HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/05/1970 ';~.' - ~".-c~ ll.!' ~.~T~1iW"F:.T':;:;\:::"fL~2"~'!'"~~:c,;'.~ e,;'" . ;"" '17f ~;'~i'T7":;~' "'~":.:"Y;":':::';;:" '.~.> L~~~:';';~"=-'~T~,'-':.X~ ~,~:. . . Fishers Island Ferry District DIImc:r o...eN a,.s,r.cw Aa"f 'T1w- N. Y. S!ar~ f...,...l,mm 'Lawl...l N. Y.. '9"7. C:hup!rt /iw} FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C, SINCLAIR MANAIIER 6 SECRETARY TELEPHONE ?B8-7-463 AREA CODE 516 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE S. BALDWIN. c:...,.,IR....,.,N POLL.Y E')""'ONDS RAYMONQ F. DOYEN RICHARD.', FOYLE STEPHEN ~,'O<<E":_L ,- MINUTES OF' THE ;':co;','ING OF THE BOARD OF CO~MI SSI ONffiS 01<' T !ffi FISHERS ISLAND FERHY DISTRICT Jun!l S, 1970 A .p..ial m!l!lti~g or tae Bo.r. or CO~Ml~sion~ra w.a c.1l~. b~ the Ch'lrm.~ ... h.l. hi the offie. .r the Fl'\rr... J)b t~ict JUn~ S, 1970 .t5:30 P.M.. Pr....t w.r. C.lIIllIiasi..n.ra Bal.win. "I.r.ll, Dev.n, Eoen.a, .nll W. C. 111..l.1r, Mgr.-S.o. Motion by CO!lllT1. '1er~1] .n. aec.mll~.. h:r L. B.l.win ~.t the Minutea or th~ M~.tlnp. hel. April 2, April 8, Auril 30, .nII Kay It, 1'70 h. ,cc.pt". as r.... M.tien un.nimou.ly c.rri... M.ti.n br. C_. M.rttll an. ..e.m... "1 C.mm. D.y.n that T.uch.ra 1102 thr.up:h #124 ~lu.iT. in th~ amount .r $13,6lP.23 r.pre~.ntinp: the outat.n.in~ .bligati.na .t tlle F.rry Diatriat r.r May 1'70 b. pai.. M.tten un.n1m.ully e.rrie.. .s.ttlr w.. r.a. tr.m the CiTie Aa..ci.ti.a rel.tiT. t. .at.blilhing ,,' .' ldalblk. Qui ~. cart tr.ek In 1.nII uJl..r the jur1a41c.ti.n .r the F.rry 1t1.triet. 0...1'.1 .ia.'II.i.n .BIU.. .n the m. tt.r. C.IIIllI. D.y.. at. t.. -"t i. aia .pi.i~n the CiTio A...ei.ti..n ah.ul. forM .n .s..ei.ti.n ..t up the rul.a .r op~rati.n an. aunerviaiem an. oreaent .ame t. the PlrT., Diatrie t. The R.. rti . L'ec te. ehe m.n'p'",r t.. wf'i t. the Civic .....i.ti.n r.gar.in, '81>1. an. .la.. that th" Ferrv Diatrict is inve.tig.ting tIl. aitu.ti.n .nll th.t the CiTic f;."~ciati"r ',rill be .lIville. when )".11!t.l'lIat1.n i. 1"ee.i v... Cha j rm8!" !,al<<wir, th..n rll.. l.tter fre'1l the Ci Tie iitv'U...i.ti.n rel.tive t. e7t...n<<in, t.n.. ,ache.,,]',a, rllunli trl~s fill" carll '.i" ....i>>.~ the aUJ8l.r, re.ue.. rates for Senier Citizenll ~tc. uen~ral lIiacu.ai.n ,~t~ .....111.. Ta. Bear. tlireet..i ~h. Manaf'"r t. ac1mewl..<<!,,, thi.. letter an. ~'~'. JlelJ1t .ut th.t the r.t.. will h. r.Tiew.. .t the .m. .r the ye.r ina.f.r '*.'~ r.",..u. i. ..ne.me.. It Wa' .la. peint.. out that with riain@:c.ltll ," .ay k.vI t. .y.n r.ia. .ur r.t.. inat... ef r..uein@: ..me. Th~ B..r. .\1t-j .......... ua..li1l.u.ly tAG .irp.rt 1..... The M.nager ..ke. th.t when ';,.~".}:~.J" are .rr.n~.. th.t the men.y r.r aam. b. turn.. i~ pri er to the ';eIl&rt.r. Th. B..r. .(F,t'~.. with thia. Th~ Man.p:er was .1T'ecte. t. imroatip:.t. " plo." r.t... Th. Boar. a,r:ree. th.t the th..tr. .ho"l. at.rt oper.ti.na ett..tiYI Sun..y, June lL, 1'7'. ~.t.l1.wi.~ r..olutien w.. intr..uc.. hy the Ch.;~.n an. ...pt... bT the Uaa~IU' .ffiraltiTe vot. .r th- B..r. .r C.mmisei.nere .. r.ll.w.: C.mmia~i.ner R.l~win Yea " EliMen.. Y.. " D.y.n - y.. " M.rell - Y.. " F.yle - __.Iat ;~. It 1. 1. tb. i.tlr.at .r the F.I. P.rry Di.triet t. .ng'!1 thl ... It thll till_i.! 111]'.11..,...: , .- ....HU'..,' ,i,"~,::,~;;-:1\<li;~.F{W'l'C':'"'f ~:~-,..-~.,... -- .-11;7'""----.-,--.-~-,--~'--. ',' --" ....,---- ,-'- - ".';'-',':"..--'-- . ",~,-:-,,,,--'..;y.~l' T~:"-' '-.Y'f...]C:>:';!_'?'?':-,:t:....'~~.( . . . Fishers Island Ferry District ~c.-.dB,SjMI:iaJ Aaol 'flw N. Y. Statt l..t~I..n(uWlof N. Y., IW. ChaPltf'6oo;J) FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 WILF"RED C. SINCLAIR MANAGEr.! . SECRETARY TELEPHONE 78e-7.463 AREA CODE 516 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE S. BALLJWIN, CHAIRM...N POLLY EDMONDS RAYMOND F. DU'Vt::N RICHARD V. FOYLE STEPHEN t>',ORELL _L_~ ~, H7J (2) Theatre .. - Btwi. Herni.~, Ca.hier - $13.00 per week, Fishers I.lani, N.Y. Brae.t Mi..leten - Reoreatien Lea.er $11.25 per chew, Fishers lalani, N.Y. J B. Hart.fiel. - Reereatien L....r $11.25 p~r sh.w, Fishers ISlan., N.Y. E~. White - Clerioal Ai.- $7.30 per shew, Fishers I.lan., N.Y. Maintenance - Gr.s. CuttinF APRel. Vewle., Maintenance Man - $4.00 per heur, Fishers ISlan., N.Y. New Len...n Deok ~.Ti. Rea~an - Watehman - $~5 per week, 178 St.te Street, New Leni..nr Cenn. Office - Fisher. I.l.n. ~ B. Pa.kiewicz - Cl~rk - Part Time - $2.50 Del' haul' - Fishe~s Isl.n., N.Y. : 'atrieia C. Sinelair, - Clerk - Part Time - $2.50 p.r heur. Fishers Isl.n., N.Y., an WHEREAS all ef thelle elllpley"es a"''''' n",eie. an.. .re emtJ'lently qualifi.. ta t~ pe.1tien. in.tcat.. ~ORE BE IT kES0LVF.D that all .r the h..retefer.. ~..nti"n8. ne .n~age. by tke P1.herft Islan. Ferry District e~fective June 10, lQ10 an. at the ...,en.atien se speaifi... ", ~ ~ l I I S< -, ~ -' "t1el'1 I'la.e te a ij..urn ani unani!l!'usl:v earr;?;i at 6:50 P.M. cA)1P-J-t,LL-<-t;A-- W. C. Sincl.tr, Mp;r.-Seo. :'~.'.'.. . enat-../'- ( " ';;;J /' /.- . ~\~. q, -() ~t~>L' .i<~, L. S. Bal4bri., ~hairlll&n Bear. ef Cemmi..iener. -:~ -':~" ~',' -<:,' -.', _I'; - .~. =,.:, = -r:: .... ~ Oli' .;.'~ -&"..;6:;',,-; :iiiil~~.f,~:'.";~'. " "''-:-::::'" , "-;f~'; .~- ".--'., ", ." 'f:-' ~-. -