l.i.'~.4;..+""-Ilii~,,.~'.;...;,~, ~;:;t..~tJ;I;;'~k(~' ",Jii-:.J .In_;>,.._~,