HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/08/1970 r-.III~~ I. 1 'I ~ ------rr--nrr-,--, "I I,rr-"'. ~'I 1 1111111 "'.,,.. 'UI---..n '. ""T"IH' 1 11""'"11 -,rr-- ~ . . Fishers Island Ferry District __ o-.d II> Soo<loI A<t 0( .,.... N. Y. _ [.qO,....I..... 0( N. Y., ...., a..,.... 6001 FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANAGER. SECRETARY TIELEPHDNE .78.-7-463 AREA CaDE 516 SOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE S. BALDWIN. CH...'RM"" PDLLY EDMDND. RAYMDND F. DaYEN RICHARD V. FDYLE STEPHEN MORELL MINUTES OF THE MEE'l'ING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSI0Nh~S 01" THE FISHERS ISLAND FSRRY DISTRICT April e, 1970 '\ ",0' A ~~4, 'i' 'A .pecial m.eting' flf the B.ar. IIIf COl!ll'\hsionl'll'.. of the F.I. Ferry Di.trict wa. call". b~ the Chairman an. hel. in the office nf the Ferr~ Di.trict \ April 8, 1970 at 1:00 P.M.. Pre~ent were CCl""mi..irm.r5 Bar.win, Ellilnl'ln.... M.re11 an.W. C. Sinclair, ~r.-Seo. Alao pre..nt va. Mr. Peter Nel.en '~. .t Direct Airlines Inc. and Mr. Rehert Ta.ker, Attern.,-. Di!lcllssien en.ue. en State Ai.. Mr. Nelson then rea. propoal'ld chanfr.1 in ';h... Airpert leale lch he telt weuli be mere a~pr.priate. Thele iteml were as fellews: 1. Utilitiel to h" ~ut inverkin~ order 2. Raiie t. l'e in wltrkinp: .r.er en d.lhery 3. Teleph.n~ t(lbe a pa,. phone:. i' 4. DbC~"l~.n liyer,. ..rvic.. bieycl",r.ntinp:. ' .s. Challl-1i1n rate.. Lan.in@: t.el, tie ..wnl, ..alOnparking eto. 811 Airj1U.n.an. pilnt to be .yaila"1e on reasonahle n.tice. 7. Security ani wind watch to be nrov\sl'ld. 8. Te~.ef lease .i8culse.. 9. Mr. tlellen aake. .'">eut the pl)!I!lP'le renovation nf thl'l "'anti ~arrackl. Th. t.llowing resltlutinn vaa 1Dt~o.uced hy Chairm.n Balivin ana ..opted by the unan:l.meu. vote of thl'l Beard of C01ll1lli8sine~1 nre8ent .1 fellows: , Celllllil!li.ner Baldwin - Yes, C.1lI1lIJ.s!lioner Ellilnnn.a, - Yea, C81lI1lI1!111 l"rltlr' 'lorell- ,.., CeM1llil.toner Fe,-le - Abaent, Cemnissioner Deyen - Ahsent. }iHEREAS the Fhhers Isllrlll. Ferry Dis trict .wna certain fixed facili tie!l :..c....ry te the late ans efficient operation ef its vessela ans WHEREAS thele facilities consiat of a dock in Silver Eel Pen., a n~otective s .tructur,e at ';he entrance to the "en., and a lancUnp: .ock ami >:>amp in New L.n..n, C.nnecticut an. . " WHEREAS the dock and pr.tective It~cture r.pla!Ce~.rt ani th.. Illnli.,1.np: deck and rl!llp WHERElAS 'the, Dist,rict hunahle to finance lmp~.~~nts from current reyenues, WOW T EFO!fE FlF, IT HESOLVED THAT: 1. Th.Di.trict file a formal apnlicac;ion ',11th th""State Co"''''issinD..r ,.,r T1"anl".r'tatt",n requestinp; tinancial a!lsistance rnr thl'lse neelt"d. 1mnrovementa ,~.er tn. Transportathl'1 CaDital Facilities Develepment Aot (If 1967. :~. ,'!be 13.ar. C'f COlllld.aionerl are .nt her....,. are flllIPflverei to nrenare ii:~i tl'...mit suchan apolication and to provide t1-:e Commi!l!liener with :rAueh lnfermatlon as ma,. loe reqllir...... t :J.3'. 'm11'l~..rd of C01ll1ll:l.lsi.".rl of the Di.trtct he ami hereb't a~e empowe~.ti. : I~t. enter inte a '.rant agreement with the State of New Yerk on h"halt nf the , . I~.ttl"ict t. .x.cute an.icarry eut thfl n...e. i1ll'Oreyementll acc!lraln,' to "I: a. an<< Diatr1ct requ r.mentl . I,'l .Ill:'l" I l ,11.1 I U I _ _____~_~~ are in nee. ..f recnnSr,Y",ct:l.on are in nl'le. of relocation comnlet.. COlt of these *eedea 1111'.' i , ~ "'7':'::'I. . Fishers Island Ferry District """"'o-w 8,_ 10#01 '"Iv N. Y...... ~(/....<f N. Y.. ._. a..,..,6ool . FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 06390 WILf"RED C. SINCLAIR MANAIICR .. SECRETARY TELE"HDNE 7....7..463 AIllEA CODE 516 BDARD Of" COMMISSIONERS LAW'-ENCE e. BALOWIN, CHAIRMAH JllDLLY EOMDNDa IlAYMDNO r. DQYEN IltICHARO V. P'DYLE 8'rCflHEN MDRELL (2) April 8, 1970 4. The Bear. or Ce_i.aiener. he :ani here !If are empowere. t. .. an:v'thlng el.e nece..ary to the acc~mpl1.hment of these nee.e. improvement.; 50. The Di.trict make aTailahle ., .uch time as may henee.e. the ameunt. er meney nece.sary te execute an. complete the neede.oimnrovelllents, .uch am!lunta net to e:xcee. $52,500.00. Arrangements we~e ma.e reI' an extra trIp on April 10, 1970- &ri.ay t. leaye New Len.on at 4:15 p.M. It wa. n.te. that an error ha. be~n ma.e In tho bi. er Helbreok an. S.n an. that the .meunt .h.ul. b. cerrecte. to $44,060.00 an. the Tewn .. a.Ti.... Xatien ma.e te ..jllurn an. Apprne.~ j t.2J.../;tt..'-..- L. S. B.liwin, Chairman Boar. or Cemmiaaloner. / / Mgr.-Seo. o ; "_~"""",",~,...;',; ~ ,.c'_,.__ _----'-" '_' -,.",",,,_,-,__....t.2.: _'L__ "__i