HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970 J- ." .--..-r~---~--_..._' WE .tI.dLJ., ,&. . . CERTIE"ICArl'}i~ Or" INSP~CTORS 0}.<1::~LEC'i:1I(:r; (JF~I!: YL)l>~ S ISl.dW FEHRY m:;.'l"\lCT , . k.:'<*=~'L,/ND .B leers .r the Bl.ct~n er t,h. 00 HSRf.;BY r. TIFY.ll r.ll.wa; On the 11th ..v .r auguat 1970 the Annual !I1e.tin/, r.r the El..ctien ef C.mmia.i.ner er the Fi.hers IBl.n. Perry District w.s hel. 2r, the Fishers I.lan. Fir. Heu.., Fi.hera Ial.n., New Yerk at 2:QO P.~.. Saia Meettn~ wa. 111.11,. c.ll.. b:v N.tic.,. c.P:,/" .r w',ich ill herete .nnex....., at.tin". tl:e time, plac. an. purpe.e ef the Yoeeting. Ceni.u er s.i. Netic.. w,p..", peste. c.nspicu.u.ly in at l"allt riv.. places in Bai. District, at l...ast ten .ay. prier te the .ate er the meeting, te wit .n July 31, lQ70 as rellewa 0.. eft Bulletin B.ar., Fisher. Illanll Civic Ase.cf.ti.n, Fishers Ialan., New Yerk On .n the .eer er the Fiaher. Illa~. Ferry Diltrict Th..tr., Fi~hera Ia1.n., N.w Yerk On. e. the D..r er the Fiaher. IBlane Ferr:,/" Diatrict , Fisher. I.lal1. N.w Y.rk 0.. .. the Hanp.r D.er .r Ell z.r,..t' Airo.rt, Fish..r. .lsl.,.,., New Yerk. Oft. en the De.r e" r.h.. Unien Fr..e Sch."l District #4, Fi.h"~e Ielar., N.w Yerk o.e at the Fill""r. I.Jane Fruit & Pr..uce Ce. Fish.r. Ialan. N..w V.rk At 6;vo P.M. arter the pells ha. remaine. .pen reI' r.ur h.ur., .t ~l.ctien c..v..... the v.te an. WE the .rere..t. In.pectere n. HEREBY CERTIFY th.t the resulta were as f.llew.: . ~3 V.tell et.s I .tel! V.t.. V.tes Vetee VetAa V.te. V.t.. V.t.s w.re w.r. w.re were were w.re were were were were ca.t ca.t ca.t ca.t Cut callt C.9t ca~t ca.t ca!t rer~J~r ~:~ ~~1:;;1[~~ reI' reI' reI' reI' fer rer reI' fer fer r_r reI' reI' r.r reI' VOEl VOTES :l BLANK 1[')'T'ES Cemm1..iener Cemmisllillner Cemmi...iener Cemmi..ien.r Cemmi..1en.r CeJl1Mi..ien"r C.mmi..i.nAr Cellll'liBsi..n.r Cemm1..i_ner Cemmissl.n.r reI' a f.r a f~r a fer a reI' . reI' a fer a reI' I f.r a fAT' :I eai. In.ptOlct.ra er 2:l"ctj_n teY'm t"rm tllrJ11 tf!'prn t..rm ~-;.rm term tllrm terPl terr/l er five er five .r five -,r five "r !'ive eT' five .r ftve .f fiv8 ef rlv.. Itf f1 'Ie v..ar. year. year. YAir. :""ars Y".'t~" :'T"lrll 7""'.rll y..~rll y,u.r. ~ " '.\ . . Augullt 11, 1970 Fish"'T'1I 1111.1". Suff.,lk County Ne'" York INSPECTORS 0P ELECTION (i.dt:l..L AO, V~~ Chairman p~h4'f rZt-r4x M~" I Teller () , /;z.'~~7 ~~ (/ Teller Stat", ef New York) County of Suffolk) SS: th, 1970 befer er~ perllonally nUt- '<:taw. 'f an. ,te '" D'" ..nlt n--,wn to me t" b", th" SH1"1e per .ns liescrib"", L" ~"l.J Hho ,",x,",cuteel t1-,,,, ~b~,ve instrnment ~n<il th...y s...ver~ll] tIluly aCkn"'Hl",clp:e t<' m'o t'.,. t; they execut",. the 2"1"'" as INSP""C 'ORS OF '-':LECTI,N rf ;;h,", FISllKKS ISV\ND P,Cf(}W DI"TRICT 25. ~ JUlltice ef. the Peace, Town or Southol. Suffolk Caunty, NeH York .. .. . . STA'l'E OJ- N2:W YORK) COUNTY 0"' SUFFOLK) : SS: Wilrr.~ C. Sinclair, beiR~ july swern, jen's~s ani says that h~ r~siri~s at Fish..rs IsI'ani, N.Y. an. is ev.." t}-,e ag.. 21 yeara; that en t',.. }l 3t .IT .r Julv 1970 he pe~t.i cepi~s er the attaehei netice ce~spicueusly in the rellewinp nu~lie olacea in the Fiaherl Ialani Ferry District, Fish~rs Ial.nol, New Yerk aa rellewa: in the Bull~tin Beari, Fish..rs Islanol Civic Asseciatien, Fishers IBllni, N.v. On~ .n the .'1" .~ ~h. Fishers Islani FerrT District Theatrl, Fishers Islani, N.Y. One en I,he Bull~tin Beari .~ the Fiah.ra Islsni Ferry Diatrict, Fishera lalani, N.Y. One .n th" Hsnpsr Deer ef Elizar,et'o Ail"pert, Fishera Ialsni, New Yerk all'" .n th.. Uni.n Fr.e Scheel District #I.~ ie~J1 Fiahera Islani, New Yerk . Olle at t~. Fishera Islanol Fr ,it & Pre.ueeCe. Fishera lalani, New Yerk Wilfr..i C. Sincllir Subacribei ani sw.rn te b.rer me this ~J--th .ay er Au~ust 197' ~"-~~ ~ It),M~ 11, :."J ( 1~ ',I" -, ~ ~~-'~"';"'" -',,-' -"-'"'~..o..;~-~i:f,'ili'~~_1',"'''-'~' ~,i":.~ . . . , . .. 4 1 naBD8 ISLAlID PERRY DIMBle! . lOTIO. IS BBRKBY GIVD AI pr...rib.. by ou.pWI' 699 at . La_ .t )Jew Y.l'k: 1_7 a. ....... tIlat t_ '-u'll ...'1.. t.. tM .lect1.. .t C t .81...1'. at tile 1'1"1'. lab... 1'.1'1"7 DlaVi.' 11111 be la.U .. tk. U. PI .t ~, 1971 a' ..Pl..... lab.. 1'11'. KWH, 1'1lllirltJ'. .la..,... Y.rk: a' .... ,~... ,. the pUPp". .t .~'1aC.. C-.1..1.w .. t.U... OM 0_1.81.-. te ....... ..,.... .. ":II_M .. .,.. ~ t1.... (5) ,..u.. ,." . , ~.~ 'l'la. p.ll. .llaU l U~I '_'.,.. t... t.. ~ .._tn",... ...... .t .... .... ....... ..... 1110._ .. .. ~. lIOn.. te nte t.r ~... Otn..". .t ,. ~... fit 'at * pr...U-r; '1'.... m..et!. .. ."..... .t Net _.... 111th1a the .1..... X.JaI I'WPf ..~S.. ... ,.... tile 1.., 'pr...Uq ~.... .....__ "11 f1a,l1 ,. eU_tIle ,. .... nlDRs tILl. ,.. ..'!II1CIt' lIT' '-'1'0" a. Ba],&w1a P.ll.,. ....... Steph.. ....U ~,.... 1'. De,... .1ebar.l'.~ ~..:r~':'~.~ '," ~".-. '. ~,'~':.:.. ~; , ''-;, ': .. .Jul.,. 31.1_ ])a ,w. ., .'-.. .:j v ,N: ~ , . -' "~ ,-': " , Ij , ,1.~: . ..!;;~~~: 'r../ ",~'~1 , " II! { .t~~lk 'B" '.. '~~:.' '.. '#.', ,-;:; " .pt, i.. ':1" 1~"B .~. ..'?fj..'.....~.~.;$..:,~..~.'. ,.'~' ""-,, ,. . . . . :~I:":~' :'~:':. , ,i .. ",'C " . "', .\. ,,~. ". ,,~, -' -.!'. ,:'4>" , . ,j~tL~ .1<r.~!',.' '~-~b~J ...,.,~~H. .{tf.~ .' , .~l'.' ,.~ '"" ,r '. t'" , ,<,..(",l>t.-"'"", ~ ,~.,'~-\Y~ ....' .,,,,,.i'?'" . '~("~~~ .~-" ",r,~ ~'~':.',:.:~: .'?.,....'t'. '=';"1'" " .'," .:~~. ''';:;j,...'. .' .. ;':':.,. , :~:.~/ " t'k~ .P~ ~~" ,Jr'..-' ., ~:~~ <} , ., _.""-"'-'" . -o-_~~ _.:: _--,:-~',~~:,;~;:.:::;:::.-~'-~;or-::..'_~.E'!"!~_--" ~'"_~I!IIt'-...-, ......'~...~'....' ..".,~..", .....""""',~'_~,. ~- '...,~-----=~==----'- "".,.!"', . . . CERTIFIC1\TS OF ELECTION TO THE OFFICE O~' F'.;a iY DIS,'RICT COMMISSIONER OF THE FISHEHS ISLr,'W ;,EHRY DISTRICT SUFFOLK COUNTY NE':{ YORK "'P.IS IS 1''' C:;:HTIFY that .t the ANNUAL E:LECTION he1. in .>'. 1'''1"' tre "ISlit':JiS ISLAND P?RHY DISTInCT, Fish...rs h]."., Ce"nt" er ,Suff_lk, ~;'1w Yerk. e. the 11th ..V If Augult 1970 ~)\A-, J ~' the District Is1ln. Ferl"Y t.. the IrficfI ar Distrlct rlr I ttlll"m was .uly ",lect.. by the eligibltll veters .r Ferry Diltrict C.mmils1.~el" ef the Filh",rs ef five y"ars. IN WITNESS WHFREOF, wa have h...r..nt... set .ur han.s an. s..als en th's 11-th .ay ee Au~ust 197Q. INSPECTOHS OF EL!,CTI\~N , .) ,/ --- CLdcLu.-~. t/Jh~ Ch.irman 1 ,J . I ' CA / d J...t!-I--L/~_-t ~ H...,' L- f,.'-t'!cJ, _ ~t.t- ~_7 r /' . /) Tener I (/ i~~'<~<~-:> ~-~ e er / Subscribe. .n. swer. te berere me th11 // th ..:'1' .f AUP"ult 19"!r (5(/~"v\-V:' ::S:=;:',cz1 c/.u . Perry war.s, Justic" ..f' r...... Pftacft Fis ..."s Isla"., Tlwn .r Seuthal., N..w Y.rk