HomeMy WebLinkAboutGeneral Report - 1969 r----~' ".r:~'!Ji~l.:~"'.'_.__ ......"':.JIa'""~.. ':('.~' '"".",.'1';.-'_.<, t . ,,_, , .~ .'-, -"';.0... ~.~_,,~_ ~, . . GENERAL REPORT OF THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT TO MEMBER OF THE FISHERS ISLAND OWIC ASSOCIATION Durln~ the y.ar 1,68 an. 196' the F.rry Dl.tri.t rec.iv.. many lett.r. r.lativ. t. the .perating ..ri.it .r thi. Di.trict an. in whi.h all .r th... r.c.iv.. w.r. .r the unanim.u. .pini.n that r.te. .n the ..rvi.. pr.vi.e. ~ thi. Dl.trict .h.ul. be r.i.e. t. Make the Di.tri.t m.r. ..lr .u.t.inin~. Th. B..r. .r"C.m.i..i.n.p. t..k r.rmal .oti.n an. inor..s.. the .p.rati~ t.rirr. whi.h w.r. .rr.ctiv. Jun. 19, 196'. On the b..i. .r incr..... r.T.nu.. .ue t. tarirr inor..... .ur bu.~.t r.r 1970 w.. .ppr.xiM.t.ly .ut in h.lr rr.m the pr....ing y..r.. A. 1970 wIll b. the rir.t rull y..r .r .p.r.ti.n. un.er the ..w r.t.. it .h.ul. pr.v. r..li.tio.lly the ..unin... .r the.. rat. In.r...... T. .rr ..t ..m. .r .ur pr.p.... ..pit.l .xp.n.itur.. w. .ppli.. t. the D.p.rt- ..at .r Tr.n.p.rt.ti.n .r t.. St.t. .r N.w Y.rk ter St.t. Ai. .. . unit .t .... trn..p.rt.ti.n. W. qu.lirie. .. .uch, hew.ver, .ur lI1'iginal r.que.t w.. r.ru.... Th. r.qu..t w.. r.r .210,000 .r whi.h .52,500 w.ul. have t. b. ...tlibut.. by thl. Di.trict ina.mu.h .. th.r. are .. ..tehing run.. rrem tho Po'or.l G.v.rnm.nt .v.ilabl. tor thi. pr.gram. ~ roque.t w.. b.... .n r...wiJl~ the pile an. timb.r .truct1lre .t the ontranco t. Silver E.l C.T., r.l...ting .t .ur N.w L.n..n ramp .tructure te .ur .wn pr.p.rty .n. r.-.eek1n~ ... ropla.i~ r.n..r pile en .ur Fi.h.r. I.lan. Pi.r. The inv..tment in the W.w L.n..n ramp r.lec.tien an. the r...cking .r the Fi.h.r. I.lan. pier w.ul' h.v. ..n.titut.. the F.rry Di.tri.t'. .h.r. .t ..t.hing ru.... Thi. erric. ba. b..n ..rr..p...in~ with the H...r.bl. Perry B. Dury.., Spe.ker If the A....bly .r the St.t. .r. New Yerk wh. h.. be.n ..ti~ in eur b.h.lr. Mr. Dury.. h.. ..k.. the Department .r Tr.n.p.rt.ti.n te r...n.i.er th.ir .rigin.l ...i.ien in thi. matt.r. A..f thi. ..te we have net r.ceiT.. an an.wer .n Mr. Duryea" ..tien. .n eur h.h.lr. Mr. Dury.. .n. .ur T.wn SuperTi..r, Mr. Albert Martec.hi., with whem .. .1.. h.v. been w.rking v.ry .l...ly with in thi. ..tt.r o.rt.inly '..erve the .ppre.i.ti.n er this Di.trict .ne er all .r .i.h.r. I.lan. r..i.ent. r.r th.ir .rr.rt. .n .ur bekalf. Th.ir err.rt., it .ueee..rul, ..ule .a.. a tax bur..n r.r the Fi.her. I.lan. Ferry Di.triet. O....rning the M/V My.tic 1.1., . new R.yth..n R...r w.. purch..e."M.y 12, 1'" r.r '5688.00 .n. w.. in.t.ll... In Ti.w .f th~ .mall ameunt errer..~- .. . tr.'. in enth. e1. ..t, the Be.r. .r C.mmi..l.ner. unanll1.u.ly agree. t. r.t.in this .et .n. .nj.y the ...e. .pr.ty te the v....l bv h.ving . .t.n.by r.'ar in the .v.nt .t equipm.nt r.ilur.. On Anril 2 1970 the Be.r. .r Oemmi.si.ner. .c..pt.. the bi. er th~ R.vere Supply ~emp.ny er N.w Y.rk r.r aaether 25 man inrl.t.ble lite r.ft. Thi..t e.ur.e i. .n ...itinn.l ..rety t.et.r .. well.. c.Tering the v....l t.r m.re p....n~er c.p.city. The Ferry Di.trict i. presently neF.ti.ting with the Fi.her. I.lan. Fir. D.partment an. the Pisher. I.lan<< u.rb.g. an. h.tu.e Di.trict t.r p..sihle le..ing .r tw. .r .ur bunker.. Th. Fir. Di.trict i. interest.. in u.ing a bunker .s a 'r.ining .ite r.r .ur lec.l Fir. Department. Th. Fisher. Islan<< G.rb.ge .nt Roru.. Di.trict weul' u.. .n.ther bunker ter the .i.p...l ef junk.<< an<< .ban.en.. c.r.. Ir th... negeti.tlen. are .ucc.sstul th.n the.e twe bunker. .eul<< b. t.ne.<< in whi.h w.ul. .liminat. any...... ther.t. by the g.ner.l public an. .t c.ur.e re.triot. very ..ng.r.u. .re. where ohil.ren ceul. b. ..ri.u.ly hurt. It i. anticip.te. th.t .ur gener.l li.bility in.ur.nc. p.li.ie. ~&ht .h.w .ome r.<<u.ti.n. in pr.mium. wh.n the.e .re.. are rence. in. Per so..r.l iat.ra.ti.n I am .tt.ehi~ h.r.with . .tati.ti..l li.ting .h.wi~ the velum. .t tr.ttic h.n.le. in 196'. FISHms ISLAND FE;RRY DISTRICT By: W. C. Sinelair, Man.g.r - ':.y---........,,;;.J;'Jlt~:,;a.;~~;J .~ , ti... l;.~ "..;. ''..:::.r-. ~ -.4-/"" ~. " ~.~ ... F' . ~~..;;.w,""':,,',... """~-"",,,,_.'~~''''",,''''''':n' _!.-:.:. ~:..iW~~. _ .. ,-. -' _...~.:..... ,-...-:.... '''''C? -< Fr...ipht Mete!' Gefr , Snew .:_'.~ ~ Tens P... pa..enl'er. Carl! Truok. Charter. B1eyolu Tracter. Cel!lpre.!!ler. Her.e. Trailer. Cyole. Cart. MehU. Mewer. - - Jan. 81.2 312' 3810 636 71 2 ,. 2 1 5 . Feb. 114.3 3001 3426 471 33 . - Mar. 6S.4 4166 3618 622 30 2 1 $ 1 2 .flpr.20S.5 84h~ 5132 8'2 107 4 26 . 1 2 2 4 - May H.9.' 92'0 7148 107' 106 2 $2 1 . - 5 3 - June.211.5 13248 944' 1351 123 7 37 1 . 2 1 10 July212.0 11150 11418 1739 110 10 33 1 1 15 2 Aug.1?3.6 12230 11961 1871 86 2 12$ ..- 7 , - Sept.85.1 0.66' 7251 1352 '7 9 23 - - 1 8 2 5 o tILL ., 10265 5677 1010 67 43 - 9 C . I.;_'.J _..... .. Ne", 96.0 50.60 4435 842 88 2 3 ... 4 - Dec.102.O 5691 3948 813 26 6 1 7 1 - ~ . .Aii >~~'Jf:'~ .-h.' .~_ Tetalll .- ~i'. 16}? .8-,,~J 3h8 7133' 12678 944 44 345 8 2 6 67 20 19 1 2 t.. i'.'. , .. .,. _:.~ ;\.\ ". '1 vi ..ifi.= ".. -:/~~ "',;1. .~"",,--_;:.:.r:;'';;;','I'. , - ----. --- ---- -.--- ---.... _._.~_._- ,...... .