HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/30/1970 ------'-'--~-------~-...,.,>.""'""''7- . . ,e , . ;:r Fishers Island Ferry District tNIcri:t o...d: a, ~Aa 0/ lJ""ht N. Y. StIUI' ~1larurt (L:..M 01 N. Y., 19f7. Clio"",, 600) FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YO.RK 06390 MINUTES Of '!'HE . OF'l'H~t~':i(j BOARD OF'OQMMISl:ld OF THE "<';ji FISHERS ISLAND F::!~:iY DI3~~1 CT AnrU 30,l9~0 . . BOARD iiiI' COMMISSIONERS LAWRCNCE'S. IiALDWIN', CH..'lIli......N PD~ ~~O!l .", ' ~D~.;C)aYE:N " Rld~D:Y.I,F'bVLE ST~..QtI"M~tlIELL, "'," ;1., - r'1 'I' WILFRED C. SINCLAIR ~MANAGER ... SECRETARY "tLI:PHONi 7....7..463 A_p CaOE .16 . ~! - A; apechlllleetlnp of th,. B(Hl!'n 0:' C!Jnl!"illl'linmlY's ",1' -,h", F.I. i"erry D.istr1ct .1Ii.,c&H"d. h;V the. Ghdrlllan .nd helS' in the .1'f~ ce. of tht'! Ferry IHst,r1ct ' Aprl1~o, 1970 at 4:00 P.M. Preeenh,were COlll1ll1ssinnere Baldwin, Doyen, E..nil,Poyle. Meren and. W. C. S1r1?lair,Mgr. - Sec. Also present wal ~. R.~ei't Egelhoff. The F11rl of th~'t'.I. UtH1tv Co. in th., .1lIou.nte( t549 :r, r~P"lr,<t;tle ha~ar.~(Jra..t tlh a1.r:nort wal r~d .nd. ~C!cI!lPtf).b,. tihe:.B~~rfii4lr9.~~ Gen,,~"1.:,13euS8t1t) .nIUll. ~ ,the .Ce."ter ..~~Q;. '.1'jJi:tle Ol1t,~~~at),~tb.. ~g.,r w.,.' ';t~lt~teli t# liwr1 te t. the .,Gutlht"1e, 'h~t1'r Bt.Jre,1:l '. j~,i ~~':l'!"'1eat:~l)fJ. l'f this._ ,,::Ppe.if<ht i,!hanH1ng.1.1'1'~IIl~~l'1~nre~tiV. ,.;' Vb. ~,...e,.. ,.hO"'~l.l).~.....;l.i.t..y w. as; li...\.~. <i?3l!!t'!.. :..!Thl! 13ollrd'. I'll C.~.t'si"n(OJr's una.n1J1l.e\~llY 'V'.';i tI!t:rene1fi.:t:h~~all' e~ji~aet f~h the II." r~te :(11'1'958.00. Th8 . . Bi8.r...I~h renfjw~li'.tne IIcconrltirr c~~h"act fnr' the l!UJ!I!.Of~5~0 ll.<;art"'rly tori.., ~'Ul of $1320 p...r "sar. The ('Hanapcer th.en re'Ported. on., party r.tu,lpg to paJ" $7.,0 .f"r .I. ClMoY' 'dlte Il:^,i ex,',lained that th.. TlU"Ser Hr. aew~ei:h"d caned, th.. n.L. :O')11ce -,i',t;.,.. mate..r. Tn" !!latter was dropped when 'the narty pa~~ for eal'le. ':'he ;'\o~rd ",1' C"r'l!"ie~tonerll. unanl","'\al:v agreea that Mr. Fewles shn'lld "'e c"I',,:-:lll1'1entei for th..' ,."ann..!' h... nandlea tbil. Th(OJ 1'"nowII1I" eyt,r'lI tr~ne we;.e eet UP. l<'riday. .lja:v 1. 197Cl . Ixtra tfoin to lea". NeW' Lonli"n at fp.M. .noi l"i8hflrs. Island at9 P.l':. May 8.:MaY1S, Mat?-2.'i970 tnpave,e:xtra trip as a~G"'e. andnn , May 29, Fl"1('!av have two t,..1pe th.t :hkht. Roth ves~eli w112 '!l!douhled un em Sunliay t,.,. rarndle the 't~af'fic., , ~I"tl"n r,' Ce1'l1lr. l):liMoni'lll a'hri l!ec<:\hdet 1!l:' ~OlllM. Morell t~~.t vO'lcherR F76 tbr"np;l f'lOl Inelnlliv,", in +;',,,, ""'01<:'1t. ,r $164,56.96'repre'8ent1ni7 tJ-... '~~ltg'''nd'-p. l'l'llf'.tjoI'l1l "fth.. j.'..Y'r'v Dhtr1ct: .ter, the mont" 1'11' April he na~,d. M"UoL.llnanimousl'f carr'i..d. '",. i\nlll'<'l i1recteli theH:mllFer to purc'",!!,.. t':r'''9 for r.'1e FI'l1"d Tr.ct,v' \:3..,' ~n "'ll'inp' trei!"ht~' Gene:!'.l ci18CU"sl"n' er!!u"drm th., h'mker!! and t' (OJ ferc;np t',l'Jreer by the Garbll.F!(OJ DUr.r'ct. The "1vr. WIIl8 adh9dzeli t" T'urchu~ 3 ,.""re . .rUlV, Pl..tlll '.,"1" t.h.. .eck in lle..~ L.nri~n.. ".'~~ ~..I fl" ~~de to.., j",'"rn. "'ntI.., un...,1J11ouslv", (lar!'1eti "t 3: 40 p .j'!. .,/) i'" , . , :.' ': I /J "(L-(_ '.' ", '. i..,'.I'lcl~.ir" .gr.-:;'ec.' !.,' ~'~ .k Appr..,d:~ . "J.' '. ,.', /I~ . . ' ..). I, ...I,.J;Kt~ c.- L. S.Balliw:l n, Gh.lrman Eo~r. of C.!llm1IR1enerl I ',' .,', ,,"',_:,'_.:: ,_ f, ,"_' _".,4':_,:::,:: ;;.,~",,:,,'_,' . ," ',' " ::r, I, I~: d'~'~ "'~ ;~""~::~~-~'~;;~!l1J'-~'J.t;~~::..,,: ;Jt"j~il~1t',j;~J~~,~:!~ - ":(1,1'il""i,.Mt~~;;1JiltmijdLlA~~i~:~i;j. iLtJ'~atf,-,}0