HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/02/1970 ~ _. _ ~~. ._''''-'':~~:~~:::<:-=_~,_'~:a.:~'~''':_'':''_'L...:.L~''_~. .,~.. --"" .__;..=lt~c. .....:c;:J(~~~. ~~~'=-=::::-::~~._--:-:::-"-==~ ~ . . . . Fishers Island Ferry District DfmiCtc"..kd0, Spr6:lo:tl Aaof rrlu N. Y. Srau ~(l.DWIOI N. Y., 1Q.f7, Chapcn60g) :-;.. FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 ~ i r I I WILF"RED C. SINCLAIR MANAGER ~ SECRETARV TELEPHONE 788-7-463 AREA CeoE 516 BOARD OF" COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE S. BALDWIN, CMAIRM"'N POLLY EDMONDS RAYMOND F'. DaYEN RICHARD V. F'OYLE STEPHEN MORELL MINUTE:, Of' 'l'::E 1'1};S'rING OF 'rh~~ BOA.HDOF CC~EI!I SS I -~Nl;~HS Cr; THE FISHERS ISLA ND F,':HHY DI~' 'RI ,::T April 2, 1970 "-C', ~ A l-oeoia1 meeting of the Boarci of COlllI'lis.si"ners of the Fllrry Distrj~t was .alle. by the Chairman an. held in the office of the Ferry Dis~rlct April 2, 1970 at 2:00 p.r'.. Present wer.. Com-rds~loners Baldwin, Edmond-s, Foyl., an. W. C. Sinolair, Mrg.-Sec. GenAral disc"ssi'n enlued "n Cre1.rht handlin" in Nllw L8ndon and the reapons ij-,U i tv of the parties thereto .::ha; rmlln Bal.win l'Poke on charter rates wIth ~ Il"!'e to lOllded "ehicles ind empt" C . ;'. ~q the ,..,r,17 bid rec~' vet't . I at' . 25 Man, - r intlatanle life raft whIch was recl"'i'1ed fro"! the rie."re Suppl'1 Co. in New YO~k in the amolmt l'lf ';2022.00. ~\otiA1" r" COl'1.m. Edmonds ann afOlc"nrled. 1'1'1 C01"1"".,"'" Pey1e that we ....pt this bid in the amDunt "r ii2Q22. Motion unanim"'lalv" earrie.. Chaiman Baldwin tni'll" re9d hids rfOlcei"ed for the shipyard work en the M/VO~ nda as followa: Blount Marine Corn. Greennort Yacht" ShiDnllildJ np: Co. :nc. ~Thames Shipyard "" lee."air Company New ~ort Shinyard $51:\79.00 $3860.00 $2800.00 85879.00 ~. I Motion hv Edmonds and seconde. [-.., l'o"le. that thIs work be awarded to tr,e Greenp.rt yacht anci Shipbuild in" Co.' in the ll'1'lo'mt of $3fJ60.00 in"SJTp;oh .. the hit'of the Thames Shinyarli was amhIpo']s. Motion lInan:mo' .~"V carrie.. Chairman Baldwin then read hids receivl"'d for the dock work 'n New London. Conn. IS tellowl: C. W. Blakalee ~c Son. Inc. A. $51,000 R. $54 900 ., , Motion by COllll1lissioner Foyl", 9.1" seconecr-;;~' c~~ts;ioner !~d"1onds that tee"! Contraot for the dook wor,.: in Ne.., Lon"on he awarded to John G. "0P)rOn~, ~: Son Inc., pronosal B in th", amo"nt of ,:j;l,Jj.060. I~otion lITianI!'!1"usly carried. Letter from Union Fr,'!'! Schoel Dil!l'r~ct. #4 w~s r"ad reqnestinF an adriftJ,,!"al 4 acres of .land .fro"1 thl"' Airnort for N..w Sohool pUrnose~. Hotirn)w Foyle .n. .eoon.es. by Corn"'. E;dmonds that v""cher~ 1150 thr01W;1 and <ncllldinp: #75 1n the amo'mt of. t34, 891.16 repre~ent~ng the outs tand~nf' o"l~ ra ~ 1 ~n. of the ~erry Distriot for March 1970 he naid. Motion unan1mouIly oar~1ed.. ';'!lnlltea Itf me..tlng helli March 5, 1970 ltere relld .and apnroved as rllad. Boart " 'll"ll"itetea thll Manaper to arrange a Meetin,p' with Mr. Teaker and Mr. Nelson j' ',.Weines..y, Anril 8, 1970 at 1: 00 P.M. to :lihcul!Is the airnort. Mr. John _ 1"11 wal directed to to the neCeSl!llry paintlnpat th... aUJlIU[i; Ferrv Distrlct - I' >&~ :~I~~:;::aYI' Motion.. MU/~AO~:OU'lY carrie,d Cf~ ~ 111 i'fi;, oiKu, __ ,.,~. ,__,,~,._.' ~SiIlCcl.u.r.. __...seo-1!etar'f Jehn Q. Holbrook ~ Son InC.